03x09 - Papa's Got a Brand New Friend

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hannah Montana". Aired: March 24, 2006 – January 16, 2011.*
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Series centers on Miley Stewart, a teenage girl living a double life as famous pop singer Hannah Montana, an alter ego she adopted so she could maintain her anonymity and live a normal life as a typical teenager.
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03x09 - Papa's Got a Brand New Friend

Post by bunniefuu »

go Hannah go Hannah
go Hannah go Hannah

Go Brian! Go Brian!
Go Brian! Go Brian!

Step off Brian because
here comes Lola!

Gonna make you look
like a caffeinated cola!

Yeah... like caffeinated
like Lola G... like...

k*lling the mood...,kind like now

bye lola, bye lola, bye lola

hey guys,sorry i'm late

I got into a tug of w*r with
my dog over my sports bra.

- oh
- he won


well while our famous choreographer was
having a tug with the pug,some of us were
working hard

yeah while you was with the hound,we was
getting down on the ground with the sound

eh,I thought we were still rhyming.

- no
- ok

i got some ideas that
would bring the house down

yeah,ok,you're ready,ok,go

- you wanna see it?
- yeah

alright,hit it


- i love it!
- you got it?come on,let's try it

- i wanna try it .
- here we go ready?

start down here

hey tina,i think somebody
find a new chew toy

oh no,bad dog

alright guy,let's try a slide

- Tina
- oh that's not good

- Tina,are you alright?
- no

just just walk it off

- ok?
- uh huh

crawling works too

oh no

Hannah Montana S03E09
Papa's Got a Brand New Friend

ok Tina,well you get well soon

oh so you have a unicorn
flying around your room,

i'm sure it's very pretty

yeah okey dokey now,
alright you take care,byebye

well the bad news is she's
gonna be out for about 6 months

good news is she's got a unicorn

ok,it's ok,she's just a
little bump in the road,

sure she's...
she's in a full body cast

but we can strap her up to those little
luggage cart thingies and roll her right
into rehearsals and everything would be O...

Mile,she's incapacitated

Oh well let's just drive
to capacitated and get her.

good lord

mile listen,i know you desperate but this
is los angeles there's a million choreographers out there,

we'll find the right one

Oh yeah. Just because someone's
too lazy to drive to capacitated!

i have got to get
that girl a dictionary

and 3

and 2

and 1

- booya!
- wow!

that's it?I barely broke a sweat.

- my little iron man.
- oh we are gonna kick butt in the triathlon next month!

oh We're going to dominate,

- i gotta go to girl's room.
- ok i'll miss you

she's k*lling me!

- look out,dude,she's back!
- feel the burn!

people falling over,always funny

you know i hate you but i
just don't have the energy

i have to end this,

but if i break up with her,
she will break up every bone in my body

dude,you want my advice?

you walk up right to her and tell her
it's over,that's how to be a man!

sweet sticking door!!

a dead man,but still a man

and then,i see hannah doing this


i'm super cool i'm super hot

i'm the girl you like a lot

i'm super super girl,haaa...

i'm super super scared


dad,what am i gonna do?

the grammies are in two weeks and
i still don't have a choreographer

- you know that super super gal had some interesting.
- dad

now that is what i'm talking about

- nice to meet you mr...
- Nahnah,but you can call me Shawn

your name is Shawn Nana?

no no,Nahnah!

from my nana's side,
nana Nina Nahnah

maybe it's not too late
to drive to capacitated

oh my gosh,you choroagraphed for n sync,
madonna and mc hammer?

oh yeah yeah,this...mine

this... mine

ah hammer time...not mine,
but i like doing it

- you're hired.
- hey now hold up there little missy,listen

this is a big decision,you might wanna
ask that man some more questions

you're right

Hey so I've noticed you haven't
been working for a few years.

What you been doing?

ah,take little time off for myself

bass fishing,horseback riding...

