01x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

Warning, the following programs
contain love, and a fast talking



Previously, how far back
should we go?

Who's ready for a summer of

In case you had a big
weekend, let me catch you up.

Week one on "love island" five
girls coupled up with five guys.

Then bombshell Kyra came in and
stole one of the guys cashel.

Leaving single, then two new
byes Abercrombie & Fitch, aka

Cormac and Dylan turned up the

Then big decision in the first


Meant Michael got dumped.

Tonight relationships move

You will be spending tonight
in the hideaway.

There is a hoedown and a


I hear it's someone's

I hear it's someone's

On Friday Michael the vegan

was vegone, and now we have Zac
and Elizabeth, yamen and Alana

Weston and Mallory, cashel and
Kyra, and new couples Dylan and

Alexandra and Cormac and caro.

You close your eyes.

No one can find you.

Caro's decision left her
feeling devastateed, for four


Now she is bravely moving on by
talking to the man she did

choose, Cormac.

Was it hard to do.

It was a hard decision just
because I felt like I betrayed

Michael because like he had this
idea that like me and him were

going to be coupled up as

But the thing is, it is like I'm
not here to like be friend


Cormac, he is a funny guy,
great personality.

So there is me giving him a
chance to be in this villa and

me giving a chance on myself on
trying to find love.

You know, I am happy that I
am coupled up, you know.

You are happy that you are
coupled up with me?

I'm happy I'm coupled up with

An this is me being honest.


And this is why I made this


Thank you.

For being honest.

With Michael I knew there was
nothing, with you, I don't know

that yet, you know, I'm happy
that I can, like, be coupled up

because it feels like I have
someone that I can get to talk


Okay, great.

Because have I been single.

I have to go-- shave my leg,
don't even look at them.

Definitely going to make more
of an effort to hang out with

caro because she say nice girl,
she say very beautiful girl.

I am very lucky to be with her.

Even when I do understand
him, I don't understand him.

Even when I do understand
him, I don't understand him.


Hey, girl.

What's up.

What are you doing?

I want to talk to you.

Yeah, talk to me.

What's up?

So how do you feel about

I felt good about anything.

I think are you very sweet and
very nice.

Obviously like I think are
you a great guy and like you

deserve to be here and you
deserve to find love like

everybody else does, and that is
why I picked you to stay around.

I am really bad at this kind of

I don't really feel lake it's
right for me.

I don't see it romantic.


I don't like want to force
anything or have anything

awkward or uncomfortable.

During the recoupling I did
say I am a sucker for cowboys.

I was just being nice, being
funny, trying to crook a joke.

And but you know, can I see why
that might have sent him a mixed


I didn't really mean it in that
way that, that I like like him.

You feel that we just need to
do friend thing, like that's 100

percent okay with me.

I am agreeing with you, I know
you want to be friends.

Yeah, just friends.


You are not attracted to me,
in that direction, and I'm not

like either, so it's like not a
big deal.


At the end of the day, like,
if you don't follow your heart,

than what are you doing here.

The conversation with Mallory, I
feel happy about it.

I feel like another weight was
off my shoulders.

I'm glad she was honest, so
yeah, I feel good about it, to

be honest.

Yeah, we are using this song.

Good night.

I like, I really do like you.

It is love island, things change
quickly and the thing that kind

of gets me nervous is like a new
person comes in, and then maybe

they suddenly give you that
spark, now like I'm by myself.

I'm not letting you push a a
leg across me and be all up on

me and.

That is what I was thinking.

Even today, the kiss was kind
of nice, oh-- hmmmm.

It's a really expensive song,
you guys.

We have o to play the whole

I don't want to wait for our
lives to be over.

♪ open up your morning light.

♪ Say a little prayer.

♪ You know that if we are--

♪ You know that if we are--

♪ On the kitchen floor sneet but
here I lie.

♪ It it brings us.


I'm so happy I'm here.

I heard you guys going on.

I was like oh.

Yeah, bro.

I slept so well last night.

I did I really did he was in my
dream but like I don't remember

what the dream was.

I'm having a really good time
with yamen, you see that, what I

did there sth.

Supermarket attendant Zac
joins Elizabeth to take stock of

their relationship.


What's up.

Me an Zac are definitely

It is good.

I was laughing too because I was
like night one, is with like

don't touch me.

And then like night two, like,
our feet touched.

And then like night three, like
we had a kiss so where is your

head at, after last night.

Do you feel like-- we talked
about a lot of things.

Aw law.

Like talking about, like,
like what kind of marriage you

want to have in life and family
and all of that.

I think it's so funny.

