01x15 - Episode 15

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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01x15 - Episode 15

Post by bunniefuu »

Warning. The following program

Love, lust., And hot people.

Previously on "love island"...

♪ Can't touch this
six sexy singles made waves.


Announcer: and the villa
would never with the same again.

You're so cute.


I'm, like, drawn to you.

Katrina, I don't feel that.

I'm getting all uh
I'm happy with you.

We're just on different

Put cashel in the single


Cashel and katrina will be
leaving the island tonight.

♪ You can't touch this
announcer: tonight, kyra is

Having second thoughts.

It doesn't feel right being
here without cashel.

I'm such a jerk.

Announcer: and hot new
arrivals ensure the villa will

Never be the same again.


Last week, america, you voted
for your favorite couple.

Weston and kelsey.

Ray and caro.

Dylan and alexandra.

Elizabeth and zac.

Announcer: leaving kyra and
eric, yamen and aissata, and

Cashel and katrina vulnerable.

It was then up to the islanders
to dump one couple.

Katrina and cashel.

Katrina and cashel.

Announcer: it was a
difficult unanimous decision.

Your time on "love island" is

I'm so sorry.

The emotional departure hit
cashel's ex-partner kyra the


That's the last one.

I want you to have it.

I love you.

This just threw me.

An I feel like -- it just
doesn't feel right being here

Without him.

He's cash.

He's one of the sweetest guys.

I have never met anyone like

Announcer: while the
reality of the reality show sets

In, the islanders take stock of
the emotional situation they


Yeah, I feel terrible about
katrina leaving.

She's so amazing, she will find
someone really great outside of

Here, too.

Maybe she didn't find somewhere
here, but I'm not worried about


She will find something great.

I think kyra realizeds, damn,
I miss cash.

I think so, too.

Him walking away, she's
going, damn.

That was tough.


You guys hungry?

No, not really.




Is that done?


Thank you.

No worries.

I'm such a bitch.

Seeing kyra so emotional was

I mean, when you just meet
somebody, you're not sure

Exactly what that person needs
in a moment of, you know, like


It's like... These things are
so emotional, and the way that

People respond is just never...

You never know, you know.

Like how I feel right now, I
want somebody that really knows


Somehow cash was that person in

And now he's gone and I'm just

You're lost.

I'm lost.

And I did not expect that.

Other people in the villa kind
of think that sometimes he's not

Genuine, but I think just some
things rubbed kyra the wrong way

That she didn't see at first, so
it's all I think a learning

Experience, realizing what you
have once it's gone.

It's getting to me foa sure.


♪ We'll be the last ones dancing
when the lights go out

♪ When there's no one to hold

I will still hold you down ♪
it sucks seeing all these

People go home with that you're
connecting with every day, but

I'm happy I get to stay with

I'm here to deeply connect
with somebody.

You can only do that if you
spend quality time with someone,

Because I don't want to waste
time in here.

Why are you smiling like that?

The things that you just

Make me happy.

♪ You say someone left you

♪ I'm here with the door wide
open ♪

You have to move fast in

I hate it, but I love it at the
same time.

You know?

I'm too lazy.

♪ We'll be the last ones dancing
when the lights go out ♪

It's just hard position for
me because your girl is ecstatic

To see you stay, but my girl is
depressed to see someone go.

Announcer: I can't tell if
this is an awkward situation or


It's definitely an awkward
situation right now.

I'm going to hang back, play it
cool, and I'll make sure going

Forward tomorrow, you know,
we're back on that positive


I tell you, you rally form
real connections in here.

The feelings are real.

The emotions are real.

I'm looking forward to the next
few days.

However long that may last, or
however short that may, last I'm

Looking forward to it.

You know the vibe.


♪ The last ones dancing when the
lights go out ♪

That's not good for him.

♪ Be the last ones dancing
when there is no one to hold you

♪ I will still hold you down
I will still hold you down ♪

Announcer: the music
changes, signifying it's a new

Day in the villa.

Good morning, guys.

