06x11 - Glitter Ball

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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06x11 - Glitter Ball

Post by bunniefuu »

- Previously on
"rupaul's drag race"...

You'll transform

These gallant grooms

Into blushing brides.

- I'm not a seamstress.
I'm not cinderella.

I don't have mice to come
help me make this damn garment.

- I now pronounce you married.

- [Cheering]

- I didn't get the goth thing.

Your outfit seemed
a little cocktail party.

- The face looks metallic.

- Bianca del rio,

You are the winner
of this week's main challenge.

Adore delano,
shante, you stay.

Joslyn fox, sashay away.

- Surprise!

- The fabulous 5.

- Let's see what josy says.

- Can we all just
do a foxy signoff?

- Keep it foxy.
Boop boop!

- Mew mew.

- Keep it foxy.

- Congratulations
to you, young lady.

- I'm the new trinity.

- You turned out
that lip sync,

Even though when you
took off your shoes,

You looked a little like
the girl from "the grudge."

- Yeah, I did.

I kind of hit a slump.

I've been in
the bottom two twice,

But I know that I'm not gonna be
in the bottom two again,

Because that feeling
sucks donkey d*ck.

- Congratulations, bianca.

- Thank you, my love.

I will send all of you
a postcard from hawaii,

Because remember,
you're my sisters.

- Bianca is so
comfortable right now,

She's practically just, like,
taking a nap on the couch.

The last time I got cocky
about my position,

I wound up in the bottom two.

- I noticed a little
darienne lake

With the potty mouth

When she walked back
from being safe.

- I'm mad as hell that
I'm in the bottom 3.

Did I think I outperformed
courtney in that challenge?


I blame it on that g*dd*mn
doogie howser

And his little, you know,
val kilmer knockoff boyfriend.

- He's a doctor.

Your daughter
should be so lucky.

- Darienne's not quite
listening to the judges

Or ru or anyone
for that matter.

She always thinks she does
better than she does.

She's like those friends
that go out with you

And they're like,
"oh, that man's looking at me."

I'm like, "no,
he's just looking at

You have a f*cking booger
on your nose, bitch."

That's called delusion,
and that is gonna hurt her.

[Engine starts, then revs]

- ♪ Rupaul's drag race ♪

- The winner of
"rupaul's drag race"

Receives a sickening supply
of colorevolution cosmetics

And a cash prize
of $100,000.

With extra-special guest judges
khloe kardashian

And bob mackie!

- ♪ Rupaul's drag race ♪

- ♪ May the best woman,
best woman win ♪

[Tires screech]

- [Laughter]

- Top 5.

- We are so close to the top 3,

And it's kind of hard to
know what's gonna happen

Because it feels like

There might be two people
eliminated next,

Or maybe they're just gonna
bring in another 14 girls

And start over again.

- After, like, the first
day of meeting everybody,

I wrote down in a book--

I have proof that
I picked us as the top 5.

- You are such a liar.

- I swear to god.

- You are so full of shit.

- Well, it was the best of
a bad bunch, really, wasn't it?

- Oh, you are
starting some shit.

[Alarm blaring]

- Saved by the bell.

- Ooh, girl!

My precious gems,

To experience the sweet
smell of success,

You need to be
the jewel in my crown.

Shine bright like a diamond,

Or you can just pull
my ring finger.

Hello, hello, hello.

- Hi.

- Now, in the heat
of competition,

A lot of unexpressed feelings
can get bottled up,

So for today's mini-challenge,

I want to do some
therapeutic role playing,

And we're gonna do it...

With puppets,

Because everybody
loves puppets!

- Ah!

- Now, I wonder
who's behind that wall.

Well, glory hole-elujah.

It's the scruff pit crew.

- [Woofing]

- First up, adore.

Who'd you get?

- Dela.

- Yay!

- Yay!

- My eyebrows have
never looked like that.

- Next up, bianca.

- I have adore.

- Adore.

- Oh, shit.

- Next up, darienne lake.

- [Giggling]



I got courtney act.

- Next up, dela.
Who'd you pick?

- It's bianca del rio.

- All right, courtney,
go on over.

- I hope the hole's
big enough.

It's darienne lake.

- All right, girls,
on your mark, get set,

Drag it up!

- Bianca, you giving it
a nice hog body?

- Oh, you think?

- You are so evil.

