02x22 - Episode 22

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x22 - Episode 22

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "love island":

Get to go on.

He's such a sweet boy.

New beginnings.

To be straight up, I'm very

From the very beginning,
like, you left me kind of

Speechless, and no one does

I feel like it's so easy to
talk to you.

Old habit.

I feel like she should not be
doing that.

We have had good talks.

My ex and my best friend.

Connor and mackenzie should
not talk.

Let's go play charades.

And... The.

The girl I would like to
couple up with is...

Surprising switch-ups.


She has been there for me every
step of the way.


Wake-up call for the islanders.


As new boys join the villa.

And a shocking elimination.

America has been voting for
their favorite couple.

Four islanders risk being dumped
from the island tonight.

On the last
episode, the islanders did the

Old vegas recouple shuffle,
which produced some wild card

Couples no one saw coming.

Couples stuck with the ones they

Kalin chose justine, johnny
chose cely, and carrington chose

Laurel again.

The new pairs of hearts were
calvin and kierstan, jalen and


Connor and moira, and by
default, aaron and mackenzie.


Look at this.

What a turn of events.

I did end up picking

She was the last one, so I
didn't have a choice.

But that does not mean that I
don't want to continue to get to

Know her.

She's very... Strong willed, and
she knows what she wants.

And she deserves happiness.

Everyone has good and bad,
and her good side really is



It's just about finding the
right guy for her.

Oh, yeah.

And actually, you think, you
absolutely won't have an

Opportunity if you don't really
steal the chance.


And you really have to close
off everything you hear from

Anyone else and form your own
opinion of mackenzie.

And let that be the kind of
compass you use to navigate your

Relationship with her.

Good luck, brother.

The hash tag maccarian.

She's in need some tender loving

How do you feel about aaron?

I already kind of felt like
the last girl at the dance no

One wanted to dance with, and it

And I feel like connor with his
speech, it was a little bit


But that hurt to hear, like.

"I've never been more excited."


That was like... You know, he
knew how emotional I was and

Hard hard it was for me.

And to be standing up there with
moira, and in the position I was

In, for him to say the things he
did, obviously, was a compliment

To moira, but I feel like it was
very, very hurtful.

You took a risk at finding a
better match, finding love,

Which is what we're here to do,
ask that didn't work and it


Plus a breakup is a lot of
feelings and having to couple up

With someone tonight who you
really don't have a connection

With, and I think that... I think
that will be a good thing for

You to just kind of move in that
direction for sure.

What's up?

I can steal her.



All right, thanks, buddies.

No worries.

Love you.

Love you.

How do you feel?

Uhm, so, like, I'm genuinely
excited you picked me.

I'm serious.

I mean that.

I know a lot of girls in here
like you.

I'm not blind to that.

This point right now is what
I feel like where we're


And I feel like our conversation
today was easy.

So easy.

So easy.

It was fun, I feel like with you
I'm able to be sarcastic.

You can, of course.

And I really feel like you're
a genuine, dope person.

How cool is it we don't have
to worry about couple drama.

All we have to worry about is
winning the damn challenges.


As a totally b
unbiased observer of the show it

Will not say how excited I am
about the new coupling so I'm

Just say here are connor and

I cannot express enough to
you how happy I am right now.

How are you feeling?

I am really happy.

Everything you so far has been
so awesome.

Connor's speech made me so warm

It gave me a purpose to continue
to be here, and that I'm here

For a reason.

I am definitely open to
exploring, like, more than



But no pressure.



Cheers to that, and cheers to
a good night.



Calvin are newly partnered up.

The lonestar couple seem happy
and their exes are texas toast.


This is great.

E&this is falling into place a l
easier than I expected.

But me not getting to know you
at the beginning was stupid, but

I... What?


Can we say that... Can we say
that one more time?

No, no.

I can get that one more time.

Calvin ie always just kind
of... He's so smooth and suave.

And there's just something about
him that, like, draws... Draws

You in.

You're energetic as hell.

You're crazy, in a good way.

All in all, I don't know.

I think this is good.

I just love...
That word already.

Wow, you move fast.

Come here.

Just a little one.

Oh, my goodness.

Yeah, she said yeah.


Oh, calvin klein.

Oh, my goodness.

Totally over jalen and connor,
which she proves by, once again,

Talking about jalen and connor.

I cannot stand that kid.

And I love you too much.

It would have kriffen my crazy!


I do feel like for me, though, I
feel like connor's speech is a

Little over the top as far as
what he said.

I think I'm going to hold off on
a friendship for now

I just can't see him having,
like, malice intent.

You all thard speech.

That was a lot.

I think that says a lot about
how he feels towards me as a


If I'm honest, mackenzie, I
think it was a little too soon

For you g guys to even have that
level of friendship.

You should talk to him about

He's the one who's like, "I'm

I'm fine."

And I'm very much, "I'm not."

Of course he's good.

I just don't think he's at the
level where he's able to give

You advice on your current
relationship, un what I mean?

That wasn't what we were
doing, though.

I was telling him how upset I
was and how hard this night was

Going to be for me.

It's not something I'm going to
make a big fuss of.

It was like okay heard.

Got it.


I'm not going to try to pursue
that friendship anymore.

You're not going to dwell on

No, I did what I felt in the

And he did what he felt.

And that's where I am now.

Okay, I'm good on it.

Becht luck to you.


I can't wait to go brush my

I'm going to go brush mine as

Actually, I'm going to brush my
teeth in here.

This boy still has feelings
for her.

Let him heal first before you
pull him for chats... I don't


Oh, you mean like... Yeah.

I also need to
brush my teeth but I'm sure I

Can narrate at the same time.




Nailed it!


I spoke to connor after his
conversation with you.


And he... I don't even know if
I should say this, but he told

Me that he still has feelings
for you, and he was like, I

Would be scared to put himself
in a situation to get things

Back with you.

