10x13 - To Love and to Cherish

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "90 Day Fiancé". Aired: January 12, 2014 – present.*
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Show is based on the K-1 visa process.
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10x13 - To Love and to Cherish

Post by bunniefuu »

[woman] Previously
90 Day Fiancé...

It's starting to feel like
the old Jasmine and Gino

and things were
good and we are happy

and having a good time together.

That's what I
wanted to bring back.

I really look forward

to bringing your
kids over here soon.

And I would like to
have one child of my own.

I'm not...


- Oh, my God.
- [Sam] This is Citra, Mom.

My mom's side, they
were really religious.

Part of me wants to keep
Citra and my mom apart.

Uh, hopefully she just
doesn't say obscene things.

So are you having
a Muslim ceremony?

What would happen if
Sam didn't wanna do it?

Would he get to still marry you?


I take all the sex experimenting

when I was younger.

I'm ready to settle down.

I'll talk about these things...

- [Nikki] No.
- In the future, it's on us.

So after we're married
and we have our vows,

you wanna do these threesomes?

- [man in Romanian]
- [in Romanian]

[in Romanian]

Can you, like, help
me figure this out?

Like, I am noticing
Manuel doesn't really like

to spend money on himself.

[in Spanish]

[Manuel in Spanish]

He's trying to dictate
how I spend my money.

I don't like that.

[Manuel in Spanish]

[Ashley] I take a lot of
offense to that and I might cry.

[Manuel in Spanish]

[dramatic music playing]

This whole not
telling her dad thing

is also causing her
to essentially hide you

from her life.

Really, what I truly
want to do is be like,

"Hey Emily, you need
to do it kind of like now,

or I'm gonna do it myself."

[Clayton in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Clayton] [bleep].

[dramatic music playing]

[Claire] This is where you live?

For now.

You basically moved
yourself into a mancave.

Yeah, if you've never
lived on your own

and had to do it on
your own, then shut up.

You don't know what the hell
being at the bottom is unless...

And then whenever you
have ever been at the bottom,

you just make a phone
call and you're back up.

That's easy enough for you
guys, but I don't have that.

[upbeat music playing]

Y'all just want to [bleep]
judge, judge, judge,

and act like y'all
been through it all.

That's bull[bleep].

I am sorry, I've tried
so hard to like him

but he has rub the friggin'
knob and he always will be.


Yeah. Yeah, calm down.

You don't need to
bring out angry Claire.

- [laughter]
- No angry Claire?

[Sophie] No.

I asked Rob so many times,

"Please be nice to my mom."

And his reply was, "I always am.

I've never not been
nice to your mom."

And this is the proof,
he's not nice to my mom.

Like, my mom came in,
and she was very respectful.

Everybody got an opinion,

but ain't nobody out
here doing it themselves.

I'm doing it myself.

I'm doing it myself.

Nobody else.

I don't got no roommate.

I don't got no parents
helping me out.

I don't got nothing.

I'm just doing it on my own.

Neither of them have any...

Anything close to the
idea of what it's like

to live your life and know
if you don't hold it down,

that's your ass.

You'll be on the street.

Nobody's coming to save you.

They don't have a [bleep]
clue what that looks like

or what that feels like.
It's just a slap in the face

'cause life been hard as [bleep]

and y'all two sittin' here trying
to tell me what I should be doing.

They make me sound like,
I'm like, I'm just living in squalor.

Like [bleep] outta
here with that [bleep].

And I... And it's
mad disrespectful

to walk into my house

and tell me what
I'm supposed to do.

They can't accept
that they're not right.

They can't accept
that they're not

just an absolute
always right person.

- They, not really...
- [Sophie] Right.

I'm, like, his fiancée.
What the [bleep].

Just ignore him.

[Sophie] Just talk over him.

I'm working on it.
I still want better.

I'm not satisfied.

[Sophie] I feel like Rob is
jealous about my upbringing.

I feel like he tells
me all the time

how he's had it really difficult

and I should be lucky that I...

Like, I... Like,
here's the thing,

I'm very grateful
about my upbringing.

I'm your fiancée,
like I'm not someone

that you should be jealous of.

I mean, I just
feel like he's like,

has this weird resentment to me

that I was raised
differently from him.

- Oh, Soph, please...
- Oh,

I forgot my little
bonnet. All right.

Okay, let's go.

[Rob] [indistinct]

what I'm looking for.

I'd be so depressed
if I was so upset

at what I don't have.

[Sophie speaking]

- I'm not trying to be disrespectful.
- [Claire speaking]

I'm trying to be respectful.

- That's fine.
- [Claire speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

It feels like Sophie's
not on my team.

She's gonna go stay the
night with her mom now

after we just had
this huge argument

instead of worrying about,

"Is Rob okay?" She doesn't care.

She only caress about
what she's thinking.

And now her mom
is co-signing her

so she's co-signing
her mom. They're both...

Now they're just...

they're just on the
same team together

and they're feeling
good. They're feeling...

They're feeling like they
got me in a good corner

and they're making me sound
stupid and Rob better fix it.

There's not one thought in
Sophie's mind right now about,

"That's my future husband."

Maybe I should be
worried about fixing this.

[upbeat music playing]

I am not supporting you because
I'm not just sending dollars

and dollars and
dollars to your family?

They gotta wait.

We're having a wedding.

They got to wait and
I'm over the conversation.

Over it.


[indistinct chatter]

[Jonathan in Spanish]

Are you okay?

I'm okay.

[in Spanish]

[Ashley] Yes, Manuel,
I went to the bathroom.

[in Spanish]

Jonathan, can you hand
me my purse please?

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Ashley in Spanish]

Let's get you to
the airport and then,

Manuel, you'll just
come with me. Okay?

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Ashley] I've always felt
empathetic about Manuel's situation.

I think what still triggers me

is that sometimes I don't feel

like I get that same
empathy back.

I got you over here
on a K-1 with no lawyer,

no co-signer on my own back.

You came here with a backpack.

I had to clothe you, feed
you, make sure you're safe,

whole nine, I'm not asking
you to [bleep] my ass.

I'm just asking for
some acknowledgement.

[man] Shades come back out.

So I, like, come back out...

[Manuel in Spanish]

- [Jonathan] Huh?
- [Manuel in Spanish]

- [Jonathan in Spanish]
- [Manuel in Spanish]

[Jonathan in Spanish]

- [Manuel speaking
Spanish] - [Ashley in Spanish]

- [Manuel in Spanish]
- [Ashley in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

- [in Spanish] -
[Manuel in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Ashley] [bleep].

