02x02 - Episode 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x02 - Episode 2

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…

Five gorgeous girls
began their search for love…

Ready to get this started?


…closely followed by five handsome guys.

[women] Whoo!

They coupled up.

But there were surprises aplenty.

[Arielle] Johnny will be coupling up
with one of your girls.

The girl I would like
to couple up with is…


[narrator] Tonight,[/i]

we double down with two new girls.

I'm single, I'm ready to mingle.

I'm not here to, like, waste time.

-And they…[/i]
-I saw you, bam, instant attraction.

-…stir things up.
-[woman] Oh, my gosh.[/i]

-What shall we toast to?
-New beginnings and finding love.

All of a sudden, this b*mb drops.

We're definitely vibing.

I'm looking forward
to seeing where it goes.


[theme music playing]

[narrator] Last night's events,[/i]
unsurprisingly, proved eventful.[/i]

The girl I would like
to couple up with is…


Johnny stole Cely from Tre.

I had my cellie stolen once, too.

Flip phone in '98, still hurts.

Two, on my side, or what?

So now, our couples are:

Cely and Johnny,

smitten Moira and James,

you can tell they smell great,
Connor and Mackenzie,

friend-zone adjacent Justine and Jeremiah,

and the struggle is real,
Carrington and Kaitlynn.

I think that
we came to a realization today,

and, mostly from your part,
but for now, we can just be friends.

That's fine with me.
Not everyone's meant to date.

So now you're caught up,

and we can all hang out
at the pretty people party

without having to wait in line
on the sidewalk.

You guys, Tre's face, like,
watching that all unfold.

-I literally…

A little part of me died.

-That moment was so intense.
-It was intense.

-I already knew she was getting picked.
-[Moira] How did you know?

Like, he and I had a discussion
and it's like, "I like you,

but I don't know
if I 'like you' like you."

The thing is is that, like,
I came here to make a connection

and I can't really make
the one that I want with anyone,

-I'm like, where is it?

-[cell phone chimes]
-I've got a text!

-Come on, come on!

Oh, hang on a moment!



[continues reading]

Come on.


Oh, my God!

-Oh, my God.
-Hold on, hold on.


-[woman] Oh, my God! What?

-[man 1] We got a new body!
-[man 2] Hey, Jeremiah, what's up?

I cannot stop shaking my head.

Is this real life right now?

I was expecting Jeremiah
to go on a few dates.

Hearing he got a text,
I was like… [gasping]

My heart, like, stopped for a second.

I just didn't think it'd be this soon.

-[woman] Where's my glass of wine?

-Get out of here!
-[woman] All right, all right!

[Mackenzie] Okay, thank you.

What? Did you not see what just happened?

I will be drinking all of this.

-[phone chimes]
-[Carrington] Yo. Wait, wait.

-[Carrington] I got a text!

What's it say?


-[woman] God.
-[Carrington continues reading]


[continues reading]

[woman] Oh, my God!


Cozy, boy!

-It's time to get cozy!
-What about our dates?

We've got dates, baby, yeah!

-We've got dates.
-Let's go, let's go!

We are deserving, we are funny,
we are handsome and we're good guys,

so we've been needing this
and these girls, we're gonna wow 'em.

-Oh, yeah.
-We're gonna wow 'em.

We are unappreciated.

I kinda, shoulda, like,
been a little more reserved, bro.

You know, with how I acted, 'cause…

-With what?

Oh, you was bawling,
you was like, "Hell, yeah!"


Honestly, how would y'all feel, like,

if the other person just, like,
was all happily like that?

I would be really happy for him.

Honestly, when Carrington got the text,

I was definitely excited for him.

Was I nervous for me also? Of course.

But, like, I do want
the best for him, for sure.

I would be upset,
because I finally, you guys,

I took a lot of, like, gut punches

and so I was like,
I'm gonna friend-zone him.

But then, like,
we have such a good connection,

I saw him in that suit, and, now I'm like…



If I had left it in the friend zone,
maybe I would…

I probably would have still felt heavy,
but it wouldn't be public like this!

Let's make 'em feel welcome, man.

This couldn't have came at a better time.

-We might never leave that tub.
-[Jeremiah] True.

We could be there all night, man.
All night. Y'all wanna do this?

My name is Rachel. I'm 21.
I'm from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I know what I want, I know who I am,

so I'm not really here to,
like, waste time.

Bring on the men.