- Do you have courtney's
costume together?

- I was hoping that I could get
somebody else to make it for me.

- [Gasp]


- It's interesting
that bianca,

Who could have taken
any of us down,

Got the absolutely
easiest to puppet.

- I did get the easy one.

- Oh, shut up. What is
that supposed to mean?

- It's nothing bad.

You're just basically
already a puppet.

- Oh, that is so rude.

- No. But you're really
easy to imitate,

Whereas bianca's hard to imitate
because I don't listen to her.

- Oh ho ho!

Oh, my god.

- All right,
let the bitchfest begin.

- Hi, bendelacreme.
How are you?

- Honestly, like,
I'm really good.

It's just
I don't understand

Why the judges say that
my outfits look costumey.

- So what do you use
to cover your eyebrows?

- Oatmeal.

- Oh, funny.

- I, um...

I don't know if my eyebrows
are really that oatmealy.

- I'll teach you how to
cover up your hog body

If you help me blend.

- Ok. I swear, you're
amazing and perfect.

- Thank you.

- [Laughter]

- Adore, I'm really nervous

Because I'd think you can see
your dirty pantyhose.

- Party, f*ck!

I do have really dirty tights.
They smell like feet.

I'm too punk to wash my tights.

I feel so cool, cool, cool.

I'm a libra.

Cool. f*ck. Party!

- Well, courtney,
I love your dress.

- Thank you, dazzle.

I'd love to compliment you
on something,

But everything you wear
is so damn hideous.

It's not that
your clothes are ugly.

It's just...
You're misshapen.

- Ok.

Wow, courtney.

You could probably glue down
that lace front there.

Oh! No, that's just
your skin that's wrinkled.

- Well, I'm the oldest
living twink in history.

- Well, you got
that twink body.

You could probably do
a couple of squats

To tighten up that ass.

- You look like a wallaby.

- Hi, darienne. How are you?

- Hi. I'm darienne lake!

- So, darienne, tell me,

Have you had a fun time
on "rupaul's drag race?"

- I've had
a great time, courtney!

- What's been your
least favorite part?

- Hmm. Probably
the guest judges.

- Oh.

- Neil patrick harris hates me.

- Oh. And what about
his boyfriend?

- I told him he could use $1.50
to go ride the bus.

- I'm finding it really hard
to make you funny, darienne.

It's just like real life.

- I'm gonna go check
the internet for some jokes.

I don't have any wi-fi here,

So I'm finding it very
difficult to be funny.

- Hi there, bianca.
How are you doing today?

- Terrible. These people
are a bunch of assholes!

- Oh. Well, bianca,
what a thing to say!

- Baloney!

- Now, bianca, your dress
looks gorgeous today.

- Well, thank goodness,

Because I have 50 of the same
dress in different fabrics.

- Bianca, tell me a little bit

About how you're feeling
in this competition.

- All these people are
idiots and assholes.

Adore's an idiot.
Dela's got a stupid voice.

Santino's assh*le is loose.

- Oh, bianca, pet.

Looks like your lace front
is coming off.

- Baloney.
I have no problems.

I live in new york.
I work all the time.

Baloney. Aah!

Assholes! Aah!

- Nice work,
my little lamb chops.

The winner of today's
mini-challenge is...


- Yeah!

I knew if I hitched
myself to this wagon,

It would pull me somewhere.

- Baloney!

For this week's main challenge,

The house of rupaul is throwing
the first ever...

Glitter ball!

You need to serve
3 distinct looks.

First category is...

Banjee girl bling.

Second category is...

Platinum card

Executive realness.

And the last

And shiniest of all

Category is...

Dripping in jewels eleganza.

- So that means that it's
another costume challenge.

Holy shit.

- Now, using all these
sickening stones

Provided by fierce!
Drag jewels

And materials from
the fabric planet wall,

I expect you to sparkle,
neely, sparkle.

Bendelacreme, you won
the mini-challenge,

So you get to assign
the jewel tones.

There's diamond,
ruby, topaz,

and rose quartz.

Rose quartz?

I think I went to
hebrew school with her.

start your engines,

And may the best woman win.

- We have to
come up with 3 looks.

One of them has to be
from scratch,

And we've got like
a day to do it.

- Coming up...

- The heat is on.


- I just get really, like,

Discouraged and,
like, frustrated.

