05x08 - Under Cover Boss

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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05x08 - Under Cover Boss

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Below Deck"…

-Did you drink much?
-No, I'm actually trying to--

-Cut it back?

Get a little booze in Matt
and you'll see his true colors.

-Oh, God.
-You're a horrible date.

Partying and drinking ruined
my relationship with my ex.

My ex-girlfriend is talking to me again.
I'm gonna get her back, dude.

This is your new boatswain.

I'm gonna completely line up
and take control of it

or be a f-- ing assh*le
to him.

This brake wasn't disengaged.
That's all the metal.

What a f-- ing idiot.

Why don't you get
your shoes off my deck?

It's my deck now,
buddy boy.

Leigh Anne
and Sean Tuohy

had her life turned into a
movie called "The Blind Side."


It's super hard
being away from Melissa.

I'm not really
the most faithful person.

What do you think that Brianna
and Nico are doing right now?

You got a great ass.

Yes, Bruno!

If you want to dress up
in nonuniform things,

then you're gonna be the person
that dresses up

in nonuniform things.

-Oh, my God.


Women dress their dogs up in
these really ridiculous outfits

and the dogs can't
speak up for themselves,

that's what I feel like
right now.

I want you to fill this
with orange juice.

This is the fifth charter.

If you don't have it by now,
there's no hope for you.

[horn blows]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I want you to fill this
with orange juice.

I want you to pull for

clear this sh-- out.

This is the fifth charter.

If you don't have it by now,
there's no hope for you.

Figure it out.
Clean it, pull for breakfast,

make everything

It totally annoys me
when Jen sasses me,

because I just want a thank you
and not attitude.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Do we have oranges?

Now, where are
these f-- ing oranges?

♪ ♪

It's 3:00 in the morning.

I'm exhausted,
and quite frankly,

I look at Kate
differently now,

and I could give two sh-- s less
what the bitch thinks about me.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪


Like this.

looks good.

-Is anyone up yet?

You want to watch
the sunrise?

Yeah, I think so.

[romantic music]

Look at that.

♪ ♪

[camera shutter clicks]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

There's smoked salmon
and lox for their bagels.

And we're doing poached eggs
and scrambled eggs, okay?

I'll let 'em know.

♪ ♪

Good morning.

Could I have two
glasses of orange juice?

-Orange juice, coming right up.
-Thank you.

Damn it, Jen.

She stays up till 3:00 but
doesn't squeeze me orange juice.

What was she doing
till 3:00 in the morning?

-And it's on her list?

In the note she said
she couldn't find any.

There's oranges there.
There's oranges downstairs.

Oh, Jen. Not the sharpest tool
in the shed, huh?


[cell phone buzzes]

Baker, Baker,
meet me on the sundeck.

I'm gonna take it
to the bedroom.

Oh, you're gonna take it
to the bedroom, okay.

Every single sunrise
and sunset is just epic.

-It's gonna be difficult

going back to the real world
where I wake up

and I'm in the city center.

Yeah, see, I cannot--
I can't do city.

I'm real--
I'm so, like, indecisive.

What are your options?

Well, for sure I need to go
home and-- and chill out

with the family for a bit.
That's a definite.

I know I need to
go home eventually,

but being away has been
really healthy for myself.

You know, I don't deal with
stress very well,

and given the circumstances
with my brother passing away,

trying to be, like,
this good brother, good son,

good boyfriend, I'm not sure if
I'm ready to go home

and face all my sh--.

You just gotta have
backups, you know?

Good morning, you.

Good morning, EJ.

How are you
on this lovely day?

-I'm great.

-Good morning.
-Good morning.

Just so you know, it's
gonna be buffet style again.

Deck guys,
please come to the sundeck.

What the heck?


[upbeat music]

Isn't it pretty?
Kate sets a beautiful table.

So really quick

just so everybody's on
the same page here,

we're going straight in
to the dock.

The three important lines are
the bow, the spring,

so he can pivot on that,
and then your stern line.

I think Nico needs to have
this feeling

of feeling in control

by stepping over me
and running the deck meeting.

And, you know, as long as
he is respectful to me,

then, you know, let the little
child play in the playpen.

Rumor has it
today we'll just rinse down

and then have
the day off.


[upbeat music]

Oh, yum.

Put the fruit
towards Katie.


Y'all are
quick studies.

The meat over here.

So-- so primary, I would like
to have this every day

when we're
back at home.


[lively music]

Bruno, get it up.

Okay, Captain,
the anchor is off the bottom.

♪ ♪

Anchor in the pocket, sir.

All right,
let's get outta here.

♪ ♪

How's it going?

Miss Jen forgot to
squeeze oranges again.

