06x07 - New Kids on the Dock

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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06x07 - New Kids on the Dock

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Below Deck"…

Chandler, Chandler, Lee.

g*dd*mn, not one swinging d*ck
on board the deck crew.

It's a major [BLEEP] up.

You know how
I hate babysitting.

You're missing a lot
of real obvious things.

I'm not used to being
on the captain's sh-list.

Look at my foot.

It's so swollen.

Oh, my God.

Here we go again,

another third stew
that can't carry their weight.

We need all three stews
doing their jobs.

Caroline, Caroline, Kate.

Yeah, these
three tequilas up here,

do you want me
to bring them down?

This is one of the things
that will piss me off.

I just found your bucket
and your chamois.

-No, that's not correct.
-Did you hot chamois?

Yes, I did,
and I did put it away.

Okay, well, that's what
happens when you start

not putting things away,
is you get blamed for it.

What the [BLEEP]?

I think it kind of
went down a little.

I don't want
to know right now.

After two days, we'll decide
if you can stay or go.

I've tried kindness.

I've tried patience.

Okay, stay here.

Either you're better
or you're not.

Get better or go home.

[horn honks]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

[alarm clock buzzing]



I've never been
treated like this before.

I was grounded
like a child.

Coming onto this boat
as a third stew,

I thought that I would
see some cool places

and meet some cool people.

It's just not the case.

I've felt singled out
since I got on this boat.

I slept in your bed last night.

-Oh, that's okay.

Who's up?

I don't know, I'm not allowed
to walk around or anything.

Kate was like, "Rest."

She's like, "Yeah, 'cause if you
don't get better…"

"then you have to go home."

And, I was like,

"Yes, thank you. I know what it means."

Oh, man. How do you feel today?

So much less swollen.


Do you know what we have in the bathroom
that I want to eat right now?


-Right here.

I'm tired.

Just work, work, work.

Did you have a good time
last night?

I had a good time.

That's a good question.

[both laugh]


I can't be quiet.

I can't.

I… I need to get ice cream.

You don't express interest
in hooking up

when we're working
or any other time

except for when you're drunk,

so I'm 33 years old.

If I want a fling, I'm the one
that makes the booty call now.

Got it.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

So I'd like to get
the lockers prepped.

We need to vacuum
all the decks,

and then we need to pull some
more 50-gallon trash bags.

It's homegirl on deck.
I saw her.


Good morning, how are you?

-Good, how are you?

This is our checklist?

Yeah, the to-do
for this morning.

We need to spot-clean
the cushions,

-so can I ask you to do that?

It's obvious that Rhylee
and I will never be friends,

but as professionals,

we need to suck it up
and work together.

Just go ahead and start
restocking the coolers?

Yeah, that'd be cool.

And I know Captain Lee

is going to be watching me
very closely.

I know that you should
have been the one

to take them fishing today.

We've got an experienced
fisherman on board.

So I definitely
want to redeem myself

and prove to him that
I am the bosun he hired.

Just check in with you after
I do the spot cleaning

and see where you're at as far
as where you need me next.

Yeah, perfect,
thank you.

-There he is.
-There he is.

What do you think
about Caroline and her foot?

I don't think she's lying.

It was obviously swollen.

She's here.

-How is the foot?
-I'm not lying.

I know, we don't think
you're lying.

Oh, hello.

If you want to talk about me

or something I do behind
my back, just keep it quiet.

How's your foot?

Much better, look.

Does it hurt
when you walk on it?

Not as much as it did.

I'm a little sad that you would
think that I was lying.

There are sometimes
people on boats

who fake injuries because
they don't want to work

because it's a lot of work.

But we don't think
that's the case here.

Yeah, I don't know,
it just makes me wonder

who thinks
it's ----ing fake.

No one.

I don't think you can
fake a swollen foot.

I'm already
carrying Caroline's weight

when she's,
like, at top health…

Yeah, go to your cabin.
Rest up.

So when she's injured, it's
kind of like, why are you here?

I'm so glad
you're getting better.

Me too.

Kate, Chandler, Adrian,

can I get you all
up to the wheelhouse

for a preference sheet
meeting, please?



Here is our next charter.

I'm not even ready to look.

It's a four-day charter,
ten people,

two of them children.

Torrie and Albert Jasuwan.

They're a power couple
living in St. Pete, Florida.

They have two adorable
children, Tiernan and Pearson.

The four-year-old loves both
sparkling and still water.

She seems rather picky,
if you look at her…


She wants seafood platter,
crab bisque, sashimi.

Carrie Simon, she's gluten-free
and low-carb.

Somebody else is
allergic to ginger.

No kale,
no Brussels sprouts.

Allergic to seafood
and shellfish.

It's like a Japanese jigsaw puzzle.

And their child has
a severe peanut allergy,

so we have to go through the
whole boat and get rid of it.

