04x12 - Episode 12

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x12 - Episode 12

Post by bunniefuu »


on "Love Island USA."

One boy saw double.

Bria's expressing
a lot of interest in me.

But damn, it's not Zeta, though.

A new boy entered.

Oh, shit.

Oh, my God.

Jeff. Jeff. Jeff.

And one
girl weighed her options.

Bryce and I have a spark.

I owe it to myself to explore.

But I do love Felipe
and I's conversations.

it's decision time for one girl.

And one Islander is dumped
from the villa.

Welcome to Love Island, USA.

The Islanders have
been recoupling.

Sydney chose Isaiah.

Sereniti coupled up with Chazz

and Deb stuck with Jesse.

Two days ago,
Zeta was about to pick a boy.

If she takes any longer,
she'll also pick up the Emmy

for slowest decision
by a British nanny

on a reality TV show.

This decision has been
extremely difficult for me.

More than I can
even put into words.

But I know that I am
making the right decision

'cause I know that I need to
put myself first at all times.

And that's what I am
choosing to do tonight.

But it's not been easy.

I would like to couple up
with this boy for many reasons.

This boy has made
me feel extremely wanted,

extremely cared
for and has helped me

not to feel like
an absolute mug in here.

He is extremely kind

and I would be absolutely
upset with myself

if I saw him go home.

The boy that I would
like to couple up with is...


His name is Jeff.

I appreciate you.


Next to choose is Bria,

who is coupled up with Timmy.

I would like to couple
up with this boy because

he's honest and humble

and he puts his feelings
out on the line.

And he has a great sense
of emotional intelligence.

He makes me feel like
we have a really good chance

of having something special.

So, the boy I'd like
to couple up with is...


This decision was
not easy to make.

My pride and my ego has
really been bruised this week.

Although I have connections

and interests with
other boys here,

I'm excited to
see where it could go.

But I do expect effort
every single day.

So, the boy that I would
like to couple up with is...


The last to choose is Courtney.

She is coupled up with Felipe,

but has recently made a
connection with new boy, Bryce.

The boy she doesn't
pick will go home.

I feel like this boy is
here to find genuine connection.

I feel like I can
talk to this boy

for, like, a really
unnecessarily long

amount of time.

Which everyone knows is,
like, really big for me because

I don't connect
with people easily.

So, the boy I would
like to couple up with is...


"Felipe, you are now single
and must leave the island.

You have 30 minutes to pack your
bags and say your good-byes."

- Bye.
- Bye.

I'm going to miss you.

Thank you, Jesse.

, baby.
f*cking love you, bro.

Hey, man. Felipe, man.

That was really my guy, man.

I look at him as a brother.

It... it's not ever
going to feel the same.

And without him here...

- Hey, buddy.
- Love you, bro.

I feel like I made
the right decision tonight.

I'm really sad
about Felipe leaving,

but I don't have any regrets.

I'm going to try to be
like you when I grow up, Felipe.


You are on your way, my bro.

Felipe, all love, man.
I'm going to miss you.

He just spread optimism
and he always said

live in the villa like
it's your last day, every day.

That's the most truest shit
I've heard since I've been here.

Enjoy here, okay?

It is the most important
thing you can do in your life.



I'm feeling good.

I did my best
inside of the villa.

I made connections
and friends forever.

I'm really glad with myself.
So, I'm happy on that way.

That one sucks.

back to "Love Island USA."

So, it's bye-bye to Felipe.

I had a little weepie,

but I can't say I'm going to
lose any sleepy.

The new couples
are Deb and Jesse,

Sydney and Isaiah, Zeta
and Jeff, Courtney and Bryce,

Sereniti and Chazz...
With two Zs...

Bria and Timmy.

And Andy is back with Mady.

Mady's trained in
doing morse code with her feet.

And right now according
to my morse code book,

she's asking wardrobe

to pick up some
buttons for his shirt.

I'm very excited
for this and you.

And you just make
me extremely happy.

And, like, for you to
continue to open up to me,

and recouple back up with me

after everything that's
happened last week,

really does mean
the world to me.

And I just want
to say thank you.

I took that very seriously and
I really thought my decision

- through.
- Mm-hmm.