[Engine revs]

- [Rupaul laughing]

- Come on, diamond.


- For today's main challenge,

We're getting ready for
the "all that glitters" ball.

We need to create
3 distinct looks:

Banjee girl bling,

Platinum card
executive realness,

And dripping in jewels eleganza
in our designated jewel tone.

- [Groans]

- You all right?

- I'm just having some problems.

In the past, we've had to create
one look for the runway,

But this is 3 separate looks.

Everybody is pretty worried
about this challenge

Except, of course,
bianca del rio.

- I like this to start with.

- She's kind of the marker
you have to be looking at.

Because she has
the sewing skills,

She can just bang
things out a lot faster

Than the rest of us can.

- That's pretty.
- Yeah.

- f*ck off.

- So wait a minute.

What made you pick me
as sapphire?

- I didn't feel like
any of the colors

Were positives or negatives.

I thought the only one
that was, like,

Sort of especially easy
was diamonds,

Which is why
I threw it to adore.

- Really?

Why not just give her
cement shoes

And throw her in the water

And give her something
really rough?

- Because she's
not a evil c**t.

- I mean, this is a competition.

- So, bitch?

I wouldn't throw you
under the damn ocean.

Only an insecure bitch
would say something like that.

It is a competition,

But you don't have to sabotage
anybody on the way there.

- Am I being hateful
by saying that?

- No, you're being real.

- And that's what
I am, a-real.

- And your real self
is hateful.

- Rowr.

- People say that
I'm being mean,

But I'm in this for
a crown and $100,000.

You help yourself
before you help others.

- Hello, hello, hello.

- Hello.

- How are things
in the jewelries district?

- Stoned.

- [Laughter]

- Adore delano.

- Hi, ru.

- All right, so what
are you thinking about

For your dripping
in jewels eleganza?

- I was thinking of just, like,
bejeweling the hell out of this,

But I want--i don't know.

I have, like, so many ideas,
and that's the thing.

Like, I think, like,
of so many things,

And I just really want
to get it, like, done.

- What can you show the judges

To let them know that
you are top-3 material?

- I just think, like,

What I had in the
beginning or whatever,

Like, it kind of got lost.

I just get really,
like, discouraged

And, like, frustrated.

I don't want to be, like,
the chiona, like,

That cries all the time,

But it just pisses me off

Because I feel like I'm so
talented, like, in other things,

So I'm just, "why can't,
like, my brain, like,

Allow me to make
a f*cking dress?"

- Right, right.

- It's like, I don't
want to lip-sync again.

I came here to be, like, top 3
and to f*cking win it.

- Right, right.

You know, one of the notes
that I've given you a lot

Is that you have to learn to
apply your great things,

Like in the rapping
or the singing.

You have to apply what you have
there into the other challenges.

Put it in this f*cking dress.
You hear what I'm saying?

- Yeah, I do.

- All right, adore.
You get back to work.

- Thanks. Sorry for
crying all the time.

- Emotions don't scare me.

- Thank you, ru.

- All right.

All right, y'all.

- Hi.

- I'm on the dl.

- Mm. Yo, yo.

- Now, you know, in the past,

The judges have come after you
for this or that.

How do you feel about
the judges' critiques?

- You know, I feel
I'm listening,

And I'm kind of
getting it and, like,

Trying to really
grow from it.

You know, I mean,
as large as I am,

I still have
room to grow.

- Don't we all?

- Mm-hmm.

- So why is it,
do you think,

You haven't won
more challenges?

- I think it's
because it's like...

Partially, I think--

- Why haven't you
won more challenges?

- I know. Because there's always
a little something off with me.

- You got to win some
challenges, you know.

Look at those
fine-tune things

That you think the judges
might come after you for.

- Yes.

- All right,
you get back to work.

- Thank you so much.

- Dela.

- Hi, ru.

- Now, you haven't won
a challenge since snatch game.

- Yeah.

- What are you gonna do

To get to the top of
the heap this time?

What are you thinking
for your eleganza?

- I've been thinking about
the film "what a way to go!"

- Oh, "what a way
to go!" Yes. Uh-huh.

- Yeah, and there's
all those just, like,

Insane cocktail-party dresses.

I'm trying to channel
that kind of feel.

- Oh, I love that.
That sounds great.

- The last two challenges,
I was, like,

This close to winning,

But I'm not gonna be second
this time around.