I think if you add up
all their dislikes together,

there's literally
nothing they eat.

It's a mind [BLEEP].

They probably
met at a support group

for dietary
restriction weirdos.

Torrie wants a Polynesian
pig roast luau

on an island with dancers.

I think I can get
a whole pig.

I know they want
a rock star party.

And a boy party.

They want to snorkel
the coral reefs

and see marine life.

They want
all the water toys:

Jet Skis, trampoline,
water slide.


Now, their children will
not step foot outside

of the confines of the interior
without a life jacket on.

There's no margin for error
when you have kids on board.

Do we have two
small life jackets?


Kids are just
dangerous as hell,

and I can't
impress upon everybody

how important that is.

That's a wrap.

Ah, I love a bit
of organization.


What are you laughing at?

'Cause you're doing,
like, a monster.

Feeling good,
feeling better?

Not better.

I walked in
and Kate and Josiah

are, of course,
talking about me.

What, negative talk?

It's like, "I don't think
she's lying."

I even ordered peanut butter
for myself.

I better eat it all now.

I just think
they like gossiping.

Being on a boat,
you can either feel very much

a part of the crew
and a part of the family,

or it can be, on the opposite
end, extremely lonely.

I wouldn't even
let it bother you.

Well, I know
I'm no slacker.

I understand
where she's coming from,

and I feel for Caroline.

Look what I found.

I got Cap's underwear in mine!

Oh, my God.

Sweet, out.

Want some peanut butter?

Get it while it's hot.

Chandler, I need to see you
in the wheelhouse.

Have a seat.

So have you worked on a plan

to take care of the issues
we discussed last time?

It's been good.

Like, today, like,
it's been good,

and so we're looking good.

This charter, you have
to have a very clear line

of communication so that
there is no confusion

as to what you expect.


Just by virtue of the numbers
of charter guests

that we have on, ten people,
and two of them kids

that have to have eyes
on them all the time,

it really stretches the limits
of our ability.

Safety is paramount.

There's no room
for errors here.

I will make that happen.
Thank you, sir.

Thank you.

[upbeat music]

-How's your foot doing?

Good, it's a little
sharp pain and popping.


I don't know what pain you're
experiencing or what level,

but this charter
is going to be intense.

We have extra charter guests.

We have ten.

We've got children.

They're on for an extra night.

So I just need to know
if you can work at 100%.

Coming up…

This is Pearson.

-Hi, Pearson.


Master Pearson
is not loving the vegetables.


I will turn this yacht
right around.


This charter
is going to be intense.

So I just need to know
if you can work at 100%.

I definitely can.

Okay, good, so, I mean,

I'll give you
the usual two-hour breaks.

But I simply can't give
you that much more breaks

because there's just
so much work to do.


It's great Caroline's
ready to work

because we're
----ing exhausted.

We need three stews
to do this season.

I'm so happy that
you're able to stay and work.

Thanks, me too.

How's Chandler been
with you today so far?


Rhylee is a strong personality,

and she's getting completely
under Chandler's skin.

He's pissed off at her,
she's pissed off at him,

but I think the way
that she's handling herself

just makes things
a whole lot harder.

He seemed pleasant.
It was nice.

Good to hear.

All crew, all crew, we have
provisions on the stern.


Thank you.
Ca va.

Baby pig.

-Ooh, pig.


I see his ear.

Baby pork.

Caroline, just soften
the empty rooms

and check their toilet paper.

Copy that.

Attention all crew,
attention all crew,

guests will be arriving
in 20 minutes,

so I need everybody
in their whites.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Seven minutes to show time,

I need everybody
on the aft deck ASAP.

Look how big it is.

A lot of big boats
parked in here, huh?

Oh, yeah,
there's trouble on wheels.

That one is bigger than that one!


All right.

-Welcome aboard.

-How's it going, I'm Albert.
-Captain Lee.

-Nice to meet you.

-And you are?

-My pleasure.

Do you want to wear
a little crown?

So pretty.

This is Pearson.

-Hey, Pearson.

-It's not that often

that you
have a charter with children

because, let's face it,

if you're going to pay a lot
of money to go on vacation,

you're gonna pay a lot of money
to leave your kids at home.

Welcome aboard My Seanna.

We've got a great four days
planned out for you.

Kate will give you
a tour of the boat

and get this party started.


Watch your step,
and you can follow me.

And let's go get
some luggage, guys.

All right.

So we have here our
life jackets

for the children to wear

whenever they're outside
the interior of the boat.

It's captain's orders.


Ready, bud?

♪ ♪

So this is
your master suite room.


Look how big.

-I guess this will do.
-Oh, my goodness.

-You like it?
-This is so cool.

Holy cow.

Let's start breaking down
this passerelle.

Okay, let's keep going.

