01x08 - Episode 8

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x08 - Episode 8

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: warning: the
following program contains love,

Lust, and did you watch las

Previously on "love island,"
last night's recoupling was

Going pretty smoothly.

She makes me feel like I have
butterflies in my stomach.




Announcer: until the villa
got rocked.

The girl I want to couple up
with is katrina.

The girl I would like to
couple up with is christen.

Arielle: alana's yamen.

Six couples were left to
continue their pursuit of love.

I'll never be sorry.

I genuinely care about you.

Announcer: and we said
good-bye to two islanders.

Tonight, new arrival winston
makes his mark.

Who do you think you're
strongly attracted to.

There is one girl.


Announcer: and the boys
turn up the heat.

Announcer: last night alana
and mallory were dumped from the



We love you.

Announcer: and the two new
couples are still reeling from

The drama.

That that created.

How do you feel?

I don't know.

I feel horrible.

Like I know it's not my fault,
but I just really didn't think

She was going to go out that

I did try to see if something
was there, you know, nothing was


I'm in the attracted to her.

You know what I mean?


Announcer: so I would
rather take the chance of maybe

Something than no shot
then you know it's something.

Why am I here?

I'm on an island.

At the end of the day, I
we spent a week and a half

At the end of the day, I
we spent a week and a half

Trying to make it work.

She's so much more.

I think in the future she will
get it.

But right now I just think
everyone is in shock.

I don't know.

I don't know.


Announcer: yeah.

Moving on.

To a brand-new man who really
needs a date.

This full moon, man, it's
crazy stuff.

Yo, for real.

I got a text.

You got a text?


Got a text!

What now?

All right.

Okay, kyra, I know you're
coupled up right now, but I

Think you should keep your
options open in the villa.

Please come and meet me for a


Hell no.


The boy's name is winston?

We already got a winston.

I'm shaky.

So, yeah, kyra getting a text,
that was obviously surprising.

I think she was taken by
surprise, as well.

Are you guys messing with us?


We're all just kind of like

I don't know.

I really don't know the word for


Do you want to go upstairs?

My nails are upstairs.

Before you go?

I'm going to get ready.

Okay, bye.

I feel like that's so weird,
because I have not been open

About it, but there has been

I think y'all are good.

You're good.

Maybe he'll be like really
smart and put together, and

She'll be like, no, no, no, no.

I'm hoping that this guy is way
too clean cut and put together

And she's going to be like, man,
I miss that slob cashel and just

Come running back and hop in bed
with me and we'll snuggle up.

That's best-case scenario in my

There's been things I've been
trying to keep to myself.

It's so hard because all the
guys like him and stuff like

That, and he's dad of the house,
he's cash and he's so sweet at

The end of the day, but like he
does little things that it's

Like, I'm not sure if he gets
like if there is anything like


But I grew up in such a rocky
household without money and all

These different things, and when
I try the talk to him about life

And life goals, he's always just
like, I'm a surfer, like I couch

Surf, all this different stuff.

I don't know at the end of the
day if our values match up.

I don't know.

It's just little things.

I understand.

I have feelings for the kid
for sure.

And I was thinking maybe it's
just what I do in the outside

World of cutting myself off and
trying to find every little


But I don't know if it's just
little things that I'm finding

That I'm confused about.


Things that were said tonight
did make me think about kyra and


And I was like, relationship
future and stuff.

So I'm not happy that she's

That's great that she's going on
a date.

I bet she's going to miss

That's what I'm hoping.

I'm looking for someone who will
just fall to me, who will

Confide in me, you know, and not
other people.

Like I want to be zac and
elizabeth and just attached at

The hip.

I love that stuff.

It doesn't seem like kyra wants

I know that you all are in
couples, but this stays between


No, of course.


Girl code.

You can take this time, let
loose, have fun.

Just weigh your options.

If you were not open to other
people, then I don't think

You're really doing what you're
supposed to do here.

You're trying to find the best
thing ever.

All righty.

Like there is no second in
here to center yourself.

Because I don't even know how
I'm supposed to feel about this

Right now.

Winston is a lucky guy.

I guess I'm going on a date
with a new guy, and I don't know

How cash is feeling.