Bianca can make the most
broadway-rific costume.

I am going to figure out
a way to make something

That the judges are
going to be wowed by.

- All right,
my rhinestone cowgirls,

Gather round.

Now, tomorrow,

Two of my extra-favorite
guest judges will be returning.

The shining star of
tv's royal family,

Khloe kardashian,
will be returning...

And fashion's most dazzling
designer ever--

The one and only bob mackie.

- I adore bob mackie.

He's designed for everyone:
cher, diahann carroll,

Diana ross, liza minnelli,

Barbra streisand
in "funny lady."

He's done everything.

- Oh, and, um,
just one more thing.

- Oh, here we go.

- In addition to creating
3 ball looks,

You'll be putting on
the glitz

In a flawless
opening number.

Now, dela, you won
the mini-challenge,

So you're in charge
of choreography.

- Oh.

- The only time
I've seen dela dance

Is during her lip-sync,

And if I recall,

She did bear similarities
to a rubber chicken.

- Good luck, my precious gems,
and don't f*ck it up.

Coming up...

- I hate that.

- What if we did this?

♪ Rubies and emeralds
and da da da da ♪

Then we're all in a row.

- Why don't we just do
our own thing?

- Um, it'd be good to
just have one boss, not 5.

[Engine revs]

- [Rupaul laughing]

[Music playing]

- ♪ Rubies and emeralds ♪

- ♪ Always wear a jewel ♪

- Let's get this shit
over with.

- So in addition to
creating 3 looks

For the "all that
glitters" ball,

We also have to create and
choreograph an opening number.

- Um, all right.

Is anybody specifically, like,

- I can do it
and do it easily.

- Ok, it's definitely
a lot of pressure

To be in charge of
this choreography.

I'm definitely going to get

All the help I can get
from courtney,

Because courtney has done
more choreography than I have.

- Darienne, do you
want to stand here?

Adore, do you want
to stand here?

And I think
if we're all on profile

Looking out with, like,
our stoles around our necks,

And then that's
when dela will come

Sort of bursting-through-
the-middle sort of thing.

- Ok.

- What if we did this?

What if we're all here,
and then on our lines...

♪ Rubies and emeralds
and da da da da ♪

Then we're all in a row.

- Or we could even do,
like, you know,

The house down
and just, you know,

Get rid of our things so we
don't have to hold on to these.

- Yeah. Could we
just throw them?

- Um, it's challenging

When there's 5 people
trying to choreograph a number.

Like, everybody's throwing
their few cents in.

It'd be good to just
have one boss, not 5.

- ♪ Forever wear a jewel ♪

- Oh.

- I hate that.

- It's too fast.

- The ending seems like
we drank caffeine

And went to a zumba class.

- Very that.

Why don't we just
do our own thing?

- Because I think we're trying
to look polished and...

- We've only got, like--

We've only got a few minutes
left, so let's just go...

- Let's try it.

- Courtney,
god bless her soul,

But ain't nobody got
time to be learning

How to do pirouettes
and all this shit.

It's like, "bitch, I need
to get this dress done."

- Rehearsal
didn't go smoothly,

So now the mood in the room
is just "focus."

There's no room for error,

Because this challenge is gonna
determine who's in the top 4,

And the odds are getting
narrower and narrower.

- I hate you
so f*cking much.


- Darienne, you all right?

- I'm horrible.
Couldn't be worse.

- What happened, darienne?

- Well, I'm starting
over at zero.

- Changing it?

- Yeah. I have to.

I'm going with
a whole new dress--

Whole new fabric,
whole new everything.

I did a dress,

But it's not really saying
"dripping in jewels eleganza,"

So now I'm starting
all over at square one.

What the f*ck
am I thinking?

I'm f*cked.

- How you doing
over there, adore?

- So far,
I think so good.

So after talking to ru,
it's f*cking definitely game on.

Like nuts to the guts,
balls to the walls.

But I'm still not a seamstress,
and jesus knows that,

So it's kind of
so much pressure!


I wanted to just
drench this in diamonds.

- Well, you have
a lot of rhinestones.

- Kind of, yeah.

- What about that pretty stuff
under your table?

- That?
- Yeah.

- I was gonna use that
as a tutu,

But I don't know how.

- Why don't you
gather that up?

- Gather it up?

