04x29 - Episode 29

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Love Island". Aired: July 9, 2019 – August 15, 2021.*
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A group of contestants, referred to as Islanders, living in isolation from the outside world in a villa, constantly under video surveillance must be coupled up with another Islander, whether it be for love, friendship or survival, as the overall winning couple receives $100,000.
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04x29 - Episode 29

Post by bunniefuu »

on "Love Island USA."

One romance...

There are just these signs
that I'm seeing

that he can't handle me.

But, he's chatting to Phoebe.

Oh, f*ck.

Bit the dust.

Do you have any chapstick
on you by chance?

- No. You wanna kiss?
- That would be nice, huh?

Which one would you
rather do, hard or long?


I just feel like
we are on different pages.

As much as I don't want to be.


The boys decisions...

I would like to
couple up with this girl.

Send one girl...



So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is...

Welcome to "Love Island USA,"

the recoupling
is about to begin.

Each boy must decide
who to recouple with.

The girl who isn't chosen

will be dumped
from the Island immediately.

First to choose is Timmy.

I want to couple up
with this girl

because our dynamic has been
growing ever since I met her.

It's something
really special to me.

I really care
about this girl a lot.

She makes me feel
cool, sexy, funny.

Recently, I made it
exclusive with her.

I feel so amazing about that.

I'm very excited to continue
to grow with this girl.

And she deserves the world.

So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is...

Baby Z.

Next to go is Jesse.

I would like to couple up
with this girl because

since she came into my life

I feel like
I found my best friend.

This girl not only knows
how to make smile,

but she knows how to make
everybody else smile.

I feel like we are

just starting to hit our stride
through this journey

and I want to continue
this ride outside the villa.

I don't how I could live life
without her.

Sounds like
he's going to propose.

You know,
it's been a very rocky road.

But, you know,
I think through all the hurdles,

all the challenges
we have faced,

it just made us stronger.

And I wouldn't trade it
for nothing else.

So, the girl I would like
to couple up is...


Up next is Jeff.

I would like to couple up
with this girl because

walking into the villa
I didn't know what to expect.

And then this Latina

came in here and she... she
caught my eye at first glance.

I feel like I let my guard down.

You know I always say
I change my ways and shit,

but I'm willing
to do that for her.

That shit sounds crazy but I'm
trying to learn Spanish for her.

So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is...


- That was so f*cking cute.
- Thanks.

- That was some good Spanish.
- Yes.

- Skills A1.
- I know. Thank you.

Now for Isaiah,
who's coupled up with Phoebe.

But has had a romantic
connection with Sydney

since day one.

I would like to
couple up with this girl.

She really did make me feel
like Zay

in a way that
I can't really explain.

She makes me feel
like I can be myself.

She definitely
makes me a better man.

We've been through
a whole lot of bullshit.

And I'm just glad that

this girl was able
to give me a second chance

to show her how much
I really do care for her.

And f*ck that day bed.

I'm glad to be in a f*cking bed
with this girl finally too.


So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is...


Still sleeping on the day bed.
I'm just kidding.

Single boy Joel is up next.

He's been chatting
with both Phoebe and Courtney.

I would like to couple up
with this girl because...

not only is she beautiful,
but every time we talk,

I feel that our conversations
are genuine

and I would be a fool
not to explore that further.

And see if I can
find that connection.

So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is...


So, it all comes down to Chad,

who's coupled up with Courtney.

But has been talking
to Phoebe and Mackenzie.

Whoever he doesn't pick
will immediately be dumped.

I want to couple up with
this girl because she's dope.

You know,
I've just felt comfortable

around this particular girl.

This girl is very beautiful
inside and out.

This girl has a lot to offer.

You know, their good energy,
their good vibe.

And I think,
you know, they do elevate,

you know, people.

They're just...
They're just nice to everybody.

I... I... I value that a lot.

You know I think it's right
for me to explore further.

So, the girl I would like
to couple up with is...



