02x30 - Episode 30

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x30 - Episode 30

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "love island":

Tonight there will be a

Right now, I am confused.

Do I stick with laurel or do I
go with lakeyn?

I can't ignore my feelings.

I believe that we have
something strong snra difficult




Queen justine.

It's hard to break people's



Led to emotional good-byes.

I'm thankful for the time we

As julia and
kierstan were dumped.

Loves me not!


You definitely made it seem
like you were going to pick me.

You don't like me now because
of that?

It's annoying.

Harsh words.

Rank the girls in order of
who the voters think would make

The best girlfriend to the worst

The most two-faced to the
least two-faced.

I don't like that.

As america pulls rank.

Let's see what america says.

I think if I do, I wouldn't
care at all.

And which couple
did you vote into the hideaway?

Recoupling has just taken place,
and the islanders farewell their


Toastington does the honors.

Here's to kierstan.

She is one strong-willed,
independent woman who has a lot

Going for her.

And although she did not find
love here, I know that she will.

Also, to julia.


Arms chug.

Arms chug, everybody.

Oh, my gosh.

surprisingly recoupled with


I couldn't reach it from here.

I guess I could have.

You could have.

I probably should have set it


And I was really shocked by your

What were the odds you
thought I was going to pick her

And not you?

50-50, 100%.


You know, 50-50.


I'm saying 50-50 is the odds
I thought 100%.

That's decent odds.

That's, like, roulette odds.

It's okay.


Stressful couple of days.

I was stressed because I was
doing what I felt was right,

What I needed to do.

That wouldn't have happened had
it not been lakeyn.

I think she was literally just
spot on to where I had to.

And the fact that I thought it
was something and it wasn't just

Shows that we are perfect.

I'm all about you.

You brought out a side of me I
haven't seen in a long time.

You're changing mow for the

Sitting back and having to
watch you get to know someone

Else really put into perspective
that I might lose you.

And that really lit a fire under

I was like oh, my god.

I got the guy, so I'm super

I don't think I could be any
happier if I tried.

Star-crossed lovers romeo and
juliette, bennington and lakeip

Made it official on a reality

I am so excited.

Honestly, you am, too.

I was telling the guys like I
haven't felt a good connection

Since you walked in.

I didn't know that until today.

This was the first time I
feel like there's somebody here

I feel like I actually am
connecting with on, like, a real


It's not so much me trying to
force something.


It just feels real and it
feels good.

So I'm excited to just get to
know you so much more.

Before coming in here, you
were at the top of my list.

And I was like I don't know why
I'm not talking to bennett


I am messing up by not doing

You did not mess up.

You made a good first

Thank you.

Since you have been here I
have been very set that this is

The girl I can connect with.

I know my family and friend
watching are so happy that you

Picked me.


Because I know that they
would love you.

I hope so.

I think my family would also
love you.

I'm so, so happy that I'm
coupled up with bennett.

And I can't wait to, like,
cuddle with him tonight.

So cheers to you.

Cheers to us.

Cheers to us moving forward.

Glaw johnny coupled up again
with cely.

She's feeling grateful.

And he's feeling like not
wearing a shirt.

How are you feeling tonight?

You know, just, like, really

You know?"
Like I feel like I've always

Grown up thinking stuff like
this doesn't happen to people

Like me, you know.

Me, too.

So to be here in this
position I just feel, like, so

Incredibly grateful.


I don't know.

It was just, like, hard growing

You know I'm here for you.

Everything that I do is,
like, for, like, my mom.

She's just, like, had it, like,
really, really hard.

She's had cancer twice.

And, like, hasn't been able to
work since she was, like, 16.

It's never been, like, a
comfortable situation.

Her trying to, like, get on her
feet and, like, her trying to,

Like, provide for all of us.

I want to be able to give back
to them.

Because, like, I feel that way.

And I know that, like no one in
my family puts that pressure

That way on me.

But it's something that I've
always carried, just because I

Know what my family deserves.

