01x19 - Escape Claus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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01x19 - Escape Claus

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on, people.

Can we get a move on

or we're going to
be caroling at easter.

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of Holly ♪

♪ fa-la-la-la-la,
la-la-la-la-la... ♪

Corey, that was pretty good.

♪ 'Tis the season to be jolly ♪

♪ fa-la-la-la-la,
la-la... la... I... ♪

Excuse me.

I work alone.

I think

somebody's going to be
very happy this year, Raven.

Wait a minute, did
you just have a vision?

I hope you didn't
see what we got you.

Of course I didn't.

I mean, no, I didn't.

Can we get a move on?

Yeah, um, let me
just get my coat.

I think I'm coming
down with something.

I got it... I got the cold.

You better go on without me.

Are you okay?

Do you need me to stay with you?

Oh, mama, no.

Go... enjoy... be merry.


Okay, um, I'm sorry
you're not feeling well.

Yeah, you stay warm. We'll
be back in about an hour.

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la... ♪

Or sooner.

Are you sure you don't
want to go caroling with us?

Yeah, it's always
been the Baxter quartet.

Doesn't feel right
going without you.

♪ Fa-la-la-la... ♪

And Corey wants your solo.

Better not chance it.

Go without me.


I know, I know...

I shouldn't have opened
my present before Christmas

but look at this.

Rae, everyone does that.

It's just... I can't believe
you wore it to school.

I couldn't help it.

Girl, the outfit
demanded I wear it.


Listen, I'll have it
back under the tree

and my parents will never know

'cause... isn't it beautiful?

It's jewelry...

I'm a guy, which
adds up to I don't care.


Hey, Rae, can I try it on?

I don't know... Come on, Rae.

Please, please.

Okay, okay, okay.

We better get to
petracelli's class.

Here he comes.

That guy creeps me out.

It's like... it's like he's
looking right through you.

I know what you mean.

I call him the mid-Terminator.

But never to his face.

Uh, Ms. Peterson,
pick up your trash.

Mr. Thomas, pick up you pants.

All right, all right, all
right, one last thing...

I'm sure you'll be
disappointed to know

that I won't be here tomorrow.


But, Ms. Simmons
will be substituting.

You know, the one
who plays movies

'cause she doesn't care
about your education.


Now, remember...

Even though I'm gone
tomorrow, I will be watching.

All right, girl, time's up.

My necklace misses me.

All right.

Ooh, Rae, it's stuck.


Girl, mama's coming.

Let me try.

Let me see.

Eddie... Eddie, be careful.

I'm trying to be gentle...

Eddie, you're hurting...!

Oh, my necklace!

Don't worry, I see it.


Right there.

See where the guy's
mowing the law...

Oh, and there... And there...

And all over there.

♪ Let's go ♪

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

♪ future, future ♪

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

♪ life is a breeze ♪

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

♪ oh, no ♪
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation ♪

♪ then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now ♪

♪ about to put it
down, yeah, come on ♪

♪ and ride with the break, now ♪

♪ in that the future
looks great now ♪

♪ and everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ let's keep it going ♪
♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

♪ that's so Raven ♪

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

Yep, that's me.

It's a purple garnet
necklace with a silver chain.

Are you sure you
don't have it in stock?

Well, check again
and again and again.

They're checking.

You do?

Oh, that is so terrific.

Okay, they have it

but they're only going to
hold it till 2:00 tomorrow.

We'll still be in school.


I think it's time y'all
let a man handle this.

Look, ma'am, I'm sorry,
but 2:00 is unacceptable.

Now I want the necklace
wrapped, purple bow, ready to go

by 4:00 sharp.


We've got till 1:00.

Forget it.

By the time we get out of school

it'll be gone.

Yeah, you know, Rae

you're just going to have
to tell your parents the truth.

You know, tell them that
you opened your present early

then wore it to school and
then fed it to the lawn mower.

You know, just leave
me out of that last part.

Thanks, Chelsea, but I think
I actually have a good idea.

