01x10 - Episode 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x10 - Episode 10

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: warning: the
following program contains love,

Will u.s. And the perfect gene

Previously on "love island," if
you've been living under a

Wifi-free rock, let me bring you
up to speed.

Please, try keep up.

So five gorgeous girls entered
the "love island" villa here in

Fiji quickly followed by five
handsome hunks.

They all coupled up.

Then a bombshell shook things up
and had 24 hours to steal a man.


Announcer: next, two
gorgeous guys appeared and a

Recoupling led to one islander
being dumped.


If that wasn't enough, two new
girls crashed the party, sending

Two other girls packing.


Then a new guy got straight to

You voted for the two least
compatible couples, two people

Were saved and two went home.

Love you guys.

Announcer: leaving four
couples and three singles

Continuing their journey for
happily ever after.

But brace yourself, america.

We are just getting started.

Tonight the love liner docks and
six new sexy singles arrive in

Fiji, all looking for love at
whatever cost.

Ship's going down, people.

Last recoupling we celt ssh said
and irish good-bye to cormac and

A wherever she's from good-bye
to christen.

So caro and yamen are thanking
their lucky costars they're

Still in the villa.

♪ You left your fingerprints on
my heart.

Guys, thank you so much.

From the bottom of my heart,
thank you so money.

Like thank you so much.

I am here for the right


Thank you.

Let it out, dude.

It's been out, it's been out.

It's been out.

I'm good.

I'm good.

I'm good.

I'm good.

♪ How you love someone
it hurt me, as well to, see

Christen go, because I was like,
damn, I really was like, oh, my

Goodness, like I really like
this girl a lot.

I wanted to cuddle up on her all
day every day.

It sucks.

I don't know.

Announcer: later that
evening the girls gathered

Upstairs the debrief.

I hope caro is okay.

Yeah, like you know how I was
telling you with cormac, I knew

It wasn't going to go that far,
my issue they was having, like

That's so crazy.


So cormac was dumped from the

I knew he wasn't the guy for me,
so I am single again.

People say that the third time
is a lucky charm, so hopefully

My man will walk through the

Announcer: it's okay,

She's fine.

But kyra is still unsure about

So I'm happy that I made it,
but I feel like my issue is

Still an issue.

Don't worry, babe.

Do I still need to sit down
and talk.


Are you 100% sure, like you've
been feeling like this for a bit


I'm in the trying to jump the
g*n at all.

Tonight it makes it even more
obvious to me that you can't

Waste time here.

I came here for a reason.

I love cash for everything that
he is, but I'm not sure if we

Are compatible.

So I'd rather just tell him that
I'm having doubts and that

Sometimes it is more of a
friendship feeling.

That's a risk that I'm willing
to take.

How you doing?


How you doing?

I'm cool.

I'm chilling.

I wanted to talk to you.

Talk to me.

Just like the last couple
days of figuring out where my

Head is at and being in here and
like being with you and getting

To know you and like... Like I
don't know if we 100% have the

Same... Like if we click in all
the ways, you know?


My thing pretty much is like
sometimes I do go to place where

It's more of like a friend place
and not like a romantic place.


I feel like for me, I need
like a little bit of a step


We had a great first date.

I think there were some
fireworks going on from the


I feel like you pulled back
pretty quick, like maybe you've

Known this for a while and have
been needing to process that.

I didn't know this for a

This literally happened within
the past three days.

There are still moments like
last night when I wanted to jump

Your bones, but it's just
like... I think we relate on so

Many ways but at the same time
we don't relate in a lot of


You know?

At the end of the day, we're
all in here for the same reason,

If you're not feeling that and
you're second-guessing that,

That's fine.

You know how I feel.

Like I've been pretty forthright
about that.

How can I not be disappointed
and kind of bummed about it?

How can I not be disappointed
and kind of bummed about it?

Kyra just shut me down.

Kyra, kyra, kyra.

I guess cashel is single again.


♪ I've never been so low
are you okay?

Yeah, it's what I wanted to

I just said, I think we're more
friends than anything, and he is

Not happy about it.

Oh, god.

You did what you had to do.

I respect you.

Like I had to follow my gut
at the end of the day.

I know you were talking about
how she wasn't showing it.

It gave me that back pedal.

Is basically she said, I
don't really want to try being

With you anymore?