Obviously, I like you.

Which is not easy for me to say.

Obviously, I like you too.

There will not be...
And I do mean this...

A third chance, so...

Cheers to second chances.


I'm also excited to
share a bed with you again.


I have missed cuddling.

We can cuddle however long.

There is no time limit anymore.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Some Islanders
are mourning the loss of Felipe.

But not Courtney's new man.

it's no more Mr. Bryce guy.

So, I want you to know, like,

the decision that you made
was definitely not a mistake.

- Mm-hmm.
- Everything that you feel

and more is... is reciprocated.

Like tenfold.

I'm looking for something real.

I'm looking for something
with a really good trajectory.

You know, I work in finance.

I have a good job and it seems

as if we're really
on the same page

about our needs
and wants out of life.

And what we want
out of a relationship.

I respect you.
Now I definitely trust you.

- Yeah.
- And trust is...

an incredible foundation
to start this off on, right?

Oh, you're so sweet.

I chose Bryce over Felipe

because he's, like,
super emotionally intelligent.

Like, it's not just
a physical thing with him.

Like, obviously it's
really easy for me

to, like, walk outside
and f*ck whoever I want.

But I would like to
find that deeper connection.

And, like, someone
who is actually interested in me

other than my looks
is what's really hard for me.

So, I feel like
I'm finding that here.

He's just so sweet. Like, f*ck.

Sorry, I probably
taste like pork.

Perfect. No, you taste perfect.

You're so sweet.

So, what's up?

Tell me how you feel, for real?

I would love to know.

I feel good. I feel really good
about my decision.

- Good.
- You've come in here,

and you've expressed
interest in me.

And you showed
me so much attention.

- Yeah.
- And just made me

feel wanted.
And you're fit as f*ck.

- Oh, my God.
- You've just helped me

not feel like an
absolute mug in here.

Which is just someone
who someone takes for granted.

- Yeah.
- Just looks silly.

Yeah. Fo' sho'.

It was just such an obvious
decision to choose you.

And I'm really glad it's you.

And I'm not someone
to be second place

- for someone, ever.
- You should never.

I know she still has feelings
for Timmy because

they been there from the start.

But I think Zeta deserves a man.

Someone she can grow with, man.

And be able to love somebody.
You know what I mean?

Because she knows
what she wants.

If you loyal to her, she's
going to reciprocate that back.

My loyalty gon'
speak for itself.

So, yeah. I want to
give him time to crack on

with someone who he's
obviously interested in.

- Yeah.
- And I want to give myself time

to crack on with somebody's
who's interested in me.

And who I am
interested in as well.

Right. I'm going to make
you forget about him, though.

So, I just know
I'm better than him for you.

- Really?
- Hell yeah. What?

- Why do you reckon that?
- I am.

Zeta and her option with Jeff,
that's... she picked that.

That helps a lot with
how I progress with you.

Just because
she made her choice.

That's not something
I'm looking at anymore.

Even though I did think
that Zeta was going to pick me

in that moment, it's like, okay,

that option with Zeta is now
completely pushed aside.

And Bria is here.

With my feelings for Zeta,

I'm not going to act
like they are not there.

That would be fugazi,
that's phony shit.

I would not do that.

But I will say, like,
the feelings have been canned.

You know,
you know how you do your jams,

your jellies,
you know what I am saying?

Tuna, all that, you can it up.
You stash that.

You save it
for the next apocalypse.

He thought I was going
to pick him tonight.

It's okay to sit
there and be vulnerable.

"Mean Girls" is your
favorite movie?


You just went up two points.

I feel like we all made
decisions that were unexpected.

The toxic options were there,

but I didn't choose it.

I feel good, man.

But at the same time, bro,
you got to stay humble.

The thing about Jeff,
I really do like him.

Like, all we have is each other.

- Can we cuddle?
- Yeah.

Been so long.

Man, we're going
to hear some sex tonight.

Oh, my God.

This is a comfortor,
that's why it's comfy.

The sheet is comfier.

I think you are comfy.

You out cold?

No, she's awake.

She's alive.


Goodnight, my guys.

You dream about me?

- Because I heard my name.
- Oh, shut up.

