08x04 - New Wave Queens

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "RuPaul's Drag Race". Aired: February 2, 2009 – present.*
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RuPaul plays the role of host, mentor, and head judge for this series, as contestants are given different challenges each week.
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08x04 - New Wave Queens

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on
"RuPaul's Drag Race"...

Oh, hi there.

Double elimination

left a void that
I've decided to fill with...

b*tches, I'm back!

Naysha Lopez.

For this week's maxi challenge,

you'll be acting
in "RuCo's Empire."

Cue the drama!

both: Action.



I'm a strong
gay woman!


Please, sir, empty your--

Please, ma'am, will you empty
your pocketbook?



I feel like you're coming out
and these clothes

are wearing you.

I'd love to see you show me
that you do have soul.

Bob The Drag Queen,

you're the winner
of this week's challenge.

Oh, yes, she did.

Shantay, you stay.

Cynthia Lee Fontaine,
sashay away.

Adios, Cucu!

# #



Cynthia just got eliminated.

My continental Puerto
Rican sister's gone.

I'm really sad.

"Don't give up.
Love you."

Isn't the sweetest?

I can't wait to see her again.

You want her to come
back then?

let's not get crazy.

Okay, she funny.

Cynthia is so loveable,
but girl,

that may have been
the worst outfit

in "Drag Race" history.

Alyssa, you're safe.

And those
jogging shorts she had on?

Red stockings?

Going out looking like
Sofia Vergara's

less fortunate cousin,

the one she don't
send money to.

I think it was legendary

that you freaking did
a lip-synch

for your life with skates.

Bitch, you k*lled that

Actually, I'm feeling shaken
in this competition right now,

and the thing
that I know I can do--

I fail at?

I'm feeling
really disappointed in myself.

I think I got good critiques,

like, we're seeing
something different,

but then I got told
from Michelle

that I don't
really have a soul.

Michelle said
you don't have soul.

She didn't say
you don't have a soul.

Then I'll
just start twerking.

Come on,
barry bootie challenge.

Is that my soul?
Come on, barry bootie.

They don't want you to be--

she ain't getting it.

Betty has soul.

This is Betty's character
that she created.

What you don't realize is
Betty doesn't have a character.

This is just Betty.

Yeah, you really
need to find, like, who you are.

That's not Britney Spears.

I still don't get a sense
of who Derrick Barry is

as a drag queen,

aside from the fact that
he does Britney impersonation.

He needs to find ways to

take his drag much further.

That could be a big problem
for Derrick as we move forward,

and we're moving forward,

The train's pulling out
of the station.

Oops, I did it again.

All aboard
for a brand-new episode

of "RuPaul's Drag Race:

Are you ready to rock out?

With my cock out?

Tonight my girls form bands.

It's gonna get punky
yet funky.

Yes, god!

Chris Stein and Debbie Harry.


# May the best woman

# Best woman win

Hey, everyone.

Walk into the room
purse first.

Purse first. Purse first.
Purse first.

Ah, walk into
the room purse first. Clack!

She is determined
to make that happen.

Commit, baby.

She done
already done had herses.

Hey, rock lobsters.

One way or another,
you've got to rock the Casbah,

and when the tide is high,

I know what boys like.

Boys like me.


Hello, hello, hello.

Now long before I became
supermodel of the world,

I was in a punk rock band
called Wee Wee Pole.

Honey, you can't make
this stuff up.

I was inspired by bands
like the B-52s...

Wendy O. Williams...

And my all-time favorite...


Now for this week's
Maxi Challenge,

you're going to form
your own new wave band.



Okay, she is giving me

Working in teams of three,
you'll be writing lyrics

to original retro tracks.

You need to create
a unique style

using clothes, shoes,
and accessories

provided by
Out of the Closet thrift stores.

And tomorrow, in front
of an audience of groupies,

you'll be performing live.

Yes, live,
as in living!

You all
form your own bands.


I love these b*tches.

This is our team.
Team Best Friend Race.

You want to do New York?


Team New York.

Aka the Big Adam's Apple.

