04x08 - Episode 8

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x08 - Episode 8

Post by bunniefuu »


On "Love Island, USA."

The first recoupling...


Caused tension.

I knew the connection you had

and like her and I have been
clicking the last few days.

You could have told me that.

You are one
of my f*cking homies and I...

Like, am I though?

Because, like,
if I was your homie,

you would've told me
about this shit, bro.

And a brother and sister...

Chazz is a cute guy
and Bria's gorgeous.

Crashed the party.

"Bria, America has voted

and wants you
to go on a date with Isaiah."

"Chazz, America wants you
to go on a date with Mady."


It takes two to tango, love.

The temperature rises.

You got something
to tell me or no?

- About what?
- Nah, bro. Cut the bullshit.

Timmy, are you running game now?

Is that what you are up to?

- We just talked.
- Liar.

Yeah, we could
take it slow, Timmy.

Watch how slow this shit go now.

And a surprise

that leaves
two Islanders on the edge.

The Islanders are still reeling

from the surprise arrival
of Chazz and sister, Bria.

Sister Bria,
have we booked a nun?

I am not sure
this is the right show for her.

I'm excited. I'm excited.

This is going to be something

I am going to have
to get used to.

I like this
brother-sister relationship.

Turns out Chazz and Bria

are brother and sister.

So, Mady and Isaiah
are coupled up.

Now, she is going
on a date with Chazz

and he's going
on a date with Bria.

To the same place.

Day of Our Lives just called,

they want
next week's story line back.

All right,
you guys have a great time.


Have fun.

Have fun.

So cute.

That's an ass.

- How are you doing?
- I'm good.

- How are you?
- Good.

I'm glad that you are
my first villa date.

Aww. That's so sweet.

Yeah, because you are
definitely one of my top.

- If not, the top.
- Okay.

Oh, God.

Just to get everybody
in the mood for their date,

I've written a little song.

I hope you like it.
Here goes.

Cheers to a beautiful night.

Cheers to America
for putting us on this date.

And cheers to your first night,
here on Love Island.

Yeah. For sure.

So, are you, like...

Would you say
you are very family oriented?

Like, how many siblings
do you have?

I am the oldest of my siblings.

- Oh, nice.
- So, I am 26.

And then, I have
a little brother, he is 18.

- Oh, wow.
- And then, my sister's 15

and she will be
a freshman in high school.

- So...
- Wow.

I'm the oldest by a lot.

They all looking up
to you, I see.

And then my parents,

they have been married for,
I think, 27 years.

So, you come
from a good, like, background.

- I do.
- That's good to hear.

They really set a good example.

So, it is important for me
to find someone

who shares the same values
and morals as me.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

I come
from a similar background.

You know, my parents were
together for 30 some odd years.

I'm the complete
opposite, though.

I am the youngest of the pack.

I have three older siblings.

One of them you just kinda met.

Yeah, just...

Did you expect us to be, like...

- I mean...
- Siblings.

Whenever you both said
you were from New Jersey,

I was kinda like,
"Maybe they know each other

"but what are the odds."

- Yeah, right.
- So, it caught me off guard.

- But I like it.
- For sure. For sure.

First off, the outfit is
giving boujee and comfortable.

- Yeah, thank you.
- You're welcome.

- You're welcome.
- I'll take that.

Yeah. You look handsome.
I like the shirt.

- I appreciate it.
- Just enough buttons.

- Just enough, right?
- Yeah. Right.

It's a little sneak peak.

I don't mind it.
I'm not mad at it.

So, kinda tell me
what your type is?

Someone who is very spontaneous.

Someone who likes to take risks.

Someone who can take a joke,
but also give a joke.

Okay. For sure.

I don't know,
someone has you know...

Some presence when they walk
into the room, you know.

Was I, like, giving that,
when I came in?

What was your first impression?

Yeah, you gave me...
My first impression

was obviously,
"Damn, you're beautiful."

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

And secondly,
you came off... I don't know.

Alpha female.

I feel like
that's a good... Yeah.

- That's a good thing, for sure.
- What about you?

I like someone
who is intelligent.

Someone who's family oriented.

Very key for me.
That's why I have this.

- I see. I noticed.
- Yes. Yes.

You are, like, dedicated.

Like, I know what I want
and I go for it.

You know what I mean?

So, I just feel,
like, I don't know.

You are nice and that's
very attractive for sure.

Also, I want a girl

that wants me,
but doesn't need me.

- I like that, for sure.
- She definitely has space.

But also at the end of the day

she knows who is coming home to.

- You know what I mean?
- Sure. I like that.