Come in.

- Wow, this place lights up.
- Yeah.

It's like quarter of a cup
but it was the first one.

That's so sweet.

- Beautiful day, bro.
- It is, though.

- Tryna get the rays.
- It really is. Sun shining.

I think it's gonna
be a good one.

- I pledge allegiance.
- I pledge allegiance.

- To the Love Island Gods.
- To the Love Island Gods.

That I will be
a boss bitch at all times.

Be a boss bitch at all times.

- Villa girls for life.
- Villa girls for life.

If there's one thing worse

than a man wearing
socks and sandals,

it's two men wearing
socks and sandals.

Isaiah, hang your head in shame.

First of all,
top of the morning, bro.

Thank you.

You know, I think the girls

had the power last night.

And I think Zeta did
take advantage of that.

Just hearing the speech,

kinda sounded a little
bit like myself.

I was surprised it was Jeff.

But then again, I was surprised

it was Jeff because
of the speech.

Dude, who knows what their
conversations have been like,

but there ain't no way she can
be saying all that with Jeff.

How do you feel about
the Timmy situation?

My heart was always going
to tell me to choose him.

But it's like, sometimes your
heart can lead you astray.

Like, you have to
use your mind as well.

And I don't want Timmy
walking around being like,

with me in a couple
and still talking to her.

I was like no,
I would feel like so shit.

- So messy.
- They're so messy.

Like, I'm not into that.

Yeah, I want to see Zeta
and Timmy back together.

Like, as soon as possible.

Their story just isn't over yet.

And Timmy's not
the same without Zeta.

Like, I don't know.

I think Zeta...
She said it with her chest.

And that's really good for her.

And now she's going
to have to lay in that bed

figuratively and literally.

And see me thrive
on the outside.

She's going to see me
and Bria on full display.

Which I plan on it. I plan on
making her breakfast and shit.

- I'mma be doing...
- Zeta is still on you, bro.

Yeah, but you know what?

Let's see if I even want that,

when she comes back around.

Obviously I'm giving him time

now to crack on with Bria.

To see if what they have
is more than what he and I have.

But I don't want to be, like,
fully distant from him either.

Yeah. Maybe you guys
should talk every now and then.

Like, when he approaches you,
maybe don't run away.

Yeah, no.
Not run away...

Yeah. Yeah.
Yesterday I was like,

I just don't need
to talk to that boy.

You know what I mean?
'Cause that's just like driving

him into her arms.

Yeah, I don't want to do that.

I really like the boy.

A lot. All I want to do
is go talk to him.


So, that bit is tough about it.

I just know I've made
the right decision.

Like, choosing Jeff,
it's just what needs to happen.

I just can't let him think that

he can always
do what he wants or...

And that I will
be okay with that.

Because I won't be.

But I do miss the boy.

That's just, like,
the fact of the matter.

Like, Timmy's the type
of boy I go for all the time.

Just, like, emotionally

- Yeah.
- Like-

- Smooth. Yeah.
- Smooth. Like-

I can talk to him
about everything.

- Yeah.
- Literally everything.

There's not one thing
I can't talk to Timmy about.

- Yeah.
- So...

Hopefully the connection that
I think and feel that we have

is strong enough
to come back together.

back to "Love Island USA."

It's the Love Island brunch,

a chance for the couples
to get up close and personal.

They've got no choice.

If they move back one inch,
they'll end up in the pool.

Aww. So sweet.

- There's bees.
- Was that a bee or a fly?

It's a bee.

- He loves you.
- I know. I'm scared.

I hate bees. Oh, my God.

I can't.

Go away. Go away.

Oh, my God. I'm scared.

- I'm sorry.
- Don't be sorry.

Bee's trying to
ruin our first date.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

- You like orange juice?
- No.


You are easily the most
beautiful girl in this villa.

- You're juiced the f*ck out.
- Yeah.

I love that shit.
All my exes are super skinny.


My first time f*cking around
with someone that's yoked.

You know what I am sayin?

You going to be treated right.

It's really on my heart

that I feel like
I really want to adopt a child.


And it's important for me

to be with someone who, like,

understands that.

That's how it should be.

