05x11 - Open Invitation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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05x11 - Open Invitation

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Royal Pains...

No, Divya's taking care
of me, so...

you called six times to tell me

you're drunk with Divya?

No, of course not.
Divya's pregnant.

She's not drinking
I am officially homeless.

You could stay at my house.

I got you these.

- Thanks.
- Flak pills.

- Ow! Ow! Ow.
- All right, stop, stop, stop.

Can you give her something
for the pain?

Molly, take one
of these hydrocodone.

It'll help.
Turn around.

Whoa, Molly! Molly!


The police want you to submit
to a tox screen.

And I told them that wouldn't
be a problem.

It isn't a problem, is it?
Of course not.

Uh, he's developed
a low-grade fever

over the past few hours.

Yes, I know.

But other than that,
his vitals are stable.

And we're hopeful we can
get him off the ventilator.

I know.

- And Molly's getting...
- Her wound redressed.

I just came to give you this.

Oh, uh...

Dr. Shackleford said
you'd want it.

- Why didn't she just call?
- That, I don't know.


- Whoa.
- Hi, honey.

- Hi.
- I brought you some...

oh, coffee.
Thank God.

- I've been jonesing for some.
- Oh, it's herbal tea.

I thought you were
avoiding caffeine.

I was.
I was.

I-I fell off the wagon.

- In Italy?
- Well, yeah.

You know, it's...

but herbal tea's
so much healthier.

Thank you.
It's... this is great.

Aw, yeah.
That's so lemony and zingy.

- Is this my blouse?
- Yes, it is.

I-I thought you wanted
to wear it today.

So I was gonna
surprise you, but...

oh, I was.

Uh, but then I thought with
the heat and the long sleeves...

- okay, that's fine.
- No, no, no.

But it's such a nice blouse.

And I-it's so wrinkle-free.

I'm gonna put it on right now.

Great, all right, I'm gonna
get some lemon for my tea.

- Okay, great.
- Okay.

We usually have breakfast
in the breakfast room.

It's so beautiful out.

I thought we could break
our morning routine.

But it...
it's called the breakfast room.

I have your oatmeal,
no cinnamon,

water, no ice,

and your orange juice
with pulp.

The vesicles improve
antioxidant status.

You don't say.


Everything okay?

Uh, I've been trying
to consult with a surgeon.

But she keeps postponing.

It's hard getting
a surgeon to focus

when they're not cutting
into something.

Sometimes, you have
to get creative.

- Creative.
- Mm.

Thank you.

I couldn't help noticing
the flyer on the kitchen table

for a lamaze class.

Yes, I need to sign up.

- Do you have a partner?
- I don't.

I could be your partner.

Well, that would be very nice.

Thank you, Jeremiah.
You're welcome.

- Could you pass the...
- Mmhmm.




Hey, thanks
for coming over here.


The doctor's gonna take don

off the ventilator so
I just wanna stay close by.

He gonna be all right?

- I hope so.
- Me too.


How lucky is he
you were there to save him?

Yeah, listen,
because I was driving

and there was an accident,
they did a tox screen.

Mine came back positive.

As in you had dr*gs
in your system?

Just pain medication
that was prescribed to me.

It's nothing to worry about.

I wasn't gonna worry.

I'm a little surprised

you've been on painkillers.

Well I am still recovering
from my craniotomy.

So did Divya prescribe them?

Hank, may I speak
with your privately.

Hello, Evan.

Wait a second, did Jeremiah
prescribe them?

Yes, he did.

Look, if it's about me
you're free

to say anything
in front of Evan.

Uh, okay.

The police called to verify

that I was
your prescribing physician.

The police called
about the tox screening?

I assured them that you were
titrating the hydrocodone,

that I'd given you five pills
over a week ago,

so I'd imagine you've been off
those for a few days,

and as a result, negligible
would show up if any.

Well, they did show up.

His test came back positive.

Look, I went through the pills
you gave me, Jeremiah.

I'm still feeling some pain,

so I, uh... I stopped into
a pain clinic and got some more.

You saw another doctor?

Yeah, it's not a big deal.

How many pills have you taken?

I'm only taking them
when I feel pain.

Uh, one a day?
Sometimes two tops.

Look, I need to go
check on don.

For the record, I haven't
taken one since yesterday

but if you guys
are so worried... There.


All gone.

The fourth key to success
in my book is focus.

How do we tune out the noise?

