01x06 - Episode 6

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x06 - Episode 6

Post by bunniefuu »

>> Arielle: The warning the

following contapes love, trust
and tropical back stapping.

♪ Previously.

On "love island."

We had a ho-down, a bro-down.

Two big guys going in the
back together.

Arielle: And a showdown.


Arielle: As two new
islanders entered.

I heard it's someone's

Arielle: Tonight, the new
girls make their Mark.

Arielle: Tonight, the new
girls make their Mark.


Arielle: During the
birthday, two new girls, Kristen

and Katrina nose seed in to the

I'll come get you.

Arielle: Our ogcow girls
were looking down on them



Arielle: Something tells
me that even with the 76

bedrooms the villa won't be big
enough for all of them.


How are y'all?

How are y'all?

I'm the birthday boy.

I'm west on.

I'm your present.

Kristen and Katrina walk in,
they look gorgeous from far

away, dang, they look good.

They walk up they still look

I feel funny.

I feel really funny.

Two new guys came, I felt

But two new girls I feel a
little rock in the villa.

What's up?


Nice to meet you.


How are you?


What is your name?


How are you?

Nice to meet you.

Should the girls have the
upper hand.

I'm like, duh.


This is my scene, you know.

Kristen and Katrina culminate
in life.

They're very, very attractive.

Two are very pretty girls, very

They look like they're doing
some modeling before.

Their before confident.

There it is.

Looks fun, huh?

Got to use these for

You guys look so cute all
like cowboys.

I love it.


Do you want any of my cake?

First time in my life --
I can't wait to get to know


Look how big the cake is.

You came from where?

San Francisco.

What part?

In hayward.

Like the bay area.

Poor Max.

I look at cake the same way.

Play it cool, Courtney.


Meanwhile, up at the
everything's okay corral.

I feel like a --

Let's just not iep look.


Guys, you guys really care --
known these guys for five days,

let's be real.

Come on.

This is like when your guy
friends bring a new girlfriend

to like a party and everyone is
like -- but they always --

I think all of us kind of are
just a little shaken about

Kristen and Katrina coming in.

Just, I don't know, it will be
interesting to see what happens.

A pretty face is a pretty
face, that's all it is.

From a woman to another woman.

No one makes me nervous.

You guys shouldn't be nervous.

Thank you.

I think that, yes, the new
girl could find a liking to Tim.

However, I think he's fine with

So, you know, I'm really not
that nervous about them being in

the villa.

Right, right, right, right,



I'll give you --
hi, I'm Katrina.

Katrina and Kristen.


Two new girls, they seem
really nice.

And, yeah, feeling pretty
confident right now.




you're beautiful.

Thank you.

How old are you?



I want to know, what are your

Do have all night.


Like I need someone like --
personality, have to be kind to

the waiter that is something I
look at.

Know how to change a tire.

Get down and dirty.

But also like, pretty boy, not
my type.

Pretty boy not my type

I don't know.

Normally don't normally have a
too type.

I've only had two boy friends.

They have to be taller.

Because I'm like all about my

My brother and I for everything.

Someone's funny like, my ex --
that's why we didn't work out.

I don't know someone who is like
ambitious like who wants


Money has never been like a

But as long as of a mission that
you wanted in something, I'm

totally fine with that.

I don't know.

Yeah, that's good.


The girls are so freaking

They're all so nice and

You know, everyone is just like
here with open arms.

I hope that I don't like step on
anyone's toes or anything.

Katrina has gorgeous eyes.

I think Kristen is very savvy.

I think the tall one with the
strong handshake, I think other

one is going to be very --
bubbly personality.

But going to be very high

You know, you're rugged, though.

The way you dress, too,
you're not rugged.

I think that girl is sexy.

But going to have -- it boils
down to me and him at the end of

the day.

We want y'all to see this
these girls survive or not.

I would not live Mallory
unless you were --

it wasn't a friendship thing.

But -- but you got to think
about where new guy comes in.

Mallory is fine, you're out of

It's a tough spot anyway you

Two girls or not but a lot of
times we can't really go based

off because don't know.

I'm sitting back.

Doing my thing.

If they -- I feel like if I was
sitting back, too, you probably

sitting back, too.

If they approach then I'll be

But no way am I in pursuit.