The third team
just seems like

just formed together.

Now there are three
different tracks:

punk, synth, and party.


You guys
figure out who gets what.

And on the runway,
the category is neon realness.

start your engines,

and may the best woman rock!

All right,
let's make a case.

We want punk.

Kim, Robbie,
and I choose punk

because we don't want
to give the judges

they've seen before.

We want to
really rough it up.

We want party.
And we also want party.

We also want party.

Okay, let's everyone
in their group

individually say what you want.

I definitely,
definitely want party.


Party. And what do you guys
want in your group.

I want party.


'Cause it has soul,
it has rhythm.

See, and I felt like
that about this.

Now I will say this group
is unanimous on party,

and you guys
are not unanimous on party.


Come on, head game.

There's, like,
this turmoil between

Chi Chi and his group,

so we kind of, like,
pit them against each other.

I just don't
want you guys to fight.

I don't want
Chi Chi to be upset.

I genuinely don't think
that your group

will be as strong
with this

'cause you were like,
"I want synth."

You got to turn 'em
against themselves.

Just get some water.

Scheme queen,

We're gonna go with synth,
and you guys go with party.

All right.
Thank you so much.

Derrick and I,
being team players,

decide we're
gonna go with synth.

Let's make it work.

Girl, we are art.

That's fine.
You can be art.

Art, art, art,
art, art.

Art, art,


Okay, see now they just
showing off.

Mm, mm, mm.

I hope
that's not their song.

If that's their song,
that sucks.

I got an idea.
What we do is...

we incorporate shapes.

I'm circle, you're triangle,

and you're square.
That's cool.

I'm an hourglass.

Oh, ow.

I think our costumes
should be that shape,

you know what I mean?

Like, cardboard cut-out
geometric shapes.

Yeah, no.

We should just be,
like, this is our head,

this is our hands.

I'm not surprised Chi Chi
came up with this concept.

This is, like,
a girl that shops at Michael's

for every outfit
that she owns.

Just thought
we'd come on stage dressed like

a square, a circle,
and a triangle.

To me, that would be
more visually appealing.


Naysha's already gone
home once.

Derrick just got clocked
by the judges,

and I sure in hell

don't want Michelle
calling me basic again.

We all need
to step our game up.

I don't want
to help you guys,

but the genre in which you guys
are doing of synth

was all about
geometrical shapes, oddness.

Klaus Nomi was, like--he was
a walking triangle.

But, I mean,
we can be fashionistas.

That's fine.

If you could show me something
that's not a cardboard box

on my body then
I want to see it.

I'm with Chi Chi.

Acid Betty, seriously?

Shut the f*ck up.

And you're the oldest one

in the bunch,
you should know better.

Thanks, Betty.

Coming up...

Thorgy, is that not funny?

Thorgy is driving me crazy.

Do you not see yourself
all over the song?

New York is in a bumpy state
of mind right after this.

Welcome back.
Who's ready to get punked?

We have to make it funny.

Right, absolutely.

This week's Maxi Challenge
is to form new wave bands.

We have to write lyrics
and perform our track live.

What if we just
wrote something, like,

just completely,
like off the cuff.

Like, I don't know,
chicken wings.

Uh-huh, tell it, girl.

It could be our thing.
That could be cute.

The other team,
like, I don't--

Kim Chi and Robbie
as punk?

When I look at Kim Chi,
Robbie, and Naomi,

I sure as hell
don't see no punk.

And then chicken wing.

Maybe our song is, like,
something hot and spicy.

Louisiana's finest.


You're a punk group,
and you're gonna scream

about chicken wings
and dipping sauces?

Let's go chicken wings.

Nothing about this
is finger-licking good.

That group is gonna lose.

Like a Stepford Wife,
your fantasy.

Or why don't you say,
"I'm not a Stepford Wife."

Oh, that's good.

I'm, like,
really excited about this.

Well, Chi Chi
will help us soul this up too.


I feel like Chi Chi doesn't
really want to be in our group.

His energy is really off.

