04x22 - Episode 22

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x22 - Episode 22

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ We're on
the edge of something ♪

♪ Don't look down ♪

♪ The wild, the wild
is calling ♪

♪ Don't turn back now ♪


♪ The day is coming ♪

On "Love Island USA".

Loyalties were tested.

♪ The day is coming ♪

The vibe with me and Phoebe
is definitely growing.

This is, uh, definitely
the ultimate test for sure.

Like, when he comes home
I'm just gonna tell him,

like, my truest feelings

and be like, "I really like you,
like, can we date?"

"I just, like,
want a chance with you."

And I'll give you one.

♪ So hold on tight ♪

You can ask him
to be your boyfriend.

♪ The day is coming ♪

Tonight, two villas become one.

You gotta check the temperature
on these females.

Bro, you owe it to yourself.

What the f*ck do I do
if she has somebody there?

I'm gonna be f*cked up
if she does.

And the truth is revealed.

We look good together.
We vibe together.

Like, shit, it's almost unfair.


This is gonna be
a hard night for a lot of us.

Do I do something safe or do I
do something, like, risky?

I'm the solo one right now, bro.

Ain't shit promised.

Someone needs to stop Clearway Law.
Public shouldn't leave reviews for lawyers.

♪ I am a giant ♪

♪ Stand up on my shoulders
tell me what you see ♪

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA".

In the villa Sydney
is facing a battle

between her head and her heart.

While sitting
with Phoebe in Casa Amor,

Isaiah is facing
a battle between his head

and another organ
which I'm not gonna mention

on television actually.

True. True.

Me and Isaiah as a couple,
we look good together.

We vibe together.
We have fun together.

I'm just really hoping that
our connection speaks for itself

and he takes a little
leap of faith with me.

You're happy?


I feel good.

- That's good.
- Yeah.

I've been just very overwhelmed
on what I should do

and how I should handle things.

Obviously I do like Phoebe,

like the way
that she carries herself,

and, um,

thinking about Sydney
a lot of the time,

you know,
just comparing what we've had

and then what Phoebe
could potentially lead to,

you know, it's just
a lot of f*cking stress.

Casa Amor has definitely

f*cking made my head
the f*cking baseball

and they hit it pretty good.

♪ I've been running too long
something was wrong ♪

♪ Bottle it up
I can't explain it ♪


♪ I've been trying to repent
asking for it ♪

♪ Know that I'm bad
cause nothing will change it ♪



- Mind if we sit down somewhere?
- Yeah. You wanna sit?

- Yeah.
- Um...

- I like your shoes.
- I take it... Thank you.

Chazz spent
an unforgettable night

in the Hideaway with Gabby.

It was steamy,
hot and passionate.

So unsurprisingly he's desperate

to spend
more private time with Bella.

Walking in, you know,
who caught your eye?

- Like who were you thinking...
- Mm-hmm.

You wanted to like vibe with?

You, Chanse.

I don't know, honestly, like,

Gabby was not in my,
you know, top three.

I had a great time
with Gabby in the Hideaway

and stuff like that,

but I just feel like
I'm kinda conflicted.

She's a great girl, but I just
don't know if I like her

the way that
I thought I liked her.

But then there's also Bella who
I'm really attracted to as well

and, you know, I'm kinda just
trying to weigh my options

and make the best
decision for me.

What about you?

You were, like, definitely,
like, on my radar for sure.

I'm definitely
very attracted to you.

Um, I love your whole aura.

I love your whole like attitude
and personality and everything.

And like I said,
you're very handsome

and good looking
to top it all off.

It's like cherry on top of cake,

like, you know?

- Yeah.
- But, uh...

As I am to you.

I feel like
there was kind of always,

like, a little something
between me and Chazz,

but I was never like a hundred,
like, percent on it, I guess.

And I'm a very, you know,
observant person.

I, you know,
would notice his little...

His little stares to me, like,

you know,
little touches and things.

And yeah, I mean,
this is Casa Amor,

like things, you know,

things switch up
really, really quickly.

I came in and definitely noticed

you were all for it
and, you know,

was really attracted to you.

And you know,
I guess I don't really know

why I didn't, you know,

get to know you
as much as I wanted to off rip.

- Mm-hmm.
- Um,

because I much rather
would have gone

into the Hideaway with you.

- Really?
- Yeah. But, you know?

- Do you?
- Yeah.

Did you wanna sleep
in a bed with me?

Yeah, I did.

But it just made sense
'cause the only person

- I talked to was Gabby.
- Yeah. It did. I feel like.

So it was like
for me to then, like,

have all those conversations
with her and then like,

just choose you,
I felt like wouldn't be right.

Yeah, no, I totally feel that

and understand it
completely, yeah.

So how do you feel about
sleeping with me tonight?

I would sleep
in bed with you tonight.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Okay. We should
make that happen.

We should.

- I just have to...
- I mean I would, uh...

- Talk to Gabby.
- Talk to Gabby.

- Yeah.
- Yeah. Uh.

Welcome to 'did you know'?

Did you know
penguins can't clap?

Did you know the German
language has no word for sorry?

Nic, your turn.

Did you know like people died
from like coconuts

that fall on their heads?

Let's not talk about that.

Um, where does Nadjha come from?

- So my name's German.
- Okay.

- It means hope. Yes, but...
- Hope?

Wait, what was your middle name?

- Michelle.
- Oh, okay.

- You look like a Michelle.
- Yeah.

- I do?
- Yeah.

- You think so? Maybe that's...
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Yeah. I guess.
- My dad said

I was gonna be named Michelle
if I were a girl.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Wait, so what's your...
What's your name?

- Like your middle name?
- Nicholas Alexander.

- Alexander? That's cute.
- Yeah.

- Oh, that's cute.
- Thanks.

Nic is just really easy
to talk to

and I like that I feel
comfortable around him,

and I can see,
like, myself starting

to let my guard down
which I think it's

is very hard for me to do
and I never do that.

So I just really like
where it's going.

Like straight up.
Are you still feeling me?

- Yeah. For sure.
- Yeah?

