02x23 - Episode 23

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x23 - Episode 23

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "love island":

Four islanders
will be leaving the villa



America's vote put
three cou couples in danger.

And the islanders.

I could like to save carrington.

...sealed their fate.

So the girl we'd like to save
is... Laurel.

Good-bye to aaron, jalen, sher,
and mackenzie.

You know, you were my love
island experience.

To say she will be missed is
an understatement.

Then three new boys.

I'm sure you can all be great
new friend to cely.

...caused tension in the villa.

I need someone who is going
to be, like, 100% loyal.

He's awesome.

I've had my eye on you since
I came into the villa.

Do I have options right now?

You have options right now.



You are all going to tell
blank the real truth of what

Happened with blank at casa

Shocking revelations.

Like, what happened?

Bring the villa to
a boiling point.

There's a lot going on in my
brain right now.

I know you don't want to end
things with him, right?

I don't know what to do.

We're back on the
isle of love, where o.g. Cely

Stepped out on her first
official date.

Your first date, let's go.

Which had johnny
playing it cool by playing

Peeping tom.

On returning from date, the
girls are eager to know how

Excited cely is with benny and
the hot tub jets.

You look different.

You look happy, or whatever.

.you look happy, cel.

I literally can't say.

Where do you want to go?

Step into my office.

Was it quiet without me?

We could still hear you, babe?



No way!

Could you hear what I was

No, just your cackling.

Just your laughing.

He was standing up...
Johnny was?

Are you kidding me?

I can't stand it!


So funny.

They're already talking about
how they were getting you


Johnny was so scared.

Which I was... Which I was not.

Her energy was just there,
you know.

She was laughing.

She was smiling.

She was super easy to talk to.

You got him worried over there.

Johnny, he's, like, for real,
like, freaking out about it.


He's trying to joke about it
with the guys and the guys were

Joking but it's for real, it's
for real worry.

I'm not going to lie.

That was so fun.

He caught me by surprised 100%.

It feels good to be noticed.

I don't know if that sound
stupid to say.

Not at all.

New attention.

Like something fresh.

Yeah, it's nice to go on a date.

I actually enjoyed every single
second of that.

Do you think it was more of,
like, you just being friend, or

Actually, that she would give
you a possible chance.

I felt like the energy was

I felt it was a little bit more
like, "you're new."

She kept telling me your body
and the way you look.

And I'm like yeah, like, yeah.

It's just so refreshing to
see someone coming in here,

Having an amazing pool of girls
to pick from, and picking, like,

The most wifed-up one.

I give him props for being



Like, this late, and just, like,
being, like, you know what, I

Know your situation, but this is
what I want.

For someone to come in here
and do that and make that bold

Of a gesture, like, I owe it to
you to sit here and give you

That shot.

You know what I mean?

Man, I'll tell you what, this
was literally the best outcome

For guys coming in.

Here she comes, bro.

Play it cool, boys.

Play it cool.

They're walking back.

Johnny boy.

What's up, baby?

My turn?

It's going really well, the

You're so annoying.

You look nice, though.

Thank you.

A little too nice.

I wish I could have picked out
your outfit.

Do not give me...
I would have put you in some


Some boots, some work boots.

How do you know I wouldn't
look good in overalls?

You would.

Did you miss me?

I did.

.i heard all the laughing...

I'm just going to, like, lay
it all out.

He's very, very cool.

Such an easy conversation.

Like, I had told him, he asked
me where I was at.

And he said the reason he
gravitated towards me so much

Is, "I've been watching for
weeks and I love the way you

Carry yourself."

And the loyalty thing is the one
thing that really stood out.

And I said, no, I think it's a
really bold move to come in here

And pick the girl that is the
most wived up.

It' so bold.

I'm not going to be the girl
like, "don't talk to me."

You know, it's happened to you.

The fact that that's going on
and the whole time I'm thinking

About you and can't wait to come
back to you, that just says so


Do you see that as a good
thing or a bad thing?

