01x21 - Episode 21

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x21 - Episode 21

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: Warning, the
following program contains love,

lust, and how many more of these
do I have to do?


Kyra and jered.

Announcer: A dumping you
would believe as we wave

good-bye to Kyra and jered.

I love you!

Announcer: And said hello
to our final four couples.

Cue the most epic dates yet.

Do you want to be my



I'm many love with you.

I think you're amazing.

Announcer: Tonight, two
more dream dates, and the

couples take things to the next

And meet each other's family and

I got the vibe from my mom
that she wasn't really feeling


Announcer: Um, are boys to
men here, because we're near the

end of the road.

At the villa, the loved-up
couples share sink a newsed

finger licks on the biggest
mustard-colored couch you've

ever seen.

The other couples are en route
back from their dates, now it's

time to kick off the next one.


I got a text!

I got a text.

I got a text.

Ray and caro, it's time for
your final date.

Please get ready the leave the
villa, #sparks will fly, #lit.

Please get ready the leave the
villa, #sparks will fly, #lit.

Please get ready the leave the
villa, #sparks will fly, #lit.

We're going on a date.

Let's go.

This is our first date, baby.

You already know what time it

Announcer: I actually

I have been stuck in this
padded, windowless booth the

whole time.

What am I going to wear?

I'm about to get lit.

This is like a date.

I want to get to know you.

I want to know how you feel.

Do you feel me?


Announcer: Marilyn Monroe

It's #lit.

That means fireworks.

See you guys later.

♪ Do you hear me calling.

Out your name
♪ you know that I'm falling and

I don't know what to say ♪
I am speechless.

This looks so romantic.

Thank you.

Thank you, thank you.

You're beautiful.

This is so nice.

This has a first-date vibe.

Let's go.


This is our first date.

Our first date.

This is our first date.

Arielle: First date.

Unconditional love.

And a better future.

Oh, you're so cute.

I'm mad excited.

I'm so excited.

It's like surreal being here.

Any who, I don't know why I'm

I'm feeling a little bit

I'm a little nervous, too.

Why are you a little bit

Me coming to the ville lark I
had really high hopes for


I was riting in my journal,
trying to manifest this, you

know, the perfect guy for me.

I really came into the villa
thinking I was going to find the


And then I had very bad luck
finding it.

There was no connections.

So I was really losing hope.

And then you three new boys came

I felt like I was naturally
drawn to you.

Every time I talked to you it
was so natural.

That's why I think what we have
is so beautiful, because I

wasn't expecting.

This I honestly feel like I
manifested you, because the

connection that me and you have,
it's something that I really

always wanted.

You know how I feel about you
and everything --

how do you feel about me?

How do you feel about me?

Just like... I don't know.

You make me feel so comfortable.

Tell me more.

Like a little kid when I talk
to you.

You're so goofy.

I'm goofy.

I know.

We have so much.

I feel like we have way more fun
than everyone else in the villa.

We're in our own little world
when we're together.

I enjoy it so much.

It's going to be so sad when we
leave the villa and I'm not

going to see you every day and
wake up to that mile of yours.

This is a start to a new
beginning with us, you know?


♪ I want to be with you
everywhere ♪

Honestly, I feel like we're both
saying the same thing and we're

running in circles.

I just want you to be my girl,
and I want to make it official.



You think I'm joking?


I'm so serious.

Oh, my god, yes.


Like are you my boyfriend now?

♪ Can you hear me calling
out your name ♪

Can we go down to the beach


Let's go.

Are you happy?

Like I'm your girlfriend.

Like I have a boyfriend.

Yes, you're my girlfriend.

I'm speechless.

You're mine.

That's all that matters,

I just really came here and I
really found the person.



Oh, it's more.

Oh, my god.

That's another one.

Back up.


I am dreaming.

This is so crazy.

Honestly, this whole date has
been just amazing.

Here's to a great day, a
beautiful night, and a beautiful


Announcer: Cynicism
melting, heart bursting, rain

still raining, and Dylan and
Alexandra are riding high from

their romantic helicopter date.


Oh, you look so happy.

Come here.

Get on in here.

Y'all are good.

You guys look amazing.

No date I go on the rest.

My life will top that.

Yeah, he asked me to be his


You dog.

What did y'all do?

What did y'all do?

Went on a yacht.

A yacht ride.

Yacht ride.


It was really great.

