01x08 - Saving Psychic Raven

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x08 - Saving Psychic Raven

Post by bunniefuu »

We got to stop this next play

or those scruffs from Jefferson

are going to beat us again.

I'm a scruff from Jefferson.

♪ Go, Jefferson, get busy. ♪

I got it, I got it!

Oh! I broke a nail!

Rae, what happened?

You said you had it.

Yeah, I did but
then I had a vision.

Chels, do you think they're mad?

It's cool, Rae.

I'll handle it.

Now, I know what
you're thinking.

This was our championship game

and Raven blew our one
shot at beating Jefferson

you know, after 27 years.

Chels... Let's go rag on it.


I'm sorry, you guys.

Yeah, whatever. Yeah.

Yo, Rae what happened out there?

She had a vision.

But it's cool,
'cause I handled it.

Well, I hope it was one important
vision, Rae, because 27 years...

I know.

Well, what was it?

Chels is going to break a nail.

It was the pinky.

Come on, you know

the one that she
uses to do Dr. Evil with.

Hey, I didn't ask
for these visions.

It's cool. Come on.

Let's get something to eat.

Yeah, we could celebrate.

The fact that we
all have our health.

No, it's cool.

I'm just going to head home.

But we're still on

for bowling tomorrow, right?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Bye, Rae. Bye. Peace.

I know what happened
to you out there.

Yeah, I missed the ball.

But I know why.

"Sleevemore center for psy...

For psychic research?"

My name's Carly.

Drop by sometime.

Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

Hi, I'm looking for the...

this is it.

Okay, well, the
reason I'm here is...

I know, I know...
Volleyball game

you had a vision, screwed
up, everybody's mad at you


Did you just read my mind?

Oh, well, I...

Marvin, don't freak her out.

I told him the whole story.

Got you.

Marvin's a
second-degree telepath

and a first-degree
pain in the butt.

That's why I love it here.

In school, I'm just
a pain in the butt.

You'll learn to ignore him.

Come on, I'll show you around.

Ooh, y'all's electric
bill must be ridiculous.

What do y'all do in here?

Well, we develop
our psychic skills.

Like marlo here.

She's a spoon bender.

Wow, you bend, girl!

We try to keep her
away from the good silver.

And that guy there can
start fires with his mind.

Hey, sparky.

So, what are they doing

some kind of experiment?

Uh, no, actually
he's making s'mores.

Did you see that marshmallow?

And then it... And
then it poofed?!

Am I the only one who
thinks that's amazing?

Well, I guess I am, okay.

I guess we're just used to it.

So, what's your thing?

Well, I'm a telepath

so I can read people's thoughts.

And I'm telekinetic.

Oh, what's that?

Yeah, but can you do the shake?


You're going to fit right in.

I don't really know.

I mean, everybody seems

so in tune with their
psychic abilities.

I wish I was.

Then you've come
to the right place.

I'm Dr. Sleevemore.

Welcome to my center.

Dr. Sleevemore, this is Raven

the girl I told you about.

Oh, Raven.

You had the vision.

Screwed up the volleyball game.

Carly, did you have
to tell everybody?

Oh, Carly didn't tell me.

You read my mind?

No, Marvin told me.

Good old Marvin.

Raven I believe we can help you.

First, we measure
your psychic abilities

on the sleevemore
cerebral oscillator.

Oh, dear me.

Ooh, the cerebral oscillator.

Wait a second.

Is that going to
Jack up my hair?

Oh, yes.

I'm worried about Lionel.

What's wrong?

I think he's lonely.

Can we get him a dog?

Corey, you don't
get a rat a dog.

Victor, Lionel's not a rat.

Maybe he needs a girlfriend.


The last thing we need
in this house is two rats.

Why don't you get him a mirror?

Now, Victor, come on.

Every man needs a
good woman in his life.

Oh, forget it.

Just get him a piece of cheese.

He'll be just as happy.

Are you equating cheese
with the love of a good woman?

You gonna turn this into
something, aren't you?

Now, Corey, honey

Lionel's a part
of the family, too.

If you think he
needs a lady friend

then we'll get him one.

Come on, Lionel.

Let's see if I can make
a player out of you.

And stay away
from my aftershave.

Uh, circle.


Wrong again.

Looks like they're letting
anyone in these days.


do we have to give
you another time out?

Just relax, Raven.

You know, I'm not really
much of a card reader.

I'm more of a future seer.

Oh, clairvoyant.

But I can't really turn
my visions on and off.

Well, we know you
can't turn them on.

