02x24 - Episode 24

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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02x24 - Episode 24

Post by bunniefuu »

[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…


We did not expect this.

Obviously, they're drop-dead gorgeous.

Date, guys.

New girl seduction…

My heart rate went up for a reason
and I was just…

He's so hot.

I just might have to
step on some people's toes.

…relationship obstruction…

Lakeyn, Laurel, I don't know exactly.

I don't know why I'm crying over a boy
that I've only known two and a half weeks.

-Tonight's the night.

-You know, I wanna make her feel special.[/i]

…Johnny's big production.

You guys are all gonna be wearing
white shirt, black pants.

I can tell that this means a lot to him.

Good evening, Miss Cely.

-Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.


Go to the place where y'all first
locked lips.

[girls squealing]

…one couple takes the next step…

-Oh, my God.
-[Carrington] She's walking.

…while others take a step too far.

You have some Carrington on your face.


It's really hard for me to sit here
and just take this.

All right, you know what,
I'm done talking.

[narrator] Johnny's launched a clandestine[/i]
mission to woo his girl Cely.[/i]

With the help of his secret agents,

it could result in some major bonding.

James Bonding.

Goldfingers crossed,
it's not a mission impossible.

Oops, wrong franchise.

-You good?

I'll drop you off right here.

[voice breaking]
I hope Cely doesn't cry. I sure won't.[/i]

-Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

-What is going on?
-Good evening, Miss Cely.

[laughs] Good evening.

I have some words that your man, Johnny,

-would like to be shared with you.

-Anyone think she'll cry? 100%, right?
-Yeah. 100%.

"Walking back in with tears of joy,
you are my girl and I am your boy."

"We've laughed and cried.
Our wine, we've sipped."

"Now go to the place
where we first locked lips."

Along your journey tonight, Miss Cely,

you will have tokens…

[laughs] No way.

…that will be showed to you.

Each of which has a special significance.

These need no explanation,
but these will be the first ones.

Now go to the place
where y'all first locked lips.

Okay. [laughs]

Oh, my God.

She's so cute.

Hi. [laughs]

Hi, Cely.

Johnny once told me,

"The biggest decision and also my first

was to steal you away,
after which my heart burst."

"My devotion to you
I did seal with a kiss,

even painting your nails
is just absolute bliss."

Now what do I do? [laughs]

I can't tell you, but I can re-read it
to give you a little hint.

"My devotion to you,
I did seal with a kiss."

"Even painting your nails
is just absolute bliss."


[girls squealing]

She's so cute. I love her.

-I love you!
-[Cely] I love you, guys.

[Cely giggles]

Hi, Cely. This is a message from Johnny.


"From handshakes to slide,
to massages galore,

it's the simplest of moments
that make my heart soar."


"The embers between us
grow stronger with care,

our journey's not over,
go to the lounge chairs."

[laughs] Bye, thanks.

[Carrington] Off you go.

[Kierstan] What? Is she going?

-[girls sigh]
-[Kierstan] Look at this.

[Moira] Look at Calvin.

Stop. I might cry.

Welcome back, Miss Cely.

There's so much that Johnny has to say.

"Here on the sun deck,
our embers turned flame."

"I realized here, Cely,
that we are the same."

"Kindred spirits progressing,
without slowing down."

"Please ascend up the steps
to where understanding was found."

[giggles] Bye.

[Justine gasps] Oh, my God.

Johnny's literally peeking through the…
He's so funny.


-[Caleb] Hi, Cely.

"Welcome to the view,
where mindsets became new."

"This is where your boo
learned to listen to you."

"As you know, you and Johnny have shared

some very special, intimate moments
on this balcony,

but experienced a lot of growth."

"This here represents
the lesson learned on listening

and keeping an open mind."

"And this here represents time."

"The time it takes to work
through challenges,

the time you two have spent together here,

and the time that you two
will spend together on the outside."

"Now, go on a walk
to where you held your first talk."

"A heart marks the spot

where a conversation led to a thought."

-I love you.
-I love you, too.

-Good luck.
-Thanks. [giggling]

Half a smile [/i]

And I fall to pieces [/i]

She's walking.