Like we're just touching feet
two nights ago.


Like, where my head is at like
right now, um, I like you a lot.

I like you a lot it too.

I mean like guys definitely
see it.


And I don't know, I'm really

Me too.

I think-- I still think it's
really crazy.

It's so crazy.

Absolutely crazy.

And I don't know, like.

I really did mot expect this.

Like I can't even like, I feel
like it it sounds weeshed, oh, I

didn't expect this to happen,
like no I literally did not

expect this.

Are you feeling a Lana.

No, yeah, we had a nice cozy
smooch session last night.

I heard.

It was pleasant.

You are amazing.

It was pleasant.

What she said to me was the
cutest thing w I am like, you

know, she makes me smile, I'm
halving a good time with it, I

like where it is going.

At first I felt like she was
trying to press herself on me a

little bit.

And I feel like she is like
adapted to it and I'm like hell

ya, high five, give me a kiss,
Alana showed a lot of maturity

in me being able to take my
vibe, of just let things


And things have been natural.

She say great girl.

She seems like she is a very
great girl.

Everything yesterday, the
whole recoupling and all that, a

little speech and everything.

I was like okay, this is nice.

Sth nice.

I thought it was very sweet.

I thought it was very genuine,
it made me feel nice and


It made me feal like ooh, you

I feel like you have grown a lot
since you have been here.

And I don't know, I really like
the way things are heading.

And I enjoy hanging out with

I enjoy cuddling with you.

I don't know, I'm really having
a good time with you.

And I feel like it is 100
percent like, just, 100 percent

genuine and it's real.


Yeah, yeah, it's all great
over here.

It's all crazy.

Arielle: Islanderred to's

game, float my boat.

There you go.

Baby, get on my back, we're

Oh joy a'hoy t it is our
first gratuitous slow-mo shot of

the week.

Today's game is float my boat.

And we all know what floats

Being forced to explain rules.

Each couple must work as a team
toin flait a sea worthy raft.

But it gets better.

The girls are blindfolded.

And just like a weekend trip
to that massive Swedish

furniture store, the boys will
scream instructions as their


The first couple to paddle
around that weird-looking pink

duck and make it back across the
finish line actually win

something this time.

You will see the prize later.

Being blindfolded is freaking

Usually you do that if other


We couldn't afford a fog horn
so I will do the honors.

Here goes.


♪ Chop chop.

Here we go.

Keep it coming there is still
more, yeah.

Keep going back that way.

No, no, no.

The other way, now we got to
find the hole.

I didn't really have to do
much, actually.

Just walk forward, boom, dun,
get the thing, put it in the

thing, boom, boomk boom.

Stand up, stand off it, are
you good there, there you go,


Come on now let's work.

No, no, no, no.



No, no.

None of that.

I'm getting tired.

She has done this before.

Like I literally felt like I
was going to pass out.

Alex, watch out, Alex, there
is a trap, watch out for the


You just started listening to
Yemen telling to you keep going.

I am like no, you're done.

This is a disaster, I done
even trust them on land.

I think we were like the
third ones out there and then I

managed to pass up caro and

Everything went smooth there
was no part where I was getting


Okay, let's go.

You hold that.

The paddle board was
literally flapping in the wind.

It was a floppy flipper.

Mallory, it deflated paddle
board was a symbol of their


Tomorrow night on love
island, Alana and yamen finally

make it to the water.

I think somebody's winning
to-- just call me when they're


We won!

Let's go!


We both wanted to win really

We went from first, second,

It was better.

Our board did not float.

We had a down fall, we made
it freaking work, didn't we?

I was just hanging on for
dear life.

I said baby, imet on my back,
we're going.

We were second to last.

It was terrible.

We're first in everyone's

We got it to the ocean, Alana
is at the spa.

She's just chilling.

She was able to have a spa day.

I was just-- was just Michael

I was fell paragraphing.

And I was feeling it.


We finished so.

And we looked the best doing

Hmmmm, hmmmm, uh-huh.

We did.

Well, as they say, the couple
that rationalizes failure

together, I will see you back at
the villa.

I really like it.

The morning where we are just
chilling, getting back rubs and

arm rubs.

Would you let your daughter
date somebody like you?


You have frekels, can we
put-- it kind of hides them.

I want to tell you something.

What's up?

I like you.

I like you too.

You like playing with hair.


I like your hair like this.

I love you guys.

I quhanged my vibe.

Just wait, wait.

I'm actually hoping that
Cormac show falls for me, you

know when aw make a bad boy
good, kind of thing.

I'm kneeling swagalicious


I can't believe it.

