02x05 - Episode 5

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x05 - Episode 5

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously, on [/i]Love Island…[/i]

We're just two magnetic poles… [/i]

At the first recoupling…

[Tre] The girl I want
to couple up with is…


[narrator] Islanders said goodbye…[/i]

I will miss her a lot.

-Love you.
-…and then…[/i]

-[both] Bring on the boys!
-[narrator] Hello…[/i]

to two new boys.

-You're beautiful.
-Oh, my God, you got me a little hot.

-It's our first night as a couple.
-You have to keep your options open.

I'm not happy.

You are so cute.

Lay it on me.

-How'd you feel if she entertained it?
-It'd be a slap in the face.

-Would you look at her different?
-Yeah, 100%.

From day one, I've literally
poured everything I got into her

and she's gonna throw all that out
over some dude for a date?

-[Tre] Oh, my gosh.
-She gonna walk straight to the…

-[narrator] The pressure[/i]
-Are you into any of them?

-Am I gonna compete with this dude?
-…is starting to show.[/i]

Just stay cool.

"Chill out," you said?

-What's your problem?
-Listen to him. Look at him.

You guys want drama? I'll show you drama.


[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome to [/i]Love Island.[/i]

I'm wearing oven mitts
'cause tonight's episode

is a sizzling skillet
of steaming Islander fajitas.

-[cell phone chimes]
-I got a text.

[narrator] Rachel was invited[/i]
on a date with new Islander Caleb.[/i]


-[all] Oh!
-That was so disrespectful.

[narrator] And Carrington…[/i]

-[phone chimes]
-I got a text!

…was told, "Don't wait up, bro,"

for Kierstan who was going
on her second date of the night

with new boy, Calvin.

Oh, my God, "No need to wait up."

Dude, she's gonna be
sleeping in my bed tonight.

So, have fun taking her on the date.

Have fun wasting your time,
'cause she's coming back home to me.

-At this point, bring it on.
-He declared w*r.

[Rachel] Oh, my gosh.

All right, I promise
I won't come back holding hands.

-I hope not.
-No, I wouldn't do that to you.

Caleb sounds…

-[Mackenzie] Good luck!
-[Carrington] Watch yourself.

[Jeremiah] She has the right to know him.
We ain't girlfriend and boyfriend.

We taking this slow, we at a good pace,

and I feel like she feel the same way.

We just gonna see how it go
when she come back.

All I'm saying is,
y'all shouldn't worry, bro.

[all laugh]

[narrator] Kierstan was invited[/i]
on a date with new Islander[/i]

and freckled slice of man cake, Calvin.

-Come on in.

-Thank you.
-Of course.

Oh, so what's your name?

-I'm Kierstan.

-Great to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.

Uh, Austin? Austin, Texas?

I keep forgetting that
you already know things about me.

-I'm from Houston.

Another Texas person.
I've been waiting, I've been hoping.

Hey, here's…


-Here's to Texans.
-That's it.

[Rachel] Hello.

-Yo. I'm Caleb.
-Nice to meet you.

-I'm Rachel.
-Let me give you a hug.

-Oh, yeah, yeah. How are you?
-I'm doing well. How are you?

-Good, I'm good.
-I'm super excited.

Oh, good. Yeah. I'm excited, too.

-Are you?
-I'm getting there.

-I wanna get to know you a bit.

-Are you having fun in there?
-Yeah, so far. It's been a busy day.

We had a recoupling for the first time.

I can tell you're for real.

I wanna get to know you, honestly.
I wanna give you a fair shot.

I wanna be transparent.
It has been really good with Jeremiah.

So, it is gonna take a lot
to turn my head, 'cause it's like…

I ain't worried about all that.

-All right.
-I'm not trying to be rude.

-Oh, yeah.
-I just wanna get a feeling for you.

I see you've been able to connect
with this guy for a couple of days.

I'm not trying
to be disrespectful to that.

Yeah, I will say, like, respect,
honesty, trust, okay.

I'm a super up-front person.

-You're gonna know exactly where I stand.
-Okay. Solid.

Okay, keep talking.

I'm going in a little bit blind
in terms of where you're at

-in the villa, relationships, couples.
-So… yeah…

I get it, you're coupled up
and stuff like that.

In terms of, which doesn't
really worry me at all,

-but moving forward…

…are you, would you say, kind of, like,

wouldn't be open to, you know, chatting?

When I'm tanning,
come pull me, of course, yeah.

