06x10 - Man Overboard

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x10 - Man Overboard

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on "Below Deck"...

- I think it's time
for us to part company.

I don't think it's a good fit.

- I'm gonna be leaving today.

- Get the (BLEEP) off the boat.

- I'm not somebody who's gonna

eat sh-- with a knife and fork
and smile.

- Hey, Carolina quit.

Can we please
get her off the boat

as soon as possible?

- Seriously?

- I will, in a ----ing second.
- [gasps]

- I want it--to be clear
with her

that she does not come
in the galley or look at me

or talk to me
during the whole charter.

- Ross is gonna step into
the boatswain's position.

We're gonna run the
next charter one person down.

- This is not how
I wanted to get here,

but I'm more than qualified
for this job.

- Number five.

He's the founder and president
of a yacht charter business.

Shannon, she's
a charter broker.

- The fact that
we're short-staffed

hopefully it means
we're more motivated

to help each other out.

- Oh, my goodness.

- I just like to feel
like I'm adding some value.

- You are adding value.
What do you mean?

- I'm literally doing exactly
what all of you guys want,

which is
be a ----ing dayworker.

- I don't need feedback.
I don't need attitude--

- Then don't ask me
for feedback, got it?

[dramatic music]

[ship horn blares]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[tense music]

- Look at your snarky comment.
I don't need this sh--.

I don't need feedback.
I don't need attitude.

- Then don't ask me
for feedback, got it?

'Cause you literally just did.
- All right, buddy.

All right, buddy.
- Yes, sir.

- I've worked on yachts
around the world,

and this sh--
just doesn't happen.

I'm her boss and
she needs to respect that.

Listen, fix that attitude,
or ship out, bud.

- Yes, sir!

- (BLEEP) me.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[laughter and cheering]

- Uh, Ross, Ross, Ash.

The guests are ready
if you can shepherd.

- Yeah, copy that, will do.

- Those photos
are pretty amazing.

- Oh, I wish I could--
next time.

♪ ♪

The tender's on its way back
and then we'll do dinner

around--was 8:30
a good time for you guys?

- That's perfect.

- Finally.
- "Intrepid" is here.

We are ready to load guests
when you are ready.

- We're ready.
If you don't mind staying?

So I can go back and talk to
Adrian about dinner and stuff.

- Yeah-yeah-yeah.

- Any leftovers?
- Uh, a little bit, yeah.

- Make sure the guests
aren't coming.

We can just
come around this pole.

- [startles]


- Captain Lee, Ross.

- I see you coming in.

- Yeah, copy that.

- How was it, Miss McCoy?

- Thanks, guys.

- "My Seanna," Josiah.

We're on our way back.
- Copy that.

- Thank you, Lee.

Captain Lee.
Mr. Captain Lee.

- [laughs]

- How's it going, man?
- How's it going, cuzie?

- Can I get you ladies
something to drink?

- Sparkling water
would be great.

- Okay, sure.

- Go down, get some rest.
- Cool, cuz.

- Get some food.
Thanks for your hard work.

Me and you, in about 50 minutes

we'll start
getting everything in.

- They are going off
the slide tonight.

- Tonight can we go down
on the slide under the stars?

- I don't see it being an issue.
- Copy that.

[soft laugh]

- What's up, chef?
- Hey, darling.

- Tonight we would love more
buffet salad, more comfort food.

How about French fries?
You got French fries?

- Okay, no problem.

I'm not overly excited to spend
my evening frying food.

But, hey, it's their life.

Just because it's comfort food

doesn't mean it has to be basic.

- What a great attitude.
- Yeah, he's awesome.

- [singing softly]

- Ross, ready when you are
for the Jet Skis.

- I'll be there,
6:00 on the dot.

- Okay...

- All right, copy.

- "I have things to do too"?

Ross, to the bridge.

You're gonna let her
talk to like that?

What the (BLEEP) is that about?

Did I just hear
that last conversation right?

Between you and Rhylee?

She also has things
she has to do too.

- Oh, you were there?

- I'm always there.
- Sorry.

- It shows a lack
of respect for you.

And it's not a good look
from her.

- Copy that.

- This is not some
backwood ----ing tugboat.

She needs to understand,
you can either fall in line

with the way we do things here
or you can leave.

The only thing Rhylee has to do,
being a third deckhand,

is what everybody else
tells her.

She's not a captain.
Not on this boat.

- Rhylee is a great asset.

She brings a great
work ethic to this boat,

but she has an aggressive

- You think?

- I'm patient with people.
I'm really patient.

And I know I'm in
a position where I need her.

- I get it. I just don't
want it getting out of hand.

- Okay.

It's very frustrating because

I see so much potential
and she's gonna go a long way

if she changes her attitude.

Thanks for the advice.
- All right.

[upbeat music]

- Where y'all going?

- Me too.
- Okay.

♪ ♪

- I was trained in
traditional French cuisine,

so in an effort to make
this comfort-food dinner

a little bit more interesting,

I'm gonna add a little
French flair to it.

We're gonna give them the basics
but with a little: [kisses]

- Aw, we're gonna see the sunset

and it's going to be beautiful.

[electronic music]

- Ah!
- Whoo-hoo!

- Whoo!
Score for me.


♪ ♪

- "Jurassic Park," real nice.