How do we tune out
those e-mails,

the text, Twitter?

All right,
that one is difficult.

And our phones.

And that is exactly what
I'm talking about.

We are so attached
to our devices.

We need to make contact
with the outside world

at every moment.

It doesn't allow us to be...
I think that's yours.

In the moment.


Okay, listen,
I have to take this.

It's my son.
Hi, Evan.

Everything okay?

Don't go anywhere.
I am coming right over.

You have no idea
how much it means to me

you just dropping everything

and coming out here like this.

Are you kidding?

Do you know how much
you and Hank mean to me?

I'm just so happy
that my seminar

was only a ferry ride away.

Yeah, me too.

God, I hope
I'm not overreacting.

It's just Hank, pain-K*llers.

It kinda sounds ridiculous
when you think about it.

When it comes to addiction,

there is no overreacting.

Well, I didn't say
he was addicted.

You cannot minimize.

Things will just spin
outta control.

I didn't say he was gonna
spin outta control either.

You gotta nip it.
Trust me.

I know from past experience
and here it is.

You boys have
the genetic predisposition.

Wait, you had problems?


It's never in the past tense.

With what?

Well, my problem
was never with substances.

My addiction is
to embellishment.

I'm sorry, what?

Years ago, I had a tiny
problem with compulsive lying.

See, there I go again
'cause it wasn't so tiny.

Well, we all knew
you meant well.

That's... that's not
a big deal.

Don't sugarcoat it.

When it comes to Hank,
we have to be ruthless.


That's great.

You, me, help Hank, together.

- You, me, and Lacy.
- Who?

Lacy sinclair, former addict
turned sobriety guru.

Look, when I got out of prison,

I still had things to work out.

And Lacy was there for me.

So as soon as I got
your phone call I called her,

she offered to help.

So I booked the after party.

- The what?
- The after party.

That's Lacy's facility
right here in the Hamptons.

Trust me.

What a nice surprise.

Hank is on dr*gs.
We're gonna help him.


You're not kidding.

Look, Hank has been
taking some pain-K*llers

because of his surgery.

No way.

If Hank were
taking pain-K*llers,

he would've told me.

Well, he had Jeremiah
prescribe them.


When did you get here?

As soon as I got Evan's call.

And sweetie,
call me "dad."

What are you doing here?

So there's a bit
of a family emergency.

- There is?
- Yeah.

- Well, Hank's an add...
- Amazing person.

He's an amazing person
who, unbeknownst to us,

has been feeling some pain
since his surgery

and apparently
he's been taking some meds

to handle the pain.

I still find this
hard to believe.

Oh, my God.
Is he okay?

Oh, he will be.

I guarantee it.

How didn't I know about this?

Well, we all just found
about it this morning.

But you didn't call me.

Well, I knew you had
a busy day with Russel,

so I didn't wanna interrupt.

That's so sweet,

but if someone
we love is in trouble,

interrupt me.

Well, that is so sweet.

But I love you so I

was trying to be supportive.

- Enjoying your coffee?
- Yes.

Nice blouse.

Could we focus back on Hank?

Could you lovebirds
stop arguing?

- We weren't arguing.
- Not at all.

- See?
- Good.

Because we've gotta get over

to the after party estate

to plan Hank's intervention.

Let's go.
All right.


I know it sounds
a little dramatic,

but yeah, it's a...

I can't join you for that.

I'm going to find Hank
and speak with him directly.

Divya, that is a great idea.

You can lure him there.
Lure him?

Yes, we have to surprise him.

So you could make up
something about

a-a complicated patient.

Sanctioned lies do not count.
Got it.

Hank doesn't need
an intervention.

This is ludicrous.

And I'm not luring him

Let's go.
Come on.

Just aced
the practice test, dad.


Mr. Lopez is gonna let me
make up the final.

The ct confirmed
what we feared.

Don has pneumonia,
hence his fever.

Yeah, I was afraid he aspirated

when I put in
the laryngeal mask.

It's the risk you take
using a laryngeal mask

instead of rapid-sequence

Well, hopefully, the
antibiotics will work quickly

and we can get him off
the vent in a few hours.

Slow down, cowboy.

I'm more of a one-step-at-a-time

And I'd like to look ahead.

Dr. Shackleford
may have okayed you

being involved in the case
as the doctor of record.

But as the head of the icu,

I'd like to get his fever
under control first

and then go from there.