-Let's go swim together.
-Oh, yeah, splish-splash.

-We're gonna go.
-Oh, stop it.

[narrator] While Calvin and Kierstan[/i]
keep wining and dining,[/i]

Carrington just sticks to whining.

-You all right?
-No, I'm good.

-I'm not stressed--
-Bro, you good, I'm telling you.

I'm not stressed, I'm not worried.

They took my special night
away from me, so I'm kinda pissed.

Only person that can
ruin all of this is you.

-Yeah, I agree.
-[Tre] That's it.

It's okay to be mad.
She got picked by two guys.

-She's hot, that's good.

You the last dude
that she gets to see tonight.

-You get to kiss on her.

You get to do all that,
they don't get that.

It'll be good.

[narrator] New date,[/i]
same "sauviga-non" blanc. White wine![/i]

-Are you the type to take the lead?
-A little bit.

-A little bit, or a lot a bit?
-It's probably a lot a bit. Yeah.

I like to call the sh*ts.
I'm not gonna lie.

I like that. That's very attractive.
I'm a yes man.

Oh. All right.
So, you're cool if I take… Okay, yeah.

Well, if anyone takes the lead…
Okay, got you.

-Let's cheers to a good first date…

-I'm looking forward to get to know you.

-And we'll see where this goes.
-All right. Cheers.

Obviously, I chose you
'cause you're beautiful.

I was gonna ask, why did you pick me?

You're spunky, you're sassy,
you got a little bit of that fire.

Just kinda say whatever I'm feeling,
and then I'm kinda like, oh…

It's okay, own it, you gotta own that.

-I do own it.
-That's why I chose you, you know.

-What's your type?
-Um, for me,

obviously, there needs
to be a physical attraction, but…

-Of course.
-…that personality, you know,

and someone that can be a friend
in the long term.

I feel like everyone
in the villa's gonna love you.

See if they can handle
two sassy Texans in there.

Oh, my God, I didn't even think
about that, cheers again to that.

Honestly, cheers to that.
Cheers to the sass.

[narrator] After getting lost[/i]
on the casino floor for nine hours,[/i]

Moira returns, passing
the judgmental neon heart

to a gossip of nervous hunks.

[James] Should I be upset if she goes
straight to the girls or something?

[Tre] If she doesn't come to you,
that's a sign.

[Jeremiah] Don't say nothing.

Wait, let's go get her.

-Tell us about it.

-Wait, we should all come together.
-Wait, what did he look like?

-Your date.

-Hold on, guys.
-[Tre] We wanna know.

We've been sitting waiting.

-The suspense was built up.
-Let's take a seat.


I don't know, I feel like you guys
will have a lot of questions.

-Hell yeah.
-So, first things first.

Is the man handsome? 'Cause my girl's
on a date with both of 'em.

I know. How did you know that?

Because the dude said,
"Hey, dude, I'm taking her out.

Blah, blah, blah. She won't be back."

-Took you long enough.
-Talk to us, tell us.

Okay. So, there's two guys
and we went on a date with them.

-Like double?
-No, like single date.

Just let her talk. Let her get it out.

So, I went on a date with Calvin.

-How do they look?
-They're good looking.

[Tre] Was he big, was he tall?
You gotta explain it a little more.

Calvin was like, he's in, like,
fitness, I think, which is ironic.

[Carrington] So, is he jacked, or what?
I just wanna know.

Does he look like me?

No. no, no. He's, like, in good shape.

He said he picked me
'cause he thought I was chill.

-And he was…
-Did he say anything about me?

-Yeah. He mentioned you.
-What did he say?

-That we made out a lot on TV.
-That is really funny.

How's that make you feel?

-Can I pull you aside… Let's do that.

Wait, but one second, one second.
I'll be right back.

-Okay, you going to the bathroom?
-Yeah, yeah.

-Be good, bro.
-It'll be all right.

I'm pretty outgoing,
pretty funny, pretty positive

and me and Moira
do have something special.

So, he has to be ten times better than me

and I don't see that's happening.

Or just marginally times better.[/i]

Can I talk to you for a second?

-Yeah, yeah, come on up.

-Sorry, I was about to come find you.
-Well, I can't hide my smile.

Oh, no!

-Where's Mackenzie?
-[Connor] She's talking with Moira.

-Just up top.
-I feel way better now.

-Spill the tea, sis.

Calvin. 5'11'', freckles…

The greatest smile ever, 25 years old.

