01x11 - Episode 11

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x11 - Episode 11

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: warning, the
following program contains love,

Will u.s., And 17 people crammed
in one bedroom.

Previously on "love island," six
sexy singles stirred things up

When they arrived at "love

What's up, ladies?

Hey, hello.

Hello, boys.

Let's the games begin.

Announcer: tonight the
temperature rises as the new

Arrivals get to work.

I didn't think I'd catch you
this quick, you know?

Announcer: you'll get to
vote on which newcomers stay on

The island.

And has kyra met her match?

You think I'm not happy?

I don't think you're happy.

Captioning funded by cbs

Announcer: six people who

Quickly passed our rigorous
background checks and completed

Our slow-motion dance course
entered the villa.

♪ Pretty ladies around the world
tell all the boys and girls ♪

The new islanders made it clear
they're here to find love, not

To play games.

So we immediately made them play
a game, which, after I

Sandpapered the trademark name
off the block, is now called the

"Truth or dare tumbling wood
block tower thing."

Give a sexy massage.


One handed, brother.

I dare you to kiss someone
you haven't yet.

Come on, kelsey.

I obviously didn't like it.

I'm very territorial.

And it's never fun the see him
kiss another girl.

That annoyed me.

But I can't be like, he's my
boyfriend, get off of him.

He's not my boyfriend.

Kiss the person in the villa
you would like to have sex with.

One fact, I'm celibate.


I still have to kiss someone, so
I will kiss someone.


I feel like people nowadays,
they just have sex to have sex.

Like that's it.

I feel like there's not a lot of
meaning to it anymore.

That really sucks.

Pick a male islander to strip
down to their undies.

[Cheering and applause]
I like his tattoo.

It's his whole vibe.

He looks like this bad boy, but
then he also -- I don't know.

I like it.

I like it, his tats and

It got pretty twisted pretty

Some people had a great game.

Some didn't.

Straight foot massage.

It was hilarious.

Some people had to kiss some

Zac had to suck on some toes.

Who are you feeling in this

I kind of want to get to know


You know what I'm saying?

Try and turn your partner on
without touching them.

Try and turn your partner on
without touching them.

Kiss the islander to your
right like it's your last kiss.

That was a great kiss.

There was definitely some
fireworks blowing off in the

Background and love music and
some flowers busting out and

Some doves flying around.

It was great.

Kiss the girl you think is
most attractive.

Announcer: that's the
daintiest I'm going to steal

Your man kiss I've ever seen.

On the balcony, the new boys
talk about the new girls.

We were supposed to have a third
black t-shirt, but luckily eric


How do you feel based off the
first impression?

I like katrina.

We're vining well.

I don't want to step on weston's

You should.

That's what we're here to do.

What about you?

There are three or four that
I think are cute.

Who is your target many
I don't want to sound like a


Were you vibing with caro?

Yeah, for sure, but I need --

Based on type, I like the looks
of caro.

I look the looks of kyra for

Announcer: while zac rudely
airs out dinner, katrina and

Weston air their thoughts on the
new islanders.

How are you?

I'm good.

How are you?


You're comfy.

How was your day?


The girls are sweet.

I think kelsey I like more than

She seems sweet.

She does seem really sweet.

I got to know her.

How are the boys in

Ray is cool.

He's a cool kid.

But he's funny.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's really
cool to talk to.

George is very reserve.

He's 30.

He's 30?

Oh, wow.

He's very mature and looking
for something serious.

And at the same time, I do want
to get to know everyone at the

Same time.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

I think you should, too, and
figure out --

I think me and katrina are
very solid.

I got to know kelsey to decide
the that's going to be pulling

Me away.

But I really do like both of

But I got to get to know kelsey

I feel like we haven't had
like real quality time.

I think it's hard --
and then the new girls come

And you guys get hella time with

That sucks.

Announcer: it's been a long
day at the ville lark and it's

Even longer now that 17 people
are waiting to use one toilet.

Oh, look at that.

She's got pretty p.j.s.

Thank you.


I'm open the talking.

I'm open to trying.

Jumping into it really fast, it
did push me away more.

There's no pillows.

Announcer: coming up --
I got a text!

Eric, ray, and george, you will
now get the chance to date a

Girl of your choice.