-Did you find them?

Where were they?

Well, we have some in there.
We have some downstairs.


I'm a pretty strong
chief stew,

and I've tried
training Jen.

I can lead a horse
to water

but I can't
make it drink,

and I can try
and train her

but I can't
make her think.

Let's get everything
covered up.

Let's do our deck checks,
cover up that bow,

'cause it's gonna
get salty up there.

Baker, Baker, you want to meet
me on the bridge deck, out?

Yes, sir.

I want to
get into the--

the routine of, like, always
rolling it up the same way.

If you roll it--
like, if you roll it,

then when you get it
you can just [whooshes].


EJ is more of the kind of
leader that I prefer.

Like, he's a little more

I'm definitely
warming up to him.

So how are you feeling?

The charter went so well,
I think.

Like, everybody's graduated
to a next level.

From rookie league
to less rookie. [laughs]

Let's get in position.
We're going in.

Okay, Cap,
whenever you're ready.

Who do you think is
the first mate on this boat?


and then EJ and Bruno are
underneath him.

Nico, can you call it when
each one of your lines is on?

Are you serious
right now?

Just f***ing throw your line.
Shut up.

Nice toss.


-Not his first rodeo.
-Not his first rodeo.

Lock it in.

It's money,

What a long night.

Oh, it's time to pack.

Can't make me
get off this boat.

[upbeat music]

So who are we gonna put in
our suitcase and take home?


-If we can put Kate in one…

Okay, we're sizing up to see
which suitcase you can fit in.

-I'll just put sunglasses

and a hat and we'll walk off confidently.

-They won't do the math.

[upbeat music]

Attention all crew,
I need everybody

on the aft deck, ASAP.

♪ ♪

-Bye, Nico.
-Thanks for coming.

Thank you very much.
It was great.

-Thank you.
-Oh, the pleasure was all mine.

Thank you,
Captain Lee.

This happens
in yachting sometimes

where your guests are
so amazing, when they leave,

you're actually sad to see them
go because you're just left

with your unexperienced
assh*le crew members.

Take me with you.

We really enjoyed it.

-Glad you had a great time.

Well, we did.
Y'all were fun.

It was entertaining.
I didn't get seasick.

Whoop! Whoop!

I mean, it was-- it was really
pretty flawless. I mean--

Except for
chocolate ice cream,

vanilla ice cream issue we had
the first night.

Is that chocolate?
Can I get vanilla?

We need two
with vanilla ice cream.

-I don't have any.
-How can you not have

vanilla ice cream?

But we got that straight.
Everything was perfect.

Kudos to you guys.

-Thank you, guys.

-For you, Cap.
-Thank you, sir.

We really appreciate it,

and see you next week.

-Bye, y'all.


Let's go to work.

[upbeat music]

Ooh, she's doing it.

I'm so tired.
I'm [indistinct].

The dark b*llet.


You just woke up.


Jen rolls out of bed
at 11:00,

and I was up
since 5:00 am.

I just set up breakfast, served
the whole thing by myself,

cleared the whole thing
by myself.

Like, good morning.

We only have
to flip the boat now.

-Coming up…
-Do you wanna hang out for a bit?

I know what I'm doing is wrong,
but I don't care.

This is actually
quite nice.

-So, EJ?

What do you think about
swapping rooms with Nico

into chef's room,
you and Matt?

-Okay, cool.
-I feel bad for EJ.

I feel like we're back
in middle school

where Nico's the jock,
EJ's the nerd,

and Nico's icing EJ out.

Maybe you should
act like a leader

instead of
acting like--

I don't know. I don't even
know who you are, man.

Whether Nico likes it
or not,

EJ is a higher rank
and he deserves the bigger bed.

Attention all crew,
I need everybody

in the crew mess, ASAP.


[upbeat music]

How we doing, guys?


-What a great group.

I think this charter
went pretty well.

We're at the point now
where I'm not so concerned

about the major things.

We need to concentrate on
the small things.

I guess we had an issue with
the ice cream.

[music winds down]


The devil is in the details.


So our tip was $21,000
for three days.


-Thank you, sir.

Not too shabby.

Yeah, mon.

that's a lot of pasta.


So the owner's decided
to give you guys a day off

at a resort.

-He's comping it for you.
-Thank you.

Don't get thrown in jail,
because I do not do bail money.

With EJ being on board,

The crew is learning
how to work together,

and it's important for the crew
to have time to relax.

Everybody needs
a day off.

Tomorrow we need to get
our ass busy and flip the boat.

-All right.
-That's a wrap.

Thank you.

[upbeat music]

Baker, make sure
you don't dry.

Heard that.