And he was just like, so like,
so sassy, so flirty.

Everything, honestly,
like James when I first met him.

But I always am trying
to look to get to know

the James that is calm and chill.

So, I told Calvin, I was like,
"Honestly, my head isn't turning.

I'm in a relationship with James."

But I did--
By the end of the conversation,

I was so smitten I was like,

"I would be very interested
in getting to know you

if you pulled me aside
and, like, more talks, or whatever."

I'm gonna be real with you, keep it 100.

As much as I love James and I love you,

it's not perfect in every way.

-And who knows?

Maybe we'll all get to know
this guy and maybe it'll--

-Maybe it'll be different.
-I'm so frigging bad.

No! It's not like you guys
are boyfriend and girlfriend.

-You know.

This other guy is, like,
giving me that kind of attention

that's a little bit more like…

like, chill, which is who I am.

I think you are a girl
who's very in touch with her feelings

and I think that you know who you are

and you understand that, versus…

He is more the type
that he might see them,

but he really just wants to almost pretend

like they're not there and move forward.

Well, should I say anything more to James?

Um-- It's up to you.
I mean, I think that's good.

'Cause wouldn't you wanna know
if James' type walked in?

Yeah, I would. You're right.
And that's what I wanna say.


I still want to have a talk
with James and--

I mean, I couldn't even imagine
being in his position right now,

being in his shoes.
I do wanna tell him the truth.

I wanna tell him that Calvin is my type.

That being said, you know,

I have to continue to follow my heart

and I don't know
where that's gonna take me.

[Moira] I don't even know
how he could have liked me.

-I just couldn't believe that.
-Are you kidding me?

Out of everything he's seen.

-Uh, whatever.
-[Mackenzie] Moira, you are gorgeous.

-You are kind, you are funny.
-I don't even know what to do.

[Mackenzie] I think
that you guys can chat.

-Do you wanna go for a chat?
-I do.

-Wanna go over here?

Come over here.

I feel for him,
'cause that could be us next.

-It could be.

Because he was sure as hell.

He was like, "I'm not worried at all."
And now look, you know?

Is it good news? Bad news?

Fun news?

What's that smirk about? It's new.
It's a new smile you have on you.

Is it new?

-How's it going?

-So, how was your time?

It was good. I mean, we didn't have
much time to get to know each other, but…

Yeah. Did you feel anything?

I mean, yeah. I gotta be real with you.
That's why I wanted to have a chat.

Like, he was my type.

You know, I told him everything.

-I am in here with you, for you.

I was up-front and honest about that,
but that being said…

You know, I didn't wanna blindside you
when he comes in and he is my type.

Are you gonna try to get to know him more?

I mean, he's in here
to get to know everybody.

Well, that's what I'm saying,
but, you know…

If he pulls me aside for a chat,
I won't say no to that.

Are you gonna stop being
all lovey-dovey around me

because he's here?

Like, what, you not make…

Are you gonna go slower with me,
because he's next to you?

Honestly, he's here for--
hasn't even come in yet, right?

I can tell on your face
you're feeling him a little.

No, I-- No.

Baby, don't give up [/i]

I still haven't decided,

you know, how I feel about James and I,

but he's not helping his case
by coming on too strong.

I keep telling him I need my space,

but the message just does not get through.

-I just don't understand.
-I don't even know him.

Why are you saying you were nervous,
and like, "Oh, he's my type"?

-That's cool, if he's your type.
-What do you mean, why am I saying that?

I'm just trying to be open
and honest about that.

That's good. Communication is perfect,

I'm glad you came up to me
and you had a good time, right?

And before the date,
you kissed me goodbye.

"I don't even wanna go,
I'm gonna tell him, you know,

we're gonna be friends."
Is that what you want with him?

Is this, "Hey, he's gonna be
my new friend."

You know what I'm saying?
Is this gonna be your new friend,

or are you gonna really try
to get to know him…

with a whole relationship thing?

With, including, who I am
and how I am towards you

and how I feel for you.

I would be talking to this dude
trying to what, win you over?

Is that what you're saying?

-Are you warning me?
-I don't know what I'm saying--

Honestly, I don't really like
your attitude right now.

What are you talking about?
It's nerve-racking.

I know, but why are you
putting pressure on me?

I'm not putting any pressure on you.

You kind of are.

-You're kind of stressing me out.
-For what?

I'm trying to be open and honest with you
about everything, yet you're coming at me.

I'm not coming at you at all.