He's scared to get hurt worse
than he did the first time.

That was was I sobbed

Because he acted unfazed.

Just know he's going through
his own stuff in here as well,

His own hurt, his own pain.

Seriously, don't cry.

Can you listen to me for a

That makes me sad that it was
so hurtful.

No, hold on.

I literally put it all out
there for him, though.

I know, I know.

That speech hurt.

To say from day one, they
haven't been friend since day

One, hardly.

They've, like, been around each

They're not tight like that.

He really still has feelings
for you, and that's why I think

He's saying the things that he's
saying because he's hurt,


It was not easy for him to see
you with another guy.

I know, I know.

And, trust me, I wish I never
brought jalen in.

The conversations we have, he's
just, like, stone cold.

And now I just feel so awkward.

And honestly, feel awkward
around both of them.


Of these islanders will be
dumped from the villa?

Welcome back to
"love island," the show that has

Recently broken the world record
for total number of hot people

Waking up montaging.

Why not enjoy another.

Wake up, people!

Good morning.

Today is a new day.

I feel bad for aaron because
I'm, like, just kind of

Processing everything, like,
about last night.

And I hope he doesn't take
anything too personally.

I feel like he got stuck with

It's good.

It's a good feeling.


I'm having a great time but, you
know, you jut have those moments

When you jut kind of miss home.

It's definitely hard missing my
parents so much and, also,

Wondering what they're thinking
and hoping that they're, like,

Prud of me in here.

Just like, uhm, I hope I haven't
let them down in any way.

Do you miseverybody?

Is that what's going on?


I understand.

You definitely make it a
little bit easier in here, even

Though I'm missing, like, my
family and stuff.

You make it a lot easier for


You taking a chance on me and
me taking a chance on you has

Really paid off so far.


I'm happy about that.

Me, too.

Caleb being able to, like, open
up to him how much I'm missing

My family and how badly it
affected me this morning, and he

Was able to be comforting and
there for me.

I honestly couldn't have asked
for a better... A better person

To go through this whole
experience with, so I'm really

Grateful for him.

For a second, you know.

This is where I talk to him.

That's okay, we were done.

Okay, you can come up now.


Up... Waking up... Wakey up.

I'm still waking up myself.

I need to get some breakfast.

It was good.

You're funny, like, just in bed.


What did I do?

You're just... You're like...
You're just a funny girl, I

Don't know.

What did I do?

Just the whole night of you
tossing around and then you...

Was it, like, a lot?

I definitely couple up a
couple more times.

I felt like it was so hot.

I woke up one time like, what is
going on?

Is it you?

It definitely was not me.

I was chilling on my side of the

I was respecting your space.

I know you like it.

And I felt you rub my back.

That put me to sleep.

I was about to say...
Were you like, "stop moving.

Just stop moving."

Just, hello, pillow.

I do feel some sparks with

I just want to make sure we're
going at a good pace and not

Just jumping head first.

But, you know, I'm excited.

Yeah, but I felt you moving,


So it wasn't all me.

I was restless.

There's a lot of heat in that


Oh, my god.



Just too hot.

Do you want to go outside for
a sec?

But mackenzie is
still upset about the

Complimentary speech connor gave
about moira.

During the recoupling, I had
a long chat with connor and I

Cried a lot.

So when he said that speech at
the recoupling, I feel like was

Extremely hurtful to me because
he said a lot of things in that

Speech that were, like, our
inside things, things that he

Knew would make me think it was
possibly me he was talking


And I am supportive of you two's
happiness, but I'm very hurt by

What connor did.


I do regret bringing jalen
in, but I don't regret the

Decision to move past my

I mean, you have to do what's
best for you and, you know, I

Feel like I saw you last night,
and you did not seem that happy

And I just want you to know that
I'm, like, here for you.

Obviously, you two are my
best friends in the house.

I feel like, my relationship
with you is my priority, as far

As that goes.

But I just wanted to tell you,
because I think that I'm going

To kind of keep my distance from
connor today, and I don't want

You to think any type of way
about it.


I don't know if mackenzie is
thinking as clearly as rest of


I think a lot of us have
ex-couplings in here and are

Handling it just fine.

But I think, you know, mackenzie
might be making a little bit

Bigger of a deal about it.

And I think is a little selfish.

I'm just getting stronger
every day.

That's what I keep reminding

"Love island," where the scene
of islanders enjoying water

Million caused 25 million of
damage to our pool filter.

Not a fan of humor myself.

Never been my thing.

Game plan.

We're going to get our rolls of
toilet paper.

Here they are.

Here they are!

I was thinking the boys are
just a little bit too content

Here in the villa.


We needed to spice things up,
get them on their toes, see that

The girls are still in charge

They're still going.

It's perfect.

All right.

Go, go, go.



Toilet paper in the boys'

Toilet paper in the boys' room.


Paper queens.


Where are you going?

I'll be back.

Don't worry.


Oh, hell, no "n" yo!

They t.p.'D our room.


Okay, okay.

Don't do that!

Who would do that?

You're all in trouble.

With laurel again last night,
carrington is tickled pink, and

So are his shorts.

You want to choose a side,
like we do when we sleep?

No, this is fine.

Just making sure.

You can have your side.

Just making sure.

I think we are surprising each
other, and everybody.

I feel like that, too.

I feel like things are moving at
such a good pace.

But, like, at the same time, it
feels like I've known you


Yeah, it does.

Isn't it crazy?

I feel like we're an old


We're just old people.

Old couple sitting on a porch
in alabama.

I like that laurel is very easy
going, very positive, very


I really need that positive
energy my life, and I'm catching

Real feelings for her.

So this was definitely the right
move for me.

I'm very happy where we're at.

I think from the outside view
it's a very fast pace, I guess,

From what people have told me.

I'm changing, and I don't know,
it just feels good so.

I'm definitely not used to
guys, like, treating me the way

That carrington does.

