04x06 - Been Here All Along

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Hannah Montana". Aired: March 24, 2006 – January 16, 2011.*
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Series centers on Miley Stewart, a teenage girl living a double life as famous pop singer Hannah Montana, an alter ego she adopted so she could maintain her anonymity and live a normal life as a typical teenager.
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04x06 - Been Here All Along

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, dad, we're home. Dad?

Dad! Dad?

Hey, that's weird.
I thought he said Lori was coming over.

Stop that!

- I'm gonna getcha.
- Don't you dare! I'm ticklish!

- You know that!
- Oh, hey, girls.


Oh, come on, now, stop that
"old people are gross" thing.

We were just sittin' in the hot tub.

- Bleeeah!
- Make it stop!

Watch it, girls, or I'll
call him my cuddly cowboy!

La la la la la la!

- Nice work.
- I'm gonna go change.

I don't wanna be late for steak
night at the senior center.

Ooh, steak night.
While you're up there,

Be sure to grab my meat teeth.

- my meat teeth.
- Wow, dad.

I can't believe you finally found
someone that'll laugh at your jokes.

And means it!

Love is strange, girls.

So true. But I really
am happy for you.

I know you are, darlin'.
Hey, even though I've been.

Spending a lot of time with
Lori, don't think I forgot.

About me and you spending
tomorrow afternoon together.


You forgot again, didn't you?

I did not forget.
I specifically told lilly to remind me.

Lillian truscott, you have disappointed
my father once again. Shame on you.

Hmm. Not true, not funny,

And not as cute in those
pants as you think you are.

You see what I have to deal with, daddy?

No responsibility.
It's always somebody else's fault.

Mile, this is the fourth
time you've stood me up.

I know.
And I'm sorry.

But me and my friends
were gonna go to the beach.

And play volleyball
and then have a bonfire.

All right, then, I get it.

If you don't want to spend
time with the man who...

...Brought you into this world...

...And clothed you...

...Who fed you and gave you 14
number one singles in a row,

Then... Ready, set, go.


I know. Songwriting, a ten.

Acting, a generous five.

You know, mile, what I'm trying to say is,

You're growing so fast, before we know it,

You're gonna be up and off to college.

And I'm only gonna see you on holidays.

With a dang Turkey sittin' in between us.

Daddy, that's not true.

We can put Jackson at the end of the table.

I just miss you, honey, that's all.

Ok, you know what?

Forget the beach.

Tomorrow, just you and me,
daddy/daughter day.

Chiseled in stone?

Solid as a rock.

And I promise I won't change the plan.

- And lilly won't forget.
- Still not funny.

♪la-de-dah, whoa, yeah ♪

Look, you don't have enough
for the big tiger, ok?

It's the dragon stickers,

Erasers, or the ice cube with a fly in it.

That's not gonna work.

Yeah, you know what
I wanna do when I grow up?

Anything but this.

Lilly, when you have kids one day,

May I suggest a stay-at-home
dad or a nanny?

The whole maternal thing?
Not really in the big bag of lilly.

Oh, well, you know what's gonna be.

In the big bag of miley in a minute?

- Jesse!
- That doesn't even make sense.

It does when he's standing over there.

- Oh, my gosh, it's Jesse!
- No!

Hold on. I'm in
a flashback moment.

I can't get you out of my head.

Your laugh...

The way you lose yourself in a song...

The way you love life...

Just say no if you want me to stop.

Is that really what we
look like when we kiss?

That is so unattractive.

Well, now that I'm not with Jake anymore,

There's nothing stopping me and
Jesse from being together.

- Uh... Except...
- Jesse!

...That he only knows you
as Hannah!



Here we go, everybody!

♪come on ♪

♪you get the limo out front ♪

♪oooh ♪

♪hottest styles
every shoe, every color ♪

♪yeah, when you're famous
it can be kind of fun ♪

♪it's really you
but no one ever discovers ♪

♪who would have thought
that a girl like me ♪

♪would double
as a superstar ♪


♪you get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪chill it out take it slow ♪

♪then you rock out the show ♪

♪you get the best
of both worlds ♪

♪mix it all together
and you know ♪

♪that it's the best
of both worlds ♪

♪yeah, yeah, ooh ♪

Do I know you?

Well, you certainly should,

Because you smiled right
at me when I was front row.

At a Hannah Montana concert.

I just love her!
I'm such a big fan!

Yeah, I don't work with her anymore.

She kind of, uh, messed with my head.

I didn't mean to.

Well, I wouldn't mean to if I was
her, which I'm not, obviously.

