01x09 - Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Vanderpump Rules". Aired: January 7, 2013 – present.*
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Focuses on Lisa Vanderpump and the staff at her restaurants and bars: SUR Restaurant & Lounge, Pump Restaurant, and Tom Tom Restaurant & Bar, in West Hollywood, California.
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01x09 - Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »


- Coming up on
the vanderpump rules reunion.

- I hope you feel stupid.

- I'm not taking
your [bleep] anymore.

- Your ego was [bleep]
out of control.

- You're up his ass.

- "up his ass"?

- Incestuous den of iniquity.

- Everything I've done
is bad. I get it.

- It just looks like I'm
some insecure, stupid b*tch.

- You will always be
the mistress

- You were sleeping with
twin high school girls?

- You said things that I would
not say to my worst enemy.

- You took a giant [bleep]
on frank and on me.

- I hurt the girl
I thought I was gonna marry.

- Then why were you bonking

- Boom.
- All right.

Can we take the heat off me
for a while?

- I know he lies all the time.

I'm still his friend.

- Are you a pathological liar?

- Everyone hates me.

And I just felt so alone.

- I'm sorry.

- ♪ you oughta, oughta know

♪ gone, baby
keep up ♪

♪ 'cause I can't get enough

♪ gone, just gonna say it
gonna say you gotta play it ♪

♪ gone
night, night, night ♪

- Hey, everybody.

Welcome to
the vanderpump rules reunion.

I'm andy cohen here at sur
in west hollywood,

The home of tons of drama

With the co-owner and boss lady
from sur, lisa vanderpump.

- Hello, andy.
- Nice to see you.

And we are joined by
the servers

And mactors and models
and singers of sur.

Hi, jax taylor.
- How you doing, andy?

- Great. You went with
the chunky sweater, huh?

- I did.
- Very good.

Hi, stassi.
- Hi, andy.

- I have a lot of questions
for you.

- Oh, do you?
- Yes.

- I wasn't expecting that.

- Okay.
- [laughs]

- Hi, scheana.
- Hi, how are you?

- Hello, there, kristen.
- Hello, andy.

- Hey, tom.
- Hey, andy.

- Hi, katie.
- Hi, there.

- Everything good?
- Everything's great.

- Good.
- So far.


- Well, I have
a lot of questions

For the big boss here.

Most bosses don't see
what goes on

In the workplace
when they're not around.

What has that experience
been like for you?

- Well, I think
that's probably been

The most difficult thing
for me.

I mean, it's hard for me
to watch

When stassi's not showing up
for a shift

And I see the camera's with her

And she's having
her little meltdown,

And I know that I'm here
without a waitress.

- So, stassi, how many swedes
have to die

Before you ascend
to the throne?

- Oh, my god.


My mom's always told me

That I'm a descendant
of a swedish princess.

So, I try and act like one.

- Lisa, you've covered
the royals.

- Yes.

- Do you think--does stassi
reek of royalty to you?

- She reeks of something.
It might not be royalty.

- Oh.

- But what you may reek of

Is self-confidence,

Let me read some quotes
from you this season.

"I'm 23 years old.
I'm a [bleep] amazing catch.

"I'm the best thing
that ever happened to you.

I'm amazing."

That sounds like incredible

- You know what,
no, growing up,

I've always been
that kind of person.

Even when I was little,
I remember I was ten years old,

And I had other girls' parents
coming up to me and saying,

"you're always
the center of attention.

Let my kid be
the center of attention."

I've always been like that.

- Yeah.

- Well, by the way,
how many of you

Are still working at sur?

- Just.

- Wow.

And so, I mean,
when I last saw the show,

You left.

- I want you to take

- Absolutely.
Here's my responsibility.

It's time for me to go.

- Okay.

- How long did that last?
- Like five minutes.

- Five minutes?
That's hilarious.

- I came crawling back.

- Why did you take him back
after all that?

- Well, because it's their
personal life,

Which, you know, I somehow seem
to have gotten involved in,

Not all of it.

I can't let that
kind of ripple over

Into my decision as whether
they're good staff or not.

I wouldn't have any of them.

- Stassi,
I hear some people drove

All the way from san diego
to see you.

- There was some customers
that came in

And just started, like,
taunting me.

Like, "what can I do
to make you cry?"

Calling me a b*tch,
talking [bleep] to jax about me.

I'm, like, trying
to do my job,

And tears are coming down
my face.

It's like how do I do my job

If someone's coming here
to get a rise out of me?

- It sounds like they did.

- Yeah, they did.
- Right.

Lisa, at the beginning
of the season,

One of your good friends,

Had a big problem with scheana.

And you encouraged them
to get together and talk.

Why did you do that?

- Well, it wasn't actually
my encouragement.

It was more
scheana initiated it.

She felt that brandi
would always

Be crossing paths
with her.

And it became so uncomfortable,
so she said,

"listen, I really do want
to sit down and talk."

- He told me he loved me.
He bought me diamond earrings.

He took me on trips.
- There were feelings--

- You don't have to keep
saying this, honey.

I got it. I know
you were [bleep] my husband.

I got that, I get that.

I was his wife.
You were the other woman.

So don't get it twisted.

