01x14 - Episode 14

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x14 - Episode 14

Post by bunniefuu »

Warning, the following
program contains love, lust, and

Dimension lust?

Announcer: previously on
"love island":


Announcer: the recoupling
turned the villa upside down.

♪ Tricky, tricky
announcer: and your words

Shook the islanders up.

[ Laughter ]
yeah, america dropped some


Announcer: tonight, your
votes will change everything

With the most expl*sive dumping
of the season.

America, it's all on you.

♪ ♪
Announcer: yesterday, the

Islanders played social bingo,
and there were more than a few

Bombs dropped, and I still don't
know why ray was dressed like a

Bar mitzvah hype man.

♪ Let the games begin
zac and elizabeth ...so


I'm not closed off.

I'm getting to know other girls.


How this girl does not see that
blank is a player.



We all know it's false stuff.

All the islanders know what's

Announcer: right, right,
right, right.

With night closing in, the game
is over.

But they're far from over it.

♪ Let the games begin
while carawasn't there to see

Yamen be called a player, she's
here to call him one now.

But okay, so, like, one
thing, you know how like--

What's up?

How you had a connection with
kristen, because you made it

Sound like kristen was really so
special and now you're here with


What am I supposed to do just
be-- they're bringing in these

Perfect people.

What am I supposed to do?

I know.

They're bringing in lovely

They're not bringing in dump

I know, I know.

Just don't hurt her okay.

Oh, what?

No-- i-- the type of guy I am, I
like to focus on one person and

Grow that.


When I know I really, really
like this person--

Then why alana.

I felt a different thing.

It's effortless, like, it's so--
I know, she's amazing.

I felt the same way about
kristen, too.

You felt a lot of ways about a
lot of people.


I didn't feel a lot of ways
about a lot of people.

It's just that, like, I wanted
to try to see where it would go.

So my situation is I'll try,
see where it can go.

You-- okay.


Announcer: now, after weeks
of people saying "this isn't

'Friend island'" weston and his
glasses are desperate for zac to

Come back to the island.

You all have to give this
young buck some advice.

I look at you and elizabeth, you
were a totally different person.

What do you mean?

Don't get so wrapped up
something because this fthat one

Thing drops you have nothing.

A.k.a.-- Me.

We want you to be happy as

But do we mishanging out with

When is the last time we had a

I don't think since the bowl

Think about that.

I think zac is best friends with
the boys and going to a

Girlfriend and goes m.i.a. And

I did that when I was younger
and that's why I'm being stern

About not doing that because you
lose out on a lot of good


We still love you, too.

I get to share a bed with
elizabeth at the end of the

Night, and I know she wouldn't
mind, either, if I spend a

Little bit more time with the

It falls back on me at the end
of the day.

Announcer: now on sex and
the sofa, alexandra, who is my

Miranda, but I have carrie and
charlotte-- whatever.

They're talking about your

What about you?

Oh, my god.

Know you took a hit with--

I think he was, like, freaked
out about the one where it was

Like, "oh, yeah, I'm open to
meeting new people."

Like, you should question why
he's not wanting to.

Like, really confirm to you that
he doesn't want to connect with

Other people.

If my man wasn't sure about me,
I would not be sure to be with


I would be like, "bye."

Are you going there?

Are your feelings-- are they
intensifying or are they just--

I don't know, I don't know.

You do know, though.

You do know.

Hearing that tweet in that
game even made me feel a little

Sick to my stomach.

I think I'm putting up a
guard myself.

I know alex is letting her
walls down and she is feeling

More and more and more for

Like, everyone can see it,
especially me.

Before you go any more deep, it
might not be fun, but, like, you

Don't want to be blindsided and
you don't want some random girl

To come in here because he
thinks he's on friend-ication

And not being open with you and
going deeper into the

Conversation when some girl
comes in and I would never want

To see that for you.


See, like, it's different for

I'm not on the level, like, all
the other girls are on.

It's hard, like, when your
friends are saying one thing but

You don't feel that way.

So I don't-- I don't know.

And I think that's why I'm
getting, like, so overwhelmed.