The way that you care for
your family, the way that you

Love your mom and love your
family makes me that much more

Attracted to you.

But do not let it overwhelm you
or consume you.

Because for your mom, her seeing
you happy is enough for her.


I never met anyone like you.

You're special, baby.

Plan for him and justine.

It's a roof with the exact same
view they've had for last seven


You know wore not supposed to
be up here.

What's going on?

You know, well, you know,
just thinking with our theme of

Beautiful views.


This is... This is so cute!

Caleb, why do you keep doing all
this romantic stuff?

Because I got the goat with me.

How did you feel tonight?

You know, I feel really good.

Your speech was so nice.

You always impress me, though.

You're so good with your words.

Every time I go up there, I
want to make you feel special.

I do.

If you feel special, I'm happy.

Is it true that you're
contemplating forever?

Yeah, I feel like this is
just the first chapter.

It's kind of funny that the
first chapter includes living

With each other.

Literally, we did it all

I know.

But you know, it worked out
real nice.

But it's good.

I can honestly say at this
point in time I don't need a


I don't need to drop, like, "l"

I don't need anything because
I'm so happy where things are


I'm just saying.

He makes me love not only what
we scpr myself and feel that I

Am worth it.

And all these things, and every
time he does this, I'm just

Like, how did I get so lucky?

Okay, so, during the theme
night where we were, like, the

Greek god and goddesses and we
went up there and asked a

Question on the card that said...
We asked, "are justine and I

Falling in love?"
I think it said, "most


Do you think it was telling the


I never got your answer.

I think so.

You think so?


I think so, too.


You know, yeah.

One thing that you cannot
dismiss is someone who just

Rides for you, is 100% committed
to you, and puts you before

Anyone else.

And I am not going to take that
for granted with justine.

This is just one small gesture
for the queen, and what better

Way than to spend one of our
last nights doing something

That's been in our backyard this
whole time.

This is a really good night.

It is.


Oh, that was cute.

I was, honestly, worried
going in tonight, you know.

I was not expecting tonight to
I really was doubting him, and I

Am super proud of him, you know,
showing that strength up there.

I'm happy, very happy.

I'm happy, too.



What are you doing?

You know, I just want to know
how we got so lucky.

Like, literally, if someone
would have told me, "cely,

You're going to go on 'love
island, '" you're going to be in

Love and be in a relationship."

How these guys were hounding
you on day one, I said she is

Finding love in here 1,000%.

I was like, does anybody like
shut up!

And caleb came through.

I love you, you my best friend.

And it's the friendship.

And it's the sisterhood.

In so long.

I know, this is so good.

You know, yes.

Are you happy?

It's morning in
the harsh desert of neveda,


The island is asleep in their
air conditioned habitat.

The cely bird, subgenius
islander is restless.

The cely bird is the fastestest
in the villa.

But it's an evolutionary
anomaly, because despite there

Being plenty of available water,
for some reason, this creature

Is always thirsty.

Good morning!

Wake up, people!

Oh, my gosh, cely!

I thought the villa was under
attack, or something.

I thought the villa was under
attack, or something.

Johnny, this is now your life
every day.

I think everyone wants to
vote me off of "love island."

After days of
tension due to carrington's

Indecision, laurel secures a
more calm and professional

Connection with linkin... Linkin.

This is great we can talk so

I know, I know.

It was hard at first.


I felt so bad towards you, and I
think that you're the sweetest


And I'm also really friendly.

I don't, like to feel, like,
making anyone feel bad.

Moving forward everything
will be a lot better.

There's no reason to have bad

But, carrington, not only did
you play me and make me feel

Dumb, you made laurel feel so
bad about herself.

If I were her, I would smack him
in the face I feel like.

You file good about the

Yes, definitely.

But I definitely think I'm going
to have to talk to him tonight

And be a bitch.

Calvin is accelerating his
relationship with moira, and as

They say, the fastest way to a
woman's eggs is through eggs.