[Manuel in Spanish]

[Jonathan in Spanish]

[Manuel in Spanish]

[Jonathan in Spanish]


- [Manuel in Spanish]
- [Ashley in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Ashley in Spanish]

Let's just do this, okay?

Let's go.

[in Spanish]

Come on.

[in Spanish]

[Manuel in Spanish]

[Ashley speaking]

[bleep]. [laughs]

[in Spanish]


[Ashley moaning]

[Manuel in Spanish]

[Manuel speaking]

- [Ashley in Spanish]
- [Manuel in Spanish]


[in Spanish]

get Jonathan. Okay, perfect.

We talked and then I
had to use the bathroom.


[yells] Um, yeah.

So I just needed some company.

Let's go, boys.

- Let's go. Let's go.
- Let's go.

[Manuel in Spanish]


Sex doesn't make all
the problems go away

even though it's a good time.

Manuel's negative
energy around money

and saying that I
don't support him,

it needs to stop,
like, yesterday.

We're done with that.

I can't marry a man who
runs away from conversation.

Do Moldovan men
like took control...

[woman speaking]

Men from Moldova are controlling

and I have to break
that side of him

because just like 15 years ago,

it will end again.

[woman speaking]

[dramatic music playing]

[Clayton in Spanish]

[Anali speaking]

[Clayton] I'm not even
asking for that much.

Just tell your parents
you're in a relationship.

I don't know how else to say it.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[tense music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[Nikki] Where are the street...

Building numbers?

So confusing.

[upbeat music playing]

[Nikki] Hi. [in Romanian]

[woman] Hi.

Okay. Um...

[in Romanian]

- Do you speak English?
- Yes.

- [Nikki] Good.
- Yes, I understand a little bit.

Okay. Good.

Hopefully you understand
what I'm saying.

Um, I have my
nails done in the US,

but I broke my nail and I have,

- um, an important engagement.
- Mmm-hmm.

It's my engagement celebration.

- Okay.
- Thank you so much.

Can you sit down?

[in Romanian]

This morning Justin
and I had a talk

to try to, I guess,

come down to some
type of resolution

in our relationship,

being that he is from
a different language

and different culture

and I'm trying to understand him

and he's trying
to understand me.

Uh, your name is...

- Nicole.
- Nicole.

- Yeah.
- Okay.

At this point, I don't even know

if we're still gonna have
the engagement party,

but I have a broken nail

and I have to get
that fixed like ASAP.

I'm from Jersey and having
a broken nail in Moldova

is not happening
for me. [laughs]

[woman] What's
bring you in Moldova?

Well, I'm engaged

and, um, my fiancé is from here.

I gotta show you the photos.

This was for after
we got engaged.

[woman speaking]

[Nikki] Right?
It's like a fairytale,

you know, and it
was like fairytale.

But now we are having
some issues in our relationship.

[sighs] It's so embarrassing.

He, um... He
doesn't like to really

be affectionate to
me, like, make love.

Years ago we used to
have multiple times in a day,

three... Two, three
times a day every day.

And now down to, like... [sighs]

two times, three
times in the week,

to now, once in the week.

So maybe you can understand

'cause you're from here
and you know Moldovan men.

Um, is that normal
for Moldovan men

to not really be sexually...

[woman speaking]

- [Nikki] No?
- [woman speaking]

I hope you don't mind me, like,

talking and telling
you some things.

I was trying to get all
the tea from the nail tech

and she was like...


Like, "What do I...
What did I sign up for?"

I am, uh, very strong.

He's very strong

and he wants to be the man,

but also make me
come down a lot.

Like, "Yes, master."

And are Moldovan men
like this with their women

in the culture?

Like, do they make
their women submit

and go lower than them

and they are high and powerful?

- [woman speaking]
- [Nikki] Yes?

[woman speaking]

But maybe I come too
much, uh, energy to him

- that he feels like I am...
- [woman] Maybe.

- Above him and I'm not.
- [woman speaking]

[Nikki] Right. And
he says he loves me.

So, we are going
to see where it goes.


Ah. [in Romanian]

- [woman speaking] -
[Nikki] Thank you so much.

- [woman speaking]
- Thank you. Yes.

- [woman] It's okay?
- I like it. You fixed it.

Thank you so much.

- It looks good.
- [woman speaking]

The sense that I
get after talking about

men from Moldova,

it's more that guys
are a little controlling

and they're very closed off

and I have to break
that side of him.

You know, like, being
in the United States, I...

He can't have
that same mentality

because just like 15 years ago,

it will end again.

I don't want it to.

[woman speaking]

- Find an American boy?
- [woman speaking]

Oh, no. Well, you know what?

There... There's no
better in America, girl.

[tense music playing]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

I want Anali to tell
her dad about us,

but anything that's
difficult in her mind,

she just avoids it.

She likes to go to the bathroom

and lock the door.

She likes to shut down.

She likes to give me ultimatums.

She likes to avoid

anything that she
perceives as difficult.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Clayton in Spanish]


[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[tense music playing]

I cannot imagine that
it's that big of a deal

to throw away over two
years of a relationship.

You've already come to the US,

we have wedding plans,
we have the gears in motion.

I'm not even
asking for that much.

It's been over two years.

Just tell your parents
you're in a relationship.

I don't know how else to say it.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

She knows my history
with not being shared.

That ends up being
a cheating situation.

I just noticed patterns

and it's really an easily
resolvable thing for me.

But she should understand.

But I don't know if she
really is understanding.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]


[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]


[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[dramatic music playing]

I finally feel like
Anali is hearing me

and I feel understood for once.

I am elated that she
would post about us

and post such a sweet message.

It just makes me happy
that she would do that.

[singer] ♪ I just need
One little spark ♪

♪ Something like
A little bit sun ♪

♪ So I can hold
on To the sunrise ♪

[Anali speaks Spanish]

Before I convert, I kinda,
like, wanna have some fun,

like, do some things that

we won't have the
freedom to do anymore.

[Citra] I was gonna...

There you go.

I know not drinking
alcohol is breaking the rules.

- Can I get you guys a drink?
- Yeah.

So you don't need
to tell my dad about it.

- Awesome. Thank you.
- There you go, guys. Enjoy.