Courtney, she is just the most
genuine person I have ever met.

She was just a huge part
of my happiness in here.



You did so good in here.


I wasn't even expecting to
get emotional, but it's so sad.

Like, we came into
this together.

She's been there
with all of us since day one

and it's going to be
really hard.

She's definitely
going to be missed.

Bye, Syd.

I love you too.

- I did.
- Love you.

Love you, too.

- You did a great job here.
- Thank you.

- A lot of respect for you.
- Thank you.

Thank you.

Honestly, I am sad
to see Courtney leave.

I couldn't I guess, give her
exactly what she wanted.

But you know, I wasn't going to

take away
somebody else's opportunity

to find a connection here away

because of the fact
of keeping Courtney on,

when she has had her time here.

But I'm excited to keep
getting to know Mackenzie.

I think that, you know, there
could be potential possibly.

We love you.

It's okay.

I love you too.
It was my time, though.

I'm so, so proud of her.

I know truly, to my core,

that she came here looking
for something genuine.

And she gave it
her absolute all.

It just sucks
that she didn't find the love

she came here looking for.

But, I'm really thankful
to have met all of you.

I loved my connection with Chad

but, like, we were just on
different pages, you know?

- I'm going to miss your hugs.
- Thank you, sexy.

Bye. Bye.

- Bye, Courtney.
- Bye.

I'm so thankful
to have met all of you.

And I hope you have an amazing
rest of your time here.

- Oh.
- Love you, Courtney.

We love you Courtney.

I feel sad
to be leaving of course.

But at the same time,

I'm just a person
who knows my worth

so it's hard for me to settle.

I'm just really thankful
for this whole experience.

And for the people I've met.

The biggest lesson I've learned

is to live
in the present moment.

And the love I want is loyal,

genuine and pure.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Courtney is gone,
but she should be proud.

She made it
all the way to the eve

of the eve of the eve of the eve

of the eve
of the eve of the final.

And you don't get
much closer than that.

And Phoebe is just delighted
to still be here.

How do you feel?

I feel good.

Like, I've been, like, wanting
to just, like, feel wanted.

And, like, this is the first
time I've been in the villa,

where, like, I feel,
like, wanted.

- Do you know what I mean?
- Yeah.

- So, like thank you.
- Of course.

You know, I'm glad
I could make you feel wanted

and I'm excited
to get to know you more.

And see if we can
make some spark.


You know,
we'll just take it day by day.

I feel really good
about my decision

to pick Phoebe
and stick with her.

You know,
her and I had, you know,

a really great,
easy conversation.

And we're ready
to see what happens.

I feel like
I have the opportunity

to have a chance to try
to build something.

So, I'm really
excited about that.

- You know what I mean?
- Yeah, absolutely.

Cause I came in
with f*cking Isaiah.

And we all know
how that panned out.

And like, I'm so happy I have
a person I can, like, talk to.

Like, that is on my side.
Holy f*ck.

I don't really know
what me and Joel can be.

But I do know that,
like, we do have conversations

and they are comfortable
and we do laugh.

And like, he did end up
choosing me tonight.

So, I kind of just
want to ride it out

and just, like,
see what happens.

- No pressure.
- I know.

We are just
going to enjoy the moment.

Enjoy our time here.

And if... if something happens,
then that's all the more better.

I agree.

The man of the hour.

The man with the power. Chad.

I liked that introduction.

That was good.
Yeah, that was good.

Come on, man.
Rightfully so.

Me and Phoebe did kiss
before the recoupling.

- Oh, shit.
- Wait, today?

- Yeah.
- Damn.

- Right before the recoup?
- Yeah.

I was like,
"Do you have any chapstick?"

She was like,
"No. But you can kiss me."

I said, "Sure,"
you know, I'm not going to...

Honestly, 'cause her lips
had chapstick.

- No, it was just a service.
- She was really helping me out.

That's what everybody does, bro.
That's what everybody does.

She was being a...