That's how it should f*cking be.

- You know what I'm sayin'?
- Yeah.

I know our time has
been a little bumpy.

So, you know... but I just can't
see myself with anybody else

that will ever come in here.

Yeah. I really like need a lot
of trust in a relationship.

Like, I use obviously humor
as a defense mechanism

for everything, and then that's
why I'm very, like, closed off,

- like, physically as well.
- Yeah.

Like, I think our problem's
we're shy in the same ways.

With that. We could have a
sprinkle of Isaiah and Sydney's

porn star in us,

- we'd be perfect.
- Just a sprinkle. Yeah.

How have your past
relationships been?

Second boyfriend
I really thought I loved.

Like, I was so in love with him.

But then I started
to see things that maybe this

- isn't going to work out.
- Like what?

- What happened?
- He's partying all the time.

I don't like that.

I'm always the dad in the group.

I'm always the one that's
f*cking worrying about the Uber.



- Mmm.
- They're good?


You're like the rat in

when they get some human food.

You're so f*cking funny.

I love you.


Bro, I wasn't going to say it.

He's all mine for the moment.

This shit is so f*cking good.


What really first
attracted me to you, like,

was your natural energy.

- You're always happy...
- Thanks.

You're finding silver linings.
You know-

I know it's been a really
short period of time,

but I hope I didn't
come on really strong.

No. I don't know.
I just wanted to keep talking.

And that's, like,
really rare for me.

- You got questions?
- Yeah.

- All right. Go ahead.
- How old were you

when you lost your virginity?

Oh, wow.

Sixteen, I think.

- Oh, Okay, same.
- Sixteen.

Was it with someone
that you loved?

Or it just happened?

No, I wasn't in love.

- No, I mean...
- It just happened.

I would have
preferred it that way.

Yeah. I was in puppy dog love,
you know?

Is your name really Timothy?

Mmm. Yeah.

I'm not calling
you Timothy, ever.

My dad's name is
Timothy and my brother.

- Timothy, for real?
- So awkward.

Too weird?
Daddy, nope.

What do you envision, like,
a realistic day-to-day,

like, with someone that,

like, you're in
a relationship with?

I'm big on quality time.

So, I will take quality
over quantity

because I think that's
what really matters.

So, when could you see
yourself getting married?

I want to get married
in, like, three years.

- What about you?
- I don't, like, have,

like, a number.

I don't either.
I'm talking shit.

Hell nah. Not in three years.

I definitely want
to be someone's wife.

Yeah. Hell. You are definitely
going to find a husband.

- Yeah?
- Hell yeah.

Aww, Jeff.

- Fine as hell.
- You fine as hell.

I look you up and down.

Do you want, like, what,
three or four kids?

Definitely want
three or four kids.

I want the first
one to be a boy.

- Yeah. Why is that?
- Because like...

I just feel like that's
every man's dream.


Fo' sho'.

Big facts.


What's wrong?

You are big on
energy, aren't you?

- You can feel it.
- I felt that shit.

What wrong, though?
Tell me.

You miss him?

- Do you?
- Mm-hmm.

I don't want to talk
about anybody else.

It's cool.

- You feel me, so...
- You're so cute.

"Love Island USA" on TikTok

to find loads
of exclusive content.

And all the latest juicy gossip

from the villa
everyone's talking about.

Buckle up.

back to "Love Island USA."

Sydney's buzzing after Isaiah
said those three little words.

The ones I sometimes
whisper in bed, late at night.

To a kebab.

- How was your date?
- Oh, my God, dude, so good.

You look so in love.

He literally...

- What?
- Shh.

He was like... He was like,
"This is why I love you."

It's so obvious
with you guys too.

- Yeah.
- You can, like, feel...

- I really like him.
- Oh.

Like, it's so nice.

I'll be so heartbroken
if anything happens.

Ah. You guys are, like, so
perfect for each other.

You really are.

Time will just tell

but I'm really
liking where it's going.

The date made me
fall harder for him.

The more I learn about Isaiah,

the more I am going feelings
and attraction to him.

So, I'm in it.

I'm super happy he hasn't given

me a reason not to trust him.

It's just the "love"
word means a lot to me.