I don't even know how I feel.


Have fun without me.

Love you.

We're not going to have any

The fun walks out with you.

Like usually I would
backpedal in this situation.

I don't know, my brain is

I don't know how to feel about

I don't know.

Announcer: while cashel is
alone with his thoughts, kyra

Gets the privilege of leaving
the villa and going next door

The meet our new arrival,

I'm winston.

I'm 29 years old.

I'm from lexington, kentucky.

Some people might recognize me
due to my terrible game play on

"Big brother" 20.

Since "big brother," I've kind
of dated, of course, but nothing

Has worked.

That's why I'm here.

I am looking for the one, as
cliche has the sounds.

It's going to be different to
come in this late, because

Relationships have already been
blossoming, but it's only been

Eight or known days.

I don't think anybody is
necessarily married in there.

So I'm excited to get in there
and shake things up.

You look amazing, how are

I'm winston, by the way.

Take a seat.

So I've been dying to take a
drink for the last 20 minutes.

There we go.

Thank you.

Why did you choose me to go on a
date with.

I just thought you were

I thought, wow, you look really
fun, you have a good energy.

That was fun.

So you're here in the villa
just for me.

I mean, I --
oh, question, question.

You're a jokester?

I can be serious.

>>I'm from kentucky.

I was on "big brother" last

I've never seen it
announcer: what!

I didn't last that long.

It was barry bonding.

It was fun.

It was blast.

I have a big football family.

They're great, but a lot of

I'm the baby.

I'm the middle child.

I have a big sister and a little

I've always heard middle
child syndrome.

I don't know if it's middle
child I'm definitely a sassy


Announcer: back at the
villa, cashel opens up to dill

Anyone a brand-new episode of
two guys, one outfit.

With me and kyra, I genuinely
like this chick.

I'm into this chick.

I know it's been a week and a

But dude, who cares how long.

You don't have to tell me that.

When I know something, like I
know it.

When it comes to this type of

I explore it and I go like full
throttle, you know?

My heart is on my sleeve.

I don't care who sees.

She's not like that.

There's uncertainty because I
express myself.

I think it's very obvious my

She's more reserved with that.

I don't really know.

Like you can't make someone feel
comfortable with you.

They have to just get there, but
with this date going on, I can't

Help but just think like one of
two things are going to happen,

Like she could be like, that's
my guy and like we're done here,

Or it stays exactly the same and
I'm still having to vie for her

Attention, you know.

I sincerely hope she comes back
and she's like, you, you know

What I mean?


Announcer: kyra is on a
date with our newest islander


Luckily he's treating since she
left her cashel at home.

So how long have you been

My last relationship ended to
summers ago, which is kind of


I've been on dates and what not,
but nothing --

No apps?

I'm so scared to do online

You've never done it?


I do it old-school style.

None of those have worked either
are you on here looking for


I am.

I want the leave here hopefully
in a relationship.

Real-life dating, I have been
unlucky in love.

I'm from kentucky, so everyone,
all of my buddies are married.

I'm the last one.

I have always wanted a wife.

I've always wanted a family.

My parents got married when
they were like 25.

Oh, wow.


Are they still together?


That's kind of rare
nowa-days, isn't it?

It's so rare.

That's what I want.

Here in the villa, who do you
think you're strongly attracted


Well, there was this one
girl, kyra I think was her name.

I feel like I'm coming in at a
disadvantage because everybody

Has had these strong

I don't want to step on any
toes, but it's also like we are

Here to get to know everybody.

You kind of go for what you
want because everyone is kind of

Coupled up now.

So I guess you have to take a
risk or something like that.

You never know.

Announcer: another date
where no one ate.

It's fine.

Wrap it up.

Use it on the next one.

Oh, captain america.

Bro, how long is this damn

This is the longest date of
all time.

Let's see where everyone is,
if they're all together.


Welcome to the villa.

Come meet the girls.

This is winston, everyone.

What's up, bro?




How are you?

Nice to meet you.

The villa is amazing.

I'm so excited to be here.

It's gorgeous.

It's fiji.

It's so much better than

Are you kidding me?

I'm so pumped to be here.

Announcer: where is he from

How are you?