This is the sky lounge.

Can you believe
this is a boat?

-It's like a house, huh?
-So cool.

Let's get singled up
on our bowlines.

Yeah, copy.

How you doing?


-Water, sparkling,

or would you like still water?


-You got it.
-Please, please.

All right, start taking up.


Here you go, my friend.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Anchor's secure.

Copy that.

The top buckle,
bottom buckle.

Master Pearson,
the four year old,

likes his steak cooked medium.

How does it get better

than chilling on a megayacht
in Tahiti?

This is incredible.

So excited.


What can I do?

You can go down to laundry,

flip it, turn it, fold it,
and then go on break--

♪ Flip it, turn it,
fold it, oh ♪

♪ Flip it, turn it,
fold it, oh ♪

♪ Flip it,
flip it ♪

And then go on break
from 2:00 to 4:00.

Okay, thanks.

What's your name again?

-Pearson, how old are you?

-I have a son. He's four as well.

You like the boat?
Nice and big?

Seeing those kids definitely
reminds me of Kai.

This is the longest
I've been away from my son.

I wish things were different,

but the reward is at the end when I get
to go home and see my kid.

See you later, Pearson.

See you.

Deck crew, deck crew,
can I get everyone to change

into their blue rash guards?

[upbeat music]

How far did Cap say
we are from anchorage?

-20 minutes.

Do you have a game plan

as far as what
you want to do first?

As soon as he says
lock it off,

the Jet Skis should
already be coming out.

We should be able to have
everything out

within 15 minutes
of arrival.

All right, perfect,
I'll go finish the towels

and just take
a look around down there.

Thank you.

My kids,
they eat what we eat.

They're not chicken
finger-type kids or anything.

That's good, that's good.

Master Pearson and Lady Tiernan
are already like adults.

They're there with,
like, their sparkling water

with a slice of lemon.

When I was, like, their age,

I just wanted
to eat burgers and fries.

Kate, we're almost good.


One is with shrimp.

No chicken for you.

Stop, you're not being nice.

As soon as we eat,
you can have it back, okay?


Vacation's over.

Don't make me
turn this yacht around.

'cause I will turn this yacht
right around.

You gotta stop crying.

You'll get it back.


You can have it
when you're good

and when we're done eating.

Are the two kids
the same, yeah?

Yeah, peanuts on both.


Oh, yay.
What do you say?

Thank you.

So I made
an oregano chicken breast,

a miso sesame dressing,
and some grilled vegetables.

Thank you so much.

Mmm, it's perfect.

How is it?


That's what I love
about our kids.

They eat everything, man.

[imitates expl*si*n]

All right, give me five sh*ts
and drop.

It's kind of rolly aint it?

It's going to take 15 minutes
before I get an idea

of whether we're gonna
stay here or not.

Okay, copy.

Master Pearson is not
loving the vegetables.

Satisfaction is all we hope
with Master Pearson.

Are we gonna hold off on the swim platform,
or just carry on setting up?

Hold it, for now.


Go ahead
and lock it off there.


We have to take
everything out.

Let's just hold off until
he's locked the chain off.

I thought he said
that once he says shackles,

we're supposed to do it, but…

Do what you want
to do, Rhylee.

Are you seriously, like,
acting like that to me?

-That's lovely.
-Rhylee, every time I speak to you

or ask you to do something,
like, you told me--

I'm waiting.

Chandler's just told me
something on the foredeck.

-Then you tell me what

you think Chandler said.
It irritates me.

Okay, I got it.
I'm standing by.

I mean, calm down, Ashton.

Yeah, okay.

Coming up…

This is beyond
an embarrassment.

I am ----ing pissed.
I will make some changes,

and not all of you
are gonna be happy.


They're eating
off people's plates.

Oh, I'll tell Adrian.

It was delicious.

I'm so glad.

Okay, guys,
we're gonna go change

and sunbathe upstairs.

I'm just standing by
since Ashton got mad if I--


I remember Chandler
said this morning

that we needed to start
bringing stuff out.

As soon as he says
lock it off,

the Jet Skis should
already be coming out.

And so Ashton was saying
don't do anything.

Then he goes,
"Do what you wanna do."

-Ah, did he?

I'm not trying to, like,
question what he's saying.

I'm just trying to say--

You've been told
exactly what to do.

Yeah, I think so.

Um, yeah, copy that.

We're just gonna
stand by on this stuff then.


-You okay, Pearson?

Where you off to?

I'm going…

-You're going to the potty, okay.

They were all eating
off each other's plates,

they were so happy.


Just so you know, nothing
should be in the water until--

Attention all deck crew.

Shutting down the stabilizers,

and you can shut down
the mains at your leisure.

-That's your sign right there.

Now it's wait till
the engines are off,

so I don't ----ing know,

Make up your mind.
Which is it?