- and touring the countryside and searching for the perfect peach pie.
- you're hired


i know since back he's in the room man,
tell me about hunting that pie

jackson,Jackson listen,
i figured it out

if i dump joannie she kills me,
but if she dumps me,i stay alive

problem is:how do i make myself so horribly
unattractive that she'd wanna do that i
mean come on look at me

alright ok uh...uh...

ok first i would just...

uh...i suppose you could
just... with the...

dude i'm sorry,but if this hasn't
driven her away then nothing will


alright look there's only one way to get
rid of someone who's wacko enough to love
all this,let's go

do you really think
that this is gonna work?

get it better

we're dealing with the girl who blew off
the bathroom door faster than uncle earl at
the beaufort county burrito fest


- quick give me your wallet!
- why?

just in case you don't,
don't make it

- over here joannie.
- jackson

- uh oliver...
- shhhh

i'm calling the mothership

i know,i'm strange,
terribly undebatable strange

i don't blame you if you
wanna break up with me

i could never do that,
if you believe in aliens then i will too

That is so wonderfully, unexpected

- well come on honey let's call them together.
- ok

hey,you guys are gonna love Shawn

and this way,i don't have to buy another
Sorry I shoved you out the window muffin

yeah,that should get her done

Hey that was really cool how you guys
did that what was that it was like...

feel free to use that if you like

so where is Shawn anyway?

Oh probably with Daddy.
They've been guy bonding all weekend.

fishing and jogging Right now they're
probably riding motorcycles or something.

- yee doggies!
- i did say or something

i win

ah,man i'll get you
next time double r

yeah in your dreams hotshot

well good morning all,
my name is Shawn Nahnah

and i cannot wait to work with y'all,
it's gonna be great

did you see that?jazz hands

- have fun bud.
- thanks daddy

oh i wasn't talking to you i was talking
to Shawn but...you have a good time too

daddy look,i'm real happy
for you and your new bud

but i'm just saying,the whole scootering
and matching helmets thing,not really gonna
help the girlfriend situation

oh come on darling,you know i haven't had a
good friend since tennesse it just so damn
much fun

hey Shawnster,don't forget
tonight ribs and pie

ok,ok,i think we're ready to begin

looks like your dad
having a little bro-mance

yeah but he deserves it,and it's
awesome that the guy as great as Shawn

who is talking?!


- i was just...telling lola that i think...
- think the world revolves around hannah?

well guess what diva,
when i'm working,it's all about meva!


i don't think he's
talking about you miva

- i thought you said he was nice.
- he was

- Shawn,i need to talk to...
- aaaaaaaah

first of all,when we're in
rehersals,it's mr Nahnah

and second of all,what are you?

oh,i'm just a friend,not a dancer

oh,well in that case,
stand in the corner!


- other way!
- eeep!

Shawn,you've gotta be kidding me,
we always have fun in my rehersales

- your rehersals?
- our rehersals?

mr Nahnah's rehersals

not bad

drop and give me 20!

you're right,i love him

- who's talking?!
- it was all him

you know what,i really was expecting the
worst but after seeing all the progress
you've made

that just shows what dancing and
eating right will do for you

so,what did you say we get you on
your feet and into the dance studio

come on!

look at me!

i can't work with him,
he's breaking my spirit

ah...poor baby

miss montana,i'm afraid
you're gonna have to leave

but she wants to go with me


please,you're upsetting the patient

have you seen in your eye shadow?
honey you're upsetting the patient!

hehehe,that's it,
you're outta here,come on

oh sure,But I'm sure it's all 'shake it
off' Hannah from one little one story drop
and you quit!

disappointed in you,
very disappointed in you Tina,ahh!

lilly,you cannot believe
how selfish tina is!

it was like,she didn't even care what
was going on in my life,she was all

mmmm i'm in pain,i can't feel my toes,
amamaha,some friend

you know what,
i must have to fire Shawn

you know,he's only known dad for like
one weekend,how close can they be?

this man just saved my life

oh come on!

let me call you back

- what happen?
- oh it wasn't that much double r

wasn't that much?we were jogging in the
hills and i got bit by a rattlesnake

this man sucked the poison from my leg then
carry me piggy backed all the way to the

i'm telling you i would never be
able to repay him,there's no way

no way?