♪ ♪

[cell phone rings]


I'm-- Melissa, you know
I'm working right now.

Why-- why are you being
this way?

What do you mean?

I'm f-- ing working.

As much as I love Melissa,
it's just being so busy

and stressed out
that I've been,

it's been hard to communicate

and she just doesn't get it.

I've already been through,

a whole charter season before.

You already know
how it goes.

I'll text you.


[cell phone rings]


-Can you hear me.

-How are you?

-How are you?
-I'm good.

So I'll be back
on the 22nd.


Did you possibly
want to get together?



Fair enough.

It sucks.
Rejection sucks.

But I mean,
I broke up with her.

I don't expect her
to come running back.

If you change your mind,
let me know.

Obviously, you know
I want to see you.

Okay. Bye.


[lively music]

Okay, everyone,
things are happening.

All right, all right.

Not for you or me, Baker.

EJ is going to move
into Matt's room.

Nico is gonna move
into Bruno's room.

Bruno is gonna move into

Jen's room.

I think that
if Nico's in with Bri,

he'll get distracted enough
to not care so much about EJ.

I'm just trying to boost
morale around here.

This room change
could breathe fresh life

into what seems to be
a toxic situation.

[upbeat music]

I am going to miss
living here.

Me and Matt are gonna become
Canadian homies.

So how's this gonna work?

Maybe like head to feet,
feet to head.

Okay. All right.

I mean, let's see. I mean,
this whole head to feet thing.

Oh, here we go.

Okay, so I like-- I mean, I like
the inside, so…

Yeah, but I like
the inside.

This is going to get interesting.

♪ ♪

Let's do this, crew!

Oh, I can't wait
to get some sun.

[indistinct] Today.

Let's go to Loterie Farms,

[upbeat music]

Back on the bus.

Come on in, Bruno.

Days off in yachting
are essential.


We all need a little bit
of free time.

Oh, this is wild.

Hi, guys, welcome.
This is Loterie Farm.

I'm gonna be your waiter
for the day.

Follow me to your cabana.
You have the top one, all right?

All right, we like it better
on top, that's for sure.

[upbeat music]

What? What?
Look at this.

-This is the spot.

Livin' large.

Look at that
Jacuzzi, man.

-This is all yours.
-Oh, wow.

Oh, wow!

All right.

[all cheering]

♪ ♪


Cheers to right now.

To right now,

F-- ing right, to right now.
-I wann be f***ed up right now.

-Yeah, mon.
-I'm going for it.

[upbeat music]

Keeping it real!

Oh, heaven.

♪ ♪

I'm kind of tired
of looking at the ocean.

Loterie Farms is perfect.

It's a bunch of trees.
I want to hug them all,

and that's more than I can say
about the rest of the crew.

[upbeat music]

Just enjoying it,
big dog.

What do you got
there, water?

Last night get you,
I need to hydrate

before I start drinking
martinis and sh--.

F***ing help me with this guy,

I'm, like,
in heaven right now.

You'd love this place.

They have
a charcuterie cutter.

So it's like meats,
like prosciutto,

and they roll it
in front of you.

Oh, gol,
we could even do that.

I'm tired of, like,
just alone in the galley.


The other night was,
like, perfect.

I love that,
love that color.

Look at those.

They are amazing!

There was such a beautiful

of, like, ideas.
I miss that.

I haven't had that
in a long time.

Bruno, we're gonna collaborate

on the menus the next
couple charters.

You want a sous-chef,
is that what you're asking?

-All right.

I think we have it now
so in control

with EJ helping me
with everything,

you can have a little
sous-chef after 4:00.

I love that idea.

"Valor's" sous-chef Bruno!

My man.

[imitates expl*si*n]

Come on Eej,
I wanna go wander.

Have you seen
my Havianas?

-[in Spanish] I love you.

Have you seen
my Havianas?


All right, all right,
let's go for a little wander.

Let's rock and roll.

I'm definitely comfortable
around you, you know.

-I enjoy being around you.

It's-- it's nice.

What do we all think
of Bri and Nico?

I think it's gonna be
a lot of fun in their room.

-I think it's adorable.
-I think Baker and EJ…

-Yeah, yeah.
-have been hitting it off.

I'm gonna go check out
the gift shop.

-Come on, let's do it.
-I see so much animal print

which is, like,
my favorite thing.

-They're both holding back.

I think those two
for sure.

[upbeat music]

Oh, Baker, Baker.

I'm not gonna lie,
I feel the most…

friendly with you
for some reason.

I don't know why, but…


There's moments
on the boat

where it's just like
a little awkward, I guess,

or disconnected from the crew,
I feel.