- Right. Right. Right.
- Yeah.

Just, don't know. I'm tired
of feeling jealous with Isaiah,

with other girls.

- I know.
- It sucks to see you both.

The connection that
you guys have is so strong.

What if him and Bria
also have a connection too?

I need to talk with Isaiah
and let him know my feelings.

I just hope it's not too late.


How you feeling?

I was just saying, like...

she is assertive
and what if she is just, like...

And I'm pretty sure he is...

It takes two to tango, love.

But to be fair,
she might not even like Isaiah.

- She didn't even choose.
- Yeah.

- You know.
- I miss the f*ck out of him.

Well, they are
not in a bed tonight.

So that is good.

Don't do that.

- Give her a hug, please.
- Yeah.

You know it will all work out.

What I want to know
is where is your head at,

in terms of, like,
where you stand in your couple?

It's kind of, like,

Isaiah and Andy
are both wanting Sydney.

So, basically you're saying

that you're still open
to making new connections

and getting to
know other people?

Yeah. Exactly.

I really want to be
someone's first choice.

And just... I don't know.
It's kind of...

I can tell you
and I'm gonna keep it straight.

You're definitely 10 out of 10,
blowing my scale right now.

Also, you got that
solidified right there.

- Oh, thank you.
- For sure.

I needed to hear that.
I appreciate that.

He's talking the talk.

But Nanny Zeta suspects

Timmy's is like a baby's diaper

that needs changing.

He's full of...

Well you can
finish that one yourselves.

- How are you feeling?
- I'm very happy with you.

I feel lucky that
I striked something like this,

so early in this process.

I'm not taking back
what I said at all.

I can see myself with you
outside the villa, 100 percent.

Do I know that to be true?

Do I know
what's going to happen?

I don't. I don't.

So, it's like I want to... With
you, I want to focus on, like,

day zero to now

and then continue
to take each day at a time.

Rather than focus on
the other half of things.

Because just out of,
like, protection for us.

Timmy was saying that he just
wanted to take it day by day.

Honestly, like,
I just, like, tuned out

because well, duh.

We're taking it day by day.

Like, I live life
in the present moment.

How you feeling
about the new girl?

I feel like
she's your usual type.

- Not my usual...
- I can see it in your eyes.

- You can see? You can't see.
- Yeah. f*ck yeah.

You can't see nothing
in my eyes, yo.

She's an attractive girl.

That's cool.

And I want you to

and I think you
should feel very confident

in what we have.

Come here. Look.

I trust him.

I think in this world,

all you have is your word.

So, whatever he tells me,

I'm going to take
that until proven otherwise.

You're so cute.

What do you think
love is, like, to you?

I think love is
having a lot of trust.

- Loyalty.
- Yeah.

You know what I'm sayin'?

And at the time,

my ex was, like,
the only thing I had.

And so that's
where this sense of,

like, jealousy came in.

And that's where this sense of,

like, me being
insecure about myself.

Me being insecure about her.

- Yeah.
- I feel the same way.

Like, we are in control

of, like, our own path.

If it's not us who's doing it,

it's just like no one's
going to do it for us.

We have to get
the ball rolling on our own.

- Right.
- Yeah.

Are you excited with some new...

I'm super excited, yo.

- Are you?
- Yeah.

- Like, yo, this is...
- She's gorgeous.

Yeah, she's attractive.
Yeah. Yes, she is.

Are you going
to get to know her?

Yeah, I'm looking
to know her for sure.

Bria, she's an attractive girl.

She has a nice, womanly frame.

Well, she's similar
to some of the girls

I've been with in the past.

She piques my interest,
for sure.

She... I'm piquing

and I'm interested
while I'm peeking.

So, what is missing in Zeta,

that doesn't have everything
you've ever been looking for?

No, no, it's not that.

I'm at a phase where
I'm looking for, like,

somebody to fit into my life.

- Right.
- I'm not just looking for...

Like, the connection
needs to be there

for anything else to happen.

I'm definitely a,
you know, slow and steady.

Like, I made certain mistakes
in my past

I'm not trying to make anymore.

And what's going to help me
is just to kind of go at a pace

that is just,
you know, day by day.

- What's up?
- Hey.

- How you doing?
- How do you feel?

Feeling good.
How about your date?

- How did it go?
- I thought it was really good.

Your sister,
she's stunning, bro.

- I appreciate it, my boy.
- Your welcome.

Keep her in good hands,
you know what I am saying?

I am keeping an eye
on you, you know.

What about you guys?
How is yours?

- Yeah, yeah.
- It was good. She's the best.