Welcome to the after party.

Keeping it real, Eddie?
Always, huh?

Give me some sugar.

- Ha.
- All right, Evan, Paige,

meet my saving grace,
Lacy sinclair.

Oh, no, I always hug...


Especially since I feel
like I know you

the way Eddie talks about you.

- Really?
- He's my hero.

- Aw.
- Hero?

Never seen anyone go cold
Turkey on lying like he did.

Well, you know,
I've had some minor relapses.

- Temptation is everywhere.
- Yes.

- Huh, so it seems.
- Oh, these?

No, I would never have
bought booze this cheap.

My most recent guest
snuck it in,

hid them in the hedgerow.
Ah, hedgerow.

They just weren't ready
to start fresh.

Oh, think I spilled some on me.

Ah, yeah.
It smells strong.

So Lacy, how did you become
a sobriety guru?

Well, you wake up in
the neighbor's vegetable garden

enough times,
you start to wonder

if there's not a better way
to make a salad.

- Hm.
- Mm-hmm.

- Right.
- Mm-hmm.

Um, so no offense
to you or any of this,

but you really think
this is what Hank needs?

- Mm-hmm.
- An intervention here?

I don't
call them interventions.

It just sounds
too confrontational for me.

I call this
"an invitation."

Oh, an invitation.

As in you are invited

to regain control of your life.

Did I not tell you
that this woman was the best?


My first intervention
was in a motel 6 conference room

with cold coffee
and folding chairs.

But sober doesn't have
to look like that.

My life now
is still just as fun,

but infinitely more fulfilling.

And that's what I wanna share
with your brother.

So come on, let's get
this after party started.

Come on.

- Thank you.
- Here we go.

Dr. Jory.

You've been avoiding my calls.

I'm sorry.
Who are you?

Dr. Jeremiah Sacani.

Ah, Dr. Sacani.

Well, I haven't been
avoiding you.

I've had to postpone
a few times.

If it was urgent,
I misunderstood.

Well, Hank is still in pain.

During his craniotomy,
did you perhaps violate his pia?


During his craniotomy,

did anything
out of the ordinary happen?

Leaking? Plunging?

I don't care to be grilled

on my surgery technique.

Well, 83% of your procedures
over the last 4 years

have been back fusions.


You do far fewer craniotomies

than the average neurosurgeon.

But more than you.

I simply want to determine

if you caused my friend...
my patient to have a stroke.

Have you seen
manual dexterity deficits?




No, but there still could be...

doesn't sound
like a stroke to me.

Now, that sounds like a stroke.

What are you doing?

Turning down the sedation

to activate your father's
respiratory drive.

Your dad's fever
has stabilized.

So we're gonna see if he's ready
to breathe on his own.

Dr. Oren's turning down
the ventilator settings.

So why are you here?

I'm your dad's doctor.

And I care about him.

Look, Molly,
I know you're angry with me.

But I promise I'm here
to do everything I can for him

and for you.

You gave me just one
of those pills.

And I was totally zoned out.

So how messed up were you

when you were doing
everything you could for him?

What... what's happening?

Don? He... he's
over-breathing the vent.

- We need sedatives on board!
- 100 of diprivan, please.

It's okay.
Easy, don.

Okay, good.
Thank you.


He's settling down.

Doesn't look like
he's getting off today.

If his lungs aren't ready,

it's best we give his body
more time

to fight off the infection.

So... Why are you here?

Uh, Dr. Oren.

Oh, Dr. Lawson.

I think Molly's
warming up to us.


- Buy you a coffee?
- Uh, no, thank you.

Listen, you and I both know
every hour don's in a coma

his prognosis gets worse.

We need to be more aggressive.

I wanna give him a course
of high-does steroids.

Absolutely not.

Look, I've prescribed him
steroids before

and he's responded well.

I imagine that was before
he was in a coma.

I understand your concerns,
but I am don's doctor.

So am I, and it's my icu.


- Hey.
- Hey.

Are you okay?

Evan told you about
the tox screen.

Look, there's nothing
to worry about, okay?

I have a warranted prescription
and I wasn't impaired.

Yes, Molly wanted the screening,

but she's a scared, angry, kid
who's worried about her dad.

What about your pain?

I had brain surgery.

Eight months ago and now
you are sweaty, and...

I was outside
chasing down Dr. Oren.

And interrupting me.

Sorry. I'm sorry.