If Timmy wanted Chapstick,
I would tell him to f*ck off.

That's right.

- Right. Right. Right.
- Yeah.

Realistically, I'm definitely
going to tell Mackenzie

for sure, I think.

Yeah, I think if you figure out

what that kiss really
is about with Phoebe,

then you'll... I mean,
that'll steer the ship, bro.

'Cause I don't know
how torn you are

between Mackenzie and Phoebe.

'Cause like, if you are still
trying to get to know both,

- equally...
- That was my plan.

- That's your plan right now?
- Yeah, to get to know both.

But you're just leaning
towards Phoebe more?

Yeah, I was going to
lean towards Phoebe more.

That kiss with Phoebe
was kinda something

that was in the making
for a minute.

But out of respect for that,

me and Mackenzie
are going to be sharing a bed.

I will put our time,
you know, first.

I think she just wanted to give
me some chapstick, you know.

That's some shit.

That's some shit.
That's interesting.

Interesting technique, you know.

- Yeah.
- There are other ways,

but, like, I do understand,
just you know.

Sometimes you just
running short, man.

And, like,
got to be resourceful.

What was I going to do,

sit there
and have dry ass lips? No.

Do you know what flavor it was?
Was it...

- It was good flavor.
- Good flavor, okay.

Whatever flavor it was,
I enjoyed the flavor.

It tasted good flavor.

Good flavor, okay.

Zeta's in tears.

I'm guessing it is either

because she's lost
her best friend,

or her hay fever tablets.

My money's on hay fever tablets.

Those flowers are a nightmare.

I hate it.

I want to get
my tear ducts removed.

Tear ducts.

Can you imagine me
in the surgery table, like...

Yeah, Timmy, I don't know.

It's like, you comforting me,

It just makes me feel

just like,
what I really wanted in a boy.

- Mmhmm.
- Mmhmm.

- I don't know, you're just...
- In tough times,

a little comfort,
just being sweet and nice.

I've already, like, been a softy
but you're making it worse.

You know, I don't really
like to show my cards but...

I have my own cards.
Let's collab.

Put them together.

I'm so into you.

So, into you.
That really how you feel?

I feel so strongly about Timmy.

Just how he was with me tonight.

It was just so special.

It just put me in that place

of, like, "I'm going to
go through things in life,

"and this boy's
going to be there."

It's just the feeling that

you've looked for
your whole life.

It's really powerful.

I'm a confident dude

but you give me a different...

Different level of confidence.

- Mmm, Timmy.
- I feel good.

What am I going to do with you?

Just do what you've been doing.

Just do what you've been doing.

I'm so happy
to be here with you.

Some people can take a secret

all the way to the grave.

Sadly, Isaiah could
only take a secret

all the way to the kitchen.

I guess Phoebe and Chad

kissed before
the recoupling tonight.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I knew it.

Okay so,
me and Phoebe did kiss today.

You guys kissed today?

- Yeah.
- When?

Before the recoupling.

Oh, shit.

But I just wanted to
tell you that

so that you wouldn't
hear it from her.

That was really
considerate of you.

'Cause it definitely could have
come up in the dressing room.

So, I appreciate
you letting me know.

So, I didn't find out,
like, there.

I really just, like,
always appreciate

when people
are up front and honest, yeah.

Like I very much want him
to feel like

he can explore with Phoebe.

They have
a physical connection already.

But, I'm just excited
to just go at our own pace

and just get to know each other.

then we will get along well

because it kind of
the name of my game here...

It's just literally saying
whatever is, like, the case.

- Yeah.
- You know?

No, I can tell you are that way.

I'm going to miss her, bro.

Oh, I cannot cope.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- I know.

Courtney was here
from the beginning.

She was an OG with you all.

She literally
made everybody's day, always.

I'm all booed up now.

I'm all booed up for sure now.

Who taught him
to say that in Spanish?

- Was it you?
- Jeff did it all on his own.

He came in here, wanting that.