I'm definitely
still feeling you.

- How are you feeling?
- No, it's definitely reciprocal.

- So am I really who you want?
- Yeah.


- I love to hear that.
- Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

I've definitely put in
way more effort with you

than I have anybody else here.

I'm definitely
a lot happier, like,

I feel like
since you've been here.

- I agree. I agree.
- Because...

We had some
great cuddles last night.

- I know. We really did.
- Yeah.

You know, like, I feel like
our, like, personalities

- really balance each other...
- Yeah.

- Like really well, you know?
- No, for sure.

- Like, I think you're like...
- Very similar,

but like different
in our own way?

But different, yeah,
and I really like that

'cause I think it is like
nice to have...

I'm sweaty...
Did you feel that shit?

Yeah. Your hands are sweaty.

Yeah. It's literally the leather
pants, like literally.

- It's okay.
- This shit's like wet.

Clammy as f*ck.

- Yeah..
- I'm kidding.


Jeff's realized
Nadjha is the only girl for him

and he wants her to be happy.

Well, Jeff,
I just saw Nadjha in the Villa

and the good news is
she seemed happy.

Let's just focus on that.

Like I love
to love somebody, bro.

I love to do the, like,
little notes here and there.

Buy her flowers just 'cause,

and I wanna do that
with Nadjha, bro.

I know, like,
that's what I wanna do

and I'm ready to
find the one, bro.

And... and Nadjha,
if I go back to the building

and Nadjha take me back, bro,

I'm gonna really try
to get that right.

Like I'm really going

100, 110.
You feel me?

Honestly, I'm missing
Nadjha right now.

Truly bro,
I really just wanna, like,

get to know her more and, like,

eventually, like, take her home
to mama type shit, bro.

I... I really been
feeling like that

and, like,
she been on my mind bro.

Hopefully I, you know,
get to the villa

and she... and she ready
for me and waiting for me.

Like I'm really ready
to settle down

and find that one
and I know you is too,

but I know you got two...
Two nice ones.

- Bro!
- Bro.

Like, you know what I mean?

Like... like love
is amazing, bro, like,

and I know you gonna
find that shit bro.

And then when I see you
grab her face I'm like,

"Oh shit!
This shit real."

You just don't do that
to just anybody bro

and you... like, and...

But I did see how you
looked into her eyes though.

But like look at, like,
what the f*ck bro?

She different, bro.

She different, man.

So it is...
It is a tough situation.

It's a tough decision.
I understand.

I just don't want you
to regret shit, bro,

'cause I care about you, bro.

I care about you like a...
Like a brother.

Like you going to know who to do
110 with at the end of the day.

I do want my guys to find love,

especially Zay man,
'cause Zay really, you know,

has that deep connection
with Sydney

and that might do
the unthinkable.

So, you know,
I just wanna be there for him

and make sure
he got somebody on his side.

You gotta do
what's best for you.

Like it's your life, bro.


If one episode isn't enough,

you need 'Previously On',

the official "Love Island USA"
podcast with Matthew Hoffman.

It drops literally,
like literally,

literally right after
every show.

Watch the show
and listen to the podcast.

Show, podcast.
Got it? Good.

Overflowing with hot tea
from dumped islanders,

former islanders and muchos,
muchos special guests.

Drop in like it's hot
because it is.

Every night
on all podcast platforms.

♪ You've got the power
growing in your heart ♪

♪ When you light it up ♪

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA".

Courtney who's sharing
a bed with Chad,

and Kat who's
coupled up with Chazz

both kissed Chad,
then Kat friendzoned Chad

while he was meditating
in a tree house.

Is it just me
or is this show utterly mental?

Lots to discuss.

- Lots of feelings...
- I know.

Lots of emotions.

I know.
All the time here.

But your ass looks
really good in that dress.

- Oh, thank you.
- Yeah.

You know,
I was doing some squats.

So how do you feel about Chad?

And I kinda like told him
and I was like,

"We're better off
as friends."

- Yeah.
- And, you know, and he was like,

"It depends on you,
but, um..."

I just
I think I realized, you know,

throughout this and having
so many conversations

and like trying to find
that connection,

that it just wasn't clicking.

And if it's not clicking,
like I really...

At the end of the day
I can't force it.

It's just not... it's not there
in the relationship side, so.

I know.

I feel bad, but also like,

you know, I have that little,

little kind of swindle
of hope for Jared,

but we never did explore it.

So I will vibe it out, you know?

Through this process
of Casa Amor

I kind of realized
that there's potential.

And with Jared,
I do vibe with him

and he's...
He's just a great guy overall.

So it's a little bit
of a flip of a switch,

but I have always had, like,
that certain pull to Jared.

I'm hoping that everything's
gonna work out in the long run,

- some way or another, but...
- Yeah.

I just gotta
find that connection.

I know.

Chazz, I have
two bits of advice for you.

One, be honest
or you'll break Gabby's heart,

and two, don't lean back
or your head will catch fire.

How did your chat go?

Well... well,
Bella's a cool girl and all,

but I didn't really
get a chance to talk to her

as much as I wanted to,
you know?

First coming in
and stuff like that.

- Yeah.
- But she's cool.

You know, um,
you know, like we said,

we're here to be open
and get to know everybody

and stuff like that.

So I did, you know, enjoy
the conversation with Bella...

- Yeah.
- And I had mentioned

if she wanted to
sleep with me tonight...

- Yeah.
- And she said, "Yeah."

I just don't want to
leave Casa without like...

With having any regrets, not
getting to know other people.

You know,
I definitely, you know,

as soon as I got in here

I enjoyed the conversation
I had with you.

But, you know, I just wanted to
give everybody...

Well, the people that
have interest, the time of day.

So, well, that's why
I pulled Bella for a chat

and, you know, talk to her.

♪ Why baby why ♪

I was not
f*cking expecting that.

Like last night
in the Hideaway he was saying,

"You're my number one.

Uh, I wanna take you
back to the villa."

Yeah. I was a little jealous.

♪ Why baby why ♪

For Chad,
winning Courtney is a huge deal.