♪ Who is gray at the very start
hands on each other

♪ Couldn't stand to be far apart
closer the better

♪ Now I pick a fight and
slamming doors magnifies... ♪

You look nice.

I like this color.

What is it?

It's like a pearl?

It's like a peach.

It's like a pinky-pearly
♪ is the only reason you're

Holding me tonight
even when he know it's rough

Somebody is bad for us all along
♪ tell me, how can we keep

Holding on
♪ holding on tonight

♪ Is it just our bodies?

Are we both losing our minds?

♪ Is the only reason you're
holding me tonight because we're

Scared to be lonely?

Announcer: coming up...

Alexandra and dylan please
stand up and tell us which

Couple you would like to dump
from the island.

Morning in the villa, and I'm
excited to see what's in store

For our-- hey, that's my lunch?
-- Islanders.

Any whosele, it's a big day.

Let's start it off on a high and
long note.



Sick and tired of red eyes.

How did you sleep?

I slept really good.


We went to phase two of

What's phase two?

My head on his chest.

Oh, yes!


But then when, like, you know
how, like, reality hits, and

Then you start sweating and I
don't know you start sticking


We just had to separate a little

It was a little-- a little hot
up in there.

But, like, I'm really, really
happy with, like, the position

That I'm in, and I feel like
we're moving at the perfect


Me and carol too.

We want our first kiss to be

You vont kissed yet.



We have not kissed since the
kissing game.

When the time comes and it feels
right, bang.

That's really good.

We're trying to save our
first official ciz for a nice,

Superb moment you know what I'm

Not really jumping into things.

Give me the kisses.

I said we never kissed after
the game because I want to,

Like, take things a little bit
slower because I'm a very

Affectionate person and I
sometimes feel like I confuse my

Affection for connection.

Car oh, give some ray

Meanwhile, more dylan and

I am trying way too hard.

I feel like everybody is
pressuring, "you should be in a


I don't need an affirmation to
know that you, like, like me.

I don't need to be like, "will
you be my girlfriend?"

Of course I would like to be
with dylan on the outside as

Well but if it doesn't work out
it doesn't work out.

It's not like I'm going to force

That's not who I am.

I enjoying hanging out with


And there's no pressure when
we're talking to each other

About that stuff.

It's not that I want to, like,
talk torg girls.

I don't want to put you in that
corner or me in that corner

Where you can't be talking torg

We always say, if you found a
better connection, then, cool.

But I don't think you will--
that sound cocky.

But I think what we have is,
like, awesome.

I think it's rare to come across
people who, like, think, like,

We do right now.

I think we're on the same page.

I know alexandra knows where my
head's at, and I know where me

And hear are good.

If it wasn't for anyone else,
like, we would be fine together.

Like that, that's post about
me, about me saying I'm open to

Meeting other guys.

Like the girls were saying, he
should be all about you, like


Not that I'm worried.

But I'm like, damn, that sucks.

Things were going great and I
don't know where it was going

And I don't really care about

Were you able to express


Well, she seemed cool, but,
like, I don't know, she was so

Like, lovey, like, you know?

I mean, like, ahh.

Looking at me and smile.

Now she's thinking.

,Ing behind her eyes.

Yeah, right.

What's on your mind, yamen?


Yamen, give us the scoop.

Scoop on what?

How are you feeling?

Bombshell, someone your type
to a "t," firecracker

Personality comes through that
door, you can't be suede?

Where is this coming from.

Kristen gets voted back in.

That's-- I'm not answer
anything questions I can't--

I'm not answer anything

Why did you come here, then?

That's what we talk about.


You guys are trying to set me
up and make me look like a


No, no, no, no, no.


I'm not speaking.

America already thinks that,
so it's fine.

Your boy is already being--
in the outside world it's

Already being too many women for

This is not-- aaarrgghh.

I've already been through the
whole "love island" roller


So for your boy, you know, I
just really want to focus on


You couldn't be swayed?

Could you be suede?

Greenize, six pack, tattoos all
over and he's like, "kyra, I

Want you."

That already happened.

No, it didn't.

He's not light skinned.

He's white.

I'm talking about a dude
walks in here.