And I think he's found it.

Sydney, you are finally
back with Isaiah.

I get a bed.

Did you and Chad kiss?

It wasn't a kiss.

Don't worry, he told me.

- He was like "I need chapstick."
- Wait, When was this?

It was like in
our two second conversation.

- He's like...
- Today?

Yeah, before I talked to Joel.

I think you were very into Chad.

And I think something
that held you back

was that you
really liked Courtney.

You really respected
what they had.

So, I think you held back.

- Yeah, I did.
- Exactly.

So, now that he's...

coupled up with Mackenzie
and it's clearly fresh and new.

- Okay. I do exist.
- No, no, no. I'm saying, like...

I know, but Nadjha,
like, I get what you're saying

but, like, I don't feel like
there is an acknowledgement

- that I have been into Chad.
- Right.

I hear that you guys
have a connection.

I'm just saying, like,
it has hurt my feelings a bit.

- Right.
- I just want

an opportunity
to get to know him.

Yeah, of course, and I wa...

I genuinely want that
opportunity for you as well.



- Oh!
- Ooh!

- Good night.
- Good night.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA.”

Courtney’s gone
with nothing more than memories

and some plastic bottles
with their name on them.

Uh, they’re not
dishwasher friendly, Courtney.

And after last
night’s recoupling,

the new couples are
Phoebe and Joel,

Mackenzie and Chad,

Nadjha and Jeff,

Jesse and Deb,

Sydney and Isaiah,

Zeta and Timmy.

What's up, babe?

Hey there, lover.



How are you feeling, Mackenzie?

Funny like being surrounded

on either side by, like,
very, like, loved up couples

and, like, a brand new couple.

Well, I feel like my skin
has gotten just so ugh, here.

My skin is so bad.

My skin usually like glows.

Honestly, actually. Never mind.

I think it’s maybe
‘cause I haven’t had sex.

And you feel... feeling
pretty good about Mackenzie?

I’m excited to,
uh, get to know her

without having like, any,
like, reservations in my mind.

- Right.
- You know, we don’t

have to, like,
force and rush shit.

- Yeah.
- We just

kinda just let it go
how it is going to go.

Phoebe and I talked last night

and she said
that y’all shared a kiss.

Phoebe, I think Chad was...
Would’ve picked you.

- Do you think so?
- One hundred... I think so.

I still want that to happen

because I feel like me and Chad

could like be really
fun here and like together.

I think Joel’s just like,

he’s a little too...

Like too mature.

I was expecting her to,
you know,

to let you know
and tell you that.

‘Cause I wasn’t
gonna be the person to...

after a f*cking recoupling

and I come on to you like,
"Hey, you know...

- By the way.
- "We just kissed.”

Like, yeah.
Like, no f*ck that.

I’m not about to do that shit.

And obviously, you know,
it wasn’t like...

You know, we were
making love on the couch,

- You know what I’m saying?
- Yeah.

It was a small little kiss.

I just like need Chad

to like, tell me up front,

like what...
What his deal is with me.

So, I’m coupled up with Joel

and I promised myself today

I would have a clean slate
and just go for it.

But I do have
a stronger connection with Chad,

so I wanna make sure
that even though he is

coupled up with Mackenzie,
he’s still open

because I’m still open

to further exploring

the connection we’ve been
building the past couple days.

Is that something
that you’re still looking

to possibly pursue?

Yeah, I still want
to continue to get to know her.

For sure, you know,
um, ‘cause me and Phoebe

did also kind of,
you know, connect the points.

Yeah, I definitely
wanna be respectful,

but I also want to just like,
just get after it, you know?

You know, I trust
in the process and, uh,

we just kinda just
let it go how it’s going to go.

You know, in whatever
direction that may be.


So after the last 24 hours,

the question
on everyone’s lips is:

does Chad see Phoebe
as girlfriend material

or just as a giant
human chapstick dispenser?

Big night, last night.

Yeah, it was.