Good to see you.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.



Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

I'm win store.

So winston, I think he's

He's handsome guy.

He has a great body, has
beautiful smile.

He's very timid.

But I like that.

We just had drinks.

You chatted?

Yeah, yeah.

I just kind of, to clear the air
here, I just picked kyra out of

Pure coincidence.

All these girls are so pretty.

I think alexandra is so cute,
and katrina is gorgeous.

I mean, I'm here to hopefully
find a relationship, so if I

Have to step on some toes,ly.

We are on "love island."

I feel like this is the time, if
I want to go talk to somebody,

I'm going to talk to somebody.

Announcer: while winston
has a silent conversation with

The boys, kyra tells the girls
how the night went.

Be honest.

I will be honest.

How did it go?

I honestly think that tonight
happened so I can be more open

With myself and not just
daydream land with cash, because

I feel like everyone likes cash,
so I never say if I have an

Issue, because that isn't a good
thing, because that's not


And there are issues, and there
are little things.

So I feel like tonight that
opened it up for me, because

There are other people and stuff
like this.

I'm not about looks.

Cash is not my normal type

So I went into it soup open

He's a different vibe than the
rest of the guys for sure.

Cash is chilling I'm guessing.

New york he was stressing?

Was he?

He was like, I'm trying to be
normal, but...


He's such a cutie.

I'm so into him.

The date with winston was super

I wanted to be open minded about

And I think that was an
eye-opener to me, because I feel

Like the last couple days I have
been very nitpicky or having

Issues with like going there
with cash and really letting my

Walls down, getting to a little
bit of a point with you where

I'm starting to like you so I'm
trying to find things to not

Like about you.



Does that make any sense.


Don't do that, though.

It's hard for me not to do.

I really like you.

Oh, stop it.

Stop it.

Something that I've just
scared of with our relationship

And what's going on here is like
I like you, and when I get into

Relationships, I go in, and I go
in fast, like I just want to go

There with you so bad.

I don't know how to make you
feel comfortable, but I really

Want to.

I'm happy with us, but I
never want to just like jump

Right in.

Like I'm not there yet, if that
makes any sense.

I just know what the type of
relationship that I want to be

In, and it doesn't involve a
mystery and it doesn't involve

Like one sided like love, like
unrequieted love.

I know.

All I know is that I didn't want
to be on that date.

I wanted to be hanging with you.

Because you're a cool dude.

♪ Like it like that
like it like that

♪ Like it like that
I'm so tired.

Me, too.

Announcer: I wonder what
the pool looks like now.

Thanks, tom.

After tonight do you feel
like okay, all right.

Announcer: good morning,

I just made it back to the booth
after I power washed the deck,

Fluffed the pillow, all of them,
trimmed the palms, and

Delicately rinsed alexandra's
teddy bear.

Where were we?

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm feeling like

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah
we could do this every night

♪ Feels so good
so good ♪

First morning in the ville
lamp I'm so excited.

It's raining outside, but that
can't break my spirit.

I'm pumped.

All the guys are super
welcoming, really friendly.

I am not used to waking up with
a bunch of beautiful women


I am used to being the only
single guy in the room, though.

♪ The summer in your backseat
with the sun in my eyes

♪ Sun in my eyes
growing up I wanted to be

Married at 25.

I want seven kids.

So I want the find that person
and have a great marriage and

I'm all... That's why I'm so
excited to experience that.

I honestly think yamen is
someone I get along.

With I feel like where you're at
is that honeymoon stage where

You're getting to know each

He wants to name his first
kid yamen.

You're like, I'm on board.


This is wild.

Did you talk?

Yeah, we talked.

It's one of those things,
actions versus words at this


So I feel like for me, all I can
do is like do me.

And hopefully she comes with.

The last thing I want to do,
like I told you, is push her

Away by being too much.


I think in here is a lot.

I'm one of those people, too.

I love my faith.

Not everybody is zac and

I got a text!


I got a text!

I got a text!

Winston, it's time the play the

Today you will make lunch for
three girls of your choice.

One will share the starter with
you, one will enjoy the main

Course, and one will join you
for dessert.