- Scheana,
a lot of people commented

That you didn't seem
to think

That you had done
anything wrong.

- I think that people
were saying, you know,

I was kind of throwing
salt in the wound.

And they're like,
"well, you didn't have to say

I was like--but I wanted her
to at least understand

That I wasn't just
some Tuesday night fling.

- Are you glad you brought
scheana and brandi together?

- Oh, absolutely, because now
they can actually cross paths.

- Well, can they?

But you pulled her off
the dinner party

That mohamed had.
- Well, they cross paths.

But I'm not gonna put scheana
waiting on brandi.

Although we've dealt with it,

Rather than the waitress to her,
I'm sorry.

But that's the way it is.
- I know.

- So, I don't want
to complicate it.

And I was very disappointed
in her

When she threw a tantrum
over not understanding it.

- Stassi, why did you take her
cheating so personally

At the beginning
of the season?

- Jax and I were not
in a good spot.

And I guess I was
threatened by her.

I didn't want her around jax.

She was a threat.

So inappropriate.

- So rude.

- Really inappropriate.

You literally are taking
shirtless pictures

With scheana,
the home wrecking whore.

Are you really not admitting
what you did wrong?

- No.
- Are you serious?

- We were in a parade!

You're on, on, on, on all day.

Ugh! God!

- She put sunscreen on him,
not a condom.

I mean, for god's sake,
you know.

It was like she rubbed
some lotion on his back.

[overlapping comments]

- At that point,
you and stassi were not great.

- You were?
- I just thought it was funny.

Because I'm like, "really?

"you're insecure?
I'll make you more insecure.

"I'm gonna rub
some lotion on him.

It's not a big deal."

- Oh, so you were doing it
to wind her up.

You always denied that.
- I thought it was funny.

- Why did you get
so hopped up about it?

- Kristen gets in the middle
of everything.

- You've said that kristen

Makes everybody at
sur's problems her problems.

- I think she gets right
in the middle of it,

Even where she's not
particularly wanted.

- Okay, I want to talk about
jax and stassi now a little bit.

It seems like there was a lot of
fighting in your relationship.

- Yeah.

- Did things
ever get physical?

- No. It never
got to punching.

- You never got punched?
- Well--

- [laughs]
- did you?

- Uh, yeah, of course.
- You probably did.

I have. Okay.

- Have you?
- I said it.

- You know it.
Come on, you know it.

Look at her face, huh?
- Yeah, I've hit him before.

Did you do any damage?
- Yeah.

In chicago she busted my nose.
Blood everywhere.

It was crazy.

- And did you
deserve that though?

- Yes, everything--
I'm gonna be honest.

Everything that she's saying--
yeah, I deserved it all.

- She busted your nose
in chicago?

- Yeah, it was
pretty funny, actually.

- Honestly, it was
the most traumatizing thing

- It was, like,

- I had blood all over me.

- Blood all over
my michael kors sweater.

- Jax, you said on the show
that stassi

Got you the job at sur
so that she could

Keep an eye
on you all day.

Do you think--
- such bull[bleep].

I needed you to help me
with the bills.

- I was just--the modeling
industry is up and down,

And I was going through
a really slow time.

- You said on the show
that you were supporting him.

- In the beginning
of our relationship.

- In the beginning
of the relationship.

- That's not true.

- Okay, so in the beginning
I was moving out--

- Every single person--

- You--okay, I moved
into your apartment.

- Yes. I was
paying half the rent.

My dad was paying the other half
'cause I was in college, so--

- I was paying for the groceries
and everything else.

- And you didn't pay--
- you're right, I didn't.

- So I paid my rent
and you didn't pay yours.

- But I was--
- there's no way around that.

- It was an apartment
that your dad was giving you

For while you're in school,
and I was crashing with you.

- And I was paying
$1,500 a month

And working here at sur,

And I let you
live with me for free.

- Okay. I'm not gonna argue.
- But--'cause it's true.

- I'm curious. Do you think that
jax was controlled by stassi?

- You definitely
like to be controlled.

- I do like to be controlled.
- You do?

- Oh, of course.
Yeah, I like it.

I liked when she kind of told me
what to do and where to be.

It was just easier that way.

- Do you like being,
like, dominated?

- Not dominated.

I just--in the relationship,
I just like to--

I kind of like it when,
like, I guess my other half

Wears the pants,
I guess.

I just like that.
- You do.

"listen, we gotta do this today,
we gotta do this."

And I think it's easier.

- You were perfect
for each other.

Jax, I want to talk about your
first break-up at peter's party.

You walked in and downed
seven sh*ts immediately.

On a week night.

- Are these strong?
- I won't do that again.

[ice rattling]

- Yo, jax!

Oh, no!


No, jax!

No, dude, that was
supposed to be--hey!

That was supposed
to be for everybody!

- Oh, no!

- [bleep]!
[slurred gibberish]

- That's a lot of sh*ts
I just did.

I didn't even think about it.
I just did it.

- Those were for us,
jax, by the way.

- The bar was closed.
I was so mad when you did that.

It was the last seven sh*ts.
- Is that how you roll, like--

- No, no.

I came in and I think
I was just heated.

- Was stassi part
of the reason you were upset?

- No, no.

