01x06 - Smell of Victory

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x06 - Smell of Victory

Post by bunniefuu »

I know that stare.

That's the crystal stare.

And that was the crystal drool.

I don't know what
you talking about.

You want to talk
to that girl all year.

Why don't you just ask her

to the charity drive
carnival this Saturday?

I don't know, Rae.

I know you're shy.

It's okay.

But I know a perfect way
to get her to notice you.


Yo, crystal!

Eddie, I mean, if you're
trying to date a locker

you got it going on.

D-do you smell that?

Yeah, I was trying to be polite

and not say nothing, but, man...

Now, you know that's not me.

Ben Sturkey! Ben Sturkey!



Does that guy ever
take a shower?!

I got second-hand stink here!

Try having him in science.

You know, my brother's
hamster smells better

and it died two weeks ago.

Cuddles died?!

Yeah, he died the
same way he lived...

On the wheel.

This is going to be great.

I just saw Ben Sturkey
put his arms around me.

Do your visions
usually come true?


All right, class

your science projects
are due on Monday

so, I'm going to
assign each of you

a partner.


Do you really think that
would be a fair evaluation

of our individual contributions
to the world of science?

I'm just saying.

Yes, I do, and I'm just saying.

Well, what about Diane?

'Cause you see
we have a chemistry

which must work well in science.

I mean, chemistry, science...

Diane's with Leland.

Okay. What about Tina?

What about Cristina?
What about Robert?

Raven, I've already
assigned partners.

I know.

Ben Sturkey.

Well, I had you with Kristen

but that's a much better idea.

Ben, you're with Raven.


This is going to
be great, partner.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

Now, we're supposed to
make a model with a molecule

but that's too
easy, so I'm thinking

an entire DNA strand.

So, what do you say, partner?

Let's get psyched, huh?

High fives!

Oh, by the way

the individually wrapped
little brownies on your plates

yes, that was provided
by yours truly,moi.

I know what you're thinking...

that I'm just trying to
unload stinky Sturkey.

I mean, Ben stinky.

Stinky stinky.

You know, you could at
least give back the brownies.

This one's missing a bite.

Thank you.

I've always thought
you were so cute

and, well, I'd love to go
to the carnival with you.

I just love sloppy
Joe day, y'all.

That's all that is.


Okay, I'm going to need
you to wipe off that face

before I talk to it.

Any luck finding a new partner?

No, and what am I going to do?!

I mean, this project is
worth 25% of my grade

and I can't get a good grade

if I can't breathe.

"Head cold" Kenny.

He can't smell anything.

Hello, Kenny.

Come on, Eddie, get up.

You can do it.

Do it!

Do it!

Sure, I'll partner
with Ben Sturkey.

You will? Really?

Okay, give me a moment.

I will be okay.

I'm up.

Okay, I'm down.

I'm up.


Zipper check.

Okay. That was a close one.

So... Want to go
to the carnival?

Hey, want to go to the carnival?

Oops, sorry, I'm taken.

You could ask crystal.

Oops, sorry, she's taken, too.


Eddie, you know you
got a piece of Cole slaw

on your head, right?

And I made it work for me.




What'd you see?

Um, I just saw crystal

and she was
pointing at your face

and really grossed out.

What's wrong with my face?

Okay, whatever it is,
she's just gon' freak.

What am I going to do?!

It's straight to bed
for you, young man.

With that fever, you'll be
out for the rest of the week.


"D'orry?" that little
stuffy-head thing

was my last hope!

Hey, partner.

Okay, you know what?

I'm just going to
have to come clean.

I'm going to have to be honest

and tell him I
can't work with him.

Hey, Ben?

Oh. Wow.

Hey, you know what?

I think I must have
pulled something.

Hey, Ben, yeah, you
know what might help that?

If you keep your arms down
by your sides really tight.

Okay, and you know what else

might help that little arm
spasm that you just...?

If you take a really
long, hot bath.

With a big bar of soap. Oh!

You know, that's a good idea

but actually, this arm
thing's kind of working.

