06x03 - Scream Queens

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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06x03 - Scream Queens

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously
on "rupaul's drag race"...

You're not the first
queens to arrive.

7 Queens came,

And one has already
sashayed away.

- Serve that face, girl,
we're losing it!

- You need to create your best
life-of-the-party couture.

Darienne lake.

- A little boring here.

- I get this angry vibe
from you.

- I...okay.

- Bianca del rio,

You're the winner
of this week's challenge.


- Darienne lake,
shante, you stay.

Magnolia crawford, sashay away.

Enjoy this moment,

Because there are
6 more fierce queens

Ready to snatch the crown.

- Oh, f*ck.

- I walk into the workroom,
and, oh, my god.

It's the other girls.

Look at these whores.

- Excuse me?

- Well, hello. Hugs.

- Get on over here, miss thing.
- Hi.

Happy mardi gras.

- It's our first time
together as a group.

We're all just kind of like...

Sniffing around each other.
- What's your name?

- Trinity.
- Trinity? Bendelacreme.

- My first impression
of bendelacreme,

She kind of looks like
the hamburglar's wife.


- My name is
miss laganja estranja,

Honey, darling.
- Laganja, you all no tea.

- Come on, natch.

- Laganja.
Irritating, young, foolish.

- Hi, I'm darienne lake.
I'm from new york.

- Darienne.
You know, my god,

There's room for everybody.

Let's just say that.

- I'm glad I'm not
the only "idol" contestant here.

I was on "american idol."
- I know,

You were on "american idol."
- Yes, I know who you are.

- You were on season one?
- No!

- "What season were you on?
Were you on season one?"

And I was like, "oh, we're
playing that this year, bitch?"

- Well, you girls...look good.

- There was
a slight pause there.

- You girls...

look good.

- I didn't quite
cough like a man,

But, you know,
you guys look good.

- Don't jump the g*n yet,
miss kimora lee kardashian.

She needs to calm down.
- My name is gia gunn.

I don't jump g*ns,
I am the boom-boom g*n, honey.

- Oh, is that it? Is that it?

You can handle it,
but don't worry,

Some other b*tches in here know
how to throw it.

'Kay, 'kay?

- Aunty, the stage
has already been set.

Both cliques are tight
within themselves.

That bonding is done.

It's gonna be,
"girls, how are you doing?"

- ♪ Rupaul's drag race ♪

- The winner
of "rupaul's drag race"

Receives a sickening supply
of colorevolution cosmetics,

And a cash prize of $100,000.

With extra-special guest judges,

"Game of thrones'" lena headey
and linda blair.

- ♪ Rupaul's drag race ♪

♪ May the best woman
best woman win ♪

- Hello, hello, good morning.

- Ooh, back again, girl.

- Who are all
of these other boys

Walking into the workroom?

I'm not feeling some
of the other queens.

I don't like messy queens,

I don't like cheap queens,

And I don't like manly queens.

- So what do we think
is gonna happen today?

- Guess there'll be a shemail,
and not the gia kind.

- Ooh.

[Woman screaming]

- You've got shemail.

- Come on, a scream?

- Racers!

Where are you?

I can't find you.

Listen to me.

Stay away from the light.

Stay away from the light.

Bitch, I said,
get the hell out of my light.


- Ahh, that's better.

They're q*eer!

- [Gasping]

- What?
- Hello, hello, hello!

[Cheering and applause]
- hello, mama ru!

- How is my blended drag family
getting along?

- sickening.

- Well, we'll see about that.

Now, I want you
to pair up with a queen

That was not
in your original group.

Now, for today's mini challenge,

Each pair needs
to combine bodies

To create one lip-synching,

Bikini-wearing bathing beauty,

Inspired by our friends

At island house key west
five-star resort.

Oh, scruff pit crew!

- [Whooping]

- Oh, yeah!

- Go.

- All right, first up,

Courtney act
and laganja estranja.

Who's top, and who's bottom?

- I'm the bottom.

- What?
- Oh, sorry.

I'm the top.

- [Laughs]

All right, assume the position.

Oh, is this seat taken?

Hit it!


