01x01 - Crush, Chop, and Burn

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Lab Rats". Aired: February 27, 2012 – February 3, 2016.*
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A young teenager named Leo Dooley lives a normal life until the day his mother Tasha gets married to billionaire inventor Donald Davenport, with whom they move in.
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01x01 - Crush, Chop, and Burn

Post by bunniefuu »


Welcome to your new home,
Mrs. Davenport!

Why, thank you,
Mr. Davenport.

Mrs. Davenport.

We get it...
You guys are married.

It's getting old.


You got this big house
just from inventing things?

Way to go, mom.

That's a husband.

Oh, uh... heck is that?

That is my latest creation.

Davenport industries' first
completely interactive 3-d TV.

[ Beeping, humming ]

[ Organ plays "charge!" ]

[ Crack of bat hitting ball,
"crowd" cheering ]

Watch the vase,

Mom, I think the little voice
inside my head is back.

No, this is eddy.
He's my smart home system.

Eddy, this is
my new stepson, Leo.

Remember, I told you Leo and
Tasha are moving in today?

Hey, welcome.
Everything here is mine.

Uh, Leo, why don't you
go check out your new bedroom?

Just go straight
down that hallway,

and when you see the room
with the video games

and the action figures
and the 50-foot-screen TV,

keep walking...
That's mine.

This place is huge!

I'm gonna need a GPS
just to find the bathroom.

[ Whooshing ]


[ Leo screaming ]

[ Bell dings ]


My new dad is Batman!

[ Beeping ]

Good luck gettin' in! That steel
door is thicker than your head!

[ Loud clank ]

Well, there's
another way to get in.

Give me back my epod!

I don't have it!

You took my epod!

Taylor swift mega-mix...

I find her soothing.

[ Zapping ]

Oh, I know you didn't
sh**t that laser at me.

Oh, sorry. It was a terrible
mistake... just like your face.





[ All screaming ]

[ Leo squealing ]

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


All: Aaaahhh!

Okay, I don't play
this card too often, but...



Leo! There you are!
Oh! [ Laughing ]

What is this place?
Who are they?


They, uh, are...

A boy band I've been
working with,

um, and the twist is,
one of 'em's a girl.

All right,
they're part of

a secret project
I've been developing...

Genetically engineered
superhuman siblings.

Tasha, Leo,
meet Adam, Bree and chase...

The greatest combination of biology
and technology ever developed.

I don't want to brag,
but I am incredibly smart.

Don't look at me... I told you to
stay away from Internet dating.

So they're robots.

Oh, no, she didn't!

No, Tasha, they're human,

I've just given each of them

a unique set of bionic abilities

controlled by a microchip
implant in their necks.

It sounds a lot more
complicated than it is.

See, Adam is all brute strength,

and Bree has speed and agility,

and chase has super-senses
and a superior intelligence.

[ Laughing ] Donald...


There are children...
Living in our basement!

This is a scientific habitat.

I mean, look at it...
It's got a game room

and a rock wall...
Anything a kid could ask for.

I've created this place
so they can train

in the utmost of comfort
and technology.

It's true. The toilets
have seat-warmers that talk.

What do they say?

It varies, no.Ending on...

Donald, I don't know
what to make of all this.

Some new wives get surprised
with a honeymoon in Hawaii

or... a cruise.

Bionic teenagers were not
on our wedding registry.

Honey, they have to stay down
here for their own safety.

This is all very top-secret.

But as soon as
their training is complete,

they'll be able to handle
any crisis or problem

that the world
throws at them.

I want to go to Paris.Ramids.

I want to go upstairs.

Hey, what are those?

Time machines?

No, they're not time machines.

The time machines are
actually in the shop.

These are my biologically
regulated atmospheric chambers

where my bionic creations
live and sleep and eat.

Which reminds me,
it's yeah! Rtime.

[ Beeping ]


[ Buzzer ]

These are my patented
protein pellets.

Whatever they don't catch
is tomorrow's breakfast.

Okay, chase.

Enemy grenade,
three o'clock!

Hey! Why does he get a
force field, and I don't?

'Cause if you had one,
I wouldn't be able to do this.

Okay, you guys take
the rest of the day off.

I'm gonna go speak at a tech
conference... because I'm awesome...