And we just sat down and told
each other how we felt about

each other.

You all dropped the l word,


I think the best part was the
pause you had before you said

it, and you were looking at me,
and I knew it already.

And you knew that I knew.

I got a text.

What does it say?

What does it say?

Emily and Weston, it's time
for your final date.

Please get ready the leave the
ville lark #privatedining.


What does that mean?

This is the final dance
together, at east in our villa.

Honestly maybe.

I'll dance with you tomorrow,


Bye, guys.

Have fun.

Announcer: Bye.

Come on.

Let's go on a date, girl.

Announcer: Coming up, Emily
and Weston in slow motion.

Then the islanders meet the

Announcer: Oh, cameraman,
Tom, I'm going the miss your

crane sh*ts through the palms.

And I'm going to miss your sh*ts
of ray and caro returning from

their date with some very
special news.



What up, what up?

What's up?

We had an amazing time.

I told him to pinch me a few
time, because I'm like, this

can't be real.

I'm like pinch me.

This feels like weird, like how
is this my life?

You know, I asked her to be
my girl.

I have a boyfriend.

Announcer: As the couples
revel in their relationship

status upgrades, Weston and
Emily head to a candle lit

dinner and romance is staying
alive with the help of our

favorite band the fijis.



Thank you.

Cheers to our journey, even
though it kind of started out a

little bit late, but I wouldn't
trade it for the world, and I'm

really to be as strong and as
happy as we are together.


I really can't believe this
is our final date.

Well, and this is our first
real couple date.

Yeah, that's true.

You know, like we went on our
first date, and it was like


Now we got this even more
magical date.

Even then I felt like
everything was right, like

things just felt right with you
and I felt so comfortable, and

even though we couldn't even
stay on the paddle board, it

felt so fun to me and so

And I felt super comfortable
with you.

Now we're here, and I know
things are only going to

continue getting better from
here on out.

I fell for you at the end of
the day, which is crazy.

I'm in a trouble respond again.

I'm eating some more snacks.

You fit my personality to a tee.

You know what I mean?

Remember you trying to hold my

I remember feeling this little
piney bikini.

Oh, my good.

Is this Elizabeth
I was it will Israeli

following around and I was
trying to -- I was like

literally trying the hold your
hand the whole time.

You came forward and you came
running, g*ns blazing.

I was like, that's hot.

I'm into it.

I'm about it.

That's so attractive knowing
exactly what you want and going

and getting it.

Every time I look at you I get
this stupid cheese on my face.

Why am I smiling.

I don't know why I'm smiling,
but I do.

Once I recoupled with you, I
only wanted to get to know you.

I didn't want to spend time
getting to know anybody else.

I knew I had a strong connection
with you.

It's the little things, that's
what matters to you most.

You're always doing something
small, but something that makes

me so happy.

Well, babe, I think we should
do a cheers.

Let's do a cheers to the outside
world and building our own

drawers together, even though it
might take us a little while.

We're going to build it.

We're going to build it.

Will you dance with me?

I will dance with you.

I will dance with you.

♪ If you love someone and you're
not afraid

♪ you got to love someone like I
do ♪

Announcer: Weston and Emily
return to tell the others about

their delightful date.

Side note, Emily does a great


Oh, my god, you look so

The date was definitely out
of a movie, but it felt like a

wedding at the same time.

Announcer: Okay, America.

If you got that fonzie
reference, you're going to love

this song.

And if you're watching the
following scene with your

parents, we're deeply sorry.

♪ I can't fight this feeling any

♪ and yet I'm still afraid to
let it flow

you're not going the fall
asleep on me, are you?

♪ What started out as friendship
has grown stronger

♪ I only wish I had the strength
to let it show

♪ I tell myself that I can't
hold out forever

♪ I say there is no reason for
my fear

♪ cause I feel so secure when
we're together

♪ you give my life direction
you make everything so clear

♪ and I'm getting closer than I
ever thought I might

♪ and I can't fight this feeling

♪ I've forgotten what I've
started fighting for

♪ it's time to bring this ship
into the shore

♪ baby I can't fight this
feeling anymore

oh hh ♪
announcer: You and me both,


Now, despite being in bed all
night, the islanders don't

appear to have gotten much

I have to get in the shower
after you.

I have to get in the shower.

Last night was fun.

I saw some type of hill over

Well, me and Elizabeth have
expressed our love for each


It was good.