I definitely think that he has
changed a lot.

And it's super charming that he
has been so sweet and kind and

Gentle around me, versus, like,
before, he wasn't really like


It makes me one happy girl for


Don't move.

Let me get it.

Is it a real bug?


You're lying.

I feel like you're lying.

I promise, I wasn't.

That is so weird.

It was, like, crawling on



And now kierstan
works on her tan while calvin

Works on his angry burgandy.

I love texas.

Texas is great.


My friend has a tattoo of
texas on her foot.

Oh, yeah.

What is that?

It's my dad's badge number in
roman numerals.

And I have one on my ribs for my

And I have this from when I was
in a sorority, and I think I

Want one here.


I'll do sabotage right there.

That's a long word.

You'll be using the top and
bottom s-a-b-o-t.


I forget, that's a whole peyton
manning happening right now.

That we have nothing to do

That we are a part of in

I miss my mom.

My mom would literally love you.

I hope so.

My mom is like the sweetest
human on earth.

She's an angel.

I would how I'd meet her the
first time, like, at your house?


I would have, like, flowers.


I would sound stupid if I was
talking in spanish.

It's my whole family.

My mom lives with my aunt.

I would knock on the door and
there would be a whole family.

Literally, like 16 of us.

I would be overwhelmed.

I know my cousins would love

I know my brothers are probably
obsessed with you right now.

I think they would be proud I
went with you.

Things with me and cely,
where we're at emotionally is

Very strong.

Everyone day we have really good
conversations about each other's

Families and friends.

And it's just really exciting
for me to imagine, you know,

Life on the outside and just
growing together.


I never would have thought it
would be this great within this

Amount of time.

You know?

Me, either.

Until, like, hopefully, at the
end of this, come out of this

With you, it's just, like, mind

I mean at this point, you
know you are.

While johnny and
cely are at the deep chat about

Family stage of their
relationship, aaron and

Mackenzie are at the "wiping the
counter and wearing a towel

"Stage of theirs.

I just want to reiterate that
I'm very excited and very glad

We were able to couple up


This is the outcome I wanted
and this is what I expected.

But to be quite honest, connor's
speech, because, like, 75% of

That was, like, things that he
said to me about us.


It hurt.

I can imagine, yeah.

It hurt a lot.

And I think that sucks the most.

Every conversation I've had with
connor has kind of left me

Feeling a little bit confused,
just because I'm the type of

Person, like, I can recognize we
shouldn't be together, but I

Also have very strong feelings
for this person.

I was, like... I said I was
falling for him, and I meant it.

I am sad that things with
connor, I wish that he would

Come and talk to me.

I wish that he would... You know,
he hasn't even opened up to me

At all about feeling any kind of
way about our breakup.

I'm the one who ended things,
but connor is the one who's


That hurt.

Yeah, I can... I can imagine.

Coming up, more
islanders will be dumped in the

Biggest elimination yet.

Ah, the cromwell,
hope of rooftop reality shows

For over 100 years.

After hearing how upset
mackenzie is over the recoupling

With connor, moira seeks the
advice of justine, whose glass,

As always, is half full.

How are things with connor?

I think they're going really

He's, like, the sweetest guy

And you're the sweetest girl,

What do you think about the
mackenzie, like, friendship


I can understand mackenzie
and connor were close, but it's

Not like you're, like, out here,
like, kissing connor.

We just...
I think that you're okay.

If you're living with these
people, you have to either

Decide whether you want to live
here uncomfortably, or if you

Want to just accept that
everyone's here for the same

Thing, to make a connection, and
there's going to be those

Crossing of, like,

So you have to understand that
that that's how things are going

To work in here, and you have to
be mature about it.

I think I'm in the middle of
connor and mackenzie but I want

To stand up for myself and be
more present.

So if that means being coupled
with connor and sticking up for

Me and for us, that's what I'm
going to do.

I think you're the best
couple right now.

You have a good friend.

He's a good listener.

If it grows into something more,
it will be awesome.

And if not, then you have a
great friend.


Are you all right?

After being
canceled by the jalen network

Halfway through its run,
production may be resuming on

The endless telenovella of
connor e mackenzie.

I would not be coming up here
if I did not still care about

You, mackenzie.

I think that, just like
you're entitled to have your

Feelings, I'm entitled to have

And I think in this whole
situation with moira and what

Happened last night, I just feel
betrayed by you to be quite


I got put in a situation
based on your decision.

And that was the most logical
way for me to proceed.

I disagree.


I think that you could have

Leaned on kierstan, or you could
have leaned on justine, but you

Chose to lean on moira.

I literally don't think you
could have hurt me more, and I

Think that you knew that.

Whether you're willing to admit
it or not, I think that you

Wanted to get back at me a
little bit.

I think that you wanted it to

And as far as who you could have
recould with.

You could have recould with me.

I was right there.

Did you want that?

Honestly, I'm not saying I
didn't want it.

I know that of the people in
here, you are still the person

Who I want to be around the most
and talk about my day with and

Spend time around.

And, yes, that is you.

I want to be there for you.

Yeah, well, you could have
picked me.

I know.

I know.

And, honestly, from your
speech, because it did sound so

Much like things you've said to
me, for a minute, I really

Thought you were going to.

Where do you think we should
go from here?

I don't know.

I just...

It's so hard to be in here with
you, and it's just, like, it's


Twists and turns than a perezle
doing yoga.

Now to charades, and
carrington's charade valley a

Charade because there's no
charade, just an excuse to flex

For the group.

I'll save them.

Dufus, dumb bell.

Body builder.

I got a text!

"Islanders, tonight the stars
will aline, get ready for an

Astrology-themed party that will
be out of this world.

#Lookinged forked asign.

Stars have aligned, and we
have an astrology party.

Love may be written in the stars
for me tonight.


Can you feel it?

Right now.

I'm wearing a skirt.

