02x06 - Hearts and Minds

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That's So Raven". Aired: January 17, 2003 – November 10, 2007.*
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Raven Baxter is a high-school student who has a secret psychic ability that allows her to experience short visions of future events.
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02x06 - Hearts and Minds

Post by bunniefuu »


Ah, Valentine's day's coming up

and Rae made daddy a
big old Valentine's card.

Sorry, daddy, it's for Devon.

Um, he's visiting
his grandma in L.A.

And, you know, I just
wanted to send him a little card

to remind him of moi.

♪ Miss you, wanna kiss you ♪

♪ miss you, wanna kiss you,
miss you, wanna kiss you ♪

♪ miss you, wanna kiss you ♪

♪ miss you, wanna
kiss you, miss you... ♪

Oh yeah, that'll
remind him of you.

A big old head that
won't stop talking.

So how about you, Corey?

You got a Valentine?

Oh, yeah.

A new girl in school.


Oh, that is beautiful, Corey.


You know, I think
that's French for

"girl you better run
before it's too late."

Nobody wants to be my Valentine.

Corey, have you actually
talked to Danielle yet?

No, I've been waiting
to make my move.

And today's moving day.

Hey, Corey...

Now, I know this may
sound a little weird,

but I want you to have a
good Valentine's day, okay?


'Cause I know a little
something-something about romance

and I want to
help a brother out.

Why? Why?

Listen, all I'm saying is

when you talk to
Danielle, don't mess up.

Think about what you're
going to say before you say it.

Don't worry about me.

I know how to
talk to the ladies.

Oh, hi, Corey.

Hmm... hmm...

Hmm... hmm... hmm... hmm...

Okay. Nice talking to you.


Let's go

♪ if you could gaze
into the future ♪

future, future

♪ you might think life
would be a breeze ♪

life is a breeze

♪ seeing trouble
from a distance ♪

♪ yeah ♪ go, Rae.

♪ But it's not that easy ♪

oh, no
take it to the bridge now.

♪ I try to save the situation,
then I end up misbehaving ♪

♪ hey, now, say, now,
'bout to break down ♪

♪ yeah, come on and
ride with the Rae, hey ♪

♪ and if the future
looks gray now ♪

♪ then everything's
gonna change now ♪

♪ all right, keep it going ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's the future I can see ♪

that's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious to me... ♪

That's so Raven

♪ it's so mysterious
to me, yeah ♪

yep, that's me.

Rae, come on, couldn't
you have just sent him

a long e-mail or something?

Please, girl, where is
your sense of romance?

Gee, I don't know, Rae...

I think I sweated it all
out on the way up here.

Oh! Oh! Oh!

It's Curtis! It's Curtis!

Yes! Yes!

Hello, Curtis. Hi.


I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Yeah, that'd be cool.


Well, that stinks.

Curtis just asked me out.

Oh, yeah, Chelse,
it's a real bummer

when a guy I like asks me out.

Well, come on, you know

I can't date anyone
unless my parents

check him out first,

and they're away on
their second honeymoon.

Why couldn't they just
get it right the first time?

Hey, I have an idea.

Why don't you let my
parents step in for yours.

They'll check out Curtis,
give your parents a thumbs up

and someone's getting
a slice of cutie pie.

Oh, is it me? Is it
me? 'Cause I love pie.

You ruined my life.

Then my work here is done.

You told me not to
mess up with Danielle.

So I'm thinking, "don't mess
up, don't mess up, don't mess up."

And guess what happened?

You messed up.

Oh, no, that's probably not it.

That's too obvious.

Of course I messed up.

Corey, listen, it's not too late

to turn it around with Danielle.

I'm not listening to you.

You are a love jinx.

What happened?

Threw little homey's
game down the drain?

It was an accidental
game drain, thank you.

I had a vision that Corey
didn't get a Valentine...

I tried to help and I
think I made it worse.

Eddie, you're like
his big brother.

Can you talk to him for me?

Hey, no problem.

All he needs is a couple
of tips from the master.

Oh, good idea, good idea.

Now, where would we
actually reach this master?

You know, Corey, as
hard as it is to believe,

I used to have some difficulties

talking to the ladies.