I'm gonna have
the speedboats detailed,

and then I'm gonna
go get waxed.

Don't judge me.

Well, I better
get ready for school.

Ooh! I have always dreamed
about going to school.

Passing notes,
going to prom,

breaking into choreographed
dance numbers after math class.

Yeah. All we do is eat,
sleep, and train for missions.

We're like human lab rats.

Come on,
it can't be that bad.

[ Squeaking ]

So, you've never
left this room?

That explains
the haircuts.

I bet school's fun.

You know, except for books,
classes, and learning stuff.

It's not fun when
you're "the smart kid."

Well, down here,
smart is considered superior.

No, it's not.

Hey, you guys should
come to school with me!

You could be
my bionic bodyguards!

I'm in! O!

Eddy: Not on my
watch, laser brains!

Aw, sh**t. We forgot about
Davenport's creepy computer.

I thought it was
just in the living room!

In my shower?!

Yep. And by the way,

nothing needs to be
that clean, sport-o.

Okay, we need to
shut that thing off.

Never gonna happen, okay?

Eddy is an incredibly complex

and sophisticated
piece of machinery.

It would take years before...

Aha! Sweet!

I barely got

Okay, come on. If we're
gonna go to school,

we should shower first,

because two of us
really stink.

[ Both sniffing ]




[ Dryer humming ]

Oh, great. You gave me
your underwear by mistake.


What are you
complaining about?

I got the bra.


[ Giggling ]

I can't believe we're actually at school.
I am so excited!

Oh, my first
lunch lady.

She smelled like
fish sticks.

Do me a favor and try to act
like you've seen the world.

I have a reputation
to uphold here.


Good to see you too, Steve!

Hi! I'm Bree!
I like ponies and girl things.

Did you see that?
I have besties.

I can't wait to
s*ab them in the back!

Here, little lady,
let me help you out with that.


Would you two
quit goofing off?

We're supposed to not
draw attention to ourselves.

Aaaah! Aaah! Aaah!

[ Screaming ]

What's up with crazy?

He has ultra-sensitive
bionic hearing.

What was that?

It's called a bell.

It rings every 40 minutes,
eight times a day.

So... have fun with that.

I hate why? Class.


That's why.

So big deal...
You can't play basketball.

Chess club's where
all the action's at.

Whatthrow it.

To someone who's looking.

Wow! You caught that
with your face!

Just once I'd like to
show these fools up

and go all NBA
in their faces.

Thenlook at me! You?

There's more meat
on a dog bone!

Yeah, but now
you have us to help you.


Wait... what? No!!!
These are my good drawers!




Yeah, I got mad skills!


Hey, honey.

Oh, okay. So we have kids
living in the basement,

and we walk on the
furniture... got it.

The alarm in lab went off, eddy's
been disabled, and the kids are gone.

Those animals
yanked my wires!

And one of 'em manhandled
my motherboard!

Where are the kids?!

Oh, I'm sorry.
Were you talking to me,

or the wife you
replaced me with?!

You know, I might like
a new pair of shoes, too!


They went to school

No. No, no, no, no, no, no.

They can't go to school...
Not withwhat... glitches?

Because they're human, their
emotions can trigger their bionics.

If one of 'em gets
a little nervous or upset

or even a little bit
too huh-huh?

They could take out everything
from here to Tijuana.

What?! You did not mention
this on your profile.

Come on!

Attention, students!

The pep rally is starting.
Go, dingoes!

Pep cheer:
♪ let's get fired up...

Here ya go, baby.

You guys rock!

Ever since gym class,
everyone wants to be my friend.

And there's been a certain
gentleness to my wedgies.

It's the least
we could do.

You gave us our first
taste of freedom.

Yeah, and our first taste
of Salisbury steak. Uh, yum.

Computer lab,
taking med school courses.

Guess who just became a
chiropractor in the Philippines?

Aw, look.
The doggy likes me.

Okay, doggy,
that's enough.

Hey, I said
that's enough!

Hey, I'm kavin.

Aren't you the girl that tried to make
me eat a basketball in gym class?

Oh! You remembered!

I'm warning you, dog, you're
messin' with the wrong guy!

So, there's this party tonight.
You wanna go?

A party?
I've never been to one.

I mean, yes, I have!
My whole life's a party!