I mean, at that point
we were kind of fighting

- But jax does kind
of want to walk into a room,

And he wants
to dominate the party.

That is who you are.
He wants to dominate the room.

So he walks in
and bang! Bang! Bang!

- When did you realize that
she really intended to end it?

- It was the next day,
and frank came and picked her up

And took her to the beach
or something, I think.

And that just
drove me crazy.

- How soon after
you and jax split

Did you and frank start?

- I mean,
it was immediately after.

We had already been
spending time together.

So I'll admit that there was
some emotional cheating there.

I'll admit that.

- You had been
confiding in frank

About your problems
with stassi.

- Yeah. Yeah.

- So you felt like he was
playing both sides of the--

- You know, yeah.
I really did.

I didn't see it coming,
to be honest.

I really didn't.
I was blindsided.

- You need to stay away
from moving in with girls.

- At least you don't have
to deal with it anymore, right?

Moving forward.

- [laughs]

- When did you first
hook up with frank?

- Like, two days
after we broke up.

- Two days after you and jax?

So kristen in vegas said--
and it was just a small moment.

You said actually that stassi
had been hooking up with frank--

- Right.

- While jax and she
were still together.

- Right.

That's what I heard.

- It's a slap in my face.
- I'm being honest with you.

- I'm disgusted that you guys
would actually say that to me.

I feel very uncomfortable
and upset right now.

- When did you first
hook up with frank?

- Like, two days after.
- Two days after you and jax?

So kristen in vegas said
actually that stassi had been

- Hooking up with frank...
- Right.

- While jax and she
were still together.

- Right.

That's what I heard.
- That is a slap in my face.

- I'm being honest with you.
- Did she tell you that?

Did she tell you then,

"kristen, I cheated
on jax before?"

- No.
- Then you don't know!

- Scheana, you weren't around
during that time though.

- Well, I'm around now.
- Of course you are.

- Yeah, and I've been
around for a while, kristen.

- But you weren't then.
- Tom, you heard that too.

- I definitely
think it happened.

- I'm disgusted that you guys
would actually say that to me.

And I don't have anything else
to say about it.

- And you absolutely stand by
that nothing happened--

- 100%.
- What do you believe?

- Yeah, it hurts, what
they're saying, of course.

But it's--I'm no angel.

Even if she did do that,
look what I did.

- So were you sleeping with
frank just to get back at him?

- This was not to hurt him,
this was the first man

That was giving me
positive attention.

- I think he just had
a longstanding crush on stassi

And the minute
she became single, he--

- Kristen and katie,
do you owe frank an apology?

Because it kind of seems like
he was right about

- I would apologize and say,
"sorry that I called you a liar

And didn't believe you."

But I wouldn't apologize
for anything else.

- What about you, kristen?

- I'm not sorry
that I didn't believe him.

I'm sorry to her
that I didn't believe her.

- I mean, but how
can you not be sorry--

- I was the only person that
believed her and had her back.

Your best friend comes to you
and says, "he cheated on me."

And you're, like,
"you're lying, that's not true.

Frank's a liar."
- you weren't there, scheana.

That's not how it went.
- Yeah! You believed him.

I'm sorry I was
a good friend to her

And thought he was
a piece of [bleep].

I'm sorry.
Sorry, not sorry.

- You said things I would
not say to my worst enemy.

- Katie, you are equally
as guilty of us fighting

- Yeah, because I'm not taking
your [bleep] anymore, stass.

You were the one that
[bleep] on our friendship.

- You took a giant [bleep]
on frank and on me.

You guys didn't give
me and frank a chance.

- Well, you didn't allow me to.
- Yeah, it's all my fault.

- So jax, what made you think
it was a good idea

To pack your chunky sweater
and head to vegas?


I mean, stassi had
clearly uninvited you.

She's sleeping
with frank at the time.

I just wanted to show up
and I wanted to, like,

You know, fight for her.

And it didn't
work out that way.

Ah! Now the party's here.

- Oh!

- I wanted to k*ll him.
- You wanted to beat him up.

- Oh, I just--
I had so much anger.

- Well, stassi--I mean, you
very casually threw that drink

In tom schwartz's face.

- [bleep]! Do not [bleep]ing say
[bleep] you!

- Stassi, you are [bleep]ing
out of line!

- It's my birthday.
- Dude.

- I didn't invite him.
- [laughs]

- He comes in and says,
"suck my [bleep],"

And I'm defending frank
and then all of a sudden

Schwartz says,
"[bleep] you, b*tch.

Yeah, you heard me, b*tch."

And it's, like, "I couldn't
have thrown that water quicker."

- Look, there's only
one real question I have

Why the guys took their
shirts off before the fight?

You took your
shirt off first?

- Let's talk about it.
- You wanna go, mother[bleep]?

You wanna go?
Let's go. Let's go.

- Why did you
take your shirt off?

- All right, I took my shirt off
because I accidentally

Took a xanax that night.

- How can you accidentally--
- what did you mean to take?

And then why did your shirt
come off as a result?

- I don't--I thought--
I don't remember.

- He doesn't remember.
- I had a sweater on.

- You liked your sweater.
- I liked my sweater.

- He just loved his sweater.
- You watch wrestling on tv.

They don't have shirts on.