- ♪ I'm gonna walk
right through that door ♪

♪ High heels
on a hardwood floor ♪

♪ They're all
coming back for more ♪

♪ It's a party tonight ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Where'd my girls go, oh ♪

♪ Gonna be a good show ♪

♪ Oh, oh, hey, girl ♪

♪ You go, gon', gon'
gonna make that money ♪

♪ Where are my girls at? ♪
- [Laughing]

- ♪ Make your heels clap ♪

♪ Where are my girls at? ♪

♪ Make your heels clap ♪

♪ Peanut butter head
kiss my grits ♪

♪ Your mama's in the kitchen
but her oven on the fritz ♪

♪ Your dad's in jail
raising hell ♪

♪ And your sister's
on the corner ♪

♪ Selling something for sale ♪

- [Laughs]


Well, ladies,
you all did swimmingly,

But the winners are...

Milk and adore.

- Yay!

- Now it's time
to put the fear in fierce.

For this week's main challenge,
you'll be screen-testing

For a new horror film

[Distorted voice]
"drag race me to hell."


- Working in teams of 6,

You'll serve
scary movie realness

In two sickening scenes,

One set in the sixties
and one in the eighties.

Hashtag "screamqueens."

Milk and adore,
you are team captains.

Here are your scripts.

Pick your spook sisters.

- Miss bianca.

- I'm spooky.

- Miss laganja estranja.

- Come on, girl, let's scream.

- [Laughs]

- Darienne lake.

- Oh, this is not
like gym class.


- Delacreme.
- [Laughs]

- Miss courtney act.

- Gia gunn.


- Joslyn.

- We'll be a scream.

- April.
- Oh, yes.

- Trinity kardashian.

- That, of course, means
vivacious goes to team adore.

- Come, darling, come.
- Oh, yeah.

- Very interesting.

You chose the queens
from your original groups.

- Of course I chose my group.

They're the bee's knees.

That first group
has some pretty b*tches,

But I don't like them.

- Gentlemen, start your engines,

And may the best woman...


[Cheering and applause]
- bye, ru.

- [Screaming]


- Just die already.


- Okay, everyone...

Oh, I love this.

I'm a huge fan
of eighties horror movies.

So, as soon as I found out

That it was the eighties
version, I was freaking out.

Okay, I'm heather,
you're becky.

- Okay.

- You're the crazy mother.
- Yes.

- [Speaking english]

- You want to be
scary head in the box?

At this point,
we have limited time.

I've just got to hand
this shit out

Like it was candy
out of a pinata.

Catch it, bitch,
because you're getting the role.

Hold on, where am i?

- Please, don't let me be butch.

- And then you'd be
the butch real-estate agent.

- You could do that, no?

- Yeah.

"Stop! What the hell?
I'm a working lady."

- There is nothing manly
on april,

So she's got
some stretching to do.

- Sashay away.

- Ew, gag me with a...

What is it?
- A delorean.

- Delorean. What's that?
- It's, like, an eighties car.

- Oh, okay.

I've never heard of a delorean.

For all I know,
it's a f*cking ancient dildo.

I have no idea.

- Well, not my father...

I don't have a father.

- I'm a little worried,
because I don't know

That some of my teammates
can do their roles.

Adore could have done better,

But, sink or swim,
she is the leader.

- Coming up...

- [Screaming]

- Okay.


- [Laughing]

- I think you would be
a good mrs. Bates.

- It doesn't matter to me,
I like all of them.

- Our team gets
"drag race me to hell,"

The original,
set in the sixties.

I'm excited
because the original

Is always better
than the sequel.

- I was thinking mrs. Hitchcock
with a british accent,

Because I've got an accent.

- Okay, so, scary head in a box.

Darienne, scary head in a box?

- Sure.

Nobody wants this
"head in a box" role.

It's a smaller role,
and it's just a head in a box,

But I can do something with it.

- You could be slutty sally.

- [Speaking english]

- Yeah.

All right.

So, I think we're going to
stick with these characters.

- All right.

- I realize my character
has the most lines,

And now I'm pissed,

Because I've got
to learn a lot of shit,

And I am not an actor.

Come on, sandra dee...

Oh. Come on, sandra dee,
it's time to put...

Pop your cherry.

- What if you did it, like,
"let's get real, girl?"

Like, "shut up, girl,
it's just me."

You know what I mean?
- Oh, you want me to be black?

- Well, I think it'd be funnier.