Isn't it it crazy how you can
connect with people like so

fast, what it is like, you are
here at home what is it like


I feel like I'm a dude in the
situation where I will start to

get involved and he will be
putting like himself out there

and then I get freaked out
because I don't want to get hurt

first so I either distract
myself or just slowly paddle out

or-- but here it is just like I
don't have that choice.


And I'm starting to like
someone and I don't have the

choice of back peddling and

Back home, dating just is
hard and I feel like you talk

with so many guys and they just

So I like to figure out why.

I feel like okay, so like I
needed this.

I never like go around guys
without makeup.

I have always felt uncomfortable
about it just because I have

always been insecure about t and
Dylan made a comment, I like you

so much better without makeup.

You look so pretty.

And it just made me so happy,
like I'm just happy to be like

in this close of a setting.

Like family.

It has opened me up so much,
because that is what hurts, and

like, I love you guys.


I know, I know.

We love you.

Love you.

The boys are so sweet and
would never scheme to prank them

with a fake tat.

Hashtag first rodeo, hashtag
first rodeo.

I like that.

I got a tat!

Weston is going right now.

What 1234 wait.

Your new hair 150eu8 look as
maizing, caro.

I give it a cardi b plus.

Guys, my heart is going to

My heartbeat, what the hell
is going on.

Oh my god, a mu girl, right,
new girl.

Weston, America has voted,
please head to the front of the

villa to meet your first date.

Hashtag happy birthday hash
tack first rodeo.

Let's about.

Let's go.

Oh my imod.

Can you believe it?

Oh my god!


It's a joke.

It's a joke.

It's a joke, it's a joke.

Wait, what.

No, they are not-- no,

It's a joke.

That is a joke?

Are you serious? Are you

Weston, are you serious!

I was going it to cry, are you
kidding me?

Oh my god!

That was not nice.

I will never touch any of
them ever again.

Oh my god.

I could have been drinking.

We're going to get your ass

They got us good, that, the
hashtags they used were on


I am still mad.

I was so stressed out.

I was like oh my.

They put me-- oh, go on.

In the the recoupling
caro chose Cormac very


And mow she's hoping to find out
what it is.

There is awesome.

I'm just analyzing you.

Are you going to stare at me
all night.


I'm glad, I'm coupled with
you because I feel if I wasn't I

wouldn't be ksh-- pretty much.

But hold on, like I had one
day, like, lake I had one day.

And exactly I chose you it to
see if there is a connection

between me and you.

So far, I don't know.

I feel like for me I'm very good
at reading people and I read you

pretty well.

Like I mow are you just waiting
por something to twawk in the

door, I am a's not dumb.

I mean I want you to to realize
I chose you for that.

Yeah, I know.

I didn't chose you it to be a

You just have to make it it

If you don't see a connection
with me, let me know.

Yeah, I know.

And it's like obviously, I
don't think we are 100 percent

each other's type.


It's like kind of like.

I think I was more attracted
to you with your.

Obviously I don't want
somebody who is more attracted

to me like who I am.

That is just may being honest
am but I'm just saying, me being

honest I would not want it to be
together with someone who is

more attracted to me when I'm
not being myself, you know.

Yeah, sure.

There wasn't much of a

I think she maybe wanted me to
say more or maybe wanted more

out of me but will much wasn't
much more it to be said.

Are you off in the distance
with Cormac.


Just waiting for me to come n
I'm trying to get a

investigation but he is waiting
for someone to come in.

He even told me that.

You told me you weren't into


You shut him down from the
get go.

Yeah, you are right,
approximate you I keep imetting

are you mot my type, would you
turn on your ass.


But me coupling with him was
to see if there would be a


There and I'm trying to build
what connection but he's like,

doesn't feel like.

But you shut him down.

Yeah, I know t just-- if it
disunt flow.

Right now I do want to focus
encore mack but I want to keep

getting to know Weston but I
think it will be very casual.

I just want to chill.

You like a little bumble bee
that likes to get pollen. You

like to communicate with people.

You are flirty.

I will be honest.

You are flirty.

So that being said, like.

You are saying yeah, just.

I hate myself within yeah, so
listen, so then as a guy

perspective, you look like that
same kind of person, like are

you talking, talking, talking.

If a guy went and talked to all
these girls, y'all are going to

go he is such a player, flirting
with all the girls.

I feel like it it is the
friend, I feel Luke I don't want

to ksh-- I don't know.

I am going to sh**t you
straight, I promise.

I'm giving you real advice.

So what would you advise me
to do.

I would get it to know him.

You have to open that window
back up.

You have to open the window up.