Why did you keep this a secret?

It wasn't a secret.

It was personal.

Now's not a good time.

I have to get back to don.

We'll talk later.


You don't look like
you should be taking care

of anyone but yourself.

Now, when was the last time
you took a pill?

I'm fine.

Evan told me about
Hank's pain medicine.

- You're concerned?
- Yes, I am.

Have you ever heard of
post-craniotomy pain

lasting eight months?

I've discovered
a few rare cases.

I should have started
investigating sooner.

Pain management
is a nuanced field.

He's worse today, I can tell.

And Evan wants me to bring him
to see a patient at 4:00.

I think he needs to rest.

Did Evan say
who this patient is?

Just that it
was a complicated case

and that I should convince him
to leave the hospital for it.

Hmm. I think
I know the patient

that Evan is referring to.

And, yes, it's important
that Hank is there.

I need to go.


Is she drunk?

She's definitely something.

Do you need help?

No, I'm good.

My new heels are k*lling me.

Well, I have
the social lubricant.

Fruit-infused water.

Emotional outpourings
can be draining

so hydration is key.

The fruit just makes it fun.

- It does.
- Yes.

- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, this is Divya.

Divya works with Hankmed.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Please join us.
Thank you.


Why'd you change your mind?

I'm here to help Hank

and I'm reserving judgment
on this intervention.

It's an invitation.

- A what?
- An invitation.

Thanks, Lacy.

Oh, you know what, that's mine.

Here, you take this one.

- Oh, okay.
- Okay. Good.

All right, so let's prepare
ourselves for Hank's arrival.

Yeah, so we start
by communicating openly

I call this stage mingling.

You make a more significant
connection with another guest

when you really
open yourselves up. Yeah?

Okay. Eddie, would you like
to start us off?


Hello, uh, my name is Eddie

hi, Eddie.

I know that an invitation is
probably more than Hank needs.

I mean, he's not chasing
the dolphin here.

Pretty sure
that's "dragon," dad.

Yeah, well, what I wanna do
is nip it in the bud

so he doesn't become
too much like his old man.

Now, before I became
a renowned author...

- Eddie.
- A published author,

I was a convicted felon.

Well, we all take detours.

We do.

Especially the Lawson men.

Remember the problem that Hank
had with a hospital in Brooklyn?

Then he moved out here
and everything just took off

like a rocket?

And you, you always had
terrible trouble with women.

You could never keep
a relationship going.

Remember when you had
that thing for Divya

and now look at you.

All of a sudden you've got
this beautiful wife...

I'm sorry.
You and Divya?

No... What?

There w... there wasn't
any of me and Divya.

Absolutely not.

- Well, there was a small...
- Dad.

Did anything ever happen?

- No. No.
- No.

Did you say a thing for Divya
or a thing with Divya?

No, definitely for Divya.

It was a small crush.

Okay, the... no.

No for, no with, no crush.

Or... there was nothing.

Less than nothing.

I am not attracted
to Divya at all anymore.


So there was a for.

Look, for one,
what... why would you do this?



- Hey, you all right?
- What happened?

Evan said it was
a complicated patient.

He didn't say who.

I can call him.

Uh, look,
I really can't get away.

Would you mind...

help! Help my dad!

He's in trouble.

What is it?

What is it... what's happening?

Oh, he's okay.

The pulse oximeter
slipped off his finger.

It monitors blood oxygenation

and when it stopped
the alarm sounded.

But it's working now.

He's okay.

Evan, I am so very, very sorry.

I thought everybody knew.

Dad, there's nothing to know.

That's why
I'm gonna talk to Paige.

I'm gonna straighten
everything out.

No, you're not.

Okay? I'll handle it.

You wanna straighten someone out

straighten out your friend,

the drunk interventionist.

- Invitationist.
- Whatever she is!

And just because Lacy
is a recovering addict

doesn't mean that she's a drunk.

Can we look
at the facts for a second?

- Sure.
- One, she could barely

- carry the tray.
- Mmhmm.

Two, she insisted on drinking

from a specific glass,

and three, she fell
into her own pool.

There is an explanation
for all of that.

I'm gonna find out what it is
and bring it back to you.

Lacy is clean.

Trust me.

Look, I'm not
attracted to Divya.

So there's
nothing to talk about.

- It's exactly what I'm saying.
- Good.

How you doing?

Other than my ego, I'm dandy.

Okay, look,
I've got to ask you this.