I'm rocking it.

Every sh**ting star that we get
through a drama-free night.

And just when I
thought I had seen it all, here

Come the islanders wearing white
after labor day!

Who broadcasts this filth?

Oh, we co.

Carry on.

Astrology party without a card
of destiny game.

The cards of destiny will
show our fate.

Each collect will
select two card.

What's your question.

For the first card
the couple of ask the question

Out loud about the relationship.

"Will johnny and I have
beautiful babies?"

That's good.

And the card will
reveal the answer.

"Will we have beautiful


Next, the second
card will revere their fortune.

"Focusing on relationships in
your life will pay off."

"Are we falling in love?"

Oh, my god!

( Screaming (

"Plan to be spontaneous."

Hey, come on.

We have in vegas.

That was so cute!

Our question is, "will
someone be walking in and turn

Our heads?


Good question!

"Soon life will become more

Oh, my goodness!

"Are we leaving here

That is very bold.

"The heavens say go for it."

"I think you should pack your

And the fortune is, you will
find love in front of you."

"Will you guys kiss right now in
front of us."






Our grecians might
be having fun, but they didn't

See this gate crasher in the

It's the goddess afrodiet ease
calls for beauty tips.

It's the siren who is always
cause for alarm.

Arielle vandenberg.

And the forteune is, "don't
get too comfortable."

Sorry to crash the party.

I hope you're not too

Will you please come and join me
by the fire pit.


She never comes with good news!

A guy like you should wear one

Okay, islanders,
I've come with some news.

America has been
voting for their favorite


I am now going to reveal the top
four couples in no particular

Order who are safe and will
remain on "love island."

The islanders in the bottom
three couples risk being dumped

From the island tonight.

Will you all please stand.

The first couple safe is...

Moira and connor.


You guys can take a seat.

You guys can take a seat.

Remaining in the villa is...

Justine and caleb.

Congratulations, byes.

You can take a seat.

The third couple safe is...

Kierstan and calvin.

Final couple who are safe and
will remain on "love island"


So mackenzie and
aaron, sher and jalen, laurel

And carrington, you guys have
received the fewest votes from

The public and are now

Will you please come and join
me, boys to my right, and girls

To my left?

Leaving the villa tonight.

Will be leaving the villa

Your fellow
islanders can offer just one boy

And one girl a life line.

Need to get together and decide
which girl you would like to

Save out of laurel, sher, and

And, girls, you need to decide
together which boy you would

Like to save out of aaron,
jalen, and carrington.

Go ahead and get together to
make your decisions.

Go ahead and get together to
make your decisions.

Did you decide to save and why?

Girl because ever since she has
walked in here, she has shown

Nothing but honesty and her real
100% self.

She's brought a great, sweet
energy, and we believe she has

Found something real in the


Congratulations, laurel.

You can join the others.


Which boy have you decided to
save, and why?

We've decided to save this
boy because...

Have happened in this villa, we
truly believe that he has found

A genuine connection.

And he's been nothing but honest
in what he believes is right for


And with that being said, the
guy that we would like to save


Congratulations, carrington.

You are safe.

Are saying good-bye to aaron,
jalen, sher, and mackenzie.

And, mackenzie, you have been
here since day one.

How are you feeling?

I can honestly say I'm
leaving here with no regets, and

I'm so thankful for all of you,
so, so much.

I'll be waiting for you all on
the outside.

All right, you
guys, you have 30 minutes to

Pack your bags and say your

And the rest of you,
congratulations, and I will see

You very soon.

Bye, guys.


I love you.

You are going to do so good.

You deserve it.

Obviously, you know, I'm
feeling super grateful to still

Be here and have extra time with
carrington, but at the same

Time, it's really hard, because
sher was my best friend in here.

What am I going to do without

You're going to do amazing
without me, don't worry.

Oh, cued.

Take good care of connor,

Mackenzie was my rock here.

To say she will be missed is an

I wish that I had more time
because I think, you know, I was



Island" experience.

And I wouldn't want it any other

Mackenzie did so much for me.

She helped me grow into the
person I am today.

And I'm very much a different
man than I was walking in here.

And that's why it does suck, and
it does hurt to see her leave


But that doesn't mean I'm going
to give up.

I am hopeful in finding love.

I am regretful for the way that
I spent the past few days and

Not being true to how I felt
deep down.

And it took me until today to
tell you.

You just have to have faith
that things happen this way for

A reason.

And, you know, if we're meant to
be, then we will be.

I wish I could have spent more
time with you.

I wish I could have finished
this with you, but it just

Wasn't in the cards for us.


I know, I know.

Oh, my gosh.

My sher, baby.

I'm sorry you didn't have more

It's okay.

It's okay.

Seeing mackenzie go tonight
was very, very hard because she

Was one of the o.g. Girls.

She was, you know, one of the

And she dove in with her heart
on her sleeve and gave

Everything she had.

Have a good night.



Obviously, I'm really sad to
leave, but I really don't have

Any regrets.

Everything worked out the way it
was meant to, and I honestly

Feel like connor can now do
what's best for him, and if

That's to pursue love in here
still, or if that's to meet me

On the other side, we'll see
what happens.

But I'll just miss all of them
so much.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Leaving "love island"
tonight, it's bittersweet.

I really did want to find a true

Unfortunately, I went through
two friendships, but I'm okay

With it.

I really, really, really...

Had we had more time in the
villa, I think we absolute would

Have been america's favorite

I'm so grateful to have met

Upon so there's definitely
opportunity there.

Who knows what happens after?

The recoupling has
johnny and cely like talk to me


I was not expecting that at all,
like, at all.

Oh, my god.

Talk to me, baby.

I was not expecting that at
all, like, at all.

Mackenzie, she had her time.


She felt like her time was
coming, but it always seems like

It's too soon.

Tonight I just feel literally
blinded sided.

I did not see that comed.