I know
y'all want to work together,

but I have, like,
no look for neon couture,

so could I, like, go over
and cutout something real quick?

Oh, Lord.

Well, that sucks.

You could be square, now,
just don't be a nun

Chi Chi,
how did that sound?

Chi Chi, were you
listening, or no?

It was good.
Yeah, I think that's cool.

And if he doesn't like it,
he can change it.

it's a group challenge.


because that's what you do
when you're on a team.

Where did Chi Chi go?

Queen gone rogue.


So I'm working
on my runway outfit

because these b*tches
have fabulous costumes,

and I'm gonna walk
out in a neon bathing suit.

So if it seems like
I'm a little worried, I am.

And that's why I'm quiet.

I'm distancing myself
from the girls,

but you know what?

I'ma work this shit out.

I believe her.

All right,
let's keep writing.

How about the first line
is what's that smell?

Hm, love it.

'Cause we're singing about
street meat.

You're right. You're right.
You're right. You're right.

You're right. You're right.
It's quicker.

You like to explain it.

When we go "yes,"
you don't have to convince us.

And we just laugh
because you're--you--

I just--
'Cause we go like this,

"Yeah," and you go,
"It's so much simple, and,

"you know, I thought about it,
and you go like this.

"And there's a four-count,

and a four-count are so much
better than a three-count."

Yeah. You're not
the most time-efficient.

I'm very detail-oriented
and neurotic.

My process is,
like, I sit there and examine

every little tiny thing,

tear it all apart,
and put it back together.

This is where the big
black beans could come in.

You see what I mean?

Thorgy, is that not funny?
Come on, that is--

Uh, no,
I don't think it's funny.


What sets me off
is this sound...


Oh, my God.

She's putting the "ugh"
in Thorgy.

I have an ear for music,
rhythm, and, like, beats.

I'm a professionally trained
violinist, violist,

and cellist, so, like,
I have a very critical ear.

Don't argue with me.

I just wish you would trust me
when I say, like, a suggestion.

We do.
We do trust you.

Do you not see yourself
all over the song?

All right,
now I know

that I can't even
speak without being att*cked.

She's feeling
very att*cked.

Thorgy is driving me crazy.

She's not contributing
as much as she's negating.

I'm actually
holding back, like, 94%

of, like, what
I actually want to say.

Thorgy, I really
love this drape-y fabric on you.

Thank you so much.

Oh, and then the other group's
trying to sneak in

and break down our defenses.

Is it an actual cardigan?
Just a simple scarf.

Thorgy, you are
so easily distracted.

Oh, my God.

And they're looking for
the easiest chink in our armor,

and it's Thorgy.



They keep changing my lyrics.

My lyrics are so good,
and they're like,

"Let's change it to this,"
which is, like, idiotic--

stop talking to them!


I'm just over it.
Whose team are you on?

Like, are you working
with the chicken wings

or whatever their f*cking
names are?

You guys are so fun.

Like, that's hilarious.

Team New York is in
a small, little boat,

and it's got a hole,
and it's sinking.

I really think you're trying
to, like,

destroy the process almost.
I'm really not.

Now you're being
dramatic, Bob.

Yes! Thank you!
He's being so dramatic!



Those b*tches
are going down.

Coming up...

Right now it's just
reading as, like, cheesy.

I just don't know
what you're saying.

You don't understand
what I'm saying?


I think I may have just,
like, cost us this challenge.

We'll be right back.

Welcome back, Pop-Tarts.

It's time to get cookin'
in the studio.

Hi, ladies.

Ru hooked us up
with a Lucian rehearsal

for this challenge,
and my team is up first.

Let's go ahead and see
what you've put together so far.

There's a lot of pressure
on me for this challenge

because the judges weren't crazy
about my performance last week,

and I feel like this character
is gonna show them

that I do have soul.

Here we go.
Cue music.

We are the girls
of geometry

I'm not a Stepford Wife,
I'm your fantasy



Just stop.

That--that's good.

It might be fun for you guys

to maybe talk-sing some of it

because you're not, like,
incredible vocalists.

