07x06 - Penis Ravine

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Below Deck". Aired: July 1, 2013 – present.*
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Show chronicles the lives of the crew members who work and reside aboard a superyacht during charter season.
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07x06 - Penis Ravine

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kate] Previously, on Below Deck...

-[phone chimes]
-Oh, my God.

I get a text
from my Greek
[bleep] buddy.

He was like, "You wanna marry me?"
and I was like, "Yeah, sure."

-I'm getting married.

[man 2] What?

Simone, are you tired of ironing?

[Simone] No, I'm not.
I will never be tired of ironing.

-[Kate] Never be tired of ironing.
-Ever, ever.

You are really pretty.


[Abbi] Brian and Courtney
are gonna [bleep].

[Ashton] Can I order us
a bottle of wine,

and we'll go sit there and we'll have
a bottle of wine together?

[Courtney] No, we're sitting here.

[Brian] Ashton is not so much
of a wingman

and more of a cockblock.

Number three,
eight single girlfriends.

[guests whooping]

-[woman] I needed more of that.
-[Ashton] You gotta get cheeky.

-[woman cheering]
-[Ashton] And you gotta move.

Sorry, Cap, you are going to miss out
on this one.

[Kate] He forgot an entire dish

for the captain.

I feel like [bleep].

Something's definitely wrong.

-What's on the menu tonight, Chef?
-A few things.

I'm expecting much better food
than he did the last time.

I'm having dinner with them
tomorrow night.

If he doesn't step up
to the plate, I'll fire him.

I think there's something up with you.
I don't know what it is.

[Abbi] I just don't like the vibe.

[Ashton] Quick, quick, quick, please.
You need to focus.

[Abbi] What?
I don't know what you're asking.

-You're not doing your job properly.

-[Simone] Abbi?

I'm so sick of it.

I think I just need to quit.

[horn blaring]

[opening theme music playing]

[Abbi sobbing]

[Simone] Abbi?

Come give me a hug.

No, no, no, no, I'm fine.

I just want to leave.


[guests cheering]

[Abbi] Hey, Brian.

-You okay?

No, what's wrong?

[Abbi] I just think I need to quit.

[Simone] No, don't.

[Abbi] This is not the right job for me.

The [bleep] perfectionism

and the level of professionalism
that's necessary.

It's so uncomfortable.

I'm used to knowing what I'm doing,

but here, I feel like
everybody on the boat is, like,

"What's wrong with her?"

I am, like, I'm gonna bring
the team down with my negativity.

No, you're overthinking things,
I promise you.

I promise you, Abbi.
I promise you.

And I'm just, like,
trying to be really, like,

happy all the time.

Can you excuse me?
[bleep], my nose is peeling.

Oh, man, go chill for a bit.



Oh, my God, come on.

[woman] Holy [bleep]!

[whispering] Can you get everybody
a Fireball shot?

-[in normal tone] Thank you.

I wanna chat with you
when you get a sec, Ash.

-With you?


-I feel like a brand-new person.
-[woman 2] Who did this?


-[woman 1] Who did this?
-It was me.

We all started feeling better.

-Cheers, cheers.

[woman 1] Oh, God. I'm gonna throw up.

So, I've just been speaking to Abbi.

-She's crying her eyes out, bru.

Yeah, she's not happy
with this whole situation

and, uh, I think she wants to leave.

[bleep] hell.

Um, where is she now?

She's in her cabin.
I told her to stay there, relax,

and don't worry about deck
at the moment.

-All right, I'll go have a chat too.
-Okay, pleasure, bru.

Yeah, will you and Tanner
just hold the fort for now?

All right. Cheers, bruv.


Feels great, guys.

I bet it did. I bet it did.

[Ashton] Yo.

[Abbi] Hey. Did they talk to you?

Yeah, let's go have a chat real quick?

All right. I wanna leave
because I don't like the job.

It just sucks. I don't like it.

-Don't get upset, this is...
-I'm sorry.

And if it's not for you, it's not for you.

-Don't stress about it.
-I know. I know.

You don't have to feel bad about it.

-It is what it is.

[Ashton] Oh, and it breaks my heart.

Like, I sincerely do care
for Abbi's happiness,

and I don't want Abbi to be here
if this is not what she wants.

But the reality of the situation is
now we're gonna be a man down.

Do you wanna finish off the charter,

or would you rather leave
as soon as possible?

[Abbi] I'll finish off the charter
and just kind of work.

[Ashton] So, you're gonna push through
and finish the charter, then?

-Yeah, yeah.
-Okay. All right.

Things are not good right now.

This is a very remote location,

and it's gonna be a struggle
to get somebody qualified

to be Abbi's replacement.

Captain Lee's not gonna be happy.