- You can go down.
- Mm-kay.

- Ooh, look at you.

- Hi, how are you?
- Hi, great.

How are you?
- You look gorgeous.

- Thank you.

[playful music]

- I'm sure we're gonna get
a new stew soon, aren't we?

- A stew for the chef.
- Yeah.


- You little snake.
Look at him.

He's already preparing
his snake attack.

He's a freaking cobra, this one.

Ashton is, like, snaking girls,

and it's, like, he snakes,
like, all of the girls.

You speak English?

- We'll go out
one night with her,

and she'll see you in action,
and she'll be like, "Hell no."

[upbeat music]

- Fold it down.

- Would you like champagne?

- I'll have some of that.

- Gotta make it look pretty.

I think we all knew that we were
gonna have to work really hard.

But there's
extra laundry to do.

The shifts are longer.

We've got to do more turndowns.

I'm so tired right now.


♪ ♪

- Looks so good.

♪ ♪

- Lobster and pear.

♪ ♪

- So we're gonna do
a little bit of a buffet.

There's coleslaw,
lobster and pear,

coglione and cheese,

and we've got caramelized onions
confit with brie.

So if y'all wanna dig in,
we'll just keep it coming

as he plates.


[playful suspense music]

- Look at this.
- Lobster pasta.

His version of, like, a lobster
mac and cheese kind of thing.

- What was the other one?

- Something with
onions and brie, I believe.

- Little lamb burgers
stuffed with Beaufort.

- Would you like a lamb slider?
- Oh, sure.

- Fish and chip paddu

crusted with chia seeds
and pistachio,

and a sweet chili tartar.

- Wait, what?

- Are you gonna say it?

♪ ♪

- Good evening.
How is your comfort food?

- Um...
- Excellent.

- Amazing.
- Very comforting.

- Dinner's been wonderful.
- Mm-hmm.

- A little bit
of truffle fries here.

- Yay!
- Oh, my.

- I love all of
these different flavors.

- Great.
- Great, thank you.

- Thank you.

[energetic music]

♪ ♪

- You all right, cuz?
- Yeah, all good, bro.

- What happened all
with Rhylee today?

- I'm getting
----ing sick of it,

and I'm just--just
"fix your ----ing attitude."

I'm looking at myself, I'm like,
what am I doing wrong to Rhylee?

Is it an issue with me?

Am I teaching her
something wrong?

- Me personally,
I would be exhausted...

- I am, I'm...

- Having to explain myself
every time

why I'm asking you
to do something.

- You know, I'm happy
Ross is putting his foot down,

because, you know,
I'm having to eat the sh--.

He's having to eat the sh--.
Then it's just not okay.

- Her attitude's got to change.

And if it's not gonna change,
[clicks tongue]

you're out of here.

- Coming up...

- I'm looking forward
to meeting the new deckhand.

- I hope for Rhylee's sake
that it's a decent-looking guy.

- All right, this is Tyler.
- Tyler, nice to see you.

I get a hot, new roommate.

- I'm done.

- I'm done.
- All right, well, let's go.

[upbeat music]

- Yay!

- Yeah, you wanna go down?

- I don't.
I'm too full.

- Nobody else is up
to go down the slide with me.

Will you go with me?
- I can't.

I never learned how to swim.

- Someone has to go down.
- I know.

- Maybe I can rally some people.
- Ah.

- That's a good idea.

- I feel slightly bad
because I just told Shannon

that I don't know how to swim,
and I think she believed me,

because she's like, "Kate,

"nobody will go
down the slide with me.

Will you go down?"
And I'm not going.

I got too much work to do.

So, um, does anybody
want to go down?

- You wanna do it with me?
- Yeah, bro.

- Are you serious?

- Hey, Ashton, Ashton.
Stand by on the slide.

- Copy that.

- Where are
the light-up glasses and sh--?

I've been looking at
that frickin' slide

ever since I got here.

Yeah, let's do it.

I'm working it, baby.

- You look like a mad scientist.
- Yay!

- Oh.
- Oh.

- Bye!
- Whoo!


- Here comes chef!
- Oh, there he goes.

- All right, here he goes!
- Whoa!

- Here comes Ross!

- Nothing good happens
after 11:00 at night.

- [laughs]
There you go.


- We'll see you guys
in the morning.

- Why you still up?
- 'Cause--doing this.

- You can go down.
I can handle it.

You're on early, so.
- Okay, good night.

- Okay, Ashton, ready up here
when you are.

- Copy that.

[electronic music]

- Ready?
both: One, two...

♪ ♪

- [exhales]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

- I just really thought
once I worked my way

up the ladder that
it would get easier.

But here I am, stressed out,

tons of laundry to do.


- I'm ----ing out.

[upbeat ukulele music]

♪ ♪

- [groans]
I hate this!

- [groans]

♪ ♪

- Okay, so they're all here.

And they're gonna
have breakfast now.

So he's gonna have
truffle scrambled eggs.

And then can you do
another truffle scrambled eggs?

And the girls are just
gonna share a little bit.

- Okay.

- Are you guys
sad we're leaving?

- Oh, my gosh.

- Thank you.
- No, thank you.

- Oh!
- Oh, pretty good.

- That's for Jerry.
- Oh!

- That's Jerry's plate.