Um, okay, let's try that.
Cue track.

We are the girls
of geometry

Shapes and sizes
is what we bring

Stop for a second.

You're still singing.

And we were just talking about

talking instead.
Okay. Talk.


We are the girls
of ge-om-et-ry

Yeah, more like a rap.

Y'all wanted some soul.

Don't get mad at her now.

I want to be
a pop star of drag,

and I feel like now that
I'm given the singing challenge,

this is my time
to put everything out there.

Really want me,
it's so plain to see

Rectangle girls
of the world.

You're getting what I'm saying.

Kind of catching on.
That's awesome.

It's my advice that you
two listen to Chi Chi.

She really gets what I'm saying
in terms of the arrangement.

I really appreciate that you,

like, already
in one take

did kind of what I was saying,

so...it's really cool.

Mm, they didn't
see that coming.

Hey, bone collectors,

we're Les Chicken Wings,

and we've got a bone
to pick with you.

Think you're hot,
but you're not

Think you're turned,
you're just burnt

Okay, they cute.

The biggest thing

is to figure out
that punk attitude.

So when you perform this,

it's gonna have to be
times ten

of what you're doing right now.

So I want to hear
a little anger.

I'm gonna have
each of you give me,

a loud, primal scream.

Oh, boy.
Naomi, you first.


You're smiling.
You're so happy.

Come on, anger.
Kim Chi?


Somebody just
snatched your wig,

tripped you,

and stole all your heels.

Finally, advice
we can all understand.

Let it out.

So we're trying
to be punk and angst-y,

but it was not working,

and I'm feeling the pressure.

I have been on
the bottom of the game,

so I need this win
more than anybody else

in this competition.

Then you best
snatch it.

Punk it up, lady.

How are you feeling song-wise,
lyrics and everything?

I love it, anyway.

It's good. It's good.
What's wrong?

We love it.

So wait, you're not
all on the same page with it?

We are on the same page.
We are. We are.

We are. We are. We are.
Thorgy just talks like that.

We are, but she's, like...
That's how she talks.

Literally nit-picking.
But we have a final product

that we're all happy with.
We're good.

Churl, I'm just over it.

I can't argue
with Thorgy anymore.

I think we got
a dream team here.

Here we go.

Cue track.

What's that smell?

We got
something to sell

It's called street meat

You can shop around
the prices can't be beat


The only thing I would say

is that it was very character-y

and almost theatrical

instead of cool,
'80s, new wave vibe.

All right. Cue music.
It's called street meat


No need to yell

All right, all right.
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.

So this is what
I'm talking about.

You're saying it exactly the way
you'd say it in a musical.

What's that smell?

That sort of doesn't have
the cool, B-52s' vibe.

Right now
it's just reading as,

like, cheesy,
and you're just like, "Ehh."

I think the B-52s
are kind of cheesy.

The B-52s are just
one example of a party band.

I'm just trying to direct
you to be more cool

because that's
what this era was about.

That's how
they sound to me.

What do you mean by
"more cool"?

I don't get that feel
from our track.

Am I alone in this?
Really? No one?

Girl, you got to listen.

Open the ears,
close the mouth.

He's telling us to lay back,
stop be so,

"Hey, girl,
yeah, whoo, yeah!"

I just don't know what
you're saying, Lucian, baby.

Ooh, she feeling
some kind of way.

You don't understand
what I'm saying?


It's just about creating
your own style.

even someone like Lorde.

I hate her.

I can't with her.
Okay. Well--

I'm just telling you,
she has her style.

When you think of Lorde,
I think of, like,

apathetic teenager.


I'm just trying to help you.
I guess so I'll be Lorde.

It's very surprising

that any queen
would come for me

because I'm gonna
be judging these b*tches.

What he said.

I'm not saying
to be Lorde.

I'm not saying
to be the B-52s,

but it can be
some other sort of melody

that is your thing.
It's like,

"You're not the B-52s,
but how would B-52s say it?"

Is what it sounds
like to me.

Oh, my God.

You are embarrassing us
in front of a judge.