Yeah. That's how
it goes with me.

I make them fall quick.

I literally think I could leave
with him right now.

- Aw. That's so cute.
- Yeah.

Jeff's body
is literally covered in words.

Sadly none of them are the
instructions for how to drink

from a "Love Island USA"
water bottle.

You just drink it straight.

- Straight, like what?
- Like open it and just...

Oh, shit.

I ain't f*cking with that.

You funny.

You was like, "Why the fucker
ain't giving me water?"

I'm like,
"There's a straw in it.

There's a straw in it."

You funny.

- You funny as well.
- You and this f*cking bottle.

Man. Bro, I'm feeling iffy
about some shit.


Oh, I feel like
I want to take a nap.

I don't know
if she misses Timmy.

I feel like the energy
shifting and shit.

What position do you play?
Like, where do you stand?

- I just got here.
- You don't want her anymore?

I do. I mean, it's cool.
I'm not...

I'm not saying that.
But we don't gotta

waste each other's time.
I don't do that shit.

She's giving you the opportunity
to be that something for her.

Yeah. I've been
there for her though.

- And you have.
- I aihn't never been like,

"Bro, why you keep
on thinking about him?"

- You feel me?
- No, no.

I don't get those vibes
from you at all. At all.

- Hell nah. Hell nah.
- That's what I am saying.

Keep that in mind when you're
getting a little frustrated.

Do you want to come
pull me for a chat later?

- Yeah, I got you.
- Okay.

I'm going to let
you sleep, yeah?


I like the momentum
you're using toward her.

I think she loves it.
I think she enjoys it.

- For real.
- She needs it.

So that's my cue for you.

That's all
the help I can give you.

- Nah, I feel that.
- I like Zeta, fo' sho'.

She's a goddess, man.

Like, she's a queen, for real.

We always laugh and stuff,

when we talk
and stuff like that.

But at the same time, she got
to do what she got to do.

If she feeling Timmy, bro,

like, go get your man back.

What are you doing?
Don't be playing with people.

Good back here.
Did I miss anything out front?

- I'm excited to talk to Bryce.
- Aww.

Deb, how are you feeling
if the girl comes in for Jesse?

I'd dump that m*therf*cker.

To another beautiful
night in the villa.

With these beautiful ladies.
You know what I'm sayin?

Friendships and relationships

that's going
to last a lifetime, y'all.

Here's to being young
and beautiful forever, man.


Love Island, baby.

- Shut up, Mady.
- Mady?

- Uh-oh.
- I got a text.


You got two texts. Two texts.

"Islanders, it's time to find
out how well you

know your other half in
tonight's couple's challenge,

Mr. and Miss.

I love that.
This is a good game.

This is a good game.

- I'm excited.
- I like this one.

the Mr. and Mrs. game,

the men will face
the ultimate test.

Listening to their
other half talking

for 30 whole minutes.

You got two brothers.

- You got two brothers?
- You do.

Yes. Zach and Zeverdy.

Zach and Zeverdy.
Zach and Zeverdy.

You were born when?

I was born in the morning.

That is not
what you were asking.

- Favorite music?
- Dark techno.

What's dark techno?

The one thing that Courtney

and I have in strides
is communication.

- What about you?
- Jazz.

- Oh, really? That's so cute.
- Yeah.

I love that.

What your favorite movie again?

- Oh, "Transformers."
- "Transformers."

What's my favorite movie?

- "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days."
- Mady, I was going to get to it.

You didn't give me time.

Andy and I,
we're going to k*ll this.

- What's your favorite bird?
- Probably be a...

Mine's a "pegerian" falcon.

What? I don't know...
A "pegerian" falcon?

What is your favorite food?

It's always going to be shrimp.

Challenge mode
has been activated.

You know, we just chopping
it up real quickly.

You know me. I'm about a Dub,
I'm about a win.

- What kind of shrimp?
- Shrimp scampi. Scampi.

What's you're
favorite ice cream?

- Mint chocolate chip.
- Ew, okay.

- What's yours?
- My official,

-official favorite ice cream-

Coffee ice cream.


You really eat toothpaste
for a f*cking ice cream?