Announcer: okay, new
islanders, it's your first

Morning in paradise.

Remember, if you don't fall in
love quickly, you could be

Dumped from the island.

Have fun!

♪ Please don't wake me now
oh, yay

♪ This is going to be the best
day of my life

♪ My lie I life
this is going to be the best day

Of my life ♪
good morning.

Good morning.

I just heard a bird chirping and
the sound of the ocean.

It is so beautiful.

I could get used to this.

This is definitely different
from the bronx, okay.

♪ My life
how are you feeling?

What about these three new

The new girls?

I gave chelsea a little
spooch last night.


In the game.

Oh, I thought you meant
like... Okay.

No, just in the game.

I kept it on the low since kyra
was there.

I kent it on the low, but I feel
like we got her out of her

Comfort zone real quick.

She did not seem very cool with
kissing anybody.

I don't blame her.

First night.

Today I feel great.

Like I feel so good.

I got two side tracked with
kyra, so I mean, I feel like I'm

Ready to make some new friends
and make some new connections.

Marli, honestly, I'm having fun
flirting with her.

She's hilarious.

She is hilarious.

She's hysterical.

I still think winston has one
of the best personalities?


He's so here for it.

I love that.

I really, really like that.

What's good with you?

I was having a really great
conversation with yamen.

We were just really flowing,
like I wasn't expecting that


I was really surprised.

We were having really great
conversations and, you know, we

Were just talking about goofy
stuff, and he is really good.

Literally you guys were
cracking up when you were having


It was super cute.

I had a crazy night.

I told myself before I came, I'm
not kissing anybody, and then

Cashel kissed me.

I was like, oh.

Oh, he did?


That was the beginning one.

I completely forgot about that.

Here we are.

We have weston approaching the

Me and weston literally
homicide a makeout sesh.

He has to kiss you like it's
his last date.

So how was the kiss?

Personally for me, I thawing
it was good.

It was a quick little one-two
it was not no one-two, girl.

You were all up in each other.

She's like one-two.


Oh, with the extra flavor.

I'm definitely vibing with

I definitely like, you know,
hanging around him and see where

That goes.

I haven't talked to kelsey,
but I want to.

She came in blazing with those
blue eyes, and she was cool.

Aissata, I want to see what's
up with that girl.

She's got the whole -- she just
outed it.

She's saving herself for

That's amazing.

That's incredible.

Very, very incredible.

She's amazing, too, bro.

I talked to her yesterday.

The girl is deep.

Hey, hey, hey.

Come on!

You guys are so annoying.

Shut up.

Oh, my god.

The girls walk in, obviously
they're attractive.

Me and chelsea talked for an
hour, hour and a half, bro.

So I've been honest with katrina
about everything.

There have definitely been

I have no idea what do at this

Oh, big dog.

Who knows, man.

I don't know what I'm going to

I got to get to know kelsey.

I have some things to figure
out today.

I had one good conversation with
kelsey, and, you know, there was

Definitely a spark, but I want
to figure out if kelsey has that

Fun side and that spontaneous
side like katrina does.

You know, that's really going to
be, you know, what I'm looking


Announcer: new boys eric
and george, who I'm not entirely

Convinced aren't the chain
smokers, have joined ray to talk

Feelings -- I mean girls.

Everybody feel good?

Yeah, how you feeling?

Who you thinking about kicking
on today?

Every single person.


Every single person?

One egg in every basket.

I'm feeling good.

Yesterday I kind of took the
backseat a little bit.

I chatted to everybody in the

I kind of got to know the guys a
little more.

I got all my energy back.

I started feeling great.

Announcer: after spending
the entire morning putting six

New contacts into my phone.

, I can finally send.

I got a text!

Text, text, text, text, text!

Eric, ray, and george.

You will now get the chance to
date a girl of your choice.

Please ask out your date.

Game on.

Beach obamas.


Announcer: thanks for

Caro, let's go to the beach.

I'm going to get ready.


Aissata, let's go to the

Ray, ray?

Katrina, let's go to the


I'm very excited to be going
on this date with katrina.

I know katrina is in a couple,
but it is what it is.

We came here for love, we didn't
come here to make friends.