- I have never had truffle
in my eggs before.

- This is great.

- Those truffle eggs
are amazing.

- Who's gonna be
on the bow and stern?

- Me and you are
gonna be on the stern.

- Okay.
- You'll be on one of

the stern lines,
Ash will be by himself.

Once we're secure,
you will do the spring lines.

And you'll do that by yourself.

- There are parts of me
that knows

I shouldn't be speaking
to my boss this way.

But I'm tired of
being marginalized,

and I don't feel bad about
giving my opinion about it.

I'm gonna grab something
to eat real quick.

- Yeah, cool, yeah.
- Okay.

- Take your time.

♪ ♪

- Going up to the bow?
- Yes.

- [groans]

- All right, sports fans,
let's bring it up.

- Nice, anchor's at
the waterline.

- Anchor's in the pocket, Cap.
- Great job.

[upbeat music]

- We're ready to move on.

- It's one of the most special
charter trips I've ever been on.

- I don't have hairspray...

- I didn't want any excuses.

I just asked if you
did your hair this morning.

- (BLEEP) yeah.
- Oh, man.

- What I've got an issue with
is the attitude.

If that stays,
then I've got a problem.

- Rhylee plus her emotions
take the best of her.

- In a ----ing second.
- [gasps]

- I think in the future
I'll start talking to her again

just so that the team works
but not in any friendly way.


- Good morning.

- How's it going?
- Good.

- I did all the beds.
- Shut up!

- I did all the beds.
- I love you.

Just when I think
I can't love Josiah

any more than I already do.

- And I redid all the towels.

- I think he just gets
that we're in this together.

He's, like,
such a Thelma to my Louise.

- And I did
a bit of the master state...

- Oh, my God!
- [laughs]

- [squeals]

[bombastic music]

- Let's bring it in.

- All right, guys, standing by.

And three, two, one, drop.

- Copy.
Your line is looking good there.

Ashton, lock down the bow.
- Copy that.

- Pull up the slack.

Yep, got it.
Now lock off.

♪ ♪

Stern lines
are secure back here.

- Copy that.
Great job.

- I'm so happy
this charter's over.

- Need all crew on the aft deck
in five.

- Copy.
- ----ing hurry up.

- (BLEEP).

♪ ♪

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you, sir.

- Awesome, awesome cook.
- Jerry.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you.

- It was wonderful.
I really appreciate it.

- I'm still sore.
- Thank you...

- Oh...
- Wonderful.

- Oh, thank you.
- Thank you.

- I really had a great time.
- I'm glad.

- Captain Lee.
It was a pleasure.

- My pleasure, Mario.
- Thank you.

I mean, we really appreciate,

everything you guys
have done for us.

And, um, the boat,
no matter what size,

I think, is only as good
as its captain and crew.

And you guys are fantastic.

Thanks again for everything
you guys have done.

And this is for the captain
to share with all of you.

Thanks again, Captain.
We had a great time.

Thank you, guys.
- Thank you.

- The Tahitian gods
really smiled down on us

giving us these lovely guests.

And they were exactly
what we needed,

having two crew members gone.

What's the Tahitian word
for "hallelujah"?

- Kay.
Let's go to work.

- Hang your shirts up.
Dry clean only.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Since we're the only interior,

this is our interior meeting
right now.

- Yeah, oh, my God, I love that.

- Go ahead and start covering?

- Yeah, we can cover up
top to bottom.

- I can feel my feet getting

much more ready
for the next charter.

- Attention all crew,
I need everyone in the crew mess


- Okay.

♪ ♪

- [groans]

- Oh, we all fit!

- This last charter,
you guys nailed it.

Down two crew.

If I were to
pick out anything and say

there was anything wrong,
I'd be nitpicking.

Works, right?

Kate, you did a great job.
- Thank you.

$17,000 is a great tip.

I feel like we should have been
firing two crew members

a week a long time ago.

- Now on to other things.

No night out tonight.

How about we do a barbeque?
- Yes.

- And then, tomorrow
I have arranged for you guys

to go Le Meridien.

- Ooh.
- Holiday.

- Oh, my goodness.
- So much.

- Thank you.
- Appreciate it.

- We have four charters left.

They've been working hard

and doing an admirable job.

So it's time for
a little R and R.

And, Kate, you have
a new stew coming.

- That's great.

- And we're working on
getting a new deckhand here

before the next charter.

- Carry on.
all: Thank you.

- Coming up...

- Kate, Kate, the new stew
is arriving.

- Oh, my God,

- Oh, my God,
we're getting help!

Is it rude to ask her to do
the work from the last charter?

- Absolutely not.
- Her first day tomorrow

is gonna be day off
at a pool at a resort.

So I think as soon as
she gets here,

she can earn a little bit
of that day off.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Kate, Kate, Lee.
- Go ahead.

- Can I see you up in
the wheelhouse for a minute?

- On my way.

- Hey, kiddo.

New stew.
Yoga instructor.

- She has good experience.

- It's a little overkill,
but I'd rather

go with overkill
as opposed to under-k*ll.

- I don't think
too much experience is overkill.

So, thank you.
- Thank you.

[punchy music]

- We have a new stew.

She's Canadian.
- Oh.

- Yoga.

Do you want a roommate?
- Yeah.