Like, people are just
kind of like--

You did not get a warm
welcoming, that's right,

especially Nico, like, screaming
at you the first night.

I was like,
"EJ, it's not your fault."

I think you handled it
very well.

And we all are past that now,

I feel like,
you know,

he still has some lingering
sh-- going on, though, but--

Yeah, I say just
don't even worry about it.

I'm not.
I'm really not.

Just know that…

I like you.

It's just like,
holy smokes,

there could potentially be
something there.

-Give me a cheers.


-Coming up…
-They haven't done our luggage?

Okay, I feel like
I've been waiting on luggage

for a long time.

Can we get
our luggage maybe?

We need luggage in rooms,
like yesterday.

I am getting the feeling
that I hate these people.

What the f--?

[upbeat music]

-[upbeat music]

Here, rooster, rooster.


Come see me.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Come here, boo.

Jen, what the f--
are you doing?

Don't f-- ing step
another foot.


Don't let him scare you.
He scares me, too.


Come on, dude!

These f-- ing roosters.

I don't like shy men.
I'm leaving.


Wait, where are you going?

-To go pee. You wanna come?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

How's everything
going, huh?

-I figured out something.

My ex-girlfriend is… stress.
I'm over it.

-I'm f***ing over it.

Matt is just
an emotional drinker.

He needed to kind of live
in the moment here, man.

Take a page
from my playbook.

In the future,
if it works, it works.

Why deal with that sh--
back home, man?

Why do you think I'm
hanging out with Bri, man?

-She's a cool chick.
-She's been showing you affection.

Let's just enjoy this day and
not worry about other sh--.


-Don't-- don't f-- ing--
-You should've seen me in the pool.

earlier, I was doing backflips,
all kinds of bullsh**.

-I know. I know.

-I know.
-How do you know?

-Let's have fun.

[upbeat music]




I'm glad that Matt is napping now.

He was dealing
with his ex back home

and, you know, just sh--
that affects his food,

which affects our tips.

We'll just
keep an eye on him.

[upbeat music]

Hey, guys.
I think it's time.

♪ ♪

Well, that was fun.

Welcome to motor yacht

Back to reality.

I'm so tired.

-Right to bed.
-Night, Bruno.



Do you wanna hang out
for a bit?


Let's go lay on the bunny pad
out there. Can you bring that?

-Are you gonna play?
-No, I want you to.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[strums ukulele]

I really should learn, like,
some actual songs one day.

I still like it.


-I can't do it.



Come here.

♪ ♪

Oh, lordy lord.

Yeah, mon.

I think everyone had
a pretty good day today.

Yeah, it was good to,
like, kick back.

So Nico and Bri are kinda
like full-on now, I guess, hey?

Yeah, that's interesting
how that came about.

It happened
all of a sudden.

It was just like, hello, Nico.
Hello, Bri.


-Brico, yes.

You have no idea how good that feels.


[romantic music]

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

Now, we're roommates.

This is actually
quite nice.

Are you
going to sleep?

Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed.


Let's go this way.

[upbeat music]

you're our boss, right?

He can't handle it.

I know what I'm doing right
now is wrong, but I don't care.

I'm right where
I want to be.

♪ ♪

Maybe it'll give him
what he needs

to fricking chill out.


[upbeat music]

♪ ♪


Oh, all right.

Oh, Matthew.


Good morning.

I have never been
that girl.

You know, you know
he has a girlfriend, why try?

Why go for it?

I think you snore equally
as loud as I do.


I'm not the bad guy here.
I'm single.

He makes his own decisions.

He's a big boy.

[upbeat music]

Wanna go to
that wine bar tonight,

have a few vinos?

-Yeah, let's do it.
-Let's do it.

Easy J.

What's going on?


I wanted to ask if you want
to go out to dinner with me.

Oh, sh--. When?

Maybe tonight.

-Okeydoke. Let's do it.
All right.

Word up. Holla.

Usually I'm the one asking
the girl out on the date.

That's a first.

So it's like, whoa.
It's kind of a turn-on.

What are you
dirty dogs doing?

What's up, dude?

Dude, you guys will not
believe what just happened.

[both] What?

Baker just asked me
on a date.


are you serious?

-Yeah, dude.
-No way.


I told you there was
something there.


EJ needs to get laid.
I mean, Baker, she's a freak.

She's gonna
stomp that yard.

Maybe it'll release some--
some stress from EJ.

-Of course I said yes, bro.


Hey, girls, today
I'm gonna time you guys

on doing turndowns,
making-- making the beds.


And the winner,
the fastest stew,

will get two-hour breaks
this charter.

The slower stew will get
one-hour breaks.

Well, Kate, you have
to participate too, though.