[singer] ♪ Attempting to say it

♪ I think I should
Bite my tongue ♪

♪ No, I should wait,
But I finally found you ♪

[Sam speaking]

[singer] ♪ We gotta run

♪ 'Cause they'll try
To hold us back ♪

Take her out night on
the town, have a little fun.


[Citra speaking]

I'm trying to get grass to grow.

Where, uh, several months back,

something was
walking across our roof

with very heavy footsteps.

It looks to me almost like
footsteps went off this way.

[Brian] I don't know
really what it was, but...

[Sam] Don't get him
started on Big Foot.

[Brian] it had very
heavy footsteps.

That's my theory.

I might be wrong.

Crazy as that is,
that night I did hear

something on the
roof too, loud footsteps.

And then the next
morning, that patch...

Like a circle patch
was in the grass.

[Sam] Then we'll never...

[Citra speaking]

I don't wanna give into that

and feed into his alien stuff.

But that night, just
something was weird.

X-Files, call them.

I don't know.

Oh, well I'll see you later on.

All right.

[Sam] Have a good one.

[Brian] Yeah, thanks.

[country music playing]

Well, we... I mean we
had kind of some dates,

like we'd have
breakfast together and...

She paid for everything.


[Sam speaking]

[Citra] I'm not gonna...

You'll like that.

[upbeat music playing]

Before I convert, I kinda,
like, wanna have some fun,

like, do some things
that we don't normally...

Won't have the
freedom to do anymore.

[Sam speaking]


But he took me to the bar, like,

in the middle of nowhere.


- Just follow me, babe.
- [Citra speaking]

[Sam] We'll find
out what's good.

How's it going?

Can I get you guys a drink?

She's not a big drinker.

So, like, what's
something that tastes good

and has some alcohol in it?

- You want like fruity?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Some fruity and pretty.

And for you, sir?

- [Sam] Just make it two.
- Okay.

Feeling pretty tonight.


- Awesome. Thank you.
- There you go, guys. Enjoy.

[Sam] All right. Let's
go at the same time.



You can't even taste
the alcohol, huh?

Yeah. You know me. I don't...

I'm not big on
drinking. I don't like...

I don't drink something
that tastes bad,

but no, these are good.

- [Citra chuckles]
- [Sam] Right?

I know that trying to drink
alcohol is breaking the rules,

but I just want to give it
a try only once in my life.

[Citra speaking]

So we don't...

We don't need to
tell my dad about it.

Keeping it as a secret.

[Sam] Just to break 'em up.


All right.

Yeah. No. Like, make a circle.

Yeah. There you go. Perfect.

Your whole goal is trying to get

one of these balls
in there. Yeah.

There you go.


You did it, though. You did it.

It's hard to not just, kind of,

go at each other and, like...

I'm struggling with it.


One, two, three.

[Sam speaking]


Like that.


- Yeah.
- Awesome.

[indistinct] do you
guys want me to...

Yeah, you can put
it over... Thank you.

It's a lot.

[Sam] Damn, that is a lot.

You ready for that?

We'll finish in a sec.

[Citra] Oh, I hate this chair.

You want me to give you a boost?

What is boost?

Boost up?

No, I'm good.

[Citra speaking]

[Sam speaking]

What are some other,
like, things that, like,

have to change after I
convert and we get married?

[Citra speaking]

[Sam] I mean, you
know, I'm not a big drinker.

My only issue is, like,
when you can't, like, you...

You're not supposed
to do things, like,

then that makes it harder.

But you just...

You know, with my past,

I struggle with certain things.


[Sam speaking]

I just don't wanna be
a bad husband to you.

Alcohol, sex, drinking, dr*gs
used to be a big part of me,

so always that
monkey on your back

that's just telling
you, "Do it, do it.

Have fun. Just say
[bleep] it." And it...

It's sometimes hard to resist.

Even after I convert,
it's still gonna be there,

but I'm gonna try my
hardest to be strong

and just stay on
the wagon, be good.

I really can't
screw this one up.

[pensive music playing]

[Jasmine] Our last sunset.

[Gino] Our last sunset in Miami.

Tonight, I get to show Jasmine

that I am her Romeo bonito.

I'll be honest, I never
dream my partner,

someone like you.

I was always, like,
more attracted, like,

kind of muscular
guys that are filthy rich.

Why are you crying?

[clears throat] Sorry.

[singer] ♪ Daddy, daddy,
Let me whine up on you ♪

♪ Whine up you,
Whine up on you ♪

♪ Baby, let me do

♪ All the things
You want me to ♪

♪ Do you wanna go
With me tonight? ♪

[Gino] What else?

[singer] ♪ Tonight
it's just You and me ♪

♪ We can just get away

Gino had planned something
special for us tonight,

which I still don't
know what it is

because he told me
that it is a surprise.

I love surprises, but
I'm very anxious about...

To know what it is.

I wanna know it now.

[door closes]

[Gino] Baby, look at you.

That is... Dress is
amazing. You look so hot.

- It's gorgeous. It's beautiful.
- Look at the back.

- Look at the front.
- I know.

Oh, my gosh. Look
at those things.


- [Jasmine] So...
- [Gino] Let's go baby.

Is my surprise ready?

- Ready to go?
- Yes.

Let's do it.

After finding out that I
had a bachelor party,

Jasmine made it clear
that I needed to regain

her trust on this trip.

It's our last night in Miami,

and tonight I'm planning
something special.

Where are... Where are we going?

We're going to dinner.


You're scaring me.

I definitely believe I have
romantic side, and tonight

I get to show Jasmine
that I am her Romeo bonito.

[Jasmine] What's going on?

- [laughs]
- [Gino] Ouch.

Baby, what do you think?

[Jasmine] You made this?

Yeah. For you.

Do you like it?


[Gino] Follow the path.

[Jasmine] More flowers.

Do you like them?


I love it. I'm...


I'm speechless.

The only surprises from
Gino are the ones that he leave

in the toilet because
he forgets to flush,

but they're, like, real
rose petals on the pool.

A table with the wine.

So this is, like, a real,

very beautiful,
amazing surprise.

I'm in shock. I'm sorry, I
don't know what to say.

I'm, uh, the, uh...

Just tell me how
much you love it.

This is so freaking
amazing, baby.

I'm so glad you like it, baby.


- Let me breathe.
- [laughs]

Let's have a drink.


Oh, what am I doing?

Just... Baby, here.