She's so beautiful.
It honestly went really well.

- Oh, that's so sweet.
- Yeah.

- I love it.
- Okay.

Why do you...
Why do you guys think

America chose us
to go on this date?

- I don't know.
- I don't know. I think...

I felt like Isaiah and I had
a rough couple of days.


Definitely been
through some shit.

Does that have to do

with what happened
before the recoupling?


So you knew about it?

No. Knew about what?

Andy and Sydney's kiss
before the recoupling?

Nah, I didn't know about that.


They've barely
been in five minutes,

and already new arrivals,
Bria and Chazz,

are causing friction,
tension and disputes.

The producers have got
two words for people like that:

great casting.


I want to check in
with you, too, about...

Oh girl, Bria. That bothers me.

I know she's coming for Timmy.

I told him, I was like,
"She's definitely your type."

He's like,
"I mean, yeah. She's here."

She's assertive as f*ck.

But then when he's come to me

after being like,
"I just want to know what...

"Like, I just want to
take things day by day."

Bitch, what the f*ck else
do you thing we are doing?

He also said he's
attracted to her, though.

Yeah. I mean...
I mean I don't see...

- Timmy, you little liar.
- I'm here to...

She's just yelling at me.
I don't know why?

What happened?

You running game now?

Is that what you're up to?


- What did I say?
- Is she mad at you?

I don't know. I guess now.

I'm about to go start drama.

Okay, I'm a...
I'm going to sit right here.

Timmy, are you attracted to Bri?

I told you this right here.

No, you f*cking didn't.

Of course, in my mind
I knew I was attracted to her.

But he hadn't told me verbatim,

which I need to hear it.

I just need to hear that.

So, just felt like
a bit of a lie to me.

It's one of them lies where
it's, like, you didn't lie,

but you omitted the truth.

That's where I felt like.

- Dude, she's pissed.
- Yeah.

- What did you do?
- Yeah.

We can take it slow, Timmy.
Real f*cking slow.

Watch... watch how
slow your shit go now.

What happened?

Oh, is it...

I felt like the night
was going pretty well.



You're in trouble.

I'm in trouble.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

Yo, at dinner Chazz told Isaiah,

that Andy kissed Sydney.

Yo, and it was
before the recoupling.

Yo, and everyone's
about to find out.


g*ng in this bitch, hey!

Please, come up.

Yeah, yeah. It was
going for a hot minute.

Yeah. Yeah.

- How was it?
- Okay.

Was it separate?
Was it together?

Chazz mentioned
about you and Andy kissing

before the recoupling.

Says he saw it on TV,

and Isaiah's not happy at all.

He's like family and I think...

Shit just got f*cked up
even more.

Like, right when I'm starting
to realize my feelings.

What happened, Mady?

There was a kiss

between Andy and Sydney
before the recoupling.

And I feel like
Isaiah is a little heated.

It's surreal
being in here though.

I'm still getting used to it,
not going to lie.

Are you guys used to it?

Andy? Andy?

- Lets go have a chat, bro.
- Yeah.

Oh, that looks like a fight.

Oh shit, he's calling him over.

Andy's about to
get ripped a new one.

- Oh, shit.
- What's going on?

All right, bro.

You got something
to tell me or no?

About what?

That's it, bro.

What about it?

You got something
to tell me or no?

About what?

You got something
to tell me, or no?

An... anything in specific?

Like I said bro,

you got something
to tell me or no?

I'm trying to figure out
where... what...

Nah, bro. Cut the bullshit.

You got something
to tell me or no?

Other than... Like, what...
Other than... other than...

What has
transpired between her and I?

You got something
to tell me or no, bro?

Have we kissed? Yeah.

Other than that,
I don't really know what...

Why the f*ck
didn't you tell me, bro?

That's it.

- Like, that's... that's...
- Yeah.

I just don't understand, bro.

I don't f*cking understand, bro.

It doesn't make any sense, yo.

Bro code was
f*cking just destroyed, bro.

Like, I have no f*cking respect
for you no more.

I don't even know...
Why would I, bro?

Not only did you do me dirty
with the whole f*cking pick,

you did me dirty on,
you know, kissing Sydney, bro.

Why does Andy
keep grabbing his tea?

- Like...
- He's scared.

Did you not just hear that clap?

That shit
echoed around the villa.

That shit said...
That shit said...

Mom, can you come pick me up?

Like my respect
for you is gone, bro.

And that's fine.

And I know you
don't give a f*ck, bro.

- I do give a f*ck.
- No, you don't give a f*ck.

You just said, "It's fine, bro."

You don't care.