♪ That isn't going to fix it

♪ I dry my eyes
because I don't feel like crying

Announcer: downstairs kyra

Forgets about her drama by
creating some for kelsey.

How are you doing, like in

I'm good.

Are you still open, kelsey,
like if someone else comes in?

Weston and I talked about new
guys and new girls coming in.

I feel we're boat on the same
page, like obviously if a new

Guy came in I would get to know
him, and if a new girl came in,

He would get to know her.

But it's not fair to be close

Get out of my face?

Have you and eric talked
about it?


Like we both said that we're
open to it and stuff like that,

But I feel like I need to have
another conversation for other


It's hard with eric.

My head is kind of scrambled,
and I don't want to be mean to

Eric, but when he's like trying
to kiss me or like tried to like

Cuddle and spoon, but at that
point I just wanted my space,

And he didn't get that.

So I don't know.

I have to figure out what I want
to do.

Announcer: oh, so much
tension, plus mommy wants more.

Next, three sexy new singles hit
the villa.

What will the islanders do?

Announcer: welcome back to
liecialgd where captain caro is

Commandeering aissata to conduct
a little ray-co.m

Did you speak the ray?

I did.

How is it?

It's good.

Everything's good.

Let me know if he says
anything, because you never know

Who is going to walk through the

I know, that's bros.

He's going to tell me.

Tell me girl, please.

Maybe I'll catch him off

Ray, I think we got it

At the very beginning, I was
scared it was only going to be a

Friends kind of thing, but I'm
really happy with this couple.

They are flowing.

It's nice.

So far is good.

With grahammen, you know,
initially coming in here, I was

Not expecting this connection,
but it's nice and exciting when

Something you're not expecting


Girl, he is fine.

I know, but still.

I understand.

Let's find our men.

I feel like yamen is that
person for me.

He really does make me feel
comfortable to talk about


I can't wait to go to san

San diego is so much fun.

I know.

It's nothing like that.

I know.

It's like everyone is --
like, like, like, like.

Like, like, like, like, like.

Announcer: if you thought
that scene was a doozy, wait for

This stinker.

Why do you look sad?

Did he fart or something?

You're making like a...

I don't look sad when I fart.

You don't look sad when you


I wasn't asking if you

I know you fart.

She farted in front of me
before I farted in front of her.

He walked into it.

That's disgusting.

Announcer: out in the fresh
unsullied air, kyra sniffs

Around for details about kelsey
and weston's relationship.

Do you think are things
growing with you and weston, or

Are you still like --
new york I definitely think


I think the whole cashel and
katrina thing, it obviously hit

Him hard, because he's been here
since day one with them.

And, you know, he told me, like
he's never had a woman in his

Life to be there for him.

So I was like, I'll be that
woman, like you know what I


I'll be that woman.

Oh, my god.

You're going to make me cry.

So I feel like we're doing
really, really, really good.

That's amazing.

He looks so good right.

Now whenever he works out, he
looks pretty b*mb.

I always think he greases
himself up.

But he's perfect.

Yeah, I'm happy.

That's amazing.

You guys are adorable.

He's the biggest sweetheart.

I would say he's the kidden
catch of the villa.

Oh, my god.

Every day, I'm like how are


You hit a gold mine for sure.

How are you single?

I don't understand how no one
has snatched you up, yes.

He's mr. Texas.

You're going to be mrs. Texas.

There she goes.

Look at her coming out.

She's gorgeous and all that.

But like it trips me out

Like flawless.

Yeah, we're talking about you.

About me?

You want to talk?

I'd absolutely love to talk
to you.

Have fun, you guys.

First of all, how are you

I'm okay.

Like obviously cash, I did not
know that was going to hit me

That hard.


He was just the one person in
here that for sure got me.

And I guess when you lose that,
like it's hard to be in here

With people that are super close
to you.

I wanted to give you your
space after this whole thing,

Because I think you can't know
somebody for four days and

Understand how they grieve, you
know what I mean?