The villa is about to get

Two new girls means the stress
is about to ram up a lot!

[ Laughter ]

Arielle: With new girls in

the villa.

West on welcomes them with a
game whose name I won't mention

at apm but Weston will.

I'm sure you all heard of
suck and blow, you got to pass

the card, right.

Gout to suck it then connect to
the person around you.

Say I'm holing it it drops, I
have the dare.

There's a dare on the back of
these that are very, very


Oh, my, god.

All right.


Here we go.

Can't even breathe in that

I can't do it.

It's okay.

The person to your right
gives you a dare.

You got to make out to the
person on your left.

[ Laughter ]

[ Laughter ]

Kiss someone that's not your

All right.

Come here.


But it was a game like I've
kissed plenty of times we all

know how I feel about that.

Cue Mallory's audition tape
for denial island.

I was really, really good at
it like some people sucked at


Like the new girl, Kristen, she
sucked at it.

That's fine.

I'm going to be like, yeah!


Technically you're a --
[ Screaming ]

Hope it's not back.

With a member of the opposite

Weston this is an extra small
just don't rip it, okay?

What's happening here?

I'm not scared to get down in
the boxers, that was pretty dang


Both of them.

Weston was so funny but I was
more stressed out about him

stretching out my clothes.

I got this cute little set I
didn't want him to stretch it

out with his man thighs.



That's the --
come on!

Kiss the tallest person in
the villa.


Let's do this.

He's taller.


She's taller.

Stand up.


Good job.

I'll draw the card.

Play it again!

Is super funny, he's
sarcastic, something that I'm

attracted to.

I want to get to know him better
but I don't know if he has

highways guard up with Alana.

That is something I'm looking
forward to poking around and


The old poke and see.

I'm on to you, sister.

We need some tea time.

Which girl do you fancy the

I what?

I'm a personality guy.

So far which personality has

I think Kristen is kind of

You like a sass.


Not at all.

I think she's very bubbly I
like her personality so far.

I think she is a sweetheart.

Spill the tea.

I'm getting a vibe that
Kristen is like into yamen,


That's what he said.

Like she's all like googley

Which of your speedos is
hanging in the plants?


I think the Kristen girl to

which one is Christian?


The one with not the --
Christian is into you.

I'm not in a position where I
am on the hunt or on the prowl

for like recoupling up with
someone else.

When I first saw Kristen, she's
actually really pretty, let

me -- mmmm yeah, okay, great.

What do you think of

Really nice.

Your honest opinion.

I feel like everyone's
already so comfortable with who

they're with.

Yes, yeah, I completely.

It's very like, oh, my, god.

I completely agree.

Oh, my, god.

I'm over here like --
t's like no one is touching


Like, everyone is like, oh,
they're the couple.

They're the couple.

It's like -- almost jokey.

Like Weston which is like --
he seems really nice but I feel

like everyone is just so set in
their couples.

Like when I kissed yamen I
apologized to Alana.

That was sweet of you.

I'm here for a reason like, I
know I get it.

I mean you go about it
however you want to.

It's my personality, I'm not
going to come in be like, okay,

he's mine, blah, blah, blah.

We'll see how tomorrow goes, I

We'll see.

Arielle: In the following
scene the part of Weston will be

played by the guy you can't
accept as dating your recently

divorced mother.

Oh, my, god.

Maybe it looks better on Weston.

It does.

Oh, no!

Shut up!

♪ I've seen her here before ♪
Katrina is very bubbly, like

♪ I've seen her here before ♪
Katrina is very bubbly, like

probably not into me, you know.

Dating, when girls see something
like this, you see a country


That's either like a huge turn
on or huge turn off.


Like everyone is already like
coupled up.

But like as new girl that's
what your role is.

That's what you guys need to do.

I want mall to find somebody,

she's just upset with the
situation if you find someone

then she can't find someone, you

Y'all have two guys come in

Like that was her chance.

I haven't had that chance of
getting to meet anyone else.

I haven't had that chance of
getting to meet anyone else.

♪ here she comes, watch out

boy she'll chew you up ♪ here
she comes ♪

She's a man eater ♪

Arielle: It's the very

first morning in the villa for
our two new girls, Kristen and


Am I the only one who feels
weird watching people sleep?


All right.

Don't hide Alana the camera
loves you!

