05x10 - King Come-On-I-Wanna-Lay-Ya

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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05x10 - King Come-On-I-Wanna-Lay-Ya

Post by bunniefuu »

-Previously on "Below Deck."
-This is your new boatswain.


Me being the boatswain
and all.

[indistinct] It's where we had

the beach party last time.

I'd like to put it out.

I want to prove
to Captain Lee

that I can be boatswain.

F--! grab it, Bruno.

We're not paying attention
to the details.

Clearly, I failed it.

In yachting, you move
through the dating process

pretty quickly, you know.

The thing that's happening
between Nico and I,

it's fun, but we haven't
talked long-term.

Are you guys
getting along right now?

She sucks at her job,

but she's hilarious.

I'm working the hardest,

and Bri's being
rewarded for it.

Did anyone see
the speaker for this?

Girls, they don't know anything.

This interior team would be fired in a
second on cruise ships.

Thank you.

That is beyond service.

-That makes me feel good.

I think you're very pretty.

Beautiful brown eyes.

-You are not allowed to leave.
-No, don't take it off.

There's titties in my face.

You really like k*lled it.
You did so well.

My brother's here.

It's amazing to have
my older brother come

and kind of reset my brain.

Being in yachting
is just an escape for me.

-Which one's the boatswain?
-You know which one it is.

Let's see the bottom
of your feet, homie.

Get the hell outta here.

You're walking
on our f--ing yacht.

EJ, why don't you chill out.

These guys are dicks.

Like brother, like brother.

-You're talking sh**?
-Yeah, I am.

[distant ship horn]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-You're talking sh--.
-Yeah, I am.

Okay, well, our feet
are f--ing dirty.

I don't want our deck
getting dirty.

Why don't you clean it up then?

Oh, f--ing hell.

I'm just running away
from drama.

Here, to make sure

that you don't need
to clean up my mess.

I'd hate to have you
clean it up.

You obviously hear
my sarcasm, don't you?

One drunk Nico is bad.
Now I got two drunk Nicos.

And, you know, I got to be
the bigger man

and walk away.

Well, my feet are clean.

I'll leave you be.

He's a f--ing prick.

Yeah, it was fantastic.

Thanks for the tour.

-Good seeing you, brother.
-Yeah, man.

My brother's here.
He's having a good time.

And you've just got to be
a little d*ck to him.

-Take care of mom for me.

Right now,
I'm holding back

because EJ is my boss.

But I'm 100% confident
at my job,

and I still think
I should be boatswain.

♪ ♪

Bri, see how much Coke
we have.


I'm at wit's end
with this guy,

and I don't want
to have to deal

with his sh-- anymore.

-[indistinct woman talking]
-Go ahead.

I got to go
flip laundry real quick.


-Ooh, Lord, it's blowing.

There's no way we're gonna
get off the dock today.

-How you doing?

-Pretty good, yourself?
-I'm all right.

A little concerned
about the weather.

Forecast is 25 to 30 knots,
ten foot seas.

The worst thing
that you can have happen

is that you can't
get off the dock.

So, wanted to talk to you.

Doesn't sound good.

You know, I love
working with you.

And, you know, from the start

of me getting here to now

I feel the deck's sorted
a little bit better.

I've definitely helped
in a sense.

I agree with that.

I noticed
a definite improvement.

I'm appreciative
to be here.

But you're cutting
and running.

You know when I joined

I told you my other boat's
in transit right now.

And it's in Fort Laudy.

Boat's arriving tonight obviously.

Oh, it's there.

I hate to leave you
high and dry and go.

What's your anticipated
departure date do you feel?

Definitely get through
this next charter for sure.

With EJ leaving,
there's a void there

that needs to be filled,

and we need experienced help.

I don't know if Nico
is ready to take over the deck.

I'm gonna hate
to see you go.

But you've got to deal with
the cards you've been dealt.

Glad you're understanding
of that, Cap.

All right, buddy, thanks.

♪ ♪

I dreamt about
cleaning my feet this morning.

It's the yachty in me.

I can't get it out of me.

♪ ♪


Matt, Kate, EJ, Nico,

I need you guys
in the crew mess now.

-Break time!

-What's up, guys?


Jason Swing.

Primary. CEO of Swing Media.

in outdoor advertising,

works alongside his wife,

and their good friends
Majd and Edda Elias.

There's good friend
Eden Alpert

owns her own restaurant
in Bel-Air

with her father Herb Alpert.

He was a huge jazz player.

Jason and Mekela
look forward

to spicing things up
with theme parties

and lavish meals.


As far as menu goes,
they're open to anything.

