01x04 - TB or Not TB

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Royal Pains". Aired: June 4, 2009 – July 6, 2016.*
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Series follows Hank Lawson, an unfairly discredited but brilliant diagnostic surgeon who winds up moving to the Hamptons with his brother as he works as a concierge to the uber rich and ultra elite.
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01x04 - TB or Not TB

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm Hank.
I was your typical
emergency room doctor.

Until I got fired.

You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

I made a judgment call.

You made a mistake.

HANK: This is my brother.

I'm Evan R. Lawson, CPA.

HANK: He took me away
from my troubles
and to the Hamptons.

And suddenly,
I had a chance to become
a whole new kind of doctor.

It turns out the wealthy
and not so wealthy out here

could use a guy who
makes house calls.

So, I've got a second chance
to do what I do best.

ALLISON: All right. I've got
half-naked plates here.

I've got brasato
without bucatini,

osso bucco without orzo.






[ECHOING] Allison?



Get this pizza out.

You asked for pasta.

Yeah, that's what I said.
Peppers. Pickles. Pie crusts.

Pasta. Bucatini orzo.

is everybody
on break?

Come on. Let's go.
Let's get back to work.

Valentina, the pappardelle.


You're up early.

I know.


Well, I figure

if I'm going to expand
HankMed's clientele,

I gotta join
a country club.

Because that's where
they keep all
the rich people out here.

And I can't join a club
until I have a sport.

A, uh...
A networking milieu,
if you will.

[GRUNTS] I won't.


Did Boris say
you could use his
tennis equipment?

You said...
I'm going to quote
you right now.

You said that
unless it's an emergency,
leave Boris alone.

Yeah. Including all of
his property, facilities
and leisure gear.

Interesting. I must
have tuned that part
of the lecture out.


Thank you.

All right. Cover for me
until I get back?

And don't change
my ring tone
to you rapping.

No crank calls.
No pizza deliveries.

Charitable donations?
No. Nothing.

Okay. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We have to discuss Sunday.

Hankfest, man.

That's a working title,
by the way.

It's a bad title.
And I don't want
to discuss Sunday.

That's too bad. I already
made rezzies at the seven
hottest clubs in the Hamptons

with, like, cabanas
and bottle service.

And I've rented us a limo
with a scent machine in it.

I have no idea what that is,
but I got a really good deal.

Evan, I'm serious.
My wedding was canceled.

What do you mean, do I...
Of course I remember.

It doesn't mean that
any and all festivities
associated with it

have to be canceled.
Come on.

Yes. Hankapalooza.
That's perfect.

Wait. How about

Honestly, Henry,
and I mean this.

I'm not going to let you
spend your ex-wedding day
moping around.

I'm not gonna do it.
So, you gotta do something.

I think I'll just
take Sunday off.

You know, no moping.
Just some
peace and quiet.

Oh, my God.



You would have made
a great best man.

It wants its
shorts back.

I missed
laundry day
this week.

Cut me some slack!


HankMed. Good morning
and how can we make you
feel better today?

Tuberculosis tests?

Uh, yes, of course
we can deal with that.

Uh, how many employees?

Great. How does...
How does 1:30 sound?

Amazing. Okay.
So, I just need
to get, uh...


Your address.


Hey. Thank you
for coming on
such short notice.

Of course.
This new requirement
by the health department

must have
every restaurant

You have no idea.

So, uh, what
happens next?

We'll come back
in a couple of days to
check the injection sites.

If anyone has TB,
their forearms will
turn red and flare up.

So, uh, this soup
is very provocative.

Do you embrace
customer feedback?

I'm sure she does.
From paying customers.


You, I like.

Can I talk to you
in private?

Yeah. Sure.

You're done.

Hello. Valentina.

Can you please push up
your left sleeve?

I don't speak
English good.

Oh. Um...

But you know about
the TB shot?


You are really happy
to be talking.

About everything.




Health department.



Berlitz lessons.

I had a major crush
on this Italian bartender

She was so hot.

Evan, I don't care
right now.

All right.

It's never happened before.
And it hasn't happened since.