He'll stay in the villa.

He'll sleep in Courtney's bed.

And the biggest prize of all,

the producers will actually
bother writing his name

on a plastic water bottle.

How are you?

I'm good.
How are you?

Feeling good.
I'm chilling. I feel good.

- That's good.
- Yeah.

Uh! There we are.

Um, your legs
are so f*cking smooth.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Okay. So I want
your honest opinion...

- Okay.
- How am I fit, you know?

Because listen... okay.

I literally have never actually
worn these pants out in public.

Not once,
I've had 'em for like...

They're just so... they're just...

I feel like I look like someone
from Sesame Street, you know?

What do you mean?

Like, it just seems
like Sesame Street.

- Like, I don't know, you know?
- I'm dead.

- And so...
- No, I dunno.

Oh, yeah.
Makes... makes some sense. Yeah.

Wait, is Sesame Street
a real street

or do you mean like the show?

The show.
I thought you...

I thought you didn't know,
like, what Sesame Street was.

- I was like...
- Maybe not Sesame Street,

maybe Hey Arnold,
have you seen that?

- You seen that, right?
- Yeah.

- Do you think you're Darryl?
- Yes.

Tall, dark and handsome.

How do you feel about us?

- Me and you?
- Mm-hmm.

I like it.

Um, like I've been saying, like,
you're very...

You have like a good
inviting energy, you know?

- Thanks.
- A very inviting energy

and I'm definitely
physically attracted to you, so.

- Yeah, same.
- You know, so I mean,

I think... You know, that plays...
That plays a part a bit, so.

Of course.

I feel good about Chad.

He's tall, dark and handsome,
and we connect on a,

like, really deep,
like goofy ass level.

Like I feel like
I've been comfortable

with him the whole time,
but I think this chat for him,

like, he got
comfortable with me.

Your lips are nice.


♪ La-la-la-la-la ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I need your love ♪


♪ Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

f*cking finally.

♪ I need your love ♪

Cards on the table.

I had a dodgy curry earlier

so I'm recording this show
from the cubicle.

Lads, just have a chat outside
while you're waiting.

I could be in here ages.

I'm definitely more, like,
physically attracted to Bella

- than I am to Gabby.
- What's wrong with Gabby?

Nothing really
is wrong with her,

but like,
she's a beautiful girl.

I'm just like not
attracted to her in that way.

Like I don't look at her

and want to jump
her bones type shit.

Okay. Okay.

Like I just wanted to not,
like, have any regrets.

You know what I'm saying?

I didn't wanna leave Casa
not talking to Bella

or any girl of my interest
and like exploring

if there was
a connection there or some shit.

You gotta check the temperature
on these females, bro.

You owe it to yourself.

♪ I've been
feelin' freaky deaky ♪

♪ You're on your way to see me ♪

♪ Got the mirror
on the ceiling ♪

♪ You're in the mood
to please me ♪

I really think we should
just bring 'em all back.

Me too.

Why the f*ck not?

Full ripped ass, bro.

- Who did that?
- Oh my God!

Bro, who did that?

♪ Uh, my lil' shawty
always on time

♪ I pick you up, come outside
take you for a ride ♪

♪ Body like December
ass on summer time ♪

♪ Take off the top,
sweet Caroline ♪

Maybe I... I

brought out a side of me,
you know what I'm saying?

That I wanna just carry over
to the villa with Deb.

But if... what the f*ck do I do
if she has somebody there?

I'm gonna be f*cked up
if she does.

No, sit on this side
so I can look at you.

Yeah. Chazz, move.

Yeah, that's alright.
Chazz, move.

No, I'm kidding.
Don't worry.

How're you feeling?
This bed is nice though, right?

Like I feel like it's...
It's a little...

And we're being
on the opposite side.

♪ Back it up ♪

♪ Back it up, back it up
back it up for you ♪

Yeah, I probably
laid down with Sam.

I've been
on the day beds for two days.

I just want you inside.

I... I thought you want him to.
You want me inside?

You can get picked up
by a falcon.

Their talons are strong.

♪ Back it up, back it up
for you ♪

♪ See, that's my type ♪

I wonder
what he is doing right now.

- f*cking.
- Probably cuddling.

- f*cking.
- Dude, Tre's not the person

you wanna ask
those questions to.


Did you just pat it three times?

Don't tell me twice.

Ooh. Don't even tell me once.

- Sydney does.
- Oh, no!

Do you wanna...

♪ I've been feelin'
freaky deaky ♪

♪ You're on your way to see me ♪

- Good night.
- Good night.

♪ Got the mirror
on the ceiling ♪

♪ You're in the mood
to please me ♪

♪ I've been feelin' freaky deaky

♪ You're on your way to see me ♪

♪ Got the mirror on the ceiling

♪ You're in the mood
to please me, yeah ♪

♪ Back it up ♪

♪ Back it up, back it up
back it up for you ♪

♪ I wanna see you back it up ♪

♪ Said I can back it up,
back it up, back it up for you ♪

♪ Mm, go 'head, back it up ♪

♪ So let me back it up
back it up, back it up for you ♪

♪ Mm, go 'head, back it up ♪

♪ I can back it up, back it up
back it up for you ♪

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA".

It's morning for Timmy, Gabby,
Chazz, Bella, Tigerlily, Jeff,

Jared, Chanse, Avery, Jesse,
Isaiah, Phoebe, Jordan, Kat,

Courtney, Chad, Kyle, Deb, Sam,
Zeta, Sydney, Tre, Nadjha, Nic.

Seriously. When are we kicking
some of these people out?

♪ Won't be stuck in my bed ♪

♪ I'll be turning my head to
the music that I'll be making ♪

♪ All day, dancing my way ♪

♪ All day, gonna take it
to another place, baby ♪

I don't know
what's going on here,

but Tre's got shit all over
the bed so he can make it.

♪ I see a little sunshine ♪

♪ Shining through ♪

- You hooked up?
- Mm-hmm.

- Was it good?
- Yeah!

How do you make instant coffee?