- Wait. I'll show you.

What you really could do is
cut it evenly to a length, ok?

And gather it on top.

- Uh-huh.

- I think adore is struggling
in this challenge

Because she really doesn't
know how to execute costumes,

Much less couture.

She can't even spell it.

- You're supposed
to cut it in strips

And just glue it
like that, right?

- Oh, no, not like that.

- It looks ugly.

- Yeah, it does.

- I don't know how to
make a f*cking tutu.

- I look at adore's dress,

And I'm like, "ok, I think
I'm safe. Thank god."

- Oh, you mean, like,
wrap it and then--

I don't f*cking
make clothes.

- Adore has been in the bottom
not once, but twice.

She's here by the skin
of her teeth.

If she can't deliver
on another challenge,

It's gonna be hard for ru
to keep her in the game.

[Music playing]

- [Laughter]

- ♪ Cover girl,
put the bass in your walk ♪

♪ Head to toe
let your whole body talk ♪

♪ And what? ♪

- Welcome to the main stage
of "rupaul's drag race."

Michelle visage, are you ready
to get glitter bombed?

- Oh, honey,
when have I not been?

- And santino rice,
drag race family jewel.

- What? What?

- A kiss on the hand
may be quite continental,

But bob mackie is
a girl's best friend.

Welcome back.

- Thank you, ru.

- And hollywood glitterati
khloe kardashian.

Ahoy, matey.

- Ahoy, captain.

- We are so excited
you came back.

- Thank you.
I love being here.

- This week, our queens were
challenged to bling it on

By creating
3 dazzling looks.

Are you ready for
some ballroom glitz?

- Whoo-hoo!
- Ready.

- Gentlemen,
start your engines,

And may the best woman win.

Coming up...

- I like the last one the best,
and I didn't even like it.

- If you're gonna shimmy
and show us your cakes,

You have to have cakes.

[Engine revs]

- [Rupaul laughing]

[Music playing]

- ♪ Rubies and emeralds
and diamonds and pearls ♪

- ♪ Gemstones and rhinestones
for glamorous girls ♪

- ♪ Moonstones and bloodstones
can highlight her curls ♪

- ♪ So why not be
completely fierce ♪

- ♪ The house down ♪

- ♪ A glance through
the playbook of elegant broads ♪

- ♪ Will show you how they do
the style and the guys ♪

- ♪ A fine jewel can change
any trash from the street ♪

- ♪ Into something elegant
that no bitch can beat ♪

- ♪ So why not look your best
like liz taylor or mae west ♪

- ♪ Or marilyn monroe ♪

- ♪ There's so many things
a gal can be ♪

- ♪ Intelligent
or totes carefree ♪

- ♪ A princess or
a biker chick ♪

- ♪ A lawyer
or a redneck hick ♪

- ♪ And even if
you ain't got style ♪

♪ There's one
important rule ♪

♪ Well ♪

- ♪ Always and forever
wear a jewel ♪

- ♪ Yeah ♪

- [Laughter]

- Welcome to the glitter ball.

Category is...

Banjee girl bling.

First up, bendelacreme,

Living la vida loofah.

- I'm showing the judges
how dela hits the streets.

- Dang, baby phat.

- He's a blue jean baby mama.

Up next, adore delano

Straight from east l.a.

- Work, honey.
- Yes.

- I'm channeling all the girls
I grew up with in high school.

I'm having a party with this.

- Ladyboys in the hood.

- Tip one out for the homie.

- [Laughter]

- Up next, bianca del rio.

- Uptown banjee.

- Yes.

- I love it.

- Yes. Very chic.

- I'm giving mary j. Blige,
'90s realness uptown.

- I didn't know lucy ricardo
was a banjee girl.

Up next, darienne lake.

- Is she really there,

Or is it a hologram?

- Taste the rainbow, honey.

- I am just giving you all that
I think is my ghetto fabulous.

- She totally blew her hair out.

Courtney act.

Madonna meets nirvana.

- I'm feeling pretty banjee.

- I've got
my boyfriend's flannel,

And I feel like
I could cut someone.

- The wrong side of the reef.

- Oh!
- Work.

- Totally smells
like queen spirit.

Category is...

Platinum card
executive realness.


Ooh. She's serving big business,
starring bette midler.