Good morning.

I feel like the vibe is super

I'm trying to figure out what
should I be doing now?

What kind of guy do you think
you're most attracted to?

I was like, yamen, seems like
he's the most chill.

So, I was like, okay, like I
feel like I'd like to get to

know him.

I feel like I'm getting
friend vibes.

Yamen is really good looking.

I always try to keep an open
mind, an open heart closed legs,

but open mind, open heart.

So we'll see.

How was last night for you?

Last night for me was
super -- I mean I kissed yamen.

So, yes, it was interesting but
I think it was a good thing.

Last night was cool.

But I feel like today is like
when I'm going to try to talk to

other people.

Who do you think so far?

I mean everyone is attractive
in their own way just it's like,

what's my type Zach, he's kind
of a baby-faced.

He looks like a pretty boy.

I like that.

Almost like if you had more
facial hair.

Like a baby.

But he's super funny.

I think he's really weird, too,
so okay, that's kind of


I'd like to like kind of see
what more he has.

Weston, he's always cracking
jokes which is great.

He's really down to earth,
seems really chill and genuine

he's hella funny, clearly very
confident in himself, very

comfortable in his own skin.

I know, like -- you don't
look good.

I didn't think that.

Bases goofy, you know.


He's hard.

I think he's funny.

I kind of have an eye, maybe
just like one eye on someone.

I think yamen is super cool.

He seems chill.

I feel like he's comfortable
with Alana.

I know.

She was already hugging him I
was like, well --

I'm scouting out like.

Alexandra was spooning, sweet.

Cuddle, cuddle, nice.

Should I just slither in be
like, hey, cuddle me!

Can I be part of the group?

Right now in the villa seems
like everyone is super

comfortable with who they are
with, that's great.

But I'm here for a reason.

And my goal is to find someone,
you know, that I can connect

with and hopefully cuddle up

How are things over there?

I'm scared.

Didn't notice anything.

I want to look.

I'm not scared of the Katrina
girl she seems like nice and


Kristen is like, where is your
head at.

I think she's a big pitch.

I just think --
don't know.

I'm getting weird vibes.

When I try to talk to her she's
like --



Like, what?

Like what are you looking at?

Kind of thing.

It's not just me I'm scared
that she doesn't like me.

I don't think she likes

Arielle: So many glorious
sights and sounds, but none as

beautiful as -- send!

You guys, I got a text!

[ Housing she'll --
Katrina and Kristen, it's

time for you to play the field.

Today you will be speed dating
all of the boys.

# fastlove, #quicky.

Never done speed dating.

I don't even go dating normally.

So this is going to be very

Speed dating ♪ --
never in my life have I gone

speed dating.

I've dated a lot of women really
fast, does that count.

What are you going to talk
about on the speed date?

What is your technique?

I don't know.

Should be fun.

You try to impress them?

I don't know.

Takes some girls time to get to
know me.

You don't like that?

Why, do you care that I might

Of course!


Caro is watching him like a

She's like, shut up!

That's so funny.

I told you when we first
started I was like, I'll get to

know the girls.

I'm not going to go out of my

Soon as those girls gives you
attention you will jump on it

right away.

Because I like attention.

Think it's more about your
ego that you want to prove that

the girls are into you and you
would make that point.


That's not true.

At the end of the day I'm
here to, you know, like I'm

going to give these girls a
chance this is the start of that


And this is start to get to know

Such a nice day.

It looks good.

But obviously he's going to
try to see if he will be

interested in them.

But I have know, nobody is going
to be as fun as me honey-boo.

Look at the speed date.

It's just them.

Arielle: Our new girls are

getting ready for their speed
dates with the guys.

So many possibilities.

So many questions.

Will they have a spark?

Will someone's man get stolen?

Will Dylan say anything this

Each boy will get two minutes to
impress the girls before a bell

rings signalling the end of the

She's stunning.

She's so gorgeous and


One: Go!

Of your options open.

I'm happy with the way.

What do you do for fun?

I surf a lot.

So hot.

Super hot.

I'm listening, keep going.

Would I go on another date
with him, probably not.

So, what do you like to do
for fun?

I hike with my dog and stuff.

What kind of dog do you have?

Like a cattle dog.

Aw, I have a weiner.

You have pretty eyes just
keep rocking it.

