01x03 - Leo's Jam

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Lab Rats". Aired: February 27, 2012 – February 3, 2016.*
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A young teenager named Leo Dooley lives a normal life until the day his mother Tasha gets married to billionaire inventor Donald Davenport, with whom they move in.
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01x03 - Leo's Jam

Post by bunniefuu »

Guys, with
the dance coming up,

I thought you
could use a lesson

on how to ask a lady out.

Oh, great. Do you know
a guy who can teach us?


You're gonna watch me ask
out the girl of my dreams:


Danielle? Isn't she
the girl who uses you

as a footstool
in math class?

Where else is she supposed to
put her feet... on the floor?!

Open your notebooks, boys,
'cause class is in session.

Hello, Danielle.

Do you know how much
a polar bear weighs?

Enough to break the ice.

I'm Leo dooley.

Didn't you send me

Yeah. That was
a slow day.

Okay, well,
see you later, Lenny.

It's Leo, by the way.

So, Leo... what should I
write down in my notebook?

I mean,
other than "denied."

No, no, no, you can
cheat off of me.

I have, "she's not going
to the dance with Lenny."

Are you guys talking
about the dance too?

Why is everybody
making such a big deal

out of
this stupid dance?

Nobody's asked you yet,
have they?


I really want to go
with that guy.

His name is Ethan.

We sit next to each
other in chemistry.

I think not.

♪ Chemistry!

What should I do?

I got this.

He's talking about a girl
he thinks is cute.

Yeah, Bree's cute
and I really like her,

but... I don't know how
to ask her out, you know?

Ooh! He's talking
about you!

He's coming over here right
now to ask you to the dance.

What?! No!

Now? Why? Really?

How's it going?


What a huge surprise!

To see you here,

for reasons
we do not know.

Hey, Ethan.

How... uh, you know...

We... uh, you know...

What is that over there?

Where'd she go?

Uh, more importantly,

what is that over there?

Narrator: The world's
first bionic superhumans.

They're stronger than us,

faster, smarter...

The next generation
of the human race is...

Living in my basement?


All: Aaaahhh!

Okay, you win.

Hey, guys, I finally
figured it out.

Oh, me too!

Do not eat the outside
of a pineapple.

Ooph! That'll
come back to haunt you!

No. I figured out how
to make Danielle like Leo.

I recorded her
with my bionic hearing.

Let me
play it back for you.

Danielle: In the movie,
the hero punched the bad guy

and stole the baby right
out of the alligator's mouth.

I would so go out with
a guy like that!

You get the alligator,

I'm gonna go
round up that baby!

Adam, no.

She wants a hero.

We just have to make
Leo look heroic.

Well, that's a dead end.
What else shall we do today?

If only there was a way you could
borrow my bionic strength.

I can't do that.
That's all you've got.

Wait a minute...
Adam's on to something,

which is
quite an achievement

for someone that doesn't
know how to eat a pineapple.

Hey, I got it down,
didn't I?

[ Whistling ]

Nno, no, no, I'm good.

Hthank you!

Ooh! They're coming!
Commence phase one

of operation lady for Leo.

[ Stilted delivery ] Oh, no!
This man is trapped!

He looks like he needs
a hero to save him.

I will take charge

and heroically do just that!

[ Stilted delivery ]
Oh, no!

We're running out of time.

Save me before
the alligator comes...

[ Kicks lockers ]

Wrong rescue!

I will lift
these lockers!

One... two... three!

So heavy!

[ Gasping ]

You're a true heroic
take-charge hero!

Oh, my gosh! I can't believe
that just happened!

You know, it takes a big man
to do something like...

How are you not hurt?
You must be so strong.

Wait. What? No!

He's not the strong one;
I'm the strong one!


Maybe I should walk you
to the nurses' office.

W-what about Leo?

He's not hurt.

Look at me!
I'm an open wound!

Really, i-I'm fine.

Okay, good, 'cause
the dance is Saturday,

and I love dancing.

Maybe we can hang out.

Great plan, chase.

What are you
talking about?

That didn't go at all
like we thought it would!

You stole my woman!

Where I come from,
we call that a love crime.

It's not my fault
I look brave under lockers.

I was trying to help you.

How? By saying you'd go
to the dance with her?

I'm keeping my options open.

It's the first time a girl's
ever been interested in me,

and it's kind of nice.

"Ooh! It's kind of nice
'cause she has..."

[ Screaming ]

Stop it, little man!
You're gonna hurt yourself!

Hey, hey, hey! No! Hey!

Guys, this is
getting out of hand.

It's like watching
a chihuahua fight a horse.

Is Danielle really
worth all of this?


Adam, you cannot go
to the dance with Danielle.