Remember that fake text
before the break, me needer.

Let's see how they handle a real


Oh my gosh, wait, I got a

No, you didn't.

No, I swear to god.

What 1234.

No way.

It says Dylan and Alexandra,
as a reward for wing today's

game float your boat you will be
spending tonight in the hideaway


Hashtag anchors away, hashtag
first mate.



You you going it to the


Are you excited, are you

I'm excited.

I feel like Dylan is just
like so different from a lot of

guys that I have met.

Is he really genuine.

He just made comments to me like
I love you without makeup and no

guy has ever said that to me.

He is just like a really sweet

I'm just excited for you.

You imet privacy and stuff.


After him talking today too
saying I definitely like

Alexandra, what about some other
girls he was like no he was so

sure of it.

That is really nice.

I'm excited to just talk to
him without annoying everyone

around me.

All right, well what's up
dude, are you going to plan for


No, have I zero plan

Do what you feel.

I got no plan at all.

See what is am there.

I flow we went on a date
together, one-on-one and that

was awesome.

Whenever we talk it's awesome.
And she is always awesome, so

I'm hoping the same thing will
happen and it's still awesome.

Do you guys like him.


I haven't made out with
someone since October.


Oh my god.

Well, have fun.

Yeah, have fun.

Yeah, I am just going to have

Have fun.


There is so weird.

Sleep tight, don't let the
bed bugs lick your toes.

I'm scared.


Oh my god, it's so cool.

The night is young.

♪ But so are we.

♪ Let's get to know each other.

♪ So easily.

♪ I'm excited.

♪ Is he actually superchill.

♪ I am I am morer in
vows-- nervous for people.

It is weird because we are
always around people.

I know.

Oh you are burnt.

You don't have to.

♪ We could.

Right now, it is almost too
good to be true how good we get


I know.

We could probably go pretty

Or whatever your type is
walks am the door and you're

like I am over over this guy.

Good night Cormac.

Good night pro.

Good night guys.



I did get butterflies when
you kissed me though.

Did you.



We could dpsh-- oh my.

Check out the love island app
por exclusive content and stir

things up by voting.

Download the app tonight,
available for free on ios and

and android devices.

Within Dylan and Alexandra
spent the night in the hide

aaway which say pansee way of
saying moar room am the villa.

Now everyone wakes up and it is
a special day for one of our


(cheers and applause)

Everybody imet up.


Every day say new beginning.



Oh they got the walk of

Oh, what was y'all doing last

Yeah, yeah!

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday, boss.

Thank you, brother.

Did you sleep w-8.

It was good.

Clear as hell today too.


Pretty dope that your
birthday is inside here because

I would always remember this

I can't wait to have an
amazing day doing amazing stuff

for Weston's birthday is about
to be lit.

Yeah, bro, whatever you want,
you request it, so you should

actually request something from
everyone today.


Let's hear about this-- trn.


Hideaway action.

St like the perfect spot to
like, I don't know how to

explain it we sat down on the
balcony and just like, we just

opened up about stuff that, you
know, would you never open up

with, like without that

It was just insane.

Tand is hard not to be in that,
like, lovey dovey.

It gets new that mood even if
you are not in it, right.

It's crazy.

It has just been really

And I'm trying not to even think
if I'm getting feelings yet, but

it's been awesome.

And and trying to take it slow
but it's hard to take it slow.



Hey girl.

What's up how did it loosh like
in there.

It's really cute.

How was it.

It was so good.

It was just like really chill,
you know.

I don't know, I am like giddy it
is so weird.

It was just really nice.

That's so cute.

And he was so cute.

I know.

Did you make out.

Yeah, we made out but that's

My friends back home are
probably like yeah!

They're probably so happy.

What's it like, ready girls,
is there any like-- it doesn't

seem like there is muchiness.

No, not at all.

If a girl comes in here and
wants to to talk, like of course

I'm going to talk.

That's fine.

You know what I mean.



I mean I always said like.

Like I know where you are at
with if.

With what?

Like you always said if you
want to talk, talk.


If you want to do that, do


I know, I know you respect


I'm not trying to get nothing
out of you.

I ain't looking.

But you know what I mean.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

I ain't looking around.

I'm not either but yeah,
obviously approximate someone

came through and if there is a
strong connection, you have to

go with that.

At the end of the day with a
new girl coming in, if he's

like, I'm like all right, your
loss anyways and then it wasn't

meant to be.

I'm not going to be happy about
it because I have really been

putting my time into cash and
I'm really starting to like him,

which I did not expect.