Gino has shown me nothing
but love during this trip

and how much he's
willing to change.

We're gonna have a very
bright future in all ways.

- Cheers.
- [Gino] Amen.


This is making me feel
good about what Gino

is willing to do for our
relationship and my kids.

I'll be honest, I never dream

the man of my life,

you know, my partner,

someone like you.

What do you mean
someone like me?

I was always, like,
more attracted, like...

Compare yourself to the
last guy that I date versus you.

[Jasmine speaking]

He was more like the
kind of man that I like.

Like blond...

- Oh, gross. Really?
- Blue eyes.

Yeah. That's what
I like in the past.

Now, I like your brown eyes.

- You're both handsome.
- I'm way better looking.

I mean, he is got wrinkles
all over his eyes and [bleep].

[Jasmine] What I'm
trying to say is that

this is real love.

I, myself, should feel
more thankful for finding you

and having you, all your love,

- all your support, and I really...
- Yes.

Need to learn from you, baby,

because you're
so kind and I'm...

- [Gino] Oh, I'm glad...
- so bitchy all the time.

Yeah, you can be
a real b*tch. Yeah.

[Jasmine laughs]

I know, baby, but I
wanna be a better person.

I promise with my
heart that I'm gonna fight

my emotions bad.

You know, I'm gonna
try to be a better person.

Even complaining
about your family

and not wanting
them at my wedding.

[clears throat] Sorry.

What happened?

[pensive music playing]

What happened, baby?

I don't know.

What happened, baby?

Why are you crying?

Like, Manuel
continues to say, like,

things are gonna get
better when we get married.

I love that man.

He's a responsible human being,

and so for me that's enough
to walk down that aisle.

[Alysia] I don't
think it's a good idea

for them to get married.

They're just waiting
for all these problems

to dissolve once they
say "I do." And it's...

That's not gonna happen.

I have to have faith.

Trust me that I'm
making the right decision.

[Citra speaking]

[Sam] Being in the mosque really

isn't my normal cup of tea.

Like, it suddenly hits me just,

"Oh [bleep] am I
really about to do this?"

[Jawad speaking]

I was a atheist
before and, like,

and there's still
a lot I don't know.


[slow rock music playing]

[Citra speaking]

Oh, you are?

- So, I'm gonna... - When
is this, uh, conversion?

[Citra] On Friday.

- Friday?
- [Citra] Yeah.

Don't miss it.


[Brian] I wouldn't
miss it for the world.

Are you really gonna come?

Yeah, of course.

I don't think Sam realizes

what's all involved
in following a faith.

It just seems like he's
so in love with Citra.

He's just willing to do
whatever to make her happy.

But, you know, when
it comes to religion,

it's gotta be something
more heartfelt,

and I don't know how
he'll deal with that.

When are they coming in?

- [Citra] Tomorrow?
- I think you and her dad

will really get along and...

But he doesn't
speak much English.

I would like to at least
say, "Hi, I'm Sam's father."

Like "Nice to meet you?"


[in Indonesian]

Oh, God. That's...

Oh, you said that really fast.

- Yeah. You said it really fast.
- [Sam] Yeah.

Say it slowly.

- [in Indonesian]
- [in Indonesian]

[Citra in Indonesian]

- [in Indonesian] -
[Citra in Indonesian]

- [in Indonesian]
- [in Indonesian]

- Yeah.
- Yeah, say...

- [in Indonesian]
- Yeah, just...

- [in Indonesian] -
[Brian in Indonesian]

Yeah. It's like, "How are you?"

[in Indonesian]

- [in Indonesian] -
[Citra in Indonesian]

- [in Indonesian]
- [in Indonesian]

[Citra] Yeah.

[Citra speaking]

Slight sloppy
White guy gibberish,

- what they're speaking.
- Yeah.

Well, whatever.
I'm gonna practice

- until I feel like it comes out naturally.
- [Citra] Yeah.

- And... - So we're
gonna head out.


To mosque?

Yeah. Okay.

[in Indonesian]

[Citra in Indonesian]

[in Indonesian]


[Sam] We'll see you later.

- All right.
- All right.

Citra's dad's been
honest just day and night

about we need to find a mosque

and, like, nothing else matters.

So today we're gonna
go check out the mosque

and get a feel for them.

[Citra speaking]

[Sam speaking]

[Citra speaking]

Can I get a kiss
on the cheek, hmm?

It's like, you know, mostly
Christian churches out here or...

So most of the time,

when I tell people
about my conversion,

they think some
wild things like,

"Do you not use toilet paper?"

Like, of course
we don't eat pork,

but they think we also
don't eat any meat at all.

Like, it's just...

It could be anything.


Look that way.

Not at all.

- [chuckles]
- Not at all.

[Citra speaking]

[solemn music playing]

I am definitely nervous
about converting to Islam.

Ready and willing.

Just worried about past Sam

coming up and like
[bleep] things up.

dr*gs used to be, you know,
my fun escape to feel better

to deal with stuff
or not deal with stuff,

but now I just gotta
face 'em head on,

so it's way harder.

[Jawad] Hey, how you guys doing?

How's it going, man?

- Sam.
- My name is Jawad.

- Good to meet you.
- Jawad.

- How are you?
- Hi. I'm Citra.

- Citra. Good to meet you, guys.
- Yeah.

Come on in, guys. Come on in.

- [Sam] Thank you.
- [Citra] Thank you.

[Jawad] Yeah, you're welcome.

You know how to say
As-salamu Alaikum?

[Sam stammers]

- You know how to say it?
- What...

- As-salamu Alaikum.
- What do you say?

As-salamu Alaikum.

I say to you.

As-salamu Alaikum.


And what you say to me...


- Wa-Alaikum-Salaam.
- Wa-Alaikum-Salaam.



As-salamu Alaikum.

First of all, we
wish you the best.

- Okay? Let's not make this so hard.
- Thank you.

Being in the mosque really
isn't my normal cup of tea.

Like, it suddenly hits
me just, "Oh, [bleep].

Like, this is really happening.

Am I really about to do this?

And am I ready for it?"

Yeah. So, this is my fiancée.

She's Muslim and her
whole family is Muslims

and I'm gonna be converting.

Have you studied
about Islam at all?

How much do you know?

Um, some, like I've, uh...

Like I kind of know, uh,

just like the way
that Muslims live

and there's still
a lot I don't know.