I'm hoping the new stew is nice
and bubbly and professional.

You know, after the last one,
I can only hope.

- She's gonna room with Adrian,

because I think
they might be soul mates.

- She's gonna room with me, so.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- So you're prepping your room?

- Yeah.
I'm gonna make it smell good.

I'm gonna burn
some incense and sh--.

- [laughs] You're starting
with the foreplay already.

- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- Kate, Kate, I think
the new stew is arriving.

Hi, how's it going?
- Well, how are you?

- My name's Ross.
- Hey, Laura, nice to meet you.

- Laura, good
to meet you as well.

- Hey.
- Hey. I'm Rhylee.

- Laura. Pleasure to meet you.
- Nice to meet you, Laura.

- I'm Josiah.
- Laura. Pleasure to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
You look nice. How are you?

- Oh, thanks.
- This is the main salon.

- Oh.
- It's very gold.

- Little old. [soft laugh]

I have been in yachting for
about 2 1/2 years now.

And I've been based out of
Barcelona, Italy, Greece.

I was really lucky
to land a chief stew role.

And from there, it's kind of
just propelled upwards.

And what's
the chief stew's name?

- Kate.
- Hi.

- Hi, nice to meet you.
- You too.

Sorry--your CV was blonde.
- Yeah, I know it is, yeah.

- This is your room with chef.
- Yeah--oh, with chef?

- Yeah.
- Okay, cool.

- This is Adrian.
- Are you making my bed, no?

- No, I'm making mine.
- Oh, okay.

- I just cleaned the sheets.
- I was like...

- She's cute.
Seems nice.

Sounds like
a Valley girl though.

Are you really from Canada?

- Well, I'm so happy
to have you.

It looks like you have a lot
of really good experience.

- Yeah, I used to a chief
on the same-sized vessel.

So, yeah.
- Yay!

- Just, I like to have, like,
a walk-around, obviously,

just to know
where everything is.

And then should be fine.

- Okay, you can change and
then we'll do the walk-around.

You can probably
come in here and change.

- Okay, sure.
Smells skunky in here!

[rousing electronic music]

♪ ♪

Oh, I hate this wallpaper.
Oh, my gosh.

Oh, white carpet.
Oh, no.

- Uh-huh, and what do you
think about these beds?

- Who made this bed?
- The two of us.

- Oh, okay.
Oh, no.

It's a bit stained.

Are these not coming off?

- Yeah, 'cause we had
two kids onboard.

- Oh, okay.

- I don't think I've met anyone

that talks as much as Laura.

Maybe she should just shut up.

- Hi!
Have you met?

- No, I haven't met him.
- Ashton.

- Laura.
both: Nice to meet you.

- She's cute.
She's attractive.

And, uh, definitely
somebody I'd hook up with.


She's pretty.
- Yeah.

[both laugh]

- Hi, Captain Lee.
- Hello.

- Hi, Captain Lee.
- Our new stew is here.

- Nice to meet you. Laura.
- Laura, my pleasure.

How are you?
- Pleasure to meet you.

- Good.
We're excited to have you.

- Yes.

When people first meet me,

they tend to think I'm a ditz

because of my Canadian accent.

However, I love to
prove them wrong.

- Kate will instruct you on
all the rules and regulations.

I don't babysit.

It was nice meeting you.
- Pleasure.

- Fenders and fuel are done.
- Sweet.

- What else do you want
done tonight, anything?

- Nah.
Nah, we're done for the day.

We'll work tomorrow.
- Sounds good.

- You want me to start with...
- The guest quarters.

Try to make the beds.
Just get it as close as you can.

We're only gonna work for,
like, another hour.

I think that's enough.
- Okay, cool.

- Thank you.

- [exhales]
I feel like this is dirty.

I was lucky to learn from

an excellent chief stew
on my last vessel.

She had the highest standards.


That instilled a lot in me.

Now I can come in
and really revamp an interior.

Oh, my God,
why didn't they clean this?

- What?

- Yeah.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- You're a yoga instructor?
- Yeah.

Do you guys do yoga?
- Yeah, every evening.

- What is this?
- That's a cockroach trapped--

- [gasps] What?
- [soft laugh]

♪ ♪

- Yay, Rhylee. Thank you.
- Oh, yeah.

- The Spanish, they put beer
on their meat.

- So nice out.
- Hey.

- You gotta start
digging in, yeah.

It's hopping right now.
[tongs clinking]

[singing softly]

- Thanks for cooking, Adrian.
- Grazie.

- She just left.
- Oh...

- That means the new deckhand's
gonna be sharing with Rhylee.

Does that mean
it's another girl?

- Even up the ratio.
There's one, two, three...


- So are you single or taken?

- Uh, I'm single.

- You guys ready to party?

- Yeah.
- I love to party.

- We gonna get along just fine.
- Yay!

- Hey!

[dubstep music]

- Let's go.

♪ ♪


- [laughing]
- You partying?

- I am so down.

- You like my balls?
It's disco balls.


- I feel like I'm all alone
on this boat.

- Yeah, nice, it looks like...
- What else goes in there?

- Adrian and Ashton
are after the new

little hotshot mama,

and I don't really
talk to interior that much,

so it would be nice
to have the connection

since everybody else is already,
you know, bro'd up.