So I'm going in there and I'm
playing my cards.

I've got a text!

Hey, aissata, kelsey, and
marli, you will now date a guy

Of your choice.

Please ask out a date.



I went with winston.




I'm going on a date.

I'm excited.

Her name is marli.

She is a spicy one.

I would like to go on a date
with weston.




I'm super excited I'm going
with kelsey.

And I am beyond excited.

We're going to have fun, and I'm
going to dive deep today and see

What's in there.

I'm going the start swimming and
knock some walls down an get to

Know her.

So I choose to go on a lovely
date with yamen.







Hey, your boy got selected to go
on a date with aissata.

And your boy is excited.

First off, I'm leaving the

It's lit.

Your boy is getting out the
villa for the first time.

This is going to be fun.

It's with aissata.

I heard it's like beach vibes.

So I got on my little, you know,
my little roosters, your know,


Announcer: earlier the new
islanders chose who they want to

Go on a date.

With kelsey chose kathryn's
partner weston.

Now this next scene is not about
the polite things they're


It's about what they're
screaming inside.


Hi, dylan.

I'm nervous.

I haven't been on a date yet,
but I wanted to sit down and

Talk to you because I feel like
talking to weston, you've been

Seeing it, I don't wanto
on anybody's toes.

I don't want to disrespect you
and your relationship.

From the very beginning, I
said if there are new girls that

Come in, by all means, go, get
to know them, because everyone

In here has to find the best

I totally get it.

Weston and I have a connection.

We're trying to get to know each

What sucks is I felt like our
relationship was put on hold,

Because you guys all got time.

I was like, meh, I wish I had
time to hang out with him.

But that's the only thing.

At the end of the day, if you
feel like you have a strong

Connection with her gosh, with

Why would someone want the stay
with someone else when you know

There is more potential with
another person.

It's cool.


I don't want you to think I'm
going behind your back and

Taking your man.

Don't worry about it.

Everything I told kelsey, I mean

Like I honestly mean it.

Lie detector test, I mean it.

So, yeah.

That's that.

So what was your main one
that you were going to go for?

It seemed like everybody, except
for him, he got first pick.

He got first pick.

He went with caro.

I was going to take kyra, but I
want to find out a bit about her

Before we're on a date like
that, you know?

It's still a good time to do it,
but I don't really know what's

Going on with her and my boy

I want to talk on her low key.

'D like the get one-on-one time.

I don't even know how many girls
are in this house.

This is definitely a dream come

It also makes you have to keep
your options open, you know?

You got a chance to chat later?


I definitely wanted to take
you, but I was thinking I'd

Rather meet you of more of a
natural setting as opposed to

That pressure.

I also thought we might be

I eat like a savage.

You didn't want to embarrass
yourself in front of me.

When I get back, let's make some

I'd like the get to know

She's drop dead gorgeous.

Getting to know the way she
carries herself around the ville

Lark she's a leader.

She's not a follower.

She's very composed.

She's hella cute.

I got my eyes on her 100%.

How are you feeling about
your date?

I'm really happy.

I wasn't expecting it at all.

I wasn't expecting him to pick

So he did say he want to pick

But he said, I don't know,
cashel and her situation.

I'm in the happy, but thanks
for the information.

So he picked you, but that
still means he likes you.

Yeah, why didn't he just pick

I don't know.

He said, because he doesn't know
where her and cashel are and he

Didn't want to step on cashel's
toes or something.

I don't like that.

The thing is I don't like being
people's second option.

But we're in here and we're
here to get to know people, so

Think of it like that.

You can't think of it like that
but grahammen, you know how

You feel?

You feel like you're the safe

He wanted to go with kyra
don't let me affect you

It's good you're saying this
to me

Announcer: that wasn't

Can a get a yeah, man?

I was telling kyra, I think
I'm more excited right now.


Oh, my god.

Is it going to be all row

I thought we were jet skiing.

Announcer: I love romantic

Do you have any idea how hard it
was putting those towels on the


Look at this.

This is so cute.

I set it up.

I set all of it up.

Look at this.


For you.

Oh, my god, yes, sir.

I love coconut.

So today when you had the
choose someone on the date, you

Actually wanted to pick kyra,
and I knew that, because

Grahammen told me.