So is it cool if we just do
Jet Skis and trampoline today

and then maybe we'll do
a slide another day

or something like that,
if that's cool with you guys.

Yeah, that's awesome.

[upbeat music]

Thank you.

-Dinner's at 8:00pm.

I don't know why
I'm exhausted.

At least you got a day off.

Um, I don't know
what you're talking about.

Well, when you were sick,
you didn't work.

Yeah, I got
a day and a half off

-for faking an injury.

Yeah, I think that's--
that's my understanding.

Who thought that?

It doesn't matter who.

It's maybe paranoia.

Caroline is definitely

bringing the vibe down
for the whole boat.

No, no, I heard
people talking about it.

But I'm sure you know that.

I'm very sensitive person,

so it's draining
to have somebody around

that's always
complaining and mopey.

You know how to ride
a Jet Ski, bro?

Yeah, no worries.
Thank you.

Have fun, man.

[energetic music]

Oh, thank you.

Look, I'm chasing.

-Oh, are you taking pictures?
-Got it girl?

You're the best.

You're gonna be a photographer.

♪ ♪

All right, little man,
you ready?

Thank you.

Hey, white Ping Pong balls,

Yeah, we have
those white lanterns.

-Remember, there's three.
-Yeah, we saved those.

What can I do?

I was just washing
and putting away things.

Get one of the beach bags

and go around collecting
all the white décor

you can find in all
the different cupboards.

-Put it all behind the bar.

One, hey.


I'm gonna go up and see
what the girls are doing above deck.

Sounds good, man.


We don't need to pull all the white
things from there because…

otherwise we are going to just have
like a big pile of white beads.

So don't do what
Kate told me to do.

What's up?
Why are you getting all…

I'm being told
to do one thing,

and then I'm being told
not to do it,

so I'm just confused.

The table's right there.

We just need to open two
cupboards and see what's white.

I don't know. I was told
to collect white things

and put them behind the bar.

Yeah, which is fine.

Okay, all right, then you
can take over that,

and I'll do something else.

Are you gonna
carry any white stuff out

or is that--okay.
Thank you.

There's absolutely a lack of
communication on the interior.

I think it's bullsh--.


Hey, Kate,
we were just wondering

tonight's schedule for dinner.

Oh, that's just kind
of late for the kids.

-Okay, so is 7:30…
-7:30 is good.

Okay, perfect.

We've got ten guests
for dinner.

It's gonna take
some time to prepare,

and we don't have
that time today.

So there's kind of a lot
of pressure on Adrian tonight.

-Thank you so much.

I'm going to change
into blacks.

I'll relieve you
here in a second.

Okay, cool.

-So I spoke to Rhylee.

'Cause what happened
this morning?

I came down here
and we weren't sure what to do

You know, Rhylee was going,
and there was questions,

you know, and I was grumpy.

How's it all going out there?

I think we're
doing really good.

-It's a good day.

She needs clear instructions
from one person,

and once Chandler works on
that, it's gonna go smoothly,

but it all starts
with communication.

And I understand
where she is coming from.

All right, that was fun.

Catch you later.

-Are you all good, bro?
-I'm good.

-I feel better, to be honest.

Are you guys
getting ready now?



So I just talked
to the primary,

and they said

-Oh, sh--, really?

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

What else white
you got going on over there?

Owls? Yep, exactly.

♪ ♪

You ready, baby?

Go to the white party.

Pearson, come on
and sit over here, buddy.

Yay, I get
the important seat.

Adrian the guests are seated at the table.

So does everybody want
to go snorkeling tomorrow?

-I want to!

-I heard there's sharks there.

The leek and potato

with a truffle mousse.

I'm excited to see
what Adrian's gonna bring.

-Everyone can have this, yeah?


-Thank you.

Here you have potato and leek

And then that's truffle mousse.

-So good.
-Thank you so much.

This is so good.

I love leeks.

It's so good, isn't it?


-Thank you.

I'm going down.


Left you a little list in the beach club.

Try to get to most of it
if you can.

I didn't really like it.

You don't have to eat it
if you don't like it.

It's okay.
There's more food coming.

Thank you.

Stay awake, Pearson.

Don't fall asleep
before dinner comes.

How's everything
coming in there?

Looking good.
He's plating up now.

Okay, sweet.

I don't want the kids
passing out before we eat.

[both laugh]

Okay, so the two kids,


Try not to eat
too much bread.

Our food
should come out soon.

Taking a little while,
but we'll see.

-Is it ready after that?

It looks so done.

Is it for flavor
or for looks?

Are they starving?

Are they like, "Where's my ---ing food?"

Yeah, pretty
----ing starving.

It's been a long time.

I'm, like, famished.

Cooking for ten people,
it's a lot.

Everybody likes
something different.

Everybody's allergic
to something different.

It definitely stifles
my creativity.