I'm just like [bleep] hell, like,
things are just falling apart.


[Simone] Where do these towels come from?

It's, like, raining towels.


Here you go.

-[woman] Captain Lee!
-How are we doing, girls?

[women cheering]

See right up here on the right,
see all that white?

-That is a water park

that I've got scheduled for you guys.

[woman 2] Awesome.

[coughs, groans]

Okay, so the guests are going down
to get sunscreen on and stuff.

What are you gonna do
for the full moon party dinner?

I've got a bunch of neon rave decor,

glow sticks, glow stuff.


I might need your help
painting the deckhands.

-I'm artistic.

Tonight we're gonna have
a full moon party,

just like the ones they
have here in Thailand.

We're gonna do mushroom tea,
glowing things.

Brian and Ashton are gonna get shirtless,
have neon body paint,

and we're gonna simulate
the feeling of being on a lot of dr*gs.

Do you have any,
like, low-flavored mushroom

to make a themed cocktail?

-Yeah, I've got enoki mushroom.
-Okay, cool.

-[Lee] Yes, sir?

Could I have a chat with you, please,
in the wheelhouse,

if you don't mind?

-Thank you.

[Lee] Why does this not give me
a warm, fuzzy feeling?


Um, I've noticed over the last, like,

two or three days that
Abbi hasn't been herself.

She feels depressed, and she
would like to leave the boat.

-She'll ride out the rest of the charter,

but I think we do need
to find a replacement

for when we get back.

Is it the workload, or...

I think the sailing life
is just a little bit different

to working on a motor yacht.

I didn't see this coming at all.

Classic example of mouth writing a check
that your ass can't cash.

You're on a beautiful boat
in an exotic location,

you're getting paid for what most people

would do for nothing,
and you think life sucks.

Are you kidding me?

It doesn't give me a lot
of time to work with,

so we'll probably end up doing
this next charter short-handed.


We're a long way from anywhere.

I'd better be looking for a replacement

for Abbi, like, yesterday.

It's... [sighs] frustrating.

I will get on finding a replacement.

-Thank you very much.
-No problem.

I feel like [bleep].

You feel like [bleep]?

Think I'm just overexerting myself,

and like right now
I'm like, I need water.


That's what I'm trying to do.
My mouth just dries in seconds.

All right, so Abbi has decided
that she is gonna carry on.

Let's just support her as much as we can.

[Brian] Carry on for... just carry on?

Until... No, no, until
the end of the charter.


What the [bleep] is going on?

This girl is a tornado of emotion.

She just got engaged,
now she's [bleep] quit the boat.

Tann, you and I are going
to the water park.

You're gonna have
some fun with it, buddy.

I haven't eaten in three days,

I feel like absolute death,

and I know that without Abbi
the workload's gonna be a lot.

Now I have to push myself while I'm sick.

Just gotta get everything done.

I feel like I have to throw up.

But I'm gonna pop some Tylenol right now.

-Get your [bleep] together, boy.

Captain Lee is sitting down
for dinner tonight.

And it's got me nervous
because after the last charter we've had,

let's just say he's not my best friend,
you know.

Like, he has me by the balls.

[stewardess]Wait, we have six...

-Where's number seven? Number seven.
-[Kevin] Have we got enough?


Captain Lee's not getting one.

So I'm going to think
outside the box a little bit more.

Oh, [bleep].

There's already an ulcer in my mouth.

Like [bleep]. It's stressful.

[Brian] Hey, buddy, how's that smile?

There we go. That's the Kev I know.

Well played.

Nice toss, dude.

-[Kate] Hi, Simone.
-[Simone] Hello.

Guess what? You're going to the beach.

-Oh, am I? I'm excited.
-Get off the boat.

See a little bit of Thailand.

My favorite thing about yachting
is being able to see amazing places.

So, I'm just super excited about, like,

getting off this boat, no more laundry,

hallelujah! Whoo-hoo!

-[Kate] Have fun.
-Thanks, Kate.

[woman] Do I get to drive again, Ashton?

Thank you.


[cheering and laughter]

-Have fun!

[woman] Yes! Yes!

Get your cameras out, because it's on.

[Ashton] Tanner, you're gonna
have fun in there, bro.

Oh, this is beautiful. Come on, Sarah!

-Queen Sarah!
-Queen Sarah!

[screaming, cheering]


This is a nice day at the office.

It is, right?

So what's been happening in the interior?

I am basically a laundry machine.

[Courtney] You think Simone's gonna like
the beach?

I think she might.

She's been in the laundry room so much,
I've been trying to get her out.

She can stay down there.

-I don't wanna be in there.

-It's not gonna be good for her.
-I know.


[Ashton] Courtney wasn't helping
at all with laundry?