Half a glance [/i]

[Cely] Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm freaking out.

I told you he was gonna marry her.

I need another shot of courage [/i]

How should I start?[/i]
What should I say? [/i]

You look so good.

Thank you. These are for you.

Thanks. [laughs]

Come here.

[Kierstan] I am so excited. Move.

-Oh, the heart.
-Oh, my gosh, the petals.

"Our flame, now fire,
burns bright in my heart."

"The only girl for me,
I've known from the start."

"Looking outside the villa,
our future awaits."

"Building towards dreams and passion,
with you as my fate."

"Cely, my darling, I only want you."

Oh, my God, she's crying.

Is she crying? Oh, my God.

I just wanna let you know that being
in here with you was so unexpected,

but it's such a blessing.

You have made me grow in ways
that I did not think I could.

Our future on the outside…

I cannot wait to see what's in store.

I just want you to know
that moving forward,

I will do anything and everything
to be the man you need me to be.

You are the girl of my dreams.
You're so beautiful.

And I want to know if…

…you wanted to be my girlfriend?

-[giggles] Yes.

So if I ask you to stay [/i]

Would you say yes?[/i]

-I think she just said yes.
-He's crying. He's crying.

This was literally the cutest thing
anyone has ever done for me.

I love this.

I just want you to feel special.
Cely, I love you.

[laughs] Are you kidding?

I love you.

Johnny, oh, my God. Come here.

And if I reached for your heart[/i]

Would you say yes?[/i]

He said, "I love you."

I think he said it.
He said it, "I love you."

-You're lying.
-[Carrington] I think he did, yeah.

[all cheering]

[Justine] Can we go down? Can we go down?

Jelly! Oh, my God, look at her.

So if I ask you to stay[/i]

Would you say yes? [/i]

[both squeal]

[Justine] Moira, watch your knee.
Watch your knee.

Oh! I'm so happy for you.

Yes, man. Johnny.

You got a boyfriend. You got a boyfriend.

You got a boyfriend. Hey!

You got a boyfriend!


Sorry, I'm, like,
part of this relationship.

[narrator] Johnny and Cely have just[/i]
upgraded their status[/i]

from strangers who met on
an artificial island-based reality show

to boyfriend and girlfriend.

As the kids say, they're boo'd up.

At least I think that's what the kids say.

They never wanna talk to me.

To me and Cely making it official.

Oh, my gosh.

To our whole experience in here,
and to many days ahead.

[all] Cheers!

-To the first L-b*mb on Love Island.[/i]

It has been my goal to make Johnny
fall in love with me,

and today, I achieved my goal,

and it just feels like the best
feeling in the entire world.

This man loves me, I love him.
We're better together.

I'm just-- mic drop.

If there's a wedding, you got
a lot of work to do, 'cause this was…

This is the best night
of my life, you guys.


I love this guy.

I feel like my best friend
got hitched today.

Like, I'm not even kidding,
that's how it felt.

Love is in the air tonight,
just all around.

You look good in black.

You look amazing, too.
Even in those pants.

-Thank you. In these little pants?

I feel like a waiter
at a chain Italian restaurant.

Well, you a fine waiter.

Like, if I put my number on the receipt,
you might call me?

-I would definitely call you.
-What would you say?

I'd be like, it was those pants for me.
I'd like to see them off of you.

The user you have messaged
is no longer available.

-Call 1-800…

You're so annoying.

-No, I really wanted to talk to you today.
-What's up?

Because there's some things
that I wanna be honest about.

-I like honesty.

Obviously, you know the whole thing
with my past relationship,

it was a really long one.

It was one of those things
where I got my heart broken

by the same person, like,
quite a few times.

And so when I met you…

it's been, like, weirdly difficult,

because I'm definitely
having moments where I'm, like,

self-sabotaging just to kind of
guard my heart a little bit,

and the reason for that is,
like, I feel like it is,

it's, like, too good to be true
kind of thing.

So, I, like, get super-guarded and…

But I just reached a point where…

I, like, wanna let go of all those things
that, you know,

I was, like, bringing into this,
like, based on my past heartbreak.

I appreciate you opening up so much,

-'cause I could feel you holding back.