Honey, I've been participating
in speed tests for eight years

working on yachts.
It's called experience.

I think that Bri
could win this blindfolded,

but that's not why
we're having it.

At this point, there's really
no way that I've found

that Jen responds to
in doing what I want.

So this is a punishment.

When I no longer have to
explain your job to you,

then you can start
questioning my job,

and I'll explain
my job to you.

Coming up…
Do not make a mockery of me.

I'm going to f-- ing unleash on
you, you stupid f-- ing bitch.

[upbeat music]

-[upbeat music]
-I'm gonna take Matt out for a bit…

-…talk to him,

make sure he's
doing all right.

I'm gonna take him
to the wine bar.

A little bro date.

Okay, speed tests.

If anybody sees Jen,

can you have her
come up to the main salon?

Saved by the radio.

Usually a manager would have
a team-building activity.

This is like
to each their own

and we're gonna throw you
to the wolves

and good luck.

Let's go down
to the beds.

You're gonna put the square
pillows away in the closet.

You're gonna do a turndown
on both sides

and put the cashmere throw
at the end of the bed.

Can I-- can I interject?

Do you remember the thing
I said about questioning?

Okay, I'll just
be a robot

and do as you say and…

Robot or respectful,

you want to call it.

Respect, what do you
know about this?

Lately, I've been
missing it.

If you give Kate respect,
she's cool with you,

and if you don't,
she's just gonna make your life

a living hell.

You know,
just suck it up

and do the work
rather than being obnoxious.

Okay, on your mark.

Get set.

[upbeat swing music]

That was a very good
wrist flick, Bri.

Ooh, we got
a nightstand light on.

That was good.
That was good.

where's the chocolates?

I didn't say anything
about chocolates,

but the light switch is
right there, so if I were you,

-I'd just do it.

Okay, Bri is done
at 1:30.

Jen is still
f-- ing going.

I don't prefer
foul language.

What's the matter?

Well, I'm just stating
my voice.

-Is there a solution…
-I'm a human…

-you'd like?
-and this is civil rights,

-and I don't need to be--
-Civil rights?

I'm not gonna talk back
to you. I'm sorry.

Is this good for you?
Do you like it tucked like this?

Is there anything
I can do for you?

There you go.

-And I'm not gonna readjust.

I'm gonna work longer
than both of you again today.

I would love to.


So, Bri, you'll be having
two-hour breaks this charter.

Jen, you'll be having
one-hour breaks.

Then we can do this again
after this charter and reassess.

You know, it's not easy
being told what do you

'cause you don't know what
you're doing. I get it.

But I think Jen
believes that

she is doing
all of the work herself.

she is very wrong.

Good job, girls.

[lively music]

This fricking boat
is looking good.

♪ ♪

So many Canadian flags,
it blows my mind.

You Canadians
are taking over.

Like talking to EJ,
I say to myself,

"Do I really sound
like that?"


Oh, sh--.


Yeah, can I have
a glass of rosé?

-I'll have a Perrier…

-and then a shot of espresso.


How are things
at home with you?

Yeah, it's-- it's been a--
kind of a clusterf--.

This is around, like,
the three-month anniversary

-of my brother.

So that was kind of hard
to deal with.

In the meantime,
now my girlfriend is like--

just kind of being, like,
really insecure about things.

Like, "Why aren't you
talking to me at all?"

And I'm like, "Listen, I'm
dealing with so much stress."

I get it. Relationships
take a lot of work.

Of course, yeah.

They're not all fun and games
and all f-- ing rosy.

I know.
This is coming up on one year,

so I just need to like,

do I want to stay fully
committed in this relationship

or, like with
Bri and stuff,

like do I just do what
makes me happy in the moment?

-You know? I'm not--
-Your here, now.

-Be happy here now.

I feel completely guilty
even hanging out with Bri.

It's not fair to Melissa
that I'm doing it.

So I have
a difficult decision.

People at home
don't understand…

-No, they don't.
-what we actually do.

It's hard as a chef not to have
your life affect your work.

You know, chefs have
a reputation of drinking.

-They do.
-We do.

We have a reputation
of-- of always drinking.

You know, I do the same thing
almost every single night.

And I met this beautiful girl
who didn't really get it

and I just got frustrated
that she didn't get it.

-And then I got defensive.

It was nasty.
It got-- it got ugly.

And it's time that
has to take a stop…

-for me.

Rejection's not always nice,
it's not always easy.

You know, I try my best.
I apologized the other day.

It's okay.
I'm moving forward now.

Time-- time to f-- ing
grow up, I think.

Take it day by day,
you know what I mean?

I will, hence the Perrier
and the-- and espresso.

-Oh, I know. I know.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

What's wrong?