- Definitely.
- Yeah.

I’ve kind of just been confused

with the whole
situation last night

because I didn’t really...

We didn’t really get to speak.

I kind of just
laid a kiss on you

and then walked away.


- Which I did enjoy by the way.
- Yeah.

I just... I... like,
I don’t really know...


what you’re thinking
to be completely honest.

Let’s put it this way.

Like I’m not gonna
hold back with like

being like open with you.



Sydney, how was last night?

- Yeah, you are back.
- How was...

Yeah, it was really fun.

Do you think he was excited
to be back in bed with you...

Yeah, we hadn’t slept on the bed
together in like... in a...

- In a minute.
- Yeah.

In like a while.

Like since Mady was here

was the last time
we had shared a bed.

- Oh wow!
- Yeah.

Just excited
to grow in our journey.

Like, I feel like we’re
very much still blossoming,

but in a good way, you know?

My first night back in bed
with Isaiah was really nice.

I really missed it,
so I’m really glad

that we are like back
in a couple together

and we’re just
like growing every single day.

So, I’m super, super excited.

It’s definitely
like still major fireworks,

which is really nice.

Who would’ve thought, y’all?

- Bae.
- Bae.

Not yet. Ooh!

- Hello, governor.
- Oh, you did?


I can’t remember the last time
I shared a bed with boy.

Really? You can’t remember that?

It has to have been like
months and months and months.

- Yeah.
- Was it okay?

No, it was good.
You’re a big guy.

- Yeah.
- Like a big...

And it was like,
"Wow! It’s like cozy."

Mm-hmm. That’s fun. Okay, good.
Yeah. No, it was really good.

I think the thing with Chad is

I feel super safe with him
and I’m excited to see

if that safeness
can be translated

into something
a little more romantic.

I think as of right now,

like I’m... I’m really enjoying
my time with him for sure.

How are you feeling
this morning?

Are you at all like...

This is like the least
stressed out I’ve felt though

like the past, like, five days.

Yeah, it kind of worked out
perfectly for the both of us,

the situation, because,

where my head is at

and like my experience
and everything, like,

I might have been
like the best person for you

to ultimately
be coupled up with.

- You know what I mean?
- Yeah.

Does Jeff always just
sleep there all day?

He’s there often. Yeah.

Of course I do.
I got a text!

- No, you didn’t!
- Swear to God.

You’re lying.

Bro, I did bro.

Read it!


Yeah. Right on.

- Wow!
- Spit in my mouth.

Very afraid to be yakked on
hearing this news. So.

- I have a really clean mouth.
- I believe you.

Your mouth looks great.

It really does.

Who wants
to gargle food and just

throw it through
another f*cking person’s mouth

and throw it into a cup.

That’s weird.

This is the most terrified
I’ve been

in the past, like 30 days.

I just don’t have,
like, a fear of these things.

I do,
so we’re really gonna have...

You’re gonna
have to like motivate me now...

- Carry the team.
- And help me through.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

It’s challenge time.

Get ready for the infamous

Guess who’s winning?

The couples
must move a seven course meal

from one side of the course

to the other
using only their mouth.

The couple that transfer

the most food fastest wins,

while we all watch and lose.

- Yeah.
- I’m so nervous.

Clam chowder in a bread bowl,

chili French fries,

strawberry milkshake,

mac and cheese,


churros dipped
in chocolate syrup,

chocolate lava cake.

I get car sick.

Disengage that gag
reflex for your first course,

clam chowder in a bread bowl.

On your marks,

get set, blow chunks.

Timmy likes clam chowder.

When that thing
got in my mouth...

it tasted like
throw up on bread.

Ew, ew, ew.

I can't, I can't.

Isaiah has the bigger mouth.

You can put
a whole lot of shit in there.

No, I’m not happy
about what just happened.

Me and Joel
actually really enjoyed

the taste of the clam chowder.

- We love clam chowder.
- We love it. Yes.

- That’s it!
- Ew!