Not picky,
but wants to be impressed.

I'm used to working on boats
that have charters

that last three weeks,
and you get to build

a relationship with them.

By the end of three weeks,

I know exactly
what they love.

But with a three day charter,
I feel like I wake up,

I see new guests
every morning.

Jason will also be celebrating
his 45th birthday on the trip.

Polynesian birthday party.

Water toys
and lunch on a secluded beach.

Yeah, what's the weather
like this trip?

I still don't know yet.

It's just going to depend
on the wind and surge.

We need to have
a definite Plan B in place.

-We know what we got to do.
-All right, thank you.

weather dependent.


-Jen, Kate.
-Go ahead.

Yeah, hi,
what's your location?

-In the cabin.
-Hey, Jen.

So this is all the ironing
that you still haven't done.

And just so you know

if you're sneaking
little breaks here and there,

you think people don't notice,

but the crew notices.

And it makes them resent you.

So I won't tell anyone,

but let's not let it happen again.

Okay. I got it.

This laundry never ends.

The cleaning never ends.
It's a vicious cycle.

When I come back,
I want to see no laundry.


♪ ♪

Nico, Lee, grab the Intrepid.

I want to go check the weather.

[muffled announcement]

The surge is starting
to look a little…



I know, it's like Christmas.
All kinds of seafood.

Look at that sh--
over there.

Oh yeah, it's breaking hard.

I've seen all I need to see.

Jesus Christ.

Crew mess a mess,
and it's all interior.

It's like "Come on, girls,
wake up."

♪ ♪

[engine roaring]

Watch it hit that sea wall.

I don't need this.

Needed the gas.
We're out of here.

Baker, Baker, I need you
and somebody back there

to give us a hand unloading.

We're heading up now.

Okay, that's confirmed.
We are not leaving the dock.

If you want to put it
on the hip, that's fine.

Got a fender already
set up over there.

We're not leaving the dock.
It's brutal out there.

So plans are changing
because of weather.

If we go out, because
of the wind and the waves,

we can't put any of
the toys in the water.

Can't use the tenders

because otherwise it would
be slamming into the side.

Somebody'd get hurt.

So, we won't be leaving

the dock anytime soon.


-Aw f--.
-I need help.

-Oh, f--.

-What's wrong? What happened?

I need help, I need help.

Somebody jump
in the f--ing boat.

-I need Bruno, I need you.
-Oh, f--.

I need to go to the hospital.
I need to go now.

Oh, f--.
I need help. Bruno?

Yeah, what's wrong?
What happened?

Somebody jump in the water.
Get in the f--ing boat.

I need Bruno. I need you.

I need to go
to the hospital.

-Is it broken?

I don't know,
I cut my finger.

-Captain Lee?
-What's the matter?

Nico somehow like
hurt his arm or something.

F--, Cap, I need
to go to the hospital.

I can't move my whole
entire arm, man.


What happened?

I was getting a line,

and I hit my elbow here,

and my whole entire thing--

I mean, I can't move
my fingers right now at all.

Sounds like some nerve damage.

Right when you think
that things

couldn't possibly get
any worse.

We're basically down a man.

We're down a boatswain.

The weather's a sh-- sandwich.

-You got any pain in here?
-Yeah, right in here.

Might've chipped an elbow
or something. F--.

I'm scared that
I'll be in a cast

for five months,

or I have permanent
nerve damage.

Head down and get it
checked out.


Got a little adrenaline flowing.

It was scary, man.

I couldn't tell what happened.

It was like "Is he having
a heart attack?"

F--in', what's going on?

Hey, Captain, what just
happened to Nico?

Something with his arm.

He banged his elbow,

and his whole arm went numb.

I sent him to the hospital
to get it checked out.

-Nico's injured.
-Oh f--.

Oh, man.

So I need you to iron
those shirts very quickly.

We have to set the table
for lunch.

Or at least have it
all pulled

so that while I'm giving
the tour--

-I'll be your sl*ve.
-Iron fast.

So are we not going out
the whole charter?

I don't know.

We're going to be out Nico

for I'm sure a couple hours.

Was it just his arm?
Was it like in his heart?

I don't know, but that boy
does drink

a f--ing sh--ton
of Red Bull.

Okay, you do trash.

I'll get Bruno
to do the windows.

And then birthday party
I can imagine

me and you being
probably leis again.

I think Bruno was
lates this time.

-Oh, lates, okay.
-I don't mind.

I like Baker,
but I'm her boss.

So, how far do I want
to push on this?

If you don't mind being lates,

I don't mind being
late with you.

My move will come.