[Simone] Yeah, I don't think so.

I don't think she's ironed anything.


I'm starting to feel more like
a third stew than a second stew.

I think I've shot myself in the foot
by offering to do laundry and stuff

because that was my strongest point
and like it's not Courtney's.

So, I'm trying to work as a team.
It was the best option.

But because I'm good at something
doesn't mean I wanna stick with it

for like, the whole season.

Whatever. Like, zero F's given.

[Kate] Hello.

We can talk about dinner.

-All right.
-For the first course,

we're gonna do oven-baked scallops.

Oven-baked scallops.

They'll be like chorizo
and tomato down the bottom,

and then the beef tongue
is gonna be grilled.

Beef tongue? Wow.

And that's served with a romesco,
which is like a red pepper...

I'm still writing "tongue," hold on.

I'm not sure if I were a charter guest

I'd be super excited to have
a tongue in my mouth.

[laughing] Gross.

-Okay, beef tongue what?
-With romesco.

-What's that?
-It's like a Spanish pesto, I guess.

-It's really yum.
-You're a maniac.

It's just because
the captain's sitting down,

he didn't have much good things to say

-the other day about this last menu, so...

Valor, Valor, this is tender two.

Go ahead, Ash. I think I can hear you.

We are inbound, three minutes.

Copy, I'll be standing by
on the swimming platform.

[Kate] Hi, Abbi, how's your day going?

-Good. I mean, I'm leaving, but...

I feel like this is not for me.

Is that really surprising?


Are you really sure?

I'm sure, like...

I mean, it's only, like,
four and a half weeks.

[Abbi] Everything is hitting me
all at once,

and it's just a really hard decision

because I feel like
I'm letting people down.

I don't know,
I need to come to terms with it.


-Abbi, Abbi, Brian.
-Go ahead.

They're inbound.

[guests cheering and whooping]

[Brian] Yeah. [laughs]

-Hi, how was it?
-Oh [bleep].

-Oh, I gotcha.
-They're drunk!

-Oh, nope.
-Don't do that.

-Oh, God, that...

Oh, God, gimme your leg.

-Would you like a beer?

[Ashton] All right, I'm gonna
go get into my blacks.

Copy that. Oh, my God.

[Kevin] Hello. [laughs]


With beef tongue, most people
would be like...

[makes vomiting noises]

That thing of chewing on
someone else's tongue,

that squishy, soft, you know,
tongue, everything hanging out.

But I've done it many times.

This is something really nice
we always eat in New Zealand.

Almost like foie gras in the middle.

It's quite buttery, and it's delicious.

The thicker, the better.

Slippery when wet.


They'll have full drinks on the bunny pad.
I'm gonna go change.

-Tanner coughs]
-You sound...

[Tanner] Like a bag of dicks?

I think you should make a
concoction before you go to bed.

Warm some ginger beer in the microwave.

Thank you.

Simone, you're a sweetheart.

-Thank you.
-Oh, no!

Oh, yeah, don't put it all in at once.

Oh, yeah, thanks for that instruction.

Maybe next time you'll just make it for me

-and be a real friend.
-That is true.


-[Simone chuckles]

Is that some kind of sashimi?

Oh [bleep] who knows
what's going on here?

[Brian laughs]

-Your hair looks great.
-Oh, that's so cute.

[Kate] It looks like a children's rave.

[Courtney] I feel like I'm 15 again.

All right, what's my next move?

Asparagus. I should have
taken that scallop out.

Oh, this [bleep] is so hard.


[Kevin] What are you putting
in this mushroom drink?

-[Kate] Vodka, mushrooms, lemonade.
-[Courtney] Yum.

[Kate] There's gonna be so much vodka
and other [bleep] in there,

they won't be able to taste mushroom.

-[Courtney] Disgusting.
-[Kate] No, it's not, it's delicious.

[Tanner vomiting]

Oh, my God.

-[Ashton] Tanner?
-[toilet flushing]

[bleep] dude, you don't sound well at all.

[Tanner] [bleep] me.

[Tanner continues vomiting]

[Lee] So, did you guys enjoy
the water park today?

It was so fun.

You got some great color. Looking good.

Did the Captain, like, just compliment me?

I just wanna give you a heads up that...
Tanner is hammering his lungs out, dude.

Think he needs to relax.

-I can hear him, yeah.

[Tanner vomiting]

[bleep] hell.

First the situation with Abbi,
now Tanner being down.

This is a big boat.

It's supposed to be run by four deck crew.

Now it's just me and Brian.

Can this day get any worse?
Like, what else?

I'm like, bring it on, I'm ready.
I'll take it all now.

-Hey, Tanner.

Go down, dude. I don't want you to be up
if you're puking.

I feel good now.

I also don't want you to make
everybody else sick.