I was a atheist before

and, like, being
with her over the...

Like, we've been
together three plus years,

and I've found, like,
my belief in God again.

- [Jawad] Right.
- And...

[Jawad] No, that's good.

Uh, one thing I tell people

who come to Islam is like,

once you put your
foot in the door,

that's the biggest step for you.

And the imam is gonna
give the ceremony. Right?

After that you're gonna say
the Shahada, the testimony.


[Jawad] A person who's
becoming a Muslim,

they need to take the Shahada,

the testimony of faith.

The Shahada in
English basically means

that one is saying

that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.

And that Prophet Muhammad,
peace be upon him,

is the last prophet and
messenger of Allah.

For a person who comes to Islam,

at the beginning, it's quite,
you know, hard for them.

[Ramadhan] Mmm-hmm.

[Jawad] They are coming
into a whole different lifestyle.

Maybe there's some
habits you have to leave

and maybe there's
some new habits

that you have to pick up.

[Citra speaking]

- Ceremony?
- [Citra] Like...

- Yeah. Her family's fine.
- Like my dad.

[Jawad] Oh, they're coming here?

- Yeah.
- [Jawad] Oh, perfect then.

Yeah, no problem.

As long as he approves...

- [Citra] Yeah.
- As a guardian for her

because in Islam,
in the marriage,

the guardian has to,
you know, approve.

[Sam] Honestly, I'm
leaving here more nervous

than when I came.

When I heard that we still
need Citra's dad's blessing

before the conversion. I...

[bleep] it's terrifying.

I mean, I kind of had
in the back of my mind,

like, does any of this
really even matter?

Because Herman could still
take Citra back to Indonesia

no matter what I do.

[singer] ♪ Take it off

♪ Turn it off

♪ You know where you belong

Okay. We're gonna
change this energy up,

because whatever the
tomfoolery that happened

at the coffee shop wasn't cute.

[singer] ♪ Here it comes

♪ Ready or not

♪ All right

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

- [Ashley] What?
- [in Spanish]

- [in Spanish] -
[Manuel in Spanish]

[Ashley in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

- [Ashley in Spanish]
- [speaking Spanish]

In your heart chakra.

[in Spanish]

Do you feel the energy?

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

Celestite is a calming stone.

It's an angelic stone.

It works with our
higher crown chakras.

And honestly, we both
need to be operating

from our highest
crown chakra right now.

And we were, kind of,
operating from our root chakra

at the coffee shop.

We can do better and
we should do better.

[Manuel in Spanish]

[in Spanish]


- [Manuel] Okay.
- Okay.

[Manuel] Bye. Okay.

- Bye.
- [Manuel] Yeah.

[in Spanish]

[singer] ♪ If you
Wanna be victorious ♪

♪ Baby, sharpen your edges

♪ If you want To be victorious ♪

♪ Place is still Hoping on you ♪

Hi, baby girl.

[Ashley] I was getting
myself in the mood...

- [Alysia] I can't... -
[Ashley] for us to dance.

We're about two weeks
away from the wedding day.

So today my sister Sissy
is choreographing the dance

that she created for Alysia,

her, and I for the wedding.

It's totally my idea to
do this dance for Manuel

because Manuel
loves sexy dancing.

That was one thing
I noticed about him.

I have danced for
Manuel privately

and he gets way too into it.

And I'm like, "You love this."

He's like, "Oh yeah, please,

you gonna dance for me?"

And I'm like, "Oh,
my God. You like this."

- All right. Yeah.
- [Ashley] Whatever.

Let's just start by
walking through it

so it's, like, in our brain.

- Okay.
- Okay.

So we're gonna start
with our intro first.

Right, left, up.

And have those elbows lead.

Mm-hmm. And, like,
sharp boom, boom.


I've been teaching dance
for about seven years now.

It's what I love to
do. It's my passion.

I grew up dancing.

So the wedding dance is
my present to her and Manuel.

I got no money.

So she's not getting a gift.

So we start here

and then, boom, boom, boom.

Three, four,

and maybe do a little African...


Oh, no, I'm keeping
my fingers crossed.

I'm hopeful only because,

like, what if he
doesn't like to dance

and if he sees Ashley, like,
dancing in a certain way.

I don't want him to be,
like, taken aback by it

or, you know, storm off
'cause he's so quick to leave.

- Back, forward, up, around.
- Boom, boom,

- boom, boom.
- [Sienna] And then down.


Yeah. Okay.

- [Ashley] Okay.
- Good job.

[Ashley] I feel like
that's it for today.

- I'm tired.
- Yeah.

Me too. It was... It
was pretty good though.

I'm having so
much fun doing that.

It is. Honestly,
it is a lot of fun

and I think it's
gonna come together,

but on some real
[bleep] I wasn't even sure

if I was gonna do it.

- The dance?
- Yes, girl.

Well, why we been
practicing so hard?

We have been practicing so hard.

What's going on, mama?

It's just been really
crazy with him and I.

Like, you guys kind
of know some of it.

It's just like...

I don't even know
where to [bleep] begin.

Anything recently that's like...

I don't know.

We definitely showed
our asses at Fuego.

- [Sienna] Oh, gosh.
- [Alysia] Oh, no.

Yeah, we showed
out at the coffee shop.

That is a family
establishment, b*tch.

[Ashley] Oh, my God.

It turned, like,
from bad to worse,

back to bad, and then to weird.

- Weird as in...
- Weird?

Say it.

I wouldn't say...

I wouldn't say...

What'd you do?

We had intercourse...

[in Spanish]

- In Fuego?
- [Ashley] Ew, Sissy.

- [Sienna] I'm sorry.
- Let the b*tch live, okay?

- The germs.
- [Ashley] Let the b*tch live.

Wait, what if a mother
had to change her child?

There were two bathrooms
and we did it standing up,

- so we were touching... -
That doesn't make it better.

- [Ashley] Okay.
Sissy... - Sorry.

- That doesn't make it better.
- [Ashley] I... Your responses

need to be reeled back.

We're at a twelve and I
need you at a two, okay?

[Sienna] I'm sorry, but, like...

There are millions of people...

If it was, like,
some sexy [bleep]

- like let's go with the body-o.
- [Ashley] It was super sexy.

- It doesn't sound sexy.
- [Ashley] It was sexy.

I thought it was sexy, okay?

And I... You know,

it was just like it was
an energetic release.


I understand where
she's coming from.