♪ ♪

Oh, here's Nico.
Nicky, Nicky.

-How you doing buddy? Really?

Scared the hell out of me,
man, for a minute.

I pinched the nerve.

You got the nerve
screwed up, right.

I knew it was the nerve.

No worries,
we got you covered.

Take care of yourself.


-That did not feel good.
-So what's the verdict?

The nerve was pinched,
and it's inflamed.

So they gave me
like some painkillers.

A one-armed deckhand

is about as useful
as a one-legged man

at an ass kicking contest.

After the guests arrive,

just get down there
and get some rest.

It's hard for me
to be the injured one.

It's never happened to me
ever in my whole entire career.

Start your pain med.
Okay, bud.

Do I bow out and sit in
my room for the whole charter?

It's horrible.

-Did you get--
-Pinched a nerve.

Oh, lot of pain?

Lot of pains.

All crew, I need everybody
on the main deck aft in 15.

Easy, easy, easy.

♪ ♪


-Anyone seen our boy?
-All the nerves are messed up.


-They're here.
-Holy smokes.

Is this guy going to be able
to go through

the charter with us?


♪ ♪

And here they come.


-Hi, Jen. Good.

-I'm Charlie.
-Nice to meet you.


-Cheers, guys.

Welcome aboard Valor, guys.

-Thank you.
-Happy to have you here.

As you can see, we have

a bit of a wind issue
right now.

I'm sorry to say
but, due to safety reasons,

we won't be leaving
the dock today.


There's not much
we can do about it.

Nico and I went out
just to check it out,

and you can see
what happened to him.

-That's a direct result.

The fact that we're
staying on the dock

basically means that
the interior

will be doing
all of the work

while the deckhands relax--

That being said,
we do have

a lot of fun things planned.

Kate will take you around

and give you a tour of the boat
and get you situated.

-Perfect, thank you.

-Thanks a lot.

That sucks though.
We have to stay here?

-I know.
-That really sucks.

Do we know yet
about tomorrow?

No, I mean I would
take you out in it,

and you would go
"Why are you doing this to me?"

Okay, yeah, we don't
want that.

Right this way, guys.

Watch your step.

This is our main salon.

This is beautiful.

Not the worst place
to be stuck.

Little party going on.

You guys are going
to have a great time.

-Master suite.


So all of them
look like this, right?

Very similar.

And we'll go out
to our bridge deck aft.

♪ ♪

At least it's sunny.
That's the only good thing.

Matt is going to make
a mahi salad for lunch.

-Around 12:30.

♪ ♪

This kinda sucks.
I'm not gonna lie.

-Not being able to go out.

That's the whole point
of the trip, right?

They're having
a huge complaint right now.

-Party in a whole boat.
-Could've gotten a hotel room.

-Totally, exactly.
-We paid a sh--ton of money.

-That's true.
-They want to see the kitchen.

-Oh my God, you're so--
-This is a small galley.

-And I'm the restaurant owner.
-Right. [laughs]

Lots of silverware.

Let's put them
on the outside of the placemat

because the plates
are so large.

♪ ♪


[ice crunching]

♪ ♪

♪ For the man that doesn't
eat any fish ♪

-Are we allowed to come out?
-Sliding doors.

-I know, that's fine.

-I'm such an idiot.
-No, no worries.

Every guest does that
the first time.

-Aw, thanks
for telling me that.

-You're so sweet.
-No worries.

-So where are you from?
-I'm from Portugal.

Well, nice to meet you.
Glad you're here.

-You have beautiful eyes.
-You have beautiful eyes.

-No, you have beautiful eyes.

Anything you need
just let me know.

Okay, oh I will, trust me.

I was just checking on you.
Are you freezing?

It's kind of cold in here.

I'll be back soon.

-Okay, heads up.
-What's up?

So this is going
to be a real challenge for us

and for them.
They're complaining a lot already.

-So anything--
-About what?

Just about the fact
we are stuck here.

-All right.

So anything you guys need,

just really like, you know,
communicate everything.

-Okay. Thank you.
-You're welcome.

I think Bruno is just
a little bit confused,

but if you want to be a steward

why don't you go clean some
toilets, and then we can talk.


So, Matt, what kind

of salad are you making?

This is a really nice mahi.

It has Caribbean spice on it,

asparagus, cucumber

with red wine vinegar
and shallots.

-So hungry.
-Sit across from each other?

-Matt, the guests are at the table.
-Copy that.

Thank you. Waiting now.

Not leaving the dock

puts a massive amount of
pressure on the crew.

We have to do drinks,

food, and some sort of parties

to make them forget
about being on the dock.