It's Kate.


It's one thing to, like,
you know, work your way

up the ladder and be
in a position of respect,

but it's another to be disrespectful

and talk to your staff
like peons.

You cut an hour off of my
breaks, every one of my breaks,

the entire charter, away from
taking time from my daughter

because I work the hardest.
F-- you.

Do not make a mockery of me.
I'm f-- ing tired to it,

and I'm going
to f-- ing unleash on you,

you stupid f-- ing bitch.

Like, I've just reached
my threshold.

Oh, I left home,
I left my daughter

to go after my dreams,
but this is a living nightmare.

You have to be focused on
one thing, which is your work.

That's what--
that's what I've been doing.

-So just keep doing it.
-I can't.

I'm working the hardest and
Bri's being rewarded for it.

-It's f-- ed up.
-Don't show those tears to her,

because she's not gonna be
the winner here.

You are the f-- ing
winner here,

'cause in two weeks I'm gonna be
with my kid in my arms again.

And what she has
back home, zero. Nobody.

Like, I can't even talk
to her for the rest of the day.

Like, I'm like--


-Can I scoot in?

Thank you.

Stay, stay, stay.
How are you feeling?

I'm just frustrated.

-I'm not anyone's bitch.

Jen, she can't handle
the truth.

She can't handle
being told how it is,

but, you know,
we can only go so long

being gentle on her.

I could tell you honestly.


You are--
you are late every time.

I do feel like I've been
carrying a little more weight.

Okay, I'm gonna excuse myself
'cause I-- I am venting.

Why can't you just sit?
We're going to--

I'm not getting over
this sh--.

We're going to continue
to work together.

I'm good, sweetheart.
I'm good.

I have nothing against you.
I've had nothing against you.

I bought you
a friendship bracelet.

I don't want to be att*cked.
Leave me alone. F--!

[upbeat music]

-[upbeat music]
-Kate, Kate, Bri.

Come in. Can I chat with you
for a second?

-Copy. Main salon.

♪ ♪

So I just wanted to
discuss things with Jen…

-just to see

if we can come together
and maybe try to make it work.

She's, like,
really upset.

You know, we've been working
with Jen for a few weeks now,

and I think we both know
she has her days.

-Once she gets in a certain…

[dramatic music]

mood, she gets upset.


You know, Jen says
she's all about respect,

but I think it's kind of
a one-way street for her.

She's all about
getting respect,

but she's not very good
at giving it.

Either she can do the work
or not.

If she doesn't want
to do the work,

that means she doesn't want
to work on this boat.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

Baker, Baker,
let's do this.

I'm down with that.

I'm not, like, actively hunting
for a boyfriend,

but if the right guy
comes along,

Lord have mercy.


Missy's getting
all done up tonight.

I'm the f-- ing luckiest guy
on this boat.

In general, I like
having a girlfriend,

but I'll never know
if I'm really into Baker

unless I'm, like, in her.

Sharing is caring, yeah.

In her mind,
like in her head.

♪ ♪

Vamos, vamos.

It's good to go out
with you, Baker.

You, too.

Le Spinnaker.

All right.
Thank you.

What are you drinkin' on tonigh?

-Bordeaux for me.
-Malbec, please.

That's the jam.

Oh, that is the jam.

[cell phone whooshes]

Josh is my older brother,
and we're really close.

I've told him bits and pieces
of what's going on here,

so it's actually really good
that he's coming down

to spend some
quality time with me.


So they're just off
right now for dinner.

What the hell is going on
with those two?

It's a funny match.
She's, like, out there.

He's, like,
reserved in a sense.


So it's kind of like
opposites attract.


It's like some sexual tension
over there.

Wanna bang.

-You [indistinct].

-Do you speak Spanish?
-[both] Poco.

-Yeah, poquito.

My last girlfriend
was Cuban,

so her and her family
like really pushed me

to try to learn,
you know.

EJ's a stud muffin.

He's intelligent,

That was nice and quick.

All right, bon appétit. Want
to do a little halfsies?

-Do you want it on here?
-Just also on here, actually.

Like a little steak juice
up in the club.

-Mmm, we're doing it
big-time, girl.


This is a nice little routine
we got going on here.

I'm like homies with everyone…

But it is nice, you coming
on board. I'm like, all right…

Maybe EJ can be like my, my ally.

-Yeah, absolutely.
-My buddy.

And it--
and it feels like that.


[dramatic music]

[cell phone rings]

Hi. What's wrong?

You look pretty
bummed out, Bells.

I have to take a test tomorrow.

Okay, I'm looking
on your little newsletter.

Yeah, it's just
in the morning.

What is the test on?

I don't know.