It's always hard to see people

At the end of the day, it makes
you appreciate the time you have

In here and the connections that
you do have.

And, like, it could very well be
any one of us going home.

I'm never going to get used
to seeing people leave.

I know, I don't think I am,

I thought tonight, you know,
I put us in beyond.

And you don't deserve that.

I didn't even think about

I was a little worried this
time, just because, you know,

There's a little hiccup.

But we got through that, and I
think right now we're all ready

To move forward and, you know,
progress with what we have.

There's no need to even think
about that any more.

It's you and me together.

So we drop that c.mpletely out
of your brain, okay?

All right.

The loss of sher
also means the loss of my lazy

Sher jokes.

I hope sher believes in life
after love... Island.

Laurel, however, isn't so sure.

How do you feel about sher?

I'm devastated.

I'm sorry.

I don't know.

It's just hard.

It's okay.

She's your best friend here, I
get that.


My best trend was tre, tre

It sucked.

I'm just glad I have you.


And I'm thankful that we have
the opportunity to be here.

And we have more time.

So I'm thankful for that.

It's really not easy sitting up
there and having your fate

Decided by somebody else.

But I feel like the guys
choosing me and the girls

Choosing carrington speaks a lot
to what we have.

I know that what we have is real
and for other people to be able

To stand up there and say this
validates that.

I was so worried that you were
going to go home.

Oh, I was freaking out.


I was like, if he goes home,
I'm walking out the door with

Him, literally.

So, like, wow, people have
faith in us.

Obviously, I'm happy to be
here with you, happy to be here

With everyone.

But at the same time, it's just

So, as far as picking
carrington, I said he needs to


And, obviously, feelings of
seeing how he is with her are

Still kind of there.

It kind of, like, hurts.


Just, like, the passion...
I did want to say, like, you

Saying that he was the one that
needed to stay, I admire you a

Lot for that.

I don't know.

It's hard.


It's okay.

You did it, though.

I could have very well voted
to send carrington home tonight.

But I knew right away that I
wanted to save carrington

Because seeing him and laurel's
relationship blossom is exactly

Why we're here.

Like, what they have is genuine,

Like, it was no question.

I thought we very well could
have been up there tonight, too,

Because we were so new.

Yeah, america believes in us.


You know.

Cheers, calvin.

Seeing mackenzie go was so

Like, it's really, really tough.

You know, we, like, started this
journey with her.

If I had to leave, would you
have walked out with me.

Hell yeah.

You're like.

I swear to got.

What if I walked out and
before you had a chance to walk

Out, michael b. Jordan walked

You had to throw michael
b. Jordan at me.

I'd have to say.


It's michael b. Jordan bhap
do you mean.

If you get to hide away with
rihanna, I get to stay for

Michael b. Jordan.

You stay for love.

You know that.

Oh, there are going to be a
lot of bed open.

It's been hard.

Because of every great thing
you've done in here, I want your

Happiness so bad, and I know
calvin is feeling you.

I hope you dont feel I'm
pressuring you.

I'm just so hopeful for you

I'm excited for you.

How was that kiss tonight?

Oh, my god!


That was, like...

Awkward in the sense that, like,
we hadn't officially made it

Anything romantic, and it was in
front of, like, mackenzie.

That being said, i, like, really
wanted to have that kiss.

( Laughs ( prospect.

Hey, can you all chill?

Come on.




Why are you rolling your eyes
like that?

I'm not role my eyes.

I am rolling my eyes.

Let's see what tomorrow has
in store.

Our couples sleep
off an emotional night, but

Their sweet creams will be over

We're waking them up with a
surprise super-hot three-course

Breakfast of man cakes,
broatmeal, and hot english



I'm 24 years old.

I'm from st. Louis, missouri.

And I'm a home health care

I definitely consider myself a
southern gentleman.

You know what I'm saying?

My parent taught me you need to
stop talking and start


Stop this and to start this.

Going into the villa, I know I'm
going to turn those ladies'


I may make one of them have a
heart attack.

But that's okay.

I am c.perform r. Certified,
woman, and I know mouth-to-mouth


My name is benny.

I'm 24.

I'm from ocean county, new
jersey, and I'm operations

Manager at my family business.

The perfect woman is brunette,
light eyes, she's petite.

I care, and when I do, I care

So I'm coming in, and I'm going
to show these ladies what

They've been missing.

Man, after they get a taste of
benny, they can't get enough.

I'm 26 years old, and I'm from
los angeles, california.

And I'm an executive assistant.

To be with long term, you know,
that best friend sort of


I've had my eyes on kierstan.

She has what confidence level
and that's what make herself

Sexy to me.

I can go in, sweep her off her
feet and show her she is


Island," and three brand-new
boys... Noah, benny and bennett...

Have snuck into the villa

Time for a classic "love island"
prank that would otherwise be

Considered felony home invasion.


Good morning!

What up?

What up?

Are you out of your mind?

What's up?

This was a wild twist of

Three new boys waiting for all
of us to wake up.

Good morning, guys.

Good morning.

So hot.

I can't wait to get it meet them

I feel bad for you guys.

Oh, my goodness!

I'm over here with my retainer

All the girls' makeup is off.

All the guys were looking

So it definitely, definitely
took us by surprise.

What are your guys' names.





They are so cute!

I was like, okay, we have a
little leonardo dicaprio


We have a benny.

He's got that smooth confidence.

You know what I mean.

And there's bennett.

He looks like the guy from the
movie "sleepover."

These are a really good-looking
group of guys.

It's exciting.



Nice to meet you.

Benny, bennett, noah.

Benny, bennett, noah.

I'll talk to you all when I'm
actually fixed.


I need to go in the kitchen.

It's getting hot in here.

It's getting hot in here!

It's getting hot in here!

Cool me off!

What is it, ben and jerry?

Benedict... What was it.

Maybe we should make them all

We could do that.