You never know.

I'm not at the point with him
where it's, like, 100%.

I'm still getting to know him.

Good place.

What about you?

Nope, no answer.

I worry something I sound like a

I'll take that answer.

That's an answer in itself.

Nope, never going to speak.

There you go.

Announcer: elizabeth, that
is a flawless "pesmed t. In a

Bicycle basket" impression.

Now our islanders will do yoga,
which I'm in no position to

Judge as I have terrible

It's a personal development
yoga on "love island."

Mr. Buck wild is in charge pup
know what?

We have to positive up the
energy, keeping it going, and

Really dive into these couples.

Here we go!

Are you all ready for the first


Shut up!

You gotta bring the fire.

You gotta bring the heat, you

You just, let's go!

Give it all you got!"
This is interesting.




Back home, I do no yoga

Not very flexible.

I can pull a muscle grabbing
mustard out of the fridge.

Any way I can get a little bit
closer to the beautiful kyra,

You know what I mean?

You're going to put your feet
on the knees.

Put your knees up.

Stop it, zac!

It's too close.

It doesn't work!

We got it!

We got it!

Some of the positions it was
not cute.

The hardest pose was, honestly,
when we had to have, like, our

Butts together, and, like, go
down, and all I could see was,

Like, his face turning red.

I was like if he looks like
this, I look hel-a not cute

Right now.

This is called "superwoman."

Here we go.

There you go!

You looked cute?

Did i?

Even from my angle you looked

I did it wrong!

who is this man right now?

He, like, transforpd into a yoga

And I think, honestly, people
would pay money to go and do

Yoga with him 100% glowr.

Announcer: I would be happy
to be trained by downward dog

The bounty hunter.

This is where it comes into


Ah, let's go!

Zac's legs are too long.

They're too long, so it didn't

Like, his were all, like, bent
and, like, he didn't fit.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is
the last one.

The sex mistletoe.

You're just climbing on top
of me.

Get your feet on my butt and
pike your ass up.

We've got it!

We've got it!

Come see us!

Now I can say that I'm a

Or what do they call it, the
people who do yoga?

I was a yoga bear.

Announcer: ah, that's not

I don't know how that's
related to yoga, but I'll buy


Oooooohhh yeah!

Announcer: after a morning
of spiritual development, not a

Single person will scooch over
for zac.

What did you say?

My friend believes the earth
is flat.

It is flat.

It is not flat.

The earth is flat.

What's going on, guys?

The earth is flat.


Where were you?

The earth is flat, kelsey?


The earth is flat.

No, it's not.

If the earth was flat, it
would be, what, a floating disk

In outer space?

It would make no sense.

I would have fallen off the
edge by now.

Was that me?

I got a text!

[ Screaming ]
all right, shhh.

Kelsey and weston, you two
are heading out on your first

Official date as a couple.

Please get ready to leave the




I'm so happy for you!

I'm so happy for you!

So I was going to take her to
the movies, but they don't let

In snacks.

That's so dumb.

Announcer: coming up...


A spa day.

I think my gad dad is just
going to be like, "dang, son!"

Announcer: welcome back to
"love island" where we've

Literally used these sh*ts 15

Look in my closet.

Which one is yours?

The first one.

He's wearing boots and a long

That's cute!

You're going to look cute no
matter what.

♪ I think I love you
it's going to be very


I think now that she's opening
up to me and showing her goofy

Side, this is going to be a big
chapter for us.

It's finally here.

I've been waiting for two and a
half weeks and I'm finally with

Someone I want to be with.

Announcer: such a long

I've waited a lifetime and cats
and still haven't.

You look great!


I'm excited!

I mean I get to spend one-on-one
time with him and get to see

What he's about without, like,
everything around.

I think it's going to be that
nice intimate moment we need

Nooed right now.

Are you excited?

I'm going on a date!

I'm going on a date.

That's a yes.

I'm so pumped.

I think this is going to go that
concentration time, just really

Focus on one another.

I think it's really exciting to
finally be able to do that.

You look so beautiful!

Get it done!

Let us know how it is.

Are you ready?

Love you!