Hey, y'all. My name is Kierstan.
I'm 23 years old.

I'm from Austin, Texas
and I'm a bartender.

I'm so excited to get into the villa.

I have these new babies
on my chest, brand new.

You can look, but don't touch… yet.

I'm single, I'm ready to mingle
and I'm ready for you boys,

so you better be ready for me.

Ooh, hey, how y'all doing?

-[Kierstan] Hey, Carrington.

-I'm good, how are you?
-I'm good, I'm good.

-Doing even better now.
-Yeah? [laughs]

-Chocolate-covered strawberries.
-[Kierstan] I know, you're welcome.

-So, I'm Kierstan.
-I'm Carrington.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Cheers, first and foremost.

-Almost seems like we've done it before.

-Who knows?
-I know, crazy.

-Rachel, right?
-Yes, I am. I'm Rachel, and you are?

-Nice to meet you.

God, your skin is beautiful.

Thank you. Yours is very nice too.

-Thank you.

Maybe we should eat one of these.

Maybe I should feed you one of those.

-Oh, okay, there we go.
-Okay, let's do this.

[giggles] There we go.

[narrator] Looks like Carrington and[/i]
Kierstan have strawberry feels forever.[/i]

And Jeremiah and Rachel have, uh…

a magical mystery tour!

Ugh, that didn't work.

Now, after being single
for a whole 48 seconds,

Tre-Tre's trying again with Justine,

but only after cameraman Tom
refocuses on the neon sign.


What if all of this stuff, like,
happened for a reason?

Like, what if things wasn't supposed
to work out with who I picked,

and then things wasn't supposed
to work out with who you picked?

Not gonna lie to you, like,
I'm an open book and I'm real.

Like, I kind of ruled you out first,
you know,

-and you probably did the same for me.

Like, everybody always thinks
I'm a player. Yeah, I was.

Like, I'm not gonna lie, I'm not perfect.

I got a past, don't we all?

Now, I'm straight up,
so you gonna know where I stand.

You're a beautiful girl.
You're attractive and, like,

I'm gonna talk to you
and I wanna get to know you.

But I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna try
and get to know other people too.

Yeah, same.

I know you're gonna know other people.
You got your thing for Jeremiah

and you're gonna talk to him,
sharing a bed.

I don't know,
maybe we could see where things go?

You know me by now.
I'm a very honest person.

-I say it how it is. Okay.
-Okay. Question for you.

-Have you and Jeremiah kissed yet?

Would you be open to trying it
to see what it feels like?

I mean, if the moment's right.

[Tre] Fair enough.

I feel like Tre tries so hard,
but with me, he doesn't have to do that.

We already have that initial, like,
genuine connection,

we have that banter, that back and forth.

There's no weird lulls in conversation.

But sometimes I'm like,

I don't know if I can believe
everything Tre says.

So many things have happened today.
I don't even know how I feel.

Tre, Jeremiah… Like, what's going on?

Look, I know.

-And your other cheek, other cheek.

And on the forehead. Forehead, forehead.

Oh, you're smooth.

We're gonna go downstairs before you get--

you get a little reckless on me.

-What? You think I'm gonna get reckless?

[narrator] Now, Johnny tries[/i]
keeping Kaitlynn on his good side[/i]

after not choosing her as his ride or die.

-[Johnny] Can we talk?
-[Kaitlynn] Yeah.

-I can tell something's up.

So, what's up?

I mean, I just wanna maintain, like,
a good relationship with you.

Like we said, I just wanna make sure
that still stands.

Of course it does.

There was so much pressure
around me, you and her.


And I feel as though
your decision was already made.

When I talked to you, I did not know.

-Matter of fact--
-This is the thing.

I 100% stand by your decision
and I support you.

It was up in the air for a long time.
I woke up thinking about 3 people.

Every single person I talk to, though,

says that they knew
what decision you were making.

How it's possible? I never told anybody.

I knew you were gonna pick her.

It wasn't your fault or my fault.

Just the way the conversation went.

I think what it was,
when I got to know her,

like, giggly, flirty side,

and I also got to know
some intricate things.

She laughs a lot, that's great.

I mean, I feel fine.

The only thing is is that, like,
obviously you wanna be the chosen one,

because doesn't everybody
wanna be the chosen one?

But, at the end of the day,
I'm happy for the both of them,

because if that's a genuine connection,

then everybody should be
making that decision, obviously.

-But are we good?

