04x10 - Episode 10

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x10 - Episode 10

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Love Island USA."

One boy was dumped.

Two new faces hit the villa.

What's up, ladies?

Bryce and Jack.
Bryce and Jack.

Never seen a straight man
wear leather pants like that.

And two girls clashed.

You were trying
to give me the cold shoulder.

It don't matter.

I don't gotta explain
to you nothing, sweetheart.

- It was nice talking to you.
- I wish I could say the same.

Yeah, and even if you don't,
you're just a hater.


I see some snakes
in here, though.

- Girls or boys?
- The boys.

The new boys get to work.


And one boy...

- Really?
- Yeah.

Is in double trouble.

It just sucks
because as much as I have

such chemistry with Timmy,

and I really do wanna
believe in what we have...

I just don't trust the boy.

to "Love Island USA."

Two new boys
have just hit the villa

so come on down, guys,
the Bryce is right.

And I believe
that's Jeff on the left.

Nice to meet you.

Hi, how are you?

- How you doing?
- You're missing me completely.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

Good. Zeta.

Jeff is an exciting guy.

I mean, the boy's fit.

Let's just get it out there.

Let's just
get it out of the way.

- I'm Mady.
- Mady. Bryce.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Bryce, he caught my eye.

He is everything
I find attractive.

He's got dark hair, facial hair.

That's what
I've been waiting for.

You're good at popping bottles?

- I can.
- Yeah?

Bryce is definitely
husband material.

Like, he's a cutie.

Welcome to the party.

Why y'all leave
the boys up there?

Oh, they're okay.

- They're in the dog house.
- Okay.

That's how you do
that shit, though.

- I'mma toast it up.
- Okay.

Toast to... to a great...

You feel me, y'all are gorgeous.

All of y'all gorgeous for sure.

I do appreciate
beautiful women, you know?

- Really?
- For sure.

- Yeah.
- Welcome to the villa!

We'll have
a great time for sure.

Cheers to the old boys.

We got new boys
and the shrimp boys.

Po' boys.

Po' boys. Po' boys.

Cheers to that, boys!

Uh, the fire's warm!

So... so I wanna... I wanna get
to know all of y'all.

I didn't mind
seeing Jeff walk through

because he looks good.

He's giving player-player,

like, if I...
If I'm being honest.

Obviously, you've been
watching the show, right?


Has anyone,
like, just energy-wise

caught your... have caught eye?

I don't kiss and tell.

But you've not kissed yet.

It's... I mean, I see
some snakes in here, though.


- Girls... girls or boys?
- Some boys.

- Really?
- Oh, f*ck!

- Really?
- There're snakes.

They've said they're snakes.

Shut the... yo.

That's cute.
That's cute.

So, I think
I'm in the situation.

They're... they're
hitting you hard?

They're gonna... I'm getting hit
in the... in the gut right now.

Swerve! Bah!

- Zeta?
- Yeah.

Oh, my gosh,
you said my name right!

- Yeah.
- I love that.

Come on,
I wasn't gonna say "Zata."

I practiced and shit.
I wanted to.

- Did you?
- You feel me?

- Can I give you a hug for that?
- Come on now.

I feel like you guys
should switch seats for that.

- You feel me?
- I do.

I just... I'm a sweetheart.

My mama... my mama raised
me right, that's all.

And we're just snooping.

You know, just a couple
of dogs on the roof snooping.

We... we... Nobody was tripping

but obviously we just had
our ears and eyes peeled.

So, why are you here
on Love Island?

- I'm trying to find love.
- Are you really?


- How old are you again?
- 24.

I mean, 25, I'm tripping.

When was your last relationship?

My last relationship
was last year.

- Same.
- Yeah.

Uh, it was... I don't know.

- It was just, like...
- Scarring?

I wouldn't say...
I wouldn't say it was scarring,

but, like, it was
just like... it was...

She was in one place, I was in
a different place type shit.

- Bryce?
- Yeah.

- What's your type?
- I go off of energy.

I don't really have
a type. I've dated...

Have you dated
Black women before?

- I have.
- It looked real good today.

It's up there.
We were... It's up there.

It's up there.

- Yeah. Let's get it, boy.
- Let's get it.

Just be yourself, y'all.
That's it.

- Yeah.
- Just be what you be.

Hey, fellas?

Come through, man.

- Come through?
- Yeah.

- Say less.
- Come on in, baby.

It definitely
doesn't feel the best night

to be the newest guy
in the villa.