Basically ended it.

Basically put cashel in the
single category again.

As much as that suck, you
have to respected the fact that

He told you and she wasn't
trying to play you with it.


Looking back what bumps me out a
little bit, we never got those

Times to really sit there and
just talk about the stars, dude,

Or whatever.


Announcer: who doesn't want
to talk about whatever?

Meanwhile, resident bromeo zac
needs help asking elizabeth a

Very important question.

What's the game plan tonight?

Game plan tonight is to ask
elizabeth to be my girlfriend.

What are we doing?

Like right now?


I consider myself a hopeless
romantic, so I'm going to send

Her on a it will scavenger hunt
up to the place where we had our

First kiss.

So here goes nothing.

This is the spot where we first
coupled up.

Now you have to go to the

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

What's going on?

So I tried before.

To tell her
♪ the feelings I have for her

In my heart ♪
quit texting me.

This is the spot where you
first told me you didn't snuggle

Step three, go to the day bed.

Off you go.

I love scavenger hunts.


This is the spot we had our
first serious conversation.

Step four, go to your wardrobe

♪ Do I have to tell a story of

♪ Do I have to tell a story of



What's going on?

I'm on a scavenger hunt.


I sent you on a little scavenger

I just wanted to tell you I
think you're just a wonderful


And I really like you a lot.

So I'd like the take things a
step further and I would like it

If you would be my girlfriend.

I would love that.

?oatd every little thing she
does is magic

♪ Everything she does turns me
on ♪

My heart is racing.

I was nervous, too.

♪ Now I know my love for her
goes on ♪

She said yes.

we are official.

Are we official?


You're my boyfriend.

It's my girlfriend.

Announcer: I can't imagine
what our electricity bill is.

I'm actually excited for

Announcer: only half of
those need to be on.

Well, it's the end of a long
night of breakups and proposals,

And unlike my house, things are
happening in the bedroom.


How are you?



Love you.

Lou you, too.

Announcer: that's my truth

I keep forgetting.

That was the thing.

Like married couple.

You good?

Announcer: instead of
showing you eight hours of

Darkness, we sped it up.

Now it's morning.

We've slowed it back down again.

The islanders have a big day
ahead of them.

Well, hello.

What are you yelling at, bud?

Cashel, how are you feeling?

I feel like it was something
that had to happen because I'm

Not regretting it.

And now I'm in a very sad,
awkward like you don't know.

He's downstairs.

He's downstairs.


You're lying?

Howdy it bite you?

With its teeth.

Walking around.

And a shark bit you?

A little one.

Like a baby shark?

♪ Baby shark
do-do-do-do-do-do-do ♪

All the single gentleman.

Hey, that's going to be us.


Single and ready to mingle.

That's right.

Announcer: the islanders
are about to get a big surprise.

What could it be, pizza,

Oh, no, as usual it's --
I got a text.


Girls, today you're leaving the
boys behind and heading out for

Cocktails and tikis.



You guys have a good time.

You guys have fun.

Do me a favor.

Go put on a sweatshirt and

I'm so excited.

We get cocktails.

It's the best day ever.

Look at all the boys working
out, guys.

I know.

Today may just be the day.

He's working out.

I know.

Look at him.

Getting that extra pump in.

He's so working out.

That's so funny.

I'm excited to go out with
the girls and not have boys just

Walking around eavesdropping.

I swear they always come
upstairs when we start having

Our girl time.

Bye, boys.

Have fun.

Be safe.


Have fun.

You deserve it.

Don't have too much fun
without us.

This villa wouldn't be the
same without you.

Don't let the door smack your
ass on the way out.

So the ladies are out the get
cocktails or do whatever.

The fellas are kicking it at the

And supposedly we have a little
pool party.

You know?

So we can't have a pool party
without a ting.

So maybe a ting going to come
walking in.

I'm not going to lie.

I debt get a little excited.

I'm ready the take the
feathers out.

Peacock around.

Who's got the best peacock.

They said "peacock," not the
spitting iguana from "jurassic


I'm on the singles train.

Everybody knows it.

Cheers to being in the villa
with the coolest guys around.

Some lovely hot ladies coming in
to help my boys out.

And let's just have a great

Prosperity, baby.