-Yes, you are.
-How? I'm just-- This is nerve-racking.

I've been waiting up on you
to see how's it going.

-I feel bad about that.
-You'd be the same.

I don't think I would have, like--

No one's winning here [/i]

But in this moment, when I've just had
something really traumatic,

such as my best friend leaving…

-…a date like this,

where I tell you he is my type,
like, all this information,

I personally don't think
you should be coming at me,

telling me that I have to stop.

I think you should just be supportive.

[narrator] Kierstan and Rachel[/i]
are still on their dates[/i]

with new boys Caleb and Calvin,

but without even
setting foot in the villa,

Calvin's already ripping apart
the fragile James and Moira partnership.

Hey, Mackenzie. I just talked to Moira

and it started off kind of terrible
because she was like,

-"Oh, yeah, he's my type."
-I told her to be honest about that.

[James] Yeah, which is cool and she did.

My conclusion when she told me that was,

"Okay, am I gonna compete with this dude?"

Are you gonna stop progressing
the relationship that we're having?

No. But she was honest about the fact,
and she was honest with you.

-The date was fun.

-And he is her typical type.
-What's her type?

-What's the guy look like?
-5'11", freckles, really buff.


From my perspective, in these situations,

the biggest mistake you can make
is changing your behavior

because you're concerned
about what's going to happen.

Because that will push her away.

I think that you've got to show
you're not the type of guy

who is going to be intimidated
by every guy that walks in here.

It could be freaking Brad Pitt
and you would not be fazed.

-Do you feel better about it?
-100%. Yeah.

-Do you hear what I'm saying?

-Okay, cool.
-Good to go.

Calvin and I literally hit it off so well.


We had met each other for 20 seconds,
I'm literally ear to ear. So cute. I'm…

trying to keep it together. But anyway…

I just feel like, I know it's a very,
very tough position to be in,

but at the end of the day,
if a 20-second conversation

has you smitten,

after spending days with James,
that is saying something.

And if you tell yourself,
"I owe it to James to only focus on him,"

if I would have done that with Tre,
I wouldn't be where I'm at with Johnny.

Things are gonna work themselves out,
but you have to put yourself first.

Who cares what anyone else thinks?

-You know what I mean?


I promise they're all nice.

-Yo! What up, yo!


These a lines[/i]
Keep on blurring ♪[/i]

Keep the wolves[/i]
Out of the sheep[/i] ♪[/i]

The kettle black[/i]
The pot is calling[/i]

-[James] What's up?
-What's up, man?

-I'm James.
-I'm Caleb.

-Nice to meet you. How's it going, man?
-You too.

Calvin, nice to meet you.
I like that shirt.

-Thank you.
-Might have to rock it.

-Good to see you.
-[Calvin] I made it, I'm here.

It's a lot to take in,
but everyone seems super chill

for the most part, right?
And super genuine.

-Good to see you. Where you from?

Texas, nice. What's up?

But we'll see. We'll see
what toes get, uh-- get stepped on.


-So, how were the dates?
-It was cool.

It was cool.
Both, like, beautiful solid chicks.

I really enjoyed myself.
It was cool. I had fun.

-Your turn.
-Yeah, I mean, same thing.

Both girls. I went with Moira
and Kierstan, great girls.

Looking forward
to getting to know everyone.

-Be open and honest with everyone.
-It's gonna be fun, man.

They're all fun, they're very sweet.

Are you guys tired?

I mean, I know we're kind of exhausted,

-but we can stay up and chat if you want.
-I'm down to kick it.

We can show you around
or if you wanna stay here…

Is it, like, bedtimes here?
What's going on?

Two good people, they seem, right?

They seem chilled, bro.

They seem pretty cool, huh?
Yeah, they're nice.

Why are you-- What's going on?
I'm trying to talk to you for a sec.

Your thoughts? We're cool, right?

-I already said that before.
-What are you-- What?

Why are you changing your mind?
Are you okay?

You fine? I'm having fun.

-I thought you were doing okay.

-You okay?

Stop. Chill.

"Chill the f*ck out," she said.

-"Chill the f*ck out," you said?
-I literally can't right now.

-What's her problem? What's your problem?

-Listen to him. Look at him.
-What is she doing?

-Come on, James.
-I may actually want to go.

Girl talk, without James.
I'm just kidding.

-I love your girl talk.
-Makes no sense. So confusing.

-I'm gonna sit here.
-Let's hear from everyone.