- My platinum card
executive realness character,

She's a lady who looks like

She could buy
and sell you over lunch.

- She's the president
of pink, inc.

- You're fired.

- [Laughter]

- Adore delano.

Jane from human resources
just got slutty.

- My executive realness look
is sexy lesbian,

But she still sleeps with men
on the weekends. Very that.

- It's a lipstick lesbian
jungle out there.

Bianca del rio.

- It's a power bottom.
I mean, a power suit.

- [Laughter]

- I am serving
real-estate-agent realness.

Wouldn't you want to
buy property from me?

- Very c-e-oh no
she better don't.

Darienne lake, lady boss.

- Accounts payable.

- My platinum card
executive realness,

She's a music executive.

She's not gonna wear
some blazer and separates.

No, honey.

- Does she sing
with her mother?

- Courtney act.

- Is she giving us
the finger wave?

- I am the head of the world's
most fabulous magazine.

Anna wintour,
eat your heart out.

- Talk about blond ambition.

Category is...

Dripping in jewels eleganza!

in rose quartz.

- Everything's
coming up roses.

- My look is a little can-can.

It's a little pinup.

- Like a tall glass
of sparkling rose.

Adore in diamonds.

- Mmm.

- Blade runner eleganza!

- Yes, daryl hannah.

- I look like a really cool
diamond princess

That just broke
out of a globe,

But now she needs
a prince on her shackle.

- Adore in the sky
with diamonds.

Bianca del rio in sapphire.
Ladyboy sings the blues.

- I'm giving you
upper east side eleganza.

I'm feeling grand and regal.

- Her p*ssy's on sapphire.

- [Laughter]

- Darienne lake in topaz.

Bronze goddess.

- I am giving you a touch
of sl*ve princess leia.

- Glamour from
head to topaz.

Courtney act in rubies.

- Work it, honey.

- Red alert.

- I'm covered from
nose to lace front

In red sparkling glitter.

- Red, fulfilled.

- ♪ Now sissy that walk ♪

- Welcome, my precious jewels.

It's time for
the judges' appraisals.

First up, bendelacreme.

- I was confused
by your banjee girl.

I loved the outfit.

I'm into, like,
hoochie-mama it up.

I just did not get
the tulle.

It was more distracting
than anything.

- As far as your
executive realness,

That's the one
I had a problem with.

I don't believe that

You're gonna run any business
dressed like that.

It was a cocktail dress.

You look beautiful in it,

But that's not what
the category was.

- I'm always hoping
that you surprise me,

And this week,
you didn't really do that.

- Next up, adore delano,
dripping in diamonds.

- Frigging adore.

- Hi.

- For real?

- What?

- You made me so happy tonight.
I could kiss you!

- Oh, my god.
Are we gonna tongue?

- Kids, that was how you do
a banjee girl look.

You k*lled it.

- Phenomenal.
Love the attitude.

I would wear those boots
and nothing else.

- I do. I vacuum in them.

- Honey, I would, too.

- This goofy thing
you have on now is just perfect.

Your wig and your skirt
are like sisters.

They look
the same shape exactly.

I just loved the whole thing.
It made me really laugh.

- So during the walkthrough,

You had an emotional

And it showed onstage.

- Well, the thing is,

I had an epiphany
when I was taking a bathtub.

I was just like,
"you know what?

Like, no more chiona shit.
You're in season 6."

- Right.

- "It's game time."

f*cking party.
I'm excited.

- All right, up next,
bianca del rio in sapphire.

- That's a good drag name.


- I like your
executive outfit.

I've known that woman.
She's really all business.

But this last one looks, to me,
like a bar mitzvah mother.

I'd just like to take off

At least one of those
ruffled things.

- Last time I was here,
you did a similar silhouette

To the dress that
you're wearing now.

I wish I could see
something different.

- Next up,
darienne lake in topaz.

- The banjee girl.

- What?

- Darienne,
that was more rave.

Like, there was
nothing street to me.

Executive realness--
didn't buy that either.

Where? Jiffy lube?

Now, this look--that topaz color
looks beautiful on you.

What's bothering me
is that it's droopy.

- Those jewels are heavy.

- And your fabric
is stretching.

- That's what it is.

- I was going for that sort of
sl*ve princess leia thing,

But I ended up looking more like
if her and jabba had a baby.

- It's unfortunate,
because the concept is there,

But it was just not a very
successful set of looks

That we saw from you tonight.