Okay, well,
don't stress out about it.

It's supposed
to be fun, okay?


Do I need to send you
something to make you smile?

You want me to draw a picture,
like a really silly picture,

-and send it to you?

Don't worry about it. It's
nothing to be stressed about.


I love you.

I love you, too.


We got a whole morning
to get everything set up.

Lord have mercy.

It's always a weird gray zone
at the end of the day.

Do I hug her?
Do I kiss her?

Do I, you know,
tuck her into bed?

Maybe we can go on
a little double date

with Nico and Bri.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

A true gentleman
knows how to court a lady

and he takes the time
to make the right move.

And she'll know it's coming
and she won't be able to resist.

EJ, I think I'm going
to retire to bed.

See you, Baker.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Wake up, wake up.

[upbeat music]

-How'd your date go last night?

It went great.

♪ ♪

Last night,
details, come on.

There was no kissing
or nothing.

I know this is
what you're waiting for.

-Damn it.

They kissed
last night.

now he's spreading rumors.

Holy sh--.

[upbeat music]

Matt, Kate,
Nico, and EJ,

I need you in the crew mess,

Copy that.

♪ ♪

Numero six.

Robbie Lodes.

He's the primary
charter guest.

He's the CEO
of Metro Tickets.

Recently got engaged
to his fiancée, Sara Hall,

and the two are looking forward
to celebrating their engagement

with some of
their closest friends.

It's like two different species.


She's not bad at all.

What did you say
about her, now?

She-- she's
a kind-looking lady.

Very good.

So I don't see
anything crazy

as far as his cuisines.

it's all doable.

Vanilla ice cream, man.

Saw that, check.
[both laugh]

That's gonna haunt me forever.

Do not drink wine
or champagne.

Do not drink coffee.
Do not drink tea.

But she drinks
extra dirty martinis.

I've seen it all before,
the May-December relationship,

the older man, the younger
fiancée, no wedding date.

I can just tell that these
are not my kind of people.

We go to the itinerary.

Dinner to celebrate
the engagement.

All the water toys.
That's easy.

And a pajama party
with popcorn.

Casual first,
lead up to the grand finale.

Do we have
any questions?

-That's a wrap.

-Good morning.
-Did you learn their names yet?

-I didn't.

-All right.
-Robbie robbed Sara's--

-Robbed Sara's virginity.

Jen, she's either like
really, really high

or really, really low.

She's acting like nothing
happened yesterday,

but I can still feel
the tension.

We gotta learn
what they like.

[somber music]

♪ ♪

[cell phone whooshes]

♪ ♪

It's not healthy
for either one of us

just to constantly butt heads
with each other.

It's just
an emotional burden,

and it's something
I don't want to deal with.

[cell phone whooshes]

Breaking things off
with Melissa

was the hardest thing
for me to do,

but I know it's what
I have to do right now.

-What's up, man?

I just broke up
with my girlfriend

and told her that
I was making out with Bri

-and she deserved to know.

She does deserve to know.

Sucks, but I'm trying
to make myself happy

for once in my life.

There you go.

All crew, I'm gonna need everybody
on the lead deck aft in fifteen.

[lively music]

♪ ♪

This shirt is ridicuous.

-Oh, yay!

I need everybody
on the aft deck now.


I'm pretty sure
I just got sunburned.

Can't have dandruff.
Can't be flaky AF, right?

-All right, showtime.
-Here we go.


-We're here!


Coming up…

Guys, we gotta get
this party started.

More champagne for you.

Yeah, but I'm
not happy with that.

Come on, guys,
no time to waste.

What the f--?

It's gonna be
a long 48 hours.

Cheers to us.

I'm pretty sure
I just got sunburned.

[upbeat music]


We're here! Hello!

-Captain Lee.
-Nice to meet you.

-Robert Lodes.
-Hi. I'm Sara.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Ah, important part.
Hey, nice to meet you.

-Welcome aboard.
-Hi, I'm Brianna.

-How you doing? Matt.
-Welcome aboard.

Hello. How are you?

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet
you guys.

All right. Excellent.
Thank you so much.

Thanks for
the champagne, crew.

-You're welcome.
-We need [indistinct].

-Just keep it coming.
-Maybe put another order in

-before we leave the dock.


-Welcome aboard "Valor."
-Thank you.

We're excited
to have you aboard,

and we've got a great few days
planned out for you.

So Kate's gonna show you
to your quarters

and show you around the boat,
and then we'll just wrap it up

-and get outta here.
-All right.

Right this way, y'all.

Oh, beautiful.

So this is
our main salon.

Might not look this neat
when we're done.


Actually, that blond,
she's damn f-- ing hot.