No, as a good thing.

That's what I'm saying.

Are you saying you're open to

It was more of me saying I'm
not going to shun you and be a

Bitch and disregard you.

You upon what I mean?

You know?


What is that face?

I just need to be clear on
where you're at?

Well, I don't, like, want
that, to, like, progress.

In my head.

That's what I'm saying.

If that's the case, I would like
for him to know that as well,

And he doesn't know that as

And that's what I'm, like,
confused about.

Like, you're saying you want to
do the right thing and give him

A chance at you, but you want

It's just, like... And I don't
think it's going to work, but

I'm going to do it anyway.


I'm not trying to be that guy.

I don't at all.

What guy?

The guy to tell you what to
do or try and persuade you what

To do or anything like that.

I wasn't really worried.

But now hearing this it's just,
like, okay.

If you want me and want us...

Or put what we have on a
temporary pause.

That's not what I want at all.


That's what... Like...
There's no problem.

Yu're here with me right now.

I just need to know whether I
need to be concerned if I'm

Going to lose my girl or not.


Okay, I need that guy to know

It's very simple.

Like, if that is the case, tell
him that, and tell him that you

Are not interested in pursuing
him like that.

Because that is the right thing
to do.

I just need you to be clear with
me because I don't want to be

Stressed out if I don't need to


So what are you going to tell

Yeah, I'm going to tell him
that's not something I want to

Pursue romantically.

Take your glasses off.


I'm all sweaty.

Take your glasses off.

I'm all sweaty.

Take your glasses off!

I'm all sweaty.

You've had your glasses on
all day.

Look me in the eyes right now
and tell me that is exactly what

You want and I have nothing to
worry about.

Yes, that's exactly what I want.


Like me, cely is
unsure exactly how to feel about

Johnny's reaction to her date,
and so confide in besty justine.

I was sitting there
hell-a-confused and


He said you're making it a thing
when it's not a thing.

And I'm like I'm not making it a


Like, I'm so confused, like,
I don't know.

So how did you leave the
conversation with him?

Were you upset or are you guys...
I told him everything is


But the more I think about now
is why am I running over there

Looking like an idiot telling
benny, I just want to clarify.

We're not allowed to get to know
each other in that way.

For what?

For johnny that is not even my
boyfriend right now?

I just feel hell-a-dumb right

He came back from casa amor,
yes, I was upset.

But did I need anything else
from him?


I didn't need anything.


Now I'm like why would I sit
there and take that.

You've done nothing wrong.

You literally have done nothing
wrong your entire time in here.

Johnny tries to
prevent cely from throwing in

The towel by wearing it himself,
but it hasn't brought him any


I was right.

It's about to happen.


Oh, man.

What's about to happen?

Yeah, she's going... She's
about to tell me "I just think

That I should give him a

That's what she's about to tell

If she really wants you, is
this one conversation really

Making her think like this?

Or is she just trying to...
She definitely likes the guy.

She likes him after one

There's no way.

I was just so confused.

It for a second made me feel
like I did something wrong.

You shouldn't feel like this.

.you've already proven yourself.

You don't need to go that extra
mile to be rude to this guy.

If he feels confident enough in
what you guys have, he wouldn't

Ask you to do that.

You shouldn't be like this.

You didn't do anything wrong.

I just feel like there's
something that, like, I'm not


I feel like that stupid girl
that like...

Is just, like, I don't know,

I don't know.

I wasn't thinking that was
going to happen.

The talks that we've had about
the way that we felt about each


She's saying she wouldn't want
to do this with anyone else but


All these things, and now here
she is conflicted, all chocked


, You know, and all this stuff
because the guy comes in.

Even though she says if a guy
comes in, this wouldn't happen.


Do I think that's what's

Uh, probably not.

But johnny's taking it that way.

I think he has a little bit of

He associates it with casa amor.

