04x23 - Episode 23

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x23 - Episode 23

Post by bunniefuu »


On "Love Island, USA"...

I think we all need
to be prepared for the worst.

Choices were made.



Oh, shit.

I would like to couple up
with one of the new guys.


Oh, my God!

You know,
I've always told her, you know,

she deserve better than me.


I felt really betrayed
and stabbed in the back

and, like, just broken.

The Islanders
face the consequences.

Your relationship
with Isaiah is not over

unless you do that.

I did have
a good make out with her.

Sit there and be a boss bitch

and listen
to everything he has to say.

More than scared,
more than nervous.

I just know what we had.

Why is she here then?

Can you tell him the truth?

Yeah, I'll do it. Okay.

Do you hear everything?

Welcome to "Love Island, USA."

Casa Amor has rocked the Villa.

Isaiah returned
with new girl, Phoebe,

upsetting Sydney.

And I'm not saying
tonight's episode features

awkward moments,
but I do recommend removing

any footwear to allow
your toes room to curl.

I felt really betrayed
and stabbed in the back

and, like, just broken.

Clearly, what I showed Isaiah

in three weeks wasn't enough...

for four days with Phoebe.

And even if he wants to still
explore things with me...

he still brought her back

over being in a couple with me.

Oh! f*ck's sake!

Are you just running from us?

Yeah. See.

I knew it.

I knew it, did I not?

What do you wanna do now though?

Like going forward.

About... I don't... I don't know,

but I wanna...

I know.

- No, that's not it.
- No. That's not it.

How do you feel?

I'm definitely still
70% for Sydney and 30% Phoebe.

So why would you choose
something that was 70%?

Because Phoebe has things
that Sydney doesn't have

that I don't know about yet.

It's just feels like that
'cause it's Casa Amor.


I'm sure, initially,
it was like she said,

being hit by semi,

but she needs to not kick off.

She needs to be
her same sweet self with Isaiah

and just give the boy a chance
to explain what's going on.

'Cause obviously,
she cares so much about Isaiah.

You should go talk to him, dude.

So, it would just be
silly to just, you know,

shut it off immediately.

Like, I still
have those feelings for her.

Does Phoebe know that?

Yeah, I told her that.

How was she?
How did she react to that?

She literally
looked me in my eyes

and said, "I just want
a chance," and I said, "Okay."

- I get it.
- Yeah.

seeing her face again,

it kind of f*cked me up.

Just kinda realizing, "Damn,
like, I really did miss her."

But, you know,
I... I'm just definitely...

I don't know, bro.

I'm in a f*cking rock

between a hard place
for damn sure.

I know
what you're going through.

- You have too?
- I have been there, okay?

Your relationship
with Isaiah is not over

unless you do that.

And you deep down
do not want to do that.

Don't self-sabotage.

Do not self-sabotage
and do not go in there

- g*ns blazing.
- Yeah.

Sit there, be a boss bitch
and listen to everything

he has to say.

It's more beautiful
to be vulnerable right now.

It will make him
be like, "Oh, my days!"

"What have I done to my bird?"

- Like be just strong?
- Be strong.

Make him feel, like,
shit by being kind.

Be so kind that boy will
not be able to sleep tonight.


Well, Jeff hates me
and I literally thought

this entire time
that he was gonna be, like,

the first one back
with the girl.

No, he was
pretty much all for you.

I mean, damn, bro.

Jeff was devastated

when Nadjha coupled up with Nic.

Jeff, nothing lasts forever.

Even your popsicle's
gonna disappear into thin air

in exactly 20 seconds time.

I think
you should talk to Nadjha.

- No!
- Yeah.

She really wants to be with you.

I can't right now.

My ego's getting in the way.

I know. But you...

But your ego's
getting in the way

'cause you care about her,

and she cares a lot about you,

like, she really fucks with you.

I started to give,
like, a long ass speech

and basically saying, like, shit

like, "I wanna go
all the way with you,"

type shit.

You should tell her.

But she had bro next to her.

Okay, you can't blame her.

I would've done
the same shit in her position.

I don't know, Court.
I don't know.

Court. I don't know.

Man, what the f*ck, bro?

Like, what? I don't... What?

Like, I just don't get it.

I just don't get what goes
through women brains sometimes.

We f*cked up too,
men f*cked up too,

don't get me wrong.

But bro!

Oh, man, I don't know, bro.

I'll just think
about her the whole time, bro.