Kind of hard to get in the
rhythm here, because all of a

sudden I heard Weston and Emily.

Me and Emily had a great
night last night.

We're definitely getting closer
in all areas.

Last night was nice.

It was a little bit more
romantic than normal

announcer: What happens in
the villa stays in the villa,

and our back-up drives, forever.

Anywho, it's time to make things
a little more family friendly.


I got a text!

You got a text?

I got a text.

What does it say?

What does it say?

Islanders, it's time for the
ultimate relationship test.




Announcer: Now, I can
accept they fell in love with

three weeks, but being that
excited to see your family?

Come on!

I can't wait to see my

I don't know who is coming.

It's probably going to be my mom
or dad, but I'm so excited.

I'm really kind of nervous to
meet Weston's family.

I am, too.

I am, too.

My dad has no filter.

So --
I hope he comes in here and

lays into me.

I'm so excited to meet Ray's

Like ray talks about his family
like every day.

But I'm just nervous.

What happens if, I don't know,
they don't like me, but I doubt


I think they will like me.

My mom likes pretty much

She has a crazy personality.

My mom is literally just like
care, you but an older version.

Seal of approval.

She's the toughest one out of
everyone in my family for

approving someone that I'm with.

But I'm nervous to meet Zac's
parents, too.

I hope they are sisters or
whoever ends up coming, I really

want them to like me, because I
know they're kind of tough, too,

but the thing, is I don't know
why they wouldn't like me.



I'm so nervous.

It's like the excited nerves.

Like the night before your first
day of school where you can't

sleep you're so excited.

♪ This is how we jump ♪
announcer: We're back next

year and looking for hot new

If you're single and looking for
love, then head to

Announcer: It's "love
island," and the islanders are

about to get a surprise visit
from their family and friends.

How many of y'all have ever
been singing the song Lyric and

you thought it was the song
Lyric the whole time, you've

been hearing it that way the
whole time, and then you see the


Don't walk is fast.

Why are you walking fast.

It's Zac's sister Gianna and
his mom Gina and Elizabeth's mom

sue and sister Caroline.

I have a perfect example.

Oh, my gosh.

It's been so long.

My mom came for me and my
oldest sister Gianna.

I was is happy to see them.

We never expected you to
connect with some as great as

you did.

I didn't either.

Can I tell you something,
though, from day one when she

came out and you came on, that's
his type right there.

He'll be with her the whole

We saw him come over, and
we're like, how did they find a

guy 100% her type.

It's so weird.

We have so many things in
common, we were shaking one


It's weird.

Do you know, we have the same
wedding anniversary as his


You do?

Shut up!

That's weird.

Okay, so what's his deal?

Like he graduated from college.

He just graduated.

What's his plan?

We're just like, the sky is
the limit.

We don't know what we want to

We want to go to Europe.

Like the travel?

We're both thinking we want
the take jobs in L.A. and move

out there.

At heart, she's a girl from

I want to take you back to
Michigan and take rollerblading

with my dogs.

And you're like, I'll go
skated boarding.

Dad wrote you a letter
because he couldn't come, "I

will love you always.

I am proud of you for staying
true to yourself and who you


I can't wait to see you and
maybe meet zacy boy.

You are both doing amazing.

A star is born.

I love you, dad."

That's so cute.

Sue, get over here.


Come on.


It's weird the finally meet

He's even hotter in person,

He's so cute.

He's so tall.

I am getting so excited.

And I'm just really happy that
my mom and my sister really see

the connection between me and
Elizabeth and know how genuine

and special it is.


Zacy boy.

I am so glad that you pointed
out that she's a yeller.

Oh, I'm so bad.

We yell.

We got to tell you guys
something, it's really funny, do

you know we got married on the
same day.

She just told me that.

We both have the same wedding

Now I got to tell you something
even more funnier, when I met

Zac's dad, he was the same age
as Zac and I was the same age as


We met three months later, we

Oh, my god.

Slow down here.

We like Zac, but slow down.


Um... after seeing my mom and
sister and meeting sue and

Caroline, it just seemed like
that little family dynamic right

there is just going to be truly

Love you.

You're doing great.

Everyone is so proud of you.

We're so proud of you.

I love you.

I love you guys.



Oh, my god.

I'm so happy that my mom and
Zac's mom and our sisters just

totally have already hit it off.

That was amazing.

That was so fun.