You need to couple up
with the person that you feel

-the most genuine connection with.

Because then that also leaves me
to do that as well.

I didn't get picked,
but I am not giving up on love.

I've just been a bitch
for the last three hours.

-Let me hug you right here.

[peppy music playing]

So, I heard you're coupled up
with someone.

Tell me about that. Her name's Kaitlynn?

-How's that going?
-It is.

We had a good day yesterday
but, again, first day, I'm not--

I don't love the girl, I don't have googly
eyes for her. We're just coupled up.

Today, however, just not…

-Not feeling it?
-You were a blessing from the skies,

because today, we talked,
and we were just like,

"I think we should just be friends."

-Straight up. That fast.
-No way!

Oh, my God,
that's actually really good to hear.

I'm feeling you for sure,
and I got nothing in my way.

Just don't pull a Kaitlynn on me.

-Cheers to that.

So, what made you pick me?

Honestly? Oh, gosh.

-I wanna hear this.
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You definitely looked the tallest,
which was, like, definitely more…

But also you're low-key
the most attractive,

-so I, like, had to go in.

-Yeah, a little boost to the ego.

So I was just like, yeah.

So, tell me,
what's been going on in the villa?

I was coupled up with Justine.

Okay. Do you like her?

She cool. Like, we vibe really well,

you know what I'm saying?

-But it was like on a friends basis.
-[Rachel] Got you.

You know what I'm saying?

If I'm vibing with somebody else better,
we just make sure we communicate anything.


We're definitely vibing,
you know what I'm saying?

-Yeah, I love your vibe, your personality.

I'm looking forward
to seeing where it goes.

Yeah, I'm definitely
looking forward to it too.

We should have fun.

-[both chuckle]

He deserves to be with someone
he wants to be with.

That's what we're here for,

-at the end of the day.

But this is what's supposed to happen.

-And I can tell on your face…

[James] Rachel and Kiera. Kiera? Kiera.

-Shall we say hi?
-Of course.

-I wanna say hi!
-[James] Welcome arms!

-[all] Hi!

-[James] Welcome arms.

You are gorgeous!

-Girl, you look so good. So good.
-Hi, I'm Mackenzie.

-[Kierstan] Nice to meet you.
-Kaitlynn, nice to meet you. Kierstan?

-Yes. Your eyes!
-Nice to meet you.

I'm Johnny. Nice to meet you.
What's your name?

-Rachel, yeah.

[Kierstan] I was so nervous.

You just had a date with a guy
and you have to walk down these stairs

and meet all these people
who have already been here.

It was very nerve-racking.

-Hi, I'm Connor, nice to meet you.
-I'm Rachel, good to meet you too.

[Tre] When I thought
things was getting normal,

y'all threw a twist at me
and two new girls came into the villa.

I'm not gonna lie, I was shook!

Wait, shall we sit down over here?
Then you can tell me everything.

[Tre] They're definitely
both attractive girls,

so, deep down inside, I was happy!

[narrator] With the arrival[/i]
of the new girls,[/i]

it's one big, happy Instagram-ily.

And it'll stay that way, so long
as we all follow Mackenzie's rules!

Just, in the effort of full disclosure,
we're very coupled up.

-We're very coupled up.
-Say it with your chest now!

Enough about us, though.
What is y'all's type?

Yeah, let's just, like, jump in.

I'm a sucker for, like, broad shoulders,

so like, that's gonna be…
yeah, yeah, yeah.


Oh, my God.

Yeah, that's a little tick.

Outside of the guys you picked,
who else are y'all looking at,

if you are looking at somebody else?

I mean, I'm open to meeting
whoever's not insanely coupled up.

Um, I don't know, I was like,
I think you were my second choice

and then Connor was,
but sorry, you're hers.


-Yeah, I was just… I'm excited.
-Definitely chat with everybody.

Yeah, of course.

-We're all, we're very, like, big…
-Even Connor?

Yes! Oh, my God! That is not what I…

"We're strictly coupled up, back off."
You said that, verbatim.

-She's like, "Except him."
-Keep in mind, we're all coupled up.

If I came in, I'd wanna know.

My God!

I'm not gonna waste my time,
I'm gonna be like, "Who is available?"

Back off, I know.

You know, y'all can't take a joke,
I'ma leave.

We're friends. We're all friends.

-Oh, my God.

-[Connor] It's so humid.
-[Mackenzie] So bad, sweating.