- They don't have chunky
sweaters on either.

- They don't have
chunky sweaters on.

- Jax uses any excuse he can
to take his shirt off.

Let's be honest.
Tell the truth for once.

- Maybe a little bit.
- Tell the truth.

- Sure, yes.

- So a big group
went skinny dipping.


- My boobs
are out of control.

- Your toe just
went up my vag*na.

- This is stupid.
I'm a dumbass.

- Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Give me the towel!


- Is it--
- shut up, lisa!

- Is it an l.A. Thing
or is it a sur thing or what,

That everybody can just
strip in front each other.

- It's not a sur thing!
Stop it!

- It looked like a good time.
- It was fun.

- Yeah.
- I had a good time.

- And so jax is really upset
that stassi and his relationship

Is over, over, over.

It seems like that night,

You pick up
with laura-leigh.

- When I saw them together
I was, like,

"what can I do just
to get back at her, like,

God, I'm so angry
that she left me for him."

I was, like, "okay, well,
I can play this game too."

- Jax has told me,
"I'm gonna go find one girl

That's your friend
that I can [bleep]."

So he found
the weakest link.

- Ex-meth addict.

- But I was trying
to get back at her.

I was trying
to make her jealous.

- But she doesn't do that,
she doesn't work that way.

- Obviously.
- [laughs]

- So--

She's a really nice girl,
and I just--

- She's not that nice
if she can do that to me.

- I wish the best for her.

I should not have used
another girl like that.

- That's exactly what
I wanted you to say.

She was a pawn in your game
and that's what pissed me off.

Laura-leigh wasn't that stable,
we all know that.

- She's so not innocent, lisa.
- I don't care.

I'm not saying whether
she's innocent.

I know your
feelings about her.

But she's a fragile--

And he started messing with her
to pay back her,

And I did not like that.

- So stassi, how did you feel
when you heard jax say that

His sex with laura-leigh
was the best sex he's had

In a long time?

- I knew that wasn't true,
but that really did--

It was just one of those--
- it's a jax move.

- Nasty digs.
- It wasn't true.

- Stassi's the best sex
you've ever had.

She's the best everything
I've ever had, to be honest.

The only woman I want
is sitting right there,

And I don't care
about any of that anymore.

I just want her.
She knows.

She knows exactly how I feel.
She knows exactly what's--

- Are you being honest?
- What?

- Are you being honest?
- I'm being honest.

- The thing is, jax does this,
like, tom cruise,

"jump on the couch"
thing, like, "I'm in love!

You look so much like you're
not in love by doing that.

- So, jax, over
the course of one episode,

You had sex with laura-leigh
at the sushi place

And in that bathroom
over there.

So lisa, you call jax in
and you confronted him about it.

- I heard on good authority

That you got caught
with your trousers down.


You two were having sex
in the bathroom.

- Are you kidding me?

I don't have time
to even remotely think about it.

- I'm sure you
have time for that.

- Stassi, what was your reaction
when you saw the show?

- I think I almost
vomited on myself.

Like, not only does that
obviously hurt to see,

It's just disgusting.

I just don't really
have any respect for that.

- Okay, let's take a break.

We're all gonna go
have sex in the bathroom.

We'll be right back.

- It really is not my business,
but having unprotected sex

With everybody clearly
is not working for you.

- It really is not my business,
but having unprotected sex

- ♪ you look so fly
with your money, honey ♪

♪ f-l

♪ f-l-y

- So stassi, some colorful texts
start coming laura-leigh's way

From you.

- She deserved it.

- "you're [bleep]ing pathetic.
You have zero self-esteem.

"you meant nothing to anyone.

"no one liked you before
except for me,

"and now everyone hates you

"and thinks that
you're disgusting.

Welcome to a life
of no more friends."

Do you regret sending these?

- I mean, if we're gonna
be honest, no. I don't.

I really don't
feel bad about that.

I was so hurt by her.

And I'm sorry,
I was her only friend here.

I was her only friend.

- And so this situation
got so out of hand

That you called
a staff meeting.

- Mm-hmm.
- And what was your goal there?

- Well, to sort it out
so it doesn't ripple out

Onto the floor
when they're working.

It's become very
complicated here.

I don't know why
after 26 restaurants

I have ended up with this kind
of incestuous den of iniquity.

- Laura-leigh made you go boom!
In that meeting.

- She was terrifying.

- You are so fake!

You're gonna send me
text messages harassing me.

- Oh, I totally did.
Of course I did.

'cause I'm the only one
that befriended you.

- I covered your [bleep]ing ass!
I worked all your tables.

And I did it so that you
wouldn't get in trouble.

Called you when I got off work
to tell you.

Didn't even hear back from you
for two weeks,

So don't talk to me
about being a good friend.

- Boom!

- Scheana, you said laura-leigh
did this to herself.

What did you mean?

- She willingly got into
a relationship with jax.

I mean, she was stassi's friend,
she chose to betray stassi

And start dating jax.

I mean, she got herself
in this situation.

I don't feel bad
for her at all.

- How did it make you feel
to hear that she was sending

Those texts?

- I knew that she cared.
Like, that's the part that--

- See? Loving it.
- Yeah, you do!