Kierstan, which one looks
most like your type.

I think his name is ben,

I want that one, mom.

How you all feeling, fellas.

Good, man.

We heard it was a little
crazy last night.

Oh, yeah, bro.

Four people went home.

I eat eggs probably three,
four times a day.

Good morning, man.

What was your name?


I'm benny.

Benny, ben.


Bennett, sorry.

Nice to meety

Ben i, benny... Bennett.

Not even, no.


Oh, my... Y'all, I'm... I
promise you, all y'all are going

To have that mix-up.

It's all good.

Nice to meet you man.

Where are you all headed at
coming in here?

I know you all got to see a lot?

Definitely got to see a lot.

I'm looking for something

I was in a relationship, like,
five years and I've been single

For two years.

I'm ready to settle down.

I had my fun.

Kind of thrown into the fire
at this point.

Sink or swim.

I play baseball, though.

I was a closure.

That's how it is, man.

You have to have the pressure.

Noah, seemed pretty confident
in his approach.

You know he was talking about
something like he's a

Competitive baseball player, so
he's used to being put under

Pressure, boarderred line cocky
about it.

Whatever happens, happens.

I'm sure we'll be agreement

Get one, johnny.

He seems pretty confident.


Is that for me?

Of course.

Thank you.

This is some of the best I
think I've done.

Thank you.

How you feeling?


How are you feeling?

I don't know.

Just in my head about a few

I was talking to these guys,

I said y'all can do your thing.

I said, good luck.

I'm sure you guys will be good
for cely.

Just laughing.

Kierstan is excited right now.

Is she actually.

We're all excited.

We're all excited.

We're all very, very excited.

Excuse me.

I can't say anything!

When it comes to, you know,
feeling threatened about them

Taking cely away from me, I feel
we have a pretty good situation


And it would be very difficult
for these guys to break that up.

But you never know.

All it takes is one conversation
to change someone's mind.


I don't know.

Everything's kind of up in the

So you have your eyes on benny?

No, he stood out to me
because he said benny and it

Reminded me of home.

Okay, ben.


It's too early for that.

Oh, my god.

I just came here for a good

Not to get att*cked.

I could see johnny, like,
sweth a little bit, because,

It's, like, three new guys in
the villa.

And then he, like, brought me

And I was like I like this

I want to keep this johnny.

But I'm going to make him sweat
a little bit.

Find out more things about

You kicking me out.

Bennett and noah.

Thank you for the coffee
johnny boy.

You know it.

Where are you from?

St. Louis.

Yes, ma'am.

I heard something.

I got a text!

All right "bennett you're going

On a brunch date in the villa.

Please invite one girl to join
you on the sun deck.

##Morning glory.

##Morning glory.


Kierstan, would you like to
join me?


It's annoying.

I am feeling vulnerable.

What's up.

Tell me what's good?

What's good is I get a date
with the girl I had eyes on


I have had my eyes on kierstan
since she first came in here.

I'm excited.

I think he's really cute.

Yeah, he's cute.

You know what instant you

He has that instant whoa for

He does.


Look at you.

Bennett definitely caught my

If you want to know my type, he
is my type.

I can't wait to chop it up
with the ladies, slide our way

In, you know.


I definitely feel like the
guys are a little bit

Comfortable where they're at.

And I like they feel that

It's going to come with a

You like amazing.


New boy bennett
takes kierstan on a date.

But she's with calvin.

Yet we set up her date right in
the middle of the villa where

He's watching every giggle
thinking, "what's so funny!"

I'm going to burn out here.

I'm glad you could join me.

You look amazing.

Thank you.

He's probably like it's.

This is, like, my first
interaction with a beautiful

Girl in a long time so it's...
Stop it.

This is the first time I've been
excited in a while.

So how has everything been
with you.

You and calvin are together now?

We're good.

I'm trying to explore some
things because we have great

Conversation and everything.

But I'm looking for a spark.

Like when you're out and about...
I swear, you have that for me.

Yesterday I was just waking up
and I could barely speak.

I had my eye on you since you
came into the villa.

I have watched you go through a
lot of ups and downs.

A lot of ups and downs.

But I feel like I would have
gone the same exact way.

I'm glad you're still interested
after all my ups and downs.

I'm happy to meet you.

I keep staring at you.

I can't help it.

Oh, my god.

The hair flip.

I think she's into him.

The eye contact with her.

You're, like... It's so

Like, girl, why your feet
look like that?

From the east coast.

I moved to l.a. When I was 20.

Oh, yeah, how old are you?

I'm 26 now.

You are...
Height, age, everything.

I wondered if I was a lot
older... Not a lot older.

But I'm older than everybody.

Are you close with your

I'm sewer family oriented.

I'm a super momma's boy.

And my dad is one of my heroes.

My dad has been a police
officer going on 24 years now.

I come from a long line of law
enforcement and military.

This is, literally, the guy
she's been waiting for.

Literal me.

It is not a good day to be

How are you going to approach

Is it going to be any different
with him here?

I do feel like if kierstan
talks to these guys, gives them

A chance, realizes that she
wants to stay with me and wants

To build that connection, it
will be similar kind of to your

Situation with justine, where
things are really going to start

Moving along, and I think it's
going to push into, okay, I want

To pursue this connection.

If I were in qur situation, I
would go hard.

Because there are other guys in
here who literally want the

Exact position you're in.

What's your love like?

Mine's physical.

Not saying jump all over, but
little touches here and there.

I love that stuff.

If you're showing it, I'll give
it right back to you.


Big fan.

Big fan.

It's like we have the same

Check, check, check, check,

Should we join everyone?


The girls head up
for the low-down on bennett.

Kierstan recycles her
conversation, while the girls

Recycle the date's food plate.

Secondhand communal finger


Okay, ladies, spill.

I'm happy again.

.it was honestly amazing.

I got to know who he is.