- I like...
- You do your shot yet?

- I want to do it with somebody.

- I'll do it with you.
- Yeah.

- I feel like Laura's, like,
the fresh meat in the zoo

because these guys
are just drooling over her.

- So, Laura, we--we get silly
and we get mischievous.

- Yeah.
- Especially mischievous.

- Very mischievous.
He becomes, like: [hisses]

- Mischievous?

- He's a octa-snake,
we call him.

- A what?
- The octa-snake.

- [laughs]

- Well, that's me.
- Don't be offended.

Own it, man.
Own it.

- I'm trying to understand
what Adrian's angle is here.

He's trying to embarrass me.
And that's not cool.

- The octa-snake.

- Coming up...

- Ash--look at Ash,
Rhy's--going chasing.

- I think Ashton's
keen on Laura.

- He's keen on...

- And later...

- Oh, sh--.

- Man overboard.
- What?

- Ashton's on the line,
the towline.

- Go in!
He's drowning!

- [screams]

- This is such a mess.

I don't understand why
people just don't go and clean.

I'm just a--I'm just a doer.
Like, I don't like this.

- Oh, tortillas.

Greek yogurt tortillas.
- I'm going to bed.

I'll see you tomorrow.
- Cheers, Adrian.

- All right.
- Night, guys.

- Good night.
- Good night to all.

- Everyone is so ----ing nice.

- No, you're good.

You're good, you're good.
- [kisses]

- I'm super stoked.

- [mumbling] I love you.
- [mumbling] You're good.

[both mumbling indistinctly]

[both laugh]

[upbeat music]

[alarm clock blaring]

- Day off today.
- Whoo-hoo-hoo.

- Hey, bro, let's start getting
ready for the beach.

- Yes!

♪ ♪

- Let's leave
this ----ing boat.

- Yay.

I am so excited
to have a day off

where I don't have to wear
a polyester polo

and escort and ask people
what they want to drink.

So I don't even care
where it is.

Oh, yeah,
we chose the right van.

- Yes, we did.
- Oh, no, not you guys.

- Oh, really?
Look what I found.

- Oh.
- [laughs]

- You found it.
- I did.

- Where was it?
- In one of my bags.

- Let's go party.
- Go party.

- How was the new girl
partying last night?

- I think she's a little wild.

- Normal Canadian Valley girl.
- Yeah.

- So what do you think
of the crew?

- It's been nice so far
and it's--I'm excited

to see what unravels.

- Whoo!
- Let's party.

- I like to party.
Ross, wake up, bro.

- When you nap like that,
it makes you more tired.

- [groans]
- [groans]

- So cute!

- Welcome to
The Meridien Tahiti.

We are happy to have you.

Here is a mai tai,
a cocktail from Tahiti.

- Thank you.
- Cheers, guys.

- Cheers to y'all.
- Cheers.

- You come with me
with your glass.

- Suck on the flamingo.
- Suck on the unicorn.

- Look how cute--[gasps]
- Enjoy your day.

- There it goes.
- Thank you so much.

- This beach club is amazing.

We really need this,
as a crew, as individuals.

It's gonna be a blast.

- Oh, yeah.
- I feel so at home.

Old people and thunderstorms.

- Old people and thunderstorms.
[thunder rumbles]

- I don't drink much alcohol.
- I don't either.

But when I do, I do.

So you speak French, English...
- And Spanish.

My father's from Texas,
my mom's French, so.

- Oh.
Your dad still live in Texas?

- He just passed away.
- You're joking.

I'm so sorry.
- Yeah.

- Was he--terminally ill?
- He had cancer.

I'm coping with
my father passing away

as good as I can.

Of course, I miss him, but

I feel him
so strongly inside of me.

And that gives me
so much strength.

So it was tough.
- How old was he?

- 80.
- Oh, wow.

- Yeah.
- So he was older?

- Yeah.

- [slurps]
- [soft laugh]

Should we go to the bar?
- Yeah.

- Are we moving?
- I am.

- That was a great day
at the beach.

- Thunder and empty drinks.

- Look at the unicorn.
[laughing] The unicorn!

All right.
Bring it to the table, Laura.

- What are you doing?
You make jewelry?

- I'm gonna make
a dream catcher.

- Of course.
That's what I would do

if I had
my dream catcher kit with me.

- I'm looking forward to meeting
new--the new deckhand.

- I hope for Rhylee's sake
that it's a decent-looking guy.

- She needs it.
[both laugh]

- I'm obsessed that he's making
a dream catcher right now.

- It's cool.
- So cool.

Adrian is awesome.
He has a lot of depth.

I love when
I can talk to people

with no judgment.

I just like to have fun.
It's not that I like to drink.

Like, I honestly am not
a big drinker at all.

But I love having fun,
like, bonding with people.

- I'm exactly the same.
- Yeah!

Oh, that's not mine.
- Thank you.

- What's your favorite
ethnicity of food?

- Laura's getting on my nerves.

- Laotian food is so good.

- She's shared
enough of her opinions

in the short time
that she's been here.

- I'm not gonna lie, but I see
crowds creeping over the...

- Don't lie.
- Hills over there.

- I am gonna lie.
I'm having a great time.

[soft laugh]

Okay, I'm leaving.

- Where you going?
- Away from here.

