02x31 - Episode 31

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x31 - Episode 31

Post by bunniefuu »


Perfect, you're perfect,
we're perfect together.

On love island.

Open up your eyes.

Makes me love, how did I get
so lucky.

I don't think I was happy
until I met you.

It was an island.

I care about her a ton.

Of love.

I got the guy so I don't
think I could be any happier if

I tried.

And your vote.

I got a text!

Sent justine and caleb...

To the hideaway.

Everlasting love.


Oh my god, y'all.

Whose family is that?

That's my family.

Hi mom.

Hi mom, I love you.

Islanders meet the family.

Oh my god!

And friends.

Let's talk about carrington a

But will it stay friendly.

We know exactly who you are.

You have made all of us feel
kind ef motional because of the

Decisions he made.

Thank you for showing me the

Good morning, people.

America sent caleb and
justine to the hideaway.

I wonder if caleb is
superthankful for the time they

Get to spend alone.

I'm super thankful for the
time we get to spend alone.

That was the second best thing.

Nice to meet you.

Doing cartwheels, jump around
twerking and stuff.

I miss her too.

Good morning to my favorite,
favorite couple.

This is probably the last
real alone time you and I will



The next time we have alone
time like this it will probably

Be outside of the villa which is

Do y'all think she did?

Do you think she did it?

No, I don't think they had
sex but I think they had


I think they definitely made

Ben and I made out last night.

In the bed.

In the pool, and then yeah,
in bed.

Oh my gosh.

He finally kissed me and I
was like... I was waiting for

That for so long.

I should have done it, I have
been waiting for it.

That's so cute.

I love that.

Remember the hideaway.



How are you?

My best friend had sex, my
best friend had sex.

Whoa, whoa.

Yeah, we don't kiss and tell
but with that being said, caleb

Made me proud.


Also made our parents proud.

She is really emphasizing that.

I did not miss waking up to
your shenanigans stwns somber

Vibes when are you not around.

Are you okay?

I was just holding on to the
fact that hopefully you had sex

And were going to give me every
single detail.

What's up, boys.

You tell us.

How was your night?

Yeah, very good night and I
just told her, I just see myself

Falling in love with you every

I want us to actually be cuddled
up and stuff.


He made justine really,
really, really, really, really,

Really very proud.

No, but like.

I'm so happy for you.

Literal leigh my feelings for
him get on a differen level

Every day, and I'm just like is
it even real for I have known

This guy for a month?

It was such a good night, you
guy, I'm definitely falling for


Every single day I spend in
here with him I'm falling!

You guys... Are you proud of
your first meal here sth.



I definitely woke up very
happy today.

No, I feel like people see
that I'm happier now with you


I agree.

Are you happy in here, things
going well.

Yeah, definitely.

Happy you picked me.

Of course, I'm so happy you
picked me.

I little ral... Literally
couldn't stop smiling that day.


Yeah, an when we go to bed
I'm literally so comfortable.

I have been waiting for those
cuddles for hours.

That was like my first time I
had kissed someone in awhile.

I hope... I was nervous as well,

Butterflies in your stomach,
that's so cute.


I was giggling.

Are we being loud?

Lakeyn and I are a very new
couple and we know that, but we

Also see that we are connecting
very well.

And I think we both see
something kind of special being

Created here.

You are the first person I
really connect with and I really

Enjoy spending time with here.

I'm definitely looking forward
to the stuff after this.

I'm definitely going to
see... Uh-huh.

I agree, I'm so excited.

You know I like it like that.

Did you sh**t everybody in the
head with bebe g*ns?

I'm going to say I missed my
best friends an I was not


Obviously every time you guys
leave it lit really lemakes me

Feel like I'm not worthy.

The islanders narrowly
re-create the last is upper

Totally clueless they're about
to have a reunion of bub I will

Kal proportions.

Oh my god, y'all.

Oh my god.

That's my family.

No way.

No way, don't do that.

You guys, I'm going to cry.

No, no, no.


Oh my god.

How can i... Can you see me?

We can see you.

No way, no way, bro, no way!

Lance what?


I'm like shaking.

I damn near cried for moira.

> Oh man, I can't, bro.


What's going on?

How are you?

I'm shaking right now.

I just like... I'm so happy to
see your faces.

It's so good to see you.

And you look great, your tan is
coming along wonderfully.

The house is super cute.

Yeah, we definitely found
something special in here.