This is a Caribbean
jerked mahi.

Then you've got asparagus,

Thank you so much.

-Oh wow, this is very good.
-It's good, it's good.

Oh my God,
when's the next meal?

-It's amazing.

With this group,
it's hard to tell

if they're nice or fake nice

because they're
from Los Angeles.

-Afternoon, guys.
-Hi, how are you?

I know all of you guys
are probably ready

to roll around
on some jet skis.

That's definitely safe to do.

We also have hover board.

-It's a lot of fun.

Let's do that.

Also, there's some beaches around,

but it is really swelly.

So, I'll take you guys
in the rib,

which is our smaller,
inflatable boat.

-Sound good?
-Thank you.

We'll make the most of it.

It's not ideal, but whatever.

Any one of the girls
wants to come.

No, I'll be in charge
of that.

-Forget the girls.

I don't want anything
to go wrong,

and I'm not going
to trust the girls.

We f--ing run the boat.

Just feel they don't have any pride
on what they're doing.

I'll show the girls how to do their job.

Do you have Veuve Clicquot rose?

Yes, I do.
There you go.

Do you guys need
a stewardess to go with you?

No, not really.

Maybe Bruno should think
about going into interior.

Coming up…

Not gonna blow 'em away
with my meal.

Why would you do two pieces of fish
in one day? Why?

I'm sure we can
accommodate you.

I'm not even hungry anymore.

You guys excited
to do some water sports?

-We are.


-Thanks, babe.
-All right, guys.

It'll be a little rocky, but it'll smooth
out once we are in the bay.

Not a bad day
in the office again.

Alrighty, guys.

Is there any other bags
over there?


♪ ♪

-Oh, geez.

Let's give it up
for Bruno.

He delivers.

♪ ♪



♪ ♪

I had no idea the guests
would be gone for so long.

Thought they were just
going jet skiing.

Is that why we didn't
pack snacks?

Sun is kind of going down.

I say we pick it up here
in half an hour.

Hey, Matt, do you know
what you're serving

in case they ask me?

I wanted to help like make
her happy the first night.

-She loves salmon for dinner.

So we're all going
to go in the Intrepid.

Our two guys here are gonna
take the jet skis back.

And I'm gonna follow
you guys in the Intrepid

on the tender.

All crew, all crew,
we're about five minutes out.

-Jen, Jen, Kate.
-Go ahead.

You want to wait by the
passerelle for them?


-Welcome home!
-Aw, thank you, Jen.



So I have that suitcase
of costume stuff.

I want to put it somewhere
where everybody can access it.

This is just
what yachting is.

When the guests
want theme parties,

they want the crew involved,

and, if you have to wear
an Afro wig

or a moustache or maracas,

you just do it.

-Costume party.
-Oh my God.

All 80's

-Very "Like a Virgin."

'80s party.

This is like Michael Jackson.

-Like, come on.

Crimpers don't belong
on yachts.


That's awesome that
they had a good day.

Oh, they loved it.

-I overheard EJ asking if they--

You're fine, it's just
the guests are right there.

-I'm not saying anything bad.
-I know, my love.

I was just saying
voices carry.

-Service, it's polite to not scream.
-Honey, I know service.

Okay, well, what do I know?

Bruno is very bitchy.

He was like just talking
really loud.

Guests were right out there,
and I go, "Bruno, it carries."

and he was like
"I know service."

Just let him-- let him shine

and do things that he loves.


♪ ♪


-Is it good?


♪ I can't wait
to put it together ♪

The primary's wife
loves fish.

I'm going to prepare
the best salmon

they've ever had
with a truffle mash

and help them forget
about being at the dock.

Oh my God, George Michael!

You look the same.

-Oh, there he is.

-Pop rocks.
-Pop rocks!

These are really good
for blow jobs.


Everybody ready to go
to the table for dinner?

-A long commute.

Everybody '80s,
I love it.

Shrimp salad with snow peas.

-Sweet chili?

I see food!

Let's pump out
the next course.

We've got a shrimp salad

with snow peas,

with sweet chili sauce.

-Oh, wow.
-So f--ing good.

-Off the chart good.
-It's very good.

-All right.
-That looks really good.

-Thank you.
-What is that?

A dilled crushed potato,

Brussels sprouts,

and seared salmon.

Pardon me.

You are having Dijon salmon.


Why would you do
two pieces of fish in one day?

-Why? Why not just change--
-It's the ocean.

Well, we weren't
in the ocean though.

That's the irony.
We were on land.

I don't want mahi mahi,
shrimp and salmon

all in one day.

No, please don't be sorry

because I'm sure
we can accommodate you.