That's not hard to believe.

Well, anyway,

the point is, I got over it.

But I never had this problem...

Until I tried to
talk to Danielle.

Man, that's 'cause
she's special.

You've got to go
in there with a plan.

Something romantic that's
going to blow her away.

You know what I'm saying?

Like what?

Watch and learn.

Follow me.

Come here.

Put this on... Pop it in.

Number three.


Hey, what's up, Andrea?

Hi, Eddie.

Hey, I've been working
on something new for you.

I want you to dig it, all right?

All right. Cool.

Going something like this...

♪ Oh ♪

♪ yo ♪

♪ I was thinking 'bout you,
baby girl, just the other day ♪

♪ in history class, thinking
of you missing me ♪

♪ and I can't think of
nothing, sweet angel ♪

♪ because I'm lovesick ♪

♪ I got a hole in my heart
and it's burning like a wick ♪

♪ I try to focus on learning, but
then my mind ends up turning ♪

♪ I can't focus, girl,
'cause my soul is yearning ♪

♪ but anyway I'm
going to go ahead ♪

♪ and skip to the main part ♪

♪ help keep me on the right
path at least to your heart ♪

♪ done. ♪

See what I'm saying?

I love that. That was so...

Oh, hey, daddy.

Eddie was just...

Well, I guess her daddy's
not that big of a rap fan.

But you get the point, man.

I know what you're saying.

I should rap to Danielle.

Exactly, Corey.

Matter of fact, bust
a little rhyme for me.

Okay. Dig it.

♪ My name is Corey ♪

♪ and... this is my story ♪

♪ two times two equals four-y ♪

♪ and at night I soar-y... ♪

And that is "sorry."

Sit back down.

Can't talk, I can't rap.

I'm never going to get Danielle

to be my Valentine.

Man, listen, I'm
going to help you out.

You can use big Eddie's rhymes

to rap to your girl, Danielle.

Really?! Yeah.

Man, that's tight.

I don't care what
they say about you...

You the man.

You the man.

Well, thank you, Corey.

That's so cool of you.

Wha... what are they saying?

Hey, Corey.

You want to share my snack?

Hmm... hmm...
hmm... Hmm... hmm...

I guess not.

Hmm...! Hmm...!

♪ I was thinking 'bout you,
baby girl, just the other day ♪

♪ in history class, thinking
of you missing me ♪

♪ and I can't think of
nothing, sweet angel ♪

♪ because I'm lovesick ♪

♪ I got a hole in my heart
and it's burning like a wick ♪

♪ I try to focus on learning but
then my mind ends up turning ♪

♪ I can't focus, girl,
'cause my soul is yearning ♪

♪ but anyway I'm
going to go ahead ♪

♪ and skip to the main part ♪

♪ help keep me on the right
path at least to your heart ♪

♪ done. ♪

Corey, that was so...

Miss you, want to kiss you...

Rae, when are you
going to mail this thing?

As soon as we finish
licking the envelope.

Miss you...

Oh, Chelsea, we
talked to your folks

and they agreed to
let us check Curtis out.

Chelsea, we haven't
given him the okay yet.

Oh, come on.

You guys are so
going to say yes.

My parents are so strict.

And you guys let Raven
get away with everything.

You are so funny. Ha, ha, ha.

She's just playing with y'all,

'cause you guys are the
toughest parents I know.


Just mail the card.

And clean your room.

Yes, ma'am.

Ladies, don't forget...

Tomorrow's Valentine's day.

Or as I like to call
it, "coreytine's day."

I'll see you then.

Were all those girls
screaming for you?

Yeah. It's my rapping skills.

A hooked up brother.

Ah. Mm-hmm.

Okay, so which one

of those beautiful
ladies was Danielle?

None of them.

She's old news.

What happened?

I thought she was going
to be your special Valentine.

Who needs one girl
when you can have ten?

It's a numbers game, baby.


Wow, looks like Corey's
a little full of himself.

He's a little full of something.

I thought you were
gonna mail that thing.

The mailman refused to take it.

Well, maybe you
need a smaller card.

Or a bigger mailman.