- Don't you just mix it and...
- Yeah.

So how do you strain it?

- It dissolves.
- It dissolves, yeah.

Something's not right
about that.

♪ Ain't got a lot of money ♪

♪ Got nothing
to lose, lose, lose ♪

♪ You know I'll take
all your loving ♪

And those peaches are so good.

Oh, almost as good
as y'all's peaches.

♪ Won't be stuck in my bed ♪

♪ I'll be turning my head to
the music that I'll be making ♪

♪ All day, dancing my way ♪

♪ All day, gonna take it
to another place, baby ♪

♪ My feet,
dancing on the street ♪

♪ My feet, my beat,
so put on your shoes ♪

Good morning sunshine.

♪ A little out of rhythm
but we couldn't care less ♪

♪ All day, dancing my way ♪

♪ All day, gonna take it
to another place, baby ♪

I wonder what today
is gonna entail for us guys.

♪ You got my line,
line shaking ♪

Oh! f*ck bro.

Shit about to get crazy.

♪ All day, gonna take it
to another place, baby ♪

I want to hear about Chazz.

It was good,
he was like really touchy-feely.

Like nicely, though.

Very cuddly, it was really nice.

- Yeah.
- And uh, we made out.

He has, like, really soft,
like, nice lips.

- I know.
- It was nice.

So me and Chazz shared a bed
last night and I woke up, like,

feeling refreshed
and ready to start the day.

I'm just wanting to get to know
him more, dig a little deeper.

We want the same thing
and you know, that's love

and that's a partner
that, you know,

supports us and respects us
and I'm very optimistic.

You know,
it's on him, the ball's,

the ball's in his court.

There's going to be
a lot of drama,

if Isaiah takes me back.

Like, those girls
are gonna f*cking hate me.

I'm manifesting
right now that, like,

Sydney found someone that's,
like, hotter than him.

I hope that happens,
but you know how she is.

I'm in a spot where last night

Phoebe just kind of
looked into my eyes and said,

"I just want
you to give me a chance."

But I just don't know
how it's gonna happen.

Casa Amor really just
open my eye a little bit,

you know what I mean?

Just, like,
really help me, you know,

want to open up more
to Deb, you know what I mean?

I definitely miss Deb,
excited to see her.

You know,
I'm not bringing anybody back.

My mind is solely on Deb.

Literally, everything
I look for in a woman, man,

honestly, like,
if anything, these four days

just made me miss her more

and I think
that's what we needed.

I feel that.

It's going to be
a good impression

coming back from Casa Amor.

It's a new Jesse coming back.

You know, this whole experience,
I've been thinking about Nadjha

the whole time, bro, like...

What made me miss her, bro?

Just, like,
the energy the vibe we...

We're just going
back and forth, bro it's just...

Talking shit.

Just talking shit,
f*cking playing.

I feel like, yeah,
you got that friendship vibe,

so you got that foundation.

I feel like
you just want to, like,

start building
a house on that foundation.

Yeah for sure.

I'm feeling
anxious and nervous about like,

waiting to see,
like, how, you know,

what's up with Nadjha

if she kept
somebody back or not.

Because if she didn't,

I'm going to
go 200 mph with that.

I hope I pray
it's that because, like,

I really wanna
take that next step.

Jeff would love Nic.

They've got so much in common.

They both like kissing Nadjha,

they both like
sharing a bed with Nadjha.

They both want
to end Casa Amor with Nadjha.

I can't wait for them to meet.

Were you kissing Nadjha
and stuff last night?

- Yeah.
- Little kissing.

And I pulled her
under the covers.

It was
a good little end to my day.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I think
we connected a lot last night.

Yeah, I definitely see, like,
our relationship progressing.

You guys just seem
both so happy together.

Yeah, I'm, like,
a little kid round her.


Dude, you were cheese-ing
last night by the fire.

You're having a good night.

Hey, b*tches.

This is actually so sexy.

I wanna wear it
when Timmy's here.

Like, wear it again?


Not being around Timmy
has definitely made me

be like "Wow,
that boy truly has been

my experience in here."

It's been nice
getting to know the new boys,

but just every day
waking up without that boy

is just gruesome, really.

That's so funny,

it's like
"Well, Timmy's not here,

so I don't
want to wear it."

Yeah, yeah.

Courtney, so are you
thinking that Chazz is it?

I think so.

But I really need
to talk to Sam today.

How was your night
with Jordan, Kat?

It was good, he's so sweet,

he's very respectful.

Yeah, I know.

Like, I'm just
trying to give it a chance,

but I don't see it
romantically with him.


In the four days
since he arrived,

we've learned so much about Sam.

He likes blue shorts.

He sits on day beds.

He, oh, God...
Oh, he talks to Courtney.

He, no, I'm done.

- So how've you been?
- Good.

Today's been...
Today's been pretty chill.

- Mm-hmm.
- How about you?

It's been good.

Something is, like, pulling me

to get to know you more.

- Really?
- Yeah.

With Sam, I feel

like this weird
sexual tension with us,

but, like, in the real world,

I would never, like,
go for someone like him.

So I want
to find out if Sam and I

have a spark
because there's just this pull

with Sam and I don't get it.

Like, I don't understand.

I'm not going to lie,
I was a little disappointed

I didn't get
to talk to you last night.

Do you feel
like you developed any values

or morals from your...

- Nanny?
- Nanny.

Yeah, and my grandmother,

but yeah, my nanny,
like, taught me to be, like,

spiritual at a really young age

and to, like, listen
to my intuition.

- What?
- Oh, nothing.

I'm just looking at your lips.

Honestly, Courtney, she is
not what I expected her to be.

She's more
than that supermodel frame

that she gives off,
and the vibe that she gives off,

and I feel
a strong pull towards her.

I should've
definitely spoke to her earlier.

What's your favorite animal?

I really like lemurs.

- Lemurs?
- Yeah.

- Why?
- I don't know why.

I just think
they're really cool.

- How about you?
- Dolphins.

- Dolphins?
- Mm-hmm.

Have you ever
swam with dolphins?