Oh, yeah, no, it's way better here.

-Quickly, I had to bond and stuff.

[narrator] Just when the Islanders thought[/i]
it was safe to be beautiful,[/i]

those rascally producers
dropped new arrivals

Rachel and Kierstan into the mix.

Despite so many symmetrical faces,
things somehow turn ugly.

Definitely chat with everybody.

-Even Connor?
-Oh, my God!

So, after not being able to take a joke,
Mackenzie says this.

You know, y'all can't take a joke,
I'ma leave.

I'll see you later.

-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I just, like…

I didn't want you to cry
in front of everybody,

-'cause I get like that.
-[voice breaking] It was, like, a joke.

Like, why was everyone
seeming such a jerk about it?

Emotions are all over the place right now.

My intention was not to come across

as possessive of Connor,
like I needed to mark my territory.

And I was frustrated by that
because I don't feel that way whatsoever.

I don't know why they had
to be like that. So rude!

Wait, what happened? Why are you crying?

I feel like they were trying to
make a big deal out of what I said

-for no freakin' reason.
-Wait, no, who? What was said?

[Mackenzie] Johnny wouldn't stop.

Don't try to paint me like a jealous girl,
because these girls don't know me,

and I'm not that way,
and I really didn't appreciate that.

-I just felt like it was not cool.
-[Kaitlynn] Yeah.

Just breathe.
There's a lot going on tonight.

Especially when I literally
leave the circle crying

and my guy is still outside.

[Justine] Find him.

No, I'm not gonna go find him.

[Kaitlynn] You literally
should not go find him!

Oh, I'm absolutely not going to find him.

[James] When you just get out
of that shell, it feels so good.

I like when you give me
that little… [grunts]

And then you go back.

[narrator] Looking to buy, not rent,[/i]
Cely talks with Johnny,[/i]

the guy who just took her off the market.

[laughs] How are you feeling?

New girls in.

I'm not worried about the new girls.
I'm really not.

I mean, I don't really care
to get to know them, like, romantically,

because I'm so…

grateful that I actually get to have

more than a 20-minute conversation
with you.

-You know what I mean?

I don't wanna give that up so soon.

Not just for a couple
of pretty girls walking in.

Cely, she's beautiful.

I love looking at her,
she's easy on the eyes.

Cely's laugh is infectious.

Like, I love talking to her
'cause she's so bubbly.

She's someone I really wanna get to know.

I can't breathe[/i]
When you touch me like that [/i]

When you touch me like that [/i]

And I can't sleep[/i]
When you kiss me like that [/i]

I hope she thought it was
just as good as I thought it was

'cause, I kinda swooped in,
and hopefully secured the bag with that.

[narrator] As Cely wipes[/i]
the gallon of saliva off her face,[/i]

troubled Irish law firm
Connor and Mackenzie

negotiate fair punishment for the crime

of not consoling a beautiful woman
when she cries.

I'm sorry that I didn't go with you
whenever you left the fire pit.

I understand not coming immediately,

but I was in there
for probably 10 or 15 minutes.

You can just breathe now.

Okay, you don't have to worry, okay?

No, I'm not worried.
I'm just, like, annoyed with you.

Like, why didn't you just come?

Like, you should have
immediately come after me.

-Like, what were you thinking?

I just don't get it. [sniffles]

Breathe for a second.

I am breathing!

-Stop saying that.

Taking care of a girl and making her know
that she feels cared for,

that takes time. It's not something
you're gonna develop in a matter of days.

Kind of where I'm at with Mackenzie,

just trying to understand
why she has certain expectations

of partners in relationships,
and how she expects to be treated.

I'm sorry.

And I will be that person for you.

I don't want you to be concerned
about that.

Relationships don't work and develop

without a strong foundation of trust
and open communication.

So, I'd like to think
this makes us stronger, going forward.

-We know more about each other.
-You get that I was joking?

What were your impressions of the guys?

Like, does anyone else
kind of pop out to you?

You know, honestly I'm just kind of like,

for me right now, I think just 'cause
I spent the most time with him,

Jeremiah is definitely it.
But I'm just definitely open to…

-Meeting other people?

And definitely getting to know everyone.

Yeah, how was your talk with Carrington?

-I get it mixed up with Kensington.
-I keep forgetting his name too.

[Kaitlynn] Can I, like,
sleep with you guys?

-Why are the beds so small?
-Come in!

-She's coming in.
-But are you gonna scream, though?