Love you, guys!

♪ ♪
Oh, look at this.

Announcer: don't, don't!

All right.

Let's cheers to a spa da.

Spa da.

Relaxation, and beautiful blue

First official date.

How do you feel about, like,
everything that's gone down?

I feel, like, there's just been
a bunch.

I know.

Of bombs dropped lately.

I know.

Well, I mean, I don't know, I
think, like, ever since, like,

We coupled up, I think, like,
you and I have have been, like,

Super into it, like, with each

We're, like, really open with
each other.

I feel like you and I have
both been really happy from the


And I've been in here, like,
I've been looking for you for

Two and a half weeks.

I'm, like, that's the woman.

So, and then, you know, I get to
know you, and your heart is just

So deep at the end of the day,
that I just-- that's what I look

For back home.

That's what I look for

And that's why I'm so drawn to

What am I going to do when I
come to see you in delaware?

I think you and my stepdad
will get along like that, and my

Brother as well.

Peas and carrots?


I think my dad will be like,
"well, dang, son."

My sister has always had my

And she's always been really
accurate about who you date,

"No, I don't like her," and then
something happens.

I don't think she'll get that
vibe with you at all, so that's

Important for me.

Announcer: meanwhile, back
on rhythmless nation.

Bloop, bloop, bloop.



This is hard!

♪ ♪
You just give me such a

Genuine vibe.

You make me happy.

I like being with you.

I like being around you.

You like smiling, huh?


I feel like why I connect so
well with you is you are that

Nurturing person.


You know.

If I'm-- if you're sick, like,
I'm going to take care of you.

And I know if I was sick, you
would take care of me.

And I have never had ma.

Me, either,.

Somebody who had my back.

And that's a weird feeling for
me but an amazing feeling.

Trust for me has probably been a
big issue and I don't have any

Feeling like that with you.

I'm so happy with my decision
and your decision.

Did you have a good date with

I did.

Good date, good date day.

And I'm about to give you a good

Oh, whoa!

Announcer: a kiss so
powerful it turned the music


I'm happy I'm here with you.



We have to go back to reality.

Announcer: or at least--
quote, unquote-- reality.


Did I put your leg asleep?

No, ma'am.

Time to go back.

Let's go.

Why are you taking your booty

What are you doing?

Looking at my beauty marks.

Eww, eww, ahh, ahh.

This is why we need blankets,

I'm going to hit you in the

Go again.

Yo, com.

[ Sighs ]
come on.

♪ ♪


You all look happy.

What did you guys do?

We got, like, our shoulders
rubbed and our head rubbed and

Our foot massaged with oil.

We were relaxed and the beach
was rolling in.

That's fireworks.

It was really, really, really

Yeah, it was really sweet.

I'm really happy.

I am officially a cowgirl now.

I don't know.

Like, I feel like me and him,
like, just from this day have

Gotten, like, closer and I don't

I stole his hat.

It's mine now.

What's mine is his now.

Weston, obviously, has never
gone to a spa or anything like


He's like, "this is what you
guys do to go to spa day?"

And I'm like, "yeah."

And then we kissed.


What a first date!

I know!

I lucked out!

I lucked out!

You're smiling from ear to

That makes me happy.

Oh, my god!

Love's in the air.

Yeah, now I have a cowboy

You deserve it.

Thank you.

Did you all get the vibes

What were the vibes like?

Yeah we talked about
literally all kind of stuff.

I got to know her on a deeper
level and then gave her a little

Smooch, then we came back.

Oh, cowboy!



No tongue action.

You feel like that helped the
connection out?

Oh, dude, it's-- yeah, we
opened up to a whole other level

Where it's just like

But then it's just like-- we
both have just a strong


It's like nothing else matters.


I didn't think I would, like,
have that at the villa.

Like, I've been waiting two and
a half weeks for that

[ Whistles ].

She's just exactly what I

This date was a huge step in our
relationship, our couple

Relationship where I really care
about her, and she really cares

About me.

At the end of the day, I feel
super strong with kelsey with

Our connection.