You know, it kinda
makes us feel like old news,

but it is what it is,
you know what I'm saying?

What's up, baby?
Jeff. How're you doing?

- What's up?
- What's up? I'm Chazz.

- How're you doing?
- Nice to meet you.

- What's up, man? What up, man?
- Chazz.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

- What's up, bro?
- Good. Good.

Byrce. Good to meet you.
How're you doing, man?

Pretty good. Pretty good.
Having a good night?

I'm pretty sure
they're going to shake up

the room a little bit, man,

and definitely,
definitely gotta get

on my toes
a little bit, you know?

They never said it was
gonna be easy finding love,

so this is what we gotta do.

- So, Bryce?
- Yeah, bro?

Who are you interested in?

- Like top three? Top three?
- I don't got a top three.

I don't got a top one right now.

We ain't heard shit.

I'm keeping my options open,
thinking about it.

Play the field, baby.

You're more than welcome to
play the field, just say

- who you think is pretty.
- Instead of who

you think is pretty, what's
your type on paper? Let me see.

My type? I like nice eyes.
I like a beautiful smile.

Like, you know,
feet ain't looking crazy.

I think
that we should all play a game.

- Let's play a game.
- Yeah.

In Zeta's English homeland,

party games can be anything

from lawn balls to hunting
down a fox on horseback.

But she's in America,

so reluctantly
suggested beer pong.

Go on, Bria, flick of the
wrist, flick of the wrist.

Oh, my God.
That was terrible.

- She's off the champagne.
- Yeah.

That was really bad.
I'm so sorry.

Bria, truth or dare.

I think I'm going to do a dare.

- Dare?
- Yeah.

Kiss your top two.


I wonder
if Chazz is going to watch.

- No.
- Bria! Bria! Bria!


Oh, shit.

You know what is,
like, really annoying,

is that I was kind of
annoyed at that.

I'm like, "Who am I?"
Like, ugh.

And best for last.

Okay, that was a cute kiss.

Like, it was
over way too soon, like...

That's honestly how I feel.

All right, baby.

You got it.

- Truth or dare, Courtney.
- Let's do dare.

Out of the two guys
that just showed up,

kiss who you are
most interested in.

I knew it.
I knew it. I knew it.

- Did you know it?
- Yeah.


He's a really good kisser.
I'm like, "Damn!"

An Italian stallion right there.

I can show.

I dare you

to snog the Islander

that you find
the most fit other than Deb.

- Oh, sh**t!
- Don't.

Don't do this.

Oh, my gosh!

I said snog, not peck.

I actually, like,
really enjoyed kissing Jesse.

I kept it classy and cute

because, you know, we remember,
my dad's a bishop.

We keep it cute and holy.

- Truth or dare, Timmy?
- We're going to do a truth.

Who would you rather be
in a couple with

right now, at this very moment?

- Oh, shit.
- Zeta.

Oh, shit!

Right now, for sure.

That's very sweet, Timmy.

I hate
that I like Timmy so much.

I actually hate it.

Like, I hate it.

I'm proud of you.

That was cute.


I wasn't expecting that
to be your answer,

and I was just kind of bummed.

I'm out, Zeta.

- Truth or dare?
- Dare.

Okay, I double dog dare you

to snog three of the Islanders.

- I'm scared.
- I'm scared.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

Oh, wow!

You're a Playboy!

Oh, my God!


Oh, my God.

- Wow.
- Wow. Oh, damn!

Last one?

The kiss was good.
He's a passionate guy.

I was obviously really excited
for Timmy to see that.

I just want a little bit of
jealousy in that boy's bones.

I don't know how he's feeling.

I hope he's feeling something.

I think he is.

But he holds his cards
close to his chest.

I wouldn't know, would I?

I'd have to ask someone else.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Timmy is upset
because in the beer pong game

Jeff kissed Bria and Zita.

You know what I would do
if Jeff kissed my girl?

Absolutely nothing.

That bloke could snap
my larynx like a matchstick.

He kissed my girls.

He kissed both of them, man!

He kissed both of them.

- Yeah, man.
- Yeah.

You know, I'm pretty confident

what I already
put out there for both women

and they're going to make the
best decision for themselves.

Okay, now spill.

Bryce is more, like,

- boyfriend material.
- Yeah.

- Like outside the villa energy.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Jeff is more one-time f*ck,
but best f*ck of your life.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Yeah.

- The f*ck is going on?
- Bryce is a hottie.