Nothing you could say to me right now
about anything you're facing

would turn me off of Justine.

I care so much about you.

I wasn't fine till you came[/i]

Into my view[/i]

Thought I was going insane…[/i]

Knowing that you are truly past
that relationship

is how we get to a point of, like,
where Cely and Johnny are.

-To committing to a relationship,

throwing a title on things,
boyfriend and girlfriend.

Like, I wanna get to that.

Now the only crazy I am is for you[/i]

[narrator] Uh, Carrington, be a lamb[/i]
and tidy those cushions. Thank you.[/i]

Now have a confusing chat
with new girl Lakeyn

about how you're torn between her
and current partner Laurel,

even though you only met Lakeyn
a day ago. Thank you.

You have… I don't know.

I did not think anyone
was gonna come in here

and really turn my head,
especially as fast as you did.

It kind of makes me question
how good what I have is.

[Lakeyn] Yeah.

So, I just want…
I just want a night to make sure

I have an informed decision.

Well, that makes me feel good.
Yeah, definitely.

Like, I'm excited to find out
what you, like, think about,

but take your time, as much as you want.

Lakeyn really just made
a huge impact on me.

We connected on so many levels
within the last 24 hours.

You know, she just hit a home run
pretty much,

and since I am with Laurel,
and things are going great.

It's tough.

Close my eyes and drown out sound [/i]

[Lakeyn] I will say though, like,
you're my number one, for sure.

And it's really surprising where you are.

That's how you know it's natural.

Yeah, it's kind of great.

Let's go somewhere else [/i]

Cely got a boyfriend…

Can you believe that?
I wonder what your mom's gonna think.

My family's probably just gonna scream.

But it was perfect and I literally
appreciate all you guys so hard

for being a part of that
and for making it so special for me.

How was tonight for you?

-It was okay.
-What's up with you, dude?

Just caught up on a boy
who doesn't want me.

-Yeah, still?

What about Bennett?

Ah, he's great. I like talking to him,
but I don't know.

Carrington kind of ruined this for me.

-What's your opinion on… Yeah.

-[quietly] I really like her.
-I'm honestly lost.

[Cely] I do love Laurel very, very much,

but I see more in common
with you and Lake.

I really don't know what I'm gonna do.

Close my eyes and drown out the sound [/i]

It's my only solution [/i]

Counting down… [/i]

Nothing. I just kissed you.

Let's go somewhere else [/i]

I'm not looking for trouble [/i]

Let's go anywhere other than here [/i]

[narrator] It's night time on [/i]Love Island,
and now it's morning on [/i]Love Island.

Yeah, yeah, yeah[/i]

Yeah, yeah, yeah[/i]
It's a new day [/i]

It's a new day [/i]

Everyone, meet my boyfriend.
This is Johnny.


I woke up and realized…
definitely am going to get to know Lakeyn.

Does not mean I'm switching,
but I wanna get to know her,

and I can't help the fact
that she came in, and in 24 hours

got more out of me than…
more than I've shared with anybody else.

You feel like you're doing what's
right to, you know, for your heart.

I am in such a good relationship
with Laurel,

but the fact of the matter is
someone has gotten my attention.

I am just going to have some
conversations with Lakeyn and…

and see where they go.

-Hunting. It's hunting. It's a deer.
-[narrator] Charades?[/i]

They're playing a game with no slow-motion
and rules that make sense?

Have no fear, Islanders, I'll save you!

I believe in you.


-[cell phone chimes]

[Cely] Oh, wait, guys.

-I got a text!


[all cheering]

I would think that the #PowerTools

has to do with
the whole construction theme,

but probably refers to
our boys' other tools.

Can't say I'm mad about it.

-Let's go, boys! [grunts]
-Challenge day!

We're taking a sexy wrecking ball
to the drywall of your brain building.

We overhauled their looks
for this construction-themed challenge,

Men At Work.

Usually, their idea of manual labor
is picking an Insta filter.

In this challenge, it's the construction
workers who get cat-called.

[wolf whistles]


[Cely] Men At Work, baby.

I love me a challenge
where the boys do all the work,

let me just start there.