Take that, diamonds!

Oh, my gosh!

That is yours.

You can sit on...
Wait, this is the cutest

Thing ever.

A little fried eggs, sunny
side up action on a lightly

Crusted piece of toast.

So, so good.

I was like, man, I want to
eat the breakfast with you.

The morning is going, like,

Calvin made me breakfast, just
doing, like, all the right

Actions to progressing us

You like kids?


How many kids would you want?

I want three kids.

I want a boy and a girl.

That's two.

And then the third can just be.


You know, a surprise.

I was actually a surprise.


My mom said a happy mistake.



Do you see yourself raising

I think if I were to have
kids, I'd have them pretty close

To home.

My parents definitely made
sure that we knew that, you

Know, family was key and

That literally warms my heart.

Now that we're on the same
page, I really want to make

Every second count with moira.

Frankly, I know how I feel.

I care about her a ton and want
to make sure she's happy.

Resident go-go dancer justine
gets the islanders together for

A dance class.

Let's see if they can get into
the swing of it.

Men, follow my man, caleb
here, and women follow me.


Out, out.

Men go back.


There you go.

And then we're going to open.


Girls go in.

And lean right, left.

Show him your moves.

Get it!


While johnny and
cely are living life outside of

The jacuzzi, they discuss living
life outside the villa.

Cely, what do you think of
when I reference our life in the


Like, I don't know, whenever I
think about it, I think of us

Going to get coffee.

I think about that, too!

I was just about to say that.

Date night, drive-ins,
rollerskating, bowling.

Oh, god.

I just thought about you, like,
screaming inside a smaller

Building than this.

Is that a problem?

No, of course not.

I'm one loud-ass cely bird.

If I could change anything about
the world it would be to drop

The prices of beef jerky,
because it's just ridiculous.

Why is beef jerky so expensive?

I know, that's what I'm saying.

If you vote for me as

I don't think you can do that
as president.

Actually, I think I can.

Would you vote for me?

I wouldn't vote for you as

You wouldn't?

Why not?

Because then I wouldn't have
enough time with you.

As long as you vote, johnny.

As long as you vote.

After days spent flirting with
lakeyn, unclearington chose to

Recouple with laurel instead.

Now he feels ready to be as
transparent as her pants.

Obviously, I want to talk
abut last night.

How are you feeling about it?

I definitely did want to talk
to just because we did spend

Some good time together.

And I am into you, and that's
why the decision was so hard.

But... >> You should be an actor

Because you're a great actor.

You literally were like... Just
the the way you made it seem

Like, "I already had my decision

You grabbed my hand in the nook.

You definitely made it seem like
you were going to pick me and

I'm so glad you didn't because
bennett is such a good guy, and

He would never act like that,

I mean, I'm not, like, hurt
by your decision.

I'm more just, like, mad.

I did want to choose you, and
I was going to.

So for us to hold hands, I'm

If I did lead you on.

You're not leading me on.

I'm saying you're annoy... You're
just, like, annoying.

And especially to put laurel
through that.

You literally made her so upset.

For sure.

I just think my thoughts of
you before coming in here were a

Way and then you changed them.

And now it just validated what I
thought before.

Why is that?

Because I ta talkedded to you an

You made it seem very

For sure.

I felt pretty dumb to stand

And I was not nervous at all.

I was like, no, he's definitely
going to pick me.

And to to sit there, and
literally just felt dumb.

Coming up.

Who was voted the most
two-faced to the least


You know, I don't like that.

Let's see what america says.

"Love island," where the
islanders are playing a game

Called "fire and ice."

Rank the boys in order of who
was voted the fakest to the

Least fake.

The island version
to guess what the public voted

Best and worst in a number of

Carrington is the fakest.

If they guess the
public's order correctly, they

Win a point for their team.

The boy we think is the
fakest is carrington.

And the boy who we think is the
least fake is caleb.

First, it's the boys' turn.

Boy is caleb.

And the most fake is carrington.