I think I'm seeing a long life
of loneliness for you, Marvin.

I'll tell you what, Raven.

Let's do this another day.

Dr. Sleevemore it's oscillating.

That's what
oscillators do, Carly.

You just had another
vision, didn't you?

Yes, and I suggest
you take three steps

to the left.

Good show, Raven.

You just registered a 4.7

on the sleevemore psychic scale

and a perfect ten on the
sleevemore thank-you scale.

Thank you, but you should
see me when I'm warmed up.

I have to admit I had my doubts

but you're definitely one of us.

Thank you.

Welcome aboard. Thank you.

Oh, my goodness
this is so weird.

Normally I have
to hide my visions

but it's just great
to just be myself.

Well, you're welcome to
be yourself here anytime.

We'll meet again tomorrow.

Okay. And afterwards,
we all go out for pizza.

Um, oh, man, I kind of had
something planned, but...

You know what? Never mind.


Ooh, I smell popcorn.

Hey, Rae. What's up?

Guys, did you see what they
put on the school website? Look.

It is so not that funny!


I'm completely not laughing.

So, uh, Rae, where
were you last night?

I called to see
how you were doing

but all I got was the machine.

Well, you know,
actually, I was out

and I really want to
talk to you guys about it.

You know how my visions
can sometimes be a problem?


Come here.

May I direct you to the screen?



Man, when you get that
vision look on your face, that...


It's always something
just really earth-shattering

like a broken nail.

Oh, gosh.

By the way, Rae, me and pinky...

Still waiting.

You done?

Yeah. So, uh, what
did you want to tell us?

Just that I'm not going
to be able to go bowling

with you guys tonight.

Oh, no, come on,
Rae. It'll be so much fun.

We'll eat really
greasy food, you know

wear other people's shoes.

Well, I really just can't
make it with you guys tonight.

I mean, you know, Corey's rat

is having that whole
crisis and everything

and you know how I
like to be there for him.

The rat, not Corey.

Well, okay, Rae, if you're sure.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Okay, who ordered the cheddar?

What is this, a rat motel?

Okay, everybody...
Check-out time.

Move your tails.

Victor, stop it.

These rats are here because
we put up a flyer in the pet store

and their owners
brought them over.

Of course. Their owners
didn't want them either.

Victor, this is a
lesson for Corey

about love,
compassion, tenderness.

Now, get with the program.

Lionel, look at
all these babies.

And all you have
to do is pick one.

How about alberta?

She's missing her front teeth.

Lionel can't wake up
to that every morning.

Dad, hand me Daisy, please.

Do your thing, girl.

Ooh, smells like
love, huh, Lionel?

Oh, great.

Table full of kids.

What a joy.

Raven, check this out.

Okay, make it snappy.

What will it be?

Uh, we'll have a small sausage

and a large vegetarian, please.

Uh, you know, on second thought

I think I want to change that.

Did anyone see my...?

My lucky pen.

I wouldn't want to lose that.

Y'all know that was wrong.

It's so easy to
goof on the normys.


That's what we call
non-psychics behind their backs.

As in

"how many normys does it
take to change a light bulb?"

Mmm, I give up.

One, but he doesn't
do it 'til after it burns out.

I get it... because

they can't see the future?

Oh, that is... my friends...
Would totally not get that.

See, that's why it's way
more fun to hang out

with your own kind.

Oh, now, don't get me wrong.

I love hanging
out with my friends.

It's just that sometimes

they really don't understand
what I'm going through.

The normy problem.

We've all been through it.

Ooh. I think I'm
feeling something.

Is it a vision?

No, it's more like a vibe.

Just go with it.

Um, okay, I see two people,
but I can't really make them out.

Uh, they're very angry.

Who are they?

Hey, Rae.

How's the rat?

So, Rae, you met some kids

who were psychic.

Why did you have to blow us off?

And lie to us?

What's up with that?

I just didn't know

if you guys would
click, you know?

I mean, you have
totally different interests.

You like to bowl,
and-and they...

Well, you know, they like

to defy the physical
laws of the universe.

Okay, tell me I did
not just see that.

Oh, man, I know.

Gosh, that was a lot of pepper.

Chelsea, it was floating.

It's called telekinesis.

Yeah, it's still way
too much pepper.

Look, you guys have
been on my case lately

and I just found some people
who understand me, and I...

And you'd rather hang out
with those freaks than us.


Is that what you call
me when I'm not around?

He didn't mean you,
Rae. He meant them.

Okay. Cool it, sparky.