Meanwhile birthday boy Weston
continues to celebrate with Zac

in a reenactment of brokeback

This is my first bromance
bubble bath, so two big guys

chilling in the bath together.

Put your feet on.

How do you find out if you

It is not something that
happens often for me but I.

You know I get into the
inside and I am think being it a


And I it is kind of word vomit
and I think that definitely

applies to Elizabeth.

I think we connect really well
and I think we have like a good

understanding of each other.

I feel like this is just what
was supposed to happen at the

right place at the right time.

One of the things that I want
in life is I do want a family.

I want to have my own kids.

Another thing for me is I the
attractiveness of a girl, I

always picture.

You know that pretty quick.


Like I want to find a girl
and actually have a family.

I think I would just really like
taking on the spoivelt of being

a father.

I think I would be a good dad.

So it's like something that I,
yeah, I really want in life.

Well, ain't you comfy there
on yon island, well, cowboy,

that is going to change the
moment I send you this here text



I got a text.


Come round, come round.

Everyone here?

Island Ares trk is time to dust
off your party boots and get

ready to celebrate Weston's

Country style, hashtag wild wild
western hashtag saddle up.

Yee you what.


St my birthday, going to be a
rodeo up in here.

Yee what, baby.

In honor of our cowboy
birthday I'm surprising the

villa with two gifts that Weston
is sure to love, Mallory may not

I'm Kristen, 24 years old and
from louisville, Kentucky.

I work for a sales and business
development for an embroidery


I need someone who is
supermotivated and has a drive

that makes me want to do better.

What I have seen so far is
everyone relaxing, they are

comfortable so I want to go in
there I want to challenge them

and go for what I want.

My name ask k59 reasona from
San Francisco, California.

I'm a beauty queen but not your
typical beauty queen.

I'm the type of giferl that
will always have your back

unless you mess with me the
wrong way.

I'm not all about looks, that
is the thing with me and I think

people think that I am.

I am all about personality and

At the end of the day I just
got to do me.

The islanders get ready for
Weston's cowboy party with a

little ranch dressing.

I'm abouting too take my horse.

♪ I'm going to ride till I can't
no more.


Tonight we are celebrating
Weston's birthday and it's going

to be some like western rodeo
type theme.

More country what is more
country with a yellow dress.


West is for sure life of the
party, we're all excited to

celebrate my boy's birthday, I
know it it is going to be a lot

of fun for sure.

I'm ready to get roio ready.

I can't wait to.

Party, party two, two, one.

That's it it, huh?


I have mefer been to a rodeo but
you know the stories that Weston

tells me, they sound like a good

We're going to two-step.

I don't know anything about

You know hoy hard it it was
to find 12 cowboy hats in Fiji!

Happy birthday to you!

Happy birthday to you.



Happy birthday to Weston
happy birthday to you.

♪ Yolo!



Don't mess with Texas.

Don't mess with texans.

That is a real cake.

That looks delicious.

I can't even-- words aren't
enough for tonight, you all

literally made my birthday very
special it means a a lot to me

because I don't normally vey big
birthday like.

This and I will remember this

Love you all.

Anything else.

This is the best flipin cake
I have ever had in my life.

We love Weston so much, mi so
happy he had such a good

birthday, it has been so fun, I
love country stuff so this sa a

dream come true.

Everything is bigger in


I got a text.

Happy birthday Weston.

Hope you have had a wild

We can't wait to celebrate with

See you soon, Katrina and
chrisen, xoxo, hashtag room

four, two more.

Oh my god.


Katrina and chrisen.

Bring hem out.

Westen imets a text and
reading it out and I Mallory is

just like-- there.

Where are they?

Bring them out.

Come on.

Weston, that is a imreat it
text to receive, bro.

I think all of us kind of
just a little shaken about

chrisen and Katrina coming in.

It it is scary.

We all get a little insecure,
seeing two new pretty faces come


The moment we have all been
waiting for.

Every girl in there should be

Two new girls means that some
of these dollies might be


I want to see how the boys

They better snd these girls
in in some sexy cowgirl outfits.

How is everybody feeling?

I'm fine.

You can't solve whatever.

Things are about to get

It's about to go down.

It's about to get crazy.

I saw that.

I'm kind of digging this.





What's smup.

Welcome, welcome.

I heard it's someone's

I will take that.

It's me.

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday it to you.

Chrisen and Katrina are
exactly what the villa needs.

I will come get ya.

Happy birthday, sir.

Stay tuned for a sneak peek
of tomorrow night's episode.

Tomorrow night, it's all
approximate fun and games, until

someone gets hurt.

I'm done trying to get you
know you, shake my hand, I'm


Like bye.
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