I'm sure it was scary.


Tell me.
Are you on any meds?

Just birth control.

I'm really glad
you could come
on short notice

because I wanted to know
what happened to me

and I don't need
anyone else knowing.

Well. If you were
worried about privacy,

I could have met you
at your home.

This is my home.

I'm here from dawn
to 2:00 a.m.
Seven days a week.

What do you think?

Okay. Well,
it could be
a lot of things.

a seizure,
Bell's palsy.

It could also be
a complex migraine,
a TIA.

What's that?

Transient ischemic attack.
It's a ministroke.

Very quick.
No permanent

What else?

Well, it could be
nothing at all.

Oh. Nothing?
I'll take that.

I'm sure you will.

So, listen. You should
get a full physical
and a neurological exam.

I can help set it up.

After Labor Day,
when things slow down.

Thank you so much
for everything, Doc.

You have got a table
on the house anytime.

You need for things
to slow down now.

If you did have a TIA,
and it remains untreated,

you could be at risk
for a major stroke.

It won't be quick.
And there will be
permanent damage.

I started the
last restaurant I had
with my husband.

And one day

he just walked out.

And he took the evening
hostess with him.

And all of my recipes.

He took everything.

And now, finally,
I have something again.

So, protect it, Allison.

One day of routine tests.
It's very simple.

I leave this room
when you say yes.

Thank you.


You're lucky
I like tough love.

All right. So,
I'll call you in a week.


Wow, this sauce!
Valentina, per favore!

Come on, people!
This isn't a food court!


Spaghettini with
filet mignon meatballs.

Take a bite, Divs.

The name is Divya.

Whoa, whoa.

That was cranky.

Does the doctor's
little helper need
a power nap or something?

Doctor's little helper?

While I may not have
gone to medical school,

I do hold a license
as a certified
physician assistant,

which means
I practice medicine.

I can prescribe dr*gs,
perform exams
and procedures,

interpret diagnostic tests
and assist in surgery.

You definitely need

You know what I need?
I need some boundaries.

What is that
supposed to mean?

You set those TB tests
at the most illogical time.

While the restaurant
was serving, Evan.

And then you ran around
like a little Yorkie,
yapping at everyone.

Begging for treats.

Practically humping my leg
while I'm trying
to administer the sh*ts.

Okay. So, I'd also
like some boundaries,

starting with the kinds
of animals you're allowed
to compare me to.

And you know what?
Since you brought it up,

how do you see
my role in HankMed?

Why don't you just stay
at Shadow Pond
and crunch the numbers?

In the field,
you are simply
a distraction.

Wow. Well, Hank doesn't
seem to think so.

He is probably
numb to you
by now.

Well, let's ask him.
He's right behind you.

Everything okay?


I set the follow-up
for Sunday.
Only day you're free.

Actually, no,
he's not free
on Sunday.

He's taking
a "me" day.

"Me" meaning him,
not me.

Yeah, it's true.
You mind handling
this one solo?

I'd be happy to.
It's my job.

I'm going to grab
some lunch.

Seeing your swan
of spaghettini
made me hungry.

Are we done?


How are you?

Is the hospital coffee
really that bad?

Oh. Officially speaking?
No, it's delicious.
But off the record...

You could remove
nail polish with it.

[LAUGHS] Exactly.
I only bought this to
try out my new cup holders.

Wait, is this yours?

Yeah, after 12 years
and 217,000 miles,

Greta just stopped.

The mechanic found
a "do not resuscitate" card
in the glove box.

Well, that's just too bad.
I mean, now you can't
cool down with the top down.

Well, you want cool?

The solar panels on my roof
actually cool down the car.

Yeah. I like
the wind in my hair.
But I'm old school.

Shall I
walk you to work?

All right,
old school.

So, uh...

Did you get my message?
Did you get my message?


I did.
Nice outgoing message,
by the way.

Yeah. Yours, too.
Very hospital chic.

Oh, that is so
not a compliment.

You're lucky
if I go out
with you now.

Any plans tonight?

Late staff meeting.


Uh, let me
just check.