You're invited.
Wanna dance?

It's my salisbugrr! Grr!

Why are Adam's eyes
turning red?

Heh heh heh...
Heh heh heh...

Oh, no!
His heat vision!

His what?

It's a glitch.

Whenever he gets too upset
his heat vision acts up!

Cheerleaders: ♪ we're dingoes,
we're here, there's nothing... ♪

[ Screaming ]

I got her! I got her!

Oh. Oops.

Overshot it. But don't worry, I know
a chiropractor in the Philippines.

[ Groaning ]

I hope do you smell smoke?

We're too late.

[ Fire alarm ]

People. People.

Statistics show that
if we don't panic,

at least 70% of us
will make it out alive.

[ All screaming ]

[ Screaming continues ]

Oh, no!

They k*lled Dewey dingo!

Heh heh heh heh...

So... how was school?!

Get in the helicopter!

Do you realize
what you've done?

I had to write a check to that school
for 30 grand to make this go away.

For 30 grand, I'll go away.

We're sorry. We just wanted
to be normal for a day.

Oh, come on, Donald,
they're just kids.

When I was their age, me and Fiona
micklejohn, we snuck and we crashed...

You know what?
I'm not helping.

Look, I designed you guys to go
on highly classified missions,

not try out for
the cheerleading squad.

Oh... well,
there goes that dream.

Look, I know
you're mad, big d,

but these guys performed
the impossible today...

They made me popular.

I got game!

And I cured male pattern
baldness with a biology rat.

Ooh! And I got invited
to my first party!

How exciting!

We gotta get you clothes
and shoes, and we'll do...

Again, not helping.

That's it. Leo,
you are banned from the lab.

And you three are to have no
contact with the outside world.

No talking, no texting,
no nothing.

Ooh! What about
the last art of pantomime?

Go to your tubes!

So, do all fuzzy animals
have girls inside them,

or just the dingoes?

If Mr. Davenport's
such a great scientist,

then how come
I'm not a little stronger

and you're not a lot smarter?

I don't know...
But does this hurt?


Now I'm never
gonna have a boyfriend.

Guess I'll just keep
fake-kissing that wall.

Oh, we've all done it!

Leo, what are you doing? You're
not allowed to be down here!

I know. But you know that party everyone
at school's been talking about?

It's in your living room!!!


Do the Leo! Do the Leo!
Do the Leo! Do the Leo!

Now just the sexy people!


Leo, I can't believe
you did this!

Yeah. I owed you guys, and since you
couldn't go, I brought the party here.

Cheese curl?

What about
your mom and Davenport?

They're at dinner.
They'll be gone for hours.

Jimmy, get your head
out of here. It's a microwave.


Yeah! At thing throbbing?

And if it's not better by
Monday, they're gonna drain it.

Careful there, buddy.

That piece of cake has
approximately 47 grams of sugar.

If you eat it, you'll be bouncing
off the walls for hours.

How do you know that?

'Cause I just had




[ Shouting continues ]


[ Horn honking ]

Hey, you're back!

How did these people
get here?!

You are in big trouble,

Hey, everybody!
Thanks for coming.

Get out!!!

[ Door closes ]

You kids have
really done it this time.

And who gave eddy cake?!

I just wanted them to have
one more night of fun

before you put them back
in their display cases.

Biologically regulated
atmospheric chambers.

Look, the fun's over.

As of tomorrow, you're all
being relocated permanently.


What part of

"no contact with
the outside world"

diwhere are we going? D?

To one of my remote
research facilities

where you can
complete your training.

But this is home.

This is where I get
my meaty-flavored pellets.

Not anymore. Now go downstairs
and pack your stuff.

This isn't fair.
They're my best friends.

Donald, when are you
going to realize that

they're not just
science projects?

They're teenagers.

Any chance we can
ship her off, too?


Okay, just checking.

I can't believe this is
our last night in the lab.

I think Leo's
really gonna miss us.

Yeah, me too.

Think we should
wake him up?

No, let him sleep.

But he's drooling
on my socks.


What're you doing?

If Davenport is
gonna ship us off

to some remote facility,

then the office supplies
are coming with us.

We just got our first
taste of normal life.

I was this close
to getting a curfew

which I was
totally gonna break.