Are you using again?

Eddie, I fell
because I got a little wobbly.

- Mm-hmm.
- Trust me.

I know the difference.

You told me you fell

because you weren't watching

where you were going.

Yes and, I mean, I have felt
a little unbalanced lately.

In fact, I took a tumble
on my deck last week.

And I wasn't using then either.

Have your falls
been precipitated

by any other symptoms?

Some dry mouth and...

I mean, I have been spaced out
and disoriented at times.

- Have you seen a doctor?
- No.

Doctors just wanna give you
pills, and I won't take them.

The strongest thing I'll put
in my system now is aspirin.

Why do you take aspirin?

It just helps
with some occasional pain

I have in my side.

So when was the last time
you took aspirin?

Well, today when I
was passing out the drinks.

I dissolve mine in water.

Even the action of popping pills
is something I want no part of.

And that's why you didn't
want Evan to take your drink.


I just chalk up
the dry mouth and wobbliness

to the damage I did
to my system when I was using.

You should know I was a pretty
experimental chick back then.

How "pretty experimental?"

Coke, pot, pills,
shrooms, bananadine.

Why don't I take some blood
just to be on the safe side?

Good idea.

And I'll take it right over

to the hospital
for some analysis.

No, you stay.
I'll send someone.

We have too much work
to do preparing for Hank.

One thing we cannot have
is distractions.


I thought you could use some
clean clothes and a shower.

I borrowed some scrubs for you.

Sorry if you
don't like the smell.

Molly, I know you wanna
take care of your dad,

but you won't be able to if you
don't take care of yourself.

I can sit with him
till you get back.

We'll take shifts.


We'll take shifts.

Mine's not finished.

- Listen, you need to k...
- He's my dad.

Don't you have
a family of your own?

Or at least other patients?

By the way, a shower wouldn't
hurt you either.


We're not having problems, so
there's nothing to talk about.

So why are we
talking about this?

We're here for Hank, right?

Yes, but we can't
invite Hank here

to fight his problems if we're
fighting amongst ourselves.

- Well said, Eddie.
- Thank you.

And why not talk about it?

Are you hiding something?

Of course not.

So tell me, what happened?


Paige, I think
it's called chemistry.

Yes, it's chemistry.

Okay, chemistry
is so much worse.

Then not that.

Can I jump in here?

- Of course, Divya.
- Thank you.

Chemistry requires two sides

and in this particular matter,

there was only one ever.

Who'd hit on
anything with a pulse.

That is entirely not true,
Divya, but thanks a lot.

Paige, let me
ask you a question.

Haven't we all
had previous relationships?

It was not a relationship.

Stop answering together!

Paige, why should
feelings that Evan had

long before he ever met you
matter so much?

You guys have been spending
so much time together,

and I see you two.

You have fun with each other.

Yeah, as friends.


I have never
been attracted to Evan.

In fact, sometimes I find him
crass, offensive, and vile.

That is my husband
you're talking about.

- Thank you, honey.
- Oh, don't you honey me.

- Wha...
- Hello, everybody.

What's going on?

Hello, Hank.

Uh, this is Lacy.

- Hello.
- Are you the patient?

Welcome to the after party.

To the what now?

Kiddo, have a seat.

Wait, I'm sorry.

Why are you all here?

You know what,
that is a really great question

and just before I answer it,

let me just say,
every single person here

is loving you like crazy.

- Are you?
- Mm-hmm.

- There is no patient?
- No.

This is an intervention.


That's what Lacy calls it.

I didn't know.

Yeah, you and me both.

Uh, no offense, but I'm gonna
have to decline the invitation.

Okay, look, it doesn't matter
what it's called.

We're all here to talk.

And find out some things.

I'm happy to talk, but I don't
need whatever this is.

Yes, but we're all here now,

so just give it,
like, a few minutes.


You tricked me into coming here

when I don't have a problem.

But I do
have a patient in the icu.

- No, just...
- No. Let go.

- Not until you sit down.
- No, I'm not staying.

- Yes, you are staying.
- No, I'm...

- no.
- Let go. I'm not staying here.

- Yes, you are.
- No. Let go.

- I'm not having...
- Boys.

Boys, stop it!

Sit down for two sec...

I'm sorry. Are you okay?

- What is it?
- My arm.

It's radiating pain sh**ting
down from my neck.

Has this happened before?