No, I have two NCMs.

That's Evan-speak
for new client meetings.

How about Monday?
Budget review.


No. More NCMs.
How about Wednesday?

Yet another
staff meeting.

This Sunday looks good.

Sunday morning?

Okay. Um...

Yeah, I'm pretty open
late in the week.

No, no.
Let's do it Sunday.

Are you sure?


Hi. I'm Divya Katdare.
With HankMed.

I'm here
for the TB follow-up.

Oh, how are you doing?
Lucas Gordon.

No reaction, see?


I have some paperwork
for Allison.

Can you tell me
where she is?


We should
try to hurry.

And not just because
it's freezing in here.

This was the only place
we could have privacy in.

And you know what?
Try not to hurry.

My shift starts at 11:00.
I've got to do my prep.

Consider this your prep.

You really are
the best boss ever.

Oh, Christopher.


My arm.
My arm's numb.

Hey. What's wrong?

What are we
doing in here?

Allison, we always
do it in here.

Hey, what's going on?
Are you okay?


Found your
milieu, yet?


Not yet, no.

Uh, have fun
at Sunday brunch,
by the way.

Oh. You're bitter
about Hankapalooza.


No, I'm not bitter.

Not at all, man.


Stop doing bad things
to my name.

Look, Jill and I
are just getting together
today because...

It's your only
mutually available
time slot

for the next couple weeks.
I completely understand that.

But honestly, though,

What's wrong
with brunch?

It's brunch.
You're wearing clothes,
so it's not breakfast.

You're not even that hungry
yet, so it's not lunch.
It's like...

It's the meal
that won't commit.
It's the...

Come to think of it,
it's the perfect meal
for you and Jill.

So, enjoy
a French toast salad
or whatever.

I'm sorry.
Was there something else?

We have a good thing
going here, Evan.

Just remember that.


Me, me, me, me, me.


God, he's...


What the hell?

Great. Thank you.

Ava Litelli.

Yes. I remember
the nose ring.

I had one for a few hours
while I was at university.

Too many margaritas.

Okay, thank you.

Uh, Valentina Rossi?

Oh, wait, Miss Litelli.

Can you please tell me
where I might find Valentina?

I don't think
she's working today.

Oh, really?
I thought I saw you
talking with her earlier.

You must have
confused her
with someone else.

In fact, I know I saw
the two of you together.

What I don't know
is why you're lying
for her now.

And what you apparently
don't know is that

defrauding the
health department
in any way

is a very big deal.

I have to finish my prep.

Tell me where
Valentina went.

Tell me or I'll call
the health department.

Yes. Mrs. Franklin?

The farmers' market.
You should find her there.

Thank you.

I need to confirm
my nail appointment.

HANK: What exactly is
happening here?

Our reservation was

which is how long that
table's been empty for.


How may I help you?

Phone call.

This close, huh?

How far back do
you and Allison go,

A couple of days.
But long days.


Take it.


Oh. Uh... Excuse me.

This really
isn't a good time.
Can we talk later?

I don't know exactly when.
What do you...

No, I'm okay.
Really good,

Yes. Of course I remember.

But honestly, Nikki,
I'm trying to forget.

And maybe you should, too.

No, look, I can't do this.
I gotta go. I gotta go.
Bye. Bye.


Everything okay?

Okay. So, that was
my ex-fiancée.

Okay. When was
the "ex" added?

A few weeks ago.

And when was the wedding?

Some time
around right now.



Look, I was going to
tell you all about it,

which I will do
over a drink

if we ever get a table.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Excuse me one second.

Hey, Allison.
I stopped by for that
table you offered me?

I'm sorry.
Have we met?

Yeah. I'm Hank.

Dr. Lawson?

I'm sorry.
I don't recognize you.

Do you recognize her?


Call 911.
I think she's had a stroke.

So, the stroke induced
the amnesia.

A CT scan will tell us
if it's hemorrhagic
or thrombotic.

Well, what's
the difference
in treatment?

If it's hemorrhagic,
it will depend

on how much brain damage
she's already suffered.

And if it's thrombotic?