Climb that ladder! Oh!

So, here are the rules.

The boys will need to do
this innocent move…


Ooh! Oh, my gosh.

Then manhandle a slippery pole
I wouldn't take a black light to…

[laughs] I'm here for it.

…then they go the full Miley.

Yeah! Whoo!

Finally, they must piggyback
their girl without dropping them,

while walking them through wet cement,

or, as concrete pavers call it,

"Are you freaking kidding,
I've been working on that all day!"

And, like all construction sites,

you finish the job
with a passionate make-out session.

So sexy, so steamy.
That was not a friendship kiss.

Full steam ahead
for that romance, for sure.

Oh, let me see those moves, Caleb!


You ready to see a real man
put in some work?

[women scream]

[Cely] Caleb!

My hat almost came off.

Oh, today's challenge,
I was living for it.


-Why was he so good?
-[Cely] Oh, my God, yes.

Caleb, his talking really did it
for the girls.

Oh, man.

It's real hot in here.

It was just amazing.

Literally, the body rolls, the abs…
Oh, my God.

Look at those cheeks.

Thank you, Lord.

I was so impressed with him, honestly.

I had one objective: do not drop Justine,

because I knew she would
absolutely k*ll me.

You got it. You got it.

If I got her hair stuck in there,

I would have been sleeping
in the day beds tonight.

Is it me, or is it getting real hot
in here?



It was a good time.
It was a show, I'll tell you.

Work it!

Oh, he got some tools in there.

Perfect size.

[Carrington] You know,
the stripping situation…

Look at his butt!

…I hope my parents don't hate me.


[Justine] Here he comes.

[Laurel] Oh, my God! Oh, my God.

To all the boys in today's challenge,
tip of my hat to y'all.

Oh, my God, it's a bold move.


[Lakeyn] Oh, my God. This is terrifying.
Are you ready?

Oh, my God.

For him to pick her in that challenge

was really like a slap in the face to me,

and it's not the first time he's made me
feel like a second option.

[Calvin] Let's finish this off.

-What you got?
-Oh, no.

[Laurel] Right now,
I'm kind of just really pissed off.


It's ridiculous.

That just shook something up, right there.

It's just a challenge.

I'm just trying to have some fun.



-How was it?
-He's a great kisser.

-You have some Carrington on your face.

[Carrington] Oh!

[narrator] All right, enough drama.[/i]

Let's see Johnny's audition
for Magic Mike V: The Thrustening.[/i]

[Cely] Oh, my God, the little Speedos.

I don't know what we did to deserve that.

I was like, "Someone get this man."

"Whose man?"
I was like, "Wait, that's my man."

Bennett's freaky. I'm here for it.

When Bennett picked Laurel,
I was like, "Yes, thank you."

"Put this girl back in the game."

I got you, don't worry.


-Yes, baby!


I think it's pretty obvious
who won the competition.

All right, it's not obvious at all.

Take it away, Laurel.

We think the sexiest guy
in tonight's Men At Work challenge

was… Drumroll, please.


Let's go back to the villa.

-Oh, yeah. Back in the villa.
-Yeah, baby!

[narrator] The Islanders are back[/i]

in a scene that looks
weirdly similar to my vision board.

[Cely] You guys should wear these
all the time.

[Justine] Just wear it for
the rest of the day.

The boys chat about who they kissed,
instead of doing what I would do,

which is clean the sawdust out
of my Speedo.

What? I have sensitive skin.

[Carrington] I can't go back
to my old life now.

-I was made for the pole, I guess.
-[Caleb] I'm pretty proud of myself.

As proud as I can be for walking around
in this getup.

Based on the stripper one,

I didn't think Caleb would do
as well as he did.

He really k*lled that.

-He did, and when he picked you up!

Literally, they all went out there
and did their thing.

-[Justine] They did.

-Gotta take my hard hat off to you, buddy.
-You k*lled it.

I tried to show one out.

Why did you… Why did you choose Laurel?

Spur of the moment, man.
Spur of the moment.

So are you interested in Laurel,
or was that just a little stunt?

I think it was more of a stunt,
but you never know.

Today was kind of about
making a statement to Kierstan.