[narrator] From "ménage à trois"[/i]
to unattended Tre.[/i]

It's time to wake up![/i]

It's time to wake up![/i]

It's time to wake up![/i]

It's morning in the Vegas villa,[/i]

and, like a short-term rental
you shouldn't have trusted,

we've got night-vision cameras
hidden everywhere.

Take a peek. Our couples are…

[narrator reading]

Rachel, Kierstan and Tre are single
and looking for a branch

as they climb through the timeless oak
that is Love Island.[/i]

It's time to wake up![/i]

-[Kaitlynn] I wonder what we're doing.
-Like, we have new people.


And, too, I wanted to let you know,
'cause I know you're interested

-in Carrington or whatever.
-[Kierstan] Yeah.

Totally feel at liberty
to pursue that 100%.

-Oh, awesome.
-It's only just friends for me.

So I just wanted to, like, tell you that

-I'm not gonna be, like…
-"What's she doing?"

-[Kierstan] I'm excited.

Well, good to know. Thanks, babe.

[narrator] Up, down, up, down, up, down,[/i]

up, down, up, down, up, down,
up, down, up, down.

Whoa, Carrington sure is great at Up-Down.

-I wanna watch these boys.
-Oh, yeah.

-I don't know why I picked this side.
-I am low-key enjoying myself.

Like, I'm totally paying attention.

-Yeah, keep talking.

I'm excited. What about you? For your…

Yeah, Jeremiah.
I'm, like, so excited to, like,

just talk to him, because, honestly,
kind of outside of you,

he's also, like, the person
I gel the most with,

-so I feel, like, also…

Yeah. I'm definitely, like, he's also…

Love Island right here, just us.[/i]
We'll couple with each other.[/i]

-Down and up, come on.
-Two more.

I feel Jeremiah's, like,
definitely my favorite at this point,

and it's like, I really wanna
continue to get to know him.

He is so sweet, and I'm trying to be like,

"Okay, yeah, I should
definitely get to know other people,"

and I definitely thought
I would feel that way.

Jeremiah's probably, like,
the best match for me,

so I'll probably just continue
to mainly pursue him.

But I'm definitely encouraged
in getting to know everyone.

So, that's cool.


-What are y'all up to?
-Hangin' out, chillin'.

-Come hang out with us.
-I know! It's so hot already.

-You want a high five?
-It's great that you're…

-I know.
-…like that, but…

Wait until the sun is right above us.

-It gets hot.
-[Kierstan] God.

I was, like, so worried
it was gonna hit me wrong.

-But Texas is sunny as hell.
-I know! It's nothing different.

-[James] What part of Texas?
-Um, Austin.


Austin, I heard it's, like,
the top ten places to live.

-I love it!
-It is!

You know how everyone, like, goes to LA,

and everyone's like,
"Stay out, there's too many people"?

Now we're doing it with Austin.
You wanna go, like, sit?

Oh, yeah, bet. Do it up.

-I know.
-With my glasses.

I know. Where should we do this? Fire…

Eh, we can do it in the shade somewhere.

It's a nice little spot.

I'm actually very happy with the date
that Carrington and I went on.

And he was very attractive,
he's very nice to look at,

but James,
personality is a big thing for me.

He has maybe caught my eye a little.

-I like your tattoos.
-[James] 150 hours overall.

I just have baby ones here and there.
This one, I was like, "Are you done yet?"

Let me see. "Are you done yet?"

-That's two minutes! I'd love that.
-I know! I was like, "It burns!"

-[Connor] We have to…
-This is stressing me out already.

Everyone's real great.

-I know!
-You seem nice, too.

-Yeah, high five.

-You're the new girl now.
-[Kierstan] I know.

-I'm like, "What am I gonna wear?"
-Pretty new girl.

How many times
do people say you're pretty?

-I mean, like, I've had it…

-…here and there. Stop it!
-I can give you 1,000 if you want.

-I'm a complimenter. I tell people, uh…
-Thanks. Boost me up!

…how I'm feeling, um…

You're very attractive yourself.
I love the tattoos.

-Thanks for picking me.
-Yeah? Oh, my gosh.

-Stop it!
-I'm kidding! No, you picked…

-I had a feeling I was right.
-Pfft! What are you talking about?

-I was like…
-You and Carrington are…

Like, I wanna get to know you more
for sure and, um…

-Feel everyone out? Of course.
-If you're open to that.