So, what did you want?

Oh, uh, hmm, well, you know

I just wanted to talk to you.

Oh, is it about the project?

Yeah, I mean, I
just cannot believe

I'm partnered with you.

Oh, I know!

I still can't believe
that I get to work

with the prettiest
girl in class.


Oh, that's so sweet.

You didn't have to say that.

I mean, really.

Oh, but I mean it.

You're great.

So, what did you
want to talk about?

Um... you know

I wanted to tell you
that you're great, too.



Oh, right.

Do I spy a pupil with a problem?

Perhaps I can help.

Possibly... You know what?

It's a science thing

and nothing you could
spray, I mean say, would help.

Sorry. Okay.

But may I propose

you talk to your
science teacher...

Mrs. Depaulo, or is it depallo?

No, depaulo.

You know what? We just call her

"teach." that's
what we call her.

And you know
what? I'm about to go

see teach right now.




I wish I had a pet name.

Mrs. Depaulo, do
you have a minute?

Raven, I've been
meaning to talk to you.

I'm so proud of the way you've
been working with Ben Sturkey.

A lot of students
would have complained

but not you.


Now, what did you
want to see me about?

Yeah, okay. Um...

You know, I was wondering,
was it depaulo, or depollo?


Okay. I thought so.

That was almost too easy.

Mrs. Depollo... Depaulo.

Whatever. Ben stinks.

Isn't that a little harsh?

Ben's a nice guy,
don't get me wrong

but ever since I
was just a little tyke

um, I've been allergic to b.O.

All right, I don't go

to sporting events, gyms.

You know, you can ask my doctor.

Well, this project is a
big part of your grade.

And I really want
to do well in it.

Okay. I won't force
you to work with Ben.

I'm very...

We got an "a."

I'll have to tell
Ben... How much...

I am looking forward
to working with him.

Did I tell you Ben's my boy?

All right.

But I thought he stinks.

Now, Ms. Depaulo

that's a little harsh,
don't you think?

Shame on you.


Hey, Ben, doesn't
that go up there?

Oh, yeah.

You know what, something
is on the back of your head.

You better get it, you hear?

It was just your hair.

Looks great... Keep
up the good work.

So glad to have you in the
house... come again soon.

Oh, thanks, Mrs. Baxter.

Mom, you gotta breathe sometime.

Not in here.

Hey, Corey, what's
with the snorkel?

How do you breathe?

I don't.

That's kind of the point.

I finally figured out what
was so gross about me

in your vision...


You've got a bandage!

Covering a huge zit.

Hey, Eddie.

Don't get up. You just
keep working right there.


I mean, why don't I just tell
crystal I cut myself shaving?

Okay, 'cause if
she believes that

you got to dump the girl
'cause she's kind of slow.

No, no, he's got a
little mustache coming...

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

I'm thinking of
your friend Audrey.

You think it's funny?

You think this...
Ooh! ...Is funny?

Okay, I'm going to need
you to cover that back up.

I appreciate your
concern, man...

It's just a little nosebleed.

I need him out of my house.

But we haven't
finished our project.

Here's an idea.

Why don't you work at his house?

No, no, no, uh-uh,
I cannot do that

because, you see, I've
never met his family.

He might be the clean one.

Ooh, daddy.

The "band-aid on the zit" trick.

So, what did you do,
cut yourself "shaving?"

That's it.

There's no way I'm going
to the carnival tomorrow.

I'm calling crystal and
saying I'm sick, Raven.

No, you're not.

See, what you're going to do is

you're going to stick
your face in there.

It's going to suck it all out.

I'm not putting
my face in there.

But you don't have to.

Look, crystal's not going
to care about that pimple.

Sure, she'll see it, but then
she'll spend some time with you

you'll make her laugh,
and soon she'll want to know

about the man behind the pimple.


If she can find the man...
'cause that thing is nasty!

You know, I've found the
best place to hide from them...

In here.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ whoo! ♪

♪ Aw, yeah... ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ ooh, yeah. ♪

I can't... move... my face.