I'm not even hungry anymore,
so it's okay.

These guests,
they're gonna find

something to complain about
no matter what.

I feel bad for Matt because
I think he did a good job.

Hi! Eden was not
so stoked to have fish twice.


Then they threw into the mix

especially when you're not

out in the middle
of the ocean.

So they're just
tying it all together.

These motherf--ing guests.
We're in the Caribbean.

There's nothing
on the preference sheet

that says you don't want fish.

-It's really good.

The Brussels sprouts
are fantastic.

How is everybody else
doing with the salmon?

They're happy
with themselves,

with life-- not sure,
don't think so.

Take a tiny bite.
I want you to try it.


-How's it going up there?
- It's crazy. It's crazy.

-How are you?
-I'm good.

It's nice sharing
a room with Bri

because she's actually
checking on me

-and taking care of me.
-I wish you were out there.

I mean, after all,
I can't use my right arm.

I'll be back.


All right, here we go.
Game time.

Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Oh yeah!

What? What?


♪ ♪

-Oh my God, so yummy.
-Holy sh--.

-Ready for a party?


-Lemon Drop.

Okay, got it.

Hopefully, you leave the dock
in the next one,

'cause f--in' that
would be lame.

-That was so fun.
-We're ready to turn in.

-Goodnight, girls.
-Peace out, goodnight.


♪ ♪

[canvas flapping]


Hey, bud.

F--ing pills knocked me
on my ass.

How's it going?

Once I go higher than that,
it starts pulling.

Well, nerves regenerate
really, really quick.

Jesus Christ, I think
I'll go smack my elbow

if I get treatment like this.

Here you go.

Let me know
if you need anything.

-Yeah, I'll keep you updated.
-All right, pal, you bet.

♪ ♪

-Oh my God, what is this?

-Morning, everyone.
-Morning. Hi.

Is it really that hard

to take the boat
right to that little island?

I'm getting ready
to take the little boat

and see what the weather
looks like.

-Care to tag along?
-Yes, I will.

I have never spent the whole
entire charter on the dock.

You can rest assured that
it's going to affect the tip.

We ready?

Charter guests always believe
that you're lying to them.

So, I'm gonna take 'em out,

and give 'em the ride
of their life.

♪ ♪


-Oh sh**.
-Jesus Christ!

-Jesus Christ!
-Oh sh--!

-You guys seen enough?

You get out here and you go like
"Man, it looks so nice."

And it looks so calm,

and then you look
behind this,

and these are the small ones.

And it'd just be
a steady diet of this all day.

Well, joke's on us.

There's a small part of me

that is just enjoying
the hell out of this.

That's a good way
to wake up.

[Josh] Chai, latte, iced.

Do have cup-- like a latte
with soy milk?

-Or almond milk.

I had a dream
about Bruno last night.

What happened?

-We got married in Portugal.


They're coming back.
That was fast.

Oh my God,
they're soaked.

Okay, let's do this.

-I'm finishing my drinks.

Then I can help run food.

-What's the story?
-No, no.

-Are you kidding?
-Swells are like nine feet.

Here it looks all pretty.
Out there you're like this.

Like, I felt unsafe.

♪ ♪

I really want
that chai latte.

It's so funny because it's not

like we're at a busy restaurant.

Like "Where's my latte?"

Good morning, how are you?

-Kate will get it.
-Yeah, what can I get for you?

Jen was pouring up
my chai latte.

It's on its way out.
I can see it from here.

Honey child,
you just got to go.

-We got to go with that.
-I'm coming, babe.

Go now, go now.
Go now, bring it.

I had some suggestions
for today.

So there's an area
called Philipsburg.

It's got great shopping.

We have a booking
for you guys, a Sea Trek.

It takes you down
to this manmade reef.

There's tons of fish.
There's sunken--

-Oh, that's cool.
-Yeah, it is cool.

At least you can go experience
some of the island.

Jen, I don't care
what is in the cup.

It's done, calm down.
I had to put soy milk in it.

They f--ing ordered soy milk,

I got to f--ing
put it in there.

Look, you're making me
stressed out.

It's fine, calm down.

Jen making a chai latte
is like Jen doing her hair.

It takes forever,
and it still looks like sh--.

So we have this for you.

-Thank you, baby.
-You're welcome.

♪ ♪

-Jen, so good.

-Here's some bacon.

Matt, Kate, EJ,

come up to the bridge
for a brief minute.

Be out there circulating.

-I've got it.


Whatever we can do

between now and tomorrow at noon

to put this thing
right over the top.

-Luau party tonight.

I want to go above
and beyond with that.