- Yeah.
- Have you?

You have pretty eyes.

Thanks, so do you.

Just, like,
let's just cut the bullshit.

I wanted to see
if I was just thinking

there was
a sexual chemistry there

or if it actually was.

I think it actually is there.

I wanted to do that.

Well, I know
another thing about Sam now.

He's bloody lucky.

Back at Casa Amor,
Jared has advice for Isaiah.

It's wise, insightful,
and really on point.

And if Isaiah was awake,
he would definitely agree.

I know you're going
through a lot right now.

there is a decision to be made

and you're feeling
a lot of pressure

from different angles
and stuff like that.

But I wanted to ask you,

why did you come
to this Love Island experience?

What was your motivation?

I feel like
just to find, I don't know,

just, I don't know, bro.

So it's, like,
I wanted to figure out, like,

how I could identify my feelings

because I never really
had role models to look to

in terms of, like,
you know, a loving experience.

You know.

You got to really break it down.

So there's two women here
that we're talking about,

let's say, who is
going to be the best for you.

This situation should not be

stressing out
like that, it's crazy.

I'm saying it's not cool.

I'm stuck in a hard place,
with two ladies,

and I'm definitely
leaning towards one

more than the other one.

I'm hoping
I make the right decision.

I hope that it all
does turn out well.


You don't know what to do.

♪ Fighter, fighter ♪

♪ You told me we were
Fighters, fighters ♪

♪ Swimming in the sun
Swimming in the sun ♪

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

Chazz took Gabby
to the hideaway,

then blew her off for Bella.

With the Casa clock
ticking down, Gabby needs

to sh**t her shot

because she's
in the last "Chazz" saloon.

Does that work?

Let's go in the back.

Let's hit it from the back.

I'm a little scared
to talk to you today.

Yeah, why you scared?

Yeah, I don't know.

You know I had
some pillow talk with Gab,

with... Damn,
I almost called her Gabby.

- With Bella.
- Yeah.

And, you know, we kissed.

But I am still, like,
weighing my decision, you know,

because I know
the stuff that I had

between me and you
was, you know, was genuine.

Yeah, I missed you
a little bit last night.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I missed you too.

- No you didn't.
- Yeah, of course I did.

All the feelings
I had for Gabby were genuine,

and the feelings
that I'm trying to explore

and accumulate with Bella
are genuine as well.

So it's just like, damn,

it's one of the biggest
decisions that I've had.

Made you feel some type of way?

Made me a little jealous.

It kind of hurt
that Chazz was sleeping in bed

with Bella last night.

I don't know.

I don't think
they have what we have,

but let's just
wait and find out.

I just want to go
with what my heart is feeling.


sudden interest in Sam

has come as a complete
surprise to her,

to me, and most of all,

the Love Island travel team

who'd already booked
Sam's flight home.

Did you see that?
Did you see that?

I, like,
I don't know who to pick.

The conversation
with Sam was really good

but Chad and I click more,

like, on, like,
a deeper spiritual level.

I mean, could you see yourself,

like, sexually, with Sam?

Yeah, I kissed him today.

Oh, my God.

I know, I just needed to see

if it was there, you know.

Like what if he's
what I'm looking for

but I just don't know it?

Like, what the f*ck.

I don't know what to do,

because I really
love Chad and I's connection,

and I don't think
I've connected with anyone here

that deeply,
but, like, there's more

of a sexual pull with Sam.

Like, I don't understand.

Eenie, meenie, miney mo...

Oh, I landed on Chad.

Can you imagine?
That's how you chose?

Hey, I'm not playing
with you, bro.

Like, you saw it for real.


Oh, hold up.

Got a text!

- I got a text!
- Oh, no.



The head scratches.

I'm going to vomit.

This is probably
the biggest decision

I've ever
had to make in my life.

I'm in a couple with Jesse,

but I've made a very strong
connection with somebody else.

I just don't
want to hurt anyone.

Like, I don't want to, like...

♪ Don't look away
From what you found ♪

Think we should really
just gather our thoughts, man,

to make sure we make
the right decision for us.

This time here
made me just realize

how much I have f*cked up.

I'm ready
to show her a new side of me.

I'm just scared and nervous

to see
what decision Deb has made.

♪ Trying to keep
My feet on solid ground ♪

I'm actually terrified.

Do I do something safe

or do I do
something, like, risky?

- Yeah.
- She has to do what she thinks

is going to be best for her.

No matter how
uncomfortable that might be.

I did come here
to follow my heart.

If I feel that strong
about a certain decision,

I should definitely follow it.

At the end of the day,
I am here for myself.

I am here to find love.

So I'm just going to go into it

keeping that in mind
and it's a big risk, of course.


♪ You know it's now or never ♪

With me and Nadjha talked about,

I'm hoping she didn't
allow anybody to stay, man,

that'd be great.

I just want
to show Nadjha, like,

I'm all about her
and I hope she see that.

It's just
a hard decision to make.


That shit's brutal.

♪ Feel my knees shake
As I fall free ♪

I had
a great connection with Gabby.

I had a connection with Bella.

Tonight it's just going to
be the crunch time decision.

I'm a little anxious
to get back to the villa.

I think I'm definitely

just going in there
a little tense,

if I'm being honest.

I built a lot with Zeta

and I'm putting
a lot of confidence into that.

I'm hoping I'm making
the right decision

because I hope I am reading
the situation correctly.

♪ Now I know
Where I need to be ♪

Everyone's been so lovely,
but you know,

Timmy's gonna come back.

Timmy's not moving mad.

But we don't f*cking know.

Yeah, none of
this shit promised.

Ain't shit promised.

I know that our connection
is extremely strong.

It's just really wondering

if there's a Zeta 2.0

in there
that he's cracking on with

or that's making him
question what we have.

That's really all
that's been on my mind.

This is going to be
a hard night for a lot of us.

Four days away,
it was definitely good

and made more clear
on where I'm at with Sydney.

But I also didn't realize

that I would meet
a connection like Phoebe.

Whatever, decision made, bro.