- You knew she cared about you
and you liked it.

- I knew that stassi cared.

Like, if she didn't care,
she wouldn't have done that.

- Using laura-leigh. Exactly.

- It was a bad--
everything I've done is bad.

I get it. I get it, guys.
Everything I've done is bad.

Bad, bad, bad.

The whole summer was bad,
I know.

What I did was wrong.
Yes, I get it.

- Well, you know, kristen,
you imploded on a modeling job

When you ran into
that girl cassandra

Who had slept with tom
before you met him.

- Yeah.

Did you have sex
with tom sandoval?

- I'm eating, hold on.

- I know, it's weird.
I know, it's just weird.

Sick [bleep].
- Holy [bleep], holy [bleep]!

- I've run into tom, like,
periodically, like, since then.

- Can you guys just
stop talking about it, please?

Like, I'm not trying
to be a b*tch, just, like--

- Okay.

- I feel like I'm gonna
throw up right now.

- When tom and I first
started dating, he lived

With these twin girls
who were seniors in high school.

And worked at hooters.

- Which I didn't
know at the time.

- I did not know until
after they moved in.

They came home,
slammed the door--

- You didn't know what?

- They were 18.
- And they worked at hooters.

- Hold on, I have
got to interrupt you

And ask the elephant
in the room.

So you were sleeping with
twin high school girls?

- No. Just one.
- Just one.

- Cassandra.

- Then when I'm realizing
that this is the girl

Who had been sleeping
with my boyfriend prior to,

All I am picturing is,
"was it on my bed?

Was it on my couch?
Was it in my living room?"

- When you move in
to his apartment, though,

You have to know that he
slept with other girls in there

Before you came along.
- Absolutely, but...

- It's not your
relationship now.

- Close quarters
with these girls.

- For any woman, like,
when you come in contact

With a girl that your boyfriend
has slept with,

It is really unsettling,
I'm sorry.

It's really uncomfortable
when you're, like,

"hey, I know my boyfriend's
been inside you,

That's really cool."

- Nor was I a b*tch to her.
- But come on.

Like, yelling it out
in the middle of a photo sh**t?

- You moved into his apartment.
His apartment.

- So what?

- So you can't be, like,
"oh, you had sex on my bed."

No, it was his bed.
He lived there first.

You have to know
that comes with the territory.

- It's uncomfortable.
- So then why bring it up

And make it more uncomfortable?
Why not ignore it and move on?

- Well, then stassi said

That cassandra didn't look
like a hooker anymore,

So she doesn't
look like scheana.

- Oh, god, I regret that,
and I don't mean that.

- Thanks.
- I'm sorry.

- It's cool. I don't
think I look like a hooker.

- You don't look like a hooker.
- You do, but...


- So scheana, I want to talk
about your performance.

Everyone wants to know
if you can freak, b*tch.

- oh, yeah.

- ♪ can you freak, b*tch?

♪ the girl I wanna be

♪ that's what I like

- Were you inauguration beyonce

Or super bowl beyonce?

- I was half and half.
There were parts

Where I definitely
got out of breath

And the girls behind me
were singing,

But I had my track playing--
- you were singing to a track.

- So I was singing
over my track.

- So you were
inauguration beyonce.

- A little bit of both.
- Yes. Okay.

Stassi, when scheana's
singing career first came up,

You said that she should leave
singing to people with talent.

Scheana, how did you feel
when you heard that?

- I'm just like, okay, well,
come to my show

And watch me freak, b*tch.

- You admitted
that you went to rip her.

- Yeah.

- She went to sneer
and stayed to cheer.

And I like that.

- She went to sneer...
- And stayed to cheer.

- That's good.
- That's a good one.

- So scheana, stassi spent
the last two months

Calling you a hooker.

What was it about her
that night

That made you feel sympathy
for her?

- I just saw her so upset.
She started walking with me,

And I'm like, "whoa, whoa, wait.
Hold on."

I saw someone
that needed a friend.

Are you okay?
- No. I'm not.

- Give me a hug.
- I want to--

I'm gonna have
a mental break...Down.

- She does not care what
anybody says about her,

Thinks about her, but she's got
a heart of gold, this girl.

She really, really has.

- And where is your
friendship now?

- So close, it's crazy.
- Wow.

- I-I love her.
- I do.

- I wanna talk about
you letting frank go.

Seemed like, uh...
- I didn't let him go.

I fired him.
I gave him the big hoof,

And he needed it.
- You did.

- Okay, so--
- be a man, stand up,

And tell me what
you [bleep] said.

Tell me what you said.
- I told him if he didn't

Walk back down to
his girlfriend,

I'd embarrass him
in front of her

By pulling his underwear
over his head.

- Oh! Well, well done.
There we have it.

I'm firing you.

- Were you making
an example of him,

Or was what he did
really inexcusable?

- Oh, it was egregious.
You can't confront a customer.

He said, "I'm gonna pull
your underwear over your head."

Who says that?
I mean, you have that [bleep],

You gotta go.
- So frank gets fired,

And immediately, you're taking
him to meet your parents

For the first time.

- This is frank.
- You must be frank.

- Yes.
- Much more substantial

Than the last one.

- The worst part,
and I told her this,

Was him meeting her parents.