I love some dark hair
and facial hair.

- Super respectful, though.
- Yeah.

Like, just his vibe.
You know what I mean?

How you feel
about the new fellas?

Bryce, he gives me...
He gives me a good vibe.

What about you, Felipe?

Bryce, you know, like, I knew

Courtney likes
that type of the guys

because she likes the guys
with beards or something.

She opened to me, you know?

Well, I feel
all the girls from there,

they need to see something more

to change what they have
in mind, you know?

I feel we're doing
really good with Courtney.

Of course
we are already, you know, like,

if they come to Courtney or not,

I know
she's going to know the guys.

But I'm... I'm confident
with myself, you know?

So, I don't like
to stress myself or anything.

Jeff's wasting no time

moving in
on British au pair, Zeta.

In fact, you could say it's
only taken him "Nanny" seconds.

I thank you.


He said,
he said, "Come here!"

- Yeah.
- That's our vibe!

They look cute together,
I'm not going to lie.

Watch this, look... look
at Jeff's game right now.

So, Jeff kissed
Bria first, right?

But then he chose Zeta right
now for the little one-on-one.

- Mm-hmm.
- That's an interesting game.

I'm peeping everything.
I understand. I get that.

- I enjoyed our kiss.
- Did you?

Hell, yeah.
Come on, now.

I know... I know you're ready

to find that man,
you see what I'm saying?


And I'm that man, you feel me?

I'll be talking shit, you know?

I know you chat shit.
I know you do.

No, but I just
want to know, like,

you know, in depth,
like, what's up with you?

Yeah, so, obviously,
I've been single for six years.

Just... just
really ready to, like,

have someone, like,
I can just come home to.

And, like...
Like, I really want that.

How you feel about dating
somebody younger than you?

You're only
four years younger than me.

- Yeah.
- That's not that much at all.

Age really isn't anything
but a number.

So, like, I...
I'm not closed off to that.

I... I was just asking

because, shit,
I like my cougars too, so...

My God!
Am I cougar now?

You feel me?

I've entered
the cougar chat now.

It was nice chatting to him.

I felt really wanted.

He's like a pit bull.

You know, pit bulls
are really, really sweet

when you just have them
and you get to know them.

So, obviously
I'm not comparing him to a dog,

but I'm just using it
as a metaphor

or an analogy, whatever.

- You got big sexual energy?
- Hell yeah.

I love sex.
I ain't gonna lie.

- Really?
- Hell yeah.

I've been celibate
for a long time.

- For real?
- Mm-hmm.

- I had too for a little minute.
- Yeah?

How long is a little minute?
Like an actual minute?

- Months.
- Months?

- Been months.
- Really?

- Hell yeah.
- By choice?

- Yeah, by choice.
- That's good.

You know, my...
My DMs be going crazy.

You said
you're a stylist, right?

Mm-hmm. And then I want
to start a charity and...

- That's noble. Yeah.
- Thanks.

What cause?

Um, I think
I wanna do it for, like,

starving children in Korea.

- Oh, okay.
- Mm-hmm.

- Are you Korean...
- Yeah, I'm half Korean.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- Have you been to Seoul?
- No, but my mom's from there.

- Okay.
- Have you?

I haven't been to Korea.
I've been to Japan.

- Oh, did you love it?
- Yeah. Japan is like...

Courtney is a breath
of fresh air for me.

She's everything that I'm
looking for right now in a girl

and I truly hope that

I'm everything that
she's looking for in a man.

Timmy is taking Bria

to show her his bushy arch hole.

There's a...
There's an arch-shaped hole

and in the... in the bush.

Yeah, you know, new guys,
new... new vibes here.

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

I mean, Jeff, he...

He's definitely
fond of Bria, like...

- Yeah. He looks like my type.
- Got you.

And I don't want somebody
that I would normally go for.

I just know in my gut
how I feel about it.

- I'm hearing. I'm hearing.
- I'm... I'm all right.

He'd really have to do
something insane and I just...

Even then,
I'm just not buying it.

You know, seeing
how you read situations

and... and kind of
know where you're at,

that's... that's really...
That's really dope.

Yeah, but then you'd rather be
coupled up with Zeta

so then I was like, "Huh"?

I'm, like, confused.

If that's what you wanted,

that's what you
should have been saying.

Like, why am I just
now hearing this?

Me and Zeta have built something

since day one,
since I've been here.


That... that holds some weight.

I am interested in you

and I am putting
the effort with Zeta on pause

because I'm trying
to get to know you

and see exactly

where things are going
to head with me and you.