We have hula dancers coming.

Keep thinking of things

that we can do to improve it.

It could mean the difference

between say an average tip

and one that really sucks.

♪ ♪

Can I get a deck crew
to uncover the forward cushions?

All right, let's do it.

I'm pissed off,

I'm grumpy. It sucks.

I have no control
over anything right now.

Now it's EJ's deck.

Copy that.

We're going to take
the Intrepid

over to Philipsburg.

They're going to do
Sea Trek at 1:30.

So while I'm gone

if you guys could just
clear everything.

Stay in laundry.

And if you guys do that
really quickly,

you can kind of chill out
a little bit.

And then when I get back
with the guests

we can discuss
real breaks.

Sound good?
Okay, thank you.

-You're coming with us, right?
-Yes, I am.

-Kate plus eight.
-I'm so excited.

You guys ready?

Jen and Bri, will you also

stock the fridges please
while I'm gone?


-Let's bang this out together.

And then we can
bang the rooms out together?

And then we can just
bang together.


Do the adventure.

We're doing adventure.

Okay, watch your head
for this, guys.

All right, Baker.

In the hizzo!

♪ ♪

My God.

Never have I ever
done a luau.

And at the moment
I just don't feel

-like I'm myself.
-What the f*** is a luau?

Any suggestions for food-wise?
I've never been to Hawaii.

It's been
a really tough season.

I've got my ex back home

not really talking to me.

You get complaining guests
every charter.

And I just feel like

I'm the world's
largest punching bag.

Veggie kabobs
with pineapple chunks on them.

That's a great idea.

♪ ♪

Okay, guys, I think you guys

are probably ready
to start your adventure, right?


-Group photo.
-Hold onto me.

Oh, that was lame.

[underwater noise]

Damn! You're the best.
Thank you so much.

See those masks
fit over the heads.

They're all connected
to this line.

-And you breathe.
-That's cool.

♪ ♪

Ok, that was awesome!

♪ ♪

All crew, lunch is served.

Ooh! Starving Marvin.

Jen, when you're done eating,

can you go down
to the cabin

-downstairs and do the twin beds?

Hey, guys.

-I've got hot dogs on the way.
-Thank you.

So I've got
some crazy news

to let you in on.


Boat arrived in Lauderdale yesterday.

Pretty much
when the charter ends

I'm out of here.


Damn! That's a bummer.

No one else knows.
So don't let anyone else know.

It's just you and me.


♪ ♪

Even I think it's better

if two people are
on service versus one

when you have eight people.

Know what I mean?

Hey, Jen Jen, where are you?

-Have they like done anything?

I felt like-- I sense
like anger, frustration.

-Hey, Jen.

Can we lounge
when we finish?

I'm not lounging,
I'm eating.

Okay, but you're eating
like a long time.

I haven't been eating
for a long time.

-I've been down for maybe 20 minutes.
-You've been talking for a long time.

-And I'm talking about the boat and what--
-Could you eat more than you talk?

Excuse me.

Coming up…

Do you guys have candles,
lights, or anything?

Every single thing is too soon,
it looks bad.

Will you please go tell Captain Lee every-
thing you would have done differently.

-Because he wants to know.
-Oh my God.

-I'm just eating some food.
-You're eating a long time.

Excuse me?

I'm eating food.
I'm gonna finish.

I'm almost done.

So, yeah, so I'm entitled
to eat.

I actually eat food,
not smoothies.

I can take
a 20 minute lunch break.

I'm not lounging.
I'm working my butt off.

So, I'm gonna eat
the rest of my food,

and you're gonna shut up.


Why do you have
so much aggression right now?

-Listen, you came at me.
-I came at you?

I was eating my food,

You're the one
that walked by and att*cked me.

-Okay, sweetheart.

What is her deal

f--ing coming at me like that?

-♪ ♪

It's gonna happen again.

-You want to talk?
-I have nothing to say to you.

-What's up?
-I'm just trying to think.

We have a birthday.
What do you think?

I'll just make and awesome cake for them.

-Yes, and then…
-And then just--

That's it.
Candles, done.

♪ ♪

A bunch of this sugar.

Having Bruno in the galley
takes a lot of pressure off me

because I can give him
the desserts.

That's one thing I do miss
about being in a restaurant.

It's great to have
someone else working with you.

I can just do
what I do best,

which is just take care
of the main courses.

Mmm, the cheese.

I love the cheese.

This is a good one.

Enjoy your last little tender
cruise for a while.

I'm kind of upset
because I want to have

a little more time
with Baker, you know.

Like we've really started to
build this little connection,

and now I got to leave.