- Are you gonna
want to do kayaks,

or should I go get a single?

- Yeah, let's just do it.

- Come on, cat.
You can come with us.

- You got balls.
Let's go.

- You got big balls.
- You look albino.

- You could be
our next third stew.

- Should we lounge?
- Yeah, let's go.

[upbeat music]

- Okay.

- Do you want to be
in the front or the back?

- It doesn't matter.
What do you want?

- Um...
- Do you want to steer?

Or do you want to...

- I feel like I don't
even know what steering is.

- Those look great. I think
I actually want to kayak.

You want to kayak with me?
- No.

♪ ♪


Oh, Ash--look at Ash,
Rhy's--going chasing, bro.

- "I'm coming!"

- I think Ashton's
keen on Laura.

- He's keen on
anything with a hole.

- Octa-snake, hey?

- Oh, look,
what is he doing now?

- Snaking.

Oh, he's in there.

- Ashton is full-on.

He knows what he wants.
He goes to get it.

He's just, like, on it.

And I respect that.

- My man.

- Looks like Laura
went with octa-snake.

[soft laugh]

- It's all wet now.

- How is it?

- It was a mutiny at sea.

The two new lovebirds
overtook the double kayak.

- He's quick all right.
- Oh, boy.

- I can't just meet a girl
and have sex, you know?

- You can?
Or you can't?

- I can't.
- Why?

- Just having, like,
meaningless sex

and, like, never
see the person again

and just be like,
"See you later," you know?

- Eh.

- I don't really

I need affection
more than anything.

Like, more sensual,
sharing energy

more than actual sex.

I mean, we can
just be friends or whatever,

but I can't just have,
like, meaningless sex.

- I can do it.
- You and Rhylee?

- Rhylee on deck, ----ing
drives me absolutely insane.

But overall, she's beautiful.
She's got a sexy body.

Uh, the more I drink,

Rhylee gets a bit
more attractive to me.

- Uh-huh, I'm sure by the end
of this charter season.

- What?

[hip-hop music]

Baby boo.
- Hey.

I'm waiting for
the sun to chill out.

I got so burnt last time.

- Yeah, 'cause the ozone here
is so depleted.

Like, there's a massive hole
in this side or something.

- Yeah, my skin's still peeling
from it, so--

- Hey, Laura!
- What's up?

- [snapping fingers]

- Oh!
Let's--yeah, keep doing that.

- It's good?
- Yeah.

- He was a male stripper before.
- Was he?

Yeah, I can see that.

[both laugh]

- Oh, don't worry.

He'll try till the end.
- Yeah.

Ashton has
a certain charm to him

but I don't
really find him my type.

It's just--it's just
not gonna happen.

- It's a numbers game.
- Wow, I'm so happy you're here.

- Can I sit here with you guys?
- Yeah, of course.

- No, I think he's getting
a little bit nervous to Adrian--

- Oh, Ashton is totally...

- Yeah, he's a (BLEEP).
He's a snake.

- Coming up...

- [giggling]

- Ross just jumped
straight into Rhylee's cabin.

[upbeat music]

- [laughing]

- Let's roll.

- Let's go.

♪ ♪

You're so cute!

- We'll get in
and then close it.

Quick, quick, quick, quick.
- [laughs]

- Ash is happy.

- Can I lie on you?

- Yeah.
- Would you mind?

- Oh.
He's going for it.

Lays on her right away.

- Yeah, I would
like to lie down.

♪ ♪

You can't--[laughs]

- It's not gonna happen.

- Oh, don't worry.
He'll try till the end.

- She said that about him?

- Yeah.
- False.

♪ ♪

- You okay, bro?
- Yeah.

- [laughs] Yeah, you first.

- I want a porthole.

- Sure.

- [soft laugh]

- Yeah? Ross?
- Who else?

- All right, have a good night.
- Okay.

- Okay.


- No, I'm not gonna wait up.

- Ross and Rhylee have gone from

being at each other's throats

to being in
each other's throats!


Ross just jumped
straight into Rhylee's cabin.

- Nice.
- [laughs]

- Oh, boy.
- There he is.

- Ross is good-looking, so.

I mean, I--I don't know.

- What's going on with Rhylee?
- Nothing.

She just wanted to talk.

- So it doesn't matter?
- [laughs]

What are you up to, Adrian?
Are you gonna go to sleep?

- I'm gonna--yeah,
meditate a bit.

- Come in.
- Hi, Ross!

- Yay.

- Is everybody else asleep?

- Ash is... upstairs.
- Ash and?

- He's upstairs?
- He's persistent.

That boy, man.

- Relaxation has begun.

- He is.
He, likes, goes in for the k*ll.

- Well, it's good
to be fast, so.

- Yeah, well, he's...
- And if he doesn't get it

a third time, he'll be crying.
- I love--I love Ash.

- Cheers.
[glasses clink]

- So [mumbles] tell me,
your last relationship...

- [inhales sharply]
Great guy, but

I kind of lost myself in it.

And I believe strongly
that the right relationship

that you will become
the best version of yourself.

- I--I come from a broken home

with my mom and dad
going at each other.

So love, for me, is balance.

I would get involved with

that adds value to my life.

But I need to also
add value to that person's life.

- Entirely.

- My parents got divorced

when I was quite young,
I was five years old.