I think she loves to be loved.

I think there's just more to
relationship than just sex.

And I feel like the
relationship is so up and down

where like, they'll argue

and, like, I'll get phone calls

and then the next day
they're perfectly fine.

So I don't really
know what's like...

What's true and
what's not anymore.

Manuel had said
that he felt like

I didn't support him

and that is what set me off.

This man is [bleep] okay?

This man is fed. Okay?

How am I not supporting him?

- Yeah, that scares me a little bit too.
- [Ashley] Mm-hmm.

Just because I want you to
be in your marriage be happy

- and fulfilled and...
- Hell yeah.

- Successful.
- Right.

And I don't want
you to feel like

you're taking on a
project or another client.

Listen, I love that man.

He's a responsible human being.

He's incredibly loving.

He gives me more love,
and intention, and I affection

than a partner ever has before.

And so for me, that's enough

to walk down that aisle,

and then we'll
figure it out as we go.

Like, Manuel
continues to say, like,

things are gonna get
better when we get married.

Things are gonna get
better when we get married.

It's gonna be a slap in the face

because it's work

and you're gonna have
to work to make that better.

And just because you're married,

it's not magically gonna change.

We're at the mercy
of the government.

The government's
literally saying,

"You marry or he goes home,

and you spent all your
money going back and forth."

[dramatic music playing]

I'm always gonna
be there for Ashley

whether the wedding
happens, whether it doesn't.

But I don't think it's a good
idea for them to get married.

I think they're just waiting

for all these
problems to dissolve

once they say "I do."

And it's... That's
not gonna happen.

And I just worry for my friend.

For me, the good
outweighs the bad.

We have our problems,
but I do have faith

that we can work
through our problems.

I have to have faith.

Trust me that I'm
making the right decision.

If it all burns to the ground,
just pick me back up.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Jasmine] What's happening?
Where are you going?


I wanted to
re-propose to Jasmine

with an upgraded ring.

What is that?

[Gino] Baby...

[upbeat music playing]


[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]


[singer] ♪ Picture
[indistinct] time ♪

♪ We did it fine,
We did it fine ♪

♪ We did it fine

[Clayton] The last
few days in San Diego

have definitely had
their ups and downs.

You know, we had
a little bit of an issue

with the dad situation,

but me and Anali finally broke

our dry streak
on sex last night.

It only took about two months,

but the train finally
pulled into the station

and we both got off,
unless she was faking it.


[in Spanish]

[Anali laughs]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[both laugh]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]


[upbeat music playing]

Is this Clayton's reservation?

[man] [indistinct]

Thank you, sir. Thanks, sir.

[bell dings]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Clayton] Anali's got
a long list of things

that she wants to
happen for the wedding,

but those are kind of not
gonna fit with our budget.

Maybe I can talk Anali
into maybe a goat instead,

something more Indiana-esque.

I don't think a
llama's gonna happen.

[in Spanish]

I'm wanting Brandi to
be a part of this wedding

because she's been married
and divorced three times.

It's hard to imagine someone

with more experience than this.

[chuckling] That's so bad.

I shouldn't have said it.


I shouldn't have said it.

[bleep] I don't care.

[seagull squawking]

[phone ringing]

[phone beeps]

Hello. Hi.

[Brandi speaking]

[Clayton] We're in San Diego.

- Are you really?
- [Clayton] Yeah. We're in San Diego.

[Brandi speaking]

- [in Spanish] -
[Clayton] Yeah, yeah.

[in Spanish]

Uh, she wants a
bachelorette party.

I already kind of had one
on the works for you, so...

[in Spanish]


- Mmm-hmm.
- [in Spanish]

So, part of the reason
I'm calling you is,

to see if you might be
able to help finish planning,

like, wedding stuff.

'Cause we're on
vacation right now.

So, some things I need.

I need, um, a person
in a guinea pig costume.

We also need, potentially,
a llama or an alpaca,

whichever's available, for,
like, pictures, decorations.

[Brandi speaking]

Brandi, it's really important
that we include things

from Anali's culture, because,
like, yeah, I could have

a traditional American
wedding and just kinda like

forget that she's Peruvian,
but I don't wanna do that.

I feel like you're just
throwing everything

on the plate for me,

like I don't have my own life.

So, are you saying
you're not gonna be able

to help now, or...

I'm not saying that.

I'm just saying it's
the guinea pig request,

the llama...

[Brandi speaking]

I'm done with this.

[dramatic music playing]


Oh. [sighs]

I'm hoping that I didn't
annoy Brandi too much,

because there is a risk
that, uh, she won't want

to continue helping
us with the wedding.

[phone ringing]

The wedding date
is fast approaching.

I'm kind of anxious because
we don't have a lot of time left.

A lot of pressure's on me

because of the language barrier.

My soon-to-be wife can't
really help out too much.

So, there's a lot
of weight on me.

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[dramatic music playing]

[indistinct chatter]


Why are you crying?

I don't know. I
think it's everything.


I mean, you were just
saying you're gonna try to,

you know, bond with my family,

you're gonna be
open with my family.

Babe, I didn't know that I
was hurting you this bad.

Fighting with your family.


[Gino] You'd be willing to try.

Baby, of course I will.

I will try.

[chuckles, sniffs]

Baby, come here.

Baby, I'm sorry.

[dramatic music playing]

I'm sorry.

Don't cry.

[Gino] I know I really love you.

You know, you're
the love of my life.

- [Gino] Yes.
- How do you know?

What's happening?
Where are you going?

Oh, my gosh.


That is not.

[Gino] Baby...

[in Spanish]

[dramatic music playing]

[in Spanish]

- [in Spanish]
- [in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Gino] The ring I bought
Jasmine in Panama,

when I proposed to
her for the first time,

was not the most expensive ring.

I don't know if I got those...

The price tags mixed up, though.

- It's what, $250?
- [man speaking]

[Gino] $270?

Thanks a lot.

[chuckling] Yeah.

So, I wanted to
re-propose to Jasmine

with an upgraded ring.

Baby, I...



Do you like it?

[dramatic music playing]

[Jasmine speaking]

I have always wanted a
different engagement ring.

As much as the first
one means a lot to me,

let's be honest, it
was cheap as [bleep].

[sobbing] Babe, I'm so happy.

My God.

This is a real diamond.


It's real.

- [Jasmine] Baby.
- [laughs]


This is why I wanna
marry you, Gino.