I'm glad I am putting on a
show for people.

"Rank the boys who voters
think would make the best

Boyfriend to the worst

We think the best boyfriend
would be johnny.

Worst boyfriend, carrington.

Boyfriend would be carrington.

Best boyfriend would be caleb.

America, you right.

You see what I'm seeing.

We think voters would most
want a best friend in caleb and

Least as a best friend

I already have a best friend.


America voted bennett to be a
least best friend, and,

Apparently, america wants to be
best friends with caleb.

I'm just glad I'm not the


Thank you, america.

I really appreciate it.

Now, it's the
girls' turn to see how they


"Rank the girls in order of
who the voters think would make

The best girlfriend to the worst

The girl that we think would
make the best girlfriend is


Wow, thank you so much, you

And we decided that the worst
girlfriend is laurel.


I see what you all think of me.

I did not put you there.

The answer for the worst
girlfriend is lakeyn.

And the best girlfriend is


"Rank the girls in order who
was voted most loyal to least



You know, we have decided the
most loyal girl was...


Get out of my way!

Yeah, baby.

And the girl that we pick as
least loyal is lakeyn.


It's okay.

And the girl who was voted
least loyal is...


And the most loyal girl is...


I'm fine.

Should I just sit on this now
and just hang out because I'm

Not going to move, but it's

"Rank the girls in order of
who was voted most two-faced to

The least two-faced."

I don't like that.

I don't like that.

The girl who we believe was
voted most two-faced, justine.

My girl justine, she got more
than two faces.

She can slay like three, four,
five, faces.

And the least two-faced, moira.

The girl voted least two-faced
is justine.

And the girl voted most
two-faced... I don't know how...


It's not true, moira.

Don't listen to them.

That hurt my feelings.

To be in the bottom like that,
like, there must be a reason.

But it's really hard to get

Moira's literally one of the
best people I've ever met in my


And to see her like that... That
upset, it's, like,

Heartbreaking, because she's
none of those things.

She's none of those things.

Well, according to
my calculator, which may or may

Not be a half-eaten donut, the
girls win today's challenge.

The girls.

Although I'm not
sure anyone feels like a winner

After that challenge.

Nice work, america.

Time for the islanders to go
enjoy themselves.

I'm sure they'll forget all
about the ranking.

So many of us have been a
little bit misunderstood in

I mean, no one really knows me.

Like, I just got here, and I
haven't been able to show what I

I'm a great friend and have a
big heart.

It does suck a little bit but
I'm going to give people the

Benefit of the doubt.

People don't know me yet.

The last thing I want to be
called is fake because I've been

Real with each and every one of
you guys.

I am not changing the way I am.

I know the guys don't get too
affected by it.

But the girls, you know, it's a
little harder on them.

Moira I think everything said
about you was so wrong.

None of it was true, at all.

I don't want you guys to

Nobody thinks that.


I feel bad.

Like on.


I just feel bad.

As long as you know you're
not all those things, mo, it

Doesn't matter what anybody is

It was tough seeing moira.

I think it was two-faced.

I was like... >> What?

You know, it didn't make sense.

America, I don't what y'all have
been seeing of moira, but I have

Only seen one face, which is a
very attractive face.

And she's definitely a genuine

So I agree to disagree.

Seeing or what they're seeing in
my that I don't see in myself.

I genuinely don't know.

Don't walk away.

The balcony for an entire
commercial break, the challenge

Still has moira feeling down.

Calvin heads up to build her up.



How you doing?

Just, like, a lot of things
going through my head right now.

Like what?

I'm just... This whole
situation is just a lot.

No one down there thinks that
you're two-faced or that you're

Any of these things.

And if you know that's not you,
then that's what matters.

Lions don't concern themselves
with the opinions of sheep, and

You're a lion.

And I'm hearing a lot of baaaah!

That's what I'm hearing out

I definitely don't deserve

Like, he's such a good guy.

He made me feel so much better.

He's so in tune with other
people's emotions and feelings

And was able to really be there
for me.