Please now make your choices
#tablefortwo #goodenoughtoeat

Welcome to the ville lamp
this is weird.


So how about katrina, would you
join me for the first portion.


Katrina, obviously if I was
picking, she would be breakfast,

Lunch, and dinner and many and

Alexandra, would you join me
for the second one?



And caro, would you join me?


so winston invited me.

It was kind of, I don't really
think I was an option.

He's like, uh, caro, I guess.

I'm like, okay, man, thanks.

How do you feel?

I don't know.

What do we talk about?

You know he's trying to get

Winston asked me to eat the
main course with him.

And so, yeah, I mean, it's
flattering, it's nice.

He is cooking a meal.

You're the meal.

You're not a little snack.

You're the meal, honey.

Obviously like I like dylan,
but I have an open mind, so I'll

Go and talk to him and see what
he's about.

♪ Why does it always rain on me

Announcer: oh, beautiful
sunny fiji is what I was

Promised when I signed on to
this show.

So the luxury outdoor fine
dining dates for winston are


We've chucked the table in the
lounge and we're making the boys


Oh, my gosh, dude.

Announcer: bon appetite.

He will see us looking right
at him.






It's raining hard.

We're going to share this.

Oh, my god, that looks so

Look at you.


Do you normally cook?

I do a little bit.

I kind of was guess thank you

I feel like you're one of those
guys that's so well put together

That you like the cook. Have rea
thank you.

I have dark brown eyes because I
wear brown, because when the

Light hits it, it looks better.

I think I might have chance
with katrina.

I felt a little spark.

Announcer: wow.

This date is going well.

I bet weston is shaking in his
cowboy boots.




Thanks for inviting me.

You're welcome.

I picked you because you're
really my type, to be honest.

What is your type usually?

I want a girl that's more
similar to me, like cliche as it

Sounds, I think you really want
to be with someone you're more

Similar with.

Opposites attract, but I don't
think they marry.

I just came up with that.

You can take that.

How do you feel about alex
being down there?

He's an awesome dude, you

I'm just hoping I'm more

Specifically, like you and
dylan, how compatible are you


I think my struggle is
opening up really a lot, or at

Least this early on, just
because --

We have so much in common.


Look at dylan.

He's over here peeking through
the bushes.

I'm not going to look.

She always looks happy, so if I
look and she looks happy, I'm

Going to be upset.

We've only known each other
for about a week.

You have a level head on your

You get to know each other
really quickly.

You're in close quarters.

You're all cooked.

Give me 20 minutes.

Announcer: good impression
of cormac.

Can you help me out.

I stuck a whole spoon in my

Maybe I should have faked to see
if she's down for c.p.r.

Announcer: no one is ever
down for c.p.r.

Now yamen serves dessert with
just a spoon and fork.

I suspect the knife is still in
alana's back.

Oh, my goodness, lord.

Dessert is served.

Today we have toasted strawberry
chocolates prepared in house.

That is amazing.


Thank you very much.

Bon appetite
oh, my god.

That is really b*mb.

This is really b*mb
so tell me a little bit about

Your family.

My mom is sicilian and my dad
is german.

I have half-sister.

I definitely want kids.

I would say as many as I can
afford, which might be like one.

The conversation was good.

It was -- I wish we had more
time actually.

I guess that's a good sign.

But it was a good date.

Hopefully at the end of this,
it would be great to have a


But obviously I don't want to
come in and force that either.

I'm kind of chilling and I want
to be myself, hang out.

If it happen, it's amazing, if
not, it's okay, you know.

Well, I'm happy that you're

So I had a good time.

I got to embarrass myself with
my cooking skills or lack


I'm glad I pulled it off.

I think they were impressed.

So it was a good first

Announcer: cormac and caro
are currently conversing.

Did you enjoy your date?

It was like... It wasn't --
like we didn't have any

Conversations where I was like,
oh, my god.

But did you feel that when me
and you went on a first date.

I also felt like whatever on
our first dated, to be honest.

No, no.

You think if he asked you on
another date, would you be


I don't think I'd be happy,
but I would be like, okay.

I would be interested in getting
to know him.