You know what I mean?

It's okay.

I'm fine.

Limited time.

What is he doing?

He's trying to block the sun.


Thank you so much.

Step into my office.

I'm just playing.

How are you feeling?

I'm good.

No complaints.

I'm always happy.


I just want to ask like are you
a closed book?

Just with this whole
experience, we all signed up to

try to form the best --

As you can.


We all hold to ourselves for
whoever comes through that door

to always give them a shot.

She what's up.

See if there is something there.

Then if it's not, cool, it's

Where I'm at, I'm cool.

I'm chilling.

I'm not like getting married to
this person.

I'm 100% getting to know people
like --

what are some of the things
you like to do for fun?

I like playing basketball.

What is your favorite team.


I know --
you were going for golden


Date over.

Get out of here.

I'm done.

Oh, sh**t.

Never mind.

I really don't read people well.

Okay, I wanted to know like
where his head was at before

entering the villa.

Coming into "love island,"
honestly I'm looking for a girl

to have fun with.

I'm very adventurous, I came
from Ireland, moved to

Australia, moved to New York,
looking to find someone to

experience everything with
because lot of what I've done

has been on my own.

So I'm looking for that partner
in crime.

Right, right.

I get it.


Now core Mac is leaning in,
they're both leaning in.

I'll tell where you I'm at.

I'm interested in hanging out
with you and hanging out with

Katrina, that is just being

Typical date, what did you
and your ex, was what was

like -- did you watch movies,
did you go out?

Go out to dinner if you want
to go out to dinner I'm very

easy going I wouldn't mind
watching a movie, staying home,

eating pizza, easy.

Pineapple on your pizza?


If you want, okay, that's me.

I'm easy going.

Gotta go.

All right, good.

Thank you.

Put the chair back in.

You have fun?

I had a blast.

Katrina is very sociable.

Very personallable she would be
lined up with a girl that I

would be interested in.

so, what do you like to do

for fun.

Arielle: The love island
speed dates are in full swing.

New girls Katrina and Kristen
have gotten to know three boys


After Dylan and Kristen --
you caught my my eye but you

had your guard up.

Cormac and Katrina.

You are super chill.


I feel like you're funny,

In your own way.

It's like, oh, my, god,
there's more pressure for me to

be funny.

Arielle: There are three
more to go each another knife in

the heart of the girls watching

So like you and Alana how is
that going?

Alana and I do like where
it's going.

Yeah, this is -- I'm definitely
open to experiencing this whole

thing, you know, we all owe it
to ourselves to try to form the

best connections that we can.

To be honest like you were
someone who caught my eye

because I think you're genuinely

I don't think I'm funny.

I think I'm stupid.

You don't try.

It's like you seem just like a
genuine kid.

So for me it's like, I'd like to
get to know that more.

And this is me laying it on the
table because you never know

what goes on in here like how
short of a time I have.

I just want to put that out

A great man would be one to
give up mid sentence.

All right.

Gotta go.

Thank you.

Yep, yep.

I think yamen is playing it
safe with Alana so on my date I

wanted to make it clear like,
hey, I'm here, you're someone

that I'm interested in I hope
that I kind of gave yamen maybe

a second thought and wanted to
try things with me.

I feel like we're in a
totally hitting it off as far as

like conversation earlier, what
do you think?


I think we totally vibe with a
lot of different things.


I think you're hilarious.


No big deal.

What, me?

I get a good vie from you.

I think your personality is very
similar to me.

Because I'm like super bubbly
like everyone gets along with

you, everyone gets along with

You could jump in any crowd and
you'd fit in.

Everybody would love you.

Oh, my, gosh, smile, smile,

That's how you are, too.

I'm a golden retriever.

I'm run around.

I'm playful.

I'm loyal.

That's how --
just want to be happy.

I'm usually so closed off like I
like friendship before anything


Like when love is what is --
love is friendship.


That's what it is.

You have to connect with that
person more than just like --

I am going to roast you
better roast me back.


Please do.

Otherwise I'm just like, okay --
[ Bell ringing ]

Keep smiling it looks good on


I would say Weston is not my
usual type.

And that's weird.

Because I really like our vibe

I didn't feel like I had to go
like, okay, what is my next


So, yeah.

Hey, dude.