Jesse's upset

'cause Deb coupled up with Kyle.

He told me earlier

over a nice little game of chess

we were playing on his shirt.

The guy thrashed me.


How're you feeling?

I missed you.

I missed you so much.

You did what felt right.

Gotta trust your feelings.

I really miss you though.

I'm not saying
that anything is done with us.

I know. It's okay.

I just didn't know
what you were gonna do.

It was
the longest four days ever.

Oh, my gosh!
You don't even understand.

I wanna hear
all about it though, Deb.

I really do.

I just saw Jesse walk in

being single
and the look on his face

and I could just see,
like, love and hurt

in his eyes.

You know, honestly,
it made me fall for him more

seeing him like that.

Like, it...

It all just...
Like, I'm...

I missed him so much.

And I've honestly
never felt so guilty

for even,
like, kissing someone else.

You kissed him
outside of challenge?


I'm so glad we know
we're honest with each other.

You know, that means a lot
that you telling me that,

you know?

It's just my job
to show you, you know,

that I am, you know,
worthy to be with you.

'cause I really like you.

I like you a lot.

I like you a lot and I hate this

and I don't like
being in this position.

It's okay.

What are we gonna do?

You think we can get through it?

I wanna try to.

I do think this is a test,

you know, for me, for sure,

just to show her that, you know,

I will keep trying and trying

until I can't, 'cause, you know,

she really means
the world to me, man,

and I have to work
on showing her that.

Isaiah said
he's 70% Sydney and 30% Phoebe.

I love percentages too.

For example,
I'm 70% great at math

and 40% bad at it.

You look beautiful.

- Yeah, you do too.
- Thank you.

Bad bitch.

- You do.
- Thank you.

Where do you wanna go talk?

I don't care.
It's up to you.

Which place
did you miss the most?


Can you walk next to me, please?

- Sorry.
- Thank you.

Oh, my God!


Just keep it real with me.

I will be honest.

The first two days,
I didn't do a damn thing.

The third day, I did have
a good make out with her.

It was just honestly,
just like a big risk

just to really see,
like, what I wanted, right?

Mm-hmm, how are you feeling now?

More than scared.
More than nervous.

More than... And did I know

that you didn't
have anyone? Yeah.

That's not being cocky.

I... I just know what we had.

Why is she here then?

I just hope

Isaiah f*cking
gives me a chance.

I know. He's...

Like, he's talking
to Sydney, like...

Who knows what he's saying?

Like, he was like,
"I do have a lot,

"a lot of feelings
for you still."

Like, do you have to say that

while I'm standing there?

Like, save that
for your private conversation.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.

Y'all are
total opposites to be honest,

and I think that's also, like,

why I chose what I did.

'Cause I've... I haven't
ever been open I guess.


Of course, I'm shook,

but I just want you to be happy

and figure stuff out
for yourself.

If this is what you need to do,

then this is
what you need to do.

Our relationship and our bond,
it's definitely broken,

and I'm not sure

of how to put
the pieces back together,

like, they once were.

So he can do whatever test
he needs to do for himself,

I'll see if I'm there
on the other side.


What? Speak your mind, please.

No, I mean, I came in here

and I wasn't expecting
to let my guard down and I did.

And I knew that doing...

In doing that,
like, I could get hurt

and I'm still okay with it.

Like, I feel
like I've grown a lot

as a person, so...

I really feel
deeply for you, so...

I wanted to tell you
that either way.

I do appreciate that a lot.

Like, I get... like, I understand

like, he's going through,
like, whatever, but it's like

can you show me
just some compassion?

Like, what...
Like, this entire time

I've been
so understanding of everything.

Like, can you just, like,

give me a bit of reassurance?
Like something.

I didn't like seeing them talk
because they have history.

History creates this space
for feeling comfortable

and I hope he doesn't allow
his comfortableness with her

and their history cloud over

what me and him
have been building.

So, we'll see.

I don't think he would have
brought you in here

if he, like,
wasn't gonna, you know,

give you a chance.

I know you care about me.

I just hope that, like,
this is what you really need

to do, you know?

So it's gonna be hard,
but, you know.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

I made a bet with Zeta
that Timmy would bring

a new girl back from Casa Amor,

but he came back alone.

So I had to pay
a whopping Nanny McFee.

You look beautiful,
I'm so happy.

I don't know,
a little part of me was like

"You know what?
She might..."


It's just a little part of me.

Did you trust that I wouldn't?