- The black girl is playing
ghetto. How original.

- Trinity said she would like
to learn from everyone,

And she doesn't consider herself
a professional actress.

But she's like
very, very defensive.

She never wants to hear it.

- All right, let's memorize
these lines, b*tches.


- Welcome, team milk.

Now, this is your screen test.

Act as if your life
depended on it,

Because, well...

It does.

All right, places, people.
People, places!

Okay, here we go.
We're rolling, and...


- Oh, mrs. Hitchcock,

Did you see
the full moon tonight?

President kennedy said one day
he'll put a man up there.

- Well, I'm more interested

In exploring
your feminine mystique.

- [Snorts]

- Bianca and courtney
is flying through their lines

Like they've been doing
movies for years.


- "There will be blood."

- No!

- And cut.

Very good.

You b*tches
have been slayed before.


- Hello?

Sally, are you here?

- Ring, ring.

- Gasp!
- [Chuckles]

- Joslyn is totally selling it.

Much funnier than I expected.

- Gasp!
- Gasp!

- Jeez, betty, it's just me.

Don't flip your wig.

- That's not funny.

Ever since they invented
birth control, you...

- Cut.

Trinity, you have
to play to the camera,

Because we can't see you
when you turn around.

- We're going to pop
your cherry tonight.

The boys are coming over.
- Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

Trinity, I don't know
why your back is turned.

- You know,
that was my character,

Kind of like sassy ghetto.

- Well, just be sassy ghetto
facing your camera.

See, over here, you keep doing
this thing when you're going,

"So and so and so
and so and so."

And then,
so we keep seeing this.

We don't want to see that.

- I've never seen rupaul
literally get out his seat

And have to show somebody
where a camera is,

And it really threw me off.

Sorry, guys.

- All right, moving on.

- Sashay away,
and whatever you do,

Don't look in the pink box.

- Your mother
darns socks in hell!

- [Laughs]

- Cut.

- Trinity,
when you pick that box up,

There needs to be a reaction.

There's a head on a table
with a satanic star on it.

- Got you.

- I may actually
pass out in this box

If trinity continues to f*ck up.

I may end up
punching her in her box

If she doesn't stop f*cking up.

- Welcome, team adore.

- I'm not worried
about this challenge,

Because I got
the shit strateg...

Strategically, whatever.

I have it strategically

This is going to go good.

I'm a good leader,
I'm a libra.

- April and laganja,
you all ready?

- [Speaking english]

- All right, ready, set, action.

- Yeah.

- This place is going condo.

If you don't buy it,
some yuppie will.

- You have a head
for business.

Let's get physical.

- Stop!

Oh, what the hell.

- Okay.

Let's cut.

- Am I too boyish?
- It's your choice.

- Okay, cool.

Playing a butch character
for a drag queen

Is a mindfuck, really.

I'm a gay boy being a woman,

But I need to be boyish as well.

- All right, we're moving on.

- Ay, dios mio.

- Action.

- Heather?

- Ring, ring.

- What is that?

Oh, my new cell phone.

- Cut.

- Gia, don't forget
the great lines,

Like, "oh, duh,
my new cell phone."

Like, those "duhs" really
give it the eighties flair.

- Okay.
- Duh.


- Like, hello?

Who is this?
Where did you get this number?

- Adore, that's your cue.

- Oh, f*ck, yes.

You're going to die!
- [Screaming]

- And then you have...

Dialogue after that.

- Don't have a cow, heather.

- Her name is becky,
your name is heather.

- Shit.

- No. Do you all have
your lines memorized?

- Yeah.

- Liza minnelli lies.

- Okay.

- I could not go on the stage
without knowing my lines.

That's just uncalled for.

Adore is the team captain,

And I feel so worried
for our team,

Because she's not professional.

- Whatever you do,

Don't touch this big,
pink, furry box.

No, don't touch
my beautiful daughter's...

- Your mother scrubs docks in...

- Sorry, I stepped on your line.
- Cut, cut, cut.

Did you guys rehearse as a team
before you came on?

I'll take that as a whopping no.

- So basically I'm f*cked,

Because I'm the team leader,

And everything comes on my back.

- Coming up...

- My lifelong dream
is to be beyonce in vegas.

- And you are beyonce.
- Oh, I am.