I know, me and Mor,
we hit it off first night,

-and, um… It's, uh…
-Yeah, and they all seem…

She's… Here's the thing, though. Like…

We're gonna learn about each other.

She's more on the shy side,
on the reserved side.

You seem… You're not.


I was a little nervous
about pulling him for a chat,

but I did, and he seems
so funny, so great.

Just very easygoing,
and so I get along with that,

you know, tenfold.

I love it. You have any brothers
or sisters or anything?

-I have two younger brothers.

Would you feel comfortable
with him kissing other girls?

You know, I'm not in charge of James.

Like, I have no…
I can't tell him what to do.

Love when someone takes initiative,
and, like, when you…

you grabbing me, it made my morning.

Oh, my God, you… I'm so bad at winking.

What? Yeah, right.

[Moira] I think the new Islanders
are so stunning.

I can't even handle
how beautiful they are.

Everything was going great with James.

Kierstan talking with him
one-on-one, like, back off!

[cell phone chimes]

I got a text!

-Guys, I got a text! Come over here!



[cheering and whooping]

-I'm scared.

[narrator] It's time for[/i]
the first [/i]Love Island challenge:[/i]

Excess Baggage.

The slow-motion running audition
is the toughest part

of the Love Island [/i]casting process.

Winners of this challenge will receive
a grand total of zero dollars,

because the producers blew the budget
on small pink hats.

In today's game,
the boys will battle the girls.

A piece of luggage
will come down the carousel.

-Does that mean I go first?


Each suitcase contains a dirty secret
from an Islander's past.

Let's see what we've got.

Poker face, poker face.

-Cougar ahead?
-Cougar ahead, ah.

"This Islander once slept with a woman
who was more than twice his age."


As a team, they must figure out
which flirty flight attendant

or crafty captain the bag belongs to

and identify the perp with a kiss.

TSA, get PDA.






"After getting caught in the act,

this Islander once had to
run out of a girl's house naked

while being chased by dogs."

I know.

[all exclaiming]

[Justine] Girl! What's the fake-out?

Jeremiah! Oh!

That was cold. That was cold.

-That was cold.
-[woman] That was so good!


-Oh, my God.

All right.

"This Islander
slept with a friend's girlfriend

just to see if he could pull it off."


Damn, now I'm gonna see who the Judas is.

Get it!


[cheering and whooping]

Oh, she went in. She went in there.

I knew she was gonna kiss him,
but I thought she was gonna go in

for, like, a peck, like, a quick, maybe…

one, two, and she sucked his whole face!


-Whoa! Oh!
-Oh, my God!

Tre, what are you doing?

Sometimes, things just happen.

-[women squealing]
-Here we go, here we go.


"This Islander, AKA Mr. Steal-Your-Girl,
once made out with a woman

while her boyfriend
was standing right next to her."

-Oh, my God!
-Oh, damn, savage.

-Get it.

[cheering and whooping]

Put my foot down
and kind of claimed what's mine.


[woman] Get it!

-Two in a row, boy!
-I'm really sweating now.


[all] Oh…

-[all shout]

"This Islander once had a threesome
with two married women."

-Oh, wow!
-Hmm, bad.

Ooh! [giggling]

-Whoo! Okay!

-Going in for some more.


-[Mackenzie] I knew it!

-You little closet freak!
-Two married women?

They just came up to me,
"Hey, can you be our toy tonight?"

-[woman] What?

I was like, "Yeah, perfect."

-That's two!


Which one of you dirty little mm-mm…

"It was like a scene
from Fifty Shades Of Grey[/i]

when this Islander lost his virginity
during a one-night stand."



-[Johnny] I knew it! I knew it!

That's a big turn-on for me,
that he can be a gentleman,

and then he has another side.
I'm like, okay, all right.

[narrator] So, at the end of round one,[/i]
the girls have scored three.[/i]

Now, it's the girls' turn

to regret not having lied
to our producers in the interviews.

Ooh, rolling dice? What's that?

"This Islander once flipped a coin
to determine which boy

she was going home with that night."



[women] Aw!

-Cely, yeah.
-[Moira] Cely?

-It was my wild days. [laughs]
-I like it.

Oh, wow.

-What the… Is that toilet paper?
-Toilet paper?

"This Islander went number two
on the side of the road

because the line at the club
was too long."

Oh, hell, no!

[all shouting]

Yeah, boy!

-[women screaming]

[woman] Girl!