Seems unfair.
That's a tricky question.

- It's not.
- It's not?

There's no wrong answer.

I did... I did trust
that we have way more

than enough for...

I missed Timmy so much!

Feels really lovely
to have him back.

I swear, like, them four days...

it was just exhausting.

I did not snuggle on anybody.

Nobody got one kiss
other than in a challenge.


A 100,000%, asked anybody.

- Really?
- 100%.

- 100%.
- I'm very proud of you.

I was like, "I hope he's not
disrespecting me out there."

Nah, I would never.

- I literally was like...
- I'm gonna win this.

"I hate it here!"

I'm aware it was a little much.

I was over it.

I had to kinda be
a little bit of...

Oh, Timmy!

Oh, I missed my boy.

Hey, man,
we're back in this spot.

Me and Zeta
are still in the two-seater.

Can't lie, I feel stellar,

magnificent, superb, you heard.

Tonight, I'm gonna do
some chronic cuddling.

You feel me?

I'm gonna have
a problem tonight.

You know what I'm saying?
They gonna have to diagnose me.

You feel me?
The cuddle monster.

It was obvious
Isaiah and Sydney's reunion

was gonna get complicated.

Like Phoebe's dress, you could
see it coming from miles away.

How is,
like, your talk with her?

Like how, like...

Yeah, it was obviously
a bit stressful.


She obviously said
that she felt betrayed

and stabbed in the back.

And she told me
that her realizing

that she didn't pick anyone

was like, oh,
she really, really, really

liked me, you know.

And it was just, honestly,
when I'd seen Syd,

I just kind of, like, was like

"Yo, like,
what the f*ck?"

Especially not seeing her
have someone

was gonna f*ck me up a lot.

Honestly, my... my true,
like, vibe with Sydney

is just so incomparable.

I just... I just...
I don't understand.

I really do miss her

and it's like, I... I can't...

I have to still try

to figure
something out with Phoebe,

but, like, the vibe
is just so different.

When I sit down
on a couch with Sydney

and I sit down
on a couch with Phoebe,

it's just so different,
it's just so different.

So, how are you feeling?

I wish, like, maybe
there was like a little, like

"I'm good"
or something from you.

But like, kind of,
like, you didn't look at me

or talk to me or...

But I... I'm sure you knew

there was
gonna be something like this,

on how you were
gonna go into a situation

where it was gonna be f*cked.

I didn't really expect it,
like, from you, to be honest.

Like, it hit me a little hard

when like, I felt like
we were in it together

and then the second we sat down,

I felt like alone.

When you got up

you didn't even,
like, look at me,

you didn't say anything to me.

And like,
maybe, like, you just couldn't

But like, from my perspective,

like, that also, like,
was just kinda shitty.

It was just more
of a respect thing for Sydney.

But I think it was
a lack of respect thing for me.

there's gonna be obstacles

and hurdles in my way.

However, I was upset

that there was nothing from him

to make me feel
reassured whatsoever.

He actually
completely iced me out,

which made me very upset.
I still am very upset.

I just think, like, for me,

it's like a harder battle

because, like, you
have history with her.

Like, I just
hope I actually, like,

stand a real chance
as opposed to like not.

Well, yeah, I will be
giving you the time of day.

I will be giving you
an absolute chance, Phoebe.

I will.

I'm just in a very hard place.

And I don't really know,

like, what the...
What the best thing to do is

besides just figure us out,

and then figure Sydney out more.

Crazy, bro.

I did not know
that she was on that, bro.

She just had trouble
following her gut feeling.

When I saw him,
I literally was like

"Uh! Damn, that man
is so f*cking fit!

"Like, come here,
come home to me."

I'm not talking
to her tonight though.

She gotta feel that shit.


Have you talked to Sydney yet?

No, I really wanna talk to her.

I'm a little scared.

No, you're not, honestly.

I'm telling you,
that shit is eating him alive.

Do you think
Jesse proved himself?

He was just talking
about you the whole time

while we were there.


This is actually a nice spot.

Zeta slept outside for your ass.

She's a real one.

There are 18 people
sleeping in the Villa tonight.

19 if you count Brian
on camera three.

His wife threw him out again,

so we've let him
crash in the hideaway.

After tonight's recoupling
the new couples are,

Phoebe and Isaiah,

Chanse and Jared,

Kyle and Deb,

Nadjha and Nic,

who are sleeping
in separate beds,

Courtney and Chad,

Timmy and Zeta,

and Chazz and Bella.