I can't even go up there.

Master Pearson started
throwing his fork at me.

I can't be as free-flowing
as I would want to be.

has to be calculated,

and that tends to stress me
out and piss me off.

Hey, Pearson, ask them
where the dinner is.

-Oh, yeah.
-We're hungry.

Yeah, where's my food, man?

-Medium rare, rare.
-Okay, I got that.


What are you thankful for?

Oh, man, here he is.

-The man of the hour.

Tonight I made for you
a Black Angus beef fillet

with a creamy tomato-y
sage dressing,

and I made some mahimahi
with a sage cream for you.

-Thank you.

Awesome, thank you so much.

You're welcome.

-Looks amazing.
-Bon appétit.

I wish there could have been
more sauce on top.

-It's a little tough.

Very hard to cut.

Pearson, eat your steak,

You eat your meat.

It's just, like, bland.

-It's, like, bland.

-Yours was bland?
-It was a little dry.

My mahi was disgusting.

The steaks were
a little overcooked.


It was a two out of ten.

Coming up…

You don't know what
I'm dealing with right now.

We all have a lot of intense
sh-going on.

Stop judging me.

If you can't handle your sh--,
then you need to step off.

How was everything tonight?


Like, this was,
like, not very good.

It was just super bland.

Okay, I'll let
Adrian know.

It was a little dry.

Well, tell them
so they know.

Hey, Kai, what's up?

Ah, hey.

He's been misbehaving
at school.

And Miss Tracy has been
giving him notes

saying like, "Being a bit disobedient."

I need you to talk to him.

When we had Kai,
me and Allyson were young.

Allyson's my best friend.

I think we started catching
feelings a little bit there,

and then one day she called me
up and she was like,

"I'm pregnant."
I was like, "Holy sh--."

You need to go to school
tomorrow and tell Miss Tracy

you're sorry, okay?

You can't be hitting people,

I was just immature,
and we broke up,

and currently
they're in Florida.

I hope one day we can
work something out,

but I think right now, she just
needs time to herself

and she deserves to be happy.

-I miss you.
-I miss you too, baby.

-Daddy loves you.
-Alright bye.

Bye, I love you, baby.
See you later, Allyson.

-Hold your fork properly, brother.
-Eat like a big boy.

[fork clatters]

-That's what happens.
-Oh, there's your fork.

-Thank you.

I think for our general
preferences just for, like,

in the future, the consensus
was we're gonna do, like,

steak, like, more like
medium rare and sauce.

-I'll pass the word on.
-Medium rare and sauce.

-You got it.
-All right.

I overheard them
saying to Caroline

it was a bit too dry,
bit overcooked.

Honestly, I'd rather not
pass on their feedback

to Adrian
because Adrian's amazing.

I don't think it's worth

lowering Adrian's
and raising morale.

It's not great when the guests
don't love the food at all,

but Adrian didn't have
a lot of time,

and I think that Adrian
was just in a funk.

-I mean, her plate is clean.

Didn't stop her

from taking down
even the garnish.

-You okay?
-Yeah, I'm good.

You look sad today.


Caroline is definitely
bringing the vibe down

for the whole boat.

It's like from one minute
to the next,

it's just hot and cold.

You never know
what you're gonna get.

You appreciate feed back right?


They said, "More sauce and less dry."

It's not personal.

Yeah, it's fine.

I'm happy that she came
and told me

that the guests
didn't like the food,

but I really don't appreciate
her vibe right now.

I know you're not happy,

but don't project that sh--
on me.

I understand that,
like, you're not doing well--

Yeah, I know,
keep it to myself.

It's not even that.

I can see it on your face.

Well, there's nothing
I can do about it.

You don't know what
I'm dealing with right now,

and it has nothing
to do with the boat.

Really, okay, my father
just passed away a month ago,

so whatever it is,
I doubt it's that, okay?

-Wow, is this a competition?

No, it's not, but just,

you know, we all have a lot
of intense sh-- going on,

so just try
and pull yourself together.

But, yeah, but I'm not you.

Yeah, but we're all
in this sh-- together.

-Stop judging me.
-I'm not--I'm not judging you.

Were just all working together,
you know,

and when you're
in that attitude,

and then you put it on me,

and then you put it
on everybody else.

If you can't handle your sh--,

then you need to step off.

Mind your own
----ing business.

Well, this is my business.

Dude, I'm sorry you have the
misfortune of working with me.

Me too.

Let's go get our jammies on.

See you guys
bright and early.

You guys'll get
tucked into bed.

If you want to wear those,
you can.

Wait, wait, wait,
do you have two?


Children on boats,
it's a lot of work,

and there's no way around it.

You gotta worry
about the adults,

and then you gotta
worry about the kid stuff.

The only benefit is that after
dinner, it's time to go to bed.


So you can go down.