- You don't care.
- I do care.

If you cared,
you would have said some shit.

That's it. Chop it up.

I would love a man
to act like that.

- Me too.
- Because I kissed someone.

- That was hot.
- You know what?

This give me Tyler energy.
This give me Tyler energy.

- This gave me Tyler energy.
- What's up, baby?

That didn't end well.
Isaiah is f*cking fuming.

- Sydney?
- Yes.

- Let's go chat.
- What?

Let's go chat.

Just breathe. Breathe, breathe.

Did she give Isaiah shit
for kissing Mady?

- No.
- Oh, she didn't?

- No. Okay.
- She didn't say shit.

You got something to tell me?

That Andy kissed me
before the recoupling.

- I didn't initiate it.
- You were down though, right?

- I was telling everyone...
- Just say yes or no.

I was telling everybody in the
villa tonight that I like you.

And I was going to tell you
as soon as you got back here.

You... I mean, f*ck.

Literally ask anybody.

It isn't about the kiss,

it is about the res...
I mean, like, bro.

It just doesn't make any sense.

Well, you kissed Mady

as soon as you
got into bed with her.

And I didn't know
about that until Mady told me.

I just don't
deserve this disrespect, bro.

Especially from
that dumb ass, bro.

I just don't f*cking like...
I don't like that kid, bro.

You obviously gave him some
signs to be doing that shit.

It doesn't make sense.

You like a cookie...

Cookie cutter ass
Midwest boy like that.

No, I try to get
myself to like him.

And it wasn't happening.

I'm sorry.

How this all went down.

I do like you a lot.

I miss cuddling you.

Can I touch your hair?

Yeah, that's fine.

I need to apologize to Timmy.

Uh-huh. You do.

Calling him a liar, isn't fair.

Calling him
a joker across the villa.


Please do.

Timmy was like,
"What the f*ck is going on?"

- Was he scared?
- Yeah.

He was like, "I think
I need to go talk to my boys."

We were like,
"Go fix that shit."

I'm sorry.
Timmy, do you want to talk?

Let's go over here.

- He's pissed off.
- Yeah. Get it, girl.

He's like, "Did you
really come at me like that?"

Yeah, I feel like
I just need to talk to him

and apologize, really.

Because if he was

to scream across
the villa like that to me,

I would f*cking kick off.

I hate that he's seeing that

but that's the feeling I felt

and I just kind of went with it.

Yeah, so first off,

I should apologize for kicking
off for at you like that.

I feel like that was
really disrespectful of me.

- So, I'm really sorry.
- I appreciate that.

We just had a conversation
about how you wanted to, like,

slow things down.

So that was...
My guard was up from that.

Then I go over there
and I hear Sereniti be like,

"Yeah, Deb asked him
if he's attracted to her."

And he was like, 'Yeah.'"

So, I was just like naturally,
my guard was just like,

"What the f*ck?"

Like, you know,
I was just really upset.

So, came out really incorrectly.

I don't want to ever
yell at you like that.

For her to just kind of respond
like that is not great.

But you know,

I'm also not going
to throw everything out.

Bria came in,
who I find attractive.

I understand how
that can make a whirlwind.

So, I want to give Zeta
the benefit of the doubt

because I know there's
a lot of emotions involved.

Do you accept my apology?

100 percent accept your apology.

- Yeah?
- For sure.

Okay. Are you mad at me?

No, I am not mad.

Just a spoiled brat.

I'm like, he's going to be like,

this bitch is batshit crazy.

I know you're crazy.

This is exactly why I didn't say

I could see us
outside the villa.

The Islanders
are hitting the hay.

And it's the first time
Chazz and Bria

have shared a bedroom together
since last Thanksgiving

when they stayed
at their Uncle Pete's.

You're a spoiled brat, admit it.

I'm not.

- Yeah. She's fine now, bro.
- Right.

Got to give her
a little good night kiss.

- You know what I'm saying?
- Right. Right.

I wear the pants
in this relationship.

I was... I was honestly
super happy when they said Mady.

- I was like, "Yeah."
- Really?

Do you think Chazz
and you have a chance at all?

On the date, he was so sweet.


I'm happy with how
you handled yourself.

Yeah, you're doing very well.

I thought you were
going to be f*cking balling

like over the relationship.

- It will be okay?
- Yeah. I hope.

I feel like Timmy was,
like, really giving me the eye.

If you feel like that,
then he was.

- Is she a cool girl?
- Yeah, bro.

She definitely a vibe for sure.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

The Islanders
are hoping to erase

all memory of the night before.

I never have that problem.