Announcer: well, boys, your
wish is our casting director's


Cue the overpriced video

♪ Well I came to move
announcer: don't get too


After the break six sexy singles
are about to stir this ship up.

Announcer: time to shake
things up.

Hot new islanders cruising on
the love liner.

Let's get them there fast,
because this thing is uninsured.

♪ Don't believe in no devil
I'm ray.

I'm 23 years old, I'm from
jersey, baby.

I'm coming to "love island" to
find me a queen.

Back home I didn't have much

I'm hoping I can find me
something in the villa to hold

Me down, baby.

I need something special.

I'm eric.

I'm 28 years old.

I'm from toronto, canada.

My friends describe me as the
type of guy who knows what he

Wants and goes and gets it.

Some might say I'm a player.

Some might say I'm a lover.

At the end of the day I'm an
emotional dude.

I wear my heart on many I

My name is george.

I want these girls in the villa
to know I'm not just a pretty


I'm in the somebody who just can
go in there and catch your eye.

I want to be somebody who can
catch your heart an your


My name is kelli rodgers.

-- Kelsey.

I'm 25 years old from newark,

I haven't been in love before,
and please, baby jesus, let me

Have a connection, because I'm

I'm marlboroughly.

I'm 25 years old.

I'm from miami.

I have my eye on weston.

No, winston.

Both ws are a win.

My name is aissata.

I'm 26.

I'm from the get down bronx.

Because of my heartbreaks in the
past, I definitely know for sure

What I'm looking for.

They need to watch out in that
ville lark because I am coming.

Announcer: I hope the new
boys like pina coladas because

They're about to meet the o.g.

Girls at a nearby bar.



And our friendship.

I love you guys.

I love you guys.

You are... You have a

It still feels weird for me
to say.

We can tell.

We're happy for you.

It's been like something out
of a storybook.

What about you?

I need a man.

I need a man.

What about you, caro?

I'm single once again, which
is kind of like scary in a way,

Because I'm like, why am I
always single?

What the hell.

What do you think the guys
are doing right now?

They're doing the unicorn.

Look at me.


Announcer: no one called

Two, three...

We're doing what, mid-push-up

I don't know.

We were doing a lot of stupid

Bro stuff.

Announcer: bro stuff.

They need some girls in this

I hear some noise.

Hey, boys.


How are you?



Hi, guys.

What's up, what's up?

Hello, hello, hello.


Hi, guys.

Well, well, well.

How are you all?

Some girls.

Who do I meet first?

Nice to meet you.

What's your name?



I'm grahammen.

I'm cashel.

Mice to meet you.

Welcome to the villa.

I'm aissata.

Nice to meet you.

I'm winston.

Nice to meet you.

What's your name?

I'm aissata.

You're cute.

Look at you.

Your boy is going to have a
couple convos and get back in

The game and do my thing.

Yep, yep.

So where are the girls...

What girls?

♪ Work it
give it to me

♪ I'm worth it
when it comes to looks, I'm

Very open.

Looks is not a priority for me.

Shut up.

I saw it out of the corner of my

Hit my phone, boy
are you a homeboy

♪ Are you alone, boy
hello, ladies.

Announcer: that's how I

Look at cake.

Oh, my gosh.


I'm katrina.

Nice to meet you.


Elizabeth, nice the meet you.


What up, what up, what up?

I'm ray.

Let's get this cranked up, baby.

Announcer: fun fact: we
added the music after.

I don't know what they're
dancing to.

You guys, they're actually
choosing the pool.

You guys, they're actually
choosing the pool.

So when is your birthday?



Is that bad?

That's a great thing, because
I'm a virgino.

I love virgos.

Are you kidding me?

Horses and virgos are so

I love virgo men.

Aissata is definitely easy on
the eyes for sure.

She's got some beautiful
piercing eyes.

She's definitely -- she's some
fine wine for sure.

What do you do again?

I'm a buyer and seller for an
interior design company.

That's greaf
do you have any initial


I mean, yeah.

But would it be gentleman for me
to say?

Probably not?

I mean, the attraction on one
end, it's like you want to build

That as like a personality
thing, too, before you just dive

In and tell somebody, hey, I'm
attracted to you.

How tall are you?

6.3 and a half.

I'm 6.1 and a half
I need 6.5 and above.


All right.

You can walk your ass out,
because you're not finding that

In here.