I've already talked to you about

I want to actually find a
genuine connection, and I know

So do you, and there's obviously
a lot of physical attraction

Going on, and this is all fun,
and it's nice.

It feels good, but I want
something deep.

Like I want a deep connection.

I want something that is a
foundation to something.

But you know the foundation
is physical attraction and like

Having fun.


I don't know if cormac is 100%
invested in me.

I think he's invested in me now.

But I have no idea how it would
be in a few girl comes in and is

Like trying to get at him.

Help me out here.

So caro pulled me aside, and
she's like, you're not opening

Up to me.


If I'm honest, I'm not for
the sake of staying in the ville

Lark but again, open up about

Like you know, I have nothing to
open up to you about.

Like I don't share.

Like that's just me being honest

I probably should tell -- I have
told her that.

But I want to play the game a
little bit, like I feel there is

Another girl coming in.

An I'm having fun with caro, I
am having fun with her.

If I wasn't, I would leave, like
there would be no point in me

Being here, you know what I

Like I told her I would make an
effort to get to know her, and I

Have been, but just not on the
level she wants it at.

Getting deep isn't something
you can force.

It happens naturally.

It's not like, we're going to
have a deep conversation.

For me especially
hell no.

Sex is a big thing for me.

I know that's a huge thing for

Sometimes I like girls and I
have sex with them once and I'm


For me it's that.

Then it's sex.

Then it's open up.

Where she just wants to skip

And I haven't done my bit in

That's what I need to do.


That's your...

Those are my steps.

You know?

So I've done maybe one or two,
and I'm not skipping three and

Four to go to five.

Announcer: thank god for

Night falls on the villa.

I didn't have any time.

Announcer: time to

Introduce the second new
islander of the night,


I got a text.

Announcer: oh, she's been
here the whole time.

Oh, my god, what is it?

Islanders, it's time to find
out who raises your heart rate


Hearts on fire.

#Danceoff, #shakeyourmoneymaker.

Oh, no.

Are we getting a stripper

Bring it on.

Announcer: tonight's game
is hearts on fire.

The girls will wear heart rate

The moves that increase their
rate the most will win.

Come on, boys.

It's the most accurate test of a
couple's true compatibility that

Also involves stripping.

Have a good day at work
tonight, fellas.

I can't do sexy.

When I get on the dance floor, I
think they'll probably be


Oh, my god!

Nobody likes a tool.

Announcer: oh, don't sell
yourself short.

♪ Looking for some hot stuff
baby this evening

♪ I need some hot stuff baby
tonight ♪

Oh, my god.

♪ Looking for some hot stuff
baby this evening ♪

You're blushing.

That was great, dylan.

That was great.

I have no clue what just

I just blacked out.

When in doubt, just jump on 'em.

Because he was first, I got
so excited.

Of all the professions people
dress up when they strip,

Grocery store clerk isn't one of

Uh-oh, what is this, a fire.

You women are on fire.

I've come to extinguish you with
my hose.

We are the hose.

You like that.

Zach was so cute.

I like his firefighter outfit.

I was like, that's a cute one.

♪ Hot stuff tonight
that's kind of hot.

He wanted to go longer.

I was like, I should not be
looking right now.

He's like a little brother.

A lot of my friends are
strippers, guys and girls, so I

Think they're going to be proud
of me.

Oh, my god.

Someone called 911?

I got good hips.

I'm in the like uncoordinated.

I'm in the like uncoordinated.

The guys dancing tonight was

It was so funny.

Winston is probably shaking
in his boots.

I commend winston, because
it's his first full day and he

Got thrown into doing a dance in
front of all the girls.

Rip 'em off.

Right now.

It needs to be done.


Oh, yeah.

Cashel had me getting all hot
and bothered honestly.

He just looks so chill, but he
was that perfect amount of cute

And sexy.

I was feeling it.


Cash is k*lling it.



That was great.

He had a really good vibe.

All right, all right, all

There's some lawbreakers in here

Weston was hitting everyone
with those moves.

A lot of guys came out and were
pelvic thrusting.

I really liked weston's whole

I was in it.

Save a horse, ride a cowboy.

Those are actual dance moves.


He looks like he's out of
"magic mike."


The cowboy.

Who is going to ride this
chocolate cowboy?