And the new singles are,

Kat, Jeff,

Jesse and Sydney.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

It's morning and right now,

you could cut the atmosphere
with a knife.

But that's what happens
when you cram 12 people

into a badly ventilated bedroom.

It stinks.

I don't know if she's gonna
try and talk to me today.

Should I make half my bed?

I'm, like,
scared to walk outside.

I'm scared
to, like, go near the kitchen.

I cannot be sleeping
without Phoebe.

- I was about to say...
- Sydney?

- No, I wasn't.
- No, I've heard it.

What an assh*le.

Hey, I'm... We'll talk later.

- Yeah!
- Okay.

I feel like such a bitch.

I didn't even know
I felt this way about Jeff.

You're gonna have to pull him.


The boys
have all gathered for a chat,

while the girls quickly
stick on a bit of make-up.

Get a move on lads,
you only have about 4.5 hours.

Last night was a heavy night.

I vibed with like Nadjha, a lot.

She didn't tell me
anything about Jeff.

She was like feeling him
and then she was, like,

shooing my hand away,
you know and shit, so.

Bro, like, you all seem
happy and shit.

You all go work that out, bro.

I tied my hands with that shit,
for real, so...

you do
what you got to do, player.

I was just hoping
as I walked through that door,

and seeing her
sitting next to nobody, man.

That would have been
a great moment and shit.

Like, I would have
probably gave her

the biggest kiss
in the world, bro.

You picked him over me type
shit, like what the f*ck.

If Jeff came back with someone,
how would you feel right now?

I would probably be hurt.

But I would, be
like, more, like,

"Okay, at least I knew I was
making the right decision."

I was like trusting
my intuition.

And thinking he was coming back
with someone, you know?

Would you still
try and pursue it?

Or would you like...

I mean I can't really, like,
speak on it because I don't...

Like for example, I didn't think
I was going to feel

- the way I did last night.
- Yeah.

You know,
it's so much different, like,

when you're in that moment

versus, like, the what ifs.

So, I think that's
what's hard for me right now.

When I see Sydney
last night on the swing,

I just flipped, bro.

Like, what did I just do?

But I'm still obviously
going to give Phoebe

the benefit of the doubt
and get to know her.

It's just going to be hard

while still maintaining and
building something with Sydney.

Just to see her by herself

showed, like,
she really does f*ck with me.

That shit means a lot, you know?

Syd? How are you feeling?

Um, I feel like a clown.

Why do you feel like a clown?

I just don't trust
what he says to me.

Because he tells me
opposite and shit.

So, I don't know.

I still am, like,
digesting everything, I think.

All right.

I felt like we had
something really stron...

Special, like a special bond.

And now
it's just kind of broken.

And I can go ice queen, quickly.

So, my guard is just back up.

Honestly, me personally
I was a trainwreck.

For me,
it's either Deb or nothing.

I slept alone last night.

Man, you know,
it was very strange.

But I just
gotta continue to show

my affection
and my care for Deb.

And I will continue
to just fight and push for her.

When I, like, saw
that Jesse was staying loyal,

that, like,
honestly speaks a lot.

But has your sexual attraction
for Jesse gotten stronger?

Yeah. I want to
have sex with him right now.

- Oh, my god.
- Oh, my god, yes.

Like I don't want to
make a decision,

but I honestly just
kind of want to tell Kyle

that I'm not feeling it.

Like, all I want to do
is be with Jesse.

If Jesse f*cking leaves,
I'm, like,

literally don't know
what I am going to do.

Like, I would feel
so f*cking bad.

New girl, Phoebe,
should have been more careful

when she fell for Isaiah.

Like I always say,

you can't date a waiter
without having reservations.

I feel like,
situations are tough.

Environment, tough.

Pressure, tough.
Awkwardness, tough.

All these tough things, right?

- Mm-hm.
- Are...

- Tough.
- Tough. Right. Okay.

Take a deep breath right now.

Just do it.
I'll do it with you.

Let it out.

How are you feeling, Isaiah?

I can feel so much just like...

My... my decision
was very difficult.

I was very honestly
50/50 on bringing her.

The only thing that I know
how to do in tough situations

is to just lead
with my character.

And just be me.

Me being myself

obviously is what
turned Isaiah's head.

What do you like
the most about, Phoebe?

She is just, like,
comforting to everybody.