Tell me about your time so

My time in the villa?

I feel like I've been trying to
find somebody, and that hasn't

Worked out for me yet.

That's okay.

I'm chilling.

You seem a little wild,

Yeah, I'm wild.

What is the little baby

Tell me about that?

I do that a lot because I
think it's just a part of my


You have a little spark?

I'm in the here to fall a sleep
during the conversation.

Yeah, exactly.

Oh, my god.

Do you want to have family?

Of course.

One day.

It's not something I'm trying
the rush.

It's all about finding the
right person.

Making sure things work.

Are you into energies.

Energy is huge for me.

Energy is huge for me.

I like undivided attention.

That's the biggest turn-off, if
I'm talking to someone, I can


I'm very intuitive.

I can tell if they're thinking
about something else.

You're easy to pay attention


You're so smooth.

It's kind of what?

I'm blushing.

I don't know why.


What's wrong?

I don't know.


So how do you feel?

I'm feeling good.

I walked in.

I got to meet some beautiful

We all know each other

We don't know anything about
you, dude.

I'm from jersey.

I'm 23.

I just graduated from college.

I'm an aspiring orthodontist.

You have nice teeth.

You have nice teeth, too
who do you have your eyes on?

I thought you were cute?

Oh, thank you.

I thought caro was cute.

I'm more so on vibes.

I love a girl who affectionate.

Everyone says actions speak
louder than words.

I like the words and the action.

Remind me.

You like me.

Tell me.

Why do you like me?

All that stuff.

So welcome to the island.

Thank you.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So you're 20.


I thought you were already
coupled up with kyra.

We had a little thing going
on, last night that changed.

When was your last relationship?

I was with somebody for
almost five years on and off,

But my mind-set has changed.

My ambitions have changed.

My drive has changed.

I then moved to miami and I
haven't seen anybody.

I want man.

I need one.

So I am here to look for one.

I'm staring at every single one
to see which one is the one.

So let's see.

All right.

So I got a good vibe from all of

They seem like they'll be a
good time.

Kelsey seems like a lot of

I'm interested in that

She's pretty.

She's absolutely gorgeous.

I have my eyes on all of

Obviously don't think anyone
could pry me away from alexandra

Right now, but I'd still like
the talk to all of them.

For my purposes of winning
kyra's affection back, I'm going

To talk to kelsey.

I think I'm going to get my
flirt on.

Kelsey seems like the most, like
the type I would be most

Compatible with.

I'm hoping that maybe that might
stir some feelings in kyra.

Maybe she'll come back.

I'm like loan wolfing it at this

I'm out there for the hunt.

I got to take what I want, you
know what I mean?

Announcer: check out the
"love island" app for exclusive

Content, polls and quizzes.

And stir things up by voting on
dates, dumpings, and much more.

Download the app for free on
ios and android devices.

names of our three new boys and

Three new girl, so back on the
ville lark winston gets

Approached by the blonde in the
blue bikini, kelsey.

Have you found nick or are
you vibing with anybody?


I've been sleeping alone.

So you're happy to see new

Super happy.

Elated that there are some new
women to walk into the villa and

Shake things up.

But I've been wide open.

Living with not one guy but a
group of guys, hot guys, in the

Villa is crazy.

I'm trying to get to know
everybody here, just because

Pretty much everyone is up for

So I'm just super excited to do

Do you play sports?

I was an irish dancer and a

An irish dancer?

What is that?

You got to do it.

Absolutely not.


If somebody does it with me.

I'll do it.

Somebody do it with me.


I'm irish, too.

I want to see this.

Does everyone have a partner.


Hold hands like this.

Nice and pretty.

I'm going to do it.

You guys are a team.

Come on.

An you go.

Top, two, three.

Two, three.

Hop, two three.

Hop, two three, four, five, six,

Come on, guys.

Hop back
so that's all it is?

Three four five six seven.

New girl is making the o.g.

Girls kind of feel like, oh,

But I mean, we'll see.

I mean, I know ain't nobody
looking over my shoulder.

Dang, I wonder what yamen is

I'm... Your boy is a free bird.

I'm a free bird.

And I don't know.

I'm going to, you know, see
what's going on with some other



So what do you think?

Three new girls.

What's going on?

What's on your guys' mind.

I'm excited to know all three
of you.