- Are you outrageous?
- Stop playing.

I know a lot of people that like
mint chocolate chip ice cream.

And they're eating
toothpaste as well.

Do you think the pyramids
were built by aliens?

No. There is actually
a theory that pyramids

were built by sound.



That's... that's the
crazy thing about it.

It's built by sound.

What is your favorite
sex position?

- Missionary.
- Is it?

- It is.
- Yeah.

- I like to look at their face.
- I think doggy.

Doggy. Okay. Okay.

This is nfun though.

What's your sexual kink?

- Kissing my ear and my neck.
- Okay.

And pulling my hair.

But not too hard because
we don't want...

Pull the extensions out.

That would be funny.

You like ass.

Definitely ass over titties.

- I like something to grab.
- Yeah.

What's your favorite part
of the scientific method?

- Hypothesis.
- I was going to say hypothesis!

Get ready, America,

because tonight
you get to choose.

the "Love Island" App now,

and get ready to vote
for your favorite couple.

Voting opens for two
and a half hours,

starting at 10 p.m. Eastern,

7 p.M. Pacific on July 31, 2022.

Voting open to US
residents 18 years or older.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates may apply.

back to "Love Island USA."

Because it's the Mr. and Mrs.

sadly I won't be saying
much in this part.



Please welcome your hosts,
Isaiah and Sydney.

Okay, ladies,
what is your boys' body count?

I don't even want to know.

First, the girls will
answer questions about

their boys, revealing their
answers one by one.

I said 24.
I said 11.

I said 40.

If the couples
have matching answers,

they win a point.

Own it, 11.

I can't imagine this
will be a high scoring game.

- Ah, 20-ish.
- 20-ish.


The couple with the most points

will be crowned
Mr. and Mrs. Villa.

60 to 80.

Full disclosure,
there is no crown.

- I said 40 to 80.
- 40 to 80, are you joking?

Nothing to be ashamed of.

But it's something
to be ashamed of.

How many children
does your boy want?

I don't even know.

That's what I'm saying.

- I said three.
- It's two.

I was gonna...
I was gonna do three.

I felt a bit smug, honestly.

'Cause I'm like, "No, it's two."

I mean, she got it wrong and
I knew the answer. That's fine.

I shouldn't have answered that.

- Three or four.
- Four.

- Yeah, it's up there.
- Two.

- Two.
- Yay. We good at this thing.

You wrote it squiggly like me.

Three or four. Squad up.

Yeah. Three to four.


That's a lot of kids.

- Two.
- Two.


- I said two.
- Two.

What is your boy's
favorite sex position?

Okay, I said doggy style.

- I said doggy style.
- The same.

I said doggy style.

Doggy style.

- Missionary.
- Missionary.


I want to see the face.

Broken crow/sparrow.

What the f*ck is that?

Broken eagle.

- What is that?
- Demonstrate, please.

If this is Courtney, right?
I'm like, like that.


She's on her tummy. Got it.

But she's looking at me.


So, the broken eagle.

The neck is broken.

He's like, "Damn, do I like

I don't know the difference
between the broken eagle

and the broken sparrow.

But I know there
was a bird involved

and it was like a predator bird.

I'm personally a cowgirl,

so I call it a rodeo
but from the back.

From the back. Doggy style.
You know what I'm saying?

I don't like the
name doggy style.

So I like to be rode
and I like to ride.

Actually I just like to be rode.
I'm a very lazy sexer.

- Doggy.
- Doggy style.



- That's a good dog.
- Wow, she's an artist.

- Doggy.
- Woof.


If your boy had to couple up

with a different girl,

who would it be?

- Zeta.
- I said Zeta.

- It's up there.
- It's up there.

- That's all right.
- Right here.

I just got thrown
into the fire, man.

Timmy got them
acting like that, man.

He a bad boy.

Don't be saying
all this shit to me

and talking to me
about stuff like that.

And you still
feeling another way

about somebody else,
you feel me?

It's up there whether
you like it or not.

- Might as well do it.
- Yikes.

back to "Love Island USA."

In the Mr. and Mrs. Game,

it's time to find out how well

the boys listened to the girls.

My wife said she was really
looking forward to this part.