Oooh! But maybe when we get
to wherever we're going,

we'll meet a sassy
lab chimp named bobo

who will take us on adventures
and teach us how to love.

Or maybe you'll
make him angry

and he'll maul you
and snack on your fingers.

Hey. I create the monkey
fantasies around here.

Well, kids, I hope you've
enjoyed your stay

at casa Davenport.

I know I haven't.

Eddy, I know we've never been
the best of friends,

but we're gonna miss you.

Oh, really?

We hate you!

You're evil!

Where is this training
facility anyway?

Facility x?

Oh, it's all the rage.

That's pretty nice.

Oops! Sorry!
That's my screen saver.

You're going here.

Forget about
office supplies.

We should be
gathering wood.


I wish I hadn't
thrown that party.

I can't help but think
this is all my fault.

Oh, that's because
it is all your fault.

Adam, he was only
trying to help us.

Well, yeah, but he did
the opposite,

which is not help us.

The not makes
it the opposite.

I'm just so bummed.

It's the only place
we've ever known.


Just think about all the
memories we've shared here.

If the atom has too many
or too few electrons,

the atom is called an ion,

and it has a positive
or a negative charge.

And that's how
batteries are made.

The end.

Whoa. Whoa.

Okay, Adam.

You can put me down now.

[ Giggles ]

Hey! Come back with that!

[ Giggles ]

Come back with that book!

Look what you're doing,
you're kicking up all this dust,

you're gonna make chase's
super senses glitch,

an[ Sneezes ]a...

[ Giggles ]


I can't let Davenport
send you guys away.

Let me talk to him.

No one can say no to this
million-dollar smile.


Uh-uh.at if...

Don't yforget it.

Whatla la la!


I'm pretty sure he's
gonna think about it.

Leo, there you are.

Honey, I know you're sad
about your friends leaving.

But think of all the time
you'll get to spend with me.

Oooh! We can play
your little video game.

You know, the one
where you hold the thingy

and you move
the other thingy.

Mom, with all due respect,

it is way too late in life
for you to learn video games.

Good morning,
happy family.

What is that?

Whatever it is,
don't get too attached.

Look, Leo, I know you're gonna
miss Adam, Bree, and chase.

So, I laser scanned
their features

onto these
bio-synthetic robots

and I programmed them with
their core personality traits.

Is this great or what?

It'll be like they never left.

[ Clanging ]


What do you think?

I think the excitement

of having a billionaire dad
just wore off.

Donald, I don't know
about this.

I kind of prefer Leo
to have friends

who can't malfunction
and tear him limb from limb.

What are those?

Oh, Dr. Franken brain here

is trying to replace you
with creepy robots.

Welcome to crazy town.

[ Beeping, warbling ]

Good morning.

The time is 11:22

and the temperature
is currently 68 degrees.

You made a robot of me
that just stands around

telling people the time
and the temperature?

That's the coolest thing
I've ever seen!

Does my nose really
look like that?

[ Warbling ]

Yours has a faint
moustache underneath.

[ Laughter ]

Hey, everyone.
I'm chase.

Let's do, ma... ma... math.
[ Warbling ]

[ Laughter ]

That is not funny.

No, you're right.
It's fuh... fuh... funny.

[ Doorbell chimes ]

Hey, Fitz.
How's it going?

How's life?

How's tricks?

Alrighty then.

You guys should've seen him
at the Christmas party.

He's a karaoke master.

Well, I guess this is it.

Thanks for
everything, Leo.

Yeah, you're the best
friend we've ever had.

No, he's the only friend
we've ever had.

Well, don't forget to bundle up
on your deadly missions.

Hey, remember,
this is a good thing.

Without any distractions,

you might finish
your training early.

[ Warbling ]
Whoo hoo! They're gone!


I mean, have a safe trip.
I love you.


Hello, insert name here.

Would you like to engage
in silly, happy, fun time?

Get lost.

You can't replace
my real friends.

I really loved those guys.

Don't be sad,
Mr. Leo.

Friends come and go.

But robots are forever.

Dibbly. Dibbly.

That is my version
of a laugh.

Dibbly. Dibbly.

Will tin eyes get
out of here?

Sensing human hostility.

Must exterminate.

Robots attack.

Yeah, go robots!
Get him! Crush him!

All: Destroy Leo.