And I'm learning
about you every day.

I appreciate it.

I feel like you... you know,
I believe what you say.

I do you think you're honest.

Like, I...
I'm a very attentive dude,

so I'm just saying I really,
like where we're going.

After my chat with Timmy,
I kind of felt super reassured

and I felt like
I was gonna be his priority.

He took a risk on me

and, like, I'm really happy
to, like, pursue it

and see where it goes now.

So, I can kinda meet him
where he's at.

- Oh! You?
- Hey there.

You? You?

How are you doing?

Good, how about you?

I'm doing okay.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Well, yeah?
- Yeah.


Stop. No!

Because there's
new boys in here?

You'll get me
in trouble about it.

- Am I?
- Yeah.

- You're having a good night?
- I do miss you.

- Mm-hmm?
- Mm-hmm.

This bed is too f*cking small
for you and me, man.

Bro, you ain't lying, bro.

They're going to have to
just take your name

and put it over here
with Zeta or maybe me.

Man, I'm... I'm going
to sleep with her in a minute.

- Jeff loves you.
- He loves you.

- Jeff?
- Yeah.

- Exciting.
- Yeah.

Oh, how the tables have turned.

He really is into you.

It was good.

I think
I have a connection with him.

- With who?
- Bryce.

- Bryce.
- Really?

- He's such a man!
- He's such a man.


This is exactly what we needed.


I had a snog with Timmy.



- What?
- We...

That was so casual.

These Love Island
gods be knowing.

You got a lot of hair.

- Oh, another outfit?
- Do you want one?

- Good night, Islanders.
- Good night, Islanders.

Good night.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

It's morning, everybody get up!

Guys, everybody get up!

That's just rude.

if you won't listen to me,

listen to these guys.

I'm excited that you're here.


You seem like you're going
to make things exciting.

There's no creamer.

Is that a deal breaker for you?

Kind of.

I'm just gonna have to put
a shit ton of sugar in there.

What type of cereal do you eat?

Some Cheerios. Ow.

I'll just eat you up.

It's so early.

Isaiah held my hand
from the other bed all night.

- Oh!
- All night!

That is commitment right there.

It was so warm in there.
I got heat sick.

Seeing them in bed last night,

like, facing each other
and, like, chatting.

And I was like, "Ugh."

I feel like I heard,
like, smooching over there.

- Did you?
- Is that what that was?

- I don't know.
- Yeah, it was actually.

It was.

Tell her.
You f*cking telling me.

After kissing
both Zeta and Bria last night,

Timmy is in a very
precarious position,

just like Isaiah's glasses.

So, this is
how my night went, bro.

Jeff pulled up,

Bria and everybody met him,

but Bria made it
very clear to me

that Jeff's her type on paper

but she's
very much adamant about me.

And that kind of carried over
into the bedroom.

We kissed and kind of
made out a little bit.

But now, that being said,

this is a little...

A little swerve ball
that was thrown.

I see Zeta, bro.

She's walking out
of the bedroom.

I'm walking towards the bedroom

and, like, I kissed her.

- Just a little peck?
- No.

Swapping spit.

DNA exchange.

I kinda... I kinda
walked into some shit.

She's like, "I miss you."
She whispered it.

- Damn!
- "I miss you, too."

I mean it's true, though, bro.

Shit, you need to be up forth
and honest

with both of them, bro.
If you're feeling one way

- stronger than another one...
- I'm not, though.

- And that's the toughest part.
- So, you're 50/50.

I'm bad at percentages,
but I know one of them's 65/45.

I do agree at some point

I got to just lock it in.

I just don't know
what that's going to be.

Bria, it's nice to see a girl

who is willing
to take on challenges

and she seems
to really be about me.

That's sexy.
That's a great connection.

this connection with Zeta

is much more
far along than Bria.

It's almost like...
In my head, it's, like,

"Yo, I started a house,
I... I can put it off."

But, like,
at the end of the day, like,

there's a house over here
that is not yet finished.

I'm in a pickle,
you know what I'm saying?

I just feel like...

I love pickles.

for the first strategy meeting

of the new boys, Bryce and Jeff,

who I am calling Team BJ.

Actually, let's go with Team JB

to avoid any misunderstandings.

What you thinking?

What's running
in your mind, bro?

I'm feeling...
I feel like we got a...

warm reception last night.

- Yes.
- No negative energy.

Definitely, man.