If we're in the bottom,
Bob is going home, not me.

I know I shouldn't
be arguing with Lucian.

I know I shouldn't be,
but I'm already in argument-mode

because Thorgy has got me
at the very edge of the cliff.

Lucian's just
an innocent bystander.

I think I may have just,
like, cost us this challenge.

Drag is not
a cheap profession.

It's really not.

I know. You got to do
what you got to do to live.

Do you have enough
to, like, live off of?

We were always
fortunate kids,

but we didn't have
a lot of money growing up.

So when I got
out of high school,

I started getting
all these loans

and just started

trying to find money.

And now I'm going
through a bankruptcy.

The struggle is real.

How much is your debt?

It's, like,
in the tens of thousands.

I work two jobs washing cars

and checking
out people's groceries.

Being broke is
a hurting feeling.

People say they don't have
a dime to their name,

but when you literally
don't have a dime,

you taking all your
shitty shit to the Coinstar

to, like--
just to get $5.00,

like, I don't think
these girls understand that.

Not having the money
to buy fabric

and all that kind of stuff,
I just use what I got,

and that's where I find
myself saying, "Oh, I'm here

for the $100,000,"
you know what I mean?


When I want to be here
for the experience,

but in the back of my mind,

I just feel like
I need money,

and it's not all
about money all the time.

That's exactly why the stakes

in this competition
is so high to me.

It's not an option
for me to fail.

Chi Chi does a lot
with very little.

I'm gonna put my hair up
and do my makeup,

like, immediately.
Yeah, I am too.

I'm always,
like, the last person

running around
with my head cut off.

And yet you still win.

Every time.
I've never won.

Frida Kahlo
got a special mention.

Yeah, a special mention...
That was winning.

That I was good
at the dance challenge

but didn't win,
but I was top,

and then we did
the acting challenge,

and I was, like--they were like,
"You were really good,


I feel like
I'm the Susan Lucci.

Come on. Susan?

I'm the Susan Lucci
of the season.

I nailed the "Empire"
acting Challenge,

and I was safe.

Bob wore literally
a $20 Halloween costume

that was falling apart,
and she won.

And, like, Bob is funny,
but so am I.

I'm just not
as loud and annoying.

Girl, snap, hello.

You floored us.
We couldn't stop watching you.

Bob, you win."

It seems
like Bob and Thorgy

are in a competition
of their own,

and somebody's feelings

are inevitably
going to get hurt.

Welcome to "RuPaul's
Best Frenemies Race"?

We are street meats

This is epic.

Welcome back
to Doll-a-palooza.

Show me your wristbands.

This moment gags me
every time,

because we never know
what she's gonna give us.

Cover Girl,
put the bass in your walk

Head to toe,
let your whole body talk

And, what?

Welcome to the main stage
of "RuPaul's Drag Race."

Michelle Visage,
are you ready to get punked?

I am indeed.

And Lucian Piane,
did my girls rock your world?

They did, Ru.

And the co-founder
of Blondie, Chris Stein.

I hear you're a fan
of the show.

I watch everything

And I must be dreaming.

It's the legendary
Debbie Harry.

So happy to be here.

I'm always touched
by your presence, dear.

Seriously, bow down.

That is my goddess
right there.

Form new wave groups

and perform original songs

in front of a live audience.

start your engines,

and may the best woman win.

Welcome to She-BGB's.

Hitting the stage,
it's Street Meatz.

What's that smell?

We got something to sell

It's called street meat

No need to yell

With your wife
on vacation

No need for a reservation

Hey, you're just in luck

'Cause we'll
quench your thirst

And we'll fill you up

We are street meat

Savory and sweet

Sold on the street

Shop around,
our prices can't be beat

When you leave the club

Or a New York bar

You got an appetite

And you see our rockin' car


Order three or four

Or even more

A line down the block

We're serving big black


Oh, 'cause see now
she just made me hungry.

Savory and sweet

Sold on the street

Shop around,
our prices can't be beat

Ladies and gentlemen,
make some noise

for Dragometry.


I'm ready.