-Tell us everything.
-Okay, so?

You guys want drama, I'll show you drama.

There's something wrong
with the girl that you chose, bro.

-There's something wrong with her.
-Oh, yeah? [laughs]

This is ridiculous. Makes no sense.

I'm not about this, man.

No, man, I was just trying to hang out.

I was like, "They're cool, they're nice…"

No, she's being-- she--
I'm not even doing anything.

She was saying, "Chill the f*ck out,"
when I was chilled.

If you could write a book
on what not to do, James did that.

If I was James, I would feel…

a bit concerned right now.

[James] It's hard, man.

[narrator] So, James is all[/i]
How to Lose a Girl in Ten Sentences,[/i]

but when Jeremiah asks
about Rachel's date with Caleb,

he is more Silence of the Lambs[/i].
Haven't seen it.

It's about being a quiet lamb, right?

-How you feeling? How you feeling?
-I feel good.

You know, I feel like
we talked about this before.

We were just, like, honesty, transparency.

-So important to both of us.

So, that being said,
the date did go really well.

-And it's one of those things

where I did tell him I'd be open
to having more conversations.

Oh, yeah, as you should.

As long as you communicate it with me,
we straight, we good.

Obviously, I care so much about Jeremiah

and I'm so excited
about how things are going,

but you realize like, "Oh, yeah,
I am here to date around, and it's okay."


She a good girl, we taking this slow,

but I'm pretty confident in where I stand
right now, you know what I'm saying?

So, I ain't too much worried
about it right now.

-All right. I better go take a shower.
-All right.

-See you in a bit.
-All right.

-You will.

So, what's the tea?
Are you feeling Calvin or Caleb?

I mean, feeling them as in, like,
to where my head would be turned,

or, like, down to talk to them?

Are you feeling them in a dating aspect?

I mean, if they do pull me,
I'm gonna talk to them,

but I'd still be thinking about you.

Caleb is everything I'm looking for
because he is driven,

you know, smart, successful, sexy,
but so is Carrington.

I can't get Carrington out of my mind.

-Guess where you get to sleep?
-I know.

-In my bed.
-Oh, you mean in our bed?

-Oh, yeah, in our bed.
-In our bed. I missed you so much.

Winds of change[/i]
Are yet to blow [/i]

It feels so strange [/i]


I am feeling some sort of way.

James has showed his true colors to me

and that's… that's a him problem.

I don't know.

…like on TV[/i] ♪

But I'm sleepwalking [/i]

Waiting for a dream to wake me up [/i]

Life is open… [/i]

[narrator] Good morning, Vegas.[/i]

Tell me a story about the falling rain [/i]

Brush your teeth
and immediately drink orange juice

and hopefully that will wash away

the bitter aftertaste
of last night's drama.

Our couples are…


…who are mostly communicating
through dirty looks and scornful exhales.

But also in the villa are
the new single guys, Calvin and Caleb.

The days are[/i]
Breaking me[/i] ♪

Breaking me, baby[/i]
Breaking me…[/i]


Oh, my God, I need this so bad.

I'm feeling[/i]
Low, low, low, low, low, low, low[/i]

Low, low, low, low, low, low, low[/i]

I'm feeling…[/i]

-What up, J?
-What's up, man?

I think last night it was, you know,
nerve-racking and a lot of emotion.

I know I'm high energy
and I'm all about her,

but I need to take a step back.

Everyone around[/i]
Questions "how" and "why" [/i]

But baby… [/i]

The new boys in the villa,
I'm gonna dress cute.

I love it.

I'm feeling low[/i]

Good morning. I was like, "Who does that?"

-That was me.
-We were all like, "What's going on?"

So, here I am. What's up?

-What's up?
-Just chilling.

I just wanna know
how you thought last night went.

I thought last night went very well.
Like, our conversations flow easily.

You definitely made him squirm.

-Everyone did.

He's like, "Of course
you went on two dates.

I'm not even surprised." I'm like, "Yes."

No, um, I'm still very much Carrington.

Okay. Honestly, I'm not trying
to tell you what to do

or how to handle anything.

You and him have chemistry.

-You have to see where that goes.
-For sure.

I feel like you might be selling
yourself short if you didn't at least…

-Get to know you.
-…keep yourself

open-minded to me,
or whoever else comes in here.

I can tell Kierstan is interested.
There's some type of attraction

that I can feel in the air
when we're talking to each other,

but at the same time, she feels
this loyalty towards Carrington.