Such as the magic of blackouts.

Top of the morning.

Good morning, Islanders.

I wake up
and the titties is tittying


Can't relate to
the titties tittying.

Isaiah was in my dream.
I don't know.

There was a hawk

that ripped through my door

and started attacking
my dog's leg...

- and Isaiah lit it on fire.
- Oh, man!

Not him just coming
to set your life on fire.

That's very steamy.

Just a little kick.

Just a little kick in
the pants, you know?

Good morning, my guy.

How are you feeling?

I'm... I'm feeling good,

And, like,
I obviously apologize for Timmy

for kicking off like that.

I thought it was hot.

- Did you?
- Yeah.

I... I just
thought it was so tight.

- Did you?
- It was so embarrassing.

No, it's not.
It was... That's great.

- We've got new people here.
- I know.

I feel like most
of you are going to have to

make her feel comfortable,
because I already know

she's about to steal my lad,
so I ain't got it in me.

Timmy's going to be hella sweet,

- giving her so much advice.
- Yeah.

Be so loving.

This is all, like,
a lot of, like, thinking.

I know.

- Wow!
- Burn your shit.

Oh, it's hot.

So you and Zeta, you know,

- cleared things up last night?
- Shit, bro.

I went through a little ride
last night, man.

We got enough history
as of right now

for me to give it
the benefit of the doubt.

So, I didn't trip on it.

I didn't try to make her feel
any type of way,

and then she's like,
"It'll never happen again."

So she said everything, right?

And I ain't going to trip, so.

- I love the way she talks, bro.
- Yeah?

You joker.

You joker!

Man, Chazz seemed
like a dope ass guy, bro.

Yeah, I mean,
the sister's here, you know?

I'm gonna have a go with her.

You're going to have a chat
with the dude?

Yeah. Yeah.
I'll definitely have a chat.

You can't not try.

I feel good about Sereniti,

but then Mady
was in my top three

since I came in here.

Definitely I wanna get
to know her a little bit more

- and see the possibilities.
- What are you going to say?

Anything we say around him,
he can go back

and tell his sister
and his sister going back

to tell the rest of the girls.

I never even
thought about that either.

- Yeah.
- We're not talking that bad.

We're not talking bad
about our girls, though.

There's certain stuff
that we say here.

Like, I want
to get to know Mady.

Bria's gonna say it to them.

- And it's just going to go down.
- Yeah.

So what's your game plan today?

I've seen enough
of "Love Island" in my time

to know it's not going to apply

when you spend 90% of your day

chatting with your sister.

Timmy, I feel like
I have a couple of questions.

Like, I kind
of wanna see where he's at.

What about you, though?

Like, I need you
to move with intention too.

- My game plan?
- Like, I wanna know.

I am moving with intention,

it's just that
the day just started.

- You know what I'm saying?
- I don't care.

I wake up with a plan, yo!

I'm gonna talk to everybody.
I'm gonna talk to Sereniti

without the death stare

of Darth Tyler in the area,

staring down and just
giving her the eye, you know?

Just... I'm just
irritated this morning.

- I'm gonna throw something.
- What's wrong?

It's just our first night
and I was excited and, like,

you know,
I dressed up titties tittying.

And your titties were tittying.

Yeah, I looked A1
and he didn't even see it.

That's why I was just like,
"Like, a new person comes in

"and you didn't even
make me feel comfortable."

Do we need to go pee on her bed?

- Aw, Sereniti!
- It makes me upset.

I'm just, like...

Come here. Come here.

It's like, "Why would you, like,
make it clear that you like me?

"Why don't you
just make it clear

- "that you like me?"
- Yeah.

He has been with,
like, his words, though.

- Yeah.
- That's the thing.

It is like actions
speak louder than words.

Value of words are
very, very light to me.

Yeah, they're cheap.

The cheapest thing on the block.

I wonder who's planning
on having a chat with me.

I'm to chat it up
and see who is feeling you.

That's another thing
I wanna ask the guys.

Do you feel like
they'll tell you the truth?

Because they know
you're going to tell me.

I feel like
they'll tell me the truth.

I feel like they
have no reason not to.

I don't think I'm gonna
ask the girls about you.

Or... or should I? No?

You don't have to.

- Did you get a text?
- Yeah.

"Bria and Chazz, tonight
you will steal an islander

from an existing couple.

Bria, you will choose a girl

for your brother
to couple up with."

"Chazz, you will pick
a boy for your sister."

We have the power in our palms.


- Yeah.
- Yo!

Even though I have to make
the ultimate decision

of who my sister is
going to be coupling up with,

I definitely also have to do

some window shopping
with the girls.