So as soon as I figured that you
wanted to be alone and needed

Some time, you know what I mean?

I don't know, I was frustrated
yeah, I get that

I don't want you to be upset.

It's not that I like to be
alone, I do need my alone time,

But also it sounds so terrible
that we have just met.

I don't know.

With everything that happened
with cash and it was fast.

Like I do want to take a little
bit of a step, like back, you



A piece of me thinks you
weren't over him.

There were just certain things
that didn't necessarily have the

Time to connect that would have
figured themselves out.

With me and cash?


♪ Let it all go
let it all go ♪

Emotionally I'm all over.

I can't say I want to be cuddled
up and kissy and stuff like


I think there for sure are new
people coming in, you know?


And we've already had that
conversation, like we obviously

Are like open.


Everything was going amazing,
and then cashel left, now

Everything is not going amazing

So to me it's basic math, her
energy has completely changed up

Since he's been gone, and that
really only means one thing.

Since he's been gone, and that
really only means one thing.

Announcer: just a reminder,
it takes over 380 people to make

This show.

Keep it going!

Announcer: and it takes
just one me to send!

I got a text!

I got a text!

I got a text!

I got a text!

We're coming.

We're coming.

We're coming.

Oh, my god.

Islanders, how well do you
know your partner?

Let's find out in today's game
"true feelings."

#Loveisblind #hideandseek.

Oh, my god.

Announcer: in this game
islanders must identify their

Partner while blindfolded.

This is going to suck.

Announcer: but this isn't a
game at all.


I just watched "bird box" and
thought blind folds would be the

Best way to distract the
islanders long enough to get

These three in the villa.

I'm jered and I'm from
lakeland, florida.

My friends would describe me as
the guy that can get any girl.

I don't like to sit around and

I go straight for it.

My name is anton.

I'm looking to settle down.

I'm super competitive.

I hate to lose.

My name is emily.

I'm studying to become a lawyer
because I am feisty as all hell

And I never lose anything,
especially arguments.

Boys, watch out.

I'm coming from you.

Girl, watch out, I'm coming for
your boys.

Announcer: after the break,
these three new hotties are

Storming the villa.

Announcer: we're back on
"love island," and everyone is

Still playing our silly little

Now, in order to not give away
their identity, the islanders

Have been instructed not to say

Yes, we realize how hard that is
for them.

Meanwhile, our three new
islanders are arriving on

Jet-skis, which are a lot
cheaper than the boat we rented

Last week.


This is embarrassing.

No one has come close to finding
their partner.

Let's just end this futile
exercise and brick in the fresh


Announcer: I never thought
I'd say this to someone other

Than my landlord, but time the
take the blindfold off.




All my senses are coming

I'm looking around.

Oh, there's a new guy, and
there's another new guy, there's

Three new people the work boys
and a girl, so we'll see how

That goes.

How are you?

Hey, how are you?


I love asian guys, and then
there is this guy that is asian

That is usually like my type.

So I was like, what is

I'm so excited.

I literally cannot believe that
I'm here right now.

This is so cool.

I was so confused.

I see this other guy, and I'm
like, wait, am I tripping out.

Your name?


And tone.

These girls look so good in

You know what I mean?

what's the new girl's name?


The new girl is smoke.

She's easy to look at.

They are all having boy talk.

We have to get some type of

What do you look for in a girl?

It sounds stereotypical, but
someone who likes adventure and

Is open.

Today we got the ride some


Just saying.

I like caro.

She's not a nice personality and
a nice body.

What do you all do for work?

I'm a personal trainer?

I'm a real estate agent.

They came in with the right
attitude, just being nice and

Not really trying the puff their
chest out, which is nice.

She's hot.

New girl, tan, good looking.

What's your first impression
of this place?

It's beautiful.

It's crazy, right-where are
you from?

New york.

Upstate new york.

You're from "love island,"

I'm from "love island."

I go to binghamton university.

So I have all my friends are
from "love island."

Oh, that's awesome.

She seems like a cool girl.

She seems like she's chill.

I don't know.