I felt pain in my neck and
shoulder, but never my arm.

But you were taking
the pain medication.

So even if this was going on,
it could have been masked.

Okay, okay.
Now it's better.

This is radicular pain.

What's that?
Is that a bad thing?

It's radiating pain caused by
inflammation around the nerve

coming from his spinal cord.

Have you had any falls
since your surgery?


What would happen
if he had one before?

You fell off that barstool.

- What barstool?
- At Evan and Paige's wedding.

Maybe all this time you have
been misinterpreting

radicular pain
as post-surgical pain.

It would explain why this
hasn't gotten any better

and why you felt the need
for ongoing pain medication.

And if it is radicular...

well, then we can
do something about it.

Like what?
Like fix it?

Yeah, but first
I need to get an mri.

And so what are we waiting for?

This holographic image
of your neck

shows the damage
to your vertebrae.

Well, your CT myelogram and
follow up MRIs both confirm...

a c6 radiculopathy.
I can't believe it.

All this time
right under my nose.

And your neurosurgeon
wouldn't have found it

on either your pre or
post-operative craniotomy MRIs

because it is too low
on your neck.


Dr. Lawson, I'm about ready

for the translaminar
corticosteroid injection.

Thank you.

Hopefully this will reduce
the nerve route inflammation.

Although, it's possible
you may need another.

It's possible
I'll need surgery too.

We'll have to see
how I feel after the injection.

Hank, I owe you an apology.


It took me so long
to find this answer

and it was
such a simple answer.

I caused you weeks
of unnecessary pain.

Oh, please, that's my fault.

It's hard to make a diagnosis

when your patient's
an uncooperative

pain in the... Neck.

I'm sorry.

Okay, Dr. Lawson.

Let's have you lay down.

See you on the other side.

Turns out your blood work
came back negative

for all the usual suspects of
past alcohol and drug abuse,

but positive for low hemoglobin.

I have no idea what the means.

It means no cause for alarm.

But while we're here
I'd like to run some tests

for possible causes of anemia.

Okay, would any of those
causes make my stomach hurt?

Hey, so dad and Paige
are already in there.

Jeremiah sent some cryptic text

that it's Hank's c6
that's radicular.

What does that mean?
Is that good or bad?

That means Hank can be treated.

Oh, my God, Divya,
that's great.

Good stuff.

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry I didn't believe

in your "let's have
a party" technique

'cause it worked.
It worked like a charm.

I mean, in a roundabout
kind of way, but it...

Is that what I think it is?

Because I can't think
of anything worse.

Lacy, you vomited blood.
Come here.

Oh, blood.

That's worse.

Lacy, I think the pain
that you described earlier

may be coming from an ulcer,

which would explain
why your hemoglobin is low.

We need to stop the bleeding.

Yes, you stop the bleeding.
I'm gonna get a clean shirt.

Oh, I'm so sorry, Evan.

No, no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
you vomited... Warm blood.

Would an ulcer cause falling
and light-headedness?


Lacy, you said
that you only take aspirin.

- Right.
- How much?

I don't know, six, eight a day?

Lacy, you have
aspirin poisoning.

I was just trying
to treat myself

without having to look
at a prescription bottle

in my cabinet.

A different pill, while
it may have triggered memories

of addiction, would have treated
your ulcer properly.

But don't worry.

Some h-2 blockers and going
cold Turkey on the aspirin

will take care of it.

Let's get you inside.

Hank is outside.

How's Lacy?

The gastroscopy stopped
the bleeding in her stomach.

She'll be able to go home
first thing in the morning.

Thank goodness.

Okay, Divya.

I feel horrible
about exposing the history

between you and Evan.

- Eddie.
- Yeah?

- There was no history wi...
- Divya?

What happens between two people
should remain private.

I'm down with that.

Well, what a wonderful day
this turned out to be.

I wanted to apologize for a
insulting your husband before.

I hope you know that I would
never intervene, intercede,

with the two of you.

It's not who I am, and...

You are both way too important
to me as friends.

As family.

Thank you.

I suppose I got jealous

because things aren't
really going so well,

and I needed someone to blame.

Well, I'm here
if you ever need to talk.

Hank, you look like
a million dollars.

You look so much better.

Yes, the single injection
was effective.

Well, thank goodness.

I have to admit,
it's been a difficult day.

Difficult year, actually.

I wish we'd known.

We could have done more for you.