It wouldn't be fair...
Leo wanted her first!

Hey, all is fair in love
and fake locker accidents.

Fine. He can have her.

It's too late.

The damage is done.

I'll never love again.

Leo, I'll talk to Danielle.

I'll convince her that
Adam's not an option

and that she should
be with you.

Yeah, go to
the dance with her,

but everybody's gonna think
you're dating your babysitter.

[ Screaming ]


Well, if it isn't little
miss flash and scram.

Ha ha. Very funny.

I think
I scared Ethan off.

Ya think?

You left skid marks
in the hallway.

Well, I think there's only
one way to fix this...

I have to ask
him to the dance.

Well, here's your chance...
He's at his locker.

Uh, hey, Ethan, could I
talk to you for a second?

Oh, no.

I've got to make it quick
'cause I'm on my way to...


Over here.

But... you were...

Okay, why are you
up there?

You know, just...
Helping out the janitor.

I mean,
this place is "dust-ay"!

Hey, brehorrible.It going?

Ethan was gonna
ask me to the dance,

but I got nervous
and ran away.

Every time I see him, I panic
and act like a total...

Dork monster?

Huge dork monster.

Look, you are
not the first girl

to act weird around
a boy she likes.

I flew across the room and
jumped on top of the lockers.

Yeah, that's
probably a first.

Whenever he's around,

I get all flustered
and glitchy,

and I just want
to eat my face

so I don't say
something stupid.

Honey, next time you
see him, just breathe!

Stay in the moment, and
your jitters will go away.

Or just wear high heels.

That way,
when you run away,

you'll wipe out
like a downhill skier.

Hi... Danielle?

Sorry to barge in
on your gossip session

that you may or may not
have been having.

Remember that guy who heroically
lifted a wall of lockers?

The tall,
good-looking guy?

No, actually, the smaller,
more interesting-looking guy.

Oh! My sturdy
little footstool!


Anyway, I know
you like my brother Adam,

and that's creating a problem
in his friendship with Leo,

so I was kinda hoping that maybe you'd
go to the dance with Leo instead.

Oh, that is so sweet!

You're worried
about your friend!

You know what? I know how
to fix this whole thing.

See? I knew that if
I just talked to you,

everything would work out.

Sure did. I'm gonna go
to the dance with you!

See you there, cutey!

[ Gasps ]


So... here's the deal.

Danielle's not going to the
dance with either of you.

What?! Who's
she going with?


How could you swipe Danielle
away from both of us?

I didn't
swipe her away, okay?

She just kind of fell
in my lap like a beautiful,

flowery angel from heaven...

We get it!

Look, I didn't mean
for this to happen.

Oh, so you're not
taking her to the dance?

Of course I'm taking her
to the dance.

She's like a cottony-white lamb
who frolics in a...

We get it!

I may not know
any dance moves,

but a girl is interested
in me for the first time ever.

How can I say no to that?

Oh, you say no.
"N-o-o" no!

Whatever happened to, "it's not fair.
Leo had her first"?

Okay, you say
not to do something,

and you do
the exact same thing.

You're a total hypnotist!

You know what, Adam?

I think we should
give chase a break.

I mean, it is his
first go-around

on the carousel of love.

Are you kidding me?

Oh, he's on
a carousel, all right,

and he's riding a big, plastic
horse named betrayal!

Let's face it, Adam,

the best man won.

Oh, no. I'm the best man,

and I'm going to get her
back at the dance.

It is on, "o-n-n" on!

Thanks, Leo.
You sure you're not mad?

If I can't have Danielle,
I'm glad you can.

Did you say you
don't know how to dance?

Yeah, but I'm just gonna
download a dance app

off the Internet
or something.



But is
the refrigerator dance

on the Internet yet?

I mean...
It's just so new.

The what dance?

[ Gasps ] You don't know
about the refrigerator dance?

Everybody's doing it, but...

I'm sure
you'll find something.

Wait! No!
Show it to me, please.

Well, I don't really
have time to...

here's how it goes.

I call out an action,
and you mime it.

Let's trokay.

[ Beatboxing ]

♪ Open the fridge

more feeling!

[ Beatboxing ]

♪ Open the fridge

♪ get the milk

[ beatboxing ]

♪ Check for leftovers

♪ toss your leftovers

♪ with a little Booty shake

and you said you don't
know how to dance.

Aww, where's Danielle?

She dump you already?

She's in the bathroom.

Ah. She's probably climbing out of
the window to get away from you.

Hello, boys.

Okay, if you're gonna
dance in those shoes,

I suggest wearing a helmet.

Hey, Bree.
Wow, you look great.

Yeah, I'm fine. Just...