- Hello, Deb?
- Yeah.

Is it cool if I pull you
for a chat real quick?

Yeah, of course.

My phone turned on.

First of all, you're, like,
a lot better in person.

- You think so?
- Yeah.

Oh, thank you.
Thank you, I appreciate that.

You're very,
very attractive yourself.

Thank you, we have
a ten out of ten for you.

- Ten out of ten?
- Yeah.

Not the f*ckin'.


So Jesse and I were in, like,
a love triangle for a while.

- I noticed.
- We finally just got out, so.

I'm, like,
happy with him right now.

- Right.
- But...

- Yeah.
- What turns you on?

Um, honestly, like,
someone who's pretty dominant.

I find that really attractive.

- Yeah?
- What about you?

Shit. A girl that's good
at flirting.

You know what I'm saying?

Not all girls
are good at flirting.

What are some of the things
you look for in a guy?

The foundation is, like,
honesty and trust and loyalty.

And I also look for someone
with a good sense of humor.

Like us, like, automatically,
like, laughing off the bat.

It's just, like,
it felt so natural.

So I feel like I can really just

vibe with you
and laugh with you.

- I love that.
- Yeah. Hell, yeah.

That's dope.
I like it. I like it.

I was, like,
appalled at the fact

that people were just,
like, overlooking you

and your beauty
and not giving you the attention

- that you deserve.
- I appreciate that.

Because I was starting to feel
like the ugly duckling in here.

No, I was, like, I was so mad.

I was like,
"I need to show Sereniti, like,

"the attention that she deserves

"because, like,
this is unacceptable."

You were definitely, like,

the one that
I really wanted to talk to

- Really?
- As soon as I got up in here.

But then, I'm just saying
and making it known, all right?

No. I appreciate it.

I like someone
that makes it clear.

It's going to be
a little bit tough

trying to get me
romantically right now,

just because
I'm trying to, like,

figure out this Tyler situation.

But I... I'm interested

in figuring out more about him.

Yeah, I definitely
think that the villa

has to watch out for you, too.

You guys are definitely
after what you want, so.

- Yeah. We are.
- Like, y'all are scary!

We going, we going get it too.

- I'm sorry to say.
- And burn some bridges.

You say, "We're going
to come and get it."

You could come and get it too.

Better watch out, then!

Thank you for
taking your sunglasses off.

Of course. Yeah, I mean...

And you kinda knew that

because I was definitely
gonna say something.

- Of course. No, I got manners.
- Okay, cool.

You are someone who,
like, caught my eye.

I like someone who's, like...

humble, but brings out,
like, big d*ck energy.

- And I feel like that was you.
- I appreciate that.

And so, like,
I really liked that about you.

That's, like,
that's my vibe, too.

You definitely caught my eye.

I'm sure you see
the situation I'm in with Zeta.

I don't know if you
had any questions on that.

We can dive into it.

I feel like, let's see,
like, what we have first.

I feel like
that's most important.

But yeah, so kind of tell me,
like, what you're looking for.

I would love to, like,
watch this movie of life

- with somebody.
- For sure.

I think a lot of young men

are trying to get
the next k*ll and all that.

Like, I grappled with that.
I'm done.

- You think that...
- Say no more!

Say no more.
Enough said. Enough said.

I'm just saying,
like, at this point

I know you want
somebody next to you that

sees more than just,
like, the physical.

Like, that friendship
is huge for me.

Yeah. I'm with you on that.

I wanna have a relationship
where it's, like, mutual.

Like, we're on the same page
about how we feel.

And, like, I want respect
because I give that.

Bria pulled up and, like,
kind of checked some boxes.

Like, surface level for sure,

I think she
might reciprocate that

and that's... that's definitely
a nerve wracking situation.

- Are you stressing?
- Me?

Not in the sense of, like,

"Oh, I know
he's not going anywhere,"

but, just, I'm not stressing.

So I do want him
to feel comfortable enough

to, like, get to know people.

I think as the days go on,

I've got to this point
with Timmy,

where the connection
he and I share is so strong.

I think you just
can't control anything in here

and these bombshells are
going to come in and bombshell.

If you take anything from this,

it's that I don't f*cking play.

- Yeah.
- Get it? Note that.

All right. Wow! I like that.

You know,
you're about to get torn up now.


Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

Real estate agent Andy thought

his relationship with
Sydney was a fixer-upper.

My advice?

Burn it down
and claim the insurance.

I think you
and I are probably on

the kind of
the same page right now

- with where we're at.
- Yeah.