He just needs to realize she
forgave him, and he needs to

Drop it.

Is he gunning for her for sure,.

Yes, 100%.

Shook things up a little bit

Upset cely isn't managing every
interaction he directs.

He's ignoring his casa amor
activity may be the thing

Capsizing their relationship.

Are you okay, johnny boy?

What happened?

She came to me and told me
about it, said it was great.

We had a really good time.

He's a great time.

I said if you want to
potentially get to know him


I would like to know.

"I don't want that I want you."

Obviously, she feels like she
should get to know him because

Of the time I opposed myself up
at casa amor.

Johnny, you have to move on
from that.

She has been nothing but loyal
in here.

Me and cely have something
very strong, and I think what I

Did at casa amor, that is what
is clouding her judgment right


I'm just actually wondering
why casa amor is still coming


It's not from cely.

It's not from cely's mouth.

I'm not sure why johnny is not
able to move on from casa amor.

When someone says that cely
is loyal and that leads you to

Bring up casa amor, then you're
revealing an insecurity that you

Have in your relationship.


But you have to really know,
deep down, is she still going to

Hold it down and with with you
because you have that


It is what it is, I guess.

In the meantime, man, you
gotta just do johnny, cool



I'm a little in my head right

I'm not going to lie.

About johnny?


I hate boys.

I swear he's convinced,
though, he's like, "no, she's

Going to get to know him."

I'm like... >> Oh, my god!

Are you kidding?

He goes, "that's what she

Said to me"
I'm like, "what are you talking


You're making stuff up in your
own head!"

What a goofy goober.


I want to thank you guys for
welcoming us into this villa.

You guys are all great and

And I can't wait to get to know
you guys.

Beautiful people.

Beautiful moments.

Beautiful vibes.

Here's cheers to that.



So good meeting you guys today.


What's up?

I want to pull you and let
you know that you definitely

Caught my eye, and I definitely
want to pull you aside and get

Your thoughts on everything.


At this point, you're coupled
with calvin.

I am.

How's that?

I don't know, I'm still kind
of... I feel like there's

Something missing.

I don't know if...
I think so, too.

Why is that?

It seems like a friend... A
friend thing.

But, yeah, no, it just didn't...

Not necessarily... Like, I don't
know about that.

But I'm open to anything and



Well, are you number one on
my list.



You picked miss moira.

I picked her.

I think she's been very cool
from the very beginning.

She's, obviously, pretty.

But at the same time I have... I
have a game plan as far as these

Are the people I want to go


You don't know anybody until
youtalk to them.


I think that's huge.

Kierstan caught my eye for a
couple of different reasons.

Just being drop-dead gorgeous,
but also her personality.

And I'm definitely going to be
putting most of my chips in her


I'm definitely not intimidated
by people so I definitely don't

Care if you talk to someone

But at the same time, I am
pursuing you.

Well, I'm glad I'm one of
your top picks.

That's cool.

I want to get to know each and
everyone of you.

I felt like he was looking at my
eyes, and then my boobs and then

My eyes the entire time I was
talking to him.

I think he needs to work on that
a little.

Overall, it was a great chat.

Get to know him a little bit.

Let's head back to the group.

Good chat, good chat.

The historical
noah was also interested in


Now let's see if bennett can
manage to look kierstan's in the

Eye for longer than noah's
millisecond record.

It's good to have you in here.

You're just what the villa

I hope so.

What I needed, too.

I'm glad.


I plan to keep getting better
and better.

Your eyes are so pretty?

Are they?


Your eyes are looking crazy,

They're like a reddish-brown.

They look pretty in the lights.

The feeling and spark is
definitely there between her and


Definitely excited to find
someone that I think I could

Make that special connection
with in here.

I'm hoping I can keep building
on that and moving forward with


I feel like we have a

More as we get to know each
other and talk.

I was like, I wonder if he
dressing well?"

And you do.



