02x09 - Rose and Raven Rosenberg

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Nip/Tuck". Aired: July 22, 2003 – March 3, 2010.*
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Drama is set in a plastic-surgery center, McNamara/Troy, centering on the two doctors who own it.
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02x09 - Rose and Raven Rosenberg

Post by bunniefuu »

I have to agree with Sean.

Your turning out to be the father
of his teenage son...

will trigger the force majeure clause
of the partnership agreement.

Certainly a cataclysmic
and unforeseen event.

That was 17 years ago.
Before we even signed that contract.

There must be a statute of limitations.

There's no statue of limitations
on being a backstabbing assh*le.

After what you did
how could I ever trust you again?

With a lot of hard work,
on both of our parts.

Yes, I screwed up. So did Julia,
but we were 23. We were just kids.

You're my brother, Sean.

Brothers don't sleep
with each other's wives.

Dr. Bahar is the best couples' therapist
in Miami.

He specializes in business partnerships
on the rocks.

Our business isn't on the rocks,
it's smashed to hell, mast to rudder.

What about a cooling-off period?
Before we do something rash and stupid.

I don't want to cool off.

I want you to box up your office
and get the hell out of my life.

Fine, but it won't be a mole removal.

You want out? It's gonna get invasive.

I get custody of the furniture
I picked out for the waiting room...

the anesthesia machine, Liz.

That machine is worth over $90,000.
You can't have it and Liz.

May I speak frankly?

Right now, you each net
over $1.4 million a year.

Split up, you'd be lucky
to earn half that, combined.

Business breakups are oftentimes more
devastating and ugly than a marital split.

Loyal and grapevine clients
are likely to get confused.

Which doctor is the better one?

Patients end up going somewhere else
for fear of choosing the wrong doctor.

Apart, you guys are nowhere near
as strong as you are together.

Not at this phase of your lives.

- That's not something I'm worried about.
- You should be.

You think patients will travel
from all over the state to visit you...

in your office with your birds of paradise
and faux marble tiles?

It'll be easier for me to find a decorator...

than for you to find a doctor
who will carry your dead weight.

If you're irreconcilable, I suggest you both
list the company's assets independently...

and we'll divide things
as amicably as possible.

What about surgeries
already on the books?

I've cancelled everything
past this afternoon...

except the Rosenberg case next week.

Of course. Keep the one pro bono
on the docket.

It's a high profile case. The good publicity
will boost both our future practices.

I've seen your work over the last 10 years.
You'll need all the help you can get.

I'm not going.

This operation requires
two plastic surgeons.

Lives are at stake.

Or do you wanna destroy
more than you already have?

What is my severance?
I feel I'm owed that.

You're not gonna be out of work, Liz.

We'd like to offer you a position
in our new practices.

You're McNamara/Troy's
most valuable asset.

Computers and carpets are assets.

I'm a person with feelings,
who thinks being shot for both of you...

entitles her to an explanation.
What is all this drama about?

Christian slept with Julia.

17 years ago.

Before they were married.

Nine months before Matt was born.
You do the math.

I am so sorry, Sean.

Are you all right?

Julia and I have started
the initial separation phase.

You have until we get back from New York
to decide which one you'd rather work for.

We both know it's not in your character
to choose an immoral traitor.

Just because Liz and I
dip into viciousness every now and then...

- doesn't mean we don't love each other.
- Stop.

I've been with the two of you
since you framed your first nickel.

So has Linda, and half the people
who work here.

You're not just dismantling a business.

You're dismantling a family.

I'm not saying you need
to forgive and forget.

I am just asking you to consider
everything you're giving up.

I'm not giving up anything
that hasn't already been taken away.

We'll be finished
with the Rosenberg case next week.

Make your decision by then.

Where's Annie gonna stay
when you're gone?

With her. It's only three days.

I left lunch and dinner money
on your nightstand.

No parties and no girls in our bed.

My bed.

I'm late for school.

Matt, please sit down.

- I wanna talk to you.
- There's nothing to say.

You haven't been able to look me
in the eye since you found out.

You are my father.

Not him.

Is that what you wanted to hear?


- When's Mom coming back?
- She's not.

- She wants to.
- I don't care.

I'm upset with her, too, now...

but I want to believe
you're a bigger man that this.

I'm not.

You know...

Nobody stopped to ask me,
"Matt, are you okay? How are you doing?"

That's bullshit. I tried to talk to you.
You wouldn't open up.

That's right, because retreating,
feeling dead and closing off...

that I got from you, Dad.

What's happened
between the three of you...

is painful, but we can fix this.

