01x06 - Il pozzo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Brigands: The Quest for Gold". Aired: 23 April 2024.*
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After the Risorgimento, a woman joins of group of brigands in southern Italy.
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01x06 - Il pozzo

Post by bunniefuu »

[opening theme music playing]


[horses approaching]

[unsettling music playing]

[Fumel] Make way for the carriage!

- [soldier] Hey, hey...
- [horse neighs]

Get out now.

[music fades]


[breathes nervously]

Wait, what is this?

Filomena, what do you want from me?

We're out of time, Father.
You have to tell us everything you know.

I don't know anything.

I'm useless now. I was even
kicked out of my own church.

Maybe it's because they're
storing the gold in there.

[Filomena] Don Orlando.

The fear was too much to handle.

I understand.

[wistful music playing]

I know how it feels.

It never stops.

But I know you care about our ideals.

You can help now by telling us
where they're keeping the gold.

The people need it, Don Orlando.

[Don Orlando] The gold arrived
in an armored stagecoach.

They have it barricaded in the church.

Before it leaves for the North,
it will be very guarded by many men.

I argued with Fumel.
Told him this was unacceptable.

I told him our church
wasn't to be used as a safe.

But unfortunately,
he's turned it into a makeshift fort.

What's his plan?

[Sparrowhawk] Usually, churches are
located in the middle of the village.

I mean, that's where I'd put it.

It's much easier to defend.

[Don Orlando] Fumel has also
changed the curfew to 5:00 p.m.

Anyone outside will be shot down,
with no exceptions.

These orders are effective immediately.

We need a plan.

The woman of the prophecy.

Then God will truly save us all.

I have an idea.

I have an idea.

And it'll make it look like
the gold was stolen by God.


[Michelina] We all feel betrayed.


Well, look around you.

You will find the faces
of the people next to you

bear the same scars as your own,
the same pain.

They've turned us against one another

and convinced us we were to blame for it.

That it was just cause
because we're poor and they're rich.

We may be poor, but we're not alone.

And united, we can change things.

Today, that change is upon us.

The time of oppression is over.

We are entering a time of liberation.

It's our liberation.

Because we are brigands, we fight!

We won't be silenced.

Because those who m*rder us

are the same ones who steal our lands
in their clean, ironed uniforms.

You see these clothes?

They're as tattered as yours.

Stained with blood and sweat and dirt.

[man] But we're not fighters, Father.

We shouldn't be k*lling people.

I know.

And nobody is forcing you to k*ll anyone.

We all know the Fifth Commandment.

I've decided to join with them
and take part in the battle.

[music intensifies]

I'll do my best to defend
the weakest and the poorest,

as I was commanded by our holy father.

And if this is what is required

to defend you all,

I will fight.

God will surely understand my dilemma.

- I'll fight too.
- [crowd cheering]

[cheering continues]



[dramatic music playing]

This here is our land.

It is our right!

God has gifted this land,

and it is our duty to defend it.

Today, it's ours to reclaim.

[crowd cheering]

[man] This is our land!

Ciccilla! Filomena's in the village.

Who is she with? Was it Schiavone?

And a lot of others.

They say the gold is in the church.
Michelina De Cesare is with her.

Well, this proves
that Filomena betrayed us.

From the beginning, her and Michelina
wanted to steal the gold.

What the f*ck do we do, Ciccì?

Us against the Guerra?

We've still got time to get out of here.


I will have my vengeance on Filomena.


You have to do something very important.

[unsettling music playing]

Not just for me.

But also, for Pietro and Celestino.

[music swells]

[music fades]

What's wrong?

Are you worried?


I wish you would go with me.

[Filomena chuckles]

I want to battle on the front lines
alongside my friends.

You keep a hold of my feather?

I did.


Don't lose it.

So... if all of this, uh, goes bad...

It won't go bad.

Just in case things do go bad...

Then we meet at six.


