11x04 - Along Came a Spider

Episode transcripts for the TV show "When Calls the Heart". Aired: January 2014 to present.*
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"When Calls the Heart" follows a young school teacher from a wealthy Eastern family, who migrates from the big city to teach school in a small coal mining town in the west.
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11x04 - Along Came a Spider

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on When Calls the Heart...

I'm so sorry for interrupting.

I'm going to fail every math test.

I just can't get it.

The base of the mountain belongs
to the township of Benson Hills,

not Hope Valley.

I don't think in good conscience

we can rule out Montague
as the mastermind.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

[ELIZABETH] I just hope we're
able to go back to being friends.

I believe in this resort wholeheartedly.

I need to stay in Hope Valley
until this is all sorted out.

I'm not going anywhere.

The Governor's Easter Address.
It all sounds very official.

I don't even know why he invited us.

This is a radio speech.

What does he need a live audience for?

He said it's to remind him
he's speaking to real people,

including his constituents
listening at home.

Mom, can I come listen to Buddy's speech

instead of going to daycare?

No, honey bear, there won't
be any other children there,

and then Mommy has to go to school.

Then can I come to school with you?

Next year I will be big
enough to go all the time.

Oh, he's right. Somebody's growing up.

You know, today we're
decorating Easter eggs at school

so I think it would be a
egg-cellent morning for you to come.

But then straight to daycare, alright?

- Yay!
- Yay!

- Yay!
- Yay!!


[ROSEMARY] Thank you.

So do you think there'll be
a Thanksgiving speech, too?

Yeah, and a Christmas one.

Don't forget New Year's.


What do you think this is about?

Might have something to do
with a certain Easter bunny?

Excuse me.

[ROSEMARY] Oh, Bill,
I meant to tell you.

I have an idea on how
to get Lucas to remember.

Remember what?

How he was shot, of course. What else?

I thought that Pike guy shot him.

- Well...
- If you believe the papers.

You mean The Beetle.

Far be it from me to cast
aspersions on a fellow journalist...

Where was I? Yes, we could try hypnosis.

It worked for Sherlock Holmes.

Rosemary, hypnosis is frowned
upon in medical circles.

It's unreliable and
potentially even dangerous.

So is having a m*rder*r
running around free!

- m*rder*r?!

Attempted m*rder*r,
sweetheart. It's just a theory.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the Governor is ready
to begin his broadcast.


Thank you, everyone.

Three, two, one.

This is Governor Lucas
Bouchard speaking to you

from my hometown of Hope Valley.

Easter is a time of new beginnings,

and on that theme I
am pleased to announce

the building of 1,000 new homes.

Apartments and row houses,
affordable to working people

who will be part of the expansion

of the Cape Fullerton harbor.


And, closer to home, we are
accepting proposals to build

one of the most ambitious
developments ever seen

in our great territory,
the Hope Valley Resort.


But I'm not forgetting
our youngest citizens.

I'm delighted to
proclaim the first annual

Governor's Easter Egg Hunt
right here in Hope Valley.

I know it will be a
turnout the likes of which

we have never seen.

Thank you, everyone, and Happy Easter.


- Should we go congratulate him?
- Yes.

There you go.

Well, look at that.

We have to hand it to those two,

they're being very adult about this.

Seems like they've moved on amicably.

Yes, yes it does.

Although I know things
would be easier for you

if Lucas was in Capital City.

Makes no difference to me.


So, you seem to be in the know
with this whole Easter egg hunt.

Lucas consulted with me about it.

He had some pretty grand notions.

Such as?

Oh, picture Edwin in
a giant bunny costume.

I love it. I would love to see that.

I'm sorry to disappoint you

but I convinced Lucas not to do that.

What? Oh, you're no fun.

Excuse me, I am a lot of fun.

But it is my job to remind
Lucas to keep things simple.

So he um, he gave you
like-like an actual job?

It's more self-appointed.

I see. Well, in that case
I would like to thank you,

your constituents
would like to thank you.

The great town of
Hope Valley thanks you.

I know Edwin thanks you.

Uh, you're going the wrong
way, the school's back this way.

I have to go to the
daycare to pick up Jack.

I'm bringing him with
me to school today.

Oh, wow. Lucky him.

Um... you uh, you let me
know if you need any help

with uh, with the hunt.