I, like, threw my underwear away after.

-[man] But did you go in?
-Oh, yeah, we went into the club.

[Cely] Oh, my gosh.
This is why I love you so much!

I thought it was kind of cute. Not cute…
Not cute, but, like, dang! I know…

I've been there, so, ha! It's funny.

"This Islander went through
a fake wedding ceremony

so the groom would buy her
a $6,000 bracelet"?

-[Tre] He got her. He's got her.

He's doing it.

[Jeremiah] He's still going! Get a room!

[sighs] Dagger to the heart!

-[Jeremiah] Kierstan? What?
-[Mackenzie] Kierstan!

"This Islander believes
that some people are gifted

with natural talents, and hers is sex."

-Oh, my God!

-Yeah, get it!

She's like, "Enough."


[woman] She really, like,
tossed him back out there.


[whooping and cheering]

[man] Jeremiah. Oh…

"This Islander calls herself an FBI agent

'cause she can dig up all the dirt
on any guy she dates."


-[man 1] Put it on the board!

Put it on the board!

Final score, girls three, boys one,
so we lost.

Yes, guys, you lost. Tre to one.[/i]


-Good job, ladies!
-Girls rule! And the boys drool.

We k*lled it!

We're the winners, man. We're the winners.

[all] Girl power!

-All right, let's go back to the villa!

[narrator] The Islanders just pulled[/i]
each other's dirtiest secrets[/i]

out of suitcases.

they can't put them back in.

Instead, they must become
the most beautiful baggage handlers

you've ever seen.

So, did everyone have as much fun
as I did? 'Cause I had so much fun!

-Finally, right?
-I really was dying the entire time.

I was, like, laughing. That was so funny.

-They were kind of weird.
-Also, real stuff though.

Really got to talk about
how's it gonna affect

everybody's relationship.

Thank God, like,
I picked Carrington. I like him.

-Was that your first kiss?
-With him, yeah.

It wasn't a regret,
because it did make me realize

how much I do like him already,
and I do only want to get to know him.

I'm going for Kierstan hard,
you know, like…

She even said it, she likes you.

Have y'all kissed
outside of any challenges or games?

No. But I mean,
we should kiss tonight. I mean…

Bro, it's just nice having a girl, like…

-That likes you. Yeah.
-[Jeremiah] That vibes with you.

We're very loved up
and we're saving our, like,

first real kiss.
We haven't even done that yet.

So you mean, like, outside the game?

We still haven't counted it
as anything yet.

Do you think that you can go the distance?

-Dude, I absolutely think that.

Yeah. Honestly,
even if a girl were to walk in

and I'd think she's more attractive
than Mackenzie, I don't think I'd flip.

-By any means.

Rachel, girl! You shocked me!
I was like, "Oh!"

-Yeah, I was waiting for it.
-I was expecting you to be like…

You went in, I was like,
"Oh, say no more!"

Like, you set the bar.
I was like, "All right."

I ain't gonna lie,
I think Justine is hurt right now.

-[Jeremiah] Think so?
-You need to talk to her.

-I think, out of respect?

[exhales] I feel like a bad guy.

But, you know, I'm looking forward

to pursuing Rachel more than I am Justine.

With Justine, man, you know,
I really feel like it's--

it's more like a friendship.

Mackenzie wants to talk to Connor[/i]

about his S and M secret
from the challenge.

But how to ask?

Your thing was pretty surprising.
I think I was more of-- I was like,

I'm curious how it was a one-night stand,
because you don't seem like the type

that would lose their virginity
in a one-night stand.

I guess, just to be straight up,
I have only had sex three times.


Yeah. Three people.

I think that's a super powerful way
of expressing your love for someone.

-So, I don't just…

go about doing that

-with just anyone.

And that's why I'm like this way with you.

-With being super respectful.

-That makes more sense.
-'Cause that's special to me.

-No, I like that, yeah.
-You know?

Connor, he just makes me feel, like,
butterflies. I don't know. I just…

I feel such a strong
friendship connection,

but then there's also chemistry with him
that it's kind of like,

"Wow, I just feel like…"

I don't know, like I said,
butterflies and it's crazy.

But in a relationship, are you, like…

Do you, like, wanna have sex?

-You're like, "Yeah."

Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, that's--

-But that's something that's--
-I'm the type, like, in a relationship,

if I'm committed to somebody,
then I want to, like, all the time.