Divorce is not
a nice thing to go through.

And it's why I haven't had many
relationships in the past,

because I don't believe in

getting so involved
in somebody else's life

if I don't potentially
see that person

as somebody that I can marry.

You good?
You tired?

- Yeah, let's go to bed.

- All right, I'm going to bed.

- Okay, see you
at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [sighs] (BLEEP).

- Right, get up.

- You get up.

- I'm gonna get up
when you get up.

- I'm up.
- Then go out there!

♪ ♪

- Are you excited?
Your first charter.

- I am so excited.

- Rhy, Rhy.

- Morning!
- Good morning.

- How are you today?
- Yeah, good.

- I don't know what
the (BLEEP) Ross is thinking.

I had no idea
he was about to kiss me.

But I liked it.

Do you know if
we're getting a deckhand today?

- Yep, he should be arriving
sometime today.

- It's not a relationship.

It's just drunken making out.

Are we leaving these?

- Uh, yeah, we can do that.
both: Yeah.

- So what's the game plan?

- Why don't you
start in the master?

You know, get the cabin ready.
- Yeah.

both: Okay.

- Why didn't you
bring a whole roll out?

- Only needed this much.
- Oh.

- What, alcohol first?
- Yep.


- Hey, want to know what
last night?

- What?
- Um, Ross...

- [soft laugh]

I'm shocked.


But hate is
the first sign of love.

- Shut the (BLEEP) up.

- Rhylee was
pleasant just there, eh?

- Yeah, she's been
in a good mood.

- You were in there last night
for a while?

- I just made out with her...
- Oh, Ross.

- [sighs]
----ing hell.

- Kate, Ross, and Adrian,
to the wheelhouse

for a preference sheet meeting.

- Copy.

[upbeat music]

- Hello.
- What's up, bro?

- Thank you.

- Our primary is Brandy Coffey.

She's a successful
real estate agent from Sarasota.

This is her first trip
in a long time

as a single lady.

Joining Brandy will be
her wild girlfriends,

Carolyn and Nadine.

Brandy's favorite coworker,

and her husband, Joe, will
also be joining the party.

Last but not least,
Janet and her boyfriend, Jimmy,

round out the group.

Brandy, Kari, and Janet
are taking a trip

to celebrate their birthdays
and have requested

tequila in their hands
at all times.

We got gluten-free, but
other than that, pretty basic.

Uh, water toys, Jet Skis,

workout and yoga on the yacht.

- Laura's a yogi master.
- Works for me.

How's your new girl doing?
She gets it?

- She gets it, I think, as much
as I need her to get it.

I'm happy to have a third stew
who has some experience.

Laura's been here a day.

And she's just really annoying.

- That about wraps it up.
- Whoo, I'm so excited!

Charter six!

[upbeat music]

Should we go down
to laundry and fold?

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

The champagne
go to ice buckets.

- Are you okay back here?
- Yeah.

- Sweet.

- That's so weird.

Do you think it's
just 'cause there's alcohol?

- I don't know.

- Or do you think that when
she's wiping the windows,

he's like,
[as Ross] "Yes."

- [as Ross]
Yes, wipe those windows.

- [laughs]

[percussive music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, bro.
- Hey.

- Ross.
- I'm Tyler, the new deckhand.

- Tyler.
- Nice to meet you.

- Yeah, good to meet you too.

Put your bags down here

and you can go straight up.

- Cool.

- Josiah.
both: Nice to meet you.

- Hi.
What's your name?

- Tyler.
- Tyler, nice to meet you.

- I'm switching
from sailing to yachting

to broaden my overall knowledge
of boating.

And also, the money's
way better in motor yachts.

I mean, if you're chartering
this boat,

you have ----ing money.

- Welcome to the sh-- show.
Get ready.

- Uh, you're rooming with
Rhy Rhy.

This is Rhylee.
This is Tyler.

- Tyler, nice to see you.

Just around the garbage.
- [laughs]

- I'm dirty, sorry.
- Hey, how's it going?

- Nice to meet you.

I get a hot, new roommate.

- Can you just
show him his drawers?

- Come on this way, Tyler.

I'll show you your drawers.

- Coming up...

- [gasps]
Man overboard.

- Man overboard.
- What?

- What happened?
- Go in, he's drowning!

[upbeat music]

- Hi, Kate.
- Hi!

So Tyler seems nice.
- Yeah, yeah.

- But Caroline seemed nice too.
- [laughs]

- Oh, Tyler, would you
just wipe this off quickly?

- Okay.
- I've got over here..

We can use this
to start off with.

- Kay.
- Where you from, Tyler?

- Washington State.
- Okay.

- But I've been travelling
all over the last 4 1/2 years.

Just cruising on boats

and surf trips.
- Yeah.

- People definitely think
I'm just the surfer dude,

and they're absolutely right.

It's what I do.
It's who I am.

I'm an adrenaline junkie.

I want to make a living

jumping out of airplanes
into forest fires,

just 'cause it's ----ing gnarly.

Got to work on a boat, make some
money, and then take a trip.

- Awesome.

- All crew,
there's provisions here.

♪ ♪

- Get some action last night?

- No.
I ----ing need it.

♪ ♪

- Ross, Ross, the captain
will see you and Tyler now.