All right, so are we going to

Yeah, let me go get him.

Yeah, bring him over.

Oh my goodness.

No way, bro.

Oh my god!

Oh, hello, hello, how are
y'all doing.

Good, how are you?

I'm much bet we are this
lovely lady in the villa.

I'm so glad she has you there
calvin, you are there for her, I

Appreciate that, and her sister
so thank you so much.

Of course, she's a very
special girl.

So you met us, you know moira
are we going to meet your



Yeah, what's that... Oh my





Brother, that is so calvin's

That is definitely his dad
and sister.

This is moira.

This is papa my dad and my he
lease my oldest youngest sister.

Hi moira.


We missed y'all but looks
like you are having fun, we

Think are you a great dancer.

We've seen you.

Let's go.

He is the best dancer here.

Honestly, moir blanca we saw
all the girls and we thought

Moira is the most, she seems
like one where.

Calvin, awesome to get to
talk to you.

Maybe we'll see you in hoboken.

Of course.


I love you so much.

You're doing great, keep it
up, honey.

Love you guys.

I'm going to run and let you
have alone time with calvin it

Was great meeting you guys.

Good to meet you too.

Nice to meet you too.

We will see you later.

What do you guys think of moira?

I think the fact that you and
moira had that friendship that

You could start off on, like are
you looking for something


If we were you, we would have
chosen her.


We love you, good luck.

So much.

Looking forward to see you on
the outside.

In and out, we're coming.

We love you, bye.

Oh my god.

Oh my goodness gracious.

What the heck.

That's so crazy.

It meant a lot to hear my dad
be so supportive of what moira

And I have that is so surreal.

What we have is ours and strong.

Oh my gosh.

That makes my heart soar.

So I'm so nervous.

What are you nervous for?

My biggest thing is that like
my parents, being the christian

Girl that you are, to come here
and share a bed with a guy op

Natd television, not just in
front of my family but in front

Of all of america.

I'm like... I am a so excited but
I'm so scared.

I don't know, I just hope my
parents are like proud.

I hope I didn't like, let them
down in anyway in here.

How are you feel being justine.

Like, I think about, if you
went on your first date, the

First time you had a night alone
with a girl, every intimate

Conversation, and your parents
were just sitting there, every

Mistake, bro, and your parents
are just sitting there.

I'm always nervous to meet
parents but seeing how nervous

Justine is I'm like oh my gsh,
maybe I should be more nervous

Than I actually was.

What about meeting cely's

I would be lying if I said I
wasn't nervous.

Of course, it's nerve-racking.

Do you think it is
inevit... Inevitable that casa

Amor will be brought up.

That will be a tough

Are you going to push it, if
you say johnny, what happened at

Casa amor.

Meeting cely's loved ones
today t is going to be kind of

Strange just because the amount
of things that they have seen me


Before even getting a chance to
make a first impression.

I don't know.

I am so overwhelmed right now.

Honestly, nobody else's
opinion should matter but celys.


Coming up.

You make me so proud.

Don't cry, son, I love you.

Welcome back to love island
where the couples are meeting

Each other's friends and family
for the first time.


Oh my god, it's jen.

Is that your mom?

And like the rest of us
they'll make their first

Impression via jumbotron on
national tv while half naked on

A bean bag.

I miss you guys.

I miss you.

Why are you getting upset.

Yeah, what.

It just was hard like the
first couple of days for sure.

I've never been like the new

I know that sounds so lame but
it is just hard.

But you have stayed true to
your colors an who you are, and

That's what we love.

Good, I'm glad that did comes
off like that.

Just tell about your guy

Is he the sweetest.

I literally today told him, my
mom is going to say to you make

Sure lakeyn is nice to you.

Cuz he's so nice.

That is so good.


Oh my god.

That's her brother, that's her

Look at sissy.

Hi buddy, I miss you so much,

Did you.

Can you blow her a kiss.

I love you.

So can we meet bennett.

Yeah, sure, bennett, do you
want to come meet them?



Hey, what do you say,
bennett, how is it going?

St great to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

You have raised an amazing
daughter, I will say that.

Hi, bennett, hi lakeyn.


What's up, momma.

I'm lakeyn, you guys look so

Thank you, honey.

So do you.

Thank you.

How are you guys.

Missing you so much.

Missing you guys.

What do you think about the
two of you together?

I think it's really great, I
love what I see.

Let's see where it goes but
you are a great fine man.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

All right, bye, I love you so

So good to meet you.