Like I feel there's still
some chapters to be written.

Don't worry, guys,
don't worry.

I got it.

Dang it.

Want me to taste it?

♪ ♪

Got to get our stuff
out of here.


-That was great.
-How are you?

I'm good.
Be right back.

Tell me, Matt,
what were they doing?

Because laundry is not done.
Nothing was set.

They got in a bit
of a tiff earlier.

What did they get
in a fight about?

One took lunch for like

longer than the other one.

They both have
six hour lunches apparently

because no work was done.

-I agree.
-I'm pissed.

I want to know
why laundry isn't done.


Laundry's up to speed right now.

No, no, it's not.

Laundry looks like a disaster.

I would like all of
the linens ironed.

I would like it
completely clear, please.

Kate's mad at
the wrong steward here.

Jen is the one that
has been sitting around.

-Just laundry.

I feel like they really
took advantage.

I'm very upset.

[upbeat music]

There we go, nice.
Looking good.

-Come on.

I feel like I've done my job.

The deck crew have graduated
to a higher level,

and the boat will be
a successful charter boat

for the rest of the season.

-[muffled transmission]
-Oh, sh--, yeah.

♪ ♪

-Where is everybody?
-They're all on bridge side.

Gave them a drink,
and I prepared you a luau thing,

and it's got pineapple rice,
ribs, beef.

Okay, okay.


Oh, let's see.

Wow, that's a lot
of olives.

So, he's doing
fall-off-the-bone ribs,

rib eye steak,
pineapple rice,

veggie kabobs.

-Okay, great. Perfect.
-We're set, we're done.


Jen? I heard something
happened with Bri.

I'm sitting down eating,

and she walks through
talking about

"Jen, what are doing?
Why are you eating?

Get up! What-- blah, blah!"

Then she walked back,
and she att*cked me again.

This is like I heard
Matt call lunch

when we were still
in tender leaving,

which is at 12:15.

What happened
the next five hours?

There's two things
I know about Jen.

She loves extra break time,

and she's very competitive with Bri.

Jen is lying to my face.

We have to throw
a birthday luau par--

Yes, yes.

And we will discuss
all of this when we drop off.

We're gonna k*ll it.

Until then, you tell Bri
what you need.

Thank you.
And next time she tells me

to do something that you didn't
tell me to do,

I'm gonna tell her
to f-off.

I don't want to hear it!

I'm gonna go take a shower.

-Dinner's at 8:30?

♪ ♪

What time did you want
to wear

your royal Hawaiian outfit?

I'm not changing.

You are changing
because I got you an outfit.

So we need to move this stuff.

We have all these grass skirts.

Bruno, Bruno, Lee.

Will you get your ass
up here and help Baker

on the bridge deck aft, please?

Should I get dressed,
or should I go?

What should I do?

♪ ♪

What the f--?

I thought this was

going to be really nice
and set up.

Do you guys have candles,
lights, or anything?

Welcome to six stars yacht

where everything looks like
f--ed up.

How can the boat be empty
all f--ing day,

and nothing was done?

The food is great.
Everyone's happy.

I'm not.

I was thinking
it would be nice

to kind of get off the boat
and get a little freedom

if you wanted to maybe stay at
a hotel or something tomorrow.

Oh, after work.

Grab a quick bite
and then get a hotel.

-That sounds so good.

We'll just kind of
let them do their own thing,

and we'll just kind of
go off to the hotel.


♪ ♪

I'm actually really confident
about this food tonight,

which is good.

-My ribs are fall-off-the-bone.

-It's buffet.
-I know.

So tell me what happened
while I was gone.

I just feel like
I had to tell her to get up

and start cleaning.

I had done all the bathrooms
and all the cabins.

I told her to go downstairs
and finish the twin room.

I don't think she ever
came back. [laughs]


♪ ♪


-What a perfect dress.

Bri, I'm going to go
dress the captain,

and I'll let you take a lead
on service-- call me.

Wow, the whole table
is wearing a grass skirt.

Matt, waters are poured
at the table.

Are you ready
for me to take this up?

-I am.
-Where's the buffet gonna be?

Is it gonna be in the back
side bar? Is it gonna be--

We're going to bring out
the buffet

and put it on this little table.

But then we're going to serve
like their first kind of--

first meal.

Just follow me.
I'll show you.


-All right.

You can if you want
to plate it.

Bri has set this up,
so I'm not really sure

what we've got going on.

Jen's behavior
in front of charter guests

is completely unprofessional.

-Gin martini?

-This isn't a martini.

I didn't make the drink.

Jen definitely plays
the victim all the time.