We are the girls Dragometry

All shapes and sizes
are what we bring

Rectangle girls
of the world

Oh, my god.

I'm every girl
in a circle I run

You could be square hun,
but don't be a nun

We just want to celebrate

Rectangle girls
of the world

No matter the size,
no matter the shape

You may be shaped
like a bumblebee

But you're beautiful, girl,
just love your body

Rectangle girls of the world

You want to be seen
like a girl on TV

I'm not a Stepford Wife,
I'm your fantasy

Rectangle girls of the world

We brought it, girl

Yeah, we won't
give you lies

I'm straight to the point
and I'm sharp as a knife

Get out of the box,
don't be so uptight

Rectangle girls of the world

Come through,
cardboard head.

Thank you, thank you.

Be different.
Love yourself.

'Cause if you can't--whoa!

Lick your fingers
and put your hands together

for Les Chicken Wings.

Are you guys ready to rock?

Hey, bone collectors.

We're Les Chicken Wings.

And we got a bone
to pick with you.

That's Honey Dijon.

That's Honey Habanero.
That's Honey Mustard.

I just want you
to be hot and saucy

All you ever gave was
Bitch or bossy!

I can relate.

I'm a drag queen,
you're a piece of trash

I don't need you,
just leave some cash

Now get out before
your face gets a smash


I was ready for some
hot and crispy

All you ever said was
Girl you're lisping!

You can say good-bye,
leave me to cry

Suck my bones dry,
nibble on my thigh

Said you liked the leg

But that's all a lie

I was craving you
to be thick and meaty

In the bedroom you said
You're young and needy

Thought you were it,
but you're just really bad




Buy our vinyl in the back!

Coming up...

This thing is mind-blowing.

What concerns me is
the attitude a little bit.

Be right back.

Welcome back.
Don't blink.

High-speed runway
starting right now.

Category is:
Neon Queen Realness.

Derrick Barry,
heart of glass,

ass of silicone.
She could swim in that.

Naysha Lopez.


Now you know.

Chi Chi DeVayne
from the Bayou Country.

Whip it good.

Kim Chi.
I love cabbage.

Yes. Me too.
Robbie Turner.

I don't know nothing
about birthing no babies.

Naomi Smalls.

Honey, she is serving
Billy Jean Queen.

Acid Betty.

Nosferatu goes to Fiorucci.

Bring back my gills.

Thorgy Thor,
thoroughly modern Thorgy.


Bob The Drag Queen,

not to be confused
with Bob the cable guy.

Bob, how's your head?

No complaints.

Welcome, ladies.
I've made some decisions.

Les Chicken Wings,
the crowd ate you up,

but one of you was
finger-licking great.

Robbie Turnter,

you are the winner
of this week's challenge.


You'll receive a wig wardrobe
from Weaven Steven.

This is, like,
so huge to me

that you're in the room,
Ms. Debbie Harry.

Like, I have a poster
that was above my bed,

and my parents really thought
I was straight for a minute.

You mean I was a beard?

The three
of you may leave the stage.

Thank you,
Marie Aqua Net.

Now it's time for
the judge's critiques.

Come on,
rip 'em to shreds!

Bob The Drag Queen.

Hi, Bob.
Hi, Lucian.

Can I just say
before we get started,

I wasn't the kindest to you,

and that's not me,

and I apologize.
What was going on?

I wasn't really understanding
the references he was giving me.

Then I was like, "Well,
I don't even like that artist."

Who was the artist?
It was Lorde.

Oh, well, you're in luck.
She's our guest judge next week.


I accept your apology,

and, today,
I was impressed,

especially with
the black beans line.

I really highlighted
your character.

Great job.

I think ratchet
drag is your thing,

but I am in love
with the way you look tonight.

Thank you.
It's in the step

in the fashion direction.
Less ratchet, more fashion.

But you have to stay
professional at all times,

no matter
how pissed off you are.


And I'm not
talking about teeth.

Hey there, Thorgy girl.

I'm not crazy
about this look tonight.

This is going on.
This is going on.