There's nothing else
that you need to do now.

All right.

[exhales sharply]

Kevin's ready to serve you dinner.

-Thank you, Kate.

We have buckets of alcohol.

-Oh, my God!
-We asked for a party, and we got a party.

There's mushrooms in there.

Where's Captain?

[Lee] Dinner last night,
the presentation was good,

as it should be.

That's what the guests should
be getting every night,

not here...

over the top.

It needs to be consistent.

It's like that saying,
"go big or go home."

And if he doesn't do that,

then it's time for him
to pack his [bleep] and leave.

It's delicious. You're going to love it.


[Kate] Simone and Courtney, can you go
to the galley for service, please?

-[Simone] Copy.
-[Kevin] Oh, this is pathetic.

-This is really good.
-There's more

than just mushrooms in Nicole's drink.

We're going.

Oh, yeah.

Thank you.

So today we've got
some local baked scallops,

and then down the bottom
is just a chorizo tomato,

and then on top is just, like,
a lemon-butter crumb.

And then it's a black garlic aioli.

-Thank you.
-Okay. Enjoy.

Thank you.

This is so good.

-I mean, every...
-This is outstanding.

They're loving it.
This is gonna be great.

The beef tongue,

-or what? Yeah.
-Is that what's next?

It's a huge risk
that I'm taking on this dish.

All I need is, like,
one person to be loudmouthed

about how disgusting it is,
and then I'm just [bleep].

Is this gonna be my last meal?

[Lee] Are your mushrooms melting?

If they are, it's working.

-[Kevin] All right, ladies.
-Looks gorgeous.

Thank you.

[Kevin] Okay, so, guys, this one,

I just really want you to try it,

because I don't think you're
ever gonna order it on a menu.

[woman] Is this a brain?

No, this is, uh, this is beef tongue.

-I wanna know whose preference sheet...
-Who put...

...said they wanted tongue.

[woman 2] I've never had beef tongue.

[woman 3] You guys, it probably tastes
a lot better than it looks.

[woman 1] Tastes like a tongue.

[woman 1] Is this a brain?

No, this is, uh, this is beef tongue.

-I wanna know whose preference sheet...
-Who put...

...said they wanted tongue.

It looks like sausage.

[woman 2] I've never had beef tongue.

-That's really good.
-Oh, my God, that's delicious.

-[Lee] It's very good.

-Okay, cool.

I've never had such good tongue.

A little tongue never hurt anybody.

[woman 2] That's what she said.

-[Kate] Good job.
-[Kevin] Thank you.

I've hit two birds with one stone here.

Captain Lee's off my back now,

and the guests are super happy,
so, I'm super happy.

[bleep] yeah!

Oh, yes, it's the last night of it all

[woman] I'm assuming you know what
a strip club is in America.

Yeah, no, I think I'll pass on that.

So, the Thai version of a strip club.

Have you heard of a ping pong show?


-No, but I can just imagine.
-Is it happening?

Certainly doesn't
involve paddles,

-does it?

Ashton, Ashton, Kate.

-Go ahead.

If you and the boys
wanna start get painted.

It's all up in the sky lounge stew pantry.

Copy, on my way.

Abbi, Abbi, Ashton.


You can go down for the night.
Please be on deck at 6:30.

[Abbi] It's been a hard day.

I never want to work on
a motor yacht again.

I need to focus on my passion in life,

which is sailing with Patrick in Greece.

That's what he wants
and that's what I want.

So, that's all that matters.

Vanilla, of course is the best.

-I mean, I'll...
-Oh, the last course,

yeah, the last course was the best for me.

Get excited, boy!

It's time to show that sexy body off.

Have you ever been body painted before?

-No, this is my first rodeo.
-Can't say I haven't.

We'll put Valor,

V-A on one of us,
and then L-O-R on the other.

-I like that.
-I don't know, what do you think, Kate?

[Kate] I'm sure it'll look great
no matter what.

Such wonderful canvases.

-[Ashton] Isn't this a bonding moment?
-[Brian] Yeah.

-[Courtney] Stop.

-This is not going well.
-Please help us, do like,

an anchor over there or something.

[Courtney] What are you writing?

Getting painted for the full-moon party.

It's not my vibe, but tonight
I'm going to take one for the team.

Just gonna paint your whole face.

I'm little bit more relieved that Courtney
jumped in to help us out.

I'd rather have her painting
my body than Ashton.

-That's perfect.
-[Kate] Courtney, Courtney.

We could
use you guys for service.

Would you like us to serve you dessert?


Tough crowd.

It wouldn't be Courtney
if she gave any other answer.

-That was very tasty.
-Really tasty.

That's good.

Okay, we're going.

Do we look cute?