When I saw you, I was like,
"yes, yes, yes, yes."



I can't do this right now.

Bennett's an amazing guy.

Right now I am feeling some

He is very attractive, very easy
to look at.

So I kind of just want to see if
there's more to that.

If there's something I'll let
you know.

The room get pretty hot.

I feel like I run hot.

I run hot, too.


Yeah, but...

Speaking of
problems, johnny and cely have

Been having them ever since new
boy benny took cely on a date.

As always on "love island," the
best way to solve... Exacerbate a

Problem... Is a chat.

I just wanted to say, you
know, from earlier, that, you

Know, I feel, after talking to
caleb and just ep, I may have

Come on too strong.

I feel like I put you in a
situation and stressed you out.

And with this, I want you to do
whatever you feel you should do.

And you do not need to check in
with me.

You have done everything right.

You've done everything right by
me, and you've given me no

Reason not to trust you, not
reason not to think you are not

The perfect girl for me.

Thank god, he's, like, kind
of realized that without me

Having to get into it first to
explain things to him.

I literally like you so much,
and I want this to work out so


But I think we both just need to
do better about communicating

How we feel.

Whatever it is I need to do
to better myself for you I'm

Willing to do.

Me, too.

And I just want you to know,
like, I'm not here for anyone


And, like, I know that I've said
that before.

But I really want you to
understand that.

Understand that from me, too.

My sweet little gum drop.

My rock.

Wecome back,
everything is peachy between

Alabama spice and bro spice.

Butnow laurel wants to know if
carrington is taking the

Relationship as seriously as he
takes having a lot of letters in

His name.

I want to make the most of
our time in here, and I feel

Like, you know, if we really say
what we have is real, then we

Kind of need to start thinking
about, like, what the next steps

Are, especially, like, if we
leave here, what would happen?

I think that there's a ton of
distance from utah and alabama.

That's... That's a fact.

Would we be boyfriend and
girlfriend if we left tomorrow?


I really do like you.

And I don't think distance
matters when it comes to that,

As long as you take it one step
at a time.


Because I feel the same way.

And we can work towards

Will you come visit me in

Maybe I'll put some boots on.

With a plaid shirt and a
cowboy hat?

I don't think I'd look bad
with a cowboy hat.

But then again, I've never had

I don't know.

On the pillows!

We chatted after she had her
date with benedict... Whatever

His name is... And she expressed
she wants to remain friends.

I don't think anyone should
be worried, you maybe in the


I think he might fumble the bag,

The thing is everyone does this.

I can handle those initial first
few days.

Are you going to shower?



How do you feel about the new

Bennett caught my eye.

And we have a lot of great

And we were kind of, like,
playing with each other's hands



Look at that.

Do you do that, too?

So do you want to start
talking to other people?


Just kidding.

Only scratched the sir fason
the potential we have.


Good night, everybody.

I love you guys all so hard.

I hope everyone sleeps...

Good night.

A taste of your love.

I feel like today is going to
be a fun day.

Cely said that if at night
time I peeled my beard off and

My hair, she would still be with

I would.

No way.

No way, bro.

I really would!

That's wrong, bro.

I am not...
You wouldn't allow that?

I got a text!


Like lightning and thunder
over here.

Islanders it's time to see
what the public really thinks

About you in today's challenge.

Sucker punched!




This is going to be crazy!

Do I have to do this one?

I'm scared.

What are you scared about?

I'm about to cry my eyes out.

Coming up.

Blank is as deep as a puddle.

The answer is...

Ouch, america!

That one hurt!

Slow-motion jogging.

America thinks of them.

Old red, white, and blue will
leave their egos black and blue

In today's challenge, "sucker

Let's go, baby.

And the new boys...
A.k.a.... Our technical

Knockouts... Will serve as hosts.

Islanders, today you'll be
bobbing and weaving social media


You'll hears about you and your
fellow islanders.

The couple who earns the most
points wins.

Let's play "sucker punched."