Wiggle it out.

Shake it out.

It's all good.

You shed a few tears.

That's great.

Now you have a beautiful glow.

Your eyes are popping.




You're ready.


You know, yeah.

Let's get down there, all right.


He's definitely a keeper.

I feel blessed and lucky that he
chose me last night.


That's amazing.


What's up, guys?

Hey, moira.

Not much.



Can we all give moira one of

We love you mo-mo.



You know, carrington just
gave mo a big hug.

That was sweet.

I feel so bad for her.

Bennett's really sweet.

I'm feeling kind of shy around

You can tell?

No, I dont feel like that at

Like, he is super affectionate.

Toward me, yeah.


Like right away I was like okay.

Like, I'm an affectionate person
so I'm fine.

They put johnny first.

Do you believe that was a good

I think it's hard to judge.

I just experienced the same
thing with carrington and you.

We've had our test in here, and
I feel like the same for johnny

And cely, and they came out
greater for it.

It is... Obviously, I hated
both that person.

And I totally get it.

Like, coming in here you have to
find a connection that's best

For you.

Like, you're looking for
something, girl.

That's what this whole
experience is about.

For me to have to sit back and
watch that.

I'm sure.

I felt for you.

I talked to him and said,"I hope
you know what you did to laurel

Was really rude."

I said that.

I said,"forget about what you
did to me."

We are so sweet and so nice and
look golden in the sunlight.

I'm also feeling
so beautiful and swept and

Golden and so... Send!

I got a text!

You know, "islanders, prepare
to get wet, because tonight

You'll be having an after-hours
pool party.

It is pool time!

Let's go.

Coming up, it's
the islanders' epic pool party.


This isn't a preview.

It's a promotion for caesars!

Night club, beach club.

Night club.

Beach club.

Night club.


We are talking about a beach

'S is a 24/7 fun fest.

Night, and the islanders are
reading the complete works of


Oh, that's next week?

Right, right, right.

Tonight, pool party night!

If this group of guys pulled
up to any pool party right now,

We'd run the show.

I feel like we're doing salon
talk right now.

And then I told this kid
johnny, like, "are you kidding

Let's get down to business.

I, like, don't want this to end.

We'll never forget it.

I'm just happy that I started
this with you and I'm ending it

With you.

And it's not over yet.


We have time left in here,
and what's to say the outside is

Not going to be just that much
better, you know?

You know, you really are my
best friend.

You're my best friend, too,

This is perfect.

You're perfect.

We're perfect together.

I love you, baby.

I love you, too.


Night swimming, good friends,
fancy cocktails.

Now here's calvin proving why we
don't give the islanders car


Man, this pool party was
something else.

I hd a lot of fun.

I had a ton of fun.

Did we have breakfast this

You know, and yesterday morning.

And yesterday.

So amazing.

It's crazy.

I don't think I was fully
happy until, like, I met you, to

Be honest.

And then, even when we had our
time apart, I was still, like,

Here and involved, but, like, it
wasn't until we got back... I

Feel like some puzzle pieces fit
better than others.

And I feel that with you.

I'm excited to continue
writing that story with you.

I really am.

I am, too.

Can I get a floaty hug or kiss?


I think I can make this happen.

Watch your... >> No!

Oh, my god no.

Let me see your foot.

Man, you just got all my hair.


Oh, no.

So how do you feel about us
after, like, the whole


How do you feel about us?

You know, honestly, the past
couple of days have been super


And I feel like these tests that
we have in here only make us

Stronger for what's to come on
the outside.

This place shows you how
loyal someone is when there are

No rules.

And when you go outside of this
place, I think for a little bit

It has to be the same way.

You have to learn how to date
with the same rules, naz we're

Not boyfriend and girlfriend.

This is long distance.

I do trust you.

If you do want to get to know
somebody else, go for it.

Just remember how we feel and
how we are.

If at a certain point I only
think about you, then it's okay,

Let's do this.