- Next up,
courtney act in rubies.

- Your banjee girl--
to me, not banjee.

What we got was, like,

"Rocker chick wearing my
boyfriend's flannel shirt."

- I had gold bamboo
hoop earrings, michelle.

- Girl, bamboo earrings
does not a banjee girl make,

And if you're gonna shimmy
and show us your cakes,

You have to have cakes.

- There was pads in there.

- Girl, it was so small.
You need to pad more.

- Ok.

- Go rob a couch.

- This is my favorite
of the eleganza looks.

It's one of those
effortlessly chic gowns

That you would see
on the runway

Of a lot of different

- Ladies, I hate to tarnish
this shining moment,

But I must ask,

Which one of you
should go home tonight?

- Oh, god.

- And why?

Coming up...

- She frequently assumes
she is doing better

Than people from an outside
perspective might see.

- Whatever, queen.

[Engine revs]

- [Rupaul laughing]

- Ladies, I must ask...

Which one of you should
go home tonight, and why?

Let's start with dela.

- I think darienne.

Everyone else who's here

Has really shown an ability
to hear critique and adjust,

And some folks, like bianca,
just sail through,

But darienne--

I think she frequently assumes
she is doing better

Than people from an outside
perspective might see.

- All right. Thanks, dela.
Adore delano.

- I feel, based on this
challenge, darienne.

- Bianca del rio.

- If it's about this
particular challenge,

I would have to say darienne.

And you know I'm not
gonna lie to you.

- I know.

- Which is why
I'm called a bitch,

And apparently
I'm sailing now.

- Is that a bad thing?

- Whatever, queen.

- Why is that an insult?

- I should pick your ass
just for being a c**t.

- That was, like,
you're good at stuff.

- Yeah. No, that was
very condescending.

- Darienne lake,
same question.

- I think, "darienne,

"You should really go home
for what you have done today.

Think about what you did,
and realize the criticisms."

Who I think should go home?

Whoever does not lip-sync
for their life.

- Ok, courtney act.

- Coming into
this competition,

I earmarked adore
as being top 3.

And over
the last few weeks,

She's kind of tripped
and stumbled,

So I think that she
would be the next to go,

But I guess, based on
tonight's comments,

I'm gonna say darienne.

- So your answer is
adore and darienne?

- [Laughter]

- Thank you, ladies.

While you unwind in
the "untucked" lounge,

The judges and I
will deliberate.

Just between us rhinestoners,
what do you think?

Let's start with bendelacreme.

- Well, you know, with bendela,

My issue is,
she's not memorable.

I totally did not even realize
she was in the opening act,

And I think how she
makes stuff looks cheap.

- I agree. Most of what she wore
was not very successful.

I liked the rose
quartz the best,

And I didn't
even like it.

It's like an old
betty grable outfit.

- I actually thought
it was cute--

Kind of pony,
showgirl look for bendela,

But something we have seen
many times before.

At this stage in the game,

I don't know if we're ever gonna
get anything different

Than what we've gotten
from bendela.

- All right, let's
move on down to adore.

- I loved adore.

Anyone could wear an outfit.

Not everybody could carry it,

And I think adore,
no matter what look she did,

She embodied that personality.

- I agree.

I mean, it's not so much
that her looks

Were so much better
than everyone else's,

But she sold them to us.

- Yeah. It wasn't just
a girl in an outfit.

I was amused
all night by her.

- With that said,

I'm not sure I would
have noticed adore

In the opening number if she
hadn't tripped every time.

- Moving on, bianca del rio.

Bob, I'm surprised you didn't
like her sapphire dress more.

- No, I didn't.

It wasn't new or interesting
or old-time glamour, even.

I just didn't get it.

- But the things
she did this week,

None of them
were so off the mark,

And her execution is
on point to her vision.

- Let's move on down
to darienne lake.

- She did a great
marilyn monroe,

And then we didn't
slowly descend.

We crash-landed.

- I have no idea what she
was thinking for, really,

Any of the looks.

The banjee look
is so unflattering.

- And then the shoes were just
the frigging cherry on top.

- Where did you buy them--
the michelin man shoes?

- Throw them away.

- But she's got
a great attitude.

She knew that
she had missed the mark,

And I'd rather that than
somebody go like, "no,

Everything I did was great,
and I'm perfect."