Because coming in, I knew,

like, Zeta and Bria was, like,

something I was
looking forward to.

You feel me? 'Cause I know
Zeta is single right now,

so, it's like...

Yeah, she's got her own bed,
but we're sharing, bro.

- Man, that's what I'm saying?
- Yeah, those foundations

I feel like we, you know,
set with those girls yesterday.


I feel like that's gonna

hopefully develop
into something, you know?

And I'll be able
to feel that out a lot more.

The first day,
I'm feeling really good.

Excited to go out there,

talk to some
of these beautiful girls

and there's
not going to be any guy

that's gonna come
in the way of that.

- Bye, girls. I'll miss y'all.
- Bye.

- Don't talk about me.
- Okay.

That's the only thing
we're talking about.

- Mady is so annoying.
- Guys, come on.

Deb wants to talk to
Sydney about Jesse's behavior.

Deb likes him so much

she's even wearing
his favorite bracelet

around her waist.

The boy's wrists are massive.

- Hi.
- Hey.

- How are you?
- Good.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

- How's Jessie?
- Good.

Do you feel, like, solid in it?

I mean, yeah, but, like,

I like when a guy,
like, makes the first move.

Like, he wants to make out.

He's getting
a little too comfortable.

I'm worried about that.

- Like a friend almost.
- I know.

And if you don't feel it, it's
just never going to happen.

- Yeah.
- You know what I mean?

Like, I really would
like more from him.

In bed y'all...
Do y'all kiss at all or no?


- Just cuddle?
- Yeah.

Like, he's obviously very hot,
but it's like...

And we have a connection,
but it's like, I think I...

- Have to see if it's love...
- Yeah.

- Just, like, not...
- Yeah.

I don't even know
what his hesitation is.

Like, if he made a move,
that would mean so much.

"Show me that you care"
goes a long way.

Just be more of a douche bag.

- Yeah.
- It's not that hard.

I don't know.

Freshly waxed
Italian stallion Bryce

is a smooth operator.

He's not rushing Courtney,

just taking it Bryce and easy.

You know, I work in finance.
You're a stylist.

- So, it's a cool balance.
- Uh-huh.

And that's why I definitely
want to get to know you better.

You know, you said
you moved around a little bit.

- You're in LA. I'm in LA.
- Mm-hmm.

And I know, like,
obviously, it's way too early

to be thinking about
what's going to happen

once you're out of here.

I'm not asking you
anything like that, but...

No, but I like talking about,
like, the future.

It shows that you're serious.

Yeah. No.
I'm not here to waste time.

I'm not here
to waste anybody else's time.

And I felt like there was,
like, a good energy between us.

- It's a lot of fun.
- Oh, thanks.

Glad you're here.
Glad to get to know you.

Yeah, same to you.
You're so sweet.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

And then,
it's just a plus that you look

- the way that you do.
- Oh, thanks!

You know you're gorgeous, right?

I know, I actually feel
really comfortable with you.

- Yeah? I feel the same.
- Mm-hmm. Yeah.

And it makes me feel
good that you feel that way.

Yeah, it feels like
I've known you or something,

or met you before, a little bit.

Yeah, maybe.
I don't know.

Like, just the connection,
you know?

Yeah, for sure. Yeah.

- Feeling good about you.
- Yeah, you, too.

Feeling good about
our conversations.

Oh, I'm so happy, like,
you pulled me today.

I was like, "I wonder
if he's gonna pull me today."

- You thought about it?
- Yeah.

That's nice.

I'm so excited
to get to know Bryce.

He's just, like,
such a breath of fresh air.

He really puts
an effort to, like,

get to know me on a deeper level

and I feel like Felipe
just doesn't really do that.

Oh, my God.

Oh, I was like,
"Is that a bee?"

No, I don't think so.

- Um, is there another one?
- I don't know.

Turn around. I'll see.

- No, I think you're okay.
- Okay.

I do have a question for you.

How do... What's the Timmy
and you situation set up as?

What do you mean?

Like, are you guys, like,
you know, still, like...

I mean, it's obviously, like,

the connection
and the chemistry is there.

Like, we still really
feel for each other.

That's obvious.

But I just don't trust the boy.

Now that you're in a couple

with someone
who's your actual type,

I'm going to fall
by the wayside.

I made a joke this morning
when she came here.

I was like, "Yeah, I thought

I heard smooching
from your bed."

And what did she say?

She's like, "Me? What? No.
Da-da-da." And I was like,

"Girl, you better
stop lying, stop playing."