I'm going to let you guys
have your alone time, hopefully

I get to meet you soon in

Thank you for being so kind
to bennett.

Of course.

She's the best.

What's up, guys, it's just us.

You sound really good, first
of all.

Yeah, everything is really
great, honestly, we have a very,

Very good connection.

We get along so well.

She makes me feel very, very

You guys have nothing to worry

I want to you know we are
behind every decision that you

Have made and any decision that
you do make.

We're always here, benny, you
know that.

I love you.

I love you too.

Love you, benee.

See you bud.

Bye, honey.

I think it's going to go well.

It's really weird.

It's not going to be weird,
it's going to be fine.

Whose parent are that.

Hey daddy.

Stinky pot.

Is that your parents, laurel.

She said hey baby.



So excited to talk to you.

I'm excited to talk to y'all.

I'm shaking.

You can't shake.

You can't make me cry.

Yeah, we'll all three be crying.

She looks like her mom.

She does.

It's been so long.

I know.

We have missed you so bad, baby.

I was really emotional this
week it was hard t was a hard


So let's talk about
carrington, laurel.

He's made you really emotional.

He's made all of us kind of
emotional with some of the

Decisions he's made.

In is so hard for me it has

And for the first time coming in
here I felt like I found

Something real.

And to go everything that I have
the past couple of days is

Really hard.

Do you still feel like st real.

You know, it is hard to sit
there and go through all of that

And watch him get to know
someone else right in front of

My face.

And you know, feel like that
second option that I have felt

Like in the past, which you guys

I knowness never have brought
anyone home, that is a big deal

Am are you meeting someone that
has been spending the past

Couple of weeks with getting to
know and that I really care

About, and so I just really want
you guys to approve of him even

Though it hasn't been the
easiest for me, and he has put

Me through a lot.

Hey, looking real nervous
over there, real quiet.

I'm great at talking to parents.

That is not what I am worried

The fact that they have watched
every single thing, you can't

Sail past what they have seen.

Carrington, carrington.

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, she's
coming to get me

It's love island where laurel
is about to introduce her

Parents to her partner, guy
that put laurel through an

Emotional roller koasesser knows
her parents watched every second

So he's shaking in his

Do you want to meet carrington.


Carrington good luck, buddy I
definitely was trying to calm

Myself, but then I started
having a heart attack as I saw

Laurel's parents.

I knew they had some questions
for me.

He said he's verier in
rouse... Nervous.

Hey man w.

How are you both doing.

We're good.

I know laurel is big on
family so this definitely means

A lot to me to meet the both of

I'm johnny and this is cindy.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you as well.

I'm carrington as you
probably know.

After this week we know
exactly who you are.

It has been a rough week and
I am just so glad that it ended

The way it did.

I'm so blessed to have a girl
like, this honestly, in my life,

And it sucks that I had to screw
up but I think I will be better

For it.

So you know carrington when
you made her cry all week, we

Were all crying too.

Like I was really emotional,
when she would get her feelings

Hurt, we couldn't hug her and be
there for her.

So it was hard.

Definitely, the bumps in the
road that we have had have been

Because of me and I know now
that laurel is the one for me.

I wish I didn't have to go about
it the way that I did the last

Couple of days, to figure that

But I will try to day in and day
out to make up for it.

You are making up for it,
right now you're making up for


Thank you, I really
appreciated it.

The fact that they were so
accepting of carrington even

After everything we have been
through these past couple of

Days, that was the icing on the

I feel like that brought us even
closer together than we were


I feel like we needed that.

So carrington, when are we
going to get to meet your


Oh, there they are.



Love you guys.

This is crazy.

It meant a lot seeing both of

My parent there because they are

I just felt like it showed how
much they do care about me.

This is laurel.

Hi, how are you?

Ness with hi.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

I'm here, laurel's parents.

Nice to meet you too.

Nice to meet you.

Oh my god there is crazy.

Hair carrington, we love you
so much.

I love you both.

This is making me a big softie
and getting emotional.

I don't usually do this.

St about time you get softer,
in fact, you have to get even


Carrington's mom and dad.

His mom is so cute.

Looks exactly like him.

That is literally carrington.

Laurel looks like a fantastic
amazing lady.


Parenting, that is carrington
that is probly the best decision

You made.

You are smart enough, stay right
there don't move.

And finish it out to the end,
no more stressing me out.