Your mother slept with my best friend
and you were the result...

and I didn't know for 17 years,
so stop defending them...

And my mother is sleeping in a hotel
because you kicked her out...

I can hear you crying through the walls
at night, so don't you dare scream at me!

Have a nice trip.

Final boarding
call for Flight 714 to New York.


You know when the last time was
I flew anything but first class?

I could give a shit.

The university made arrangements.
I called about other flights.

None of them
would've gotten us there on time.

We're already late as it is.

Would you mind sitting between us?

Do you love her?

I'm not gonna play this game with you.

You owe me answers.

Do you love her?


Like I love you. You're my family.

Does she love you?


Did she come with you?

We came together.

Do you wanna be with her now?

I've thought about it.

Do you think Matt looks like you?


This is the captain speaking.
I'd like to thank your for flying with us.

Flight attendants, please prepare
for landing. Thank you.

When you masturbate,
do you ever think about her?


Did you ask her not to marry me?


Did you want to?


It's a bare-bones operation
here this week.

I apologize in advance
for the accommodations.

- Which are?
- Like all our surgical teams...

you'll be sharing a room
in the dormitories.

The university has donated room
and board for the doctors and media.

I'm sorry. That's not acceptable.

With the toy fair convention
in town, that's really the only choice...

unless you made advance reservations.

Your sacrifice of time
and amenities will be well worth it.

This is an historic surgery.

The Rosenbergs are the oldest individuals
to undergo this type of procedure.

An historic surgery, all right.
This'll be the last operation...

- of the McNamara/Troy partnership.
- We're going to pursue separate interests.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be.

For the true talent,
a split usually proves to be a boon.

- Like after the Lennon-McCartney split.
- We got Wings.

John Lennon, the true visionary,
recorded Imagine...

- and Double Fantasy, singular classics.
- And here we are.

Dr. Troy, Dr. McNamara.

I'd like you to meet
Rose and Raven Rosenberg.


You're late.

I'd like to introduce you all
to Rose and Raven's mother, Rachel.


I would like to thank you all so much
for donating your time and support.

I asked Dr. Atherton
to call this meeting today...

to give you the opportunity
to get to know Raven and Rose...

the way I know them,
to see the things about them...

that CAT scans and MRIs don't show.

Even though they're physically
and emotionally connected...

I want you to know my daughters
as the individuals they are.

Feel free to ask any questions you like.

Hi. Dr. Avery Atherton, neurosurgery.

I know your nerve endings are separate,
but a little I'm unclear...

as to how the sensation
is interpreted in your brains.

For instance, if Raven hurts herself,
do you feel it, Rose?

We share tissue and bone, not feelings.

That's great. Thanks.

Dr. Carrie Kozinn, ear, nose and throat.

How do you handle your personal needs?

I shower every morning.
Rose likes her bath at night.

How is it that Rose
isn't in the shower with you?

We put the shower curtain between us.

Yes, they're not just lines, it's true.

Thank you.

Hello. Dr. Sheelen Jeevan,
micro-neurovascular surgeon.

What if one of you is tired
and the other isn't?

I go to bed.

We go to bed.

The other one will lay there
and read or do something.

And the other one will sleep.

What about intimate relations?
Do you have boyfriends?

I had a boyfriend,
but we had to break up.

Raven couldn't stand him.

But Raven is my best friend...

so I had to put her feelings first.

I see. Thank you.

Dr. Christian Troy, plastic surgeon.

He's cute.
Let me see.

We wanted to talk you
about what we're going to look like after.

How do you wanna look?

Sean McNamara, plastic surgeon.

As much alike as possible.

Have you thought
about what it'll be like to be separated?

Any fantasies about being alone
for the first time?


You must have at least considered it.
Dreamed about it?

The amazing sense
of freedom and release?

I had a dream
we were once separated...

then I got scared, and reached out
for Raven, but she wasn't there.

So, if you had the choice,
you'd stay together?

Of course. I hate my cancer.
I feel so guilty.

It's not your fault, Rose.

I'm the one who feels guilty...

because I'm not strong enough
to handle your chemo.

To you, being together looks hard.
But it's all we know.

I got a call from Kuram.

He said you missed
both your SAT tutorials this week.


I pay Kuram $75 an hour for those classes.

Don't you mean Dad does?

Take your anger out on me
and not your future.

I don't want you regretting choices
you made at an emotional time...

for the rest of your life.

You are the expert on that.

I called you three times yesterday
to help me with my move.

You want me to help you
move out of our house...

because you destroyed our family.

Who the hell do you think you are?


I am your mother, and I deserve
some g*dd*mn consideration.

