02x15 - Episode 15

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x15 - Episode 15

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "love island."

Do islanders...
Temptation never looked so


New opportunities.

The girls came ready to bring

I'm turning heads.

That's what I came here to do.

Tight, it's the villas.

The temptation...
I came to show you what

You're missing.

Is too much!
Can you touch a little?

I can't imagine where his
head is at right now.

Just like a vegas card shark,

We doubled our money by which I
mean we doubled our budget when

We spent twice as much as normal
by adding an entirely new second


Both villas played wood block

Fall-down name.

An innocent played by tropical
themed degenerates.

Losing one's wood is something
that a classy writer of me would

Dream of suggesting.

Justine is coupled up with

He's in casa amor so she's
getting to know aaron while

There's no one around to judge
her except people with tvs.

You meet people and you
gravitate them and they have

Like this... I don't know.


Hard to explain.

Thank you.

I do love what I got.

I owe it to myself.

I owe it to the new guys.

Just to get to know them.

Everyone comes with their own
little spark.

And I'm ready to find what that
is in all of them.

So bring it on.

I want to talk to you because
when you came in, you saw my


It's a compliment to me.


And I was like oh, I have to
talk to him, find out more.

I got you.

I come from a household full of

Do you?


Three sisters, all oldest.

The youngest.

I'm the baby and the only boy.

I know how to treat a lady.

You're so sweet.

Are you super family oriented?


I have 13 nieces.

I'm about huge families.

And we have a completely
divorce family, we have filipino

And... >> I was born in congo.

We went through the w*r and

Four years in kenya.

Then I came here.

I was 8 years old.

I was americanized.

Nobody gets it.

You speak a different language?

Yeah, at home.

You knew it was coming.

A few words.


Speaking congo.
That means I like you.

Justine has a nice aura about

There's people that you're
around and you gravitate towards


She's one of these people.

Me and her had a good vibe.

So pursuing that.

You honestly like surprise me.


That's good.

I'm glad we had this


At casa amor, fate gets to
know calvin.

A man whose aura shows traces of
boy sh*ts and a consolation


Talk to me.

Now I want to know what your
first impression was.


I saw it and I was like oh,
pretty eyes.

You have a freckle on your eyes?

I have freckles everywhere.

Oh, interesting.


I think it's hard... I'm
going to lump you in.

Because I feel like tonight I
saw a more fun side of you that

I didn't expect.

I feel that's a bit more your

I do have a wild side.

I feel like you were the
ambassador of the party.

You didn't hold back.

I didn't.

I don't need to. >> I like that.

I'm a very like giving

Are you?

I am.

Prioritize your partner?

I pride myself on that
because first and foremost, I

Want to make sure that they're
taken care of.

And like also communication in
the bedroom I feel like is key.

You should never be afraid to
ask your partner what you want.


And caleb is coupled with
justin but sher tries to turn

Back time to see if he's strong
enough to believe.

Kind of makes sebs.

So like where are you at
right now with...

I'm right here.

I love that answer.

Seriously, are you guys like
open to try new things or...



Obviously I'm coupled with

After getting to know her a
little bit, she caught my eye.

Things are going well.

I said I want you to be feeling
me because I'm not just your

Only option.

I feel like I've tried to relay
the same message to all the

Other guys in the villa.

Don't just like a girl because
there's five girls in a villa.

Like her compared to any other

I like that.

Yeah, I am very open to like
getting to know everybody.

> Get to know me?


For sure.

All right.

I'm down.


I think we'll have fun with it.

Where are you sleeping tonight?

Where am I sleeping tonight?

You know.

I'm glad we're on the same page.

Earlier, mercades gave johnny
the customary greeting of idea

Landers and cannoli heiresses by
looking cream off his chest.

Can I put my leg here?

Can I get close?

I'm like...
Can you like too much little?

Baby steps.

Baby steps.

It's a lot, you know.

Starting off.

Coming in here where I'm at
with, you know... It's hard to



First of all, I'm all about like

I came here.

I want to enjoy now.

I understand that.

Yeah, I came to like show you
like what you're missing, you


It's going to take more than
just a good looking girl to turn

My head.

Which is what though?

Like what are you looking for, I

A deep connection.

You make it very hard for me.

Okay. >> To hold back.

I want to...
I'm a lot to handle, but I'm

Almost also you have to get to
know me.

I want you to explore me, also
like I see you and I'm totally

Like... If he was my man,
there's things that I would do

To you.