This is going on.
This is--

There's just so much
that I'm losing you.

Sometimes a queen
can have on too much.

I ain't wrong.

Next up, Acid Betty.

This thing is mind-blowing.
This is epic.

I mean, did you actually
make that wig yourself?

I made everything you see
but the shoes, yeah.

Wow. Very good.

Style praise
from Debbie Harry?


Than I did Acid Betty.

I didn't get
why everybody else kind of

went crazy new wave,
and you went '50s.

It made me feel
that you weren't in your element

for the first time.
Oh, okay.

I totally felt like I was,

so that's weird
that you felt that way.

Up next,
Hey, Derrick

Your makeup
made me so happy.

I did not see a trace
of she-who-shall-not-be-named.


Tonight on the runway,
do you look pretty?

Yes, but I'm still waiting
for that breakthrough.

I'm hearing
Britney Spears a lot,

but I--when I saw you
with the bangs

I thought you could do Debbie.

Maybe you should audition
for the movie.


Call my agent.

you have a terrific voice.

Thank you.
But you were kind of,

like, disappointing
as a performer.

I don't know what's
happening in your head

because you're not
giving us 100%.


All right,
next up, Naysha Lopez.

Hi, Ru.
Tell me about this outfit.

It feels like it's
painted on you.

It's actually all airbrushed.

And more to the point,
your ass is real?

Yes. It's real.

You got it from your Mama.
And my daddy.

Does your daddy deal
in medical-grade silicone?

This is fun.

I think this is something
different for you.

Now the outfit
in the group,

it was like
part Dolly Parton,

and then the circle
that wasn't really a circle.

In terms of the outfit
in your group,

were you in charge of that?

It was a group challenge,

so we really participated

with everything
when it--you know--

Well, Chi Chi's
shaking her head.

You're saying it was not
a group effort?

No, the thing
Thorgy had on her head,

that's what I wanted
to wear as the actual costume.

I see.

I'm not gonna
be in a cardboard box.

Oh, okay.
Absolutely not.

Is this the first
you all are hearing

any dissention from Chi Chi?

She was just disconnected.
I see.

You know, like, it was,
like, "Hey, Chi Chi,

"you want to come over here
really quick?

You know, we're gonna look
at some references,"

and it's like,
"All right. Whatever."

Well, they was--

I was told to
step my drag up,

and that's what
I wanted to do.

So tell me why you're
out here in a bathing suit

with no corset and a belt.

I don't have the expenses
to pay for something like this.

I'm in a bankruptcy.
I just don't have--

Hold on.

You don't need money,

That's never an excuse.

I know you can turn a show.

What concerns me
is the attitude a little bit.

I'm getting the feeling
that you have fought very hard

to be where you are.

I get it,
but we're lifting you up.

Let us.

Preach, Mama. Preach!
I hear you.

I'm sorry, y'all,
that, you know,

I just kind of
halfed it, and--

No, no, it's okay.
It's cool, sister.

I don't want y'all
to feel like that, you know,

I tried to throw y'all
under the bus or anything, but--

What is this bus
everybody keeps talking about?

I think she means
the B-41,

down Flatbush Avenue.

Thank you, ladies.
While you un-tuck backstage,

the judges and I
will deliberate.

Aka let y'all have it,
but nice.

Just between us Sunday girls,

what do you think?

Let's start with
Bob The Drag Queen.

Bob was giving me
a little attitude,

A little?

This is
a high-pressure competition.


And I think personality things
that they may not even

like in themselves
sometimes come out.

And Bob did stand out.

Bob has a lot of charisma

and seems to know who he is.

Thorgy Thor.

She delivered
on this challenge.

There's just something
so quirky about her.

I agree.
I was totally drawn to her.

Michelle, you had an issue
with her outfit.

There was just so much
going on.

Did she paint sideburns on?

Down her cheekbones
and around her jawline,

down her neck,
and down her arms.

I think her challenge
in this competition

is to edit it down.

Acid Betty.

You know, I watch this show
all the time,

and I was kind of waiting
for this "Wow" moment,

and that was Betty's runway.