♪ Everybody wants to fall in

♪ Everybody wants to fall
♪ everybody wants to fall in

♪ everybody wants to fall

♪ Everybody wants to fall in

♪ Everybody wants to fall
♪ everybody wants to fall in

♪ nobody wants to fall.

Announcer: what a nice

Chairs, ladies glowr glou
surely, no one could arrive to

Mess it all up.

♪ Here we go, here we go.

♪ It's about time now we set it
up ♪

You're feeling yourself
tonight, right

♪ Bang, bang.

Bang, bang ♪


Oh, my god!

Hi, guys!

It's me.

I'm gak back.

Oh, my god!

.announcer: we're back, and
ariel is here, which means our

Islanders are terrified of what
will happen next.

Islanders, it has been quite
the week.

And you've all been tested.

But now, the public have been
voting for their favorite


The islanders in the bottom
three couples risk being dumped

From the island tonight.

Can everybody please stand

I'm now going to reveal the top
four couples in a random order

Who are safe and will continue
their stay on the island.

Who are safe and will continue
their stay on the island.

The first couple safe is...

Weston and kelsey.

[ Applause ]
congratulations, guys.

You can take a seat.

The next couple staying in
the villa is...

Ray and caro.

[ Applause ]
well done, guys.

You can take a seat.

And the third couple safe is...

Dylan and alexandra.

[ Applause ]
congratulations, guys.

You can take a seat.

Only one more couple is safe.

The fourth couple staying on
the island is...

Elizabeth and zac.

[ Applause ]

You guys can take a seat.

So, aissata and yamen, cashel
and katrina you have received

The fewest votes from the public
and your place on the island is

Now at risk.

So, islanders, you will now need
to decide in your couples who

You would like to dump from the

Please find a spot around the
villa to talk privately and make

Your choice.

This is going to be really hard.

♪ Because you feel like the air
this, like, whole situation

Suction with having to send some
of our friends home and just

Being in this position where
it's up to us and our decision

If they stay or not you know.

♪ Silent
I literally have no idea.

I don't want to make a decision
at all.

You look at kyra and eric,
and they have something going.


I think, like, yamen and
aissata, they seem very happy



I just think that he's doing
the same thing he did to alana.

We all talked about it today.

If kristen came back in, he
would 100% be with her.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean--
like, what is he supposed to do.

Katrina and cashel haven't
gotten the chance to meet

Anybody yet.

You know what I mean?


I love cash, and I love

She's funny as hell.

They're the two of the funniest
in the house and bring a good

Vibe to this environment.

It really suction, because I
don't want to stee either one of

Them go.

I know.

It's, like, really hard at
should point to, like, see

People leaving.

Okay, islanders, it's now
time to give your decisions.

I can't even imagine how you're
all feeling right now.

So, alexandra and dylan, please
stand up and tell us which

Couple you would like to dump
from the island.

So, alexandra and dylan,
please stand up and tell us

Which couple you would like to
dump from the island.

Katrina and cashel.

Okay, thank you.

You have please have a seat.

Caro and ray, please tell us
which couple you would like to

Dump from the island.

Uhm... Katrina and cash.


So that is two strikes against
katrina and cashel.

Kelsey and weston.

♪ Did you find it hard to

♪ Did you cry so much that you
could barely see ♪

It's kind of hard to, you
know, put us in this situation,

And we see two awesome couples
that could possibly be there.

And I know from your all's heart
you'd break them up than having

Another chance.

Who are you dumping from the

Cashel and katrina.

So with three votes, cashel
and katrina will be leaving the

Island tonight.

I'm sorry.

Elizabeth and zac, can you
please stand up and tell us who

You would have been sending

We love you, katrina and
cashel, but we had to make a


So the couple that we voted for
is katrina and cashel.

So it has been a clean sweep.

Katrina and cashel will be
leaving the island tonight.

♪ Sitting out there
kyra and eric, aissata and

Yamen, you can yoin your other

Yamen, you can yoin your other

Have fun, man.

Enjoy it.

I love you.

Love you, bro.

Have a great time, man.

Keep holding it down, all right.