Don't you have to
call Curtis, Chel?

Ooh, right, I have to tell him

to come over tomorrow,
meet your parents.

Man, I hope this goes well.

I feel like Curtis and I
are, like, soul mates.

You know, just think,
one day I might be

Mrs. Curtis...

Yeah, what the heck's
that guy's last name again?

Chelsea, go to my room.

Hey, Eddie, we got
to talk about Corey.

I'm kind of worried about him.

Why? He's doing great.

I just wrote him a new rhyme.


You know, just
following up the first hit,

passing down the magic.

Um... listen, I know
I asked you to help,

but Corey's changed.

I mean, he's obnoxious,

self-centered, conceited...

He hasn't really
changed that much.

But now the girls are
actually falling for it.

Rae, it every guy's dream

to have a whole bunch
of girls chasing them.

Don't k*ll the boy's
dreams, that's all I'm saying.

Yeah, he was kind of glowing.

Look at this way, Rae.

Your vision of Corey
not getting any valentines

ain't gonna happen.

Maybe you're right.

I got to get that.
And you know what?

I don't care what they
say about you, Eddie.

You're the best.

The best?

Well, thank you, Rae.

Well, who keeps
saying these things?

Hey there.

Hi, I'm Danielle.

I just wanted to drop off
my Valentine for Corey.

Oh, that is so sweet.


Come on in, he'll be right down.

I tried giving him
my card in school,

but he was kind of busy
with all the other girls.

Oh, well...

I'm sure he'd love
to see you now.

And don't take it personally,
Danielle, seriously,

because guys have
this crazy dream

about lots of girls
chasing after them.

They do?

Why can't they
just like one girl?

You know what? They can.

They should. That
dream is stupid,

because it hurts people,

especially cute little
people in pigtails.

Oh, those are so cute.



Danielle came over to
give you this Valentine.

Not until tomorrow.

Tell her to take a number.

He's such a kidder.

No, seriously. Tell
her to take a number.

I got to go.


I cannot believe that...

Corey, get down here right now!

What do you want from my life?

"Take a number," Corey?

That is no way to treat anybody.

What do I have to do
to get through to you?

Whatever it is, take a number.
You can tell me about it later.

Hey, you guys, Curtis is here.

Thank you so much again
for filling in for my parents.

You know, Victor,

this is a big responsibility.

You heard what
Chelsea said earlier

about you being too soft.

Oh, please, she
was talking about you.

Of course she was.

Now put away your cream puffs

and let's talk to the boy.

Guys, are you ready?

Ooh, there's a tough question.

Um, Curtis, this
are Raven's parents.

They actually have
some questions for you.

But don't worry, it's
just a formality thing.

Take a seat, Curtis.

So... How are you
doing in school?

Oh, he's shaking now.

Actually, Curtis is
a straight-a student.


You a cheater?

Uh... I've never
cheated in my life.

Ever been in jail?

What? No.

Why not?

Because I'm not a criminal.

Okay... Come here.

Hi, yeah, come here. Hi. Hello.

I kind of like
this guy. Kind of.

Honey, we're just
doing our jobs.

Mm-hmm. Okay.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey.

You're on a date with Chelsea
and the car breaks down.

What do you do?

Uh... I don't have
a license, sir.


Driving without a license.

What were you
thinking, young man?

And you getting
in the car with him.

Chelsea, I'm sorry.

I like you, but this
is just too weird.

Um... uh, uh, Curtis...
Can you wait a minute?

Is that a trick question?


Look, I think we got
a little carried away.

I'm sorry.

Look, you seem like a
very nice young man.

I thought I was.

Look, you two go out
and have a nice time on us.

Here's ten bucks. Ten bucks?

You can't do anything
with ten bucks.

Here's $20.


Bet you can't top that.

Don't push it, girl.

Now be back by 11:00.

You know what? I
don't even live here.

Happy coreytine's
day... For one of you.

Would you please take a seat?

Now I'm gonna rap a little
something-something for y'all.

And I'm gonna ask each
of you what you think.

And the one with the best answer
will be leaving with this Rose.

And the other four...

Will be leaving with
just the memories.