I couldn't hand--
that drove me nuts.

That's the little things
like that bother me the most.

Just, okay, she moved on,
but meeting her parents?

Come on.

- 'cause you had probably...
- Because I thought--

- Spent a lot of time with them.

- Yeah, I spent a ton of time
with her mom and dad.

A ton of time--I was
always up at her mom's house

In new orleans.

So that was so hurtful,
and she knows that.

I told her that was one of
the most hurtful things.

- Stassi,
you seemed stunned

When you and frank had
that last disagreement.

- I mean, it was seriously
out of nowhere.

And then all of a sudden,
he just came in

And he was just so aggressive
and annoyed about something,

And I didn't understand it.

Like, "are you kidding me
right now?"

And it just escalated.

- You said, after the breakup,

You said, "god is literally
trying to k*ll me."

You had had two breakups,

You weren't getting along
with your friends.

You were suspended at work.
- Yeah.

- Do you take
any of the blame there,

Or do you think it was--

- I know I'm impossible
to deal with.

I know that.
I can totally own up to that.

- That's what I love
about her.

- Well, you really care
about her being upset,

Then why were you bonking

- Boom!
- Don't give me that [bleep].

- Why was she with frank?
- No, I'm sorry.

Let's not even go there,

- Well, we're gonna
go there, actually.

- Okay.

- Do any of you ever see frank?

- Better not ever
see that guy again.

- I see him.
We were dating after the show...

- You were dating
after the show wrapped?

You got back together?
- Yeah.

- Wow.

How long were you
back together with him?

- It was just recently ended.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

- Who was a better boyfriend,
jax or frank?

- Frank is an amazing

As a boyfriend,
frank is a better boyfriend.

He is.

Jax and I
have something different,

But he's not that great
of a boyfriend,

And that's the problem.
- He lets you down?

- I mean, of course
he lets me down.

He lets me down 24/7.

- Are you kidding me?
- Jax,


- Okay.

In two years, every single day
I've let you down.

- You've let me down
a lot.

- Takes two.
- Well, you were sitting here

Saying something else
a second ago,

Saying you knew how much
you [bleep] up and--

- I did, but I mean, come on,
I know I did, but--

I was making the effort.

Even when you were with him,
I was, "what do you need?"

Even if you were dating him,
"what do you need?

I'll come and get you, I'll--"

- Yeah, you--
- why would you say that

When she was with frank?
- Because I love her.

- You don't love her enough
to be faithful to her.

- So jax,

I'm curious if you were nervous

When breaking up
with laura-leigh

About how she might react

Or what effect
that might have on her,

Knowing what a fragile
state she was in.

- Yeah, you know,

I mean, obviously you saw
when she came to the bar

And kind of...Raised hell
in front of customers.

- All of a sudden, you just
stop texting, stop calling me

And expect me not to want
an explanation?

- Are you really gonna
do this at the bar?

- Yeah, I am.
Sorry, we were dating,

And he just like
stopped talking to me

But didn't give me a reason
or an explanation.

- Do you want me to hang out
with you

Still while I'm in love
with someone else?

- Hey, hey, sorry I've been
[bleep] you every day

Without protection
and been inside of you

And told you really
intimate things every day,

But guess what, I don't have
enough respect for you

To tell you that I'm never
gonna talk to you again.

[bleep] you.

- You should have stopped it
right then and there.

- I'm behind the bar,
I got customers--

- She was screaming
to the customers.

- You were guilty
of the same thing.

- I can't talk.
- Watching you and laura-leigh

At that kind of recovery

And then seeing you
choose that moment

To...Dump her...

- I like you a lot.
You know that, right?

I do.
I like you a lot.

But in order for us to grow,

I think spending
every single day together

I think might be
a little bit much.

- I'm so uncomfortable
right now,

I need to go for a walk.

I need to go for a walk.

Listen. Listen, will you
talk to me for a second?

Sorry. I thought it was a good
time to meet--it wasn't.

- It wasn't a good time.
It was a stupid [bleep] time.

- I didn't really realize
till after I did it--

- I was so uncomfortable
watching that, like--

- You know what, I didn't put
two and two together--

- Two and two what?
- No, to--to

Break up with her
after the recovery meeting.

I was probably like--
now when I watch it,

I'm like,
"oh, my god, I did it

Right after
her recovery meeting."

Like, I didn't--
I didn't even--

- But you had said on the show

"well, she always seems clear
and strong after that meeting."

- She does, I just--I think
I bit off a little more

Than I could chew.

- You did.
- And I didn't realize--

- Well, it was interesting,
because she was saying to you

That you [bleep] her
for 30 days without protection

And then didn't have the balls

To break up with her
to her face.

- But I did have the balls
to break up--

I did have the balls

To break up with her.
- You did?

- Yeah, I told her--
well, I guess I didn't--

- Then she gets jaxed.
- I'm just trying to move on.

- She gets jaxed!
- She gets jaxed.

- Yeah, and it's not
my business,

Really is not my business--
- what do you do

When you try to move on?
- But having unprotected sex

With everybody
clearly is not working for you.

- All right, can we take
the heat off me for a while?

- You don't think I was
crying every day?

My whole [bleep] life
fell apart.