Lizard queen!

In the performance

just was not cohesive for me,

and because of it,

she was completely swallowed up
by those other two girls.

Derrick Barry.

Most frustrating
thing, for me,

is how temporary Derrick
is in performing.

And she's so not used
to performing something

other than Britney.

But she, you know,
really had an outstanding voice.

But it's hard
to judge her as her,

because Ru,
think about Chad Michaels.


She can do tons
of other drag than Cher.

Derrick has to find a way
to break through that mold.

Let her break the ice.

I kind of lost her
in the performance

to the other two.

Now, she was eliminated,

and we brought Naysha back.

She wants to be here so bad,
I can tell.

She's trying so hard,

but I don't know
if she is giving us enough.

Chi Chi DeVayne.

In the performance,
she was the standout for me.

She does have this mysterious
magnetic quality.

On the runway, however,
there's no excuse

for you to come out here
being that basic.


I watch this show
all the time,

and you cannot wear
the same shoes

for the challenge
and the runway.

Okay, I could not love
Chris Stein more.

That's amazing.

I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Who's gonna
feel the rapture?

Keep watching.

The tide is high.
Who's moving on?

Let's watch.
Welcome back, ladies.

Based on your
new wave performances

and your main stage

I've made some decisions.

Bob The Drag Queen,
you're safe.

Thank you.

Thorgy Thor,
you're safe.

Thank you.

Acid Betty, your runway look
was a bright spot,

but in the challenge,
you were overshadowed.

You're safe.

I'm Jewish, but I'm praying
to all the gods,

so thank you.

Oy gevalt.

you may join the other girls.

Derrick Barry, you didn't quite
ace your Dragometry test.

Naysha Lopez,
in neon, you are radioactive,

but your performance
was not electrifying.

Chi Chi DeVayne,
your runway ouch-fit

didn't dominate.

Derrick Barry...

You're safe.

I am gagging.

Thank you.
You may join the other girls.

Naysha and Chi Chi,
I'm sorry, my dears,

but you are both
up for elimination.

Whoo, child,
I did not see that coming.


What the f*ck?

There's just no way
that I'm gonna go home again.

Two queens
stand before me.

Prior to tonight,
you were asked to prepare

a lip-synch performance
of "Call Me" by Blondie.

this is your last chance

to impress me
and save yourself

from elimination.

The time has come...

for you to lip-sync


The only thing
that keeps going in my mind

is, "Girl, hustle.
Make it work."

I'm gonna lip-sync
for my f*cking life.

Good luck,

and don't f*ck
it up.

Color me your color,

Color me your car

Color me your color,

I know who you are

Come up
off your color chart

I know
where you're coming from

Call me
Call me

Naysha's got moves, but Chi
Chi's got guts.

It is on, babies.

Naysha is flipping
out tricks and flips

that I had
no idea she had.

Chi Chi better beware.

Share the wine

Call me
Call me


Oh, my God.

Chi Chi just went in
for the k*ll...

And when I say k*ll,

I mean there was
blood everywhere.

Oops, man bun.



Call me
Call me

My love

Call me,
call me any anytime

Call me
Call me

On the line

Call me,
call me any

These are two
fierce, hungry queens.

Call me

I've made my decision.

Chi Chi DeVayne,
shantay, you stay.

Thank you so much.

You may join
the other girls.

Naysha Lopez,
your beauty and your bootie

did double-duty
this season.

Now sashay away.

Props to you, Mama.

Werk, Naysha.


I was giving it 110%,

and am I a little upset

that someone
that's giving 50%

and not committed
at all is still here?

Yeah, absolutely.

I want to tell the girls,

"Stop your f*cking

"Get your shit together,

and don't forget,
Ru has me on speed dial."

So you just never know.


And remember,
if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell are you
gonna love somebody else?

Can I get a amen in here?

All right.
Now let the music play.

Thanks for watching my girls
get it on in neon.

Next week, who knows what
they're gonna wear.

Or where they're gonna be.

Ooh, consider my attention
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