Okay, yeah, but you guys are backward.

Like, what's what's Lorva mean?

[woman] Oh, my God.

Oh, yes!

[woman 2 whooping]

Oh, my God, bring it to me.

-This is the best thing ever.
-Bring it to me.

[woman 1] My mouth is watering.

This is actually for Captain, by the way.

It is.

Do you see the penis ravine on Brian?


-I can't focus.
-No, I was not...

I don't usually like bodies

-like that...
-I was looking at his face.

But right there, it's like a bone...

that muscle is so pronounced.

It's aggressive,

in a good way.

-Sure you don't wanna join?

Thank you!

His pants are so low,
I keep thinking he's naked.

That's the second time
that's happened today.

He's getting a penis slip.

I'm really excited for this.

This is a lavender caramel.
It's infused with orange.

There's just a lemon snap
biscuit on the side.

-Thanks, guys.
-Thank you.

-A pleasure, enjoy.
-Thank you, Kevin.

-[Lee] Thanks, Kevin.

-This is really good.
-So good.

[Lee] I really like this.

Thanks, Courts, They love the hearts.

Thanks, guys.

Looks great.

I think that all men
should go to a plastic surgeon

and get penis ravine implants.

You can have a small penis
if you've got a big ravine.

Thank you so much for joining us.

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

-We really appreciate it.
-It has been my pleasure.

We hope you enjoyed it
as much as we did.

-Thank you.
-I did.

[Tanner vomiting]

-Thank you guys so much.
-Good night.

-Good night.
-See you in the morning.

Good night.

So, about dinner.


You stepped the game up.


Quite well.

I could find no fault with anything.

Okay, cool.

It was great,
and I appreciate the effort.

-Yeah, thanks very much.
-Thank you.

Tonight, I'm impressed.
He brought his A-game.

But the fact remains that
the food should be consistently

at a very high level.

So, I'm hoping that trend continues,

because we don't do mediocre on my yacht.

-Look how clean this galley is.
-Go figure.

-I'm still working on mine.

[Kate laughs]

-Good morning.
-You ready for a coffee?

Iced coffee would be great.
Can you get me one?

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

-Good morning, ladies.
-Good morning.

Oh, my God, you guys
are wearing my shirt.

We've been waiting to pull them out.

Oh, yes, Kate.

[Kate] So, these are white chocolate
raspberry muffins

that he just made this morning.

You guys smell amazing.

Captain Lee and I were having
a great time last night.

Yeah, you did.

He knows how to take care of his ladies.

That's what she said.


-[Kevin] Are they happy?
-[Kate] So happy.

[Kevin] Aw. Beautiful.

Do you want to go to laundry
and you can hit the rooms.

-[Simone] Okie-dokie.
-Thank you.


[Courtney] I hate ironing.

Because you can't do it,
or just because it's...

Simone likes ironing,
why isn't Simone ironing?

Tanner's quite sick, you know?

What if we lose two deckhands?

[Kevin] No, we won't.

-Maybe I should go check on him.

[knocks on door]


Are you okay?

I think so.

Can I get you anything?

No, no worries, thank you.

[Ashton] Abbs, if you can have
your stuff packed

-by the time we hit the dock.

As soon as the guests have left,

myself and Cap will
have a meeting with you.

From that meeting
we'll get you off the boat.

-All right.

Leaving the yacht may
be impulsive, may be stupid,

but it's who I am
and how I deal with situations.

Captain, Captain, Kate.
I should have a quick chat.

Yeah, come on up here.

-You know what I really hate?

Green tea mouthwash.

I think that green tea mouthwash
is the least of your worries today.

Tanner's pretty sick.

He's been in his cabin
all morning, pretty much.

The room is dark, he's in bed,
and he didn't sound well.

[Lee] Tanner's really sick,
Abbi's leaving, what else?

I mean, Christ,
they're dropping like flies.

We can't afford to lose
anyone else, or we're [bleep].

We will get him to the doctor
as soon as we get to port.

What do your parents do?

My dad is in, like, finance.

My mom didn't work when I was growing up.

-And they're still together?
-They are still together.

Yay! That's cool.

Your parents...

So, my parents divorced
and my dad passed away.

They said it was a heart attack,
but I don't know, a bit skeptical.

I think it was an overdose
of dr*gs or something.

That's sad.


Myself and my dad, we didn't really have
a good relationship growing up.

He was very strong on me.

Me and my sister.

He wasn't really a good person in my eyes,

but it's given me motivation
to be a better father to my daughter.

My whole family thing
has been a bit of chaos.

I definitely want to the best role model
I can be

and give her a life that I never had.

And just be there for her
whenever she needs me.

All right, I guess we're ready
to start pulling the anchor.


Anchor's off the bottom.