You don't understand how--
yeah how much I appreciate

Meeting you, bro
♪ I'm so sorry for the words

I've spoken ♪
katrina and cashel, your time

On "love island" is over.

I'm so sorry.

You have 30 minutes to pack your
bags and say your goodbyes.

I know I everybody is going to
miss you.

All right.


Thank you.

You gu guys are so awesome!

You're so beautiful and so

You guys are amazing.


I'll leave you to say your

♪ I'm sorry that you're not the

♪ I'm sorry.

Make every moment count.

♪ I'm sorry
♪ I'm sorry

It's okay.

Don't be sad for me.

♪ I'm sorry
I'm sorry

♪ I'm sorry
oh, man.

I'm going to miss you guys, man.

Let's see.

I might just wear this.

A little bit later.

♪ ♪

He just fulfills this energy.

Never in my I have met anybody
like cash, not even close.

♪ All around me are familiar
faces ♪

You okay?

It's okay.

I'm going to miss you so

I'm just going to miskatrina
so, so, so, so much.

For me she's the definition of,
like, a powf woman.

Like, I just love her so much.

♪ Going nowhere fast
oh, stop it.

Oh, my god
♪ no expression

No expression
♪ hide my head

Want to drown my sorrow ♪
I care about you so much.

♪ No tomorrow, no tomorrow
I've been waiting to give

This to somebody.

And you need to be the one to
receive it.

This is one of my best, best
buddies gave me these.

I needed to give these to people
who are musical and very, very


They need to have a little
fender, from this is vintage.

It's from the 50s.

You need to have this?


I've given them all out and
that's the last one.

I want you to have it.

♪ My world

♪ The days are filling up
no expression ♪

I'm going to miss you so

I'm going to misall you guys.

♪ Down my sorrows
no tomorrows

No tomorrows ♪
♪ I find it kind of funny

I find it kind of sad
♪ the dreams in which I'm dying

Are the best I've ever had ♪
I love you.

I love you so much.

I love you guys.

Oh, my god.

I cannot.

I know one day I'm going to
find him, that man that I've

Been looking for.

It's going to happen.

No, I have not given up on

You know, it's still out there.

Something will come up.

And, you know, I'll be ready.

♪ Mad world
mad world ♪

I love you.

[ Crying ]
like, I honestly can't even

Take this, honestly.

I know, we're just--
like, I literally, like,

Watching him go just now, like,
it just threw me.

I know, it, like, hits home
when you actually realize that

He's going to be gone.

He was literally here with me
from the freaking start.

I know.

And he had my back, like,
throughout everything.

I know.

Can I hug you?

You guys will always have
each other.

It's literally just so messed
up, because, I just feel like I

Don't even want to be here if
he's not here.

And the last thing I literally
done was keep my distance from


And I feel stupid for doing that
because I don't even have, like,

Any more time with him or
anything like that now.

Like, I feel so stupid for
keeping my distance the lafl

Several days and not even just,
like, being there, like a friend

♪ Just stop your crying
it's the sign of the times ♪

Stupid bitch
♪ welcome to the final show

Hope you're wearing your best

♪ You look pretty good down here
♪ but you ain't really good

♪ ♪


♪ Just stop your crying
it's a sign of the times

♪ We gotta get away from here
it's, like, a stressful


I look crazy pup know.

It sounds terrible, but, like, I
wish I felt, you know, the way

He thinks at the end of the day,
like, he's just such a great


And, like, like, I wouldn't have
been, like, fine in here without

Him, you know.


It was me and him from day
one, you know.

Like, it was me and him going
through this together.

And, like, even recoupling with
eric, and, like, being in the

House, it was still, like, I
didn't realize it was still an

Okay situation for me because I
had my friend cashel here, so to

Not have him here doesn't feel

He's cash.

He's one of the sweetest guys.

I've never met anyone like him,
you know?

I feel like I lost a best

I can honestly say they loved
the kid, you know.

And that... And I feel like-- I
don't know.

It just doesn't feel right being
here without him.

Kyra having regrets.

It doesn't feel right being
here without cashel.

I still don't know with him.

I'm such a bitch.

Announcer: and what will
happen when the new arrivals

Rock the villa?
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