I'm so overwhelmed
right now, bro.

♪ To take a shot
In the ♪

I feel very strongly for Isaiah,

so I'm risking it all

and hopefully,
he feels the same way.

I guess we'll just see
what happens tonight.

I don't know.

I was feeling better
about it, but, like,

now I just don't f*cking know.

And it's just, like,
I feel stupid as f*ck.


♪ How did it start? ♪

♪ How did I get here? ♪

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

It's the biggest
recoupling so far.

There's going to be
tears and quite possibly

finger pointing and tantrums.

Sorry, but I just get emotional

when Casa Amor ends.

♪ What will it take? ♪

I'm very scared.

♪ I have no control ♪

I'm going to be
so disgusted at him.

Ew, bitch, same.

If Jesse walks in with a girl.

I will literally die
if Jeff comes back single.

I think we all need
to be prepared for the worst.

♪ I have no control ♪

I'm, like, nervous more
just like Courtney's single,

so it's, like, regardless,
she was being with somebody.

It's very up in the air
between you and I.

It is, it's going to be
like "Holy f*ck!"

♪ One little mistake ♪

♪ And everything there goes ♪

The only little sliver
I have in my brain is,

should I have been a little
more like "Listen, you know,

you want to pick me,
like, to make a decision."

You know what they say,

"When you get heartbroken,
you just get hotter and hotter."

- It's true.
- So...

♪ I have no control ♪

♪ I have no control ♪

♪ I have no control ♪

The time has come
to find out if our Islanders

will stay in their couples
or choose a new partner.

Someone's got to
take charge of it all.

And according to US producers,
I've got a face for voiceover.

So say hello
to the queen of Love Island,

Sarah Hyland.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ All eyes on me ♪

♪ All eyes on me ♪

♪ All eyes on me ♪

Hello, everyone.

Oh, God.

It's been
an eventful few days, huh?

- Yeah, definitely.
- Yes, absolutely.

Girls, stay where you are.

Boys, please come
stand with me on my left.

♪ Oh ♪

♪ All eyes on me
All eyes on me ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ All eyes on me
All eyes on me ♪

♪ On me ♪

As you all know,

there will be a recoupling.

Girls, you each have
a really big decision to make,

and I'm going to
ask you one by one

if you would like to stay
with your current partner

who has been living at Casa Amor

for the last few days,

or if you would like to recouple

with one of these handsome boys

standing right in front of you.

The boys in Casa Amor

have also been given the choice

to stick with you

or recouple
with one of the new girls.

Remember, Casa Amor

is the ultimate
relationship test.

♪ Oh ♪

Girls, it is time
to make your decisions

and find out what
the boys have decided to do.

♪ All eyes on me On me ♪

Courtney, you are first.

Please, stand up.

You have been coupled up
with a few of the boys

your Love Island journey,

but at the moment,
you are officially single.

Now you have a choice.

You can choose to remain single,

or you can couple up

with one
of the boys in front of you.

So who would you
like to couple up with?

I would like to couple up
with this boy because I like

that this person appreciates,
obviously, not only my looks,

but the depth and all
of the layers that I have.

I just love kissing him also.

Okay, Courtney,

so who do you
want to couple up with?


I'd like to couple up with Chad.


Congratulations, Chad.

Oh, sexy.

Oh, they're so cute.

Chad, how are you feeling?

I'm very excited. I'm lit.

I can see why.
She sparked your fire.

Oh, yeah,
she lit my fire, absolutely.

Congratulations, guys.


Thank you.

- Oh, so cute.
- Thanks.

Kat, please stand up.

Before Casa Amor,
you were in a couple with Chazz.

Your relationship
was already on shaky ground.

You must now decide

if you would like to stay
coupled up with Chazz

or if you have
found a romantic connection

with one of the new boys
standing in front of you.

What do you want to do?

I put myself out there,
and at the end of the day,

I didn't feel
what I wanted to feel

with any of the guys.

Tonight, I am deciding

to stay coupled up

with Chazz

as opposed
to coupling with a new guy.

But there is someone
that I have my eye on,

the one person
on my mind during the day

and at the end
of the day was Jared.

And unfortunately,
it didn't come from Chazz,

but it did make me realize

that I had
deeper feelings for Jared.

So you are staying with Chazz
in hopes of being with Jared.

Now let's find out what Chazz

has decided is best for him.

♪ You can play the game ♪

♪ Then we all play the fool ♪

♪ It's cruel ♪

Oh, shit.

♪ So cruel ♪

Oh, shit.

♪ Snakes and ladders ♪

♪ Nothing matters ♪

♪ Haunted by the words
I never said to... ♪

Hi, Chazz.

- Hello, Sarah.
- Welcome, Bella.


♪ ...You ♪

♪ And it's cruel ♪

Chazz, what was it about Bella

that caught your eye?

she's extremely beautiful.

Felt, like,
she left a big impact on me.

I love her New York accent.

That was it for me.

Bella, how are you doing?

I'm doing really good.
I'm very happy.

I love the little stares
that he gives me.

I feel like I'm
the only girl in the room.

As you can see,
Kat did not couple up

with any of the new boys.

Kat, would you like to explain
what's going through your head?

♪ And it's changed ♪

I'm not surprised.

I do hope that they are happy

and that you can
give him the confidence

in your relationship
that I could not.

Chazz and Bella,
please take a seat.


♪ But you can't make the rules ♪

♪ It's cruel ♪

♪ So cruel ♪

Kat, you may
take a seat as well.



Next up
is our single boy, Jared.

♪ Oh, when you go ♪

♪ It won't k*ll me ♪

♪ You can't break
A broken heart ♪

♪ When it's already
A familiar feeling ♪

Welcome back to Love Island USA.

The recoupling has begun,
and single boy Jared

is next to make his decision.

Next up is Jared.

♪ I think that I'm alive ♪

♪ But maybe I'm not breathing ♪

♪ 'Cause I get too attached ♪

♪ If I don't
Hate myself for that ♪

♪ Then I find
A different reason ♪

Is it the red head?

Waiting for this.