-It's like, no one gets the cookie…

-It's a shift, sure.
-…until they get the whole jar.

But then they can have
all the cookies they want.

Mm-hmm, yeah, absolutely. I agree.

[narrator] Well, that cookie metaphor[/i]
was kinda crummy,[/i]

but Mackenzie isn't here for her poetry.

Let's check out Jeremiah and Justine,
who are currently baking in the heat.

-How y'all doing?
-Good, how are you?

I'm all right.
Can I grab a second with Justine?

-Hon, can you give us a sec?

-Yeah, like… We'll meet up later.
-All right. It's good talking to you.

-All right, how you doing?

-How you doing?

-You okay?
-Just chitchatting.

-How are you doing?
-Having a good time.

Um, I wanted to come talk to you today,

just to be like, you know, where we at?
You know, to talk about where we at.

-Hmm, of course.
-And, you know what I'm saying,

it's no secret, you know what I'm saying,
like, obviously,

you know what I'm saying, about Rachel.

-You know?

I honestly feel like, me personally,
I just see us as better friends…

-…than, you know, anything else.

I just-- You know?
I just want to keep it real with you,

-you know what I'm saying?

Like, you know how I'm feeling.

But I don't want nothing to change
between us.

No, and it won't, not at all.

Why, baby, why? [/i]

Baby, why? [/i]

[narrator] It's[/i] Love Island, where Justine[/i]
just got re-friend-zoned by Jeremiah.[/i]

You know what she should do?
Make him a mix tape

about her feelings because
that's never worked for me, ever.

Basically he's like, "I just wanna
be honest, I just wanna be real, whatever.

I'm kind of vibing with Rachel,
blah, blah."

He's like, "You and I,
we're better off as friends."

I wonder if he's felt that
this entire time.

I'm like, "I wish you'd have
said that last night,"

-you know?

I appreciate that he, like,
was straight up with me and told me

-this early on.

[Justine] Says a lot about his character
and that's why I can't be mad.

He's a good guy.

Yeah, but just don't, like,
doubt yourself in any way

or start getting in your head about it.

Your guy is coming, you know?

Hopefully. I mean, there was, like, Tre,

but I'm finding out
so many things about him

that are validating all the things
that I thought about him.

That's why I'm, like,
skeptical about going there.

But I will say, with Tre,
I feel like… I don't know,

I just feel like every time
you talk to him, you're like…

-Drawn in?
-Yeah! Like, you know what I mean?

And I feel like maybe
you should give that a chance, you know?

Hey, boys.


Come to life, come to life[/i]

[Justine] So, obviously, you know,
I talked to your boy.

-How you feel about that?
-I mean… it definitely sucks.

I, like, kind of wish
he had said something last night.

-But I can't…
-Like, honestly,

how would that have
changed anything? For you?

I definitely wouldn't have
kissed him in the challenge.

You know what I mean?

-Basically ate half of his face.
-I don't even wanna talk about it.

So, how you feel now?
Like, what's going through your mind now?

Like, what are you gonna do,


Pfft. Keep putting myself out there,
I guess, you know what I mean?

I feel like that's all you can do
at this stage.

Like, obviously, it's not a secret.

I'm attracted to other girls here,
everybody here is attractive.

But I feel like I connect
better with you personality-wise.

Give me that feeling[/i]
Give me that feeling [/i]

Give me that feeling [/i]

-Say it was a recoupling tonight.

It was like, "Tre, you have
to make a decision now.

Who do you wanna couple up with?"

-I would say you.

I got a little too comfortable[/i]
Then you friend-zoned me [/i]

Now you're standing here[/i]
Known as my one and only [/i]

Yeah [/i]

Like, I feel like I got closer to Justine,
just straight blunt.

I feel like Kaitlynn would be, like,
a hook-up.

Justine will be more of,
like, a long-term relationship.

No, I'm glad we have each other.

-Me too.
-I appreciate you for talking to me.

-I got you.
-I feel like Tre and I,

we have such a good connection
and such a genuine, like, real vibe

that it really could turn into
something really nice.

Something romantic and really nice.

-I guess, to be continued.

-Meet you back at the spot later.
-You just let me know when.

You know you give me that feeling[/i]

Feeling, give me that feeling[/i]

[narrator] Next time on [/i]Love Island…[/i]

The new girls turn up the heat.

And a dramatic recoupling
will change everything.

[woman] Uh-oh. Oh, my God.

[closing theme music playing]
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