I'm like shaking still.

I have so much fun.

Announcer: Saddle up, it's
Weston's sister and his dad Jim

and Emily's bestie Michelle.

No Weston, you don't get to pick


How you'll y'all doing?

What's up, pop?


Give me a hug.

How are you?

Oh, my god.


TV don't do you no good,

You look good.

Thank you.

The TV don't do you know

My first impression of
Weston's dad was holy crap, this

is Weston in the future.

It's so funny, like the cow boy
hat, the accent, everything.

Oh, my god.

It's is crazy.

So you've been watching.

What do you think of Weston?

Honestly, Weston is not your
usual type.

I think that's why I'm so
drawn to him.

We talk for hours.

Any time, my make-up looks like

He says New York this is the
prettiest you looked so far.

He's so sweet to you.

Well, I have seen him go
through different girls.

Do you think he's being genuine.

I can't really judged somebody
ways on something they did

before I came into the picture.

If I want things to work out
with him, I had to just like

forgive him for what had
happened before me and let bit

in the past.

My best friend Michelle, she
literally knows every part about


She is always the first person
to meet any guy that I'm talking

to, so I'm so happy that she
came all the way here for me.

It's been crazy in here.

Emily, she looks cuter in
person than she does on TV.

She's gorgeous.

She's pretty.

Do I need to get the chapel
ready for you and sweetheart

over there?

No, we're going to --
what's the deal?

No, like I'm -- I haven't
felt like this for a girl, which

is crazy to say, but in here
it's a different thing.

It's been a week, week and a
half, but real-time, I'm here

with somebody for a week and a

You get to know them pretty

All day all night.

You either hate this person at
the end of it or you're crazy

about them.

I got to talk to my family
and catch up with them.

It was such a good feeling.

You know, they've had my back
through this whole procession.

Dad, you're going to hate me.

We had to build a shoe rack, and
I was the last one to finish the

shoe rack.

Oh, son.

That embarasses me.

I know.

I know.

He was going so mad at me.

He's like, I built a house from
the ground up.

I'm like, let me help you.

It's all about teamwork in

It's teamwork out there, too.

Of course.

If you'll y'all are to get
serious and y'all decide to go

further, it's a lot more than
sitting in here xoxo


I know.

So there was obviously drama
with Weston and I and --

no, there wasn't?

No, there wasn't.

No, we knew what we wanted at
the end of the day, but it's

hard in here.

So I have a question for you.

Why Emily?

Because we've seen you with
different girls.

She's literally my most
protective friend.

All the guys I talk to, she's
like, wait.


You have to be.

This so much different than
me and Kelsey.

The physical attraction with me
and her is like night and day I


So it was not -- it was an easy
decision, I knew exactly what I


What about the Kyra thing?

That took everybody for a turn.

What I guess why did you end up
saying that to her so late in

the game?

It was one of those what if

I heard two different things,
where she had feelings and then

I was curious to see what it
was, because me and Kyra were

like this.

I knew e

So for her to come say she had
feelings or whatever, I knew

that was never going to be a
thing, I was like, she's so into


So I fell like she was almost
stirring the pot.


I knew what I wanted at the
end of the day, which is why I

risked everything for Emily.

One, two, three...

All right.

I love you guys.

I love you.

I love you.

I'm so happy that my family
supports me.

To know they get to meet a
person that I'm so interested in

and want to be with and approve
of her and want her to be around

is a great thing.



Nice the meet y'all.

My dad said take her home,
bring her to Texas, son.

Announcer: At the end of
tonight's show, don't forget to

vote for your winning couple.

Announcer: We're back on
"love island," and, no, it's not

new islanders.

It's Alexandra's best friend
test is a and mom Lisa.

Dylan's dad Mike and mom Marian.

I feel like a little kid.

Announcer: Cue the screams
and bagels.

♪ We are family ♪
my mom and my best friend

just walked in in Fiji.

You look great.

I just had to give my mom a
big hug.

She looks is happy.

There were tears in her eyes.

Even my pops had tears in my
eyes -- tears in his eyes.

He's so cute.

I'm shaking.

Nice the meet you guys.

Who is this?

I'm is happy right now.

I literally could cry.

How are you?

I can't believe it.

&-bãoh, my god.

You look awesome, awesome, like
so much awesome, you know what I


Like, like, how are you?


Like, like, like, like
announcer: You tell 'em.