Why I want you to
become my husband.

- You're the love of my life.
- Gino.

- My Gino.
- How about baby?

- This is to us...
- To us.

And to Miami and a
wonderful weekend

and many wonderful days to come.

You know, this is only
the beginning for us.

It is. Love conquers all, baby.

Love conquers all.


[Jasmine speaking]

Aw, that's so beautiful.

Even in cold Michigan.

- [chuckles] - Even
in cold Michigan.

Oh, my God.

[Jasmine] Come on.
[Jasmine speaking]

[Gino] Yeah, yeah.



Until she's married,
her dad has the final say.

And if I don't make him
trust giving her away to me,

then, like, there's no
wedding, there's nothing.

[knocks on door]

[suspenseful music playing]

[Herman speaking]

[upbeat music playing]

[Citra speaking]

Baby, where we're going,
we don't need roads.

[rock music playing]

Citra's family has
landed here in the US.

They had some
layovers, some troubles,

and her dad and
sister got in last night,

went to a hotel.

Her other sister
is arriving today.

We're picking her up and
then, going over to the hotel.


I... He's a police
officer, so hopefully,

he knows if you
have to help translate

that I, yeah, had my medicine,

but I hadn't seen a
doctor for a couple months,

so the prescription was old.

And they... I got
in trouble for that.

Me and Citra's dad,

we bond and he treats
me like a son-in-law,

but, uh, he's also
worried at times.

They're expecting me to
kind of be that rich American

that, uh, you
know, just Mr. Hero,

and, uh, I just, I
guess, didn't meet

quite the standard.

And now, I have to tell him
after I marry his daughter

I might have to do jail time

and I'm worried
Herman is gonna just say

that's the last straw,
I'm not a good husband,

and he's gonna have Citra
go back to Indonesia with him.



[in Indonesian]

[in Indonesian]

Citra's two sisters,
Nafa and Nanda,

they're great, but
they're kinda mean girls.

Any physical
insecurities I have,

Citra's sisters are
quick to point out.

Call me Popeye.

Like, they've made me
feel worse about myself,

I think, than any, like,
bully I've ever had in school.

But I love them.

Ass [bleep]. Yeah. Ass [bleep].

[Citra's speaking]

- The hotel where you're...
- Oh. [chuckles]

your sister and your father are.

[in Indonesian]

This isn't a city.

It's further that way.

Take you both.

[in Indonesian]

[in Indonesian]

She pooped on the plane.

I'm proud of her.

I couldn't do that. [chuckles]

When you gotta go, you gotta go.

[instrumental music playing]

[Citra] Yeah.

[suspenseful music playing]

I'm feeling pretty nervous

and it just kinda
all feels unreal

knowing, like, I'm about
to meet her dad again

and, like, what
I had to tell him.

Did he tell you
what floor they're on?

[Nafa] Fifth.

Indonesian tradition,

until she's married,
her dad has a final say.

And if I don't impress
him and make him trust

giving her away to me,

then, like, there's no
wedding, there's nothing.

[knocking on door]


[Herman speaking]

[speaking Indonesian]


[speaking Indonesian]

It's been too long.

[in Indonesian]

- Good, good.
- [laughs]

[in Indonesian]

[speaking Indonesian]

[in Arabic]

[in Arabic]

[in Arabic]

[in Arabic]

[in Arabic]

[in Arabic]

I can't wait to kinda
show him around,

give him the American
taste and, like...

[in Indonesian]

[in Indonesian]

Are you ready to marry me

and also, like,
ready to convert?


- [Herman] Yeah?
- Yeah.

I don't... I don't
know how to say it,

but, like, really
looking forward to it.

And, uh, every
Muslim I've met is just...

They're the nicest people.

And any, like, inside
struggles I've had,

it's gonna help bring peace.

[in Indonesian]

[in Indonesian]

[in Indonesian]


[in Indonesian]

He's hoping that
we're gonna, like, build,

like good marriage, like
you taking care of me.

Like, he wants you
to be responsible,

because my family is far away.

I know I'm gonna
give you a good life,

and I'll die trying.

[in Indonesian]

I do kind of feel like
[bleep] Citra's dad

a little bit as he's
telling me all this stuff,

and it's just kinda
going out the other ear,

'cause all I can focus on
is what I have to tell him.

But the longer I
keep this a secret,

the worse it's gonna get.

And when I tell him,

I really don't think
he's gonna take it well.

You're... You
don't wanna hear...

- when you're wrong, right?
- Stop it.

[Nikki] Too much stress?

No. You don't wanna change.

You don't wanna
say, "I'm sorry, Nicole.

I'm sorry, Nicole."

Sometimes I feel like I
don't know why I keep going

with Justin.

Is this a dead end?

Like, what are we doing?

[suspenseful music playing]

[Justin speaking]


Hello, my love.

What makes this strange?

[Nikki chuckles]
Well, in a rustic way.

Oh, my goodness.
Why didn't you warn me?

I'm wearing heels.

[Justin speaking]

- Oh.
- [Nikki yelps]

- [Justin] Yeah?
- [Nikki] Oh, my...

- [Justin] Yeah?
- [Nikki grunts]

[Justin speaking]

[Nikki] You control.

[Justin] What can you
do more with your legs?

I can choke somebody out
with my legs, that's for sure.


Two strong legs...

- [Nikki] Yeah.
- [Justin] and a big butt.

Were you looking at my butt?

- No. Of course, no.
- My new... My new butt.

- Of course not.
- [chuckles]


[Nikki] Yeah, as a team. Yes.

Despite all the arguing

and all the little fights
and disagreements,

when he gives me love

and shows me affection,

I feel like the most...

[sighs] ...luckiest
girl in the world.

Hopefully, we get through it,

because I do love him.

I want it to work.

You know, tomorrow's our
engagement celebration.

And I do know that I wanna have

this engagement celebration,
because I believe in my heart

there's no one else
I'd rather be with.

And I don't know how you feel.

You think that we
should still have this?

Keep dreaming on it.

You gotta dream more.

You're not getting a threesome

until the intimacy comes first.

But if I offer that to you,

then you gotta offer it
to me with another guy.

- Why?
- No.

So, I have to watch
you with another woman,

but then you can't see
me with another guy?

When I will be with two girls...

- [Nikki] Yeah.
- I [bleep] them.

When second guy come,

- he [bleep] you.
- [Nikki] So...