There won't be
any brain damage.

She can get thrombolytics,
which will help
break up the clot.

But there's a catch.
We'd only have
a three-hour window

to administer these meds.

But we don't know
when the stroke

No. So, even in
the best-case scenario,

we're already
running out of time.

Gently. Gently.

I'll see if I can
find her a bed.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Dr. Dern.
And you are?

My doctor.

Yeah. Hank Lawson.

Look at me, please?

Who are you?
What are you doing?

It's okay, Allison.
You're safe.

Allison Moore.
She presented to me
about 20 minutes ago

with confusion toward self,
place and date.
Is this my room?

Is this my room?
I believe she's a candidate
for stroke protocol.

I'll call for
a neurology consult.

No, I think she needs
a CT scan first.

What time
was the stroke?
I don't know.

I asked everyone I could
before the EMTs showed up.


Okay. You'll be fine.
I'm sorry.

You know the rules.
Unless you're family
or have privileges here,

this is as far
as you go.

No, Hank! Hank!
Please don't leave me!

I'll be right here, Allison.

Excuse me! Valentina!
I need to talk to you!


He bought a mermaid?



Holy shark.


I need to check
your arm.


MAN: Excuse me.

This is serious.
It will just take
a moment, okay?


Oh, no. All right.
Does anyone
speak Italian?

Valentina, wait!



HOGAN: So, there's your

A voracious eater
and predator.

How long was
your journey?

She was in tonic

Upside down.
Natural state of paralysis
the entire time.

She'll do well here.

For your services,
Mr. Hogan.

And for your discretion.


Thank you.

Evening, mate.

You're satisfied
with her?

She's exactly
what I need.

I should let Katie know.






Hey. Just got your message.

Sorry to bother you
on your "me" day, but
we may have a situation.

What kind of situation?

One of the cooks had
a rather large reaction
to the TB test.

Did you get
a sputum sample?

I couldn't.
She ran away from me.

Well, she could start
an epidemic, Divya.

Don't worry.
I have a plan.

I have to go.
Hank, wait. Wait.
One question.

Do you know where Evan is?

No. No idea.
I've been at
Hamptons Heritage.

Allison had a stroke.

Oh, my God.
Is she okay?

I wish I knew.
Uh, talk soon.

Hey. You work
with Allison, right?

There's a rumor
she had a stroke.

It's more than a rumor.
Sorry. Look, I don't
have a lot of time.

Allison may not
have a lot of time.

Do you have any information
that can help her?

Look, I'm only interested
in what's medically relevant

because the medicine that
can help her must be given
within a three-hour period.

Do you know when
she started acting

She definitely
wouldn't want me
talking about that.

Yeah, she would.
Because she could die
if you don't.

We were in the walk-in.

It's where we always,
um, you know...

Right afterward.
It was weird.
She was weird.

When exactly was this?

Sex can be a trigger
for a stroke.

I need to know what time
the clock started.

Right before
my shift at 11:00.

Thank you.



Note to self. Get a car.
Preferably one with doors.

I've got a problem.

Meet me at 23 Foxtail Court
as soon as possible.
Evan, please. I need you.

To save this message,
press 9.

Uh, not only did I save
that message, I put it on
my iPod as workout music.

So, uh, why don't you
tell me a little bit more
about these needs of yours?

The needs that you
seem to be experiencing.

Remember the woman
from the restaurant?

The one who
speaks Italian?

Yes. Valentina.
She's totally hot.

I need you to translate.

Okay. Yeah, I'd be...
I'd be happy to
provide my aiuto.

That means "help"
in Italian, by the way.

But in return, since
you know everybody
around here,

you can give me
the lowdown on Boris.

Divya, you do not know
what I just saw.
Nor do I care.

Valentina may have TB.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

I'm not getting a disease.
Are you kidding me?

Especially one I didn't
have any fun catching.

We'll talk through
the door.

Or a window. Okay?
You'll be perfectly safe.

Oh, this is just...

Fine! I'll tell
you everything.

Everything you want
to know about Boris Kuester
von Jurgens-Ratenicz.