First I was happy owe chose me.

I was really happy.

And then hearing that, I was
like, why didn't he just pick


No, what I said is I didn't
say I wanted to take her on a


I said I wanted to talk to her
in a setting like this.

But I'm more worried about this.

There is definitely a
connection going on.

I'm definitely drawn to you
allotted, but I want to see like

Who you are as a person.

Like what's your past
relationship like?

Why did I get that smile in what
is happening?

My ex and I were on different

How long were you together?

Only two years.


My longest was a year and a
couple months.

My longest was seven and a


I love that.

I literally love that.


I love that so much.

From high school.


Seven years, that's like family.


It was nice to get to the bottom
of things and clear the air

About initial judgments.

I think things are going really
well and I'm happy to get to

Know you.

I had a nice time.

I had a very great time.

I'm feeling weird.

I'm trying to figure out what
I'm going to do.

Where is your head at?

We didn't get to go on the

Have you every taken nyquil
and day quill at the same time.

That's how I feel?

You like them both?

Well katrina, you have to
work for it kind of thing.

You don't like that?

I do, but it's like get
comfortable with me at this

Point or don't.

My mind is blown.

Because we have hilarious fun

We have fun all the time.

She's very, very family driven,
supports her family, family is

Everything, which is exactly
what I want her to be.

But I feel like she wouldn't
have time for me at thea=%]q


Me and kelsey have had amazing
conversations, too.

But I feel like she's more of
like the nurturing, come home to

Me type.

Two very different vibes.

I talked to them, and this is
the girl.

Then I go to katrina and lay in
bed with her, and this is the


And then I'm going back and

Love triangle.


Announcer: now to katrina
and ray, the dental student.

Brace yourself.

I'm not here the waste time,
you know.

So why come here?

You want the "t."

Build a "t," honey.

Basically it's hard for me to
open up to someone.

I need someone that's strong,

I have always been strong to
what I believe in, which is like


I want a big family.

Do you want a big family?

I do.

How many kids do you want?

I want three or four.

I want three or four also.

I swear to god.

Do you want a boy first or a
girl first?

I want a girl first.


Because I feel like little
girls are mad cute.

I think it's cute when guys
want a girl first.

Because little girls are
always daddy's little girl.

Daddy's it will princess.

I want a girl and I could
have a couple boy, but I want

Four kids, like three back to
back in the same age range, like

One to two years.

Can you ask your woman first.

Slow your roll.

Then I want one like six,
seven, eight years away, the

Baby of them all.

I feel like this is nice,
because yesterday we were kind

Of just talking, and I felt it
was measure surface level.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You now, the conversation was

That's what I was telling

You're very easy to talk to.

You're fun.

Why not
and you're really pretty.

Thank you.

Cheers to us, new
opportunitiesing getting to know

You and hopefully it going

Straight up.

Announcer: now george and
aissata sharing an intimate game

Three feet away.

Cheers to a good date.

I agree.

Okay some this is exciting.

I was surprised you picked me,
but I'm excited that you did.


So what are you really
looking for.

Why are you here?

I've gone through the ropes
of dating through l.a., And it

Has been tough.


And it has been hard to be
myself with those people,

Because when I do, I let my
guard down and especially I get

Walked all over.

I think that I give too easily.


That's your love language.

I'm a giver for sure.

What are your aspirations?

For me, I took a trip to
guinea, the things I witnessed

Opened my eyes to the point
where I came back home.

I'm going to grad school.

I'm getting a degree in health
administration, and I'm going to

Open a health center and give

Cheers the that.

Here's to a great date.

Great date.

Thank you.

Announcer: three dates

Now let's head back to elizabeth
and that pink looks so cute


Licks, that pink looks so

Thank you.

You guys look beautiful.

Ho were your dates?

It was nice.

I was surprised.

With ray?

It went really well with ray.

There is something about him.

Like it was just so easy to like
vibe off of him.

That's something that's good
about you two.

I feel like you can talk smooth
with anybody.

The pizza man would want the
keep talking to you until he

Gets to your house.

That's what I'm saying.

You know what I'm saying?