- [Laughing]

- [Laughing]

- Oh, girl,
so good to be home, eh?

Today's runway is our best drag.

Mama is living, okay?

- So what type of drag
do you do in new york?

- I do, like, the really old
traditional club's kids

Leigh bowery style of drag.

- Oh.

- I grew up around
the real club kids,

People like amanda lepore,
lady bunny, and lavinia,

Who used to come dressed
as a furnace,

With fire coming
out of her midsection.

There were no boundaries,

When you were going
to walk into a club,

What they were going to have on.

My costumes are very abstract,

And a lot of girls are like,
"well, miss thing,

That look's not going get you
anywhere whatsoever."

- Well, I was going
to ask you that.

You never felt the need
to want to revamp yourself?

- The newer generation
only know off the fishy look,

But when I walk into a club,
all eyes are on me.

You're still
that little girl in the corner

Still trying
to look like a lady.

- My lifelong dream is to be
an illusionist in vegas.

I would love to be
beyonce in vegas.

- You have to remember
those girls are very seasoned.

They're not two years
into the game.

Those girls are,
like, 15, 10 years...

- But I mean,
the britney spears illusionist,

She's not 15 years
into the business.

- Yeah, but she really
looks like britney.

I haven't seen anybody
that looks like beyonce.

You can paint
to be dionne warwick,

You can paint to be diana ross,

But beyonce is just pretty.

- [Speaking english]

- Really, bitch?

Beyonce is a hard one to do.

You can dance it,
you can lip-sync it,

But if you don't really
look like her, hmm.

And let's face it, trinity
looks more like sammy davis jr.

In a beyonce wig.

- I could just
start my own show.

You know, my own illusion show,

And try to get some
really good girls there.

- That's the ticket.
- See if it'll build up.

- Yep, got it all figured out.
I was just saying that when...

Oh, whatever, girl.

If you're going to be
that f*cking sensitive.

- I'm not sensitive at all!

- Oh, I forgot,
you're not sensitive.

You're beyonce.
- Oh, I am.

- ♪ Cover girl ♪

♪ Put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe ♪

♪ Let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

[Cheering and applause]

- Welcome to the main stage
of "rupaul's drag race."

Michelle visage,

I know what you did
last summer.

- It is getting severe
up in here, my queen.

- Santino rice,
are you dark-sided?

- [Laughs]

- And "game of thrones'"
lena headey.

Welcome, my queen.

- Thank you.

- And the legendary linda blair.

I can't believe you're here,
my head is spinning.

- [Laughs]

- This week we challenged
our scream queens

To horror it up in screen tests
for a creature double feature.

Tonight, they're ready
to slay the runway

In their best drag.

Gentlemen, start your engines,

And may the best woman win.

- ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- First up, bianca del rio.

- Hollywood.
- That's a collar, honey.

- She's got bling
around the collar.

- My best drag is old hollywood,
and I'm feeling like a bitch

Who just buried
her third husband.

- Black widow.
She mates, she kills.

- And then she wears it.

- Australia's own courtney act.
- Aussie pride.

- It's flag day.
- It's vegemite-y sexy.

- I feel like
an australian version

Of the statue of liberty.

I'm walking down the runway
doing my country proud.

- Look at that great
barrier reef.

- [Laughs]

- Joslyn fox.

- ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- Fox on the run.

That looks like one of linda's
outfits from "roller boogie."

- Yeah.
- I think it is.

- I'm serving up
disco party girl realness.

I've never been so confident
in my entire life.

- La may shante.

La may, la may, la may.

Trinity k. Bonet,
from atlanta, g.a.

I think I've got
an orange crush.

- My outfit of choice
is a beautiful, expensive gown.

- Tangerine dream.

- Yes. Lady marmalade.

- [Laughs]

- Milk.


She's got a real nose
for fashion.

- [Laughs]

- [Imitating pinocchio]
I'm a real queen.

[Normal voice]
liar, liar, liar.

- I'm coming at you

With a long pinocchio nose,
long legs.

I'm just
a crazy-looking supermodel.

- Pinocchi-ho.

- And her daddy geppet-ho.


- Darienne lake. Oh!

- Ooh!

- Nothing says queen
like a cape.

- [Chuckling]
that's right.

- There's one thing that I know.