I was like,
"Did you guys?"

And she's like,
"Yeah, we kissed a little."

But I was hoping you would have
heard that on your own

from being right next to them.

I know that she's his type.

That's his type.

- I had no idea.
- Yeah. Like, that's his type.

And now she's getting comfy,

so I know
she's going to be opening up.


It just sucks because as much as

I have such chemistry with Timmy

and I really do wanna believe
in what we have, like...

when someone's type walks in,
you just feel like

that's the end of it for you.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

My car is parked on a meter.
Deb, can you cover for me?

Just say any old rubbish.
I always do.

And next up
for the lift is Chazz.

Chazz is a student athlete.

Lives in on-campus housing,
but has a great personality.

Knows how to season
a sunny side up egg.

There you go, Chazz.

See what the judges have to say.

We got sixes all around.

Oh, it's a three for me.

Shut up.

- Hey, yo, I got a text.
- What?

"Boys, it's time to show some
altitude as you take flight

It's the brave men and women

of Magic Mike's Air Force.

I reckon these
scantily clad aviators

will crash even harder
in this challenge

when they exchange
their g-string for g-force.

I can't tell you all apart.

The boys will take it in turns

to strip off their flight suits

before hitting the eject button

and landing
in the ice cold ocean below.

No micro.

Then with their
parachute deployed,

they must thrust their way
along the runway.

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

Each boy will give his dog tags

to the girl he wants to snog

before taking her
for a spin, literally,

on his throbbing red motorbike,

before planting a kiss

that will leave her
on cloud nine.

They are so sexual.
It's just...

I know, they are!

Sir. Yes, sir.

See you in the bedroom later.

After all
eight boys have completed

their naughty sortie,
the girls will decide

which pilot's cockpit technique
is the sexiest.

It's hard
to come out looking sexy, bro.

You'll see?

Oh, yeah.

- Drop it like it's hot.
- You got it.

Oh, wow!


He's actually really,
really good.

Okay, now your turn.

Oh, my God!

Andy ripping his shirt off
for sure was a turn on.

Kissing him now, I'm starting
to get butterflies.

- Yeah.
- This man is so f*ckin' smooth.

Ladies and gentlemen,
you have now arrived

to the... the most dangerous
flight of your life.

The doors are already closed.
There's no getting out of here.

All right!


Put a sock in there?

Not the icebox.

Where his heart used to be.

Oh, no!


It's a lot of power.
You feel me?

It's too much power.

Damn, I got a lot
of power out here, it's crazy.

So, right now,
the cockpit is cock split.

Two ways.

Oh, we're gonna
to stop right here.

Be gentle.

Four out of ten.

Oh, my God!

Does it look like
the ones I've had with him?

God bless America.


I am your commander!

Sereniti, step forward.

I'm shocked, amazed, and scared

at the same damn time.

Oh, my God!

Seeing Jesse go after Sereniti

for the second f*cking day
in a row, man!

Like, come on!

Okay, goodbye later,

but it's okay.

Men suck!

She was looking good, man,

so I just decided, you know,
I should give her a good kiss.

Okay, bro.

It's hard to celebrate
something like that

when you know
Deb is a part of this, too.

I think I'm done.

I have to keep
my eye open, you know?

You know what they say
about big boots, boy.

We like what we see.

Uh-oh, what's going
to happen here?

You know what it is.

You're like
a tall glass of chocolate milk

and I'm just ready to drink you.

Oh, we like being carried
around here.

Part of me wished
I was on that bike with him.

I'm not going to lie.

You're a naughty boy.

In the best way.

Ten out of ten.

I mean, I am sure.

- That was hot!
- Yeah.

Come on, Deb.
Come on, Deb.

The boy we think
is the sexiest pilot...

The sexiest pilot is... ladies?


Okay, y'all.
Let's go back to the villa.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

The Islanders are home
from the challenge.

In case you're wondering why
the boy shorts are so tight,

they were actually trousers
until I did the laundry.

- Shorts is real short.
- Yeah.

I got a nice ass view right now.


I love everything
about a kissing challenge.

- Yeah. I don't mind.
- Everything about kissing.

- Some challenge we had.
- Yeah.


Timmy is cancelled or what?

No, he's not cancelled.

But with Jeff,
he's exactly what I needed.

I just really love the energy.

He came for you for sure.

He did say I was number one.

Jeff, Jeff, Jeff.