You don't want to know, don't

But... But, yeah, like I want to
let you know that I'm really

Excited to get to know you.

I'm a whole everything.

You're k*lling me.

I'm not trying to be a buzz
k*ll by any means.

Casa amor.


I'm all about the moment.

I'm not going be over here,
you know, stale.

Telling you everything.

I don't think she is.

I think I owe it to her to, you
know, explore my options to make

Sure that what we have is real.

Whatever happens naturally,

I'm going to let it run its

I don't necessarily want that to

I'll have to be honest with you.

You want... >> Yeah.

I don't want to hear cely's
name again.

Like are you living in the

This is one day I've had.

Can I shut you up with my lips?

You have to come here.

You're fine.

You're fine.

It's okay.


Let me get it.

Oh, my god.

He's a great kisser.

He definitely wasn't trying to
stop me.

So it's like yeah, he can talk
about cely, but it's like... Is

She really in your mind right

Doesn't seem like it.

After the mid life crisis and
losing minds, getting his hands

On the new heard.

So you got to think about bed


I would be delighted.

I'll take jalen.

Oh, my god.

You're on my list.

Now I am.


Back at casa amor, the boys

Discuss the fears that he may
have gone too fast with the

Latest model, mercades.

Bring us up to speed.

Basically exactly what I
thought would happen.

Very forward.

I told her what I have with cely
is very important to me.

What we developed in the last
couple weeks is very real,

Genuine, something that I desire
to hold on to.

Then immediately when I say
that, she started making out

With me. >> Oh, my gosh.

Multiple times.

Probably seven times.
Why didn't you start with


We're not judging you.

We're not saying anything.

If this happens now and it
gives me clarity what I have

Going on, so be it.

If it pulls me away from what I
have going on, so be it.

Me and mercades are attracted
to each other.

Personality and everything, I
want to see how well we mesh


If I come back and cely finds
out what's going on here and

We're done because of that,
that's on me, boom, with that's


I'm gone.

I think cely loves you.

Honest, bro.

I think she might love you.

You're a rare dude.

I'm not saying this for a bad

You better be acting over there.

If he does come back in with a
new girl, I'm to the point that

I would be devastated.

I think that meeting all of them
and knowing how amazing they are

Has solidified that with me.

I want this more than...
Stop it.

Take a lot for me to get to
this point.

So the fact that I'm at this
point very early on, like is

Just surprises me and like... I
don't know.

I don't know.

I'm like in my head about it.

With that being said, stop
forgetting who you are.

I'm tired of seeing them tears.

I love you, cely bean.

Hey, boys.

What's up?

What is the sleeping

For you or everybody else?

For me.


Where am I sleeping?

On this side.


Already established.
My said of the bed.

Check it out.


Could you see yourself
detaching from connor in that

Like situationship or...
I don't know.

It's tough.

Okay, everyone.

Good night.

I can't do it anymore.

Good night, islanders.

I've been waiting so long.

Carrington, flex if you can
hear me.

Come on, baby.

Feels so good to lay down.

What an experience.

What an experience.

It's a new days which means

All the actions of previous days
are wiped clean and completely


That's how life works, right?



Good morning!

Let's have a good freaking

Day, people.

Dude, you were... It's like
humoola, humoola.

Obviously last night with
mercades, things got physical in

The sense that we kissed.

We flirted a lot.

I don't think there's any harm
done there.

Oh, I'm sure cely will
totally agree.

Did you kiss last night?

I didn't kiss.

I guarantee you, neither of
those girls were as far as she


No way.

Pacing the paper.

Signing every check.

Johnny is like my head would
never be turned.

The second he meets this girl,

They made out 30 times.

Cely is more attractive than



This is the most temptation.

I'm trying to see if there's
the connection.

Very, very hard for me to
hold back.

Did anyone have a better
sleep with the new guy than ever


Cely, are you trying to say
you did?

I slept the same.

It's me.


What did you guys talk about

I was able to talk about my
relationship with connor with

Jalen without jalen putting
connor door because of what

Happened with connor where I was
blindsided by him keeping his

Options open that way.

I feel like I have to experience

If any part of me is like
interested in someone like

Jalen, then make I'm not ready
to be with someone like connor.

I was trying to describe...
Very good, mackenzie.

It's not like... It's one of
these guys is the one, is connor

The one.


Moira and... >> Mackenzie.

Who is your favorite?

Moira was my favorite like in
my conversation feeling about it


Like looking back on yesterday,
I probably go with mackenzie


She's making an effort. Yeah.