We can't wait to meet you,

I know, I can't wait to meet

So nice meeting you, carrington.

Nice meeting you both.

I feel much better about it I
love you, sweetheart and I'm so

Proud of you.


I will let carrington have
some alone time with y'all, did

You raise a good one and I'm
happy I found him.

Thank you.

Bye laurel.


See you soon.

See you soon.

So anyway, so on the dancing.

I was like I thought maybe
someone in vegas is going to

Call you.

Was it that good?

We should have named you
magic mike.

Oh my gosh.

You did amazing.

You should be super proud of
yourself and you found an

Amazing connection with an
amazing superbeautiful, lovely,

Intelligent woman.


So you did well, you did very

We can't wait to see you and
laurel together.

You don't need to go on any
more dates.

I will turn them down.

We love you both.

We love you, big guy.

All right.

Up next, it's my parents.

Oh, no it's not because I'm just
a voice to you savages.

Saffages.... Savages.

All right who is next?

Oh my god!

Jis teen... Justine

All right, who is next?

Oh my god oh my god, justine.

They look literally
look... Look at her sister.

They look literally
look... Look at her sister.


Yes, I miss you so much!

I miss you, ma.

How is dad doing.

Your dad is doing so great.

Tell him I miss him and I
love him.

What do you guys think about

Caleb, is he so great, so

We love him.

He reminded me of your dad.

I'm so leap.

And to hear that dad is proud
too and mom, cuz that was my

Biggest thing.

I keep crying about that.

Yeah, we saw that, that you
were worried.

But we are proud of you,

I love you guys.

Mom, I can't get over how
good you look.

I dressed up like this?


Because caleb call you a queen.

Is caleb there.

Let me get him, caleb.

They're going to love you, bro.

Hi caleb I'm so glad to see
how you take care of my daughter

That means a lot and it means
even more that you at least like

Me a little bit.

Not a little bit, we love you
so much.

How... When are we going meet

I have a feeling that my
family might show up any second


U oh.

Oh my god.

That's your mom?



Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Hi hi, everybody.


Don't cry, son, I love you.

I haven't cried yet, this is

Hi, how are you, kiddo.

This is so cool.

I feel like I know you
already, I see you every single

Night, were you my first and
original joyce.


He's got good taste.

Caleb, I'm so proud of you, son.

Thank you.

And I love the role model
that you have set for all the

Young men or how they should
treat their queen.

You make me so proud.

Justine we are so proud of
you and we think caleb we

Thank caleb for taking care of
you over there.

Bye, see you soon.

Nice to meet you, bye guys.


Have you been missing your
sisters a lot.

Oh my gosh, I miss my sisters
so much.


I have a surprise for you?

What is it.




I love you.

Oh my gosh.

I miss you.

I miss you too.

I'm going to leave you to
have some caleb time, I know

Have I been hogging him.

But it was so nice to meet you

Bye justine.

Yes, bye justine, we love you.

Love you guys.

Awesome meeting you.

I am over the moon, honestly,
this was the biggest puzzle

Piece missing for me.

And everything is just coming

Best day of my life, no lie.

Son, I have a very important
quetion for you.

Oh, I'm scared.

Go ahead.

Is justine, is she the one?

Wow, dad.

And you thought I was bad.

Justine is everything y'all
taught me to look for in a


And everything I have grown to
like in a woman.

I just cannot, like you guys.

Like makes me fall deeper and
deeper every time.

Say it, say it.

The way he, was with his
family, just then.

The way he got emotional, he
melts my heart you guys.

Today was probably my favorite

Oh my gosh.

I fall in love all over again.

I mean everything I say when
I say that I can see myself

Spending a future with her, she
has got all of the qualities

That you look for in a wife.

She wants love.

And she told me that she was 100
percent down for me.

I don't know, like that just,
that changed everything for me

In here.

Justine may very well be the

I love it, son.

I love it.


Love you.

The greatest son in the world.

Oh my gosh.

The weeks pass in the
paradise of love, party montages

And phenomenal light having
taken their toll on the

Islanders and caleb's talk with
his family has left him feeling

All the feels.

Talk to me.

What really got me was my dad
said to me when were you gone,

Saying how proud he was of me
and how for me being respectful,

Being a role model, setting a
good example, there is a lot

Going on in the world right now.

And I am mindful of the world
around me, basically.

And a lot of people of color,
like specifically black people,

Like don't always get it to
experience privilege and to like

Come here and like hear my dad
talk about like me setting a

Good example and making him

Caleb, you have so much to be
proud about.