That would be nice, thank you.

Let's just say for the sake of argument

that Montague was
involved in the sh**ting.


What would be your next step?

Well, that would be up to Lucas.

What's up to me?

Lucas. I don't suppose
you remembered anything?

You will be the first to know, Rosemary.

But currently I'm focusing on
the future and not the past.

Bill, I need you to attend a meeting

with the mayor of Benson Hills.

Mayor of... is this about the resort?

I warned Edwin

that half of the property
we sold of the territory

was in the township of Benson Hills.

And I'm sure you took
full responsibility

for the misunderstanding?

- Yeah.
- Hmm.

Which is why we need to
get them on board pronto.

And you're the mayor of Hope Valley.

Acting mayor.

Well, I'd still like you to be there.

Well, I don't want me to be there.

It sounds like a bunch of hot air.

Well, Michael is still
officially the mayor, aren't you?

Oh, but I can't meet with
the mayor of Benson Hills.

Why not?

Have you not heard any of my stories

about my five overbearing sisters,

one of whom was just elected
mayor of Benson Hills?

I was just complaining about
this last week at poker.

No one listens during poker.

Listen, Mike, this is
perfect. You have a family in.

You don't understand.

Maisie is impossible to reason with.

What, are you afraid of her?

Yes. Yes, I am.

I know, Lee will go with you.

I will?

Good idea.

Sounds like a dream team to me.

Mayor Maisie will be
here this afternoon.

Alright, you two have fun.

What... hey...

Alright, Jack.

Now we just leave it
there for a minute to dry.

Is this what you do at
school every day, Mom?

Uh, no, not exactly.

Most days we're learning about reading

and arithmetic, science...

More eggs?

Thank you so much, Minnie. Just in time.

We've already gone
through the first batch.

- Oh, I'm very impressed.
- Mm-hmm.

Sarah, your egg isn't dry yet.

You're going to turn
the yellow into orange.

Girls, is there a problem over there?

Talia's egg will make the dye green.

Jack, I'll be right back, ok?

But I need your help.

I'll help you, Jack.

Thank you, Allie.

Now, girls, have we tried
listening to each other's

point of view to see if
there's a compromise to be had?

What if we divide the yellow?

And make a green bowl
and an orange bowl?

That is a great idea.


You know, that is pretty good advice.

For Pop and his brother,
what Mrs. Thornton said.

I completely agree.


Oh my goodness.

These are so beautiful.

This is how my mother showed
me to decorate Easter eggs.

The way they did it when she was
growing up in the old country.

I brought some to copy.

Do you think you could show us how?

First, trace a wax
circle making two halves.

And then add one more
circle, making four parts.

Like quarters?

Right, quarters.

Then trace a wax circle
going through the middle.

And how many parts is that?


And then divide it one more time.

How many is that?


So each wedge is...


Toby! You just divided fractions.


So, what do you think of school?

It's fun!



It's like you're everybody's mom.

I may be everyone's teacher
but I am only your mom.

And that is the most
important thing I will ever be.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Jack! There's gonna
be an Easter egg hunt!

I know, I can't wait!

I like your wings, Lily.
Is it a special occasion?

Oh, no. She just insisted.

There you two are.

Wanna come play with the other children?

Sure! Bye, Mom.

Bye, Jack.

Bye, Auntie Faith!

Have fun.

Lily seems to be adjusting well.

And you?

Oh, I'm fine.

Although, did I just make the
right decision letting her wear

her fairy wings to daycare?

I know she loves them,

I just wanna make sure the
other kids don't tease her.

I'm sure they won't.

A little individuality is a good thing.

You know, I think so, too.


I don't know what I did before Lily.

Being a working parent isn't easy.

I can hardly call myself a parent.

Caregiver, then.

Either way it's just as much work.

And joy.

You know, Elizabeth, I've
never had so much fun.


They are a lot of fun.


Ned said a package arrived for you

from the Mounties in Capital City.

So, do tell. What's in it?

Remind me to have a conversation
with Ned about privacy.

This all looks very intriguing.

I called in a favor.

I got a hold of the case file on Pike.

Well, that is great news.

Wha... this is a real scoop.

Bill, we are going to get to
the bottom of this in a jiffy.

I just know it.

These are the fingerprints
that were found on the g*n

that was used to sh**t Lucas.