We all thought that she was the
stable mindset where she wasn't


I'm in a good play with

I'm looking her more.

There's more depth.

It's my best opportunity to show
her there's people other than

Connor that can bring her

I just met you.

I have a connection.

I'd like to get to know you.

I want to re-assure you and from
last night like I definitely...

You're like all about moira
and what is this mackenzie girl


That's like... I couldn't
understand like who you were.

So that's probably like I wasn't
as open to you.

So I think as the last 24 hours
have progressed, it's like my

Eyes are opened to like people
are and what they're about.

You stand out from everyone here
and it's like super attractive.

Thank you.

I think the reason it's so easy
for me to talk to you, you're so

Opposite of connor in almost
every possible way.

The situation that I'm in, I'm
trying to figure out is this

Really what I want.

Does this make sense for me.

It's so confusing.


We're talking about love and

It's not to be taken lightly.

Welcome back to the rooftop

"Love island."

After her chat with jalen,
mackenzie feeling some connor

Fusion about her relationship.

And big matt goes to moira for
an extra perspective.

I'm excited because the
conversation that he and I a

Are having are so different from
the things with connor.

Connor and I's chats are so
serious and about these general


Feel like jalen is giving you
all the things that connor

Almost isn't able to. Exactly.

They're so different.
Jalen is a lot more up front.

I'm very up front.

So it does help.

The fact that he literally came
in the dressing room and said

Hey, I'm focused on you, that
was huge.

I can't really imagine connor
doing something like that.

So honestly, my head is a bit

Are you like it's difficult
to decide?

Back to casa amor.

The following scene is rated.

Viewer discretion is advised.

I cannot wait to hear about


So... >> Who's going first?


I want to know all about it.
It was great cuddles.

Some kisses in there.

What about ya'll?

He was really sweet.

He's such a gentleman.

Like if he sees something wrong,
he fixes my hair.

My conversation yesterday, we
talked forever.

You chatted it up.


He's sweet but he has spunk to


He's definitely a good cuddler.

He like give good hugs.

I'm not really much of a

But she's fun to cuddle with.

I'm not going to lie.

She has that thing... Yeah.

It's like bro.

I feel you, dog.

You can feel the sexual tension.

For the first time I kind of
felt like... Damn, I'm holding

Back right now.

I haven't felt that much.

Sher and i, we have a lot in

Easy conversation.

She caught my eye physically.

Very beautiful.

There's still a lot to learn
about her.

I do like justine.

I like her energy.

She has a lot of qualities not
even girlfriend qualities but

Wife material.

But is that heightened because
I'm not interested in anyone

Else in the villa?

It takes one trip out here to
realize things happen the first


Imagine today and tomorrow.

Did we like that person that

That's okay to accept the fact
that maybe you didn't.

Minds if I do it real quick?

Take me.

I'll be back.

Bye, guys.

Have fun.

Go sit over at our little
love castle one more time.


Oh, boy.

This is going to be hot.

It will be all right.

So what's up?

How you feeling after >> hot.


Temperature hot or hot hot.
I liked it.

I liked the cuddle sesh.

How do you feel?

I liked it.

Me and mercades are attracted
to each other physically.

The foundation me and cely built
is so strong.

Scares me to think she could be
affected by what I did here.

I work hard by trying to do
the right thing by people.

I try to do my best as far as...
I did see you struggling.

All night you're like.

I have something on my mind
you don't want me mentioning.

I know.

Obviously with you saying you
want to talk to other guys in

Here... >> Yeah.

How do you feel about that?

Go for it.

I'm not like I'm happy or
excited to see you making out

With somebody else.

But if it happens, I don't care.

I connected with johnny.

Yeah, I can only keep that open
for so long.

I want a man to comfort this and
to be about it.

I'm not going to get jealous.

We're here for a reason.

You get jealous?

Depends who I'm talking to.
You're talking to me.

I don't think I'm at that
point yet.


I don't want to be a casa
amor fun.

I'm looking for myself and I'm
not going to be that for johnny.

So if he can't step it up and
he's not about it, then I need

To do me.

You definitely are a cool girl.

Thank you.

Making a very good impression
on me.

Hello, hello.

Uh-oh. >> We'll talk later.

Mercades, is it okay if I
steal you?

Let's go.

All righty.

Let's go.

After johnny kind of put
things in reverse, connor makes

A quick get-away with a stolen

Oh, my gosh.