Isaiah, that was a big piece.

Absolutely atrocious.

That tastes like.

Chili French fries
coming right up

your wind pipe.

- Ew!
- Oh!

It looked like dog poo.


I think
I peed my pants a little.

Eat that.

I had to chew it up
a little bit and then feed her.

Like a bird.

Having chili
in your f*cking mouth

already is disgusting like

when you’re not about to eat it.

And then having to put it
into another person’s mouth.

- Yeah.
- No that was... that wasn’t dope.


Don’t throw up.

Don’t do it.

Like two pigs in a trough.

Are you calling me a pig?

I knew that was gonna happen.

Oh, my God!
What the f*ck?


Our strawberry milkshake brings

all the hurls to the yard.

Come on, Timmy!

Well done. Well done.
Well done. Well done.

Good job everybody.

The milkshake,
I almost threw up.

That one was awful.

- Go on. Go on.
- Ew!

That is not a milkshake!

One thing that...
That kind of threw us

was there were
so many chunks in it.

The chunks.
Chunk, chunk, chunk.

And I’m like,
"Just go, go, go.”

We struggled with that one.

That was so gross.

Dude, it got all over me.

I’ll lick it all off too.

That one wasn’t that bad.

Now serving Mac
and cheese, or yak and cheese.

You gave me one noodle.

Mac and cheese, like to me,

it is just like
slimy, gooey, bro.

I can’t...
I don’t f*ck with that shit.

You have to give me
more than one noodle.

It was really bad for Jeff.


- f*ck! Disgusting!
- No! Fine.

Why she giggling?

‘Cause I feel so bad for you.

Yeah. I feel crazy right now.

You got it.

Oh no!

- Oh!
- Are you okay?

Save me.

Next up is churros dipped in...

I mean, who cares if it’s gonna
end up on the floor?

Churros was actually I think

the easiest to transfer
‘cause they all stuck together

‘cause of the chocolate sauce.

I would fit my mouth
the most I could

and then I would squeeze it

so I could like
compress it for her mouth.

Don’t put that many.

I put like ten
of them thangs in my mouth.

- Yeah.
- She couldn’t take it all.


Joel was like,
"You know, I’m just gonna put

"all the sticks
in my mouth.”

Right away, I was
just thinking like, "Dicks!”

These are
the Costco microwave ones.

I hope they left room
for the chocolate lava cake.

Oh shit!

- Go, go, go, go, go.
- Have fun.

Isaiah and Sydney, just nasty.


Sicko. Real sickos.

- Oh my God!
- Huh!

Okay. This is my strategy.
My face like a tray.

They’re just got everything
all over them

and they’re sitting there
just still snogging, ew!

- Who’s bigger?
- It’s mine for sure.

The challenge team
are feeling pretty smug

about how that went.

Well, wait until they see

what they’re having for dinner.

The winners
of Dine and Dash are...

Phoebe and Joel.

- Yay!
- We won baby!


Joel and Phoebe
cheated for sure.

Their wheels were greasier.

Let’s clean up
and head back to the villa.

Let’s go.

Welcome back
to "Love Island USA."

Back at the beach,
a load of half chewed food

is being fought over by seagulls
and unemployed actors,

while here in the villa
there’s a cause for celebration.

I can’t believe nobody threw up
during that challenge.

That was crazy.

I’m lit I didn't.

I was just telling him
to shove it in his mouth

and put it on my face.


I got a text!

- Oh my God!
- Ooh!

- Oh, shit.
- Ooh!


- Party, party, party!
- It's a party. It’s a party.

I’m gonna wear some leg warmers.

It’s a very special treat.

Tonight, our Islanders
are traveling all the way back

to the ‘80s, where much
of my material comes from.


I look like
David Bowie’s sister.

I don’t know who that is.

This is really what
they wore in the ‘80s, bro?

Zay has teleported
back to the ‘80s

and he is ready to show
these f*cking kids his moves.