- Tyler.
- Wheelhouse.

- We'll go up now.
Sorry, guys.

[soft laugh]
- No worries.

- Could I get
some Cheerios, please?

- Sure.
- Beautiful day, aye?

- Yeah, it's really beautiful.

- Hey, Captain Lee.
- How you doing?

- Good. Tyler.
- My pleasure.

Have a seat.
We've got four charters left.

Ross will give you all
the information that you need.

We've got charter guests
getting on board,

so gonna have to be
a quick study.

- Okay.
- I get a good vibe from Tyler.

You're not successful
on sailboats

without a good work ethic.

There's a lot more work,
a lot more moving parts

on a sailboat than
there is on a motor yacht.

So all of that is gonna serve
Tyler really well, I think.

- Thank you.

[hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

Attention all crew, we have
15 minutes before showtime.

- This is where it gets awkward.

- Yeah.
- [soft laugh] Just kidding.

♪ ♪

- Let's do this.

- [gasps]
[glasses shatter]

[distant glasses shatter]

Oh, (BLEEP).

Oh, my God.

- How many did you break?
- Like seven.

That cloth, I don't know
if it's 'cause it's not ironed

or what the go is,
but it's just, like, lumpy.

I don't think I've
ever done that in my life.

- I'm not sure exactly
how many champagne glasses

we started the season with,

but I'm pretty sure
we have about half of that left.

- It's a new record.
I mean, I've broken one.

- One can happen.
How do you break seven?

That's like bowling.
Like, you just had a strike.

- Attention all crew, I need
everybody on the aft deck ASAP.

I've got the guests in sight.

[vacuum whirring]

- There it is.

[upbeat music]

- So when do we eat? [laughs]
- Yeah.

- Uh, grab the champagne.
Now, here's the trick.

- I always do that, yeah.
I don't...

It was--yeah, I don't think
I've ever done that in my life.

- I'm--I have to tell you this
after what just happened.

- Totally, totally, totally.
- Okay, put your hand there.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- So that they stay on the tray.

- How are you?
- How are you?

- Good. Captain Lee.
- Nice to meet you.

- My pleasure.

- Hello. Welcome aboard.
I'm Kate.

- Thank you, Kate.
- Hi there. Josiah.

Nice to meet you. Champagne?
- Oh, wonderful. Thank you.

- Captain Lee.
How you doing?

- Nice to meet you.
- Hi, I'm Tyler.

- Adrian.
- Adrian, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Third birthday girl.

- Tyler. Nice to meet you.
- Nadine.

- Cheers, everyone.

- Cha-chin.
all: Cheers.

- Welcome aboard
motor yacht "My Seanna."

We're gonna be traveling
over to Moorea this afternoon.

So Kate will
show you around the boat.

We'll get the party started.

- Thank you.
- Thank you.

- Yay, whoo-hoo!
- Thank you.

- All right, guys, right this
way, we're gonna start the tour.

♪ ♪

- Oh, that's...
- Oh, wow!

- This is our Jacuzzi sundeck.

- I don't think we've
ever been on a yacht

with a bar attached
to the Jacuzzi.

- We're gonna go
back down this way.

- Boy, are you fast.
- No time to mess around, bro.

- This is your
master state room.

- Oh, I love the windows.

All the girls are gonna have to

come in here and get ready.

- Right?
They easily could.

- [grunts]

- Two queens
in each state room.

Then we'll do lunch
in about an hour under way.

both: Thank you.

[funky rock music]

- So you guys are gonna
stay in the master, okay?

- Aww.
- Ooh!

- You can stand by
on this line, bro.

- I'll take up--
- Thanks.

It would have been nice
to have Tyler

for at least a day
before charter.

You know, there's no
safety briefing with him.

No familiarization.

That's how mistakes are made,
and it just makes me nervous.

- Ross, are you ready?
- Ready to go.

- We're dropping
the bowline now.

♪ ♪

- Got it.

- Cap, that's the last bowline.

- Do you want to
go change real quick?

- Yeah, sure.

- What's your
status on the stern?

- Pulling in
last stern line now.

All clear on the stern.
You're free to maneuver.

[upbeat music]

- That's a good workout.

It's like my CrossFit
where they take the ropes.

- So 1:30 for lunch you think?
- Yeah, that sounds perfect.

- Ross, Ross, Lee.
- Go for Ross.

- We're gonna drop the tender,
so prep for that, please.

- Copy that.
Standing by now.

- Oh, this--
this is our new house.

- And I want the one
right next door.

- Get him to jump in the tender.

Let the spring line first.

You drop the stern,
then I'll drop the bow.

- Okay.

- All right, let's cut it loose.

- He's got it.
You can come back, jump onboard.

Put that stern line in.
Tyler, help her.

- Bring in that line.
Keep it off.

- [grunts]
Oh, (BLEEP).

- Have we got it loose yet?

- Yep, got it loose.

- All right, we're out of here.

- Oh, look,
somebody got married.

- Oh, cool.
- I like their dresses.


- Oh, sh--.
Man overboard.

- Man overboard.
- Man overboard.

- What?
- What happened?

- Get the life ring!
- Snake out. Snake out.

- Ashton's on the line,
the towline.

- Go in!
He's drowning!

- Take a line!
- [screams]
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