I do want to talk to you a
little bit.

So how did your night go last
night and how has it been so


It was really good.

Very unexpected.

I didn't have my eye on johnny

I wanted to talk to you.

I just like want to know where
you're at.

I mean, obviously I've watched.

You look lost a little.

It has been a little bit of a
bumpy ride for me.

I am very passive, soft-spoken,

Takes a little bit for me to
come out of my shell.

That's what I want the next few
days to be in a setting where I

Can be completely
unapologetically myself.

So why can't you be open
around mackenzie?

Good question.

You shouldn't say like you
need space to show that side.

What I've seen, you guys aren't

I don't see her bringing out the
best in you.

That's me being open, honest and

If you're having to have a get
away to be yourself and let

Less, you're settling.

I don't know.

I fully understand and can
appreciate where that is coming


I'm sorry.

It's a little forward.

I don't want to make you

It's completely valid and I
respect your honesty with all of


The place I am with mackenzie
right now, I understand that it

May come off as an incompatible
couple, but mackenzie and I are

In a good spot together.


There's so many things that I
truly, truly like about her.


She has challenged me to be a
person inside of me that needs

To be honest with themselves.

I think there's a fine line
though of being honest to

Yourself and like letting
someone like manipulate you.

I get it.

It is exhausting to have to
constantly defend my

Relationship with mackenzie over
and over again.

Love and physical attraction is
such an intangible quality that

You can't justify why you feel
the way you feel about someone.

I truly believe that you have
something good.


But I feel like I would like to
see that side from you.

Give me a hug.

Good thoughts. >> Yay.

It's "love island" and after

Weeks of capturing footage 24/7,
we finally caught two islanders

Looking at themselves in the

Let's like at this rare moment.
Let's do something cute.

It's a release of my stress.

How are you feeling about the
whole carrington situation?

There's so many amazing guys
in here.

I think with casa amor, it's
made me realize he's the only

One that I've had an instant
connection with.

It's crazy to think that after
us ending things that I'm still

Here like thinking about him.


Hi, guys.

Hey, boys.

How are you guys doing?

Doing my girl's hair.

She's putting me to sleep.

You going to get me next?

What do you want?

I didn't get to talk to you
too much.

I want to though where your
heads are at.

Well, it's just the
carrington thing that I can't

Get out of my head.

What is so crazy, we did end

Were you having a good time
in general every time you talked

To him?

It was more fun at the very

Once I started to feel a little
off, he felt a little off, it

Went downhill from there.

I don't think the feeling of
missing carrington is going to

Go away.

But pat seems like a very sweet

Very attractive.

I feel like I need to know him.

You need to find that feeling
a again.

I do.

I do.

That's what we're here for.

I know.

The ambiguous moira.

What is cooking over here?

A grilled cheese.
Do you mind making me one?

Of course not.

Do you have any leads you're
going after or do you want one

To come to you.
I'm interested in getting to

Know you. >> Okay.

For sure.

You seem so like open and
friendly, but also just super

Hot. >> Thank you.

You're beautiful.

Your eyes are just... Thank you.

You have a beautiful smile.

I'm a big smile guy.

You'll get that a lot.

He just seems so fun.


Really easy to talk to.

My type honestly.

I could really see myself start
liking him.

It's too soon to tell.

You know... I haven't had a
relationship since 23.

Three years.

Yeah, three years.

I feel like this is a great
opportunity to open my heart up

And try to find something.

If we find someone in here...
That could be the kicker,



Could be the kicker.

How is the grilled cheese?

It was honestly, that was good.


Thank you so much.

Really glad.

Oh, my goodness.

Let's chat.

It's been a long time since
I've seen you in bed.

I know.

How special.

How was your firth day in casa

Yeah, I think every one of
you surprised us.



That's great.

In terms of a dynamic shift,
I would say that I'm pretty

Different than the current
situation shift, I'll call it.

What do you mean?

You're in a villa.

As far as like moira and i?


What do you mean?

Expand, please.

Never matters.

I can't really say.

But I don't know.

I don't know if I see her being
able to match you and throw back

To you.

I think you need someone
quick-witted like that.

I don't know if she's where
you're at.

So I don't know.

I'm speaking a lot about what I
think you want.

So how do you feel?

No, that is interesting that
you bring that up.

Do you feel like you're being

That's one thing that I've
really had to think about,

Especially being away from her.

It has challenged my idea of
where I am with moira.

It's possible that moira and
I are not on the same page.