It's best drag.

Lots of hair, lots of lashes,
lots of sparkle.

- Super queen.

- I believe she could fly.

- [Laughs]

- April carrion.

- April showers.
- Yes.

I think she's got me all wet.

- I am serving
"singing in the rain" realness.

I'm living for this outfit.

- The forecast is gorgeous.

Make it rain, girl,
make it rain.

Laganja estranja,

Serving up young maggie smith.

- I'm fascinated
by your hat, girl.

- I am serving
"madame butterfly" tonight.

I feel like a peach
ice cream cone.

- Yes, honey,
this is the butterfly effect.

- Okay.

- She'll never get that dress
back into the cocoon.


Ninja princess!

- Groove is in the heart.
- That's right.

- I'm serving
power ranger meets ninjas,

And I'm feeling my headpiece,

Because I know
she's real different.

I look f*cking expensive.

- Oh, that's right.

See, I know she's from chicago

With those moves.

And all that ass, yes.

Adore delano.

- Mer-wench.

- Red wig at night,
sailor's delight.

- I'm really feeling good
about this runway.

I'm just strutting it
like a beautiful mermaid star.

- Raggedy ann
sure grew up to be a slut.


- Bendelacreme.

Well, hello, kitty.

- Meow, meow.
- [Purrs]

- I'm really just giving fun,
a little bit of pinup,

A little bit goofy,

Just show them there's
a little sex kitten in me.

- Now, honestly, do you think
that bow constricts her?

- [Laughs]

- The playboy club.

- That's why the dogs
chase the cat.


- Oh!

One of the strangest things
I've ever seen in my life.

- But wait a minute,
didn't you date rick james?

- [Laughs]
- ♪ now sissy that walk ♪

- This is one of vivacious'
iconic pieces.

I am serving vivacious down.

- Very "game of cones."

- [Laughs]

- ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- Coming up...
- I got boy.

- You were the least prepared.

- You're not really
embracing fully.

- I'm a star.

- [Laughing]

- [Laughing]

Welcome, ladies.

Let's watch the screen test
for "drag race me to hell,"

Starring team milk.

- Oh, mrs. Hitchcock,

Did you see
the full moon tonight?

- I'm more interested

In exploring
your feminine mystique.

- Peek-a-ru, I see you.

- Did you hear that?

- All I can hear
is the beating of your heart.

- Oh, mrs. Hitchcock, stop.

Stop, stop!
Okay, what the hell?

[Maniacal laughter]

- [Screaming]

- Hello? Sally?

[Telephone rings]
- gasp!

- Peek-a-ru, I see you.

- Who is this?

- [Maniacal laughter]

- You're going to die.
- [Screams]

- Jeez, betty, it's just me!

- That's not funny.

- Come on, sandra dee,
let's find johnny.

- Sashay away!

- Gasp!

- Don't look in the big,
pink, furry box.

- I bet ain't nobody touched
your box in a long time.

- Your mother
darns socks in hell.

- [Screams]

- Leave my beautiful
daughter's head alone.

- Shut up, mother,
I can take care of myself.

- Don't sass me, girl,
mother knows best.

- You ruin everything.

- I'll never forgive those girls
who teased you at school.

- Mother, I'm not a monster.

- Shoving your head
into the lockers.

- Mother, shut up.

- No, you shut up.

- [Screams]

- Not my beautiful daughter!

- Catch!

- You k*lled my baby!

[Crying hysterically]

- Let's go.

- Peek-a-ru.
- Gasp!

- Like my look?

Couldn't you just...


- No!
- No!

- Oh, no.

- [Laughs]



- Next up,
"drag race me to hell 5,"

Starring team adore.

- This place is going condo.

If you don't buy it,
some yuppie will.

- You've got
a brain for business.

Let's get physical.

- Peek-a-ru, I see you.

- What was that?
Did you hear that?

- I just hear
your throbbing sugar rolls.

- Stop!

Oh, what the hell,
make my river run.

- [Laughs maniacally]

- [Screams]

- [Screaming]

- Heather?

[Cell phone rings]

What the hell is that?

Oh, my new cell phone.

Like, hello?

- Peek-a-ru, I see you.

- Wait, what?

- [Laughs maniacally]
- who is this?