[anchor rattling]

Anchor's secure, Cap.

Roger that. Let's get out of here.

I think she's pretty upset
that she's gotta pack and go.

-I know, she's acting weird this morning.
-But what do you expect?

You resign from your job,
do you think we're gonna keep you on board

until you're ready to leave?

[bleep] gotta get done.

-Hey, Abblet.

-You leave as soon as the guests leave.

but I don't, like, know where I go.

Like, do I just get put on
a dock, like, good luck?

[Kate] That's the thing about yachting,

when you no longer work there,

not only are you unemployed,
you're also homeless.

Yeah, that's what
I'm freaking out about right now.

I'm like, so where am I gonna go?

[Kate] You're probably gonna go
to the airport.

That's what happens next.

[Abbi] Okay. Wow.

I don't wanna leave, I wanna stay.

Kate's like, "I am not getting
you one more damn drink."

Does Tanner think he's going to be able
to operate lines?

[Brian] No, he's still feeling [bleep].

[Ashton] I guess three of us
can handle it.

-Yeah. Or Kev can help as well.
-Kev, yeah, why not?

-Is that me?

-Kevin, have you handled lines before?

Would you like the front side
or the back side?

I'd just like to do it together
so, we've got banter.

But I'd like the back side.

Okay, deck crew, let's get ready,
we're on our final approach.

I'm going to put you on
this line first, okay?

Get my starboard side door open, please.

I'm 30 feet from the dock.

Pass them down to me.
Good job. Give me some slack.

Lock in those spring lines.

Yeah, I've got Kev on the line.
He's just pulling us right in.

-Some more, some more.
-[Lee] Copy that.

Lock it in.

Nice job, guys, thank you.

-Yeah, good there, Brian.

[Lee] Attention all crew, I need
everybody on the aft deck.

I have to wear shoes for
the first time in three days.

-I like to wear shoes.
-And we're off.

-What a great trip.
-Oh, my God, that was amazing.

You're gonna get a lot of hugs.

Hi, Brandi.

Thank you for the delicious food.

We wanna thank y'all so much.

Like, the service was fantastic,
and the food was amazing.

-Every minute of every day.
-We have something for y'all.

-We really appreciate it.
-Oh. Thank you so much.

-Thank you, guys.
-Thank you, guys! Bye-bye.

-Thank you!

Okay, let's go to work.

-Let's do it.

[Kate] Hang your shirts back up perfectly.


Ashton, Ashton, Abbi, Abbi,

can I get the two of you up
to the wheelhouse, please?

-Copy. Let's go up.
-All right.


Ashton, Abbi, can I get the two of you

up to the wheelhouse, please?

[Ashton] Copy.


So, I understand
you'll be leaving us today.


The way we're packing charters in,
we don't have time for this.

Honestly, I didn't want you
guys to take it personally.

I love working with Ash
and the other guys, and...

Didn't take it personal,

but there's protocol.

I've got your passport,

along with your share of the tip.

Thank you very much.

That's all I gotta say.

Thank you.

Come on, Abbs,
I'll help you with your...

-My suitcase?
-Your luggage, yeah.

Thanks, Cap.


What are you gonna do?

There's gonna be a lot of things in life

that she's just gonna bail on,

and that tells me that Abbi's
not cut out for yachting.

Yachting's not for quitters.

I know it's probably the best thing

-for me in the end.

But it just sucks
to have to leave you guys.

I feel a bit bad
because she's in a situation

that she doesn't wanna be in.

But work is work,

and with Abbi gone, it's gonna make things

a hundred times worse.

Hey, Tanner, I wanna say goodbye
right now.


I'm gonna miss you, bud.

The hardest part about leaving is, like,

saying goodbye to the crew.

Feel better, seriously.

-Best of luck.
-Thank you.

I know it's the right decision,

but I still have that, like,
feeling in my stomach of sadness.

Thank you.

All right, bye, guys.

It was awesome working with you.

I didn't really get to know
you that well, Courtney.

-I know, I'm so sad.
-But I still really like you.

Good luck with the rest of the season.

-Thanks, babe.
-Abbs, thank you so much.

Thank you.

-I'm sorry that I'm leaving like this.
-That's okay, I'd rather you be happy.

Get home safe.

-All right. Bye.
-Thank you for everything, all right?

Working on motor yachts isn't for me,

but I'm happy that I tried it.

At least I know now, and, like,
I'm gonna get married in sometime.

I don't know what the [bleep] I'm doing,

but I'm really excited
to get back on a sailboat. [laughs]

[Ashton] Brian, Brian, please
start on the wash-down.

[Courtney] I can't tie it.

[Simone] I believe in you.

All crew, all crew, I need everybody

in the crew mess immediately.

-Is this all of us?
-That's all of us.