[wistful music playing]

[Filomena chuckles]

It won't go bad.


You still haven't packed.

You have until tonight.

What are you doing here? You'll be k*lled.

I came to get you.

- Right now? Where are you taking me?
- You don't wanna come with me?

You made me a promise.

And now you're too scared to go with me?

Let's go.

[unsettling music playing]

- Villa.
- Yes, General.

Go to my daughter and tell her...

tell her, once we're in Turin,
she's free to do what she wants.

Who are you? What do you want?

You have a terrace overlooking the plaza?

Get out of here.

You had someone talk to me already.
My answer hasn't changed.

I refuse to help you,

even if you say you aren't bad brigands.

No, we are bad brigands.

Get over here.

They'll see you.

You can always back out.

[Ciccilla] Have you forgotten?

Death to all traitors.

The Monaco g*ng is over, sister.

What the hell are you saying?

Forget it. I'm an assh*le.

Everything I have done is
because I only want you to survive.


Have some wine.
It will help with your aim.


It was you.

It was you.

Wait. [screaming]

- [Ciccilla grunts]
- [cup clatters]

- It was you!
- [grunts]


You were the only one I trusted.

- You were the only one I trusted!
- [grunts]

- [Ciccilla screams]
- [grunts]

- Ciccilla!
- [grunts, whimpers]

[Marchetta grunts, groans]


[Marchetta groaning]

Rat bastard!


[both grunting]

[both panting]

[unsettling music continues]


[screams in pain]

- [grunts]
- [screams]

[knife clatters]


Jurillo! Where are we going?

Hurry, Lissandra! Keep up!

We'll sleep here for tonight.

["My Body Is A Cage"
by Peter Gabriel playing]

[Fumel] There is now a curfew ordinance.

You have all been informed.

Do not be foolish.

Return to your homes in an orderly fashion

before the five o'clock hour arrives,

and then no one will have to die tonight.

Do you want to pray here?


Return tomorrow and deliver your prayers.

On the other hand,
if you're here to provoke me,

then my already limited patience
for this shit is running out.

♪ My body is a cage ♪

♪ That keeps me from dancing ♪

♪ With the one I love ♪

♪ But my mind holds the key ♪

♪ I'm standing on a stage ♪

♪ Of fear and self-doubt ♪

♪ It's a hollow play ♪

♪ But they'll clap anyway... ♪

[Fumel] Don Orlando,

I don't understand
why you wanna see your people die

so unnecessarily like this.

Anybody not prepared to die
should leave right now.

♪ That keeps me from dancing ♪

♪ With the one I love... ♪

[soldier] General.

Your daughter is missing.

This is all we could find.

[bell ringing]

[music fades]

Open fire.

Open fire.

[shouts] f*cking line up!

- Open fire!
- [My Body Is A Cage" resumes]






- [screaming]
- [grunts]

[music continues]


[horse neighing]

[screams, grunts]



[music fades]

- [tense music playing]
- [screaming]

[all screaming]

Die, you m*therf*ckers!




[solemn music playing]



[Fumel grunting, groaning]

[g*nshots continue]

[Fumel] Stop them!

Those b*stards have the gold! Stop them!

[bell ringing]

Get out of here!

[shouting indistinctly]

[solemn music continues]

What are you doing? Don't be stupid!

We want victory.

You're going to be k*lled!

Come on, let's go!

[dramatic music playing]

[g*n click echoes]

[grunt echoes]


[g*nshots continue]


Arrest the girl.

[Michelina groans]

We have already won.

[suspenseful music swells]

[music crescendos]


[Filomena] I have an idea.

I have an idea.

I found a place no one else knows about.

A passage underground.

It's the last place I wanted to find,
but finding it was destiny.

We'll need a lot of men.

I'm not sure
the villagers will go down there.

They will. The priest
will help us convince them.

[Filomena] You all know the plan.

And how risky it is.

You have to k*ll
and know that you may be k*lled.

If you're not ready, you better leave now.