I mean, and who would want to mess with a
head that's covered in such attractive...


Train wreck.

- You seem really, uh...
- Weird?

- But in a super adorable way?
- I was gonna say familiar,

But yeah, that works, too.

♪ooh, ah, ooh, ah ♪

It was so good to see you again.


Yes. Again.

- Because, uh...
- The concert.

Right! The concert.

Hannah Montana, big fan.
Gotta go.

Guess who got Jesse's number?!

I'm guessing it's the
person talking like this.

- It is!
- Not cute anymore.

Tell me about it.

And stop.

- So he asked you out?
- He di...

He did. We're going
riding this afternoon!

You mean daddy/daughter afternoon?

- See, I remembered.
- Oh, no.

Yeah, what are you gonna do?
You said it was solid as a rock.

Yeah, but then again...

Paper covers rock.

Especially when it's got
Jesse's number on it.

♪yeah, yeah, yeah, ooh ♪

What's a five-letter word
for blood sucking parasite?

Dad, the buzzer on the dryer went off!

Could you get my stuff out
before it wrinkles?

The word would be...

M-y-b-o-y, my boy.

Do it yourself!

Fine. But life was a lot easier
when you were sad and alone.

And had no place to put
your love but your children!

Oh, hey, Lori.

Wow, a month of that and you're still here.

Hmm. Somebody likes me...

- Hey, guys.
- Oh, there's my girl!

I am so excited about this afternoon.
Just you and me.

Me, too! All I've been
thinking about.

But let's not waste this
afternoon's conversation now.

Because then later we'll be filled
with long, awkward silences.

And who wants that?

Uh, mile...


This afternoon: "hey, daddy!
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

"hey, bud.
Blaah, blaah, blaah, blaah."

See ya.

I do not get why this afternoon
is so important to him.

I mean, I live with the guy,
he sees me all the time.

And now he wants more?

Why do I have to be so charming,
talented, and delightful?

You forgot humble and
shamelessly over-exposed.

I'd rather be shamelessly

- Than under five-two!
- Mm-mm-mm...

Not the way to get my help.

What makes you think I need your help?

Uh, you're voluntarily
sitting next to these!

Eww! Fine.

Jackson, what do you do when dad
wants to spend special time.

And you've got something better to do?

- A little something like this!
- Get those out of my face!

I don't need to be that close to anything.

That's vacationed
in your Southern hemisphere.

Disgusting, aren't I?

Now add a little dash of annoying.

And a pinch of gut-wrenching

And there's no way
any self-respecting dad.

Would ever want to spend
special time... With this guy!

Always thinking.

So you're a failure by design?

He drove me to it.

Seventh grade sock hop.

Becky mcguire lets it be known.

That she's ready to slow dance with me.

But ol' special time there
decided I needed to experience.

The joy of a father/son grunion hunt.

By the time I got there,
she was doing the funky chicken.

With Freddy finkelstein.

I swore I'd never feel that pain again.

So to get out of daddy/daughter day,

I have to be as gross and worthless as you?

- But that's impossible.
- Of course it is!

Do you know how hard it is to get
a father to give up on his child?

It takes years of hard work!

Which, of course, leaves you
with only one option.

- Oh, no.
- Oh, yes. The truth.

Face it. You don't have my talent
for anything but the truth.

Every time you try,
you wind up getting caught.

And sitting on a bench
or the couch or the porch,

Where dad says, "bud, if you just
would've told the truth in the beginning,

Yadda, yadda, yadda. I love you.
" "I love you, too."

You ride blue jeans,
he writes a song. The end.

That is not true.
Daddy has never uttered the words,

"yadda, yadda, yadda" in his life!

And that's sad. I can't
believe you lost a girl.

To Freddy "the freakshow" finkelstein!

He got dance lessons for his bar mitzvah.

He was like a Justin Timberlake
with a yarmulke.

I didn't have a chance!

What's a five-letter word meaning
forgiveness or compassion?

Well, that's easy.
It's "daddy."

Because he's always full of
forgiveness and compassion.

- Mwah! - Uh, you might
wanna put your feet up,

It's about to get real deep in here.

Not to mention, he is so funny!

Along with the previously
forgiving and compassionate.

- Wow, you were right.
- So, what is it?

Well, dad, I respect you too much.

To make up some silly excuse, so I'm
just gonna come right out and say it.

You're bailing on me again, aren't you?

Bailing? No!

We made a plan and I intend
to stick to that plan.

- Just not today.
- Yeah, well...