How is it going?

I'm like, I already know.

This is going to be fun.

Going to be like a homey talk.

We can have a homey talk.

Trust me.

Everyone here is like -- I'm
like this is great.

So I guess the question would
be like if you would go on a

date tonight.

I don't know.

That's the thing.

I don't know.

Because I feel like yamen is
like comfortable with Alana.

But then I'm like, but I still
want to like kind of get to know


What were you looking for
like when you were coming in

Arielle: Some people are
family based, some people are

tradition based and some people
are --

I'm very much a vibe space

I'm interested in what people
have to say, like I'm interested

in a girl who's open you like
someone who is goofy.

I'm like reelingly silly.

I think I'm --
your odd.

I'm an oddball.

Is that who you like plan to
stick with or are you open to

entertaining other options?


You are kind of avoiding my

I'll get there.

Like, she and I have like
awesome connection, absolutely.

But -- you know.

Like, yeah, like, I'm interested
in getting to know people.

Does that answer your question.

It does.

It's just hard.

I was like this is longer.

Doesn't it feel longer?

Okay, so I'm super like
weird, goofy, down to earth.

I think my impression coming in
was not that.

So I just want to also like put
that out to the men in here

because I feel like they're
almost like, Kristen -- you


I'll pick that up.

I'll play that card.

[ Bell ringing ]
Nice chattin'.

Just sitting there.

Get up.


What is going on here?

What if he's talking game to

What if he is actually talking
game to her.

She just goes all right.

Hold it down with the drinks.

You need a drink let me know.



Later gator.

He was like, he's smooth and
he knows he's smooth and it's

frickin' weirding me out.

Not something that I wag for but
he has this almost this like

vibes --
Arielle: It's vibes.

His draw, I don't know,
something that draws the women

in and he's -- I saw it tonight.

Now I get it.

I get how people can be drawn to
cashel because hearing him I'm

like, cashel, like, I'd go on a
date with you.

And I didn't really think I

My main goal for the speed
dating was to like, lay it on

the line be like, where's your
head at.

Right now I think yamen is
someone that I would like to get

to know better.

He was someone that like I --
since yesterday as I'm

interested more because I think
he has like a deeper --

there's --
I need to bring something


I haven't seen it and I want to
see it.

Just go for it.

I'm like, with Alana and
stuff he's just playing it safe.

He's not being true to himself.

Cashel was very flirty.

The thing is with him he
knows like he's a flirt.

He's someone I feel like I can
sit here and actually --

it's so natural.

That's his catch.

That's wild.

I don't want to see you be --
what are you feeling.

Based off of the two dates
are you interested in one of


Like Katrina, not at all.

You could possibly like be
into Kristen?

I guess I just -- I want to
see her personality.

Out of her, yeah.



I keep it chill.

Arielle: I am sweating
over how chill she is.

Are you good?

Honestly, everyone is pretty
much like surprised me because,

like, I felt like I got to know
more about each guy.



Of course.

Like, I think my top three in
no particular order, yamen, car

Mac and Weston.


Like they all surprise me.

Well, no, for yamen I feel like
I want to get him know him, with

Cormac just like 101 he was
talking about his family, that

was surprising.

Then Weston is really cool like
we super, like, vibe.

We have the same values.

But it's like for each one
there's also like something that

I don't like.

Like -- so I don't know, I
honestly don't know.


You know?

Like -- me Weston vibe I feel
like we vibe really well but

then, like, my usual type
wouldn't normally be that.


So, built I'm more into

You know, still, it's like a

Yeah, so I don't know.

We'll see.

We'll see.

How this goes.

What happens.

At the end of the day, bro I
am in a place where I'm going to

stick with Mallory unless he --
here's the thing.

I'm not about to dive off and
jump at a girl if that girl is

not jumping back at me at the
end of the day f. There's a girl

I'm interested in she's like
into one of y'all I'm not about

to go hunt that down.

Oh, dude, no.

We got to talk to you.

We're trying to figure out
how you feel.

Off the jump obviously, like,
who isn't like physically

attracted to Kristen.

Like, she's a hotty.

She's super hot.

She seems very silly and so
we kind of -- we joked we were

kind of just like, just sh**ting
it for a second there.

And then I think like we could
probably -- we will connect over


Like her kind of style of
silliness is my kind of style of


It looks like yamen is going
to be leading it.