I am definitely open the
knowing everyone.

I'm in the place where I want
to talk to all of you guys.

You're an open book.

I'm always an open book.

I have a really good
connection and I'm is happy with

The couple I'm in.

But there could be a better

I want the best connection to be
with alexandra, but I'm not

Closed off to getting to know
other girls.

Good to know.

You're like coupled up
coupled up, but are you open to

Talking to other people?

Yeah, I'll give you guys all
the time of day.

What's shocking to me is how
some of the guys are handling

Their conversations.

What's coming out of their
mouths, I'm just, I mean, first

Of all, dylan acting like he's
all open for another commitment.

Like, man, no, you're not.

I this I even zac tiptoed around

Zac has a girlfriend.

He didn't even say that out

We'll be back.

Have fun.

We got to tread soft ly, bro
work the I'm open to getting to

Know people.

You just got a girlfriend.

You put a full-blown label on

My thing is this.

If they come back and talk to
the girls and they tell the

Girl, yeah, all the guys say
they're open, elizabeth says

Even zac, yeah, he's open.

She's like, oh, he just asked me
to be my girlfriend.

I understand what you're

I understand what you're saying.

And I'll have a talk to her
later and reassure her.

For them to be like all the
guys said they were open, I can

See it now, even zac said that?

Yeah, zac said that.

Have a talk with elizabeth.

It's cool.

Trust me.

Elizabeth is my girl at the end
of the day.


Announcer: while zac better
not, kelsey spends time in the

Weston hemisphere.

Where do you live again?

Dallas, texas.

You live in dallas, texas.

I live outside of dallas.


I did construction, so when I
was 20 I got to build my own


That's amazing.

So we have 12 acres.


That's unheard of
I built my house.

I built my sister a house, I
built my dad a house on this

Three-acre lake.

We have a compound out in the
middle of nowhere.

That's great.

Do you have veneers?


You have great teeth.

Did you ever have braces?

I have headgear for five

I'm a big believer in the
laws of attraction.

I feel like me and you have a
really good vibe.

You know what I mean.

I can communicate with you.

And you can communicate.

It's very, very, very rare to
find that.

Especially right off the bat.

But I feel like it just came


That's awesome.

I've had my eye on you literally
since you walked in.

It's funny, because all the
girl, nobody stepped forward.

That's so embarrassing.

I was like, what are they

Are they crazy.

If I could describe myself,
I'm like pudding.

I look like crap but I'm sweet.

You're very handsome,
extremely handsome.

I'm a big good ball.

I just like the make people
laugh and smile.

Well, you've done that for


I cannot stop looking at your
dang eyes.

That's a good thing, right?

You have such a natural

Like you have -- I don't know.

That's attractive.

I love the beachy hair, the

I vibe with that hard.

I think you're adorable.

I think you're super cute and

But I am trying not to look.


You're making me nervous.

Now I'm nervous.

I don't want you to be

In here it's all about like
being honest.


Are you the perfect man?

I'm scared.

I look at her eyes and I
don't want the look anywhere

Else again.

I feel like I was swimming in
fiji waters, just swimming away.

Her eyes are so blue and so
pretty and gorgeous.

It's like looking at a diamond
with ocean in the background.

Announcer: how do we not
have a shot of a diamond with

The ocean in the background?

Never mind, we've got 17
islanders as of now.



You just got nervous.

What's up, ladies?

We're back.

Oh, there's three of you.

There's three of them.


Oh, my god.

What's up?

What's up?


What's up, what's up?

Oh, we have some guys.

Three's a crowd.

How are you guys doing?

How is it going?


Nice to meet you.

What's up, brother?


There is definitely so many
options now.

For girls and guys.

I don't really know where any
stands at this point.

But I'm sure that once everyone
gets to know each other, there

Will be little switcheroos going

We have a lot of people.

We have a party.

We just got in the villa.

I walked in like three nights

So I'm like the newest guy.

So I'm glad you guys are here.

Switch it up.

Change the vibe up a little

The house is packed.

I'm telling you, like packed.

Right now it honestly feels like
I am in this party, in the this

Mansion party.

It's a filled villa.

There is a girl missing.

I'm an artist.

I lay drums.

It is a helping
people thing, because, you

Know, it's the universal

It brings everybody together.

What's been going on.