-Be on deck at 6:30.

Are you doing all right?

-Yeah, thanks.

You seem like you're crying.

No, I'm trying not to.

Why? Well,
that's not really okay.

Adrian was just like,
"Don't be like that,

'cause it affects me."

And I was like,
"If I'm sad, I'm sad."

And he was like,

"Well, yeah, you know what,
my dad died a month ago."

Damn, Adrian is a savage.

Um, I'm not sure that was the
best delivery that he gave you,

but I think his advice
is sound.

Try to be your upbeat,
bubbly self

and see how much
better you feel.

-Okay, I'm gonna do that.



Will you put, like, plates
and stuff for her

and just flip laundry
and then go to bed?

I'm gonna knock off.

-Good night.

[percussive music]

♪ ♪

Can I grab
y'all some coffee?

I want coffee and Dakota wants coffee.


Adrian, you wouldn't
know where sugar is?

I know that's
a stupid question.

Okay, thank you.

Adrian ----ing sucks.

That kid is fake news.

He acts like he brings
this positive energy

and he's constantly
encouraging other people

to see rainbows
and butterflies,

but it's bullsh--.

I've just got to suck it up
and deal with it.


Attention, deck crew.

The guests need to leave
no later than 1:45

for their stingray excursion.

Make sure they have towels
packed in the dry bags

and load them on the tender.

Ah, okay, copy.

Copy, copy.

My pleasure.

-Good morning.

-Banana bread?
-Gluten-free banana bread.

Oh, my gosh.

Last night wasn't
my best performance,

and it reminds me that
at the beginning of my career,

the chefs called me Yes But,
because everything

they would tell me, I'd be
like, "Yes, but na, na, na.

I always had an excuse.

Do you wanna take these
guys up as well?


And after a while, I learned
that I don't know everything.

I'm not perfect.

If you're always trying
to defend yourself,

you never progress in life.

So these are
gluten-free pancakes.

-Oh, okay, perfect.
-Oh, awesome.

All right, oh, boy,
look at that.

There you go.
Thank you.

That was amazing.

Chef's doing a great job.

Pearson, you're still
at the head of the table,

just the other side.

I asked him once what he
wanted to be when he grew up,

-and he said, "The boss."
-Oh, yeah.


Hi, sweetheart.
What's the news?

I'm just trying to plan
a lunch time for them.

Anything before 2:00 because

for getting them over there.

So we need them
at the swim platform

-no later than 1:45.

-Okay, cool.
-Thank you.

-Deck crew, deck crew,

we're getting
all the toys out.

Water slide, Jet Skis,
paddle boards, the works.

Yeah, copy.


1:15 we'll start lunch,

'cause they've got to be
on the swim platform

by, like, 1:45.

I'll try and put it
up for 1:00, if I can.



Focus on getting guest stuff
out before we do that.


Just to let you know,

we're gonna do lunch
around 1:00.

We need you guys
ready to get in the tender

to go to your

to swim and feed the sharks
and manta rays.

-Perfect, thank you.

We're starting to bring
these Jet Skis out, eh?

Yeah, everything.

I thought this door
would be open already, but…

We do the same thing
every charter.

Anchor goes down,
get the tenders out,

put the toys in, same thing.

Today is no different.

I got told that they were
going on an excursion.


They're going on
an excursion, right,

to swim with the stingrays
and sharks.

Hey, Cap, what's the plan
for this afternoon?


This charter's a big deal.

I don't want to see
a deer in the headlights.

I want to see the g*dd*mn
light go on over their head.

Wake up, Chandler.

Are we going up top
to put the slide out?


Coming up…

Where are the people?

Hey, it's Albert.
We're ready to get out of here.

We have no towels, no water.

We've had enough
of this experience.

Hey, Cap, what's the plan
for this afternoon?


They'll be over there by 2:00.

They'll probably leave the boat
about 1:40.


The guests
are leaving in an hour,

and we're spending all this
time getting the toys out

when they're not even
gonna be here.

It just makes no sense.

Okay, we're gonna
set the table.

It's a 1:00 lunch.

-How you ladies doing?

Can I grab you
something to drink?

Ooh, cucumber jalapeño
champagne might be good.


Yeah, it actually
sounds really good.

-Okay, so just to clarify…

What would you like?

Cucumber jalapeño Prosecco
in the mojito mix.



So they requested cucumber
jalapeño mojitos with Prosecco.

-Thank you.

It's a new day and Caroline
is in a great mood.

Everything's wonderful,

But also I know it's only a
matter of time before she has

another mysterious ailment,
mosquito bite, or something.

Oh, I need
protective eyewear.

These peppers are hot.

-Yes, sir.

The tow line is not
a priority right now.

We're working
on the water slide.


I know you said to rinse
these off before they go in.

Can we just put it
out of sight for now?