- That's important to you.
- I like how she has

great, like, career intuitions.

And like, she's in pre-law
and she's a model.

And still look like she does
and she's pre-law.

- Right.
- It's nice.

Right. Doesn't have gray hair.

Cause that shit
got to be f*cking stressful.

She just has
a very bubbly personality.

She is honestly
completely opposite of Syd.

The way Sydney goes about things
because of the situation,

can lean me towards Phoebe more.


But it's also like,

I want to feel...
Make her feel welcomed.

I hope, like in the future...
In our future conversations

they're more like "eee",
like fun, like, whatever.

I do want to talk to Sydney.

I want to be honest
with her because, like,

she is also
still in the picture.

So I feel like she can get a
grasp of my connection with him.

But right now she's like,

you know, she's like
going through it.

Everything always
figures itself out, so...

I want to be brought
into this Villa,

with the opportunity
of a chance,

not brought into this Villa
to be like a test for them.

So, I'm going to have
to try to battle that one now.

- I'm not a heartbreaker.
- I know.

At all.

You're like,
that's not what I do.

- No.
- Yeah.

- It's not.
- I know.

You don't have to
beat yourself up about it.

Why don't you just try and enjoy
the experience with Phoebe?

- Right.
- Do you know what I mean?

So, you just look at
the bigger picture.

- Thank you, Mama Zeta.
- You're welcome.

- I love you.
- I love you, too.

My heart doesn't really
know what it wants.

But I am trying to follow it,
trying to listen to it.

I just do see
something with Phoebe.

It's just not known yet.

But like I don't know,
it's just...

I just want to
show Sydney more, you know?

It's very frustrating.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

Nadjha knows
men can't be trusted.

She was saying that
just yesterday

to the Venezuelan model
who she had been all over,

while Jeff stayed loyal
to her in Casa Amor.

Shut the f*ck...
You are such a d*ck.

You... That's so romantic.

The sweetest thing
anybody's ever said to me.

I mean like...

Jeff, when I tell you
everyone thought

you were for sure going
to recouple with someone.

I mean everyone.

Well, f*ck, I'm going to do
what's best for me.

I haven't formed
any connections.

Like, I'm doing
myself a dishonor

by being here
and not try to explore stuff.

- It was pride. It was pride.
- No.

- Yes, it was.
- No, it wasn't.

- No. It was not even that.
- Okay.

It was just,
I needed to explore new things.

And once I started
realizing like, "Oh, damn.

"Like, there is something
there with me and Jeff."

Literally Casa Amor
was the next day.

I'm really not going to lie.

Like I didn't expect to feel
the way I did yesterday.

- But I'm...
- Nah, that was crazy to see.

It was crazy.

Man, like, I want to take
her home to my mama type shit.

Like, I see that shit
in the future with her.

We live and we laugh
all the time.

It just makes sense, man.

But she went and f*cked it up.

You do what you got to do.

I just want you to be happy
at the end of the day.

- Yeah.
- For real.

Chanse is having
a chat with Jared.

Jared has definitely brought
something to this Villa.

And that something
is 700 head scarfs.

How many of these
did you bring here?

- I brought a lot.
- Yeah?

Jeff has got one on his head.
Jesse's got one on his head.

I've got one on my head.

How's... how's does it
feel to be in the Villa?

- The girls, doing all right?
- Mm-hm.

Then of course
there's Isaiah and Sydney.

See what the hell is going to
go on over there, I mean...

Sydney was more
understanding about it

- than I would have imagined.
- Anticipated, yeah.

I think she handled it
really well.

They just need to get to know
each other a little bit more.

- Just keep it going.
- Mm-hm.

- Come on.
- Yeah.


But she seems really nice.

And I'm excited for Jeff too.

Yeah, I really don't want
to speak to her, though.

- You do?
- No.

- Yeah, I know.
- Yeah.

If she wants to
talk to me, she can.

I'm not going to sit down
with her and be like, "Hey."

Nic wants to clear the air.

He's a man who wears
his heart on his sleeve.

Nadjha is just a girl who wears
two hearts on her face.

Ah, it's just really hard

because you know,
coming into this...

Day one, I 100% thought Jeff

was going to be
exploring his options.

But you did tell me that

you guys were
on a friendship basis.

- 100%, yeah.
- Yeah.

I was still on the,
"Oh, we're just friends".

And I do like you.

I'm not denying
that aspect of it.

But seeing Jeff come in single,
I think really,

really made me feel

a type of way that I didn't
think I was going to feel.