It was the hardest summer
of my life.

My whole [bleep] life
fell apart.

- Well, I wanna know
how long it takes tom

To do his hair.


- I've gotten much better.

It takes me about 15 minutes.

- That is a complete lie.
- That is a lie.

[overlapping chatter]
- what other, kristen,

What other female products

Does he use
that we don't know about?

- Guyliner.

- Guyliner.
- Guyliner.

- Yeah, I mean, every
hair product in the world.


face bronzer, body bronzer.

Concealer, like bronzer.

- Got a lot of comments

About tom shaving his forehead.

Tom, what is that
all about?

- I shave my whole face.

The reason why,

It exfoliates
all that dead skin off.

You can see there's not
a single wrinkle right here.

- Any plans to grow out
your hair on your forehead?

- Um...

- He can't even grow a beard.

- Aw.


- Aw.

- Stassi, you defended frank
when katie said

That he was only wanting
to get in your pants,

Because you said, "a lot of
people want to get in my pants."

Approximately how many people
wanna get in your pants?

- I don't know!

Probably a lot less now.

- that's funny.

- I would like to get
in your pants, girl.

- You would like
to get in her pants?

- Yeah.
- When was the last time

You were in her pants,
out of curiosity?

[everyone moaning]
- it's been a while.

It's been a while.
- Okay.

- Andy, come on.

- So jax, as a viewer,

You got to see
a different side of you.

You talked about the pressures
of being in l.A.,

Your inner struggle
to try to fit in.

And it seems like you're pouring
your heart out to her,

And then you come back
and admit

That the flip side was true.

- The thing that really
set her off

Is she heard
that I cheated on her.

- Did that happen?
- No.

- Are you able to be
completely honest with me?

- You've got to be real
about where you're at.

You can't try to be
something that you're not,

Like you have been.

- Can I ask you something?

If you can't be honest
with the therapist,

When are you gonna be honest?

Otherwise, don't bother going.
Get your money back.

- Yeah, the only thing
I can take back of that

Is I wish I would have just told
the therapist the truth.

But at the very end,
I did come clean, so...

- But I think you do
what you want to do.

That's the problem.

If you want to
[bleep] a girl in vegas,

You [bleep] a girl in vegas,

And then you try and clean
the whole mess up.

That's what's got to change.

- Stassi, when jax showed up
with the flowers at sur,

Were you happy or could you
tell something was up?

- I knew something was up.

Like, "what are those
flowers for?"

- [sighs]

I did go to vegas and have
relations with somebody else.

I'm sorry.

- What the [bleep]
did I ever do to you?

What did I ever do to you
like to deserve this?

What did I do?

- That was really hard
to watch.

We were like watching it
together in tears.

- Stassi, do you feel like
it was a real apology

Or was it--
- I don't know

If I could ever trust him.


Like, why should I?

- What reaction did you
expect from her that night?

- I thought she was
gonna deck me, really.

I was waiting for it.

It was hard just watching her
break down.

- Why did you decide
to tell the truth then?

- I just couldn't
take it anymore.

I was just...
I had to be honest.

It was eating at me,
and I just had to do it.

- Were you ashamed?
- Of course, of course.

I hurt the girl that I thought
I was gonna marry one day.

- You also hurt
your best friend.

- And I hurt my best friend.

I hurt everybody, you know?

I hurt everyone.

- You actually seem to be

The only one here
that's not very upset.

- I'm just keeping it in.

I'm just keeping it in.

- So do you guys,
as his good friends,

Hear him saying that
he's trying to build your trust

And he's trying to
move past it--

Do you buy it?
- No.

You come clean
and apologize,

But I feel like you use it
to get pity sometimes.

You use it so people
are like,

"oh, my god, he was so strong
to come out and tell the truth."

- Oh, my god, he's so strong.
- He's so strong, he came clean.

It's like, "I can't win."

- It [bleep] annoys
the [bleep] outta me.

- When you hear from your boss,

Your best friend,
and your ex-girlfriend

That they all expect

That you're not telling
the truth,

How does that make you feel?
- Not very good.

Not good at all.

- Don't take this
the wrong way,

But are you
a pathological liar?

Do you have a problem
with lying?

- I think everyone
tells a lie now and again.

- No, they don't.
- No, they don't.

- I know this guy's a pathol--
I know he lies all the time!

I'm still his friend,
you know?

- So jax, do have anything else
to come clean about?

- No, I-I feel like, uh,
you know, a lot of people

Are doing other things
in their lives,

And I'm not doing
everything, you know?

- Is it pressure to--

- Yeah, it's pressure to like
do something with myself

Because these guys
are doing stuff,

Maybe I should make myself
look like

I'm doing something too,
you know?

I'm a little late in life,

But I'm trying to figure
myself out,

And--I'm sorry,
this is tough.

- Stassi,

After all the crying
and screaming

And tantrums,

Abuse, bad behavior,

It turns out
that you were right.

- Do you know how long I've been
waiting to hear you say that?

Felt really good.
I needed that.

It was just kind of like,
I knew it!

I got it!

- See, this is why I think
stassi had such a meltdown,

And you never saw
the positive side of stassi.

Everything fell apart,

Because her best friends
turned their back on her.