Yeah, of course.

Hang them there and
then we'll rinse them later.

I just already--
I just rinsed them.


I don't get it.

I thought I was very explicit
with Chandler.

This charter, you have to have
a very clear line

of communication
so that there is no confusion.

Apparently, it went in one side
and straight out the other

without hitting
any obstructions.

Can we just hang them there
and we'll get the slide out?

Yeah, that's what
I was working on.

Okay, all right,
finish up.

Your drinks
will be out any minute.

Okay, good.

'Cause we ordered it,
like, ten minutes ago.


Oh, perfect.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Oh, wow, that is so good.
Thank you.

-Oh, man.
-Oh my gosh, that is perfect.

Holy cow, this is amazing.

[air compressor whirring]

Ross, Ross.

Yeah, go ahead.

You and Rhylee
are going to start

prepping the rescue tender
for launch.

Okay, copy.

If you guys all want
to have a seat at the table,

I'll tell the chef
to start plating.

Oh, cool.

And is that where
you want me right now?

Yeah, you're driving it

from the crane
to the back of the boat.

Straight onto the stern,
right there.


I'm just confirming
with you.

Oh, come on.

Okay, so I'm getting
the guests to the table now,

so you can start plating ish.

This needs to stay up.

Get a life, avocado.

Do your job.

Oh, boy, look at this.


Wow, that looks awesome.

This is some local fish.

Cilantro and mint-infused

some roasted
cubed potatoes,

and a little salad with
a ponzu and yuzu dressing.


Got some flavor to it.

This is really good,
that sauce is.

Exactly not boring.

So, Rhylee,
just pull your bow

and come straight into here.

Gonna hold on too?

I'm good,
just hold the pump.

Yeah, I've got it.

Hi, they're so thrilled.

-They love it so much.

-This was good.

-A lot better than last night.

Ross and Chandler
to the wheelhouse, please.


We're gonna use two vessels
to transport them over.

You can take everybody
in the "Intrepid"

up till you run out of water.

Then you've got to put them
in the rescue tender.


And then you'll repeat
the procedure in reverse.

All right, thank you.

I think we should
probably grab our sandals.

Grab a life jacket
before we go.

Do we have dry bags set up
for them for towels and…

Yeah, Rhylee
had it all set up.

I don't want to deal
with her right now.

-Are you not going?
-I'm staying.

With this many charter guests
on this trip,

Chandler should go.

There's so much
that can go wrong,

and he's the bosun.

Does anybody
have to go potty?

both: No.

All right, let's go, guys.
Come on.

We've got drinks.
We've got towels.

How much in each bag?

So there's nine dry bags.
One is not the dry bag.

We got everything
on board we need?

We're good to go, Cap.

Okay, we'll load them up.

Let's go for our excursion.

There we go.

I'm pulling away
from the boat.

Sharks and stingrays.

Come up on that mooring
buoy just at your 4:00.

So we gotta get you
off onto this boat now

just to tender you further in

'cause we've got too much
of a drop to get closer.

So the sharks,

not my ideal activity

for fourand five-year-old
children, but…


Is this the place,
right, Ashton?

Yeah, I was pointed
to that dock.

They're small sharks,
about the size of those kids.


Hey, kids, come on up.


-Try those.
-I'm ready for everything.

Follow Daddy.
I'm right behind you.

Stingrays are
super friendly.

[upbeat music]

They've got snorkel
up there.

Oh, that's fine.

They've got snorkel,
everything there?

Chandler, Chandler, Ashton.

Chandler, Chandler,
do you copy?

Do you want me to go back to
the boat now or hang out here?

I don't know.

-Motoryacht, My Seanna.
-Go ahead.

Would you like me
to come back to My Seanna,

or would you like me
to wait here for the guests?

They're supposed to call when
they're ready to be picked up.

Copy that.

Ross, we're
heading back, okay?




There's a stingray, Daddy.

My nose wasn't
feeling right in the mask.

God, these things
are so slimy.

They're all over me.

These are so slimy!

I guess we're standing by
till they want us up there.

No beer, no towels.
Yeah, this is kind of a mess.

-I need water.
-Where are the people?

They like left us.

We have one bottle of water…

all our stuff is probably on the tender.

What's up, then, brother?
Do you know?

I think we're
just standing by.

Just get the boat ready.

[cell phone rings]

Excuse me.


Kate, it's Albert.

Hey, Albert, how are you?

Uh, we're ready
to get out of here for sure.

We've had enough
of this experience.

Didn't go so well.

I'm so sorry to hear that.
Is everything all right?

We have no towels, no water,
so, uh…

Okay, I'll send
the tender right over.

Yeah, thank you very much.

-All right, Kate.

Hey, deck crew, deck crew,

The guests are just
out of water, no towels.

They're ready to be
picked up immediately.