So, if he had walked in
with somebody else,

you would try
and pursue him still?

It just feels super shitty

because you told me I was giving
you everything you wanted.

Kind of just

really dumbfounded
by everything she did.

I wear my heart on my sleeve
and I put down my walls.

I kind of just feel like
that I got stabbed in the back.

I just feel like
you are not being honest.

- No.
- You just told me that

you didn't like him and
that was bullshit, you know.

No. It's really just not that.

I think I liked convinced myself
that I didn't like him.

Just 'cause
I didn't want to be hurt

when I saw him
with somebody else.

It's that deep, in, like,

a span of, like, 12 hours?

- Really?
- Yeah.

It just doesn't
make sense to me.

We weren't even solidified
and he came back for me.


How much more trust
can you put into someone?

- Hey.
- What's up?

Looking at pictures.

- Of?
- Myself.

What's up?

Um, I just want to
let you know that today

I will be investing
all my time into Phoebe.

And I will probably be coming
to a conclusion tomorrow.

Sounds good.

What are you...
What are you thinking?

What am I supposed to think?

I am just wondering
where your heads at, Sydney.

I though what we had
was very strong

and I thought
that it was very mutual.

Things are still...

the same.

I know not
for you as much. But...

Things are just different now.

It's all right.

Us... I feel-

I guess I just trusted
in our connection.

Yeah, as soon as you
find out what your decision is,

just let me know.

So, I can then move on and...

Figure out how I'm feeling.

I will.

Okay, I'll talk to you
when I talk to you.

Have fun with your new girl.


See you tomorrow.

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Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

It's nighttime and Kyle has left
the Villa for personal reasons.

The other islanders
are getting ready.

Although it's taking
a bit longer

because Brian on camera three's
wife threw him out again

and he's been
hogging the shower.

Holy shit.

One of the blood vessels
in my eye's popped.

- Really?
- Yeah. I need relaxation.

From what?

Probably talking
about my feelings.

That is hot as f*ck, girl.

I'm done with
my playboy days, bro.

I'm ready to find that one.
That one.

It's been a hell
of a, you know, ride.

You know,
from the Villa to Casa Amor.

We grew more as days went on

and I couldn't be thankful
enough for you all.

Even the girls coming back,
y'all showing us love.

Just being here a man has been
a hell of an experience.

And we're just going
to take this shit in

and just keep on building
more memories.

And I'm just blessed
to be here, man, for real.


Last night,
Kat confessed her feelings

for Jared to everyone.

Except Jared.

She likes a man with balls
and Jared's got balls.

Look, there's two of them
hanging off of his ears.

How you feeling...

after last night?

So many emotions honestly.

It's like everything is
combining into one mixed signal

and I’m just like,
"what the f*ck is going on?"

You know,
you're such a beautiful girl

and you got a great personality.
So, I don’t...

There is no way
that no guys came after you.

They have to have been.

- They weren't my guys.
- Yeah. Well.

So I think I just chose
that I rather be single than

to be coupled up with
someone that I don't really

- see myself with.
- Yeah.

I really respect your decision.

It takes some boss...
Some boss shit right there.

I was just having
so many conversations

and every time I was like,

"I don't feel
a spark with these guys.

"I don't feel, like, that
connection with these guys."

It did also make me realize,

"f*ck", like,
you in the back of my mind.

I've... I’ve come to realize
how in-tune she is

with how she feels.

And how confident she is

in being able to follow
those intuitions.

And I think
I do have feelings for her.

She's amazing, that girl.

She’s so beautiful.

I'm hoping to see
where it goes from here.

- And I'm here now.
- I know.

I'm like, "Please give me
a chance Love Island gods."

I'll give you
more than a chance, all right?

I came in last night
like sh1tting myself.

- Yeah.
- Like so scared.

And then

I got to the firepit,

and he, like, doesn't even
acknowledge that I’m, like,

recoupled with him, he kind of
just, like, stood off.

But, like,
out of respect for Sydney.

If you had
such a strong connection,

then like, if you felt that
about her vibe,

why would you even,
like, bring me back?

Because, like, his... The actions
in Casa Amor just don't line up.

I really like want to, like,
talk to Sydney because like...

- Just girl to girl.
- Yeah.

Like, I just want her
to know everything

because if she does
end up with him,

like I want her to,
like, have her intel.

- Yeah.
- Like, move on with it.