I know, but even though
I didn't ask,

you were all there
for me anyway.

Well, yeah, that's what
family's for, Henry.

Amen to that.

I'm sorry I worried you all.

I'm sorry I kept this secret.

I should never have tried
to do this on my own,

and I will never
make that mistake again.

A few more weeks on those meds,

I may have needed
an intervention.

I mean an invitation.
Oh, yeah.

I, uh... I love you guys.

We love you too.

Amen again.

We love you, Hank.

- Oh.
- Yes, we do.

- Oh, wow.
- It's a group hug.

- It's a group hug.
- Ow. Okay.


I have to get back
to my patient.

He's been waiting all day
for me... To be me.

I'll see you back
at the guesthouse.

I'll walk inside with you.

Back to helping patients, just
like the super doctor you are.


So, Jeremiah, what a pleasure
to finally meet you.

We met last summer
at the staff meeting.

- Oh.
- At the guesthouse?


Paige baked muffins.

You know what, I think we
should ride together.

Yes, that way we can
get better acquainted.

- Uh, if you say so.
- Uh-huh.

You know, chapter 16 in my book
is all about relaxing.

- Mm-hmm?
- Yeah.

You know you have nothing
to worry about, right?

Paige, I love you.

No one else but you.

I've never loved anybody

even close to as much
as I love you.

I don't know why
I got so upset.

I guess it's because you
and Divya get along so well.

Yeah, we do.

As friends.

I promise that crush
was over a long time ago.

Wasn't even a crush anyway.

It wasn't like Jeremiah
and Divya.

When I met...
Jeremiah and Divya?

Oh, yeah.

Jeremiah's completely
in love with Divya.

Didn't I tell you that?

Since last summer.

Head over heels.

Divya has no idea.

Okay, have you put up
the hydrocortisone?

- Yes.
- Okay, good.

Thank you.

What's happening?

I'm gonna treat your dad with
a course of high-dose steroids.

Is he getting worse?

Nope, there's been no change.

I told Dr. Oren I wanna try

to get him off the ventilator.

I'm hoping a more aggressive

course of treatment can do that.

Instead of
just sitting and waiting,

I wanna make your dad better.

I wanna help him wake up.

I guess it's my turn for break.



I was gonna pick up Indian food

because I thought
you might like it.

But then I thought
that might be offensive.

And I know how much
you enjoy Italian cuisine.

That's very kind.

It's such a beautiful night,

I thought we might
have dinner outside.

The candles
are insect repellant

and then we can review
the research I did

for our lamaze class.

Then maybe get a head start on
practicing breathing techniques.

After we digest our food.

Funny thing, Jeremiah.

It turns out that I don't need
to attend this particular class

until closer
to my delivery date.

Oh, I'll keep
the materials then.

My mother
should be back by then.

She'll probably
want to be my partner.

But thank you, Jeremiah.

Of course, I'm... I'm sure
she would wanna do that.

Also... My landlord called.

And it seems my apartment
will be ready soon.

So I'll finally
be able to move back home

and be out of your hair.

- That's great news.
- Huh.

I'll go wash up then?

- Dad?
- Yeah.

To you.

You show up and somehow
everything seems to work out.

It's a talent.

Seriously though, thank you.

Thanks for showing up
when we needed you.

Like I would be anywhere else.

Also, um... I know a lot of
recovery is about forgiveness.

So I just wanted to say...
I forgive you for everything.

'Cause all
the things you've done,

fighting to get your life back,
fighting to get us back,

I'm sure none of that was easy.

And I apologize to you

if I created any tension
between you and Paige.


No... I mean, you completely did,
but we worked everything out.


That's wonderful for you.
Ev... that's great.

Okay, maybe not everything.

Trust me, Evan,
marriage is hard work.

Yeah, I'm learning that.

But it's better.

Especially since the whole Divya
misunderstanding's over with.

It's, uh... it's feeling better.

All right,
so you both understand

that Divya's not the problem?

That is wonderful.

But what do you think
the problem is?

He's crashing.

I need a triple lumen kit.

Somebody flush the cords.

Let's start a levophed drip.

Prepping for a central line.

Let's get him into trendelenberg
now. Thank you.

Levophed drip.

What's happening?

Okay, inserting the needle.

And aspirating.

BP's down to 80 over 50.

What's happening to him?

Inserting the guide wire.

Running a bolus of two liters
normal saline wide open.

What did you do to my dad?
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