So you like Dylan?

Yeah, I do.

Wait, tell us about your

Was it romantic?

Yeah, it was.

It was like better than a
wedding could be I feel like.

He asked me to be his

I was like, okay.

You guess look so cute

You look good.

You "like a prayer" you
really have something going on.

She's insane.

She looks like she's natural
with you

it's the most natural thing
I've ever...

She's so nice.

She's so sweet.

I think she's perfect.

When I saw her right from the
beginning, I said, Dylan's going

to pick her.

She's so down to earth and so

just so totally herself.

She's a perfect match.

I love the fact that my
parents love what Alexandra and

I have going on.

They're extremely supportive
right away.

So did you talk about us on


We talked about we're an hour
and a half away.

No big deal.

Two hours away.

That's nothing.

The football thing was very

What football thing?

When you were talking about
you watch football.

That was good.

That was first day.

She said something about
football, and I said, boom, I'm


It's been amazing.

I'm so happy for you.

We love you.

I love you, too.

I'm is glad you're happy.

I'm so proud of you.

Love you, pops.

You look amazing.

We're so proud of you.

Oh, my god.

Hey, Alexandra.

I could talk forever.

My mom and my best friend
Tessa, knowing that they both

love Dylan is just so nice to
hear, because those are two

opinions that I respected

It's like so -- it's crazy,
because I feel like I've known

Alex my entire life.

We all knew.

They showed him on a preview,
and I was like done.

That's her man.

Did you see me run out.

I'm like, hi.

You had in make-up on and you
popped out.

I lucked out.

I was like, yeah, she had no
make-up on.

She had the cutest freckles.

I love her freckles.

You literally won all of our
hearts when you said that about

her freckles.

We were screaming.

It gets better all the time.

Every time I come to bed.

Oh, freckles.

My parents get to meet

And to see mom and pop, just the
icing on the cape.

I don't know what I did to
deserve this one.

Dylan's parents are exactly
how I thought they would be.


Nice to meet you.

How are you.

Dylan even goes, I bet my dad
will come in wearing a Hawaiian


Sure enough, came in with a
Hawaiian shirt on.

Oh, my god.

But everyone is just beyond
blown away by you.


I'm so happy.

Don't be afraid to open up.

Truly wear you heart on your
vive the next couple nights.

It's okay.

He likes you.

Open up a little bit.

You're safe.

Love you.

Love you, too.

I love you.

Love you.

I love you.

Bye, you guys.

Love you.

Announcer: Did they five
everyone out the Fiji for five


I want the cry.

Oh, my god.

I don't want them to leave.

That was so amazing.

I was shaking.

Me too.

Announcer: The following
scene was not sped up at all.

I'm actually kind of so

I'm so nervous I can't speak.

I'm not going to be able to

I'm going to feel so

Oh, my god.

I know how much ray loves his

His parents is his everything.

I was just so nervous.

Like I almost felt like I had
this out-of-body experience.

Oh, my god.

Is this you?

Announcer: It's Ray's dad,
also ray, and mom odetta and

caro's best friend Sergio.

My dad lives in Sweden.

My mom lives in Brazil.

I was really hoping for them to
come, but it was super surreal

seeing my best friend.

He came to the ville lark and I
was like, oh, my god.

I was so happy to see him.

Oh, my god.

I've missed you.

How are you doing?

This is the best day in the

You don't even understand.

Just seeing my mom's face.

I start the shed a tear.

One came down and wiped it off.

You know, it was great.

How was that flight?



We love you.

It really was long.

It really was.

Oh, my god.

How areu
I was a little worried about

her when the Asian gentleman
came on and she said, oh, that's

my type.

I said, what?

All your family is like, what is
she doing.

I had faith in her.

His soul is so beautiful.

Like he's such a genuine person,
like the best heart ever.

He matches your energy.

He matches me, and we always
talk about energy and he's so

family orcorrected.

For me that's so important.

I know.

They're so sweet.

They were a little bit worried
about you because you were here

and there with guys.

Oh, my god, what did they

You know what, you'll meet

Tell me.

Prepare me.

I'm so nervous the meet his
parents, because his parents

mean everything.

That's good sign.

That means he genuinely cares.

I know you and I know your

I know you were here for love.

I started vibing with her.

Her energy, once you meet her,
her energy, she's so outgoing.

She's just like you.

She takes care of me.