Jeff's in a bad mood.

Partly because
Nadjha’s coupled up with Nic.

Mainly because some idiot
put a load of colors

in a hot wash
with his best white shirt.

I saw you
come back single and I...

I... If I cared about Nic,

I would have
just stayed with him.

All I'm saying is,

when I was at Casa Amor,
all I did was think about you.

And none of those girls
can f*ck with you.

- I wouldn't even...
- You think

- I didn't know that about here?
- Boom.

- The f*ck?
- You picked somebody though.

Yeah, because Jeff,

I did not think that we had
established any type of, like...

- Bro.
- See.

You don't even f*cking listen.
So, like, why...

- Now, I don't listen?
- No. You are not listening.

You're not listening.

You can't even
f*cking stay mad at me.

- Yes I can, bro.
- No, you can't.

- Yes, I can.
- See, you just

- want to be mad at me.
- No. That shit is crazy, bro.

I did not think I was going to
feel the way I felt

when I saw you
f*cking walk in here alone.

I was so f*cking sad.

Like the first thought in
my mind was, "I just f*cked up".

I'm going to say, all that shit
could have been avoided.

- Mmm. I'm gonna cry.
- Bro.

Come here.

I'm glad
I got time away from Jeff.

Because now that he is here,

I realized how f*cking much
I missed him

while he was gone.

I'm just really happy.

I really did miss you.

I missed you too.

- Are you mad at me?
- Yeah, bro.

Are you still going to kiss me?

I'm feeling good, man.
I just had a talk with Nadjha.

She did me dirty last night.
I felt like...

But you know man, I’m gonna be
vulnerable about this shit, bro.

Because at the end of the day,
I do like the girl.

f*ck everything else right now.

I’m going to do what the f*ck
I need to so to be with her.

I'm sorry.

I know you think it is bad,

but I did need this to realize
how I felt about you.

So why did you start
feeling like that?

- Because you're just the best.
- Shut up.

And you make me laugh.

And you make me feel
warm inside.

Come here. Come here.

Welcome back
to "Love Island, USA."

So, Deb and Jesse's relationship

is exactly where it was
before Casa Amor.

Two million dollars
that second Villa cost.

Complete waste
of time and money.

I think the whole
Casa Amor thing, like...

put a lot
into perspective for me.

Made me realize how much

I like you and appreciate you.

Like, once I saw you
come back single...

it was like I made...
I made the wrong choice.

It's like I should
have trusted you.

I should have
listened to my gut.

I'm really impressed with him,

with how he acted in Casa Amor.

And he really proved himself
to me in that sense.

So, I want to continue
moving things forward

and growing together.

And working on our relationship
and communicating

and just seeing where it can go.

And you know
my time in Casa Amor,

made me realize how much
I really, really desire you.

And I feel like just having you
around me by my side, you know,

just makes me feel like
the world has just stopped.

And we are away
from the world, you know?

You know,
you mean so much to me.

- I think you're stuck with me.
- Good.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- That's good.
- Yeah.

Me and Deb,
we have been tested a lot.

And after all of this, you know,

it just shows
how deep our connection is.

As long as we are on
the same page, you know,

nobody else can f*ck with us.

Okay, you are
never allowed to say

you don't know
how to make out again.

- Because that was good.
- Oh, thank you, Deb.

- So proud of you.
- You know, I came a long way.

We have been practicing,
you know.

You look f*cking... ah.

- Right?
- I want to eat you right now.

Shut up.
I want to f*cking munch on you.

I'm going to pull Sydney
for a chat right now.

I'm going to tell her the truth.

I'm not going to be, like,
made out to be a fool.

I'm not, sorry.

You f*cked with the wrong girl.

At the end of the day,
I'm someone who gives zero fucks

about what anyone
thinks about me.

And she deserves to hear
everything that occurred.

Because I know for a fact that

Isaiah didn't
tell her everything.

Girl to girl, you deserve
to hear everything. So.

Go ahead. Do it. f*ck it.

Hey Sydney.
Do you want to chat now?


I think it's time. Okay.


Of course
they're both wearing black.

- I see.
- Yeah. Ah, man.

Do you want to hear everything?

On Sunday night.

Dude, this is so f*cked up.

You don't need to talk to me
like I'm five years old.

Dude, this is f*cking bullshit.

Tensions rise again.

It is just f*cking bullshit.

When I sit here
and I'm so f*cking, like...

I’m just not this girl.
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