Just to see how much you care
for your family.

Are you just emotional because
I'm exactly the same way.

You want to know what my mom

What did your mom said.

You know why I love caleb.

I go why, because he reminded
me of your dad, the most

Beautiful thing, like my dad is,
which is why I was worried so


I aim to make him proud always.

Conditions thank you.

Best day, best day.

Are there any big things you
wants to talk about.

No, I just want to hear their
voices, I just want to hear that

They love me that is it, I will
be happy, I know they will have

A ton of questions, I just want
to hear that they love me,

That's all I want.

Like, what about you?

I can't wait to talk to them.

I'm excited that we get to do
that together my heart is

Beating out my chest, I get to
talk to her parents, her friend,

Her sister, whatever is, I'm
nervous, just the amount of

Things they have seen me do
before getting a chance to make

A first impression.

I hope they like me, I'm so
overwhelment... Overwhelmed right



Hi, are you kidding me?

Oh my god.

Hi, I love you.





Hi mom.

Hi, I love you.

We miss you.

We miss you I miss you guys
so hard.

I'm the person that holds my
mom every single second of the

Day and it is just like I missed
you so much and couldn't wait to

See her face pop up on that

What's up?

How are you?

I'm in love, I got a boyfriend.

I know.

Oh my god.

You guys are...

We're happy, yeah.

I'm glad you are happy for me.

I'm really happy and I just like
can't wait to huck you and see


I wish we can be there, cely
and hug you and kiss you.

So tell us about you and johnny.

He surprised us.

He's incredible.

I can't wait for you to meet
him, he's so, so great.

You're fine.

I will be all right, but you
don't realize, it's frequenting

Me out.

I think we have all heard so
much about cely's family, we're

Just intrigued by it.

What du mean.

One thing that I want to ask
him is like how do you go

Through, like when you cry a lot
how do you feel about that.

I was sad, if I wasn't as
emotional as I was.

I always kept saying that my mom
raised me to see peoples alike

Humans that make mistakes, you
know what I mean.

And I am still very proud of

Is I love you guys.

I love you so much.

Johnny boy oh man, I'm nervous.


They're very happy for us hey

Nice to meet you, johnny.

Nice to meet you guys.

I've heard so much about you

We've seen a lot about you
I'm sure you have.

I don't pr don't know if I'm
too proud of everything.

All right, man.

As cely's brother, have I to
have a talk with you.

I'm expecting it.

This is going to be like
awhile to get over that.

To be honest, it hurt me to
see cely upset when I came back

From casa amor because of what I
did I'm glad we're happy now but

If I could go back and take back
the pain I put on her, I would.

That being said, anybody who
knows cely knows that she

Doesn't... If sco you must be
pretty damn special.

I think you will learn from
that and I'm happy to see that,

I can see she is really happy.

Thank you for guffing me a

I'm not going to take that for

For sure.

We're going to get to know you
more and... Oh my god.

We're going to get to know you
more and... Oh my god.


I don't know if he's happy or

Hey guys.

Hi guys.

This is cely.

Hi so nice to meet you guys.

Oh my god, so great to meet you.

So crazy to see people that I
love right now.

What do y'all think.

I've been watching every night.

I have been watching, what is he

He didn't stick to his game plan
lie he told me he was.

I know, right yie, he didn't
stick to his game plan.

Can I say when I was his age
I probably would have dob the

Same thing.

But you know, in the end, it all
matters how it turns out, you

Know, he's a good guy, cely.

Yeah, all of that shows.

I don't doubt that for a second.

Well, can I tell you, I hope
I'm in the caught cutting you

Off t is not really normal to be
put in this type of situation so

It really does, it does
challenge a person.

It doesn't many are you not
culpable, obviously.

I'm glad that you are contrite,
because you should be.

This experience has taught you
that yes, you can fall.

So just remember that.

Just know moving forward that
I am talking all your good

Advice and I appreciate and love
you guys both.

Yeah, johnny, I think from
here on out, we get to start.

Nice meeting all of you guy

We'll see you.

See you guys soon it was so
nice meeting you guys.

I will let you have some time
alone with your son.

Bye bye.



What's up, buddy.

I was not expecting that to
be the topic of conversation.

Casa amor is such a small
part of who me and cely are.

And seems like it is the only
thing that people latch on to.

I love you guys so much.

Love you too, man.