And he's just a great person.

And he said that he was so
excited to come in here.

He said this entire time I've
been waiting it's been kierstan,

Kierstan, kierstan.

I needed that.

You have to fill us in on
your date, bro.

It went well.

I had my eye on her for a while
and she was my first choice

Coming in.

But it was a smooth natural
conversation from the jump.

I was nervous as hell.

I'm not going to lie.

It's been a long time since I
center a deep, straight-up

Conversation with a girl.

I was nervous, but it came
natural, which was nice.

Was there chemistry there?

For sure.

How do you go from there?

Are you going to lock in on

I think I want to lock in on
her, for sure.

I played that one so well.

You don't want to approach
anyone else?

I don't think so.


Are you open to talking to
any of the other two?

No, I'm going to talk to
them, but, like, I got that

Instant like, wow!

With him.

And the other guys I'm attracted
to and I'm sure they're very

Sweet, and I'll talk to them,
too, but that guy.

I had an amazing date with

He's so easy to talk to.

He's very easy on the eyes.

And I've been excited again.

I have been saying I want
someone to come here and be

Like, "who is that?" He did ta.

When is the conversation with

Should I do it right now.

I don't think there's any...
No time to waste in here.

That's true.

You deserve this.

Hell, yeah.

Do I do it now?

Damn, I don't want to have it.

I would say if you know you

Go do it.

You should let him know.

Having this date has kind of
made me realize that things with

Calvin there is some, like,
flirty exchanges, but I think

That's all it really is, just

And after meeting bennett, I can
say that I kind of want to just

Focus on bennett right now.



Talk to me.

So the date was good.


He pretty much kind of came
in and he wanted to pursue

Things with me.

You know, I've said from, like,
the beginning they kind of want

Someone to come in here and
there's an instant, "who's

And it was kind of like that

With him.

Without him even coming in here,

I wanted to kind of chat with

I don't know if, like, the
romaptic future is there.

Sure, yeah.

Yeah, we had our flirty
glances throughout, and it's

Still there.


But I just think it's more
of, like, a crush.

So I will say this.

You have only had one
conversation with him.


Definitely dig deeper in
terms of, you know, him and just

Who he is.


Like I said, without even him
coming in, I was still kind of

Having that feeling.

And it's not like anyone did
anything wrong.

It's just like once I had those
conversations... I don't know, I

Feel like it's more of a
friendship vibe on my end.

It's annoying.

I've been friends on twice, and
I tried to go about it the best

Way possible, going at their

It sucks, but you can't force

It takes two to tango.

I am still interested in you, so
if anything changes let me know.

Thank you.

Well thank you.

.weirdest conversation.

I appreciate it.

Let's get out of this sun!

So sweaty!

The boys are playing the most
popular game on the planet, the

One the rest of the world calls
football, and we call disaster.

So times interrupt.

I got a text!

"Noah, you're going on a brunch
date in the villa.

Please invite one girl to join
you at the pool.

That's a good one!

Definitely going to have to
go with moira on this one.

Noah picked me for the date

Today, and I am so pleasantly

I'm actually really excited.

Who got a date?

Moira got a date.

Who got a date?

Moira got a date.

Hey, who's got a date?

Moira's got a date.

Why did you pick moira for a

I liked her from the

I think she's super real and
nice and laid back and easy to

Talk to.

These boys, they see
something in me, and I'm not

Sure what it is.

What do you mean?


Like, of all the places in here,
I never would have thought to

Put a table on the middle of the

That's cool.

I am noah's ark.

The date involves
eating in a pool.

All of our mom's wouldn't
approve and perhaps, neither

Would moira's partner moira.


Oh, this is so cool!

Thank you.

This is probably one of the
coolest dates I have been on.

Cheers, cheers to a new
relationship, and new



Cheers to that.


That's good.

I've had my eye on you since day


I know, I was wondering why you
picked me.

Like, I don't know, you're
beautiful without makeup on.

You're beautiful with makeup on.

Your smile is amazing.

I know people talk about it, but
it is beautiful.

Tell me about yourself.

I am from st. Louis,
missouri, from the midwest.

I'm 24.

So I want to become a massage


Yeah, I really love massage

I mean, that's something I have
to find out.

I do like to think I'm good with
my hands.

And I really have a heart for,
like, teaching special needs

Kids, helping fitness.

Like, where did you come

St. Louis, missouri.

You're like a saint.

That's just like my thing.

I have a heart for that and

Oh, my god.

That's definitely me, short
story, big picture.

You guys are really
surprising me a little.

She feels less pressure now that
mackenzie is no longer here.

And everything is just falling
into place.

I'm so happy.

Look at you, connor.

That just makes me feel good.

A little late to the game.

Oh, no, they call me "the

I play baseball.

They call me the closer.

I was nervous coming in because
you're so beautiful.


Oh, my gosh.

You're making me blush!

Thank you.

Cheers to that.

And this date.

Thank you for taking me me

You're welcome.

Any time, any time.

Cely, you're always thinking.

Is there still a lot left?


Kale, careful, careful with the



Now you can talk to us.

Like, yeah, he's awesome.

And I get along with him really,
really, really well.

Just seems like a great guy.

But do you feel like he has a
shot with you?

Because I was talking to connor,
and he was like I just love that

It's way more organic, there's
no pressure on us.

We're definitely getting closer
just without overthinking


Like, is it okay to not know
how I'm feeling?

Yeah, 100%.

That's why you have these



How did it go?

I told her I was going to
become a massage therapist.

And she said, "I guess you're
good with your hands."

My date with moira went great.

We talked forever.

We have definitely vibed.

I want to take things at, you
know, a fast pace but at a slow

Pace at the same time.

A nice medium.

All in all, like, he keeps
conversation moving smoothly.

He's, like, really competitive.

Like, I was flirting it up,
don't get me wrong.

But something about connor and
is, is like...