And all of this doesn't change
the fact that I love you...

and that I was the one up with you
and your colic for eight months.

I was the one cutting the ends
off your peanut-butter sandwiches.

I was the one who put my career
on hold so I could stay at home with you.

And all the while,
you knew it was one big lie.

I didn't know it then. I don't want
to know it now. Don't you see that?

No, Mom, I don't see that.

Fine. I'm a liar.

I'm the worst human being on the planet.

But one day...

you will realize that I was lying...

because I thought it was
what was best for you, and for your father.

I can't believe anything you say.

Okay, I know I came out of your body...

but I don't feel any connection
to you anymore.

Where are you going?
I'm going to Ava's.

You're seeing her again?


At least I can trust her.
She's the only real adult in my life.

She's not an adult, Matt.

She's a parasite.
You have to trust me on this.

You don't own
the moral high ground anymore, Mom.

It's shocking. You'd think these girls
would be thrilled about being separated.

But they're questioning doing it at all.

They're just afraid of having
to face life on their own.

Or maybe they see that their individuality
shines brighter when they're together.

Cut the Hallmark bullshit.
I'm only in the same room with you...

because I need you
to be flawless tomorrow.

I can't operate on both girls at once.
Be professional or shut up.


According to their CTs,
Rose doesn't have an eye socket.

We're gonna have to build one.

We'll need enough tissue
to sew the flap over the eye.

A prosthetic can be added
by someone else during rehabilitation.

How far do we inflate the skin expanders
when we can't measure her face?

If we are short on tissue,
we'll end up using free grafts.

All we need now is a bong
and a Flock of Seagulls album...

and we'd be right back
to where we started.

College was great.
Great for you.

You had all that free time to party
while I carried us through prerequisites.

You didn't carry me.

- We were a team, same as now.
- You have always been reliant on me.

And you on me. If not for me,
you wouldn't have had a social life.

You wouldn't have met Julia.

I think you're forgetting how we met.

You paid for my tray at the cafeteria,
and then begged me...

to tutor you up to a B in microbiology.

And that tutoring
bumped your A-minus to an A.

You have never appreciated
my contribution to this partnership.

We're symbiotic. Guiding me
gives you the motivation to excel.

You've got talent, but you never
would have had the nuts to express it...

without me
to compare yourself to.

I have your ineptitude
to thank for my success?

You have my 10-inch d*ck to thank.

Surgery is the one place
you're more of a man than I am.

You need to be better than me,
because in your twisted brain...

you think that's what keeps Julia.
So you work harder, you focus.

And that's why with all of your bullshit
about carrying me...

you've never been able to leave.

You couldn't do this without me.

- Where are you going?
- To study. Alone.

- What?
- I need your help with Matt.

Call his father.

Sean won't take my calls.
I need you to talk to Matt.

He's destroying his future.

He's upset. Let him process.

That process is gonna land him
in Biscayne Community College.

You know how important
junior year is for college admissions.

He hasn't been to his SA Ttutor.

God knows if he's going to school, and...

he's seeing Ava again.

I can't cut Sean's balls off right now.

I'll talk to him about it.

How is he?


Talk to me about what?

Your son. He's not managing.

And Julia called you to help?
I guess the new era has begun.

She said you won't take her calls.

Bullshit. She's just playing us
off each other.

Fine, do it. Raise Matt.

I've spent years trying to corral
your bad genetics.

Let's see if you can do better.


I'm scared. Sing to me.

Hush, sweet Rose,
don't say a word

Sis is gonna buy you a mockingbird

And if that mockingbird don't sing

All right, doctors,
let's make history.

How much room do you need?
A two-centimeter window.

That should be adequate.
You've got it.

Okay. Let's flip them.

All right, on the count of three.
One, two, three.

She's bleeding through.

Let's get suction.

I'm opening her.
Get a unit of blood.

Pressure's dropping.
Give her one milligram epi.

Start one unit of blood.
Unit of whole blood going in.

Shit. Suction.
Start a dopamine drip.

The sagittal sinus is blown.

Epi going in.
Rose's pressure is dropping.

Shit. Is she bleeding, too?
No. This doesn't make sense.

Flatline. Give atropine.

Giving one milligram atropine.

I'm breathing for Raven.

One milligram atropine in.

Let's get suction.
She's losing too much blood.

She's 80 over 50. Start dopamine.

I've got to open her up.
We're losing her.

One milligram atropine.

Still flatline.
She's bleeding out.

I'm calling it.

Time of death, 3:42 p. m.

Heart rate's 16 per minute.
Starting compressions.

Giving one milligram epi.
Good for fusion.

One milligram epi in.