See, we are going to ditch
petracelli's class tomorrow

and go to the mall.


Ms. Simmons is substituting.

She never takes attendance.

It's perfect.

Very true... all
except for "we."


We are not cutting class.


Okay, you know what?

I'm not ditching by myself.

So I guess that means

I just have to tell
my parents, right?

It'll probably ruin
their Christmas.

But I screwed up.

So, uh... I might as
well get it over with.

You know, this
is our fault, too.

I mean, I just had to
wear the necklace, and...

You know, you threw
it out the window.

Yeah, but can't we just
be really, really sorry?

Eddie, we have to help her.

Usually you guys
are a lot faster.

I found this hanging
up in my closet.

I will not wear this stupid suit

for another stupid
picture with Santa.

I'm too old.

Come on, we do this every year

and your mother loves it.

But... between the two of us

how about ten bucks

to get you to go along
with the program?

Ten bucks?

Hmm... what's the magic word?


Oh, good.

I see you found
your Christmas outfit.

That photo means
a lot to your dad.


I don't know... it's so dorky.

Well, um...

Would ten dollars
make it any less dorky?

I guess I can do it for father.

♪ Ka-chingle bells,
ka-chingle bells ♪

♪ ka-chingle all the way. ♪

Hey, guys.

Hey, Rae. Want to help me

put the roof on the
gingerbread house?

Um, sorry, dad

you're going to have to
do it without me this year.

Real busy... lots of studying.

Oh, well, okay.

But who's going to help me do it

and then sneak the gumdrops
off the roof when I'm not looking?



All right, people...

Tomorrow after third period,
we will position ourselves

in the hallway
here, here and here.

Soldier, timeline.

We'll exit school at

and have exactly 23 minutes

to get in, buy the necklace

and get out, sir!

Excellent work.

Eddie, transportation report.

We walking to the mall.

Synchronize watches.

That's a nice band, Chelsea.

Thanks. I just got it.

What other colors do they have?

Can we not do this now?

Okay, disperse!

Just want to let
y'all know, um...

There's no one here.


Chelsea... You're the lookout.

Eddie, cover me.

We've got 22 minutes

to pull this off, people.


Did you get the necklace?

Yeah, with still enough
time to get back to school.

Oh, look, a shoe sale.

No way!

The plan was to
get in and get out.

We got in, so let's get out.

Okay, fine.

Oh, forget the shoe sale.

Let's take a picture with Santa.

It'll be a souvenir
of the day we cut.

Merry Christmas, little girl.

Ho, ho, ho.

A merry Christmas.

Oh, ho, ho, ho.

Merry Christmas!

Did you hear that?

Yeah. Why does it
sound so familiar?

Petracelli. Petracelli.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you, Santa. Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

Right back at
you, Mr. Petracelli.

Real smooth.

How do you know my name?

Oh, it's a really funny story,
but we can't tell you now

'cause we got to run!

Out of the way!

Mall rats!

Raven, Chelsea,
Eddie: ♪ o holy night ♪

♪ the stars are
brightly shining ♪

♪ it is the night of
our dear savior's... ♪

Man, I just don't get it.

Why is petracelli
dressed like Santa?

Well, you guys, you
know, it is Christmas

and I really think
Christmas brings out

the best in all of us...

Even, dare I say,
Mr. Petracelli.

Freeze, mall rats!

Ho, ho, hold it!

You are going to love it.

The perfect gift for
the perfect size eight.

Size six.

Your sister's going to love it.

What are you doing?

Girl, you're not trying

to sneak a peak at
your presents, are you?


And spoil the wonderful surprise
that is Christmas morning?

Shame on you.

This thing is too tight.

Now I know why
those people yodel.

I think it's adorable.

Well, at least your mother
didn't make you wear

the matching stockings.

I almost forgot.

I left them in the Kitchen.

Thanks, honey.

Okay... How about five bucks?

Sure, if it's five bucks a leg.

So, you ready to go
to the mall with us?

Mall... the mall.