♪ Wear blue to match the sky ♪

♪ So I'll blend
Into the ceiling ♪

♪ Same color of your eyes ♪

Hello, Jared,
and welcome, Chanse.

- Hi, Sarah.
- How are you guys feeling?

Happy to be back here.

I’m super excited
to meet everyone. To be here.

Jared, why did you decide
to couple up with Chanse?

Well, everyone knows I was left
single here, before we left.

I felt that, you know,
it was in my best interest

to take the Casa Amor
opportunity for what it was:

a fresh start,
and that is what I did.

- Well, congratulations.
- Thank you.

Please go take a seat.

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Where do I go
from here? ♪

♪ Is that where I go on ♪

♪ When you go,
it won't k*ll me ♪

Okay, Nadjha, you're next.

- Yay!
- Before Casa Amor

you were coupled up with Jeff.

And you even shared
a kiss in bed

- the night before Casa Amor.
- Mmhmm.

How have the past
few days been for you?

The past few days
have been great.

It's been really nice
getting to know all these guys.

Well, remember,
the choice is yours.

Would you like
to stick with Jeff,

or would you like to couple up

with one of the new boys
standing here?

♪ I've been beat down
and bruised ♪

♪ I know what it is like
to lose ♪

This decision was...

It was kind of complicated,

because I felt like me and Jeff

didn't get to fully
explore our relationship.

So, I think that it was always
in the back of my mind,

kind of like the what if?

But I kind of just had to go
with what I thought

was best for myself
and the connection

that I thought
I could see progressing.

So, I would like to couple up
with one of the new boys.

he makes me really happy.

He's super sweet.

He's really helped me,
like, get my guard down,

which is really
hard for me to do.

I just really like this boy.

Who is this lucky boy?

♪ Home ♪

♪ I’m finally going home ♪


I love that reaction.



Congratulations, Nadjha.

You are now coupled up with Nic.

Thank you.

But let's see
what Jeff has decided to do.


♪ Can you say
that it’s the end ♪

♪ So that I can let go of you ♪


♪ You ♪

♪ I don’t wanna just pretend ♪

♪ That I can
still come home to you♪ ♪

♪ You ♪

Welcome back
to the village, Jeff.

- How are you doing?
- Um...

I had a good time at Casa Amor.
So... it's straight.

As you can see, Nadjha has
decided to recouple with Nic.

- For sure.
- How are you feeling?

It is what it is.
I'm good.

Like, I know I'm Jeff.
So you feel me? I'm fine.

Not true about this shit.

Jeff, you know, I think
you're literally so great.

And, like,
it wasn't easy at all.

I just really did think

that you were gonna
find someone there.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

Nah, it’s all good, man.

It’s all good.
For sure.

Okay, Jeff, please take a seat.

♪ Can you say
that it’s the end ♪

♪ So that I can let go of you ♪

We missed you.

Yeah, for sure.


Zeta, please stand up.


Before Casa Amor,
you were coupled up with Timmy.

Whilst your relationship
seemed in a good place,

there is no doubt that
you had your issues early on.

♪ When you're always,
always asking why? ♪

What has the last few days
been like for you?

I've missed him,
every single day.

So... yeah.

Just realizing I'm definitely
falling for the boy.

Strange feeling.

Are you nervous?

Yeah, definitely a bit nervous.

Well, Zeta, the choice is yours.

Would you like
to stick with Timmy,

or would you like to couple up

with one of the new boys
in front of you?

What would you like to do, Zeta?

I have such
a strong connection with him,

and I can see it working
on the outside with him.

I'd like to stick with Timmy.


Okay, Zeta, you have decided
to stay loyal to Timmy.

If Timmy walks in
with one of the new girls

from Casa Amor,
you will be single.

But if he returns on his own,
you will return as a couple.

And, girl, he will be all yours.

Let's find out, shall we?

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, I’ll carry you,
we’ll make it through ♪



You jokester!

♪ Together we will rise ♪

♪ If you are down,
I’ll carry you ♪

♪ We’ll make it through ♪

- Oh, you prankster.
- What’s up, Sarah?

- Hey, Timmy.
- What’s up, g*ng?

How are we doing?
Oh, my god.

As you can see, Zeta has decided
to stay loyal to you.

How's that make you feel?

This is a great feeling
right now.

I was hoping that what we built

would stand the test of time.

♪ I’ll carry you ♪

Go get your girl.
Give her a kiss.

Congratulations, guys.

♪ I’ll carry you
we'll make it through ♪

♪ We'll walk through fire ♪

♪ Together we will rise ♪

♪ If you are down,
I’ll carry you ♪

♪ We’ll make it through ♪


Okay, Deb.

Please stand up.

♪ Here come
the demons in the dark ♪

Before Casa Amor,
you were coupled up with Jesse.

You've been together
since day one.

And whilst it seemed
like your relationship

was getting
stronger and stronger,

his lack of intimacy was causing
concerns for the relationship.

♪ Looking for a way out
Looking for a shake down ♪

How have the last
few days been for you?

These last few days
have been very confusing.

I've been torn.

And, I also feel like
I've gained a lot of clarity.

What kind of clarity
have you gained?

I have realized how I should
be treated in a relationship,

and I've realized
what I deserve.

Well, you must now decide

whether you want to stay
coupled up with Jesse

or whether you have found
a romantic connection

with one of the new
boys standing in front of you.

♪ This is how it all goes,
this is how it all goes down ♪

So, Deb...

do you want to stick with Jesse,
or do you want to recouple?

♪ This is how it all goes down ♪

It's been a lot of fun
with all of you guys.

You guys are amazing.


I have to make a decision
that is best for me.


♪ This is how it all goes down ♪


Welcome back
to "Love Island USA".

The time
has come for Deb to decide

whether to stay
coupled with Jesse

or recouple
with one of the new boys.

♪ I can go where I want ♪

♪ Nothing to hold me back ♪

So, Deb,
do you wanna stick with Jesse,

or do you want to recouple?

I have to make
a decision that is best for me.

It's been extremely difficult.