We'll see.

We'll see if she wants to get to
know me.

Dylan, I have to be honest.

I feel that girl has the
thickness that you usually like

In a chick.

I'm not going to deny it.

I don't know, out of ten,
physical attraction, definitely

The highest in the house.


So it's like, I'm kind of
confused because he has asian

Features and that's totally my
type, but I still think ray is


How long have you and ray

Like four days.

Less than a week?

A week.

How long have you been

Four days.

Like forever.

My type is asian guys.

He's like blasian or something.

I don't know, but I'm not
interested, but then if a guy

Walks into this villa that's
totally like my type, it's a

Different story.

But like,... But then it
doesn't... I'm confused.

She's so adorable.

Like she's freakin' stunning.

She's gorgeous.

Kyra, is that your new...

Dude, she's straight up my

It's not going the happen, guys.

I don't know if I feel you
feeling attracted to her, but I

Feel like I get a little vibe of

She's so hot.

She's ripped.

You work out?

I was like, no, you have abs,

Even when she went like this
with her arm, it was muscle.

Oh, my god.

Girl, you are like ripped.

I want to be strong.

Do you surf?

Do I what?


No, I live in new york.

You look like a surfer.


We're all just fan girls you
so hard?

Really, that's so funny.

Oh my god, thanks.

I was going to say something.

Say it.

Like when you get drunk, have
you ever kissed a girl?


What is that?

Why are you nervous?

Oh, my god.

I've kissed a lot of girls.

Emily, she's a cutie.

Girl-wise, she's straight up my
time type.

She's seems like a really cute
chick and she's hot as hell,


I willive in los angeles.

I'm from florida, central

What about all you guys?

I'm from new york, but now I
live in l.a.

I'm in a band.

I do a little bit of modeling,

You're a musician, right?


What do you do?

I sing and play guitar.

Sing, lay guitar, a little

I used to do piano.

Kyra is super cool, because
it sounds like she's musical.

She was making good eye contact
with me whenever we were


She seems like my type.

So, guys, I know everyone
hates this question, but what

Are your types?

Big into fitness, so somebody
who is active, I like creative


I like adventurous people.

I used to live in hawaii for
about three years.

And I used to manage an organic
fruit farm out there.

Oh, that's cool.

So I'm big into the ocean.

I like diving.

I like somebody who is
governory but really


I want somebody who will be
like, let's go skydiving, keep

Life interesting with me.

Like anything, anything, like
let's go to the music part,

Let's go on roller coasters,
pick me up, throw me in the

Pool, do something to excite me.

Throw me in the pool.

You can throw me in the pool
eany time.

My type of girl is you


Kelsey is definitely my type.

Way on the get to know her more.

What do you like to do in
your spare time?


Give me your favorite food?

I like burgers.

I like steak.



She likes the red meat.

What are you studying?

Political science.


I'm going to go to law school
and hopefully become a lawyer.

Oh, nice.

Where are you from again?

I was born in colorado but I
live in new york now.

What's your style?

Especially in new york?

You're getting grilled right

I don't mind.

I guess you'll see tonight.


She's going to come out in
all leather.

We need two names.

We need two names that you're
interested in.

Two of the boys that I think
are my type are weston and eric.

Emily is definitely

She might pull me aside and get
to know me, it would be


What's your style in I'm

A little edgy and like a
little bit glam I guess.

I don't know.

I like the stand out.

So I like --
I like that.

Why stand in when you can
stand out.

You're spanish?

I'm puerto rico.

Puerto rico.

My mom is puerto rico.

My dad is italian and german.


That's why I like pasta so much.

What do you call a fake

And impasta.

Yamen, she got my pasta joke.

I think we are on the same

Hey, kyra, how you feeling?

Where is your mind at with

She's been thinking about me
all day.


I wish I partnered up with
weston obviously.

I feel like you've had a lot
going on.

Cash leaving hit me hard.

I don't feel I have a place
without him here.

I'm trying the stay open minded.

You have to stay positive.