She picked me at the recoupling,

but she hasn't really tried
to progress things further.

So I'm hoping that kind of
lights a fire under her,

makes her a little bit jealous.

Maybe things change, maybe they don't,

but I figured that was the best way
to try to go about it.

I actually did get the clarity
that I needed,

not because, like, he picked you,
but because it made me realize

that I didn't want him to pick me,
and that is a big thing.

I'm actually very relieved.

I think somebody's got a kiss
to talk about.

Yeah, the kiss felt really good.

But I am going to still
be super nice to Laurel,

still be with Laurel,
while trying to get to know Lakeyn.

[Carrington] Everyone always says
they're not gonna turn their head.

I didn't want to,
but my head is slowly being turned,

and I'm just going with how I feel.

I like Laurel,
but I'm interested in this girl

and I'm going to get to know her.

She definitely wanted to do this
with Calvin at one point,

so I get the same right.

-I was shocked, honestly.
-[Justine] Yeah, I think we all were.

But I'm tired of feeling like
I'm his second option in this villa.

At this point, everything's up in the air.

We need to have a conversation.
It's not going to be a fun one.

I'm definitely not going to
back down from how I feel

because at this point I feel like
I'm doing myself an injustice

by letting him walk all over me.

I don't understand
how you can care about somebody

and then make them feel this way.

No offense, I just feel like it's
really disrespectful for him to be,

like, spending all this time with me
for two weeks,

then a new girl walks in,
shiny new toy, and it's like,

I don't know how I feel.

-So… No offense.

Don't apologize. You have nothing
to apologize for, honestly.

[Cely] Wild.

I was, uh… Obviously, I wanted
to choose you to kiss

'cause I feel like I expressed to you
a couple of days ago

that I was interested
in getting to know you

and really furthering things
romantically, and, yeah.

-What a road we've been down in here.
-I know. What a road.

It's been all over the place for us,

but I don't know, I get the same feelings

and, like, butterflies I did
when we first kind of started,

but it feels better now
because I feel like

because we've been through so much,
I feel like I know you better,

you know me better, and also
just more comfort with each other

and, like…

Not really interested in anyone else.

Honestly, I'm looking forward
to moving forward with you.

-And to… Yeah,

to being all-in
and really furthering this.

-Oh, my.
-If that's cool with you.

Are you saying you wanna be
my boyfriend? No, I'm kidding.

Whoa. Whoa. Day by day.

Okay. Day by day. I love that.

-Shall we seal it with a kiss?
-I think we should.

[narrator] Ooh! Well, it's only taken[/i]

but Moira may finally know
where her head's at.

So, as #Calvoira build, the kiss
with Lakeyn could be weakening

the foundation of Laurel
and Constructington's relationship.

How are you feeling after the challenge?

Not good. At all.

Especially 'cause last night
you told me you wanted to sleep on it

and we never had a conversation
that you wanted to get to know her,

so it was kind of like
a slap in the face.

I feel really not okay about it, honestly.

When we had our conversation
over there with talking about Calvin,

like, you told me that if I wanted
to get to know him, that was fine.

If any new girls came in, you were
not gonna wanna get to know them,

you were just gonna focus on me,
and then you just…

A girl walks in the next day
and you are like, oh, new shiny toy.

Well, you said the same thing here
and then had the same convers--

-But it was different.

How was it different?

-Because it was about us and not a person?
-[Laurel] Exactly.

In all honesty, what I said, I meant.

I had no idea someone was gonna come in
and be exactly the same as me.

I had no intention of that.

So, you slept on it, are you interested
in getting to know her?

Is that what you're saying?
That what you wanna do?

I do wanna get to know her,
but it sounds like the talk that we had

where you said it would be okay,
it doesn't seem like it's okay now.

I just don't understand
how you can tell me

that you feel all these things,
you feel this way,

I know how I feel, and it's really hard
for me to sit here and just take this.

You contemplated, I contemplated,
and my answer is different, but…


We've talked about this
and you said that would be fine.

-Okay, Carrington. Okay.
-And I get it's upsetting, but…

-Okay. Okay.
-I can't help how I feel.