Sticks and stones, baby.

Sticks and stones may break
my bones but words will never

Hurt me.

Tweets will.

Tweets will.

Can we all agree on how great
blank's fashion sense is?

She is stunning no matter the
time of the day and the other

Girls don't come close.

Each couple will
guess who the social media most

Is about using their chalkboard.

We think justine.

Also justine.

Wow, you guys.

We think kierstan.

The answer is...

And one of the
readily available buff guys will

Reveal who america is talking



Oh, thank you so much!

At "love iemed u.s.a." I feel
like blank has no idea what he

Wants except for a bidebt.

He shows emotion for a bidet ."

I'm confucius.

Wait, calvin.

This is, obviously, connor.

Definitely connor.


Had to go with connor.

You have to have the extra clean

The answer is connor.

Whoever said that, I don't
know if you've ever used a bidet


But I will find you.

We will have a polite and mature
conversation and I probably will

Like you and be friends with

That's all I have to say.

Can we talk about how blank
hops from girl to girl in the

Villa, yet never even makes it
to the first base with any of



We went with my boy calvin.

You got to strike out a few
times before you hit a home run,


I like that.

We said calvin.


We also went with calvin.

And the answer is... Calvin.

You got me!

Come on, america!

O.m.g., @Chrissy teagueen said
that blank and blank are one of

Her favorite couples@"love
island u.s.a.."

Who is that?

You don't know who chrissy
teague an is?

John legend's wife.

Now you I do.


And the answer is...

Justine and caleb.

I love her so much!

They're, literally, my favorite
couple in america.

I'm not even kidding.

Chrissy, I'm shook.

Chrissy, teach me to have that
love that you have, girl!

I want that so bad!

Blank is going to realize
pretty soon that blank is as

Deep as a puddle.


All right, we said laurel and

Laurel and carrington.

Another one.

The answer is...

Laurel is going to realize
pretty soon that carrington is

As deep as a puddle.

I feel like I'd be a pretty
deep puddle, one of those you

Are walking down the street and
fall all the way in.

Blank will dump blank the
minute another guy shows her

Some attention.

A mess.

We went with kierstan and

We also said kierstan and

Kierstan and calvin for 100,

The answer is... Moira will
dump connor the minute another

Guy shows her some attention.

Agree to disagree.

I haven't found that connection
in here yet that I really can

Stay put.

I think I can help her out
with that.

Yes, connor!

I'm watching@love island
u.s.a., And I swear I'm picking

Thup romantic energy coming from
blank and blank.

Honestly, I could see the two of
them together.

We picked moira and connor.

We also said moira and connor.

It's unanimous.

Connor and moira.

The answer is I'm
watching@ "loveide u.s.a." And I

Swear I'm picking up this
romantic energy coming from

Calvin and...


Wait, what?

I don't really see that.

But they may be seeing something
that I don't see.

I don't know.



You all got to tell blank the
real truth of what happened with

Blank in casa amor.

Because what he said was not
even half of what really



To hear something like this,
I'm just, like, don't let there

Be more because they just worked
through this.

We said cely and johnny.


Also cely and johnny, made
out with the girl.

That's what happened.

I've heard both of your stories.

And they go pretty hand in hand
with what I witnessed firsthand.

We also said celly and johnny.

I think everything he has told
cely is 100% accurate and true.

We went with cely and johnny

But as far as everything that
I've seen and I've heard, it's

All been lined up.

The guys are all sitting
there telling me that they think

I know everything.

I'm like, what am I missing

Cely and johnny.

I mean, it's no surprise.

Me and cely have something

And I did some things outside of
some challenges that I came back

And told cely about.

I was honest and truthful to
you, and that is the truth and

Nothing more.

The answer is...

Y'all going to tell cely the
real truth of what happened


Johnny in casa amor.

Because what he said was not
even half of what really


An honest guy, but it's just
tough when the public is seeing

Something else.