I don't think I'm going to be
leading it.

She's for sure into you.

Which one?


But they say Katrina into me,

Are they both -- both told me
blatantly that they're into me.

How do you feel about that?

I'm a effort try to see if
there's deep connection there.

100% that's what we're here to

We owe it to ourselves.

We owe it to them like 100%,
like, I do like where things are

going with Alana, a part of me,
too, just wants to be infatuated


Arielle: The speed dates

are over they actually took a
long time.

Night time in the villa!

♪ You are somebody that I
don't know ♪

I think some of the girls are
getting nervous about the new


I'm not surprised.

Guys I'm growing out a beard
just so y'all know because I

heard the new girls like facial

I feel like there might be a
little bit of tension in the


I know like a lot of the guys
find Kristen very attractive

because she is a very attractive

Who is this?

What is whether the hell is

That's so cute.

It wasn't the new guy.

Damn, I see how it is.

Kristen, I mean she's smokin'


I kind of want to show her like
how dope I am.

We're all waiting.


Very nice welcome to Fiji.

Thank you.

honestly I do feel like

connections with a couple guys
at least.

Like have been a little better
because of the speed dating like

I felt like -- remember we were
talking like refreshing to maybe

to get to know them.

How are you feeling after the
seat dating?

When I sat down with Kristen
it was more so just her letting

me know that she was interested
and seeing if I was still down

to meet people and stuff like

She said the same thing to

Cashel really surprised me?



It was so easy.

Like he has this weird magnetic
thing going on.

And you like it.

Like you --
it's like I vibe with him.

Like, okay, I get it now.

I didn't before.

But it's --
make sense.

She was like are you
available like to talk to other


We were both talking a lot, we
said that from the start that's

what we're here to do, you know
what I mean?

I feel that girl so much.

But I don't know, I just catch
like a vibe from Kristen.

She just seems like someone that
I would really get along with.

The natural like
conversation, is that I have

with Weston is just so --


I vibe with Katrina from the
get go.

We talked about random crap it
was just easy conversation.

Like the end of the day, map, I
don't know if these girls are

interested in me.

Arielle: Note to Kristen.

Even though you whisper you're
still wearing a microphone.

Hey, can you -- I'm just
going to spit this out there.

I haven't had a chance to talk
to Alana but I think I'm going

to talk to yamen.

That's like --
that's where your head is at?

I don't know how.

It's so awkward now they're

I know.

I could like ask --


What's up?

So-- she's interested in
yamen just wants to know how to

you'red into in yamen.

It's hard to get into what he's
thinking in his mind.

He's definitely, like, talking
about, like, the new girls.

He's like, damn, like, damn.

Like, physically like, of course
attracted to you but it's like,

he's not actively searching to
find someone else because he's

like content.

What's up?

Is he really happy with her
or like he doesn't --

someone got a text!

Like a text-text.

Go for it.

You want my advice, just go
for it.

What would you tell me not

Katrina, tonight you'll be
sending one of the girls to the

hide away for the night.

As you take their place, datee
their guy and sleep in their

bed, #makingmoves.





Honestly, I did not expect
this at all.

Like I --
I got a text!

[ Cheering and applause ]
Not even.



Kristen, tonight you'll send
one of the girls to the hide

away for the night as you take
their place, date their guy and

sleep in their bed.



We're the new girls coming in
so we're trying to find a

connection in the midst of
everyone already coupled up.

I completely agree with what
you're saying.

We're all here to find the same

Which is love.


The person that I would choose
tonight I feel like we just had

like such an easy conversation
would have to be Weston.


How you feel, cowboy?

All about beginnings.

I think everybody is super tight
but at the end of the day we all

care about each other and all
into each other which is the

best thing.

Yeah, I'm excited.

For me the guy that I wanted
to choose is someone who I feel

like I have kind of break in the
shell yet.

The guy I choose is yamen.


Just got real.

See what happens next, next.

Arielle: Tomorrow night.

The two new girls make moves.

I feel like things are going
with you.

I do want to be infatuated
with someone.

You want to be spooned?


Arielle: A familiar face
rocks the village.

Ladies I'm coming in with an
open heart and open mind I'm

hoping to walk out of here with
a relationship.
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