♪ Girl, I'll give you platinum,
pearls, ice and gold ♪

♪ and in return, I ask
you don't treat me cold ♪

♪ don't try to jock c-diddy
because you know I got flows ♪

♪ be a Teddy bear forever,
to have and to hold ♪

♪ you need a man that makes
you want to shake, jiggle and clap ♪

♪ and when you're down, make
you smile with the charm of a rap ♪

♪ I'm hotter than hot ♪

♪ the girlies know I
can't be stopped ♪

♪ I just took a shot and made
this rhyme up on the spot ♪


♪ Made it up on the
spot, huh? I think not ♪

♪ why you tellin' them fibs,
little bro? You need to stop ♪

♪ I'm hotter than some of
you, ha, your rap is a bummer ♪

♪ and where you get the nerve to
tell Rae-dizzle to take a number? ♪

Raven, what are you doing?

I tried to talk to you,
but you wouldn't listen.

I don't have to listen
to you. You ain't cool.

Oh, I'm not cool.


I'm about to take you to school.

♪ Unh, unh ♪

♪ my boy think he raps good,
but he ain't acting like he should ♪

♪ talking mean towards people
won't get you to Hollywood ♪

♪ but listen, yo, I got
a little proposition ♪

♪ I'm balling you
out on the battle ♪

♪ so drop unless
you're chicken ♪

♪ start kickin', bust it. ♪

I ain't chicken.

Well, then drop it.


♪ Your feet... stink ♪

♪ your toenails pink ♪

♪ your breath smells bad ♪

♪ like a... bad smell ♪

Ooh, what then?

Can't touch this.

♪ My boy can't rap ♪

♪ it's obvious
that he's frontin' ♪

♪ his lips just flap, big
sis gon' keep it coming ♪

♪ learn to improvise, 'cause
all you did was memorize ♪

♪ bring that big old
head back down to size ♪

♪ and young ladies, don't be
letting Corey put you in check ♪

♪ get a grip, y'all should
really have some self-respect ♪

I didn't want to
pull this out on y'all.


♪ My name is Corey
and this is my story ♪

♪ two times two equals four-e ♪

Please don't leave.

Come on!

Sit back down.

You not gonna get a
Rose acting like that.

Nobody wants to be my Valentine.

Just like my vision.

Why did you do that?

I know it's hard to believe,

but it was the only way I
could think of to help you.

Well, thanks for the help.

I had all those
girls in love with me

and you had to ruin it.

Corey, those girls were
not in love with you, okay?

They were in love with your rap,

which wasn't even yours.

So what?

I didn't hurt anybody.

You didn't?

Well, what about Danielle?

"Take a number"?

Oh, yeah. I guess you're right.

I should've given her
a lower number, huh?

Corey... I get
what you're saying.

That wasn't cool.

There may be hope for you yet.


Danielle wanted
me to give you this.

She was the only
girl that really liked me

and I blew it.

Uh, well... You
still have a Rose.

What am I supposed
to do with it?

Let's go get you a vase.

Hello, Corey.

Hmm... hmm... hmm...

Danielle, translated,
that means,

"I'm sorry I was a real jerk.

Will you be my Valentine?"

Corey, is that true?

Okay, Corey. I'll
be your Valentine.

You will?!

That's great!

I'm talking to you.

Did you like my card?

Yeah, I liked the little hearts.

Some people make them
lumpy, but yours were perfect.

Thanks. I don't
like lumpy hearts.

Me, too.



I get you. You want me to go.


Cupid was just
admiring her work.

But she can take a hint.




What's up, Rae? Hi.

You weren't supposed
to be back until tomorrow.

Not that a sister's complaining.

I made my parents so
crazy talking about you,

we drove home a day early.


Happy Valentine's day.

Thank you, Devon.

Oh, they're so beautiful.

Oh, and I got something for you.

♪ Miss you, want to kiss you ♪

♪ miss you, want to kiss you ♪

I love it.

♪ Miss you, want to kiss you ♪

♪ miss you, want to kiss you ♪

♪ miss you, want to kiss you ♪


It's the thought
that counts, right?

Happy Valentine's day.
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