Oh, my god.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Yee haw!

Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.

Good job, guys.

Well done.

Hopefully I'm riding off into
the sunset on my horse with

Milady on the back of the horse.

Announcer: it's a hot night
at the villa as the boys put on

A sexy dance the raise the
girls' heart rates.

Now it's the girls' turn to

Hey, we're an equal opportunity

We got.

This we're bad b*tches.

I'm just going to walk on in
there like I'm a sheriff from an

Old county, and I'm locking the
boys up.



I hear someone is wanted for
being a hot man.

Oh, that's me.


♪ Don't you wish your girlfriend
was hot like me ♪

That's crazy.

I kind of planned on what I
wanted to do, but then when I

Walked out, there everything was
just like whoa.

♪ Don't you
I know from afar it is a

Pirate outfit.

I need to make it known it's a
pirate outfit.

Argg boys.

I'm trying to find my hidden

She was sexy.

There are no other words to say.

I'm in shock still.



Come get your wieners.

Nice wieners.

That's so her.

So I'm happy she stayed true to

Who has been a bad, bad, bad

Who has been a bad boy?

Me, every day since I've been

I really enjoyed dancing in
front of the guys because it put

Me outside of my comfort zone.

Come on.

It was very frightening.

She just yelled.



I heard you boys wanted to go
fast, but I didn't know how fast

We were talking.

She stepped out of her
comfort zone, but she rocked it.

Oh, damn.

I purposely gave winston a
good lap dance because I wanted

Zac to get all mad about it.

Oh, my god.

Put it into overdrive, please.

I have not seen that side of
elizabeth before.

It kind of scares me a little

everybody she danced on I was

Like, oh.

Very, very, very insanely

It was a show.

We had dinner and a show

That's weird that they can be
that guarded.

Now it's time to find out
which boy raised your heart rate

The most during their

Zac, the girl who raised your
heart rate the most was caro.

Zac's heart was up the most at
caro's because he even looked

Scared of her.

Cashel, the girl who raised your
heart the most was katrina.


It was hot.

Winston, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was


Caro, you little firecracker.

Yamen, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was


The kiss probably sealed the

Dylan, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was


Cormac, the girl who raised
your heart rate the most was



And weston, the girl who

Raised your heart rate the most
was christen.


So I got three guys' heart
rate going really fast.

I was very dominant.

I think I was kind of scary.

Here we go.

Islanders, now it's time to find
out which boy raised your heart

Rate the most during their

Caro, the boy who raised your
heart rate the most was winston.


I won.

Your boy got one.

I don't care who it was.

All I know, one girl, caro, got
her heart rate raised for me,

Which is hilarious.

Hey now.

Alexandra, the boy who raised
your heart rate the most was me.

Thank you.

I know, I know.

I'm hilarious.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Kyra, the boy who raised your
heart rate the most was cormac.

He was just funny because he
literally was in these little

Boy shorts pelvic thrusting.

I think I was laughing really

Elizabeth, the boy who raised
your heart rate the most was


Christen, the boy who raised
your heart rate the most was



Maybe christen is into
airline pilots, you know, if I

Could get anybody's ticker
going, that's always a good


And katrina, the boy who
raised your heart rate the

Most --

Was yamen.

That was a fun game, though.

Good job, everybody.

Good job, everyone.

Sometime their heart rates will
go up even higher when you vote

Tomorrow night, and this is how.

America, we need you.

It's time for you to shake
things up.

Please vote for who you think is
the most cumpatible couple in

The villa.

You can choose from cashel and
kyra, cormac and caro, weston

And katrina, yamen and christen,
zac and elizabeth, alexandra and

Dylan, new boy winston is immune
from this vote as he isn't in a


Don't forget, you're voting for
the couple you think are most


The couples with the least votes
are at risk of being dusmged

From the island tomorrow night.

Voting open to u.s. And canada
residents 18 years or older or

With permission from parents and

Terms and conditions apply.

The vote closes in 30 minutes.

Announcer: tomorrow night
on "love island," I will

Personally tally all of your
votes, and I'm going to count

Them very carefully.

The results will turn the villa
upside down.

It's going to be epic.
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