I'm not the type
to just chase and chase and chase,

because when you chase something,
it's gonna run.

Right now, I am all in on him,

but that doesn't mean that talks
couldn't potentially change that.

Even if you just wanna have,
like, the most casual chat,

I'm always open.

-You're so cute.
-We don't always have to sit and be like,

"What is your deepest, darkest fear?

What are you looking for
in a relationship?"

-The ocean.

How are the chats going?

-Just one so far?

-Just pulled Kierstan for a little chat.

Have you been able to talk
to anybody outside the dates?

No, I was actually, you know--
Moira, I'll pull her.

I just wanna know what's going on.

I don't know if you felt it,
but I feel like

there's a little bit of, like--
people, like,

giving each other looks.
There's something.


Looks-- There's, like--
They had a rough day yesterday.

[Calvin] Yeah. It's crazy, man.

So, that's why I wanna chat
with her, be like, "Hey, look,

how did things go?

How'd he take it? Where are you at?"

Because, you know, coming in there's--

-It's just a tight-knit, like…
-I know, bro. That's the thing is…

We're here to just
pull it open a little bit.

-I mean, we're here for something.

-What up?
-[Moira] Nothing.

-How you doing?


-Yeah. Do you wanna talk?
-What do you wanna-- Talk?

Talk, hang out.
You wanna talk to me, about life?

Um, I'm working through some things.

Last night was just a lot

and I can't just forget things happened

and forget the way I feel and--

But nothing happened.
I didn't do anything, like… wrong.

We both handled it in a different way.
I don't know why it's all on me, you say,

and then you don't wanna…
Is it, like, forgiving?

I know there's nothing to forgive,
nothing happened.

I don't know what you're thinking.

You make me so confused sometimes.
I don't know.

You're getting defensive,
that's the thing.

You said that last night.
I was asking how your date was

and you were like, "Calm down."
I'm not doing anything wrong.

I'm just trying to talk to you.

I feel like you didn't
give me a chance to, like,

have my feelings.
You were just, kind of, like,

expecting me to comfort you.

And, like, tell you everything
that had happened.

I just wasn't in a good place.

I was in the same place
as Carrington and Kierstan

and he did the same thing.

I didn't wanna bombard. I--
"How was your night? Okay, cool.

Is it gonna be different between us?"
And obviously, it is.

Well, I've already told you

that I'm still a little bit upset
about last night

and I'm trying to get over it.

But I just need a little bit more time.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Please don't laugh in my face

when I'm trying to tell you
how I'm really feeling.

You're not even looking at me.

You're funny.
You're something else. I mean…

-I don't even know anymore.
-Okay. If that's how you feel.

You're the one that's giving me the shade.

I'm not doing anything wrong.

I just felt like
you were pretty defensive.

I just needed space
and I should've just told you that.

If you did respect me and really like me,

you would just say, "Okay"
and give it to me.

I have been. You wanna ignore me? Cool.

You wanna walk around and not talk to me?

I was trying to have a conver--
You don't initiate any conversation.

You can't even look at me.

-I'm just trying to talk.
-No, seriously.

I can't talk to you right now. Sorry.
I'm gonna go fill up my water bottle.

-You're never gonna be able to talk.
-I just want a little space.

-A little space.

So why don't you, why don't you [/i]

Why don't you quit playing games[/i]
And get out of my way [/i]

I don't like the way
he reacted last night.

I was really turned off by it

and I think his emotions
are getting the best of him.

Honestly, it's not attractive
and it's not making me wanna be with him.

I can't.

All right, perfect.

-[Moira] I honestly can't take this.
-This is so funny.

[sobs] I just wanna go home.

[narrator] Tonight's show[/i]
is a literal nail-biter.[/i]

Welcome back.

If James could learn anything from 2020,

it's that social distancing works.

He just needs to do it with Moira.

[sobs] I'm over it today.
I just wanna go home.

Oh, no.

[James] She's so condescending.
There's something wrong with her.

[Mackenzie] She might just need a moment.

-It's hard to say.
-[James] I'm done with her.

[Mackenzie] Don't say that stuff,
that's not nice.

She can't talk to me like that.
She thinks I'm some peasant.

She can't even talk to me.
She can couple up with that dude.

I don't think-- I don't think that

calling names and saying,
and, like, these outbursts--

I just don't think
that's the way to handle it.

I don't know why
guys think it's acceptable to say,

"He can have her."