You know what? Here's a plan
you can stick with.

No plan.
How's that sound to you?

To be honest?
A little angry.

I don't think you want to sound like that.

In front of your pretty new girlfriend.

You know what?
Now that's enough.

Dad, why are you being
so dramatic about this?

- It's just one silly afternoon.
- Silly afternoon?

- I didn't mean it like that.
- Yeah, you did.

No, dad, I'm sorry.
Something came up and it's really important.

Mile, if spending time with me
always has to come in second.

To spending time with anything
else, then the heck with it.

- Fine!
- Fine.

That's what I get for telling the truth!

Nice message, dad!


This is more awkward than that
time I sneeze-farted in yoga.

♪oh, yeah ♪

♪ooh ♪

Huh, listen to that.

I know. The quiet.

Yeah, there's no people,
no cars, no cell phones.

No people in cars on their cell phones.

He's smiling.

Oh, yeah. He likes me.
Smile back.


You have a great smile.


Thanks, that's really sweet.

Well, isn't this
a pretty picture?

All goo-goo-eyed without even

Thinking about your
broken-hearted daddy.

Oh, wait.
You are. Ha ha!

- Is everything all right?
- Yeah, of course.

Why wouldn't it be?

I can think of a few good reasons.

Get out
of my head, old man!

I'm with you...

and not me.

...On this beautiful day,
having a lovely picnic.


Ok, then. I brought
bread and cheese...


"yum?" you can eat,

Knowing what you've done to me?

Yeah, I can eat!
Watch me!

Mmmm! Delicious!
Guilt-free bread!

I was gonna cut this, but I
could just toss it right in.

I just love bread.

- Ok.
- Smile!

Dad, you're ruining

Would you just get out
of my head and go away?

Dad? Dad?

Finally, alone at last.

Weren't we alone before?

Yeah, but, um...

...Now the horses
aren't looking.

I know I'm doing that
weird thing again, but...

In a super adorable way.


Ah, hoo-ah
back at you-ah.

- I'm sorry, that's my phone.
- Hoo-ah!

Oh, yeah, what I thought.

- Hoo-ah! - It's my dad.
I'm sorry, I gotta take this.

Wait, right now?
Couldn't you just let it go to voicemail?

I'm sorry, I really can't.

Hey, dad. Hey.

- No, now's a great time.
- Hello!

Losing the hoo-ah
over here!

I'm sorry, it's kind of important.

And I'm not?

Would either of you
do this on a first date?

I don't think so.

That's it.
I'm outta here.

- Hey, where are you going?
- I don't know.

Why don't you ask your dad?

You seem way more interested.

In talking to him than being with me.

Miley, I don't think you understand...

And I don't think you understand.

I blew off a whole afternoon with my dad.

And you can't blow off one
stupid phone call with yours?!

My dad's stationed in Afghanistan.


If I get five minutes with him
a couple of times a month,

I'm gonna take it.
I don't care who I'm with.

I'm sorry, I didn't know.

You must think I'm the
biggest jerk in the world.

It's ok.
It's not your fault.

I mean, you're probably used to
having your dad around all the time,

So you think blowing him
off's not a big thing.

But when you're dealing with
what my family's dealing with,

You'd give anything to have that
kind of time with your dad.

♪you give them life
you help them fly ♪

♪they break your heart
they can make you cry ♪

♪you make a plan
to spend the day ♪

♪they spit in your face
and then they run away ♪

The kids might not buy it, but
the parents are gonna love it.

Hey, dad, uh...

You know what always makes me
feel better when I'm down?

Donating money to a worthy cause.

For instance, the Jackson foundation.

"putting a smile on Jackson's
face for over 19 years."

Operators are standing by.

Good lord. I just realized.

- You're now my good child.
- What?

You wanna spend the afternoon together?

No! You don't
wanna do that.

I'm the gut-wrenching

See? And this is me
on a good day.

Oh, sweet niblets,
robby Ray, just remember,

That which doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger.

Dad, I am so sorry.

Why? Did your better offer
cancel on you?

No, you are my better offer.

I've been stupid and selfish
and I'm a horrible daughter.

But not as horrible as I am a son!

Let's not forget that!

Mile, what's this all about?

I'm just really lucky to have you
and sometimes I forget that.

It's ok.

♪ooh, yeah ♪

I'm really glad we did this.

Think we could do it again next week?

Now stop suffocating me, daughter.

I got a girlfriend, you know.

You just name the time.

I just wish there was something
I could do for the families.

That aren't as lucky as we are.