She's like a mastery figure.

Like I'm just chilling here by

She always makes sure I'm good.

She's dope.

I'm really feeling caro.

As long as she about it all
over the place like she was at

the beginning.

I got some vibes from my mom
that she wasn't real feeling


She's very protective over her

I don't think she thinks caro is
bad for me, but she doesn't know

how caro's mind-set works.

I asked her to be my

Oh, wow.




That's serious.

Oh, my god, I didn't tell

He asked me to be his
girlfriend, and I'm his


He's my boyfriend.



Come on.

What's up?

You ready?

I'm so nervous.

I'm so nervous.

I'm so nervous.


Announcer: Ray's mom has
reservations about caro because,

well, she's watched the show.

I've heard so many great
things about you guys.


How are you?

I've heard so many great things
about you guys.

We have been together for a

I was telling ray that I
didn't have a problem with you,

but when at first you were all
over the place on the show, and

then when I thought you all had
the connection going on, and

then Anton came New York you
were like, oh, my god, that's my

type right there.

I was like, what is she doing?

I know, I know.

Everyone was --
I think everyone watching

back home was like, don't do it.

I know us talking, we were going
to keep our options open, so I

guess when he came in --
I did feel intimidated by

Ray's mom.

I knew that it would take time
for her to get to know me.

I told them that, you know,
you're my girlfriend now.

I know.

He did tell me
but I'm so nervous.

This means so much to me meeting

I heard so much about you.

We are a close-knit family.

We're a supportive family, and
we just wish you the best.

Thank you.

Always know I'm a scorpio

My mom is blunting.

My mom will come straight down
the pipe and let you know how

she feels.

She kind of did that with caro.

Love you.

We're all there.

I'm going to see you all

Bye, bro.

Nice meeting you.

Good luck, guys.

Thank you.

It was big for me.

So obviously I want her to meet
my parents.

I feel like it's going to be

They'll come around.

Bye, mom.


She's so blunt.

I love that.

They were amazing.

I was so just so happy to meet

I wish I didn't have my
experience like that here,

because I feel like that kind of
like --

my dad is very protective.

My sister, my brother, my mom,
everyone is very protective of

each other.

If anyone does anyone dirty,
they just get back to it.

I never had that united
family thing.

I really want that for myself
and like my future.

I really, really want that.

And just seeing that, it just
makes me so happy, because, you

know, like I am your girlfriend,
so I'm happy.

I told them that.

I told them, I got a girlfriend

They're like, okay.

Oh, my god.

How did they react.

They're like, okay.

Whatever I do, they're going to
support me.

They're going to like you.

Having his parents come in
and having these assumptions, it

hurt me because I have so much
feelings for him, and I felt

like if I had more time, I
would -- his parents would be

able to see my genuine feelings
for him, and it was just hard

meeting them the first time

I don't know why I'm crying.

It was hard for them to come in
and have like a misconception of


This whole an. Situation, I
wish it never happened, and it

just kind of sucks.

Announcer: Oh, caro, don't

Let the clouds do that for you.

Last night in the villa.

Last night in the villa.

That's crazy.

I'm going to miss this so

Dude, what are we going to do
waking up and just not

everything everyone to talk to?

I need a Dylan and Weston
alarm clock that switches off

every other day.

This villa experience is like
a family to me.

It's taught me love.

I did not expect to come in
here and find this men m


Really truly thankful for
everyone in this room

even though I'm not an o.Gold
medal, I'm is happy I came in

when I did.

I love you guys.

I can't waited to get out of
here and hang out in the real


It's been amazeing.

I never would have thought I
would have came to the ville

will and found me a girlfriend,
you know?


I'm leaving with a boyfriend.

Announcer: Well, the
islanders are asleep, or in bed

at least, little do they know
you are about the change their


America it's finally time to
vote for your winning couple.

Your finalists are: Alexandra
and Dylan, caro and ray,

Elizabeth and Zac, Emily and

Get voting for your loving
island winner now.

Voting open the U.S. and Canada
residents 18 years and older.

The vote closes in two hours.

Tune in for tomorrow night's
epic "love island" finale to

find out which couple you will
crown the winner.

Captioning funded by CBS
captioned by

Announcer: Tomorrow night,
it all comes down to this, your

votes will decide who is crowned
America's favorite couple and

stands a chance of winning the
grand prize of $100,000.

You don't want to miss it.
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