- You're going to die!
- [Screams]

- Don't have a cow,
the guys are meeting us here.

- That's so not funny, heather.

- You're just bitter
because you're still a virgin.

- I'm not a virgin,
I'm a vegan. Keep up.

I hope brad's up
for a three-way.

- Bitching.

- Sashay away.

- Gag me with a delorean!

- Whatever you do,

Don't look inside
this big, pink, furry box.

- What's your damage,
betty krueger?

- Your mother
scrubs docks in hell.

- [Screams]

- Don't touch my beautiful
daughter's head.

- Shut up, mother.

It's because of you
I have body issues.

No body, no father.

No wonder I'm a mad rampage
bitch monster.

- Shut up!
- [Screams]

- My baby girl!

- Catch!

- You've k*lled her!


- Let's, like,
get out of here already.

- I know, right?

- Peek-a-ru.
- What the hell?

- This is the beginning

Of the rest of your afterlife.

[Laughs maniacally]

- Wow.

Something tells me that our team

Is probably on the lower end
of the scale.

- That was electrifying.

- I found it a little funny that
theirs was in black and white

And ours was in color.

- [Speaking english]

- No.

- Coming up...

- The performance was flat.

- I feel like shit.

- Silence!


- [Laughing]

You girls were a real scream,

But one group
was bloody fabulous.


Milk, condragulations.

You are all safe
from elimination this week.

Trinity, are you all right?

- I just, for a moment, I really
thought I put you guys down,

And I'm a virgin actor,

But thank you
for seeing that I tried.

- You had us scared at first,

But you took direction,
and it shows.

- Thank you.

- Darienne lake...

Now, for giving your talking
head, body, and soul,

You are the winner
of this week's main challenge.

- What?

- You've won
a five-night stay for two

At the island house
key west five-star resort.

Team milk,
you may leave the stage.

Team adore, it's time
for the judges' critiques.

Let's start with april carrion.

- Hello!

- I love the umbrella,
love the color,

And I find you
absolutely beautiful.

- But the performance
as a butch real-estate agent

Was flat.

I didn't really get butch,
I got boy.

- Next up, laganja estranja.

- Hello, mama ru.

- I love your fascinator,
the butterfly hat.

It's a good look for you.

- In the movie, you did okay.

- But you were carrying
april through it.

When you're in that situation,

You can't rely
on the other person

To give you the energy
to keep you going.

You have to find it
within yourself.

- Next up, gia gunn.

- I liked your performance,
I thought it was funny.

I thought you totally
channeled valley virgin.

- Well, it's funny, gia,
because on the set

You couldn't remember
a lot of the dialogue,

And it looked like
you had a technique,

But you and I both know

That there was
no technique, right?


- Next up, adore delano.

- Are you cinched?

- No.
- Yeah.

- I have a hog body right now.

- So, you were the team leader.

- I was.

- And how'd you assign
the other roles?

- Like this: you have that,

You have that,
and you have that.

- So, you might want
to think about things,

You know, because there
is a game being played here.

- And of all the girls,
you were the least prepared.

My guess is that,
because you're charismatic,

You've been able to sail by

Without having
to put the work in.

You owe it to your talent
to do your homework.

- I feel like shit,
like if i, like, let you down.

I'm constantly proving myself
within the drag community,

And I'm here to prove to you
and to everybody I'm a star.

- Stars put in the work.

All right, next up,

- You delivered a very good
performance in the movie.

You had just
one of the best screams.

- Thank you, but I'm worried
about you sitting

So close to michelle's earring.

- [Buzzes]

- Next up, vivacious.

- See, this type of look
I don't hate,

Because I grew up with it,

And so did ru.
- Sure.

- So I appreciate what it is
that you're doing.

- Right.
- With that said, the acting,

Because you were unsure
of what you were saying,

You weren't able to kind
of give it all you've got.

- I feel like you're not
really embracing fully.

- In my defense,

I have no theatrical
background whatsoever.

- Look at yourself.

What you do for a living
is theater!

- Are you holding your headpiece
back so that you can hear?

- Yes.

- I thought you were doing that
mariah carey thing, you know,

Where she holds
her ear like that.

- No, no, no, no, no, no.

- All right, ladies,

While you unwind
in the untucked lounge,

The judges and I
will deliberate.