[pensive music playing]

[Pace] We don't have enough men
to win in a direct fight.

We need numbers.

I thought you liked gambling, Mr. Pace?

That's true, Mr. Guerra,
but not when there's no chance of winning.

[Filomena] Our goal is
not to win the fight.

It's to keep Fumel's soldiers
out of the church.

[Sparrowhawk] Why?

So we can buy time for a few chosen men
to sneak into the church.

[unsettling music playing]

[music fades]

Return to your homes in an orderly fashion
before the five o'clock hour arrives,

and then no one will have to die tonight.

The wells are connected through canals.

[water trickling]

[Filomena] One of them leads
to the crypts under the church.

[bell ringing]

When the clock strikes five,
the battle will start.


Open fire!


[Filomena] During the battle,
the church will be empty.

You will have to act quickly.

The more time that passes,
the more casualties there will be.

[screams, grunts]

[g*nshots continue]

Die, you m*therf*ckers!


[tense music playing]




[soldiers screaming]


[Filomena] Once we've taken the gold,
there will be two things left to do.

The first is to create a distraction

that will lure the Piedmontese away
from the gold

and allow the brigands to escape.

[match strikes]

[horses neighing]

Stop them!

Those b*stards have the gold! Stop them!


[Filomena] And second,

we need to send a signal
that will cue the survivors to retreat.

Maria, ring the bell in the tower.

As soon as you see the red flag,
ring it with all your might.

Get out of here!

[tense music swells]

[music fades]

My father is right. You're all animals.

- You're predators.
- No, you're the predators.

You k*lled Celestino and Pietro.

We should m*rder you all.

[branches snapping]

- Marchetta.
- [Marchetta] Hurry up, Jurillo.

Prepare the horse. We have to go.

What happened? Where's Ciccilla?

Don't worry. She'll catch up, okay?

What about her?

No mercy.

[breathes nervously]


What's wrong? You're still afraid? Do it.


Who's afraid now, huh?

[solemn music playing]

Let's go.

[Ventre] I... I... I've always wanted
t... to know what go... gold smells like.

[man 1] It smells like freedom.

[man 2] Why are we stopping?

- [man 1] What's going on?
- [Sparrowhawk] Hop off.

[Manzo] Hey!


What are you worried about?

Everything okay? What are we stopping for?

[g*n cocks]

Look, the robbery's over, all right?

Ventre's harmless.

Spare his life.

Psst. Paglià.

Easy now. I don't wanna k*ll you.

Get out of here.

[g*n clatters]

Don't make any mistakes like your friend.

You're the one who's making a mistake.

You two.

Stick around.

Where's Michelina?

And Guerra or Sparrowhawk?

[man] Brother.


And F... F... F... Filomena?

[unsettling music playing]

Filomena has nothing to do with it.

[Sparrowhawk sighs]

And now you know where we're headed next.

Today, you fought like a real brigand.

Pietro would've been so proud of you.

Practicing my sh**ting wasn't enough.

You can't blame yourself.

I know.

My entire life, they've called me a curse.

Now, anyone who stands against me
will be destroyed.



...I want him dead.

[indistinct chattering]

The brigand is like a snake.

Careful, it bites.

Please, put in a good w... word.

Just let him know we helped, okay?

[match strikes]

The legendary gold of the South.

[Sparrowhawk] Mm-hmm.

And you stole it all by yourself.

- I wasn't alone.
- Really?

I don't see any other bandits.


I don't believe
there's anyone left who trusts you.

You do, though, right?

Here I am, alone with you,
without any guards,

and nobody checked me for weapons.

And why should I fear
someone who's afraid of me?

I stole the gold bars.

- That's true.
- I did it for you.

I'm not so sure.

A pact is a pact.

Carmine Crocco keeps his end of the deal.

The bird can go free.

[intriguing music playing]

It's about time you came back.


[music fades]

[wistful music playing]

[music fades]
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