One second.

Quick. Evan, Evan.
Tell her she's
done nothing wrong.


Oh, maybe something
got lost in translation.


The radiologist said
the CT scan confirmed
a thrombotic stroke.

Well, we have
until 2:00 p.m. To give
her the meds, so...

That should be
enough time.

Are you sure
this is her room?


Where's the patient?
You don't know?

She was here

Her street clothes
are gone.

I'll see if anyone's
seen her.

This is Jill Casey.
Dr. Dern, can you get me
some thrombolytics?

How much time
do we have?

Less than 30 minutes
to find her and save her.

Search again.
Check the bathrooms.

Well, look,
if she does show up,
call me.

She's not in the hospital.
She's not at
her restaurant.

We'll go to
her house.

And this is all
she needs?

Yeah, as long as
she gets it
in the next 25 minutes.



Quick. Tell her
I need to check
her arm.


Okay. Tell her
it won't take long.


Ask her if this hurts

and if she's noticed
any blood or drainage
coming from the area.

Okay. Uh.


Okay. What's
she saying?

Okay. Now, she's...
Now, she's just
showing off. Okay.



Okay. Now, she's talking
about the things
she loves the most.

Like cooking her kid?

Oh, she's...
She loves cooking
and her kid.

She has a little boy.
She's talking about him.


She really
needs her job.

Okay. Okay. Ask her
if her arm is tight.

You know, if the skin
won't stretch.

She's still talking.
Divya. Divya.

I can't work like this.
Evan, she reacted
to the test.

I need samples.



She just keeps
talking about Italy.

Of course. Of course.
Of course.

It all makes sense now.

Yeah, maybe to you.

Allison! It's Hank!

You there? Allison!

I'll check
the back door.

Don't bother.
She's not here.
She's never here.

Come on.

Wait. How do
you know?
Because she told me.

Wait. What did
she tell you?

Allison's home
isn't her house.

Her home is where
she really lives.

And where's that?
Come on.

Okay. So, now I'm
really confused.

You're going to
give her an X-ray?

A chest X-ray, yes.
Tell her.

And I'll explain
why to you later.

You're going to give her
a chest X-ray on her arm?

Like, how are you
even going to do that?

She's just going
to lean out
through the window?

Of course not.
I'm going inside.

You're going to what?

You're just going
to risk infection?

I have a hunch
the risk is low.

I'll be back in five.

You have a hunch
you're not going
to get tuberculosis?

Man, I should stay
out of the field.

A little help, please.


Ah, ah, ah...
Okay. Valentina.


I don't think I explained
the chest X-ray thing
very well. Um...

Tell her the scar
on her arm is from
her BCG vaccine.

What is that?

It's a TB inoculation
done outside the U.S.,

in places like Italy.

Okay. So, when
people come here

and they have
the BCG vaccine

and they get
the TB test,

the results will almost
always be a false positive.

Thus her arm.

That's what got
lost in translation.


Tell her.


Mmm. It's
completely clear.

She's going to be fine.


Well, tell her everything
she needs to know.




So, I'm not done with you.

About our deal.

Oh. Now?

Oh, yeah.

Okay, uh... Boris.

Gosh, Evan.
He's very private.

Yeah, I know that. And?

Well, that's all I've got.

What do you mean,
that's all you've got?

You lying, manipulative

Ponzi schemer!

I thought you had
details about Boris.

And I thought
you knew Italian.

But her staff
said she wasn't here.

She will be.
Dawn till 2:00,
seven days a week.

And I think
I know where.

I bet she went back to
where the stroke began.

Excuse me.
Could you help me clear
this table, please?

Thank you.
Okay, I need tin foil,
aluminum foil.

Rip them. Let's go.
Big strips. Blankets.

Okay. Let's put
them on.
I got your call.

Divya, hi.
Uh, Jill, Divya.
Divya, Jill.

Divya, I want you
to take that bag.

I want you to put it
in the hot water.

Can I borrow this, please?

Her core temp
must be below 89.6.

Any luck with
the hair dryer?
JILL: Got it!

Great. Plug that
into there.