I didn't realize
my feelings for Isaiah

- were, like, actually there.
- Yeah.

And I didn't like,
you know, seeing him upset.

- It really f*cked me up.
- Yeah.

And I think it made me realize

that I actually
do really like him.

Yeah, and that was kind
of the same situation with...

- Mady.
- With Mady and I.

I also wanted to apologize
to you because, like,

it does take two
to tango, you know?

No, there's no hard feelings.

And, you know,
this is best for both of us.

- I wanted to give you a hug.
- Yes.

Let's go back and I'm glad

- we're on the same page.
- Me too.

And kind of clearing up
the air a little bit.

No, I just wanted to chat
with you just 'cause

I feel like I was
a little bit in my head,

trying to figure you out.

I don't know, sometimes I just
feel like you don't like me.

Get out your head, girl.

I like you,
I like where we're at right now.

I do too.

He tells me how he
is just attracted to me,

which I really like.

But I'm in the midst
of trying to figure out

if his words
and actions are matching,

just because it's more of, like,

me initiating kissing
and touching with Tyler.

So, um...

Oh, gosh, that kid,
like, aggravates me,

because I, like,
like him so much.

But sometimes I just
want him to just pull me

and show me that, like,
he's really into me as well.

I'm gonna make it easier.
I'm going to try my best.

I'm gonna start...

doing out of pocket shit.

Don't get reckless. Okay, do it.

Since Andy
stole Sydney at the recoupling,

Isaiah has been
waiting in the wings.

I could make
another waiter joke,

but I'm better than that.

what's on the menu? Sorry.

- What's up?
- What's up?

So, with this
whole Andy situation,

how... how is it?

- Like, really?
- Like, how am I feeling?

Yeah, just let me know.

I don't...
I'm not interested in him.

Like, at all.

So is that, like, precoupling

and you didn't know,
but, like, now you do?

Yeah. I was really overwhelmed.

I've never done that
situation before, you know?

Every time I talked to him
I was just thinking about you.

Like I like you a lot.

I'm the same way.

That was good to hear, you know?

That definitely livened up the
mood a little bit this morning,

just... just hearing
some subtle things like that.

Um, I think it was just, like,

a sense of putting
out a fire that...

needed to be put the f*ck out.

This is turning me on.

Good. As you should.

And you make my vag*na tingle.

- Good.
- That's how I know I like a boy.

Brother and sister,
Chazz and Bria, are very close.

I mean, not right now.

There's, like,
three feet between them.

So how did your conversation go?

Let's hear about Jesse.

We really did have
a great conversation,

and I feel like that's someone
I could talk to about anything

and talk to him for, like,
a long period of time.

My thing, though, is, like,

I still feel like
it's a little risky.

He might maybe, like,
wanna explore, but then,

he's gonna go back to
Deb at the end of the day

and I don't have time to waste.

The one with
Timmy was kind of, like,

"I like your vibe.
Like, I like how you came in."

Like, his emotional intelligence
is really high.

And, um, I'm open to,
like, getting to know him more.

- Now, with me and Mady.
- Yeah.

I definitely think she's...

a very beautiful
and independent woman.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Like, I thought
our first date went well.

- I chatted with Sereniti.
- Yeah.

- And it went really well.
- Did it?

I loved... I love talking to her.

Her personality is very bubbly.

If she was to be with somebody

who had the same or similar,
like, personality traits as her,

I feel like that would just
bring out even the best in her.

And basically,
I definitely feel like

I could take her from Tyler.

Tonight, I'm going
to talk to the girls

and kind of get,
like, their view on things,

to kinda see where they...
Where they stand.

And, like,
I will talk to Jesse and Timmy

and pick his brain
and see where he's at.

Well played. Well played, right?

- Yeah. Well played.
- Yeah?

Very well played.


- Oh, yeah.
- Oh, yeah.

- Hey, Tyler.
- What's up?

Do you want to go for a talk?

After you eat. Sorry.

No. You're good. Come on.

I'm sorry.

You're coming
with the peanut butter?

I'm good, it's probably best

that you took me, anyway.

Otherwise, I'm going to eat
the whole f*cking jar.

I love some celery.

- Want some?
- Nah.

Actually, yeah.

- Oh, they're going for a chat.
- Oh, true.

I know Mady did say she was

- quite interested in Tyler.
- Mm-hmm.

But I think she's obviously
laid off because of Sereniti.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm.

All right. What's going on?
How are you?

I'm ready to not be in this,

like, square thing anymore.

- Your little love square?
- Yeah.

How are you feeling
with your situation

and Sereniti and everything?

I'm good, I'm, um...