It was effortless to talk to

So my date, first I was

But then when I heard he wanted
to take you, that kind of bummed

Me out, because I was like, I
was expecting him to say you,

Because me and him already had
two talks.

We're in a weird position,
because I feel like we're in

Here, there are eight girls.

People are matched up.

I don't mind that people are
matched up, you know what I


I'm going to talk to kyra at
some point and katrina at some

Point and alexandra at some

But I'm not going to go out of
my way the ruin something good,

But I deserve to get to know
that person too,.

It's cutthroat.

You have x amount of,+?[Y
you have to treat every moment

Like it's your last.

This is so horrible.

There are so many girls.

And this is like, oh, so many
girl, so little time.

You know what I'm saying?

Announcer: don't forget.

Later you'll get to vote on
which newcomers stay on the


Announcer: now it's final
for the new girls to go on their


I'm taking weston out of the


Announcer: weston, winston,
you learn the difference

Eventually, marli.

Winston, weston, you sound
like the exact same name.

Announcer: kelsey has
picked the other "w" guy.

That's pretty swaggie.

Announcer: aissata prepares
for her second date of the game.

For someone celibate, she's sure
getting busy.

This is our first date of the


I can do this.

I'm super nervous because I've
never asked a guy out on a date


It's time for a date.

How are you?

So it's like, okay, this
could go really, really good or

Really, really bad.

Now my nerves are kicking in.

Are we going?

Bye, ladies.

Have fun.

Announcer: time for the
islanders to get some quality

Time alone with their dates and

Cheers to our first date and
the finally getting to know each

Other and being alone.

I like that.




Are you feeling the vibe
I'm excited you chose me.

Thank you for asking me out on
this date.

I've never done that.

Was it weird?

It's definitely a change.

Was it weird?

Have you ever had a girl ask you
out on a date before?

I don't know, that's tough.

You usually ask a girl out?

Yeah, 100%.

And then I'll plan a little
simple date.

I think the more simple, the

I would want my ideal date to be
like this.


Like very, very simple.

I don't know if this is too
simple, because we're in fiji on

A beach.

Any beach, anywhere.

A lake, somewhere just simple,
like literally to lay out a rug

And just chill and hang out, you
know what I mean?

If you had to be creative and
take me on a date, what would


You're a super country -- you
know what I would love to do

With you?

I would love to go country line

I can teach you.

I have never been.

Is it hard?

New york if you have a good

It's pretty simple.


I definitely vibe with you.

I'll be straight up.

I just vibe with you.

Iñ;don't know what else to say.

I see myself an I see this
nurturing side of you.

Someone you want to go home.

To that's the vibe you give.

And I'm just like so attracted
to you.

Thank you.

It's like a win-win.

I didn't think I'd have
feelings this wick, you know?

Reel 'em in, darling.

It just happened like that.

I was like, oh, my god.

I didn't think I would connect
with someone that fast.


Were you surprised too in
I feel very strong with you.

I see myself like crawling into
bed, cuddling with you.

Do you think there's more people
in the villa you want to see if

There is a strong connection

Um, no.

That's it.

That's good news.

Well, you make me happy, so.

Announcer: katrina will
also be happy for him to end

That date right now.

What was it that got you?

Why did you ask me?

You could have asked anybody

You're a very easy going

You know what you want and you
have your things together.

So I really respect that.

I've got you fooled.

Oh, you shouldn't have said

Now I'm going to start looking
at other people.

So you're how old again?

I am 20 years old.

How old are you?

A little bit of an age gam

It definitely does not bother
me at all.

I'm looking for someone I can
feel somebody with and have a

Bright future with.

Tell me about your family.


I have two older sisters.

Both married.

Two little nephews, most of my
family is in kentucky.

You're a family boy.

Yeah, yeah.

I grew up in like a very small
town, like we hung out at the

Movie theater parking lot, you
know, until 2:00 a.m., That kind

Of thing.

Line every luke bryan song you
ever heard, that was our home.

You don't even know who luke
bryan is?

Oh, my god.

You don't know who luke bryan

I've heard the name.

What do you listen to pit
bull only?

Is that really it?

I enjoy laughing with you.

I have enjoyed laughing.

I haven't laughed like that in a

It's refreshing.

You're unapologetically
yourself, and I like that.