[Nico] Actually…
[Bruno] That blonde is damn f***ing hot.

F-- ing little belly shirt.
I want to see her in a bikini.

[Bruno] I know, right?

We have a formal
dining table here

and a really nice
wine selection,

which I'm sure you guys
will appreciate.

[both] Yes.

The guys look
weird as f--.

They got a lot of money,
that's why.

This is
your master stateroom.

I love this little room.
Oh, it's so bright.

Well, yeah, f--.

Now, we'll move up
to our sundeck.

This is what
I'm really excited for.

You've got a Jacuzzi, a really
nice bunny pad for laying out,


You've got a workout machine
over here.

Yeah, that's a--
I'm not happy with that.

Burns calories.

It burns maybe
one calorie.

And now, we're gonna go down
to the guest quarters.

Guys, we gotta get
this party started.

-Gotta crank it up a notch.

-Hopefully it's heavy

'cause there's
a lot of money in there.

-Vodka definitely.

-More cham-pag-nee.

We will refill your champagne
if you need it.

Yeah, come on, guys,
no time to waste.

I have nothing against
an older gentleman

wanting to date
a younger lady.

More champagne for you.

-Vodka? Yes.
-Vodka definitely.

I just kind of feel like
if you're gonna do that,

you should probably pick
a quieter one.

So we've got two rooms,

They both have queen beds,

and then here we have a room
with two twin beds.

Love you.

Love you, babe.
Cheers to us.

We're right
next to you.

I don't want y'all to, like,
keep me up all night long.

-Yeah, not too loud.

-We're the naughty yachty crew.

[both] The naughty
yachty crew.

Get everybody
in position.

On standby.

-How about a frozen margarita?
-Frozen margarita?

[both] Yeah.

Are you so ready
to party?

Let's do it.
Hard astern on the double.

Okay, pull, pull, pull,
pull, pull, pull, pull, pull, pull.

Sara, do you want to change?
Do you want to do swimsuits?

Yeah, waiting for them
to get our luggage.

Bill wants
a frozen margarita.

Okay, I'll handle the
drinks, you handle the snacks,

you handle the guests.

Oh, yeah, we have
to go to the top top.

Bring it clear.
You're up.

Stern line's clear, Cap.

-[lively music]
-[indistinct talking]

I'm ready to get in my
swimsuit. I want to do lunch.

Frozen margarita here.

Frozen margarita.

Can you do a frozen
skinny margarita?

-Mm-hmm, we can do that.
-Ooh, I'll try one of those.

Yeah, you want
one of those.

[whimsical music]

Hey, Kate, I need two
skinny frozen margaritas.

Did they get our luggage?

'Cause I'm ready
to get my swimsuit on.

They haven't done our luggage?
I'm honestly pissed about that.

-What the f--?

I hate these margaritas.

They've got way too much
orange juice in there.

♪ ♪

We gotta go get
in our swimsuits.

Is the luggage down?

Okay, I feel like
I've been waiting on luggage

for a long time.

Can we get our luggage
taken down?

-I'll do it right now.
-Thank you.

Baker, you know,
I need you inside right now.

All this luggage
is still sitting here.

The deck team
is a disaster…


We need luggage
in rooms like yesterday.

Bruno, get inside
right now.

We need to put
all the luggage away.

Where is
our miracle boatswain?

Apparently, I need
to tell him what to do.

-Hey, Matt.

It may be
too soon to tell,

but I am getting the feeling
that I hate these people.

I just am getting a bad vibe
from these people.

I want-- I want everybody
get in their swimsuits, hell yeah.

It's gonna be
a long 48 hours.

Oh, my God,
I hate this!

What the f--?

Ooh, I hate this.

Next on "Below Deck"…

See anything down there?

I hate these margaritas.
Gotta go show 'em how to make it.

Where's the staff?
We need a staff.

A bunch of drunk
third graders.


Do we need
to start complaining?

Because this is
taking forever.

These guys want
to go to shore.

-They're not set up yet.

-Grab it, Bruno!

Today was just
a clusterf--.

Pick up
that deck of cards.

Just pick up
that deck of cards.

Yep, mm-hmm, that's my butt.
That's-- nope.

-You are not
allowed to leave.

-Let's just take it off.
-Don't take it off!!! There's no need to.

[indistinct chatter]

He's a really,
really cool guy.

Which ones the boatswain?

You know which one
the boatswain is.

Let's see the bottom
of your feet, homie.

Get the hell out of here.

You're walking on
our f-- ing yacht.

I take offense
to that.

-EJ, why don't you shut up?
-You're talking sh** again?

-Yeah, I am.
-These guys are dicks.

Like brother, like brother.
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