I will tell you one thing,
for you to learn that lesson was

Even worth it.

See you later, buddy.


I love you.

All right.

Love you too.

It's hard to forgive myself
for something like that because

I constantly have to be reminded
of it.

How will you feeling it does
suck that that was the topic of

Conversation, you know, there is
so much, so much greatness

Between the two of us and I
didn't really get to explore

That too much, which sucks, even
with my parents it is just like,

That was it.

I mean, I think that we have
had our time to hash it out and

Talk about it.

And start fresh but our family,
my family, you know what I mean.

So I will say it does, it sucks
for the both of us, I feel like,

That this whole thing, like we
haven't been able to just

Finally leave it in the past
where it belongs.

Like yeah, that sucks.

It is just sucks because
there is more to me and johnny

Tharch just casa amor.

I really don't want to hear
about casa amor any more.

Feeling higher than the roof top
at the cromwell, while others

Are feeling lower than the
spacious underground parking

Garage at the cromwell.

Are you okay?

Just that like my entire
conversation and like johnny's

Had to be about casa amor.

Cely's mom and her siblings,
I couldn't even get in how much

I like cely, why I like her.

I wasn't able to talk about any
of those things.

With either her parents or mine.

Families have met, hopefully
the past will be behind us.

Let's keep moving forward.


And it's only up from here.

No more casa amor.

I've never sat here, it's
kind of crazy.

Welcome to the... I wanted to
talk to you.

I am really into you.

You are the perfect mixture
of a lot of things I look for,

Stuffed into one beautiful piece
of girl.


You are a unicorn.

No wonder you are such an
angel sweet boy.

I told you I was a momma's boy.

Oh my god, she is so adorable.

I'm so happy they like me.

My parents definitely like you.

Bennett and I continue to
grows alike a couple.

He is the best guy in the world
and he makes me so comfortable

In here, without him I could
never, like, have came more out

Of my shell.

Can I tell you every day
while we are in here you are

Amazing and I'm thankful.

Should we try to jinx each
other okay.

How do you feel about today like
emotionally after going through

All of that.

I could have definitely gone
about things a little more

Smooth but talking to your
parents, have I to face those

Kenses like a man and I still
will work day in and day out to

Try to make things right again.

I think that they were more
so feaked by how emotional I was

And seeing me hurt but they
think that you are a great guy

And I know that I wouldn't just
put my heart on the line laurel

Makes me genuinely warrant to be
a better guy, I heard it from

Her parents.

I heard it from my parents.

I just need to show more of who
I actually am, who I want to be.

I think it is is an amazing
journey with you.

I have had a lot of fun.

And much like a plumber the day
was a draining experience.

I know you feel really like
emotionally drained in a good


But I am on a high.

Like I love that it made you
this emotional because you do

Want to be like an example and I
know that is something that

Matters to you.

It was an ugly cry you didn't
ugly cry t was a cute cry.

I am never going to live that

You are the cutest.

I'm just like man, wait until
they meet me in person.

We will definitely have our
families behind us and that will

Make us stronger.

Today has been a lot in the
best of ways and I think for the

Very first time it's going to be
really hard to top how special

Today was.

We just just have one big
have our families just all come


For our wedding after the
families an john about casa

Amor, he is a mora a less over
it and doesn't want to talk

About any a more.

I am good, baby.

I can tell you are not.

It doesn't make me feel good to
see you this way because it is

Like your character, that is
being judged here and in

Question at all times.

For one moment we are so much
more than casa amor.

I'm the one who was hurt by all
of this and even I'm like let's

Forget about it, it just sucks
that it keeps being brought up.

I appreciate you for riding
for me so hard.

And seeing the good in me.

I snaw going into the
conversation with your family

That that was going to be all
that was talked about.

It does suck that it was a
majority of the conversation.

I eel like I didn't really get
to show my personality.

I go back, maybe I should have
done this or that, and, I have

I go back, maybe I should have
done this or that, and, I have

Not forgiven my severe for casa
amor just because of the lasting

Effect it has had on my and
cely's relationship.

You know t our only weakness.

And I created that weakness on
our relationship and without

That we would be, you know empen
trabl when it comes to a couple.

We're good.

I'm happy to be with you, thank
you for being here for me.

I'm happy to be with you, thank
you for being here for me.

Tomorrow night, it's the final

One couple, will be leaving
the villa immediately.


Oh baby.

You guys left your baby inside.
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