So I'm glad you came to the

How did you feel last night,
the whole game thing?

I feel like you got to know me a
little bit.

You probably heard something --
oh, okay.

Tell me about that
there was something that

Popped up yesterday during the

You were saying that you were

I'm waiting for marriage.


I'm waiting for marriage.

Well, I honestly didn't think
anything of it.

I thought it's respectful of
yourself, but I didn't think --

That's nothing that would deter
me from my attraction to you at

All, you know, but how did
you -- what made you come up

With that?

Not come up with that -- well,
what made you decide that?

It's what you said.

I feel like people take things
for granted and like things that

Should be like spiritual and

Stuff like that.

And they just do it just to do

I feel like there should be
meaning for it, you know?

So I just --
do you ever -- so when the

Time come, do you feel like
you'll be nervous?


Oh, man.

It's always nice to have that
connection without needing that,

You know?

So I thought it was

I didn't think anything of it.

It wasn't like, oh, no, oh,
hell, no, I'm out of here.

All right.

Got to go.

Nice meeting you.

Not at all.

Not at all.

It earned some points for sure
instead of definitely no minus


we're back!

I didn't really think that
after christen had to leave that

I would be vibing with someone
again, but your boy is

Definitely happy.

I am excited about that.

How was it, you guys?

What's up?

It was good.

It was really good until he
asked me about luke bryan.

Who is luke bryan?

Up here with katrina.

I'm up here with kelsey.

Up here with katrina.

Up here with kelsey.

Really at this point, beautiful
people, beautiful personalities.

It's a dilemma.

I'm nervous.

I don't know what to do.

So I'm going to have to start
doing some pros and cons and

Figure out what's best for me.

That's the worst thing I got to

I have to do it and figure out,
you know, who I see myself with.

How was your date?

It went well.


It went very well.

Did you guys vibe it out?

We was cool.

How was your date?

It was good.

It was nice?

I feel like, I don't know,
I'm like really a nervous girl.

Nervous about what, though?

I don't know.

I just like -- it was good I

I think.

I don't know.

Who knows you never can tell
what the other person is like


I'm sure he thought it went

Trust and believe.

I'm sure it went perfectly fine.

We'll see I guess.

I thought it when well.

I don't know how he's feeling.

But I think -- hopefully we're
on the same page.

You got a minute to talk or
are you going to eat grilled


I got a second.


There is a reason why we're
all here.

We haven't done things properly,
you know what I mean, and time

Is ticking.

I'm not getting any younger.

The chase is getting beautiful.

The chase will continue to be

Now it's more about the finish

I want the find somebody who I
miss the day I leave the ville

Lamp I'm looking for something

I've had enough fun.

I'm 28 years old.

I thought you were so much

And I thought you were so
much older.


You have this maturity and
leader, not follower thing about



How has it been for you?

It's been all right for sure,
but I know there's a bro code

Going on.

I'm not really -- I really like
these guys, I'm not going to


And I don't want to come off as
a d*ck or whatever, but I don't


When I want something, you know
what I mean?

I'm not on friend "love island.

I think everyone like to say
that but no acts like that.

You think you're acting like

I would feel a lot more
accountable and true to myself

If I felt a certain way about

I took action.

Whether it went nowhere.

I don't want to -- I'm here
because clearly things haven't

Worked out.

With cash and I in here, it
could have been really easy I

Think for me to ignore certain
things that weren't lining up

For me with him.

But I made it obvious and even
when you guys came in that day

That I am still open to getting
to know someone.


As am i.

I think everyone should be.

Out of the three guys, the
new guy, all the guys in the

Villa, for sure you walked in
and I was definitely attracted

To you.

I don't know personality wise,
because I haven't been able to

Talk to you.

Meeting you in person, you
are definitely not

Unapproachable, but if somebody
really wants you, you're

Expecting them to step up and
show you that.

I like someone to take charge
for sure.

I like to kick them back and for
them to come harder, so if a guy

Is not down for that, then it's
not really like --

I can handle all that.

I just had the wait for the
right time.

I have no problem telling you
I'm feeling you 100%.

But I don't have a lot of time
here, and I'm not really trying

The waste time.