Destroy Leo.

[ Screams ]

Leo, Leo.
We're not robots.

It's really us.


We told the driver
we forgot something,

and then we swapped
the robots in our place.

You said you loved us.
You said you loved us.

[ Loud kisses ]


It is you guys!

Wait, what about Davenport?

We'll just have to act
like dumb robots

every single
time he's around.

It'll be easier for some
of us than others.

Hey, Leo.

Big d, Donny,
man of the house!

What're you doing, buddy?

What am I doing?

I am hanging with

my robo-fake
people friends.

[ Sings ] Ain't no party
like a robot party

'cause a robot
party don't stop.

See, I told you
you would like them.

Like 'em?
I love 'em!

Oh, you know what
the greatest thing

about having robots is?


They are virtually

Watch this.

[ Crackling ]

No, it's okay.

He can't feel a thing.
He's a robot.

[ Crackling, shuddering ]

Ha ha! They are so
incredibly lifelike.

[ Crackling, shuddering ]

Don't even try it.

Oooh, you're
a feisty robot, you.

You wanna give it a try?

Come on, do it.

Just do it once.
It's a lot of fun.

[ Screams ]

You're right.
It is fun.


All right,
let's make this quick

so we can get
out of here.

Adam, for breakfast,

you get wheat bread
and a side of sugar packets.

My favorite!

Bree, you get two old wings

and a drumstick
from the chicken shack.


And chase, you can have
the peel to my banana.

I'm not eating a banana peel.

You don't eat it.

You just chew it till
all the flavor's gone.


What's going on?


Look at you.

In the kitchen.

We are just having
a healthy breakfast.

Honey, they're robots,
they don't eat.

All right, anyway,
I was thinking,

today might be a good day
to take them to school with me.


I mean, bee-Dee-beep.

Dee-Dee-beep beep. Beep.

Leo, you're not taking
robots to school.

Your teachers already think
you're a little weird.

What makes you say that?

Because on your last
progress report,

it said, "we think
Leo's a little weird."


Go to school.


You guys stay out of trouble
until I get back home.

Hug it out.

Hey, honey.

Donald, you have got
to get rid of those robots.

Leo thinks they're real.

He needs to be
around normal kids.

Honey, when I was
growing up,

I never hung out
with normal kids.

And your best friend
is a computer in the wall.

I guess you lost that battle.
Huh, Tasha?

Donald, I don't
want them around.

They're... creepy.

Well, what am
I supposed to do?

Just throw them away?

[ All gasp ]

No, I would
never expect you

to just throw them away.

[ All sigh ]

Recycle them.

[ All gasp ]

Wait, you want me to take

my genius technology

and have it crushed
and melted down

and turned into hubcaps?
No way.

[ All sigh ]

Either they go,

or I turn your lab
into my walk-in closet.

Three crushed
robots coming up.

[ Gasp ]

What? He said he was
getting rid of the robots.

Ye... oh!


Where are the robots?

I ran all the way home,
and I wasn't even being chased!

Leo, the robots are gone.

We just dropped them off
at the recycling facility.

You what?

Yep. They're being
melted down as we speak.

Don't tell anybody.
They're probably toxic.

No! We have to go get them!

They're not robots,
they're real!

Okay, see, this is why I didn't
want those things around.

He's delusional.

No. It's really
Adam, Bree and chase.

You have to believe me!
There isn't much time!

Leo, stop.

Leo, when I was your age,

I had to say goodbye
to a lot of my friends.

There was lava man
and stretch legstrong

and Jo Jo Biggs

and all of his friends
in the space cantina.

Those are all action figures.

More like fully poseable
pieces of my heart.

[ Screaming ]

That was awesome!

Great plan, Adam.

Let's just hide in
the recycling truck

and see where we end up.

Well, who could've predicted
that the recycling truck

would dump us in
the recycling center?

I had my suspicions.

Look, we have to find
a way out of this place.

Yeah, I wanna go home.

We can't go home.

If Davenport sees us,

he's just gonna try
and send us away again.

Oh, right.

Well, then let's just go find
a new scientist/father

with a high-tech basement
lab and live there.

You know?
Done and done.

Look! There's
a door right there!

Oh, come on.

Well, Bree,
you're the fastest,

so you should go first.

You know what?