And then there were six.

Um, as you already know,

we have lost a member of the deck crew.

Didn't get it, didn't understand it,

but this isn't for everybody.

She's compensated and gone,

so, just move on, which we will.


These girls were great.

I can't remember where I had a charter
where I just laughed so hard.

And they did leave a nice tip, 19,000.

-Not bad.
-Seventeen hundred apiece.

Really good.

Thank you.

Thank you, Court.

-Thanks, Captain.

Chef. You nailed it.

I was impressed with everything.

I've got a doctor coming for Tanner,

and depending on what's wrong with him,

we may run the possibility
of being down two.

We'll just wait and see
how that whole thing plays out.

You guys know what you
gotta get done, so let's go.

-Thanks, Captain.

[Ashton] Just you and I today, buddy.

Let's get this [bleep] done with.

[Brian] Jeez, I'm running on fumes here.

[Ashton] The [bleep] joys of being short.

Well, it's Saturday night,

and I've requested a hot blonde
for our new deck team.

[Brian laughs]

[Kate] We have a doctor
coming to the boat.


-Hey, Captain.
-How you doing?

-Oh, definitely been better.
-Well, this should help.

I don't think I can accept this.

You don't have a choice.

That's the way we do things around here.

-I appreciate that.
-So, I wanna take you up to the master.

-I've got a doctor here for you.
-Thanks, Captain.

And I'm sure it'll be a relief.

If you wanna just rest yourself here.

-Cool, thank you.


Please, come aboard.

-Here is your doctor, Tanner.
-How are you, Doctor?

So, I'm gonna leave you guys
at it, all right, buddy?

We need that one for sheets
and Captain Lee uniforms.

Are you done washing her?

[Brian] Washed, bro.

-You [bleep] legend.
-I try.

[doctor] Looks like you got
some kind of viral infection

of the stomach

-I will give you medicine.
-Lay down?


Doctor tells me that I have something
that's called "sweet belly."

I guess it's just a common
little stomach bug.

It's nothing serious,
but I'm not gonna eat

a cheeseburger in Thailand ever again.

How's my boy doing?

Yeah, he's got some kind
of viral infection of the stomach.

If he can drink tomorrow,

he should be fine.

Okay. Thank you so much.

Thank you.

[Tanner] That was efficient.

[Lee] You should go and get some rest.

That's what I'm thinking, too.

-Glad it's nothing serious.
-Yeah, me, too.

[Brian] Hey, Ash, do you mind
if I take the tender out

for a couple hours?

That should be fine.

Looks good, guys, that's about it.

[Simone] Yay!

-What's up, girls?

-[Brian] Kate?
-[Kate] Mm-hmm.

Do you mind if I steal Courtney
a little bit early today?

Go for it.

-Wanna go out on the tender?

Let's go!

I really hope that Brian
and Courtney hook up.

Somebody needs to bang Brian.

Jeez, so hot.

-Go change.
-All right.

Watch your head.

-Gonna go around, yeah? All right.

I don't think I should get my hair wet.

Like, I'd like to get to know Brian
a little bit better personally.

I mean, I'm generally attracted
to men for their personality,

so, someone that has an attractive body,

like, I only realize that retrospectively,

like, once I get to know them
and once I like them.

Then I'm like, "Oh, did you know
I was dating this hot guy?"


Yeah, you don't wanna lose
that sunglasses tan.

[Brian laughs]

What would you do
if you didn't do yachting, though?

I would be, like, a lady of the house.


[Simone] Hello, you're alive.

-[Tanner] Yeah, somewhat.
-Yay. So how are you?

By tomorrow I should be back
to eating something.

That's good.

I'm bummed that I can't go out tonight.

[laughs] You're lucky.
We can trade places.

I'll take your illness for you, Tanner.

I'm sad that Tanner's
not coming out tonight.

I was hoping to spend some time with him,

because he is so hot

and sparks have been ignited.


-Later, Simone.
-Okay, I'll see you later.

Hey, how you doing?

Listen, I know you weren't available

at the start of the season,
but we've had an issue here.

I need to have you here in Thailand
in less than two days.

Great. Pack a bag.

See you soon. Bye.

[Courtney] You have a daughter,
someone said?

I do, yeah, Micah.


You have no serious boyfriends?

Kids? You married?


Not even a serious boyfriend?

-Not really, no. Nope.

And you're what, 30 years old?

-I'm 26.
-Are you?

[Brian laughs]

[bleep]. Sorry.

[Courtney laughs]

[Courtney] I don't wanna go.

Just say you lost me.

Wanna drive?

I can't even drive a car.

[Brian] Tanner banner. [bleep].

What are you gonna do in here?

Even like not working, I was like

"My FOMO's off the charts."