That's because you were
only supposed to put it here.

Just so you know

I'm giving you a really
dirty look right now.

That's how long I and my
nose have been in there.

The good news... I
finished the project.

The bad news... We
have to burn the couch.

Have no fear, family!

I'm going to blow
the stink away!

My project's
going to get ruined.

I cannot let that happen!

I'm okay... It's
just the project

but we can fix it
tomorrow after the carnival

even if it takes all night.

All night.

I feel a nosebleed coming on.

Um, hey, Ben... It's so great

that you volunteered to
help out with the dunk t*nk.

Um, actually, you
volunteered me.

Oh, yeah, that's
right, it's all for charity.

It's all for charity.

Oh, come on, you
throw like a girl!

Lady, can you give
someone else a chance?

No way. My baby wants
it, my baby's getting it.

That big spotted
dog is coming down.

You the man.

♪ Go mama, go mama ♪

♪ go mama, go, go... ♪


Mom, can I have one of those?


Ooh, nothing like an
outdoor barbecue grill

to get the juices flowing.

Mm, no. I'm feeling luckier.

Come on, Corey.

Oh, we've got
piping hot pork ribs

hamburger patties...
And soda pop.

Uh, I'll have a root beer.

With a lid.


Hey, Raven have you seen Eddie?

Crystal, I think he's over there

by the cotton candy machine.

Okay, thanks.

No prob.

I cannot keep doing this.

Why not?

Because... you told
her you'll meet her here.

And you told me
this would be gone.

What am I going to do, Rae?

You know what,
Eddie, face it, okay?

There's only one
thing you can do.

Yes, it is the magic of makeup.

It's just so weird, not to...

Hey, that's amazing.

You can't even see it. I know.

So, what do you
really look like?

You will never know.

Can't you wimps hit anything?

So, uh, what's
your favorite color?

Well, it's between
periwinkle blue

and seafoam green.

Uh-huh. Mine, too. Really?

Yeah, we have a
lot in common, girl.

Oh, uh, you got
a little mustard.

Oh, let me knock that out, baby.

It's still there. You know what?


All right, it's
disgusting, I know.

Eddie, get back here.

Crystal, what is wrong with you?

It is just a pimple.

So what?

Eddie is a great guy.

If we let little stupid stuff
like that get in the way

we'd never get to know anybody.

I mean, look, he spits

but I know he's a great teacher.

Look, she has a
mouth full of braces

but she is the fastest girl

on the track team.

And he smells.

All right, but he's
good in science

and he's a nice... guy.

Ooh... who deserves
to be treated a lot better.

All for a stupid grade.

Look, Eddie, you know what?

I don't care about
a stupid pimple.

It's just the
makeup that's weird.

Well, I only did it so
that you would like me.

Eddie, I wouldn't
have come here today

if I didn't like you.

For real?


Can we just start over, maybe?

Well, I really got to
think about this. Yes!



I'm still dry!

Must be some
kind of record, huh?

Yeah. Uh, Ben?

Could you please
come on out of there?

I kind of need to talk
to you about something.

Oh, sure. What's up?

Well, it's kind of hard to say.

I am so sorry.

That was a total accident.

Why is this water all soapy?

Oh, okay.

The water's soapy
because I put soap in it.

Why... why would you do that?

Because I'm a real jerk.

Oh, no, you're not a
jerk, you're my friend.


So, as a friend, here goes...

Ben, you stink.

All right, I'm sorry.

I do?

I mean, hasn't anybody
ever told you that before?

Well, my mom, but I
mean, that's just my mom.

She thinks my dad smells, too.


Well, I... I mean, I guess
I could just shower more.

It's no big deal.


Ben, if that's what you
want, 'cause you know...

Hmph! I don't care
if you take a shower.

Well, then I won't.

All right.

Son, when you have

a problem, and
people don't point it out

you can lose perspective.

If I had a problem

I would not want people
to beat around the bush.

Son, I have one word

which will change
your life forever...


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