She can do whatever she wants.
That's not your decision.

Let it go for, like, an hour or something.

-I think you gotta be respectful.
-Why am I the bad guy here?

If she wants to move on,
I can guarantee you,

it's not because he took her,
it's because she left.

I genuinely believe
you should give it space.

You need to give her space.

I tried. She can't even look at me--

Stop shifting it onto her.

This is about your actions
and what you are doing.

Accept accountability
for how you are acting.

That is unacceptable.
Do not talk to a woman like that.

That's all I've got to say.
Give her her space. Like, stop--

I didn't even say anything.

You're not saying anything?
You're coming around,

like, ranting about it to everybody.

I cannot.

[narrator] A little tricky[/i]
to make a lighthearted comment[/i]

to take us into the next scene,
but I guess I can give it a Tre.

[gasps] Hey, I did it![/i]

Here's less shouty couple Justine and Tre.

-How's your morning?
-It's great. Started off good.


I lost sleep over this last night
because I stress very easily.

-What happened?
-So, I just, like--

I'm a very take-it-slow kind of person.

I think you know that from every time--

Like, the kissing conversation.

The way I see it,
everybody moves at different paces.

So, I'm cool with going at your pace.

-You don't have to worry about that.
-I appreciate that.

See, that makes me feel better because…

I was expecting you
to say something way worse.

-Like what?
-I don't know.

I've been single for a long time
and just had my wild phase in college.

Now that Justine and I are together,
I feel like now we get an opportunity

to get closer to each other,
get to know each other.

I'm excited to see where things go and…

I'm just happy to be coupled up again.

It feels good not to be single anymore.

At the end of the day,
I want you to realize,

I picked you for a reason
and I wanna continue to get to know you

because I feel like
we could have something special.


[narrator] Moira's enthusiasm[/i]
for James seems brief.[/i]

Let's see if she's feeling
even more Calvin-inclined.

If you wanna chat about it,
if you don't, like, it's whatever.

It's really up to you 'cause, I mean,

it's kind of y'all's deal, you know.

I appreciate you--

He's just reacting like a little child.

[Calvin] Yeah.

People show colors, whether
it's true or false, based on situations.

-I'm getting colors, I'm getting--
-Wrong colors? Right colors?

I'm seeing some flags
and they're not white.

-They're red flags.
-[Calvin] Yeah.

Oh, yeah, I am smitten
with Calvin, for sure.

He's, like, such a sweetheart.
I, honestly--

And he's a breath of fresh air,
it's so easy to talk to him.

I wouldn't overthink things, honestly.

Don't let it affect the rest of the day.
Don't let it affect the rest of the night.

You don't think so? Yeah, just get back.

-Try to get back on the horse, right?

-Don't let it affect me.

Just, like, just forget about it.

[Calvin] Forget about it.
I mean, don't forget, but, you know.

Yeah. [giggles]

He's so down-to-earth. He's so chill.

You're not competing
on who's gonna say what next?

You just wanna continue the conversation,

like a moving river. It's so easy.

Thank you so much.

It does feel really good to talk to you.

-Of course.
-You seem really cool.

[bittersweet music plays]

Today has been on the top of my mind

and there's no part of me that's ready
to open up to James at this point.

Obviously, it's weird,
so I'll come over and say, like,

-"Hey, are you good? Are you okay?"

And if you're like, "Hey, I'm fine,"
I'll walk away, like, whatever.

-You know, I get it.
-Thank you so much.

You're kind of, you know, figuring it out.


Tell me a story about the falling rain [/i]

How to keep on going[/i]
When your heart's in pain [/i]

And will you stay with me, stay with me[/i]
Will you stay with me? [/i]

These days are tough… [/i]

-[Moira] Ooh!
-Oh, my gosh, I want a yellow bed.


So, will you[/i]
Stay with me, stay with me[/i] ♪

Will you stay with me… [/i]

You good? What you got on your mind?

No, I'm just enjoying this moment,
I'm just taking it all in.

-Yeah. Yeah.

The days are breaking me[/i] ♪

Breaking me, lately…[/i]

-You come over here.
-Yeah, yeah…

There ain't no sun and no moon[/i]
Without you [/i]

There ain't no sky coming blue[/i]
Without you [/i]

It's like nothing is real without you [/i]

Oh, there's only one way to feel [/i]

[narrator] It's morning,[/i]
or as they call it in Vegas,[/i]


Whew, it was an awkward night
for Moira and James,

who, much like my parents
throughout my entire childhood,

spent the night
sleeping in different beds.