How do you feel about the new

She's more of a wild,
adventurous athlete.

There's a lot of things.

I have one question...

I feel like you're maybe a
little --

I have one question.

I love how kelsey is, but I feel
like she's so simple.

I feel like she's not very
adventurous or like my


So I want to experience crazy
things with whoever I'm going to

Be with.

I feel like I would open a
lot of doors for her and not be

So structured.

It's something I think she might
need, but that's also like not

Everybody is like me.

You know?

Are you in a sticky

No, not yet.

Not yet by any means.

Announcer: welcome back,
and special welcome to the

Family and friends of our new

Before the break we had three
new arrival, jered, anton and


We're now getting to know the

Does kyra seem happy?


I could make your move.

Nothing wrong with that.

She was making good eye

I'm big on eye contact.

Yeah, no, kyra is like my
best friend in here, she's like

So strong, she's a woman.

She seems like it.

I like that.

She does have that confidence
about her.

I'm excited to pull her aside
and get to know her.

You should go do it while
she's not --


We can like walk over there
together if you want.





Let's go.

I like kyra.

I'm going to pull her aside
first I think.

She's a very pretty girl, so I
think we could vibe for sure.

So you live in l.a. Now in

How long have you lived

A year and three months.

I proved there on my 21st

So it's been a second.

I love it.

So you're 22?


How old are you?

I'm 7.


Where do you live again?

I'm in florida.

Oh, okay.

Did you grow up there?

I grew up in florida.

I tried to join the air force
and they denied me for my


Let me see it.

What is that one again?

It's a pin-up of a guitar.

That's like all the photos in
pi apartment is that kind of


I love that style.

I used to go to the restaurant
downtown, and it's all pin-up

Girl, old cars, so all that old
timey kind of stuff.

That's what inspired it.

I dry it out and I took it to
the tattoo artist.

Hey, man, can you make it look a
little better.

I'm in the an amazing artist.

It looks really good.

Is that a bad spot to get it?

This one didn't hurt so bad.

Maybe on the --
this is probably my most

Painful one because of the

It's like a dove.

My dad has it too.

Where does he have it?

Same place.



I have a weird dad.

He has long dreads.

He wears nail polish.

Was he a musician?

No, he's always been like

He's very lenny kravitz.

He's always been creative.

Like I'm in such a hippie

We're all creative at the end of
the day.

So do whatever you want.

If you have passion for
something, go for it, that kind

Of situation.

That's super cool.

I really like you.

If I was in your shoe, I
would definitely play both

Positions instead of just
cutting things off right then

And there.

I don't want to cut things

I want us to vibe with what we

But she's in the into it.

I think she feels like she made
a mistake.

She obviously misses cash.

With kyra, it's kind of up in
the air what's going on.

The connection is still there,
but I'm the type of dude where,

You know, a connection is a
bunch of live wires going into a

Plug, and if a couple of them
aren't firing, then nothing is

Going to connect at all.

I felt like the vibe was so
strong, but it's not.

She's into cash 100%.

She's not over it.

You can't have your cake and eat
it to.

You wanted him gone.

Now you want him back.

You want to put me on pause.

I'm not the type of dude to sit
on a back burner.

There's something out there for
me, and I'm confident I can find


Realistically, I think you
need to open up to all these

Girls and feel their vibe, too,
because those girls are talking

To so and so and here and there.

You spend a lot of time on kyra
and been forward with that, but

It's also backfired a little


You got to have fun with it.

If you overthink it, it's going
to read on your face.

I can't hide it.

I fell for kyra hard.

I was pissed off at myself when
I was going to bed.

I was like, are you serious

You came into a villa for five

Now you feel how cash feels.

He didn't expect himself to do
that either.

That's where kyra plays this
game, and dude, I wouldn't throw

All your marbles out of the box
with kyra.

So how are you and eric


It just wasn't like clicking
right, you know, and I wanted

Him to like talk to new people
coming in and me talk to new

People coming in and just stay
open mind, you know?