There's no cranial bleed.
This shouldn't be happening.

She knows her sister's gone
and she's giving up.

She's not giving up.
She can survive on her own.

She can survive.

She can survive on her own.

Pressure's coming back.
68 over 48.

Heart rate's 45 and climbing.

You want me to leave the bottle?

Just keep pouring it till that's gone.

Business or personal?

I'm sorry?

Classy-looking guy like you ends up
drowning in Scotch on West 112th.

He's either just lost a big account
or his wife's screwing her personal trainer.

A little of both. Am I that obvious?

Depends on who's looking.



Can I buy you a drink? Apparently,
I now own the whole bottle.

We can share.

You wanna talk about it?

No. I'm tired of talking.

Let's just make trivial small talk, then.

What's your business, Sean?

What do you do?

Plastic surgeon.

Well, that's pretty cool.

Can I get your professional opinion
on something?

Should I get a boob job?

You already did.

- You're good.
- So are they.

- What?
- You're very beautiful.

- That's just the Scotch talking.
- Really. You remind me of somebody.

Somebody special I used to know.

You're sweet.

But you really don't need
to work so hard, baby.

How much?

Depends on what you want.

I just wanna make a connection.



You needed to take a piss, honey?
The restroom's right in there.


What are you doing?

Getting laid.

What's it look like I'm doing?

Where'd you get the weed?

I found a dealer in the dorm next door.
Who's the girl?

A sure thing.

- I'm paying.
- You're out of control.

It's about time, don't you think?

- This is payback.
- For what?

For all the times in school when you had
some slut in your bed...

and I'd lie there in the dark,
listen to you moaning and coming.

It made me sick.

We had a system.
If I had a girl in the room...

I'd put the Men at Work album outside
against the wall...

and you'd know not to come in.

It's always about what you want, assh*le.

You insisted on coming in
most of the time...

because you had
a heavy course load and needed the rest.

p*ssy. I knew what you wanted.

- What did I want?
- You wanted to hear me screw.

Because it was the closest thing
you could get to getting laid.

Being linked some way to my conquests,
living vicariously through me...

is always what's gotten you off.

And I could say the same thing
about Julia.

How it must have k*lled you
that I got what you never could.

I did get it. Once.

- Three-ways are double.
- We're not having a three-way.

Why not? Everything else has been.

I'll pay, Julia.

- My name's Rene.
- Not tonight. Tonight it's Julia.

Isn't this what you've always wanted?
Isn't this your dream?

Being part of Julia and I here,
not being the outsider looking in?

- You're crazy.
- And you haven't got the balls.

- Maybe I should come back.
- No.

Stay, Julia.

We'll always be together.
Is that how you want me to say it?



Good night.

Please come in, Doctor.

- How is she?
- The same.

Hello, Rose.

I'm Dr. McNamara.

One of your surgeons.

All night long, Rose was reaching out...

twitching her hand a little bit.

Grasping for something.

I was sitting beside her, talking to her,
telling her everything would be okay.

I thought she was reaching out
for me but...

I know now that she wasn't.

I finally told her:

"Rose, honey, Raven is in heaven.

"Your little sister didn't make it. "

After I told her that...

her fingers stopped moving.

I could feel her soul leave her...

just like I felt the breath come into her
when she was born.

Even if she gets better...

and we can take her off this thing...

she's not really gonna have any kind
of a life, is she?

Other than to be studied.

Other than to have those damn tabloids
try and sneak in and take her picture.


She'll probably never have
the same quality of life on her own.

And she didn't want to.

They made a living will...

right before the surgery.

They didn't wanna live
if the other one died?

Why didn't you tell us that?

I told the girls I would, but...

I was selfish.

I didn't wanna be alone.

I kind of suspected that Raven
couldn't survive such a brutal separation.

She was so small...

and weak. She was like...

a little dove. But...

I thought maybe Rose,
even with the cancer...

maybe she had a chance
because she was just such a fighter.


even if she got better...

a part of her...

the biggest part of her, has already died.

And I know in my heart...

that she wants to die with her.

After I do it...

will you put them back
the way they were...

so they can be together forever...

as God wanted them to be?

Thank you.

Go to your sister.

Go to your sister.


I have to admit to you, Christian...

I am a better doctor because of you.

A better doctor with you.

I will never forgive you for what happened.

I know.

I'll never forgive her.

And then there's Matt.

The best thing
this partnership ever produced.

You raised him, Sean, not me.

I've tried to deny it, Christian...

but we raised Matt together.

Through good and bad...

he was always the best part of both of us.

He still is.

And that's a connection I can't let die.
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