Whatever you got bangin'
around in there, count me in.

Thank you guys so much for
being here with us tonight.

It's an honor to be with y'all.

You know, sometimes we take
our parents for granted.

Because we're used to having
them around all the time.

But I learned from a friend of mine,
that's not always true for you guys.

There's no way I can know
what that feels like, but...

...I'm hoping that
this song comes close.

and I lifted my head ♪

♪then I smile at your picture
sittin' next to my bed ♪

and you're feeling ok ♪

♪'cause you smile at the
letter that I sent you today ♪

♪and I can't wait
till I see you again ♪

♪and we both say
remember when ♪

♪the band played
on the fourth of July ♪

♪and you held me on your
shoulders, way up high ♪

♪you're still there for me ♪

♪wherever there might be ♪

♪and if an ocean
es between us ♪

♪I'll send a message
across the sea ♪

♪that you can sleep tonight ♪

♪knowing it's all right ♪

♪I believe that you are
listening to my song ♪

♪you're with me ♪

♪you've been here all along ♪

♪you've been here all along ♪

♪back then
you walked me to school ♪

♪told me to be careful
and to follow the rules ♪

♪fast forward
you taught me to drive ♪

♪you gave me the keys
and we went for a ride ♪

♪and I can't wait
till I see you again ♪

♪and we both say
remember when ♪

♪I'm holding on
to moments like that ♪

♪and I know that
they're coming back ♪

♪you're still there for me ♪

♪wherever there might be ♪

♪and if an ocean
lies between us ♪

♪I'll send a message
across the sea ♪

♪that you can sleep tonight ♪

♪knowing it's all right ♪

♪I believe that you are
listening to my song ♪

♪you're still there for me ♪

♪wherever there might be ♪

♪and if an ocean
lies between us ♪

♪I'll send a message
across the sea ♪

♪that you can sleep tonight ♪

♪knowing it's all right ♪

♪I believe that you are
listening to my song ♪

♪you're with me ♪

♪'cause you're with me ♪

♪you've been here all along ♪

♪you've been here all along ♪

♪yeah... ♪

♪ah ♪

♪que sera, sera ♪

♪ah ♪

♪que sera... ♪

Thank you!

You know, when I was a kid,
my dad was stationed overseas.

I always knew that
the best gift I could give him.

Was to let him know that everything
back home was still good.

Hannah, why don't you help these folks
send out that same message today?

♪so I might slip again
let it in now and then ♪

♪that don't mean anything
I'm still good... ♪

♪I look around me ♪

♪how did I get here? ♪

♪not part of my plan ♪

♪I ended up in a situation ♪

♪wasn't in my hands... ♪

hi, dad!

We miss you. We love you.

Hi, daddy, I miss you very much.

And thank you for protecting us, and...

I love you, daddy.

♪I'm not gonna give up
never gonna give up ♪

♪so I might slip again ♪

let it in now and then ♪

Hi my love. I just want to tell you that I'm proud of you.

And I love and miss.
And I hope you come back soon.

We love you Nic!

♪ When days are like that ♪

♪ And I can shake 'em ♪

♪ It's weighing on my mind ♪

Hi. My name is Ana O'Hara. And this is sunshine Jenny
And we wanted to wish a safe voyage to my husband, her Uncle.

Joe O'Hara. Good Luck....
Have a safe voyage and we'll see you when you get back.

I love you Uncle Joei!

♪so I might slip again
let it in now and then ♪

♪that don't mean anything
I'm still good... ♪

Hi daddy, we miss you, we love you.

Hi Uncle Lu. We love you and can't wait for you to come home.

Hey honey, we miss you so much and
we can't wait for you to come home.

We love you all. Very much!

- Are you gonna cry?
- Oh no. I'm not gonna cry.

♪I'm not gonna give up

never gonna give up ♪

♪so I might slip again
let it in now and then ♪

♪that don't mean anything
I'm still good... ♪

♪Trying to be my best ♪

♪When I fall in some mess ♪

♪Pick myself up again I'm still good♪

Thank you guys for letting us be here and perform for y'all.

And thank you for making this the best
daddy/daughter that I've ever had!

♪so I might slip again
let it in now and then ♪

♪that don't mean anything
I'm still good... ♪

♪Trying to be my best ♪

♪When I fall in some mess ♪

♪Pick myself up again I'm still good♪

♪so I might slip again
let it in now and then ♪

♪that don't mean anything
I'm still good... ♪

♪Trying to be my best ♪

♪When I fall in some mess ♪

♪Pick myself up again I'm still good♪
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