And knowing how cely is, I just
don't want her looking stupid,

But she's been nothing but
loyal, so...

The winners of the sucker
punch challenge are johnny and


My one thing has been, like,
trust, and just being brutally

Honest, no matter how hard it

And if he didn't give me that
from the get, like, I don't know

What to do.

Romantic rooftop... I mean "love

Some islanders really took a hit
from the "sucker punch"


That was something.

Oh, now I get why
they call it that.

Let me first just say,
chrissy teaguean.


You guys!

Do you guys mind if I start
with... I can't even... I'm just

Mad because, like, what are we

I will say, like, using the
word "half" that's not even the

Half of it.

Half, that's a lot.

That's where I'm kind of like,
yo, what am I missing here?

Let me say this.

Let me say this.

First of all, that ending was
very dramatic.

I felt ostracized and for my
situation, it's something that I

Handled in the best way that I
knew how.

I came back in here and I was

When I was in there with that
girl, pulled the blanket over my

Head, probably a mistake,
because it leads people to make

An assumption about what was
going on under the covers.

I didn't get in her pants.

She didn't get in mind.

If you don't believe me, I don't
care at this point.

That's it.

For sure.

Now to me it's kind of making
a little more sense the way he

Was panicking the other day
about your date.

I'm like what if he knows that...
He's watched casa amor...

He's going to tell you.

But at the same time, I'm,
like, what am I missing here.

If benny is a gentleman,
maybe he's like it should come

From johnny kind of thing.

Fifreak out, "what are you
talking about?"

It's going to make me look
guilty and I'm not.

What I've done I've done and I
have to live with that.

What I'm tailing you guys is the

If he's doing you dirty,
that's not okay.

That's the hard part about this.

What do I do if the guys are not

If johnny is not talking?

What do I do?

I am experiencing very high
emotions and I'm trying to just,

Like, be rational.

I feel like there are some
conversations I need to have.

I don't know if johnny is the
first person I want to talk to

Right now, just because I'm not
seeing what america is seeing,

And that's very frustrating.

I kind of want to talk to caleb
before I talk to johnny.

One, two, three, four!

Time for
detectives cely and justine to

Search for the truth in our new
series, "c.s.i. Love island."

I need you in my business
right now.

First step,
separate your witnesses.

What the hell is happening?

I'm so, like, confused.

Like... >> That was a rough one.

Do you think that, like,
there's a chance that he's not

Telling the guys everything?

They didn't have sex.

I know that.

There's just, like, no way.

They were in bed together making

Johnny just told us that he
pulled the sheets over their


I didn't know that.

Did he do that?

Was it, like...
I did not know that.

Was it like not wanting to
tell me that?

Or was is, "I'm going to spare
her the details of it?"

Is what I'm supposed to do is
tell cely in detail how I kissed

Her, how it made me feel?

Because those details are just

But they're important?


They're important.

No, they're not.

If you kissed her and felt a

I liked it physically.

I said I was not going to do
anything other than kiss this


I kissed her in bed.

Told her that.

What more count to hear from me?

My thing too is, like, okay,
you you all are standing behind

Johnny being loyal to johnny?

And why is that?

You know what I mean?

I know for sure.

And I'm like who is going to
be loyal to me at this point?

Before I even get to johnny,
there's a lot I need to sort out

In my mind because...

It's a lot.

Thank you.

I appreciate you so much.

Appreciate you too, girl.

I don't know.

There's definitely conversations
that need to be had.

And I'm like maybe I need to
talk to benny or noah.

Maybe they've seen something I
don't know.

Do you know what I mean?

Can I talk to you for a sec?


Sorry, I know we haven't
really talked.


And I hate that we're
starting off on this foot.

That's all right.

I feel like you can bring a
fresh perspective and you've

Seen casa amor.

Oh, yeah, no, I saw it all.

She licked whipped cream off his
body for one of the challenges.