There's plenty of distance
between us and that.

We're fine.

[ Screams ]

[ Whirring ]

And by fine I mean
we're all gonna die!

[ All scream ]

[ Alarm blares ]
Intruder! Intruder!

Eddy, it's just Tasha.


[ Alarm blares ]
Intruder! Intruder!

[ Musical ring tone ]


Yeah, I'll accept the collect
call from facility x.

Fitz, I know it's you.
I can hear you breathing.

You what?

What're you talking about?

What kind of an idiot
doesn't know the difference

between a robot
and a bionic superhum...

You know what?
Don't answer that question.

The kids never showed up.

They sent the robots
in their place.

[ Gasps ]
So Leo was...?

Telling the truth
the whole time.

Eddy, where's Leo?

Oh, he left.

Something about
a recycling center,

neglectful parents,
life and death,

blah, blah, blah.

Why didn't you
tell us any of this?

You didn't ask.


[ Grunting ]

Oooh, five pockets.

Hey, you guys think
I should try these on?

[ Warbling ]

Okay, it takes three seconds
to clear the crusher.

Adam, if you time
it right,

you can use your super
strength to resist the force

and we can all
slide under it.

Yeah, but what if
I don't time it right?

Try to time it right.

[ Loud whirring ]

Now what?

[ Loud clanging ]

Okay, once these jaws close,

we have exactly 1.7 seconds
to get through.

I got this.
Grab on.

Okay, no all we have to do

is get past this fire
and we're home free.

Oh, it's nothing.
It's just a little...


What are we gonna do?

Look, okay, if we're
not gonna try to escape,

I'm gonna go back
for my jeans.

Chase, what's wrong?

All this burning trash
is making my super senses...



Sweet. You put it out
with your snot cannons.

Come on.
Let's get out of here.

[ Screaming ]


No. It's Oprah.

Get me out of here!

Mr. Davenport!

Hello, we are robots.

Dude, I think he knows.

Well, now he does?

[ Screams ]

I'll find somebody
to shut it off.

There isn't enough time!

Guys, I have an idea.

[ Screaming ]

Ah, it never gets old.


What're you doing here?

I came to save you guys.

Oh, thanks.
We're good.

Ha. Sweet kid.

Come on, let's do this.

Okay, Leo,
hold on to Adam.

We're gonna surround you

and then we'll all go
though it together, okay?

Three, two...

Hey, what's that?

[ Recycler stops ]

That would be
the off button.


Oh, you guys
didn't see that?


[ Warbling ]

You all made it home safe
and sound and [ Raspberry ].

I don't know what
you kids were thinking

pulling a stunt like that.

You could've seriously
hurt yourselves.

Yeah, but you
gotta admit,

my robot accent
was dead on.

Can we please take him back
to the recycling center?

And, Leo, why didn't
you tell us

that Adam, Bree
and chase were still here?

Because I was trying
to protect my friends.

And I'm still gonna
protect my friends.

That's right.

You wanna send them away,
you have to go through me first.

It's go time,
little man.

It's not the size
of the dog in the fight,

it's the size of
the fight in the dog.

There's a lot of fight
in this little doggie.

Come on! Uh-huh!

Leo, calm down.

They're not going anywhere.

Oh, don't you...
Wait, what?

Watching you guys risk your
lives for each other

made me realize something.

Maybe I've been
focusing too much

on training the super human
side of you,

and I forgot all about
the human part.


I don't get it.

You're teenagers.

And bionic or not,

you deserve to experience
teenager things.

Like school and classes
and cell phones.

Yes! A cell phone!

I'm living the dream.

Yeah, you're not getting
a cell phone.

But what I can give you is

another chance.

Maybe there's a way
that you can live here,

go to school
and go on missions.

Are you serious?

So they can stay?

On one condition.

No one can ever find out
about your abilities.

And you have to control
your emotions

so you don't glitch.


All right, then,
welcome home.

Whoo hoo!


He has plasma grenades?

My life just got
a whole lot better.


I'm just not sure
about the throw pillows.

They're a little plain.

I got these.
Are they too busy?


So you like them?

I do if you do.

You are so sweet.

[ Laughter ]

That robot may be my
greatest invention ever.

[ Electricity crackling ]

What the...?


Uh-oh, busted!

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