Your eyes used to glow [/i]

But that was before [/i]

No, not okay, 'cause I'm not done talking.
I just wanna say…

All right, you know what,
I'm done talking now.

It's hard for me to sit here
and listen to you say that

you wanna get to know someone else,
after everything.

I understand.

-I just, I do not wanna…
-Okay. Okay.

I'm about to lose control [/i]

I just need to be alone [/i]

'Cause I don't really want to hurt you[/i]
Hurt you… [/i]

[narrator] Laurel is heartbroken[/i]
after construction worker date guy[/i]

kissed Lakeyn instead of her
in the challenge.

She wanted to be close to him,

but now Laurel just wants
to be left alone.

All right, you know, I'm done talking now.

That's fine.

-I'm done talking, so we're good.

Said you want a peaceful life [/i]

So why you always playing with fire? [/i]

A little temptation from your smile[/i]

And I go deaf to the words of the wise [/i]

What's wrong, babe? Come here.

What happened? Tell me.

-I just felt like a complete idiot.
-So, he pulled you for a chat.

I told him everything
that I said to y'all,

and he told me, you know,
"It was a challenge to get kissed

and so I thought I would do it,
it's a lighthearted thing."

I'm like, "But it's not
because you didn't express to me

that you had an interest in her."

"I was completely blind-sided
by this whole situation."

I said, "I've been made to look like
a fool in here."

She's gonna make me so mad
'cause just… I hate it when people…

when I'm trying to talk,
just like… [scoffing]

What do you mean? She was just, like, not…

Bro, just anything I said was… [scoffs]

-Eye roll or, like, scoff?

I said I didn't want to get to know
people. I was like, "I know!"

I did say that and I meant that.

It makes sense for me to get to know her.

-Like, you said all this…
-What's wrong with me?

But nothing's wrong with you, though.

Am I not good enough?

-You know, that's how I feel.
-Oh, my God, stop it.

I mean, you do obviously care a ton
about Laurel.

-You wanna make sure that…
-Or else I would not…

Or you'd be like, "I like her more,"
boom, whatever.

We're gonna have another conversation.

He walked off saying,
"You're too upset to talk about this now."

Are you-- Did he literally just be like,
"I can't do this"?

Yeah, that's literally what he did.

Because he said I was huffing
and puffing and rolling my eyes.

-And I'm like, how do you…
-I'm literally getting déjà vu.

I am shocked,
but at the same time, I'm not.

-Well, you've been through it already.

Oh, my God, how am I supposed to
sleep in a bed with him after this?

I don't think I'll sleep tonight [/i]

Knowing you're with someone new [/i]

How did your talk with Carrington go?

He walked away and I ended up crying.

-He walked away?

Like, I'm sorry I have emotions.


I'm a person.

[music continues]


Gotta take responsibility
for your actions.

I know.

[narrator] Things are getting real.[/i]

But there's always makeup, evening wear
and wine to change the mood.

Yeah, baby!

You're the reason[/i]
For my sleepless nights[/i]

You're in my dreams[/i]
You're what I'm seeing[/i]

You, still you [/i]

[narrator] Bennett didn't choose to kiss[/i]
Kierstan in the challenge.[/i]

Could it have been garlic bread related?

I haven't noticed any carbs.
Let's find out what happened.

I came in here very headstrong
to come after you,

and I feel like we've been at a standstill

-since I've gotten in here.
-I agree.

But I did not pick you today
at the challenge to kiss you.

There was, in my head,
a good reason for it.

I kind of wanted to do that
to just, like, try to, like,

light some sort of fire there with you.

It was, like, to make you jealous,
in a sense, where it's like…

And you thought that was a good idea, why?

Because I feel like you weren't--
like, you haven't been showing me

a lot of physical
or, like, emotional attraction,

-you know?

Things have been moving very slow,
and they have been at a standstill

because I just haven't… I wasn't sure.

But today kind of gave me clarity
in the sense that,

for a lack of a better word,

I was kind of relieved
that I wasn't picked.


Like, I'm not playing a game.
Like, I'm here to find something,

and obviously,
me telling you where I'm at,

which isn't… Like, I don't think
we would be going anywhere.