It's all out of my head now [/i]

It's all out of my head [/i]

Were you waiting for me all alone? [/i]

And don't forget to breathe [/i]

Don't forget to…[/i] ♪

-Good morning.

I hope we can still be friends
after all this.

I don't want it to be weird or anything.

Sorry everything happened.

You know, our…

spark was fun at first

and things happened.

Probably overreacted, but…

you're a cool person and after all this,


be nice to still…

-you know, be friends and talk, and…
-[sighs deeply]

I hope for the best here for you.

In the kitchen this morning,
James was not picking up on my mood

or the lack of conversation I was giving.

He wasn't asking me
if I was okay. [laughs]

I'm not believing his apology.

There's no part of me that's ready
to open up to James at this point.

So, it's really annoying.

I just didn't want it to be weird
when you walk by me

or anything and, you know…

Yeah, no, I know.

[narrator] Like a tattooed,[/i]
shirtless, door-to-door salesman,[/i]

Caleb is chatting up every girl
in the neighborhood

and I suspect Tre's partner,
Justine, might be interested

in more than just
his stain-resistant Tupperware.

Do you feel like you're
warming up to everybody?

It's crazy, I'm starting to see

just how quick everything
moves in here, you know.

I 100% am open-minded

and I'm gonna be like a book out here

and I'm gonna talk
to anybody who wants to talk.

I wanna find somebody that
can understand that this takes time.

-It does take time.
-It's challenging for people--

Some people can say, "I don't care,
sit and go talk to whoever."

-But now I do feel like I'm at a place--

I've narrowed down my options,
you know, and I'm really, like…

You're one of the people I really
need to give myself a chance with.

-I'm putting that out there.


-I'm so flattered, thank you so much.

That's wild. I usually try to play it,
like, I don't know.

Play cool a little bit.
Yeah, cards close to your chest.

No, I mean, that's definitely nice to hear

because there's definitely
an initial attraction,

like when I saw you, obviously.

And having conversations with you,
it's super easy.

-I feel the same way.

I'm definitely open
to getting to know Caleb

because, I mean, look at him, like…

No, he's definitely, um--
he's definitely a charmer

and he just carries himself
really well, so yeah. [laughs]

[narrator] This day has been more draining[/i]
than shutting down a water park,[/i]

so I think the Islanders
deserve to go out for the night.

Which in Vegas means,
"See you in a month."

-It's a metaphor for our relationship.
-[cell phone chimes]


-I got a text!

[Mackenzie] Moira got a text!

-[cheering, whooping]
-[Mackenzie] What does it say?

I got a text!


[all screaming, cheering]

"Dress to impress, Vegas behavior."


Oh, my God.

Oh, I just hurt my knee so bad.

Show up, got something to say [/i]


Get up, give it all away [/i]

Yeah, baby, it's Vegas night.

-I'm freaking out.
-Why are you freaking out?

-Roll the dice?
-Take a chance.

-[Cely] Take a chance.
-On love!

On someone who is not us.

All right, ladies.
My boobies are gonna be out.

My back's gonna be out. My legs
are gonna be out. It's all gonna be out.

If I have to kiss anyone
that's really booed up,

it's gonna be, like, know what I'm saying?

I don't think I can kiss Moira, though.

[Cely] I look like a Spice Girl. [laughs]

-[Justine] A Vegas Spice Girl.
-[Cely] A Vegas Spice Girl.

Sexy girl[/i]

Vegas party, baby! Let's go!

I'm ready.

Release us! [laughs]

[Cely] Vegas night, baby. Let's go!

[Tre whooping]

-Are you excited?

You look good.

[narrator] Like a gymnast[/i]
who practices in an olive-oil factory,[/i]

Moira has a knee injury.

Luckily, a bouquet of beefcakes
carried her back up to the island,

atop The Cromwell.

We may gamble in Vegas,
but we are not gambling for love.

[all laughing]

That was so cute!

It's about to get a little frisky tonight.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

[dance music playing]

[narrator] What a party![/i]

Wait, I have a producer
in my ear telling me, what?

We'll see the rest of the party
tomorrow night?

But I want to see
the truth-or-dare roulette right now.

I bet they're about to go
into a big, exciting preview,

starting with me saying
something like, "Next time…"


There's trouble in paradise.

Connor, have a triple kiss
with two Islanders.



[closing theme music playing]
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