At least I think
that's what she said.

I was playing Wordle.

What is your girl's middle name?

- I've never told you.
- I khnow you know this.

The beautiful Madison Jayd.


That's so cute.

I said she got two middle names

and one of them starts
with an S.

- Marcia Springs.
- I knew it was Springs.

Oh, f*ck.

We literally just
spoke about it.

- Karol Baskins.
- With a K?

Carol Baskins.

Oh, my God.
Who spells Carol with a K?

A friggin' idiot.

No offense to any of the Carols
with a K out there,

but I'm yet to meet one of you.

- Lynn.
- Yes, it's Lynn.


Look at you guys.

Elizabeth Sydeny Paight.



What is your girl's
sexual fantasy?

- Oh, shit.
- Come on.


God, I have so many.

- Narrow it down.
- Based on our conversations,

I said a lot of mirrors and me.

That's true.
You are right about that.

I said sex on a plane.

I hate heights.
Like, what you doing?

That was a clear miss.

She wants to have
sex on a plane.

I think that's illegal.

Oh, man,
I'm not doing any years for sex.

I'm not going to jail.

I said, f*cking me
in a future night club

that we own and being tied up.

- What?
- Wow!

Woken up to the d*ck.

That's a fantasy?

- Sex on a yacht.
- Yacht.

Oh, my God!

It's what we do, man.
It's what we do.

It's the number one answer.

Getting f*cked in a space ship.

f*ck, I wish I put that.

Mile high club on a PJ.

That's the same thing,
spaceship, PJ.

What is your girl's dream date?

Whole lot of brain confusion.

f*ck, I don't know.

You should know.

We've talked about it.

I said a date in Bali
then butt naked on the beach.

Aww, cute.

I said a yacht dinner.

I said being wined and dined

and dicked down
from behind or a rave.

I know she like to party.

Vacation naked
with tequila Reposado.

Boo. Not it.
Not the right answer.

Yeah, I'm second guessing.
I said cocktails and a concert.

What the hell?

I don't know!

On a boat, somewhere in Greece.

- Yeah!
- Same.

We talked about that.

Yeah, not ringing a bell.


Never once have I ever mentioned

that I wanted to go to
a concert, on a date, ever.

So, I mean, good try. But no.

The answer was... was wrong.

What would you say
is your girl's best talent?

Oh, that.

I can't even write this out.

I said her lips, what that
mouth do. Sorry, Chazz.

I said sneak attack because
this is what he calls it, like...

Y'all got a secret message
we don't know about?

Yeah. It kinda is, I feel like

he knows what I'm talking about.

Well, we need to know
what you're talking about.

He looking a little
confused over here.

Okay, it's like
when we're in the bed

and Timmy is like, feeling it,

and then, he's like, "Oh, my
God, stop, this is too much.

I can't take it."
And I'm just like, "Okay."

And I turn over
and then I'm like,

"But I know you want this shit."

And so then,
it's my little sneak attack.

I sound like a bitch,
I can't take it.

I, like, lick his ear and shit.
Kiss his neck.

I'm not even kissing
other people.

And other people
are sneak attacking you.

It's giving, "f*ck it,

about to do some other
shit tonight, then."

- Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna hide.
- Is that a good thing

- or a bad thing?
- It's a good thing for you.

That's a good thing for you.

So, which couple
knows each other best

and will be crowned
Mr. and Mrs. Villa?

Deb and Jesse with 17.

Deb and Jesse are the winners.

I reckon Jeff is in for one

hell of a consolation
prize later.

Tuesday night.

There's drama.

And romance.

As the hideaway opens its doors.

America, now's your chance to
vote for your favorite couple.

Those with the fewest votes

risked being dumped
from the Island.

So, is your favorite couple
Bria and Timmy?

Courtney and Bryce?
Deb and Jesse?

Mady and Andy?
Sereniti and Chazz?

Sydney and Isaiah?
Or Zeta and Jeff?

Voting opens for two
and a half hours,

starting at 10 p.m. Eastern,

7 p.M. Pacific on July 31, 2022.

Voting open to US residents
18 years or older.

Terms and conditions apply.

Data rates may apply.
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