She's a great girl
and everything but, like,

I am interested in you.

And I wanna tell
Sereniti that, too.

So, I was going to
pull you at some point

today or tonight, too,
so I'm glad you pulled me.

How's your day going?

Thought it was good for a second

and then I just see
some movement happening.

Over there?

Life is a struggle
for Sereniti here.

I just... I can't find...
Seem to find someone

that just wants me for...
And strictly me.

So, seeing that, that hurt.
That hurt a little bit.

I haven't
spoken to him about it.

I just remember him
saying that she was in his top.

- That would bother me.
- That's aggravating.

- But, whatever.
- Yeah.

I mean,
it was a lovely chat, Mady.

It was so lovely.
Thank you for chatting with me.

- Come here.
- Oh, there. They're done.


- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- She's looking happy.
- f*ck off!

How'd your chat go?

I'll talk to you in a little bit

- about it.
- Huh?

I said I'll talk to you
about it in a little bit.


Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

I haven't seen that many people

walk out a door at once

since my last stand-up tour
in America.

And what the Islanders
don't know,

is that Bria and Chazz

are about to split up
two couples.

For Chazz and Bria,

choosing suitable partners
for each other

is a big responsibility.

They wouldn't want
to choose someone unfit.

none of them are unfit,

but you know what I mean.

Obviously, like,

I want to look out for,
like, my brother.

I want to, like, look out
for his best interest.

And, yeah, we're going
to cut right to the chase.

I want to get to know
your sister for sure,

because she caught my eye.

And after that first convo,
I was intrigued.

I would like to see what else
could potentially be there.

At the end of this,
you want someone that you have,

like, a good vibe with,
someone that you can...

I just wanna be liked.
I want someone that likes me.

That I don't have
to sit here and be, like,

begging for someone to like me.

I'll kick off any time.

If someone comes in here
to talk to Timmy, you know?

I'm just upset with him,
'cause all the girls tell me

that they're feeling him
and he knows it,

so he's walking
around with a big head.

- I just...
- You know you're awesome.

Yeah, I just want him to know.

This is a tricky situation
for me.

I wanna be honest
as I can moving forward

and I definitely
value Zeta a lot.

You know, obviously we had
our date nights yesterday.

How do you feel about that?

You know, it's, like,
a possible connection.

I think he's incredible
and I love, like,

all the effort
and attention he's given me.

I like that a lot.

I know that you like,
had a nice little chat

- with my sister.
- Yeah.

I just wanted to see.
So, what are your intentions?

Like, what are
you here looking for?

Yeah, I'm looking for love, man.

I'm looking to really
find someone

that I'm truly compatible with,

that I could see myself with,
you know, outside of here.

It's time for Bria and Chazz

to reveal their big secret.

Not that they broke
their mum's antique vase

and blamed it on their dog,
it's that they're sending

two couples to Splitsville.

I'm a little nervous.
I'm not going to lie.

But I think that
we ultimately will make

the best decision,
um, for one another.

I got a text!

"Islanders, tonight,
Bria and Chazz will couple up.

"Bria will choose a girl
to couple up with Chazz.

"Chazz will choose a boy
to couple up with Bria."


Y'all are wild.

"Two Islanders will be
left single and vulnerable.



I think I'm outta here.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

Time for the biggest
brother-sister steal

since Luke Skywalker
got Princess Leia back

from Jabba the Hutt.

I chose this girl
to couple up with Chazz,

because sisters
kinda always know best.

I know, like, what Chazz needs.

I feel like this girl
knows what she wants.

I respect her and I feel like

Chazz is capable
of giving her...

what she's looking for.

So the girl I want
Chazz to couple up with is...


I've chosen this boy
to couple up with Bria,

because I feel
like this boy will keep

my sister's
intentions and feelings

in his best interest.

I feel like they have
a best chance

of their
relationship blossoming.

Um, I feel like
they vibe together,

and I feel like
he is a respectable man.

And I feel like
he will be somebody

who is able to
treat a woman right,

the way that my sister
deserves to be treated.

So the boy I want
Bria to couple up with is...


Kick rocks.


Smart move.

"Zeta and Tyler,

"you are now
single and vulnerable.

One of you will
leave the villa tonight.

Who goes and who stays
will be decided

by your fellow Islanders."

Shut the f*ck up!


Tomorrow night.

f*ck the brother and sister.

They just come in
and just start wrecking shit.

It's decision time
for the Islanders.

It just sucks we got
to make the decision.

But who stays...

I think this is so f*cked.

f*cking uncomfortable
sending one of them home.

And who goes?
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