-[Ashton] Court.

How was your little swim?

-It was nice. Yeah.
-Was it?

-Did Brian look after you?
-Yeah, it was good.

Good. I want the juicy details.

There's no details.

Brian and Courtney's
just a little flower garden

that's just growing so nicely.

But that's okay, I like a chase,

and I don't mind a bit of competition.

-All right. Bye.

This I call sex potion, bru.

Somebody warn Thailand
I'm coming in hot tonight.

Let's go!

All right, kids, let's do this.

Let's just all [bleep] run.

-Work it, Courtney, work it.
-There's only six of us, bro.

[Ashton] You girls look beautiful,
by the way.

-Thanks, you guys look very handsome.

All right, let's go.


Hello, welcome to The Library.

-[Kate] That's so cute.
-[man] Oh, I love the music.


This club is the one.


[Simone] The music is amazing,
everyone is partying.

What do you want?

I'm good.

Other than getting a seizure.

I'm trying to dance.

You're doing well.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you so much.

-Oh, yeah.
-Oh, yeah...

[Kate] Oh, that's nice, that's nice.

[Brian] You guys gel
so well together, bru.

I like her. She's cool but...

I think she'd maybe go for you.

I'm just... I've never considered it.

[Brian] As soon as Ashton has
a couple of drinks in him

he is such a cockblock.

And I just want him to go after Kate,

so I can get a little bit
flirtatious with Courtney.

-I don't know.
-Well, I think it'd be cool.

Give me five minutes and I'll consider it.

All right, have another tequila.

[rolls tongue]

Come on, Court.

Ashton is trying way too hard.

Move, Courtney, move, come on!

It's gross.


No, I don't wanna do this.

Is it New Years?

Why did we do that?


Don't use my mouth as your receptacle

for insecurity and jealousy.

I love you,

but not that way.

This is why I have trust issues.

You kissed Ashton.

No, I did not.

You did. I watched you.

-He kissed me.

-Oh, no. You reciprocated.
-And I pulled away.

Like it was my cousin and I was scared.

-Let's get outta here.

-Can... Can we...
I just want breakfast.

-I like to be sweaty.
-Right now.

We've got some toes in the mix.

He just... He just licked my foot.
That's disgusting.

I do not want to be
a spectator to foreplay.

Don't make this about me,
when it's about you two.

Leave me alone.

-[bleep] fast, Brian.
-It is a good thing.

Oh, yeah [bleep] A.

We are all walking zigzag.

My feet hurt.

We made it.

Hello, me, by myself.

Good night, guys.

Courtney! Are you into my mate Brian?

I know you are, I don't even know
why I'm asking you.

I said no such thing.

You didn't have to, I'm saying it.

-What sauce do you want?
-Hot sauce.

Brian, get hot sauce.

That's not hot sauce.

-That looks like barbecue.
-It's tangy.

-It's says tangy.
-That's barbecue sauce.

He's already blowing it.

Bring some hot sauce.

[Ashton] I don't want hot sauces.
But anyway, goodnight.

[Brian] Ashton, he becomes
a hooligan when he drinks.

I think he gets his genitals
way too involved.

You know, good luck, Ashton,
whatever, bru.

Go for it, if you want to.

But I'm pretty sure
she'll pick the better man.

What the [bleep]. I'm confused.

I thought Brian was into you,
and he just went to bed.

That's my friend, but that's not cool.

I'm sorry he was like that to you.

[Courtney] I'm not worried about it.

You're actually very sensible.

You're very grown-up.

Even though you're not
as old as what you look.

You are as mature as...

every one of your positive features
make you out to look like?


[bleep] like... let me try again.

I'm gonna go to bed.

It's astonishing that Ashton thinks
he has a chance at this point.

I can't imagine anyone having
less of a chance than Ashton.

Good night.

I wish we had, like, girls that are just

willing to [bleep] have fun and bang.

Honestly, I'm [bleep] tired
of working so hard

to get my [bleep] sucked.

-Think about it.
-These guys have all got standards.


[Lee] Michael Blackton.

He met most of his friends
while attending Florida State.

The only major there is drinking beer.

[man] Am I riding this kayak down
by myself?

No, no, no. No!

What the hell are you doing?

Simone, Simone.

Come on, let me see your left hand.
What size is your ring finger?

You're a six and a half.

Oh, my God.

Michael is just being so creepy.

I'm out of air. I can't breathe.

Where would you like the gazebos?

[Kevin] Up there in the shade.

[Brian] That's fine, Kev, let's do
all the things you wanna do.

[Kate] Welcome to my life.

Kevin needs to stay in his lane.

I have a new deckhand coming.

Do you have a copy of a CV
that I can have a look at?

Oh, you already know it.
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