Okay. Turn it on.


Wow. A homemade
Bair Hugger.

Okay. Let's start
the IVs.

Saline's ready.
Do you have a pulse?

Weak but steady.
Her temperature's rising.

Okay. Let me
see the thrombolytics.

Wait. What are
you doing?
Getting them prepped.

You can't.
We're past the window.

What? It's been
more than three hours?

Yes. But the cold slowed
her metabolism
and bought us some time.

She could have a major
brain bleed if you use
a blood thinner now.

Isn't the three-hour limit

At a hospital.
But we're not
in a hospital.

If we were, we'd be
required to sit back
and do nothing.

But she needs this
to save her life,
and I'm giving it to her.


Should I have
updated my will?


Evan Richard Lawson.

Certified public


You know
we've met, right?

Are you an
intelligent man,
Mr. Lawson?

Well, I...


I shouldn't have trespassed.

It was silly.
I wasn't thinking
about it, and...

I'm really sorry.

It's only trespassing
if you violated my privacy.

Was my privacy

It was.


Are you certain
of that?


Because I saw your...


You know, the...

What did you see?

You know, the big...


It appears that
Evan R. Lawson, CFO,

is quickly outshining
Evan R. Lawson, CPA.

I didn't see anything.

So, my privacy
wasn't violated?

No. Not at all.

And nor will
yours be.



Going down.

So, I finally
slowed down
for you.

I'm glad you remember
we talked about that.

Now you have to do it.


[COUGHS] Valentina,
per favore.


Don't look that happy.
I'm going to be
back soon.

Your ristorante
is safe with me.

See you soon.

Okay, guys.

Talk to you later.
Good work, Divya.

Take care.
meeting you.

You took a big risk
to save that woman.

Well, maybe now
we can get
a decent table.

To Allison.
To Valentina.

And to two more
checks in the mail.



So, we're going to
start with the calamari
and the hot pickled peppers.

No. We decided on
the prosciutto di Parma.

That's what you

Actually, it's what
we both decided.

Uh, but not me.


To thank you
and tell everybody

I am now sous-chef.




She's pretty.

Ah. Thank you
very much.

Whoa. You're leaving?

I have other plans.

You made this reservation.

Yeah. For you guys.

Differences are always
easier to settle over
a good meal.

Buon appetito.

No... Hank.
You're kidding me.




You know, Divya.

We did crack
that TB case
wide open.


Like a team.
Here's an idea.

Let's have dinner

but absolutely
no conversation.

Like we're married.



Don't panic.
I'm not here to work.
I'm here to eat.

You're lucky.
I hear the food is great.

I am lucky.
I'm very lucky.

Thank you.

You got it.

You know, back
at the restaurant,

after we found her
in the freezer,

it looked pretty grim there
for a few moments.

I know. I'm glad
Allison's going
to be okay.

Yeah, thanks to you.


What was she thinking?

I don't think
she was thinking
about much.

She had a stroke.

No, I...
I meant Nikki.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have
said that.
No, no. It's cool.

I just...
I thought it was more of a
"down the road" conversation.

You want to stall.
No, I don't
want to stall.

I just want to be able to
carefully articulate my...
Yeah, I want to stall.

But, look.
Now that it's out there,

I should never have
asked you out
on my wedding day.

My ex-wedding day.

It's okay, Hank.

I know what it's like to be
living your plan B.

You do?

I was engaged once, too.

Wow. So, you broke
yours off, also?

No, I... I went
through with it.

But, you know,

it just didn't work out,
so I started from scratch.

Okay. I get it.
You don't want
to talk about your ex.

No, no. It's not that.
It's just...

No, it's... Yeah.
No, you want to stall.

No, it's not that.
It's just that...

You and I...
We just started
seeing each other

and, well...
He, um...

It's just complicated

and, you know...
Yeah, I want to stall.

Look. I get it.
Relationships are
all about timing.

No, I completely agree.

So, where does
that leave us?

I guess we just
take things slow.

I could do slow.

Yeah. Not rush
into anything.


We can stall.

Stall. Good plan.
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