So I also need a bit of
feedback -- we can keep talking

And get to know each other, but
I wanted to let you know where

My head is at.

I like the forward vibe that
you have going on.

I was in a relationship for
seven and a half years.

I like the forward vibe, and
last night I was maybe expecting


I was like, maybe later tonight.


And then today, I was like
maybe, and then -- we're talking

Now, so that's good.

And like if you need something,
out of all the guys here, I have

Been going out with cash, but
you're definitely -- I'm very

Attracted to you for sure.



♪ Baby there's nothing holding
me back ♪

♪ There's nothing holding me
back ♪

Announcer: now weston and
katrina engage in some pillow


I was surprised all these
girls like wet.

I'm like really?

Come on, girl.

I was like, what?

I don't get it.

It wasn't until I got to know

I don't like the situation,
because I feel like I'm trying

To compare a personality, and
that's the last freakin' thing I

Want to do

How can I judge something in
such short of time with both of


Right, right.

How can you figure that out.


I can't make a decision.

I literally couldn't.

But trust me, if I like
someone, they will also know.

Everyone's like, she's so nice,
she's a friendly person.

But if I really see something,
you will know.

That's what scares me.

I'm not going to --
that's what scares me,

Because you have not shown that?

With you?

How, because we're moving slow?


You saying that makes it
sounds like you know what you

Want and you go get it.

How are you --
I'm trying to cuddle.

Sorry I don't cuddle right

You say you understand, but then
it's like, oh, but you're closed

Off and blah, blah, blah.

But then you say I understand.

Like I want to be sweet to

I want the flirt with you.

Does that make sense?

That's where I'm a little


I think I'm getting emotional
because usually I like hide my

Emotions and like I have this
wall up, and then like just to

Have someone like call me out, I
don't like being vulnerable.

I just don't want to let too
much about me and open up to

Someone knowing that they could
easily use it against me.


What I are you doing in
I'm going to the bathroom.

I came in to talk to you.

I cut the girls off.

I want to talk to you.

She's definitely peeing.

Then I had to act like I'm
folding my clothes for no reason

In the middle of the night.

Do you want the talk?

Yeah, for sure.

In here?

Wherever you want?

Maybe outside.

I don't want to be in here.

I'm a hunter.

I always have been.

I know what I want.

I'll go and get it.

I don't care what's in between

I'll go to w*r for what I want.

I'm not here the waste anybody's

I don't mean to come off too
aggressive, but I know what I


I think a woman really
appreciates and respects a man

Who knows exactly what he wants.

What do you want?

I want to get to know you



I want a text to come through
saying we have a date.

Do you?

I don't know how I feel about

There are so many people in here
with opinions.

You know?

I think you are very bold and no
one in here has been like that.

That's just how it should be.


I'll go up to a girl, I don't
care who she is with, in church

With her family.

You're bold.

You have to be.

Misconnections are a tragedy.

But I also like to see how you
go about the situation and how

It's unfolding.

You see me talking to caro a
little bit.

I think you guys are totally

Totally vibing for sure.

It's almost impossible not to
vibe with someone like that.

I'm not going to say we're not.

I really like my chances.

I'm confident in myself.

I have a strong feeling if there
was a recoupling her andry going

To share a bed the following

Did you come in here to serve
stuff up or you came in here to

Maybe find something?

This is how I carry myself.

This is how I am.

If you even entertain the fact
you like the way I would pursue,

Then you weren't happy in the
first place.

You think I'm not happy?

I don't think you're happy.


I can just kind of tell.

Announcer: we're running
out of space in that villa.

America, please vote now to save
your favorite new islander.

Head to our gorgeous love island
app and choose the new boy you

Most want to stay in the villa
out of eric, george, and ray.

And the new girl you most want
to stay in the villa out of

Aissata, kelsey, and marli.

Don't forget, you're voting for
the new islanders you want to

Save, the islanders with the
least votes will be at risk of

Being dumped.

Voting opens to u.s. And canada
residents 18 years and older.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates may apply.

The vote closes in 30 minutes,

Tune in tomorrow to find out the

Announcer: tomorrow night
you'll see the results of your

Vote when arielle rushes to --
returns to the villa and two of

The new islanders are dumped.

If you missed it, you'll miss
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