- All right, let's move on
to courtney act.

- I'm getting, dare I say,
bored with this pretty thing.

Like, the red outfit was
a pretty piece of fabric

With a pretty bra.

It's coasting now.

- She does rely on that,
but that's who she is.

She is beautiful.

- $100,000.
Give me something.

- You know, as simple as
her eleganza look looks,

It took time in finessing,
and it wasn't just...

- I'm surprised
you're saying that,

Because you're the one
who's like,

"It's unfinished, you know.
You don't have a hem."

- Yeah, but she...

- He wants to say--
whatever I say, the opposite.

- No, I don't.
I don't care what you say.

I'm just saying--
I say whatever,

But I really feel
it's really funny

How you really
dislike that look.

- I don't dislike it.
I just think it's basic.

- Silence!
I've made my decision.

Bring me my jewels.

[Engine revs]

- [Rupaul laughing]

- Welcome back, ladies.

I've made some decisions.

Bianca del rio,
you're safe.

Adore delano, tonight
you had an epiphany,

And we had a ball.


You're the winner of
this week's challenge.

- Oh, my god.

- You've won
a dragtastic costume

From kicka custom designs.

- I just won
a sewing challenge.

I'm really, really
proud of myself.

- Darienne lake.

As marilyn,
you boop-oop-a-dooped,

But on the runway,
your eleganza just drooped.

I'm sorry, my dear,
but you are up for elimination.

Bendelacreme, your classic
dela silhouettes

Didn't keep
the glitter ball rolling.

Courtney act,
your beauty is flawless,

But your outfits
lacked clarity.

Courtney act,
you're safe.

You may join
the other girls.

I'm sorry, my dear,

But you are up
for elimination.

- I have been in this
exact position before,

Lip-syncing against
darienne lake,

But we're not gonna get
saved a second time.

Somebody is
going home tonight.

- Two queens stand before me.

Ladies, this is your
last chance to impress me

And save yourselves
from elimination.

The time has come for you
to lip-sync for your life.

Good luck,
and don't f*ck it up.

[Music playing]

- ♪ You know the bed
feels warmer ♪

♪ Sleeping here alone ♪

♪ Sleeping here alone ♪

♪ You know I dream
in color ♪

♪ And do the things I want ♪

♪ You think you got
the best of me ♪

♪ Think you've had
the last laugh ♪

♪ Bet you think... ♪

- I really, really want
to be in the top 4.

I've earned this,
and I don't want to go home.

- ♪ Think that
I'll come running back ♪

♪ Baby, you don't know me
'cause you're dead wrong ♪

♪ What doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger ♪

♪ Stand a little taller ♪

♪ Doesn't mean I'm lonely
when I'm alone ♪

♪ What doesn't k*ll you
makes you... ♪

- This song is
speaking to me right now.

Wounded or not,
I'm gonna come back swinging,

And that's what I'm doing.

- ♪ What doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger ♪

♪ Stand a little taller ♪

♪ Doesn't mean I'm lonely
when I'm alone ♪

♪ You heard that I was
starting over with someone new ♪

♪ They told you I was
moving on over you ♪

♪ You didn't think
that I'd come back ♪

♪ I'd come back swinging ♪

♪ You tried to break me
but you see ♪

♪ What doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger ♪

♪ Stand a little taller ♪

♪ Doesn't mean I'm lonely
when I'm alone ♪

♪ When I'm alone ♪

- Whoo!

- Wow.

I've made my decision.

Darienne lake...

Shante, you stay.

You may join
the other girls.


Girl, I love you, and I expect
great things from you,

Because the cream
always rises to the top.

Now, sashay away.

- [Applause]

- I'm disappointed
to be going home

Sooner than
I would have liked to,

But I feel proud of myself,

And I've learned
a lot being here.

Ru, you taught me what
drag was. Thank you.

Thank you for seeing
something in me.

This has been a pretty
incredible experience.

- My final 4 queens,

One challenge stands
between you and victory.

Remember, if you
can't love yourself,

How in the hell
you gonna love somebody else?

Can I get an amen in here?

- Amen!

- All right.
Now let the music play.

[Music playing]

- ♪ I wanna dance, dance ♪

♪ I wanna dance, dance ♪

♪ I wanna dance, dance,
dance with you ♪
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