At the end of the day, emily I
think she said one of the guys

She was interested in was eric.

Emily said that?

Who are you interested in?

So coming in, you, to be

Me in
I'm not going to lie.

Got a text!

Text time!

Text time!

Text time!

Text time!

What is it?

Islanders, it's time the get
yourself in the game for

Tonight's party.



Play in the rain.

Play rain or shine.

Does this maybe my boobs look

Announcer: the islanders
get their game faces on by

Putting make-up on their

Why do we look so hot?

A little football player

Announcer: the islanders
have a case of varsity blues,

Which, if they're not careful,
could turn into pneumonia.

♪ Party in the u.s.a.
If you're wondering what strange

Attire they're wearing, it's
used in a sport producers inform

Me is called football.

♪ Party in the u.s.a.

Yeah, yeah, yeah
♪ party in the u.s.a.

Announcer: thanks, climate

What better way to learn about
our new islanders than with a

Game of beer pong minus beer and
the pong.

It's like a beer pong/truth
or dare/if it lands on the girl,

You got to do a dare.

Announcer: it's boys versus
girl landing the ball in the

Called rib with their name on it
and that person must this a


Put aissata on your back.

She's lick a little back.

Easy work.

Edie work.


I was nervous, because it's
raining, but I think it made it

Even more sexy and more fun,
just hot.

Emily, you have to pick one
of the boys and kiss them.

Emily, you have to pick one
of the boys and kiss them.

Announcer: who is she more
jealous of.

I think the boys gave us five
seconds on the clock.

I wish it was ten.

But I felt a nice connection for
sure, hopefully she felt the


Pick one islander --
I'll do it

To give you a body dance.

I'm going to have to go with

I'm going to have to go with

Time for the real action on
the 50-yard line.

I need emily.

And I need kyra to the 50-yard

We need an intimate ten-second
makeout in the rain.

It was a little wild.

I really enjoyed my kiss was

Announcer: sorry.

I just talked to the fridge.

I don't suppose I missed
anything important, do i.

Emily is super hot.

She reminds me of my
ex-girlfriend honestly, so she's

Definitely my type.

That was great.

That was the highlight of the

The kiss with kyra was a lot
better than I even expected it

To be, and I'm not going to lie.

Anton, we dare you to kiss

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Well, my kiss with caro, that
was awesome.

I'll definitely pursue that.

Oh, nice.

Lots of kissing from the
girls and the guys.

It was makeout fest in the rain.

But you know what, the women see
these in movies and they're

About making out in rain.

You have to kiss top three.

I say top three.

It definitely sucks seeing,
that but like I don't know.


Way the play.

Obviously everybody is
kissing dylan wasn't the

Greatest thing.

I guess we'll see.

I'm not that nervous sort of
not, kind of.

That game was wide.

I think it was good to let
everybody know that I'm here for

A good time.

I'm not really afraid to push my

Announcer: the new
islanders got to kiss concern I

Mean got to know everybody with
a fun game of beer pong football


Although the game is over, eric
is still trying to make a pass

At new girl emily.

I'm just sitting right out.


So did you know I was going
to be the one you were going to

Kiss or what?

Um, yeah.

I got a whole new mind seth
in here.

I had a bad day yesterday, you


Obviously cash went home and I
think they still have a thing.

I'm little too forward for her.

Some girls just don't appreciate
man who knows exactly what he


I thought that was gold.

I guess.

I think maybe it's the way
people approach things, maybe

Some people just like to take
things a little bit slower.


I don't know.

Time is of value in here,

I know.

Emily is absolutely smoking.

There's definitely some

I'm kind of reading kyra's

She's pumped the brakes on me,
and I like to drive fast.

You're smoking.

Thank you.


I'm getting like, yeah, these
bad boy vibes from you.

But I'm hoping that like you
have another side to you, too,

That like maybe is like a little
bit like softer.

For sure.

There's lots to learn.


I could steal a motorcycle
but also cry if there is a

Golden comer -- retriever in a

I bring a healthy balance.