- I cannot believe.
- We gotta bring it back.

Get to the chopper. Come on!

What are you waiting for? Do it.

We’re going back to the ‘80s.

I don’t know
anything about the '80s.

I was born in the 21st century.

‘80s night.

You know what I’m saying?
The ladies were out.

Ah! The good old days.

Shout out to the ladies
in the '80s.

I just feel cool.

It’s just like
how I look in sunglasses

so why would I not wear them
at night too.

The girls are about
to have a frank discussion

and trust me,
sparks are going to fly.

Nobody’s arguing.

It’s just the static of those

cheap taffeta prom dresses.

Yeah. How’s it going with Joel?

- I really can’t.
- Oh no!

Like as of right now,
like I have

more of a connection
with Chad than I do with Joel.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

And it’s like, it’s just
more of like a physical one

than I have with Joel, right?

What are you gonna do?
You gonna like...

I'm gonna pull Chad for a chat.

You got us right here.

I decided to have a mission:

to get Chad alone
with no interruptions.

Joel not coming up to me
and Mackenzie being distracted.

I get a little frisky
when I know there’s a party,

so maybe I’ll
turn it up a little bit.

God, girl! You have
hella levels to this shit.

Two minutes
of the ‘80s was plenty.

Apparently, some people lived
through ten years of them.

No wonder they’re so angry.

Still, Jeff’s a huge fan
of the giant purple arm puff.

You look so good, baby.

Oh, no I don’t.
But, thank you.

Like, every day,
I just feel natural

and just like,
we being ourselves now

and growing every day.

- We just flow.
- We really do.

- We do baby.
- Yeah.

Jeff, every single day like,
I just like him more and more.

And like, we’re just
both on the same page

with a lot of things.

I know it’s
still early in this stuff but...

falling for you is like...
Like a big step type of shit.

Do you really think you’re
falling like in love with me.

I am.

I am falling for you, baby.

I think
I’m falling for you for sure.

Stop. I’ll cry.

Stop. Don’t tell me
that right now!

No, for real like, baby,
you mean so much to me.

- Promise.
- I mean it this shit.

- Pinky promise me.
- I mean this shit.

I mean this shit.

In every way.

- Really?
- And I hope it’s the same.

It is.

I’m falling for you too, Jeff.

- You’re so cute.
- Like emotionally, mentally.

I’m falling for her.

We're really growing man.

I’m saying shit
I’ve never said before.

It’s definitely amazing, bro.

Oh my God!

If you’re just joining us now,

before the ad break,
Mackenzie and Joel

were asked to dress up
in what they would wear

if they were invited
to an Amish wedding.

So, how are you feeling?

I’m feeling good, you know?

Um, I feel like
the competition really increased

the... the chemistry
between Phoebe and I,

um, which was fun
and like, you know,

fun to experience someone

who has the same
competitive fire that I do

and really just
like bond over that.

It was a good day.

How are you feeling about Chad?

How is that all that going?

- I think it’s going good.
- Yeah?

- I really like being around him.
- Yeah?

Just feels...
Like he just makes me feel

really at ease,
really comfortable.

People come into your life
at a certain time

and they are meant to be there

and you’re meant
to learn something from them

or gain something
from that connection.

And I think that Chad
and I both truly have

gained something
from our connection together.

I think
everything has played out

the way
that it was meant to play out.

Today just brought us
like closer together.

- Yeah.
- The... the challenge and...

- Come here.
- Shit!

Do you feel that Phoebe is

a threat to you and him
or do you...

I don’t see Phoebe as a threat.

You know,
you guys are so different

that it’s really gonna come down

to what he wants.


We need to chat
at least once a day.

- Absolutely.
- I love your loafers.

- Thank you.
- I just noticed them.

- Thank you.
- They’re nice.

- I appreciate.
- I really enjoyed them.

There we go.

Ooh! Sorry. Hi.

- Hey.
- Oh, hi.

- Hello. How are you?
- Hi.

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