Jeff made me feel
extremely wanted

and extremely sexy,

and that is the most
attractive thing ever.

Timmy was literally like this.

- Was he staring?
- Yeah, dude.

I said I was going
to give Bria a full shot

and Bria is expressing
a lot of interest in me.

But I also
found myself, like, saying,

It's not Zeta, though."

So, you and Timmy
have been doing really well?

No, I don't feel
confident to know,

like, when he's going
to choose me.

There's a 50/50 always,
like, between Zeta and I,

so, like, you know,
it's important to Know,

like, where he stands with Zeta.

You gotta be careful
what you pray for in this one!

I know.

Jesse, you not pick Deb.

Oh, yeah, man.
That was a surprise!

Sereniti, man,
when I first came in here,

you know, I thought she was
just a stand-up girl.

You know, she... she got
her head on her shoulders.

She just fine, bro.
You know what I'm saying?

She got some scrumptious lips
so I just wanted to kiss her.


I still feel the same for Deb.

That... that feeling is not
gonna ever change, you know,

so I... I really just made
a game time decision, man,

and, you know, I... I went with
my instinct and went with it.

Deb, what the f*ck
was that with Jesse?


I'm just, like,
so f*cking embarrassed.

I was like, "She's going
to feel like a mug!

You had your girl
standing up there,

the last one,
no one's chosen her."

- Yeah.
- "You're in a couple with her."

- It was big disrespectful.
- Yeah.

Like, we were shook.

I just literally knew everything

he's always been saying
is bullshit.

- I don't trust him.
- Really?

It's just all too good
to be true, like...


I just want somebody
who's honest

and loyal...

and, like...

treats me right.

Like, I don't understand
why it's so hard.

This was his moment
to show you you're...

Exactly, that's what I thought
was gonna happen.

- Exactly.
- I agree.

I'm so over this shit.

So, you and Courtney kiss
was passionate, too?

Hell yeah, man.

And every time I,
like, talked to her,

you know,
things steady progressing.


I thought
you was going to pick Mady.

- Yeah, well.
- For sure.

That was the original plan,
but I wanted to see.

I know it probably wasn't
what Felipe wanted to see.

No, I feel that.

- Guys, I'm a mess right now.
- Yeah.

Because I don't know why, like,

I feel, like,
comfortable with Bryce.

Because, like, I do love
Felipe and his conversations,

but I feel, like,
it's a little bit one-sided.

Like, for the most part, like,

I feel like it's, like,
me asking questions, you know?

On one hand I have Felipe,

and we're so sexually
attracted to each other.

And on the other hand
I have Bryce

who I'm starting to have,
like, a connection with.

I was not expecting that at all.

But I still, like,
like Felipe and his connections

and I'm really, like,
physically attracted to him.

- So, it's like...
- We see. Yeah.

So, it's like...

Do you... are you feeling
any type of way

about Bryce at all or?

No, but I mean,

I know Bryce is interested

in Courtney, you know,
he's the type she like.

- I don't know.
- Just physically?

- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.

Physically and I don't know
what they're talking.

I'm not going to be asking her

like, "Hey,
what did you guys talk?

What did you guys..."
Because I don't like it

if should do that with me,
you know?

Jesse and Sereniti.

That shit was f*cking painful,
having to see that shit.

Yo, I was like,
"That's my f*cking dog!"

And then he has to go
and pull my girl!

And... and you didn't see
that one coming?

He doesn't seem
like that guy at all.

My boy Jesse, he's not being
genuine towards me

and I don't know what it is
and I don't know

if he's trying to act
shiesty, act slimy, you know?

Like, this isn't just
for fun anymore.

She's going to be spicy
in the villa tonight, boy.

She... she's going
to be spicy for sure.

are incredible at multitasking.

And to prove it, here's Bria,
Sereniti, Zeta and Courtney

all talking and not listening

at the exactly the same time.

So talented.

I got a text!

"Islanders, tonight there
will be a recoupling."

Oh, f*ck me in the ass!

"The girls will choose

and the boy not picked will be
dumped from the island."

- That's what it's all about.
- Oh, my God!

I'm nervous.

"#TooManyMen #TwolnOneOut"

It's all she wrote.

Oh, my gosh.

Someone give me some Advil.

Make your f*cking moves ASAP.

The recoupling is looming.

So, the boys are all putting on
their lucky boxers,

or as one of them
will be calling them tomorrow,

their "heading home alone
in shame" boxers.

I don't know, I'm just saying

there's a lot of different
f*cking scenarios, bro.