Well, we all --
who is clicking?

I felt like aissata is my

She's very gorgeous, very

Like very, very beautiful.



How are you?

Good, how are you?


How was the thing?

The drinks?


How was drinks?

It was good.



You like the new boys?

You like the new girls?

They're cool.

Did you have fun?

For real.

Happy in
I feel good.

New energy in here, you know
what I mean?



No, I want a cash hug.

I was not knowing what was going

I want a cash hug.

I was like, no to the guys.

He'll be super open and sweet to

You're so warm.

You're cold.

But yeah, I'm glad you had fun.

I want to get out of here.

I'll take to you later, though.


What I would normally this at
this juncture, I'd probably just


Kyra said what she said.

But being that we're still in
here, like there's an


I hate myself.

This is what I do in the outside

What did you just --
no, I didn't do anything.

I wanted to come back and hug

He's is cute and he hugged me
and I get all tingly down there.

I'm scared of being the person
who goes back and forth and

Plays with someone.

I don't even know what I'm

I don't know what to say?

The way I see it, bro, I hate
when someone tries to tell me

How I feel, you know what I

Or like I would never... I never
want to at all make her feel

That way or invalidate her

You know?

But I also kind of feel like,
I'm holding all this inside,

Like we've been talking about
it, assessing it, like I feel

Like I want to tell her.

Because we like this is whack
because of this.

My sister always says, the
second I have them, I push them


And when I don't have them, I
want them back.

Once I have them I push them

How is that fair to deal with

I think it's a lot more

I swear.

Announcer: welcome back.

Earlier the villa welcomed six
new singles, and without a

Single kiss they're still on
everyone's lips.

Did you tell the new guys
we're boyfriend and girlfriend


Oh, you did.

I didn't say it until we had
our conversation, because it was

A group "c" onvo.

And he's like how are you at
with your couple?

How do you feel about getting to
know someone or like coming in

Or coming in strong or something
like that, and I said, we're

Actually dating.

He's like, oh, okay.

And he was just really awkward
after that.

I talked to ray.

Okay, I didn't do that.

You didn't say you were
dating me?


What the...

I know.

I'm sorry.

That's kind of weird.

I mean, I just -- it's been a
long day, okay.


I'm sorry.


I think sometimes people mistake
my kindness for weakness and

Think you can push me around a
little, but that is not me at


I did hear cashel said that
weston and kelsey talked for an

Hour and a half.


And that's a long time.

A long time in the villa.

This guy -- girl has nothing
on you.

We're so different.

She's blonde and blue eyes.

You're wifey.

You just look like a wifey.


Thank you.

Yeah, you do.

What if she's showing
herself, she's more like, you

Know, and I'm not like that.


So that's what I'm trying to
remind myself, whatever is meant

To be for him, by all means,

Go, go.


That's it.

Do it.

I feel like me and weston
have had amazing, amazing

Conversations, things from
family to things like he was,

Oh, I never shared things about
this to anyone.

For someone to just meet you
today and feel that comfortable,

To share stuff like that with
you, that means a lot.

He's so sweet.

He's so such a nice guy.

So I think like that's what I

If I'm feeling somebody, it's
like full force, full speed


It's not like forced either.

It's just that connection you

It's that vibe.

It's almost like just you're
drawn to them almost.

Announcer: I got a bad
feeling about this.

Bring on the fun but ominous
dance party.

Ladies and gentlemen, we're
going to do a cheers.

Congrats to everybody being

We're excited for new
relationship, excited for old

Relationships that we're
continuing to explore, and to

Living life and enjoying the

Let the games begin.

These new kids came in
feisty, so I think it's


I'm ready for it.

Snowblower really knows
what's going to happen at the

End of the night.

I think everybody is honestly in
a panic mode.

I'm excited to see what goes
on and who I end up with


I know weston is coupled up
right now with katrina, but I

Feel like me and weston have
this connection and I don't know

Why, but I just feel like my
complete self around him.

I definitely, definitely,
definitely want to keep talking

To him.

Go from there.

Announcer: oh, I like where

This is going.

We'll get a sneak peek of what's
to come after this.

Announcer: tomorrow night,
the new arrivals keep making


I'm is attracted to you.

Stop it.

I don't care that you're with

I don't think you're happy.


You're coming for me hard.

This sucks.
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