Groovin' to the beat.

Cool. Let's dance.

Um... I don't know how.

Come on, it's easy.

You just
kind of move a little

and spin around
the dance floor.

Now you try.


Move a little, and...

Spin around the dance floor.

[ Comical shouting ]

Okay, what is going on?

First you
run away from me,

then you jump
on top of the lockers,

and then you trap me
into a dance cyclone.

I'm sorry. I'm just...

Really nervous 'cause...
I kind of like you.

Well, I like you too.

You know how long
it took me

to build the courage to walk over
here and ask you to the dance?

I had to practice
with my mom.

Did she at least say yes?

Yeah. We're going
bowling Friday night.

So, you want to try
that dance thing again?

Yeah, but let's wait
a couple of minutes.

I'm still nauseous
from the last one.

There you are.

Wanna dance?

Actually, I'm feeling
a bit famished.

I think it's time
for the refrigerator.

Do your thing, big boy.

Follow my lead.

♪ Open the fridge

♪ grab the eggs

♪ open the Mayo

♪ spread the Mayo

♪ all over your face

♪ I want a pickle

♪ fishin' for a pickle

[ laughing ]

♪ Now, grab that pickle
and swing ♪

What are you doing?

I'm swinging
an invisible pickle!


Ahem. Mmm.

That was the worst thing
I've ever seen,

but it also brought me the
most joy I've ever known.

Now, how 'bout I show you
how a real hero dances?


Talk about a lightweight.

Ooh, here she comes.

Put me down!

Bet chase can't toss you
around like a rag doll.

Get away from me!

Oh, come on! I haven't even swung
you around by your feet yet!

[ Phonograph record
needle scratches ]

Cue it up, g!

[ Dance music playing ]

♪ We're gonna make it

♪ gonna rock our bodies
left to right ♪

♪ left to right

♪ we're gonna make it

♪ yeah, we're sh**ting
for the satellites ♪

♪ satellites

♪ drop the beat,
tropical ♪

♪ they're gonna move
their body to the groove ♪

♪ fly away, shy away

♪ rock 'n' roll
with the punches ♪

♪ dance the night away

♪ wanna get it right-right,
get it right tonight ♪

♪ floating through
the club like a satellite ♪

♪ any of you know
what got us here? ♪

♪ Super party's rockin'
in the atmosphere ♪

♪ ohh

♪ everybody's going
over the edge tonight ♪

♪ edge tonight

♪ ohh

♪ we're moving through
the sky like satellites ♪

♪ satellites

♪ we're gonna make it,
make it, make it ♪

♪ we're gonna make it,
make it, make it ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

All right,
everybody, give it up

for my aunt Janice
and her book club!

That was awesome!

Oh, it's just a little
something for the kids.

Shall we?

Consider it shall.

Easy on the cape,
mama, it's custom.

[ Slow song ends ]

[ Applause ]

The song is over.


Oh. Sorry.

You smelled so good,
I kind of passed out.

What is with
your weird friends?

You'd think this was
their first dance.

Actually... it is.

Ah. Homeschooled, huh?

You have no idea.

So, wanna go
get some punch?

You know what?
I gotta go.

Hey, guys!

What's up?

You already won, Leo. Do you
have to rub our noses in it?

I wanted to apologize.

I'd never do something like
this to my friends, but..

You guys aren't my friends.

Leo, "fiy," this is
the worst apology ever.

I'm saying
you're not my friends

because you're my brothers.


Yeah, you're like
the brother I never had.

you have a brother.

No, I know. I said
like the one I didn't have.

You know, Leo, you're not the
only one who should apologize.

We've all been jerks.


You know what? Let's never let
a girl come between us again.


Starting tomorrow.

Cue it up, g!

[ Dance music playing ]

♪ We're gonna make it,
make it, make it ♪

♪ we're gonna make it,
make it, make it ♪

♪ gonna rock our bodies
left to right ♪

♪ make it,
make it, make it ♪

♪ left to right,
right, right ♪

♪ everybody
get down tonight ♪

♪ sending out a signal
like a satellite ♪

♪ I can see the flight,
but it ain't a-risin' ♪

[ Vocalizing ]

♪ Rock the beat,
tropical ♪

♪ they're gonna move
their body to the groove ♪

♪ fly away, shy away

♪ rock 'n' roll with the
punches... dance the night away ♪

♪ any of you know
what got us here? ♪

♪ Super party's rockin'
in the atmosphere ♪

♪ everybody's going
over the edge tonight ♪

♪ edge tonight

♪ ohh

♪ we're moving through
the sky like satellites ♪

♪ satellites

♪ lab rats

♪ lab rats

♪ Lab rats

♪ lab rats
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