I don't want to
somebody [bleep] you.

Well, but why I got to see you

[bleep] a girl...
Another girl and me?

- Yes. [laughs]
- Why?

You know, I'm two seconds

from slapping the
[bleep] outta you.

That's really so disrespectful

that you [bleep]
laugh at my face.

- [chuckles] - Igor,
cut the [bleep], okay?

Okay, sweetie. Okay, sweetie.

- Later.
- You're...

- Yes. You don't wanna hear...
- Stop.

- When you're wrong, right?
- Stop.

Oh, poor baby.
So, when you're...

So, when you're getting
called out on your [bleep],

you don't wanna
deal with it, right?

You don't wanna hear
when you're wrong.

That's the problem.
Too much stress?

No, you don't wanna change.

You don't wanna
say, "I'm sorry Nicole.

I'm sorry Nicole."

You don't like to
take accountability

for anything you do wrong.

That's a problem.

I'm telling you to
take accountability

when you do something
wrong, and you don't.

Just like you tell me
to take accountability

when I do something wrong.

I have to say, "Yes,
I understand, okay?

I'm sorry," but no, you
don't take accountability

for when you do something wrong.

You don't wanna hear it
because you're the man.

Now, when I say it's
you do something wrong,

you don't wanna hear
it. I don't wanna hear it.

That's a problem.

- [Justin speaking]
- Here we go.

Act like little child.

Run away, like you always do.

Throwing a little mantrums.

This whole trip in general
has been a pure [bleep] show.

You know, I think that
there's way bigger fish to fry

than our engagement
celebration at this point.

Sometimes, I feel like I
don't know why I keep going

with Justin.

I feel like, you know,
is this a dead end?

Are we gonna progress?
Are we gonna move on?

Are we gonna resolve?
Like, what are we doing?


I have lied to Gino

and I have hide things
that I shouldn't have.

The surgery.

The one you never told me about?

The only person

who could lend me the money

was Dane.

[tense music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

Wow, you're so organized
with your packing.

My stuff's, like,
all over the place.

Yours is, like,
perfectly organized.


[Gino] Tired?

Why do we have to leave?

Why we cannot stay here, baby?

[upbeat music playing]

Don't forget your hat.

[Gino] The most important
thing in my suitcase.

I know. I know.

I've been feeling
guilty since last night.

I want to leave Miami
with a clean slate,

start over, fresh new.

I love this new version of us,

but I, myself, I
have lied to Gino

and I have hide things
that I shouldn't have.


I don't... I promise to leave
Miami on a positive note.

This is a new version of us.

This new Jasmine

needs to confess a few things.

[tense music playing]

The surgery.

What surgery?

The butt implant, the one...

- That I... - The one you
never told me about?


When I wanted the
surgery, I only had $8,000.

Right? $4,000
from the... From you.

That was supposed to
be the wedding dress.

Other $4,000 that I have saved,

but I was still missing $2,000.

And the only person

who could provide that
money to me, as a loan,

was, um, Dane.

And when I was
gonna pay him back,

he said, "You know what?
You're gonna get married

and this is your wedding gift."

You should... Why
are you talking to him

and asking him for money?

Because he's my friend.

This is the guy that you
were, like, screaming

when I was last time in Panama

that you had sex with this guy.

[Jasmine] You're a
[bleep] piece of [bleep].

- I'm outta here.
- [Jasmine speaking]

[Gino] Right there, b*tch.

[Jasmine speaking]

- Go back.
- [Jasmine speaking]

Go back to him.
I don't need you.

[Jasmine] He is the most
important person in my life.

Yeah. Go [bleep] yourself.

Go to hell.

I just hear his
name way too much.

Dane, Dane, Dane.

You dislike this guy so much

and he said like, "I'm
glad that you found Gino.

I'm glad you're gonna
marry the love of your life.

And you know what?"

Because Dane know
that you are the one

who is gonna enjoy my ass

and [bleep] it.

He's not gonna [bleep] my ass.

I can't believe that we
had such a good trip,

and you just k*lled all the
momentum and happiness and...

[dramatic music playing]

Just k*lled everything.

She was beating me to a pulp

when she found out
about the bachelor party.

And now, she thinks it's
okay that she was hiding

and lying to me about all
these things with her ex?

I mean, how could she do that?

I mean, she's so hypocritical.

[Jasmine] You don't
deserve this [bleep].

I am so sorry, baby.

We have to catch
our flight, like, soon.

I was thinking when
Jasmine left Panama

that it would be the end
of relationship with Dane.

They're not gonna talk anymore,

'cause she's come
to US to be with me.

I mean, what the[bleep] is that?

I thought things were so good,

but this is all not good.

None of it's good.

[tense music playing]

[woman] Next time
90 Day Fiancé...

I am furious.

He doesn't care about
other people's feelings,

and he won't take accountability

and he doesn't realize
he's doing things wrong.

So, I don't think I wanna
marry someone like that.

She did not tell
her mom anything

other than what we don't have,

what we... What we didn't make.

That feels like we
not on the same team.

One to ten, how
good are you feeling?

I'm, like, a four.

Sophie has always assumed
that we're gonna get married,

but I have all the
way up until I say I do.

[woman] Okay, smile.

Okay. Thank you.

[Nikki chuckles]

[in Spanish]

[in Spanish]

[Ashley] Manuel.

Manuel deciding to
have another b*tch fit.

We're going in circles.

[in Spanish]

[in foreign language]


Citra's family just
arrived from Indonesia.

[Sam] A couple months ago,
as you know, I got in trouble.

[in Indonesian]

It's hard to say with a felony.

[in Indonesian]

I don't have a problem

with Anali at all.

But I'd feel better if I
just see once a week

a [indistinct] pick
up some American.

Where's the cheeseburgers at?

My mom's passive-aggressive,

and I personally hate that.

Her being in the
house is affecting mine

and Anali's
private relationship.

It's frustrating that she...
She's not speaking English.

I don't think she has a
desire to learn English.

I don't know. I
shouldn't say that,

but I said what I said.

[tense music playing]

Did she come out
and start attacking you,

or did you say something to her?

Gino's ex-girlfriend
really ruined my life.

She was blackmailing
me for a while.

I blame Gino.

You are really asking me

if I provoke her?

Well, you hurt me.

I wish I have [bleep]
Dane that last night.

I'm not gonna get married
to this [bleep] idiot.

[tense music playing]
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