Yeah, yeah.

Well, I'm proud!

I'm proud!

I'm happy for you!

Look at us!

Why am I so happy?

I know.

That's so cute.

I'm so happy for you moira.

So after bennett
and noah, it's time to hit

Single ba-ba-benny with a text.

I got a text!

"Benny, you're going on a
brunch date in the villa.

Please invite one girl to join
you and head to the jacuzzi."

All right, I think I'm going
to go with...

I think I'm going to go with

Eggs benny, baby.

Who's got a date?

Cely's got a date.

Cely's going on a date.

I don't know if I'm supposed to
be worried or what.

Have fun.

Obviously, it feels good to
be chosen.

And it definitely feels good
that johnny's over there shaking

In his boots.

It's all love.

Made of mouse trap.

Have fun, baby.

So, at the end of the day.

Whatever you want to call it.

This is your first date!

And it's with someone else.

But it's with johnny's

I was not expecting that.

Who's knot a date?

Cely's got's date.

I'm finally the date girl!

I'm so excited.

If he impresses her that much
on the date, I would be shocked.

I have to take a nap because I'm
going to hear her laugh from

Across the world.

I wouldn't worry about it,

I'm not worried about it.

Whatever happens, happens.

You look worried, bro.

You're going to try to get in
my head.

If they come back and they
kiss, what are you going to do?

That's not going to happen.

We're hitting hypotheticals.

Why are you hitting me with
dumb hypotheticals.

I have heard hypotheticals
where people, it's their first

Time talking and they kiss five,
six, seven, eight, times.

You're an idiot.

You're an idiot.

Y'all, he's...
But, honestly, when you guys

Were talking, I saw a

He's literally johnny 2.0.

Watch her come back and be
like, "my head turnedlet."

Could you imagine.

What if she says she wants to
be with a stronger man.

Shut up, bro.

You're just doing it for no
reason at this point.

Johnny 3.0.

Seriously, bro, why are they
bringing different versions of

Me in here.

Johnnies with tattoos.

The same height, same skin tone.

He literally looks like

Where did they make him at,
the johnny lab.

Where is this johnny lab.

I'd keep a fresh breath.

Johnny, do you have an extra

What do you need a toothbrush

They won't be that close.

I want you guys to yell,

You look so good!"
Oh, my!

Cely, that is the outfit!

I love it!

Cely, you're k*lling it!

You look sexy!

Who's got a date?

Cely's got's date.

Johnny is just, like, a
little too comfortable.

And I'm like, this is what we

You know what I mean?

I needed someone to come in here
and make him sweat a little bit,

Make him work for it a little

And this is my time.

Oh, my god!

You look fired!

Wake me up when it's over,

Make that boy sweat.

The date girl.

The date girl.

The date girl.

I'm the date girl.

I'm, like, any guy who's willing
to be that confident and that

Bold and say, like,"I'm taking
cely," when, clearly, I'm with


I'm intrigued I have to get to
know you know.

You know what I mean?

The level of confidence, I'm
just like... I'm excited.

Are you ready?

Look how good you guys look.

You look so good.

No, you look great.

Have fun!

Don't have her out too late!

I won't.

I promise.

They shouldn't be
out too late because they're

Going 200 feet away to the
jacuzzi, the most romantic

Getawy possible, if you ask our
incredibly stressed accountants.

Where's the money, henry!

It's so cute!

Oh, my god!

I love it.

I have to tell you, you look

Thank you.

You see that?

I didn't even know that was
water right there.

Apparently, we can see them
from there.

Come on.

Wait, you want to go see

If you ask me one more time.

All right.

What makes a guy pick someone
that's, like, very much coupled



Go ahead, take it off!

Tke it off.


But, yeah, definitely, I just
like the way you carry yourself.

Andis just like, cell, she's
wifey material the way she holds

Herself down.

I want to get to know her.

Like, I really want to see... I
know your situation.

I respect it to the fullest, but
I want to get to know you as a


And I feel like, "love island,"
that's what we all owe each


Yeah, 100%.

Make it quick.

. I think he'd lean in for a
kiss right now.

Oh, benny!

Oh, benny.

Is it benji, or buckey.

Tell me about your tattoos.

I love tattoos.

All my tattoos... Honestly, I
started when I was 15.

This one I got when I was 15.


Yeah, young.

Oh, my god!

Last one I got I believe was
this tiger.

I like this because, like, if I
flex, like, it will get angrier.

Let me see.

Don't flex.

And now flex.

She's loud, bro.

That's how she is.

Bro, showing this new man...
What are you telling me to

Relax for?

Be quiet right now.

What qualities do you look
for in a guy?

I need someone who is going
to be 100% loyal, "you know what

I mean someone I trust.

For sure.

At the end of the day, trust is

When you heard me pick your
name, what was the first thought

That came to your mind?

Were you like, "what?"
I was shocked.

I literally had no idea that you
were going to pick me.

I definitely seen something
in you.

And I was, like, out of all the
girls I know, she's super tied

Up, but I just have a really
good feeling about you.

Like, your energy comes across
really nice.

Thank you.

That means... That literally
means so much.

I'm being completely honest.

That means so much to me.

Obviously, I'm with johnny.

But I'm definitely not the type
of person to come and be like

Shutting people out you know
what I mean?

For sure.

I totally respect it.

At the end of the day, I want
you to make sure you explored

Your options.

You know what I'm saying.

You've got options right now.

You have a young buck that just
came in...

Oh, do I have options right

You have options right now.


That's real.

I just want you to know for

What is on their tearing your
name apart, bro.

Casa amor, this, casa amor,

I'm not worried.

You don't have anything to

No, I do not.

You sound like you're
worried, bo.

You want to give him a chance
at you but you want me?

Why are you trying to get to
know another guy romantically.

Johnny is just making
something out of nothing.

I just need to be clear on
where you're at.

It's very simple.
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