Look... I'm just
like them, okay?

And if they're
freaks, then so am I.

Well, if you're
going to be like that

then let's go, Chelsea.

Right behind you.

Oh! Ow! I broke a nail.


I don't even care.

Yes, you do.

I can't believe

you made me wear
a suit to this thing.

It's a wedding.

They're rats.

They're in love.

They're rats.


Oh, honey, doesn't
she look beautiful?

We are gathered here today

to join this couple
in holy matrimony.

Lionel, Daisy

I know you two were meant to be

and if your marriage is
anything like my parents' marriage

then you'll be together forever.

You may get mad

and want to sleep on the
other side of the cage...

But hang in there.

And if you ever need advice,
talk to my mom and dad.

'Cause after all these
years, they're still in love.

By the power vested in
me by norm's pet store

I now pronounce
you husband and wife.

Lionel, you may
now kiss the bride.

Or sniff her.

I'm seeing myself
surrounded by people...

Who really need
to back up off of me.

Thanks. Okay.

You're tense and
irritable and, uh...

Down to a 1.6 on
the Seymour scale.

This bears further study.

Come on, Raven.

It's just us now.

Tell us what's up.


That's not what I'm getting.

Okay, big shot. Since
you know everything

what am I thinking?

All right.

You are thinking about
changing shampoos.

Ah! Conditioner. Next.

You're also worried
about your normy friends.

Raven, it's okay.

We all know what it's like

when your friends
think you're a freak.

Well, actually, they
think y'all are the freaks.

That is so normy.

But that's how they see us

and that's why we
have to stick together.

I guess you're right.

It's for the best.

Come on.

Sparky's making nachos.

Oh, I'll get it.

Uh, we come in peace.

We want to know oh, boy.

What's going on here

and we're not leaving
here until we get some...


That's what I'm talking about.

What are you guys doing here?

Rae, we really
need to talk to you.

Uh, Raven, Dr. Sleevemore
doesn't like visitors

during research hours.


Girl, y'all are melting cheese!

I'll handle this.

Get over there.


Y'all here to see
the freak show?

Look, I'm sorry. I
shouldn't have said that.

Yeah, Rae, come on.

We came to apologize

and we really want
to work things out.

If these are your friends,
they're our friends, too.

Yeah. Really?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. You mean it?

Excuse me?

Who says we want
to be friends with you?

But excuse me.

What's that supposed to mean?

It's time to leave.

What if we don't want to?

Good shot, Carly.

Oh, come on.

So what? So, you can throw

a lousy donut at
Eddie with your minds.

Whoo! So cool!

That was kind of cool, but

I bet you cannot
do that with a chair.


Will you stop it?!

These are my friends
you are telepelting.

We're your friends.

Not if you can't accept
Eddie and Chelsea.

Yeah. Come on, Rae.


Come on, Rae, we're leaving.

Uh, yeah, I can't.


Please, Raven, don't go!

You have an amazing gift

and you were making
such progress here.

Hey, if my friend wants
to leave, she's leaving.

Guys, some help here.

Who turned off the gravity?

Let her go. She belongs with us!

She belongs with us!

I belong on the ground.

Let me go!

Not the oscillator.

I'm still making payments.

Rae, are you okay?

Did they hurt you?

Us? You are the one that let go.

That's what happens
when you let the normys in.

I'd rather be a
normy than a freak.

Will you guys
stop it? It's my turn.

You're not a normy,
and you're not a freak.

We're all just people.

We hang out, we go to school

we play volleyball.

Some better than others.

The point is... Is
that I'm psychic, yes

but that's not all I am

and that's not
all you are, either.

Dr. Sleevemore

thanks for all of your help

but I think it's
time for me to go.

Well, I'm sorry
to hear that, Raven

but our door's
always open for you.

Thank you, Carly.

That's going to be the phone.

Good-bye, everybody.

Wait, Raven, I
just want to say...

Okay, guys, guys,
don't all think at once.

We just want to
say that we're sorry.

Hey, man we're sorry, too. Yeah.

Oh, and Eddie...

Yes, I'll go out with you.

But how did you...?


You got skills, girl.

I like you.

Is something burning?

Yeah, Eddie, it's you!

What's that, man?!

It's burning my...

Sparky, we talked about this.

Oh, we used to date.

He's not quite over it.


Well, it-it looks like he
still has the hots for you.

Ow! Carly!

Ooh, I'm sorry, girl.

That was me.

You know, that is
a beautiful couple.

Mom, dad!


You're grandparents!

They were there a minute ago.
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