All right, now,
just between us she-devils,

What do you think?

Starting with april carrion.

- I would like to have seen
a little better work

In the film.

- Yeah, I think that april
was miscast in this role.

- Adore was the team leader,
and so, therefore,

Should she be held accountable
for handing out the jobs?

- That's a very good point.

All right, moving on
to laganja estranja.

- There's something
about her I love.

I think she's
incredibly charming.

The acting was...

- She didn't suck.
- I'm saying she didn't suck.

- I think it was partly
because her screen partner

Was april carrion

Even tongue kissing
couldn't save it.

- All right, let's move on.
Gia gunn.

- I just didn't feel
like it was her best drag.

As far as her performance,
it was flat.

- But I don't know how familiar
some of them are with acting.

Age does have to do
a little bit with it.

- But you were nominated
for an academy award

When you were 12 years old.

- Yes, but I'd been working
since I was 6.


- Let's go to adore delano.

- Well, I adore adore.

She's kind of like
a daughter I want to slap.

- [Laughs]

- She was kind of ill-prepared,
but she was good.

- Right.
- The "bitching," she gets it.

And I think when she does
nurture her inner talent,

She's going to be unstoppable.

- Yeah, but that
might be too late.

Next, bendelacreme.

- This is another one
who's a star.

- She was incredible.

If dela had been
on the winning team,

She probably would have been

The winner
of this week's challenge.

- Yeah.

All right, moving on.

- That look was dated.

I don't even know if it even
reads like being feminine.

- Unfortunately,
she didn't bring it on.

To be a talking head,
you got to let it out,

Even if you're just...

Giving head.

- [Laughs]

- But I do give her credit
for staying true to who she is.

- That can be a hindrance if
you refuse to move beyond that.

- I beg to differ.

She looked sad
because she felt inferior.

- And then when she laughed...

[All speaking at once]

- Silence!

I've made my decision.

Bring back...
My girls.



- [Laughing]

Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.


You're safe.
- Thank you.

- Vivacious,
concerning your head,

I'm afraid there have been
some complaints.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you're up for elimination.

Laganja estranja...

You're safe.

Gia gunn...

You're safe.

Adore delano...

You've got real talent...

But do you have
the discipline it takes

To go all the way?

April carrion...

I hate to rain on your parade,

But your screen test
was a washout.

Adore delano...

You're safe.

April, my dear, I'm sorry,
but you are up for elimination.

Two queens stand before me.


This is your last chance
to impress me

And save yourself
from elimination.

The time has come...

For you to lip-sync...

For your life.

Good luck...

And don't f*ck it up.

- ♪ Everybody, everybody
get out on the floor ♪

♪ It can get a little crazy
when the kick hits the floor ♪

♪ Make a scene, make a scene
nobody can ignore ♪

♪ Don't knock it
till you rock it ♪

♪ We can't take it no more ♪

♪ Bring the lights up
bust the doors down ♪

♪ Dust yourself off
shake it up, shake it up ♪

♪ Dj, set it off
take it up a notch ♪

- Vivacious is working me out.

Her style of drag
is something that I adore.

- ♪ Shake it up ♪

♪ Bring the lights up
bust the doors down ♪

♪ Dust yourself off
shake it up, shake it up ♪

♪ Shake it up ♪

♪ Dj, set it off
take it up a notch ♪

♪ All together now
shake it up, shake it up ♪

- April looks like selena gomez
is right there on that stage.

Vivacious is not missing a beat.

She is owning that stage.

At this point,
it is too close to call.

♪ Shake it up
shake it up ♪


- Ladies...

I've made my decision.

April carrion,

Shante, you stay.

- Thank you.
- You may join the other girls.


We love you.

Keep giving them life, mama!

Now, sashay away.


- What I do, some
might consider a dying art,

And look-wise
I may have been misunderstood

By some of the queens,

But this is my way of preserving
the legacy of where I came from.

Ru, mother, thank you forever.

- Condragulations,
my k*ller queens.

Now, remember, if you can't
love yourself, how in the...

[Distorted voice]

[Normal voice]
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get a "amen" in here?

- Amen!
- All right, let the music play!

- ♪ I wanna dance, dance ♪

♪ I wanna dance, dance ♪

♪ I wanna dance, dance ♪

♪ Dance with you ♪
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