And after the challenge was over
he laid it on her pretty hard.

Everyone was just kind of like,

Because that was not part game.

No trvings not part of the game.

It was definitely after
everything had been done.

They other stad making out.

I don't know who pulled the

The covers went over.

There were some hand moving
around, and maybe some grinding,

But that was it.

Under the covers.

For that detail to come out now
after we have spoken about it.

I just know if I had the
connection he says he has with

You, I don't know if I would
have done those things.

There is a lot going on in my
brain right now.

I'm at the edge, I really am,
just because it's like...

What do I do, you know?

He seemed, like, regretful
the next morning.

Why would you be so regretful
just for making out with a girl?

You didn't do anything with
anybody here.

Like you sent three dudz home.


Like, you could have done a
lot of other things.

And you didn't.

You're right.

Like, I've done nothing.

And I did not have to go and do
all of that to know that it was

Still johnny for me.

Something, like, I can't trust
you anymore.

And it is what it is.

And as badly as I want to be
with johnny, like, that's where

It's love island,
where after cely asked noah

About the truth about johnny's
fling, noah flooded the villa

With tea.

Will it be an almighty wake-ul
call for cely?

Seriously, your face, man.

This whole situation sucks.

I just talked to noah and it's a
completely different


You know what I mean?

It just, like, makes me feel
like... Like maybe this is why

Johnny spared me all the

It's hard to hear that.

You know what I mean?


And maybe that's why he just
wanted to give me the facts and

The big stuff.

But it makes me feel like, I
don't know, like...

The one thing I don't know why I
just can't get over is how

Dismissive and how, like, he
made light of the situation

Before telling me what happened.

It was the... "It's nothing,
baby, I promise.

We'll talk about it.

It's nothing."

It's like I feel like I'm being
manipulated, and I just feel

Dumb they didn't see this

And I'm not going to stand for

Up to the point we left for
casa amor, me and cely had no


Coming back from that, there's
been multiple times where she

Has been in a mood.

And I am not a dummy.

I made the assumption, and I was
right, that all of those

Problems and all of those
emotions and moodz rooted in

What I did, what I did willingly
to weaken her trust in me.

It is beyond a bad look.


It is even worse for your
girl... For anybody... But

Specifically your girl to
question whether or not she's

Being manipulated.

You know what I'm saying.


That is not good.

And then it makes me nit-pick
again, like after my date with


Like how could you go and do all
of that, and then fault me for

Going on a date.

Literally, a date.

At first I was like I can get
over him kissing outside of a

Challenge, I can get over him
being in bed with someone.

But now hearing all of it,

I deserve someone that's going
to, like, be as loyal as I was.

You know what I mean?

And, like, that's why I'm
struggling so hard right now.

Because, like, I really want to
be with johnny.

But, like, how much is okay to
put up with?

Like, I know... I don't deserve
to be put through this.

Like, I really, really don't.

You don't.

It's got to come down to what
your trust is, make sure you got

All the facts out.

You got it, bro.

You got to take some punches.

Just take them.

You have a strong jaw.

You need to put your foot
down with him.

I don't want it to be he's
taking your kindness, your

Forgiveness for granted.

Because I know you don't want to
end things with him.

Or do you?

It's just, like, it comes down
to what I deserve.

And I feel like, I don't know
what to do.

You know what I mean?

Let me ask you this, if this
was all reversed and all of this

Was happening to me, what advice
would you give me?

I would tell you it's not
worth it.

So then I think that maybe
you need to start thinking about


It's a massive recoupling.

I'm, like, at a crossroads.

I'm being asked to trust you and
it's like how can I trust you?

I'm telling you the truth.

I'm sorry, but that's not

It's not enough.

Tomorrow night.

Work it!

We've got more to love.

The cutest!

Including unseen
bits from the past week in the


I can carry you on my shoulders.

Yeah, on your shoulders.

I swear to god.

Oh, my bathing suit!
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