I don't know.

It's just difficult.

Whatever works best for us is
what will work best.

That being said, are you going
to come to alabama?

You know, I will visit.

Will you visit utah?

I already told you yes.

Carrington and I have not always
had it easy in here, but these

Next few days I just want to
continue to push, you know, what

We have and grow that and
blossem it into something bigger

We can carry on to the outside.

And I can't wait to get out of
here and experience the real

World with him.

I feel like anything that comes
to us, we can handle.

And that's what I'm thankful

Let me make a little toast to
our date.

Is that okay?

That's okay.

A toast to all the wonderful
memories you and I made together

In here.

Coming to "love island" and
finding the partner of my


A toast to all the things we've


All the things we will overcome.

And our story of love is just
getting started.

You're a gem.

To us.

To us.

Aw, the islander
couples are all being so sweet.

I love watching them drink

It gives me hope for my torso.

Let's text, shall we?

Did you get a text.

Was that you or me?

You know, that was you.

Check your phone.

I got a text!

Get over here!

You didn't even get the text,


If you get a text I get a
text, laurel.

That's how it works.

That's not true.

Over here.

Okay, guys, everyone get your
schiffers out.

Dry off.

Okay, we're good.

We're gucci.

"Islanders earlier you took
part in the game fire and ice

Where we asked viewers their

That's all I got.

You're lying.

I got a text.

.but there was one more question
we asked the public.

Dot, dot, dot.

Is someone else going to get
a text?

I got a text!

Hold on!

Hold on!

Hold on.

Caleb and justine, america wants
you to spend a night in the




Thank you, america.

Me and my girl to the hideaway.

I appreciate it so much.

I bid you all good night.

Quickly, quickly.

I don't know what to wear!

Girl, nothing, let's go.

We're looking so forward to


, America, good looking out!

Let's take really quick
showers, okay?

You know, we can take one

Put some cameras in there.

You're not going to watch.

For kale expb justine to spend
tonight in the hideaway.

And while others might be a bit
jealous, jaleb is thrilled.

Are you so happy?

I have so many questions.


You know, I'm so happy, but I
also feel so terrible because so

Many people wanted it.

This was america's decision.

And, listen, you gotta give the
people what they want.

I love you.

I love you.

You deserve this.

Don't think about anything else
because you're so deserving of


You and caleb, I'm so happy to
see you guys.

You guys decide what you want to
do, do it.

If you don't, that's okay, too.

Don't feel any pressure.

Just go in there and...

Take advantage of the situation!

I'm kidding.

Maybe they want to see us get
our freak on.

They do.


Give the people what they want!

Give the people what they want!

There's going to be more than
the hideaway so I can't give you

All right now.


Don't tell them our business.

They're going to see.

We're going to come back with
some stories.

Or some babies.

No, I'm kidding!

Did you say you're making

Here we are!

Hideaway time!

Thank you, america.

Thank you, america!

Can we, like, make a toast?

Can we toast to america?

To america.

To america, thank you for
rewarding us.

Uhm... Man, thank you, america!

Love you all.

Thank you, america!

America has really looked out
for us in here, and I think that

They saw that I needed a little
bit of alone time with this guy.

He's been so romantic lately.

He's just been everything I came
here to find.

Listen, you and I talk a lot.


I love talking to you.

My favorite thing to do is talk
to you.


Let's get the talking out of
the way.

I'm trying to get in bed.

And do less talking, okay?


Go ahead.

I love that america is
supporting us, and they see what

We have.

It's authentic, and I feel lucky
just to be by your side.

This is a lot more than I ever

It's more than I truly ever
asked for, either, out of this.


I'm just very happy.

I'm very, very happy.

I can't believe I get to know

I'm ready to hit the sack.

Till I found you.


Sunday night...

Oh, my god.


Oh, my god!

Whose family is that?

That's my family.

It's a family affair.

I just hope my parents are,
like, proud.

I hope I didn't let them down in
any way here.
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