I don't know
what's going on.

So rare and then medium.

Thank you for your support.

Girls, girls,
there's one more platter.

Behind you. Charlie?

♪ ♪


Yeah, Bruno, you need
to get laid.


Charlie seems to have
a crush on me.

It is fun to play along.

Like you're not
going to be rude to them.

-Enjoy your meal.
-Thank you.

-These are so delicious.

These are really good.

So funny.

Like it's nothing
set up outside.

It's f--ing terrible.

How's everybody doing
in the galley?


Bruno, how are you feeling
about this evening?

Excited for the cake.

How are you feeling
about everything?

-The table setting?
-Oh, the buffet outside?

Yeah, everything.

The buffet outside,
I think it's basically terrible.

It's nothing set up outside.

Will you please
go tell Captain Lee

everything that you
would've done differently

because he wants to know.

Oh my God.

Bruno, how are you feeling
about this evening?

The buffet outside,

I think it's terrible.

Nothing's set up outside.

Please go tell Captain Lee

everything that you
would have done differently.


♪ ♪


Wow, I'm impressed.


Holy sh--.

I could never do that.

-Nailed it.

That's exactly
what more strikes gets you.

No matter what,
they always tell you

"Nailed it."

I remember when I was green

and I thought
I knew everything.

-Right, Bruno?
-That's right.

-I was an idiot.

Don't try to get it perfect

because they're coming up
in a minute and a half.

All right.

-You have the cake all ready?
-Yes, it is.

Perfect, let's pull it out.

-I have chilled sh*ts.

Want to follow me upstairs?

You can take 'em
once we get up.

I'm so excited
to see what this is.

Wow, this is amazing.


-Oh my God.


All right, y'all need

to get your butts in the seats.

We need to be seated.

Let's get seated.

[excited chatter]

-[speaks Hawaiian]

I'm Don Ho's brother Ass.


By the power vested in me

by the great Hawaiian king


I do declare this

Jason Swing day.


Let the games begin!

♪ ♪




I'm definitely outside
of my comfort zone.

But I am contributing.

If you're going to ask
the crew to do it,

then you should step up
to the plate

and sacrifice
some of your dignity.

I mean, just look at me.
I'm wearing a skirt.

I even got a pineapple
stuck on a mop head.

I'm way out there.


-I'm so impressed.

I was not expecting at all
to party.

Kate knows a lot,

and I feel like I should
keep myself humble

because I know that I have
a lot to learn.

Bruno and I are celebrating
our two day anniversary.


-Oh my God.
-It's insane.

Captain, you look fantastic,
I got to tell you.

I demand a raise.

-Jen, Jen, Kate…
-Go ahead.

Meet me on the main deck aft.

-Can I eat dinner first?

So did you have lunch?

I had lunch, yes.

Okay, guess who
did not have lunch?


-You got a two hour break, yes?

You and Bri are going
to work together this evening.

You're going to help her
make cocktails.


Then you can be on deck

around or before nine
like I usually am

because I am going to be
early girl tomorrow.


Bri, I'm just
writing out the plan

in case anybody gets confused.

I'm trying to communicate the plan.

Jen's gotten away
with more

than any other stewardess.

I'm just sick of it.

I've tried managing,

I've tried macromanaging.

I think it's just time

for some good old fashioned
shut up and work.

There's the plan.
I'll see you at nine a.m.

I'll see you eight and half
hours after you go to bed.

Thank you.

I just find out
at this hour

that I have to stay up

and do the dishes
before we go to bed,

and Bri is the one
to relieve me.

I've worked 19 hours.
I'm exhausted.

Kate has some issues, man.

This is like sadistic sh--.

-I got my ways.

I hate life right now.

[tense music]

Miserable bitch.

F--ing piece of sh--.

Next time on "Below Deck."

-These are ready to go?

-You don't like it?
-It's just bland.

If it were my restaurant,

-a lot of things would've been sent back.

We just… like that.

Good call, Bruno.
That's why you're here, buddy.

I'm a little concerned
with what I saw in the galley.

Why is Matt depending
on Bruno for ideas?

He's a f--ing deckhand.

Shelly Snowdy, she wants
her girlfriends

to get together
and have a good time.

May all your ups and downs
be under the sheets.


My wife Mary Anne's
coming in today.

-Good to see you.
-How did you meet?

-Here we go again.
-Jen's late.

The longer you are late,
the more you will pay.

If you want to be here,
shut your mouth and listen--

-It's hard for me--
-Hard for you to listen?

-This is a friend.
-You're not my friend.

We're going to have
a new deckhand.

Look who it is!
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