I do think that's why I held
back initially.

I understand that it's

But I am definitely most
interested in getting to know

You more and pursuing you on


This is "love island."

I can send more texts per minute
than a teenager that just got

Their phone back after being

Here goes. >> You get a text?

She plays too much.
I got a text!

What is it?

I got a text!
Islanders, today the villa

And casa amor will go
head-to-head in a game of

Raunchy races.

The winner will win a party.


You guys, we're winning 100%.

Casa amor over the villa all
day every day.

We're going head-to-head.

You have to keep ourselves

We're going to beat casa amor.

Throw the whole house away.

I'm so excited!
Our new line is "we going to

Beat some girls."

Each villa will get a text at
the same time.

The fastest team to complete
each scandalous task wins a


The villa with the most points
in the end will win a big "love

Island" party.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't open it.
The youngest one has to do

Five pushups and give a kiss...
Go, go, go, go.

1, 2, 3, 4-5, 6... Done, done.


The youngest boy must do five
pushups with the youngest girl

And give a kiss.

Two, three, four-five.

I said each rep.

I did.

I read it word for word.

Give me a minute.

Won the point.

That's us.

I was like I want the guys to
be down for the rest of the day.

Just like sad.

I'm so mean but I was like I
don't want them having fun over


We have to 1 this.


10 Second kisses...
One, two, three.

You throw it back.

I know johnny knew that I was
the shortest girl.

Damn, I wonder how big the

Tallest guy is.

The shortest girl had to kiss
the tallest guy.

Ruined my mood.

With that being said, gives

My confidence knowing the girls
are going crazy over there.

Cely has to be quicker than

Has to be quicker than that.
When I say them, I'm

Specifically talking about cely.

Casa amor has won.

Are you kidding me?

What the hell is going on,

Shake it off, people.

We got this.

We got this.

Go, go, go.

How long?

For how long?


Maybe they'll lose for not
being passionate.

I'm talking about connor
having a passionate kiss over


Go, go.

When connor was kissing me,
he bit me and all that.

But I wanted more.

He just needs to like unleash
and be like okay, the real

Connor is here, you know?

That was nice.


Go, go, go.

The villa has won the point.

You're liylying?

Wasn't a good enough kiss?


Couldn't have been good enough.

The raunch villa versus villa


To be fair, the more passionate
auditors in the world.

What is it?

All islanders must pass a
cherry from mouth to mouth.

Go, go, go, go.

Have to go, have to go.

Open it, open it.

Quick, quick, quick.

Go, go, go.

We took one for the team.

It was incredible.

Why owed them one?

We went for it.

Go, go, go.

It was probably the worst
because I was dead last.and by

The time that I got the cherry
in my mouth, it had been in nine

Mouths before that.

That was pretty gross.

Here we go, guys.

Casa amor has won the point.


Casa amor! >> All right.

Look alive.

Grab your phones.

The next one is game point.

All islanders must pair up
and share a passionate kiss.

All islanders must pair up
and share a passionate kiss.

It was like a soft porn.


Boy, in the last 24 hours, my
lips are going to fall off.

If I could count how many
times I've apologized to my

Parents since I've been here,
I'm look oh!

At this point they're like save


Not based on time so wow!
Not based on time.

Johnny and mercades
definitely got after it on their

Turn to passionately kiss.

They're going to blame it was a
challenge but they weren't

Holding back.

No excuses.

I think that's it.

I'm there.

That was a lot.

Are you sure, bro?

I don't know.

Oh, my god.

I'm going to throw up.

I'm sorry, casa amor.

You lost raunchy races and won't
be rewarded with a party.


Casa who?

Casa boo.

Casa amor, out the door!
You're the winners of the

Raunchy races and won a party.


Johnny baby boy, I know you
thought you had this one.

But the villa is the superior
house, baby boy.

We lost.

Are you kidding me?

The guys might be holding back.

That's why we lost.

I'm not going to let that get in
te way.

I have johnny right now.

I'm in his bed tonight.

I'm not worried about it.

The thought of what they must
have been doing over there to

Win that challenge is tearing me

Well, maybe you should
rethink your girls.

Say that again?

Maybe you should rethink your

So do something.

Ain't going to help.

We want the villa, villa.

We like the villa, villa, we
like the... Oh, oh, oh!

Tomorrow night...
He misses his mommy.

It's a ray of sunshine.

And I miss mackenzie so much.

I can only hope that mackenzie
is being loyal to me.
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