Um, you know, mom, I
think I'm going to skip it.

I'm kind of malled out.

We do this every year.

We have hot chocolate.
We go shopping.

I pick out something I like.

You tell your father
to get it for me.

He gets the wrong
thing. I have to return it.

I pout a little

then I get to spend more
than he ever would have.

It's tradition.

Yeah, mom, but, you
know, it's been a long day.

Right. Okay.

Ho, ho, ho, what have we here?

And yet, mom

you can never have
too much mall time, truly

so I'll be right there.

That's my girl!

All right.

Chelsea, Eddie, it's Raven.

You know that picture we
took at the mall with Santa?

Oh, yeah. I wonder
how that turned out.

Girl, it turned out fine

'cause I just saw it in
the hands of petracelli!

This is taking forever.

Hey, now we're moving.

Hey, not so fast.

I'm a walking wedgie.

Hey, look who's here.

It's my friends
Eddie and Chelsea.

What a complete
and total surprise.

Yes, isn't this a
coincidence, Chelsea?

I'll say, Eddie.

So, mom, dad, little brother

we're going to go shop now,
in the mall... which is here.

Okay, bye.

At least she was with
us for a little while.


The picture's right between
my parents and Mr. Petracelli.

No, wait.

Petracelli's going on a break.

You better go
get those pictures.

How's she going to
sneak by her parents?

Who needs to sneak
when you can walk on by?

No wonder it takes eight
reindeer to pull this dude.

All right.

I'm going in.

Ho, ho, ho!

Merry Christmas!

Hold on, children.

You waited a year.

You can wait five more minutes.

Santa's not back yet.

Ho, ho, ho!

Santa's just going
to look at the pictures

to see who's been
naughty or nice.

Ooh, these children have
definitely been naughty.

All right, everybody.
Ho, ho, ho!

Yo, yo, what's the deal?

We've been waiting a long time.

Keep your paws
off the claus, man.

Ho, ho, ho. You've
been a good child!

Merry Christmas!

Are you happy now?

Ho, ho, ho. What have we here?

Are you some kind of impostor?

Security, there's a phony
Santa running around this mall.

He looks like me...

Ms. Baxter, this was taken
this afternoon, wasn't it?


I cut school, but I
had a good reason.

See, my parents got
me this beautiful necklace

for Christmas, and I
opened the present early

I wore it to school
and it got trashed.

So I cut school to replace it
so I wouldn't disappoint them.

I was just thinking about them.

Totally unselfish.

How did that sound?


Okay, you know what?

Go ahead and do
whatever you're going to do.

All right, I will.

I'm going to let
you off the hook.



I ruined everybody's Christmas.


They don't know what you did.

Yes, but because I had
to open my present early

I didn't go caroling
with my parents

which I love

and I didn't get to, you know

make the gingerbread
house with my dad

which I've been
doing since I was little

and I didn't even
get to put the angel

on top of the Christmas
tree with my mom.

And I didn't ruin anybody's
Christmas but my own.

Hmm, kind of miss
all that stuff, don't you?


Why'd I have to open my present?

Being psychic can throw
you sometimes, huh?

Mr. Petracelli, how did
you know I was psychic?

'Cause I'm not Mr. Petracelli.

That's Mr. Petracelli.

Wait a minute.

If he's Mr. Petracelli...
Then who are you?

Raven, you have the
gift of seeing the future.

Now I'm going to give you
the gift of changing the past.

Are you sure you don't
want to go caroling with us?

Yeah, it's always
been the Baxter quartet.

Doesn't feel right
going without you.

♪ Fa-la-la-la! ♪

And Corey wants your solo.

You know what?

I think I'm feeling
a lot better.

I'll be right out.

The Baxter quartet is back.

♪ Silent night, holy night ♪

♪ all is calm ♪

♪ all is bright ♪

♪ 'round yon virgin,
mother and child ♪

♪ holy infant, so
tender and mild ♪

♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪

♪ sleep in heavenly peace. ♪

Happy holidays from
my family to yours.
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