- That's totally
not [bleep] true. Sorry, lisa.

- That is true.
She was devastated.

- Lisa, she's my best friend
for three years.

I know she was devastated,

But she chose to walk away
from our friendship.

- I did not walk away!
- You said basically

[bleep] katie and kristen,
I'm done.

- 'cause you guys left me!
- Let me ask you this.

It seemed also the other way
to look at it is

They were trying to protect you

Because they didn't trust
this new guy

Who was giving you
this information--

- Great job in protecting me,
just leaving me on my own

So I'm isolated
the whole entire summer?

Like, it's not protecting me.
- You pushed them away.

- Yeah, you did.
- This is so ridiculous.

- Stassi, you know,
I love you,

And you've definitely
calmed down,

But during this time, stassi--
- no, [bleep]!

- Your ego was [bleep]
out of control.

- You weren't the same--
- no [bleep] I wasn't the same!

I just found out
that the love of my life

[bleep] someone else in vegas.
Are you [bleep] me?

- Don't [bleep] blame it
on that!

You would only have people
around you

That were literally
kissing your ass.

- I needed people
that were uplifting

And positive and supporting
and not telling me--

- You never asked us
about our relations--

Yeah, you did!

- I'm sorry, but I didn't
give a [bleep]

About your relationship
at that point

Because you were siding
with my ex-boyfriend!

- They listen,
they listen.

They do their job.
- I listened to you.

- You didn't do your job.
You were wrong.

I hope you feel stupid.
I hope you feel stupid,

And I hope you feel stupid.
- I don't feel stupid.

- Feel stupid about what?
- About believing him.

I hope you feel stupid,
because you guys

All tried to make me
feel stupid all summer long.

I looked like the [bleep]hole.
I was alone.

I had no friends.
I was isolated.

- You pushed everybody away.
- I was alone!

- But you should believe
your best friend.

If you're best friends,

- Yeah, but do you also realize
that over three years,

We've been a family,
and jax is also--

- No. She was your friend.

- Did you guys go and ask jax
whether it was true or not?

- Oh, we asked him
a million times.

- Oh, hell, yeah.
- And he said no.

You denied it.
- Yeah.

- So you caused
this huge breakup

Between not only
you and stassi

But stassi
and her two best friends.

- Yeah.

- But I look psychotic.

It just looks like I'm just
some insecure, stupid b*tch,

And it feels really unfair.

- Why are you crying?

- [crying] it was the hardest
summer of my life.

It was so hard,
and it's documented.

And everyone has a [bleep]
opinion about it.

And everyone hates me!

And I just felt so alone!

Yeah, my friends fell apart
and I wasn't calling my parents.

I wasn't talking to anyone.

I was heartbroken,

And then heartbroken
over them too.

Like what do you want from me?
I just--[stammers].

It's hard.
It was really hard.

- I'm sorry.

- Do you think you have a shot
of winning this woman back?

- I love her.
I'm not gonna give up on her.

I still love her.
I'm not gonna stop fighting.

I'm not gonna
throw in the towel.

- So after all that's happened,

Do you think you have a shot
of winning this woman back?

- Um...She's the woman
I want to be with.

So as of right now,
I-I hope so.

- You think that there's
a chance for you two

In the future?

- I-I don't ever say no
to anything.

I mean, I don't know.
It would take a lot.

A lot.

- Is part of the thing

That is keeping you invested

The fact that she's not
letting you in?

- No, I...

Trust me, it's tough
to sleep at night.

It really is.

You know,
I miss her ridiculously.

My--my heart
is still with her.

It's really tough.

No, it'd be great, I wish
she'd be like, "oh, okay,

I love you,
I'll take you back."

I wish--
that'd be great.

- She's making you
pay for it, man.

- Yeah. I love her.
I'm not gonna give up on her.

I still love her.
I'm not gonna stop fighting.

I'm not gonna throw in
the towel.

- Do you love him?

- I'll always love him.

- Are you in love with him?

- I don't--

I don't think
I'm ever gonna meet anyone

Like jax.

We had something--
as [bleep] up as it was--

Something insanely special,

Like we're like
the same person.

Minus the lying part.

You know, we're like
two peas in a pod.

I don't think
I'll ever find that,

But I was betrayed, so...
- There was so much damage.

There's a lot of damage
that's been done,

And I know that,
and I'm working on myself.

And it's been six months,
and I'm still trying.

And I'm not gonna stop.

- Well, it's fair to say

That a lot went down
last summer.

Has the dust settled at sur?

They've got something different
going on every day.

- Well, we can't end this thing
without a cocktail.

Peter, get over here.

- Hey.
All: Hey!

- What have you got for us?
- There he is.

- How is everyone?
- A necessary drink, please.

- Oh, yeah, of course.
- Exactly.

- Can we get a double shake?

All: Yeah!

- The g*ns are looking good,

- All right.
- What are we drinking tonight?

- We are drinking
the pumpilicious.

- The pumpilicious.
- I like that.

[overlapping chatter]

So cheers,
but can we all remember

That I'm running a restaurant
and not a kindergarten?

- We'll try.
- We'll try.


- Cheers.
- Cheers to trying.

- Cheers!
- Thank you, peter.

- Cheers.
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