oh will you stop,
your friendship is payment enough

you got it!friends forever

absolutely double r,
you will never get rid of me


oh look at that,my baby girl's
so happy for me she's crying

let it out darling let it out

boy you really are happy

oh look,look i think it's them

it's just a seagull

Olive i'm getting kinda hot,do you think
we could take this off for a while?

no no no how are they supposed to tell
us apart from the other earthlings?

you can't take that suit off ever!

ok,good to know

i'll be right back

jackson,i've gotta
break up with oliver

no!but why?

we started out a cute
couple and now...

i look like The world's
largest to-go container

how do i do it without hurting him?

joannie,sometimes things like this
happen in this crazy mixed up world

but somehow,
i think he's gonna be ok

aww,it's hot!

i smell something burning

oh it's just me

it's just me?

oliver i have to tell you something

no joannie,i have to
tell you something

i don't wanna go out
with you anymore!

- wait,you're breaking up with me?
- yes,yes i am

and i know i have to pay for it so...
just do what you have to do

i can take it!

- oliver...
- not the face!


ok fine,i'll do it for you!

I'm surprised to say something.

oliver,come back up here

you want to finish me off?
i'm not that stupid!

after one more fall

two tops

miley please,can i just
wait in the parking lot?

The big bald dancer man scares me

no!i cannot face him without you

try facing the corner for 2 hours,
people write things on the wall

bad things!

lola- ok,i wrote
them but i was bored!

hey guys,good news!

you fired Shawn?

better,i brought us a...
Cinnamon Ring!

Cinnamon Ring!!


i can't fire Shawn ok?
he saved my father's life

big deal- who cares?

i do,i love my dad
and he likes that guy

and if all we have to do is suck
it up then that's what we gonna do

well,miva not gonna take it,
miva gonna do exactly how we feel

yeah way to go miva

Playtime's over dancers!


i love the shirt

i'll write things on
the wall about you!

i know where i'm going

last night,i had a vision,
the perfect grammy dance!

it's unique,it's inspired,
it's Nahnah!

- well whatever it is i'm sure it's gonna be brilliant right guys?
- yeah!

When i walk in the
room Everybody stops

Camera's flashin People
fighting for the best shot

They like my hair,like my hair

The clothes I wear,clothes I wear

Everybody wants to
know What I'm doin next

Sometimes I wish I could
Stay home just be by myself

I wanna be

Walking free,can't you see?

you know what i can't see,
why i'm on strings?

the song is called super
girl so why am i a puppet?

fine,i'll go thru it again

now while you maybe a super girl,you're
forced to be what other people expect you
to be

you are a puppet on a string,

and until you break free,you will
never be in control of your own life


well shouldn't there be a part
where i break free?like now?

mmmh uh,no!

come on, I've always had
some say in my own routines.

yeah,you know what i say to that?
step back girl

- this isn't funny!
- oh really?how about now?

- would you please stop this?
- ok,how about this?

Real mature!

But wasn't this the kind of give
and take you were looking for?

ok listen here mister

sure you are a great choreographer,
but it's time that someone say no no Nahnah!

and you know what?you might be my dad's
best friend but he would be the first one
to tell me that i don't have to put up

oh good,you're thru

listen if i can't put some of me in my own
dance then i might as well just be a puppet
on a string...

man i wish i could fire you,
but since i can't

miva,you're fired!!

now,we're gonna go thru
this again,from the top!

lola,get the control box

- do i have to?
- lola!

you'll never take this alive!!

ok,this would've work if someone
hadn't wooded up the windows!

hey,you give that back to me,you give
that back to me and get out of my studio!

this is not your studio!

and maybe you can't fire me,but but as sure
as my brothers armpits stink I can fire you!

oh,really?and what are you
planning to do at the grammies?

- i'll string something together.
- yes we will

so listen,you better just
hammertime your butt out of here

- fine fine,but you're gonna miss this.
- keep going

- oh yeah we're done.
- keep gooing

hannah the strings!

oh come on,
Is this really necessary!

i don't care if you
did save my life

nobody messes with my
little girl,nobody!

now hop bunny hop!

- my turn.
- ok but don't hog it


you drop and give me 20!!

yeeea doggie!

oh come on that's not right!
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