She didn't take my explanation well.

I mean, I tried to word it
the best I could,

the whole lighting the fire thing.

I don't think she took it the same way,
which is understandable,

so I think maybe she's kind of done here.

I appreciate you being real and honest.

Yeah, of course.

I guess if you ever need to talk
about anything at all, I got you.

Thank you.

[narrator] Caleb wants s'more time[/i]
with Justine,[/i]

so he comes in warm and gooey
with a s'mores platter

to melt them into something
even s'more warm and gooey.

Literally doing it for the 'gram.

Hey, I hate to interrupt the fun,

looks like you're having a great time,

but I was wondering if you would
join me by the fire pit?

This is so cute!

-Do you like s'mores?
-I love s'mores.

Oh, my gosh, Caleb! Did you set this up?

Hey, you know what I'm saying.

Johnny boy over here is putting together

all these crazy scavenger hunts
and whatnot.

This feels like home,

'cause I told you about the fire pit
that I built with my sister.

Yes, exactly.

For me, s'mores are very nostalgic

because when I was at my dad's house,
as a kid, growing up…


…he would put together, like,
little family fires or barbecues

and we would just, like,
lay some wood out,

and me and my little brothers,

my little sister would go out there
and make s'mores.

Caleb continues to surprise me in,
like, every way,

and I'm just like, who is this guy
and where they made him at?

Like, ah!

[Caleb] Let's get our crackers ready.
You can have that one.

This is a good idea! I love this!

Do you like a lot of chocolate on yours?

Well, you know I like a lot of chocolate,
obviously. But…

There is not a doubt
in my mind that whenever it was

I made the decision
that I wanted to be with Justine,

that it wasn't one of
the best decisions of my life.

I think you did the best idea.

-You think so?

I think you're biased.

No, I'm serious because this, like,
really reminds me of home.

I know that I will still be thankful
for that decision days from now,

weeks from now, months from now,
and hopefully even beyond that.

I also love that you're a big family guy,
'cause I'm exactly the same way.

-10,000%. How many kids you want?

[coughs, then laughs]

You tripping. Who's paying for those kids?

I literally said I would
definitely do four.

I might need to get another job.
Kids are expensive.

Anybody want s'mores?

Marshmallows, got 'em.

-[Calvin] You gotta be patient with it.
-[Moira] Yeah.

I love the size of this marshmallow.

Same, it's such a good size.
It's such a good size.


Yeah, I was bored sitting there.


-I… So…
-Where do you wanna go?

Um… somewhere no one can see us.

-I'm just kidding.


Where do I wanna go,
or where should we go?

We should go somewhere over here.

I've never had anything like this
pretty much, where…

What are you saying?

I am matched up with somebody,
and someone comes in

and totally just blows my mind, I guess.

It's the time that hits me the hardest [/i]

It's the time that I know[/i]
You're the farthest [/i]

Can you say that it's the end [/i]


[Carrington] I feel like you are so worth
getting to know,

and I hate bringing up spark and all
that 'cause it's, like, you know,

-you could just be lying about it, but…
-No, it's a thing.

Yeah, with Laurel, was there,
like, a spark? No. But…

-It's okay. You're…


So, it was going amazing,

and then you came in
and there was that spark.

Are you okay? Can I hug you?

Come here.


[Carrington] All I wanna say
is that I am feeling you

and I am just severely attracted to you.

Can you say that it's the end [/i]

So that I can let go of you [/i]

I feel like we have both grown
so much from each other,

and I think that's why
I'm struggling with this so bad,

because I really did feel something real.

And for one girl to walk in here
and just change everything,

it's, like, heart-wrenching for me,

'cause I'm like, what did I not have
that she does?

[Justine] It's not that.
I think this is 100% about him.

Let's write a different story[/i]
One that ends where you don't leave [/i]

Let's get up and go socialize.

I'm, like, trying to hold your hand.

[narrator reading]

A game-changing re-coupling…

[Carrington] I'm just stuck in between
two amazing girls.

…and Carrington's at a crossroads.

I don't know where my head's even at.

-I am very into both of them.
-I don't know.

It's about you trying to do
what's best for yourself.
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