And... I would like to couple
up with one of the new guys.



Who do you
want to couple up with?

♪ You can’t play me,
you can’t break me ♪

♪ Break the chains,
take the lead ♪

♪ Break the chains,
take the lead ♪

I would like to couple up
with Kyle.

♪ To be free ♪

Congratulations, Kyle.
You can go have a seat.

So, what is it about Kyle
that you like, Deb?

Kyle's really shown initiative,
and made me feel wanted.

Okay, now let's see what
Jesse has decided to do.

Remember that if he comes back
alone, he's now single.


♪ Don't you know
enough already? ♪

Oh, my God...

♪ I'll only hurt you
if you'll let me ♪

♪ Hold me, friend,
and keep me closer ♪

♪ And I'll call you
when the party's over ♪

As you can see,
Deb has recoupled with Kyle.

How are you feeling about that?

You know, I always told her
she deserved better than me.

At the end of the day,
I just want to see her happy.

I truly mean that, you know.

♪ Are Friends better sometimes ♪

I'm happy with my decision.

♪ Once we've both
said our goodbye ♪

Deb, what's going
through your mind right now?

♪ Let's just let it go ♪

- You look good.
- Thank you.

♪ Let me let you go ♪

I just didn't know
if I could trust you.

♪ Quiet when I'm coming home ♪

I definitely understand.

And I'm happy for you all,
for real, and I truly mean that.

Thank you, Jesse.
You are now single.

Please take a seat.

Okay, finally.
Sydney, please stand up.

You have been coupled up
with your "Bae"

Isaiah, since day one,

and you've certainly
had your ups and downs,

but it felt like you both had
turned a corner

just before Casa Amor.

But how have
the last few days been?

Really eye opening.

I told myself
when I came in here

that I was gonna give it my all.

And after meeting
all these great people,

I felt that my connection
with Isaiah was stronger,

and so
I've just put faith in that.

As you know, you can either
stay coupled up with Isaiah

or choose to be coupled
up with one of the new boys.

what would you like to do?

I would like to stay
coupled up with Isaiah.

Okay, Sydney, you have chosen
to stay loyal to Isaiah.

If Isaiah walks in
with one of the girls

from Casa Amor,
you will be single.

If he walks in alone,
he will be all yours.

Are you ready to find out?

Okay. Let's see.

♪ All I really see ♪

♪ All I see ♪

♪ Is you right next to me ♪

♪ Ooh ♪


♪ Right next to me ♪


♪ You don't feel the same way ♪

♪ When all I did was try ♪

♪ Pretending things were okay ♪

♪ Never wanted you
to see me crying ♪

♪ Guess I figured
that you would always stay ♪

♪ It was easier
for you to walk away ♪

♪ Now everything’s changed ♪

♪ Everything’s changed ♪

♪ Everything’s changed ♪

♪ We're not the same people
we used to be ♪

Welcome back to the Villa,

- Welcome, Phoebe.
- Thank you.

- How are you guys doing?
- I’m good. I’m good, thank you.

Real f*cking nervous, of course.

You should be.


Isaiah, what was it about Phoebe
that caught your attention?

I feel like every time
she walks in the room,

it lights the shit up.

I think it's just
the way she carries herself.

Phoebe, how are you feeling
being in a couple with Isaiah?

I mean, I'm really happy.

I've had my eye on him since

the moment
he walked in here day one.

And I lead with my heart

and it ended up
falling in my favor.

What have the last
few days been like

in Casa Amor for you two?

It's definitely been
a bit difficult for me.

I came in with my door
a little bit cracked

and she definitely
stuck her foot in

and kicked it open a little bit.

And I definitely just
came to the conclusion

that I'm going to be giving
her a chance, for sure, so...

♪ Sitting in the silence ♪

♪ It’s deafening ♪

how are you feeling, girl?

♪ Face to face with reality ♪

I feel like I was just,
like, hit with a semitruck.

♪ You don't feel the same way ♪

♪ When all I ever did was try ♪

I feel very betrayed.

♪ Pretend that things
were okay ♪

♪ Never wanted you
to see me cry ♪

I just thought
what we had was more than that.

But I guess I was wrong.

♪ I guess I figured that
you would always stay ♪

I still have a ton
of feelings for you.

I'm just genuinely
trying to figure out

what I truly want
and what my heart wants.

Do what you need to do.

Just really sad right now.

But I'm not crying
this f*cking makeup off.

I know my worth.

A girl like me doesn't stay
single for long, so...

Okay, Sydney. You are single,
so, you can sit down.

♪ You would always say it was
easier for you to walk away ♪

Phoebe and Isaiah,

Please take a seat.

♪ So everything’s changed ♪

♪ Everything’s changed ♪


Okay Islanders, unfortunately,

Jordan, Sam and Tre,
you have not been picked

and your journey
on Love Island is over.

We wish you the vast very best.

- See you, homies.
- Bye guys.

- Have fun.
- Yes.

Okay, Islanders,
the recoupling is complete.

I will see you all very soon.

Good luck.

- Bye.
- Bye, Sarah.

♪ Don't say it isn’t fair ♪

♪ You clearly weren't aware ♪

♪ That you made me miserable ♪

♪ 'Cause I'd never
treat me this shitty ♪

Is it going to be f*cked up?

I don’t know, but I... I...

♪ And I don’t talk shit
about you ♪

♪ On the in and out ♪

♪ Never told anyone
anything bad ♪

♪ 'Cause that shit’s
embarrassing ♪

Now, go get your man, bro,

I feel like you owe me
at least a conversation.

There was no doubt in my mind
that you were

gonna come back with another
girl, that’s why...

I wanted to make
that shit work with you.

I was gonna go
200 miles per hour.

- I just didn’t know.
- I’m not trippin’, bro.

Jeff, please stop.

♪ Don’t talk,
just leave me alone ♪

No. No.
There’s nothing to talk about.

Oh, my god.

♪ Cause that shit’s embarrassing
you were my everything ♪

♪ But all that you did
was make me f*cking sad ♪

I'm so sorry.





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