What the [BLEEP]?

Yeah, they're
so thirsty right now.

They'll be here soon.
They better.

Hey, deck crew,
deck crew, Kate.

The guests are just
out of water, no towels.

They're ready to be
picked up immediately.

-What the [BLEEP]?

Yeah, they're
so thirsty right now.

They'll be here soon.

They better.

So what happened?

I don't know who
has the game plan,

who makes the game plan.

You want some water?

I feel like I'm on Giligan's Island.

Thank you for sharing baby.

I have no ----ing idea
what's going on.

I don't really understand

how you can take someone
for an excursion

and take all their sh--
with you.

Feel like that's a no-brainer.

Where in the heck did he go again?

Hey, come back, bro.

Hey, yeah, Chandler, Chandler,
just come back, bro.

Where is the boat?

You just
come around this point.

It's just that point, yeah.

I think this might be his first job?

He's new at it.

Do it.
I'll just come with you.

We ----ed up big time.

Here, you just take it.

You know where you're going.

When they come back
on the yacht,

we don't want them to carry
the bad mood from the exterior

into the interior.

Should we make, like,
a little cocktail?


If anybody besides me, Josiah,
and Adrian could do something

to help the guests enjoy
Tahiti, that would be great.

Kate, can I get you
up to the bow?


Hey, Captain Lee.

So I just got a call
from the primary.

They're ready to be picked up.

He sounded a little
under duress.

When I have to sit there
and eat a sh-- sandwich

in a totally correctable
and foreseeable situation,

there just aren't words
to describe

what a colossal [BLEEP] up
it is.

I don't know.

-See if we can't fix this.


There he is.

Hey, you wanna
swing my bow around?

-Thank goodness.


There's beers and waters
and towels.

All the stuff we were missing.

Hey, Rhylee, Rhylee, Kate.

Can you be on the swim platform
when the guests return

with some beach towels
and some water?



Are all the guests
in the "Intrepid"?

Yes, sir.

Well, I guess I'll go face
the ----ing music.

Those stingrays were big.

Big? They were
bigger than you?


That's pretty big.

what you doing?

Where would you like me?

Will you just fold
and turn laundry?

Thank you.

Hi, we've got
piña coladas for you.

Extra premium?

Yes, actually,
there's a floater

and there's gold on top.

Oh, wow, so cute.
Thank you, guys.

A dinosaur.

-Sweet, thank you.
-You're welcome.

There they go.

Oh, she went
down the slide.

Think we're glad to be back
with some beverages…


Little short-lived
of a snorkeling trip, but--

My apologies, sir.

I will, uh--
I don't know what to say.

Yeah, just giving you
a little heads-up.

-I mean, uh…
-Doesn't happen on my boats.


As uncomfortable as I am

in this situation with
our charter guests right now,

it's nothing compared
to how uncomfortable

I'm gonna make
our deck crew feel.

Well, I'm a little more chill
about things than my wife,

but I probably won't hear
the end of it, unfortunately.

We had
everything on board,

and I don't know why they
neglected to disperse it.

-But I will find out.

-Thank you.
-Make it up to you.

Captain, would you like
some dinner?

No, I'm gonna eat
somebody's ass for dinner.


[intense music]

♪ ♪

I need all of the deck crew
to the wheelhouse now.


Here we go.

I'm absolutely dreading
this conversation.

I feel like either I should
start packing my bag

or running away.

I'm not exactly sure where
to even begin about this day.

This is beyond
an embarrassment.

I am ----ing pissed.

How do you go over
to the ----ing island

and drop guests off
with all of the equipment,

that you have on board,

and then turn around
and come back

and not give them any of it?

This is just rudimentary,
Deck Hand 101.

All of you have qualifications,
and yet this is about

as ----ed up a deck crew
as I've seen,

and today is just
living proof of that.

I am not gonna finish
the season this way.

I will make some changes,

and not all of you
are gonna be happy.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Next on "Below Deck"…

If we're all
on the same page,

it's easy for us to know
what we need to do.

No one knew
what was going on.

Well, that's the issue
that needs to get addressed.

I'll do an orange juice
as well, please.

Oh, yeah, that would
be wonderful.

I'm only stew

on service right now,

and I'm physically
breaking down.


Rhylee, do your job
and we'll be fine.

I will do my job,
as I have been.

I'm fed up with her.

You speak to me
condescendingly one more time,

I'm taking it
to the ----ing captain.


Oh, my God, is she okay?

Not only is Chandler
dropping the ball,

but now he's dropping
the guests.

[glass shatters]

[BLEEP], I have
some broken glass.

Ow, I'm bleeding.

There's broken glass.
He just stepped in it.

The guests are bleeding.
There are dishes to be done.

-Something needs to happen.
-I got it.

The time has come
for you and I to have this chat

that I've been putting off.
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