At this recoupling tonight,
I don't know.

- Shit gonna get spicy, Bryce.
- That's fast.

Shit is gonna get spicy.

What are you thinking?
How do you feel?

I have no idea.

I don't wanna make
a stupid decision

based on, like,
my emotions right now.


After today, you know,

I ain't too confident
with me and Deb right now,

so, honestly,

I don't know
where her head's at.

You know what I'm saying?

I feel like
there's unfinished business.

I don't know what to do.

Like, what the f*ck?

I don't know who I'm gonna pick.

This week
is going too crazy, man.

Ooh, man!

I feel like, bro,
it's going to be hectic, bro.

It's gonna be.

It's going to get
hectic for sure.

It's going to get
hectic for sure.

I'm just like,
I don't know if my...

If my ego
sitting front row tonight

or if my heart is sitting
front row tonight.

That's why it's good
to have some options, you know?

It's just a lot.

- You're looking good.
- Thank you so much.

For sure, baby.

- How're you doing?
- I'm good.

- You're good?
- Yeah.

Just thinking
about someone going home.

Here's to girl power.

And to everyone making decisions

based on their hearts tonight.

Bryce and I just have a spark

and I owe it to myself
to explore it.

But, like, you know,

I obviously still feel
a connection with you.


I really understand you,
you know?

But I still wanna, like,

you know, explore ours,
too, because it's still there.

Felipe and I are really good,

but I just feel like it's
still, like, just not as deep

as I want it to be
considering the time we've had.

I feel, like,
really safe with Bryce,

so I know I have,
like, a decision to make

so I feel pressure.

The decision is in your hands,
but I want to be with you.

This is my decision.

It's you
I want to be next to me.


Tonight, one boy will be dumped

so it's their last chance
to make a big impression.

The big impression I do
is my Homer Simpson.

"D'oh!" Stump me.

Bro, anything is possible, dog.

You know, like,
we've seen some crazy shit

f*cking transpire just today.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- You know?

The mood in the villa is
everybody is f*cking nervous.

I'm definitely developing
real feelings for you.

- You know what I'm saying?
- Yeah.

You're the greatest girl
in the villa to me.

- You know what I'm saying?
- Oh, my God!

I kinda came in here

with Sereniti in mind,
then pursued her.

But, you know,
Sereniti can be swayed.

I'm not good,
you know, with PDA.

You know,
I... I do struggle with that.

But then it's like, shit.

Like today, where, like, that
could have been good progress.

Oh, great progress.

But you didn't pick me.

I just feel like every time
we kiss it is just passionate.


- Do you feel a spark?
- Hell yeah!

- Yeah?
- I'm a f*cking firework.


You feel
like you wouldn't put me

in a vulnerable position
like he did?

I just feel like I'm better.

Even if another girl
came in here?

I ain't worried
about another girl.

Do you reckon?

I think you're just the one.

You feel me?

It is hard

because Timmy is who I share

the deepest connection
with in this villa.

And then we've got Jeff.

I barely know the boy,

but he has shown
so much attention to me.

It's just... it's just hard
figuring out what to do.

It's time for the recoupling

and tonight
the girls get to pick.

First up, it's Sydney.

I would like
to couple up with this boy

because he makes me
feel really hot

and really good about myself,

and makes me laugh until I cry.

This boy
makes me feel butterflies

and makes me wanna be
a nicer person,

because sometimes
I'm a little bit savage.

The boy I would like
to couple up with is...


How classy.

That's something new!

I'm shocked!
I'm shook!

Who'd have thought?

I would like
to couple up with this boy

because this boy
has taken the time

to be patient with me.

This boy makes me feel
very wanted.

They say be careful
what you pray for.

I needed someone to make me
feel like I'm the shit.

And I feel that way.

I would like to continue,

or maybe start something new,

in this journey
here in the villa.

So, the boy I would like
to couple up with is...

Chazz with two Zs.

I would like to couple up
with this boy because...

although I haven't
felt like a priority...

I think our connection

is something
worth exploring further.

I think we have a lot to discuss

and I have more to address.

I'm tired of feeling
like a second option.

I deserve to be number one.

I think
he deserves another chance,

and if I don't see a change,

I won't be waiting
around anymore.

So, the boy I'd like
to couple with is...


I would like
to couple up with this boy.

I need to put myself first
at all times

and that's what
I'm choosing to do tonight.

On Sunday night,

one girl makes her choice

and one boy will be dumped.
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