I'll give you a lot of reasons
to want to stick around for




I just wanted to talk to you
about eric, because I don't know

Him at all.

He keeps pulling me for chats.

He's persistent when he likes

I was thinking about maybe
possibly getting to know him

Better, but I wanted to talk to
you about it first.

I kind of like ended stuff
this morning.

So he's totally like --

Totally go for it.




This conversation that's
happening by the fire pit is the

Most dangerous one.

Either she's talking, like you
got to be careful or it's like

They want each other type

She talks loud.

I can hear her talking.

Shut up, bro.

I also think weston is so

I love weston.

I literally like love him.

He was first guy I pulled aside
when I was in here, and timing

Didn't work out right, but he's
a gold mine.

Like he is the -- from the

I was like, I'm going in for
that boy, like I want him.

But I just feel -- I don't know.

I feel so bad about kelsey and I
feel like she really likes him.

And I really don't want to step
on her toes.

I get that, but in here you
have to go for what -- you don't

Want to have any regrets.

I know.

Is weston by himself over there?

I can't even tell.

Does it look like he's

He's eating chips.

I think she's alone
should I go over there?

Or I could send him over

I don't want to sit over here
myself waiting for him.

Yeah, he is.

It's pretty clear that eric
andry hitting it off, but I'm

Not sure if it will be like a
long-run thing, because right

Now I'm only seeing like one
kind of side of him, which is

The bad boy side, the outgoing
side, which I definitely do

Like, that's what I'm attracted
to, but I'm definitely into


What do you look for?

What's you type?

Give me your type?

Um, I don't even know.

Like I just like a boy that's
goofy, like without trying to

Be, like you honestly.

I'm a goofballful
I know you are.

I'm me at the end of the day.

And I just never care what
people think.

I'm a governorball if you could
drive me, I'm a governorball.

I need to know more about you
I'm curious.

What do you want to know?

You seriously want to find
somebody, or are you just go

With the flow, if I find
somebody, I find someone?

I want to be in a

I like being a girlfriend.

You like having someone to
come home to.

I feel that way too
I don't know how things with

You and kelsey are.

I came in and I was telling
everybody, that's who I'm going


I don't know if it's a closed
door, like I do want to get to

Know you, but I don't want to
waste my time if it's not even

An option.

I would love to go on a date
and get to know you.

You have to dig deep into
somebody to find out if you care

About them in here.

Figure out what you like and
what you're into, if it's not

That, like, at least you tried,
you know?

You're on "love island," why

I know.

Definitely kelsey has a lot
of -- I don't have a check list,

But she does check off a lot of
my boxes.

I think she's a sweetheart.

I see myself coming home to her.

Also emily comes in here, she's
down for having fun, speciouses,

And like to do the crazy things
that I like to do, and is it's

Like, sometimes it's a battle.

Now you're going to go back.

Oh, my gosh.

That's so fun.

I don't know.

We have this hard edge that I
thought was going to go away

Where it's macho cool trying to
be cool guy, and that's never

Been something that I'm into.

I think it's just really one

I don't see much of an opening
aside from him.

Well, that's the thing.

He's like, I'm putting it all
out there for you.

I came in here for you.

I didn't expect to feel this way
about you.

I'm like...

What do you do to men?

What are you talking about?

You must got some good

I'm not giving anyone bootie.

You must have, because these
guys are crawling over you like

You're a piece of gold.

Not enough for you to do it.

That's not true.

Yes, it is.

No, it's not.

Yes, it is.

I'm always going to have a
crush on you.

No, you don't.

I've always had a crush on

So rewind to first week, you
would have pursued me more that


Op obviously cash is my boy.

Do you think you didn't
pursue me because cash was your



-Are you still happy that you
did that?

Announcer: what?


We can't leave it there.

Coming up, look at where this is

Announcer: tomorrow
night --

I have pretty strong feelings
for weston.

The best thing I can do is tell
him and then just be open about


I connected with you the

Did you guys kiss?

Announcer: and a recoupling
that will change the villa

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