Well, how do we know? Can
we be sure this is the g*n?

The ballistics check out.

The prints belong to Clayton Pike.

So you're saying he did it.

Look again.

These fingerprints,
they're only on the grip.

That doesn't make any sense.

If Pike loaded the g*n his
prints would be all over

the chamber and the barrel
from cocking and loading.

I once played Annie Oakley off Broadway.

Someone cleaned this g*n.

At best there'd be a partial print left.

Not a perfect set like we have.

So someone tampered with
the prints on the g*n.

To make it look like
Pike was the sh**t,

which would indicate he wasn't.

So you're saying Pike was framed.

Or... took the fall.

But for whom?


Let me guess, Montague.

Or someone he hired.

Excuse me, but you can't park there.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Only I'm a close friend of the owner,

surely it'll be alright.

Oh, you're a friend of Lee's?


Yes, he just bought the
place from Governor Bouchard.

Aren't I behind the times?

So how long have you known Lucas?

Oh, we go way back.

It's funny, he doesn't
talk much about his past.

I suppose that's only wise.

Especially since becoming Governor.

And where did you say you know him from?

How would I go about getting a room?

Hickam! This lady
would like to check in.

Oh, of course.


Please sign here. How
long will you be staying?

A few nights.

She's a friend of Lucas's.

Oh, really?

Welcome, Miss Au... Aucon... Aucoin...

Aucoin. Jeanette Aucoin.

I know that name. The
old widow Jeanette?

Not sure I'd use those words.

[BILL] Lucas's friend from New Orleans.

[HICKAM] Oh, right.

New Orleans was ages ago.


Surprise, chéri. It's me.

It's so nice to finally meet you.

We've heard so much about you.

Or... not that much, really.

Don't you two have that thing
that you need to take care of?

I'd be interested in hearing more.

Not today, gentlemen.

Jeanette, would you follow me?

It's nice to see you, too.

Say... who's that?

Jeanette Aucoin.

Lucas's old friend.

You don't say.

You could at least
have given me a warning.

You used to love surprises.

Only when I'm the one
doing the surprising.

That was when I saw a photo
of you and your fiancée

in one of your cute local papers...

Were you going to
invite me to the wedding?

Oops, no. It was called off, wasn't it?

Let's leave Elizabeth out of this.

Last I heard you were working
for the Treasury Department.

Let's just say we had mutual interests.

So you were an informant.

You know how that goes, darling.

Thank you for leaving me at
the least opportune moment.

Couldn't be helped.


What kind of trouble can I bail
you out of this time, Jeanette?

Actually, I'm here
to bid on your resort.

And why would you be doing that?

As it happens I was in
Cape Fullerton on business.

I represent a group of high
net-worth investors there.

I've heard that before.

Lucas, I've gone
straight. Just like you.

I swear it.

This group is completely on the level.


So, if I have this right,
you supply the land,

we build the resort and run
it, then we split the profits?

Yes, that's correct.

However, this really isn't a good time.

The train leaves in 20 minutes.

I came by car.

Even better. Let me walk you out.

Oh, look. Seems I've already checked in.

Hi, Mike. Have you seen Lucas?

I need to stop him from going
overboard with chocolate bunnies.

You know Lucas. He thinks big.

Right. That's what I was afraid of.

Sometimes less is more.

Just try telling him that.

Oh, he's right... about one thing.

Everybody loves chocolate.

I'm just gonna go see
if he's in his office.

Isn't it weird that Easter
involves bunnies and eggs?

Now that you mention it, I suppose.


I'll-I'll make sure to let
him know that you were here.

About the bunnies.

Thanks, Mike. I appreciate it.


Elizabeth! Hi.

There you are.

About the chocolate bunnies...

Yes, I've already ordered them.
Don't worry, 100 percent done.


But Florence mentioned that
you ordered the large ones?

Yes, I certainly did.

The children would really be
happy with one half that size.

As would their parents.

So if you don't mind
calling Florence, I'm sure...

I'm on it.

Why are you acting so nervous?

not acting nervous.

Uh... I'm very busy.

Alright, then I will
see you at the egg hunt.


I'll make that call.

Thank you.

What was all that?

If anyone asks, anyone, I'm unavailable.

To hold you over until dinner.

Oh, thank you. I'll
try not to be too late.

It seems they always have a lot to say

at the Jameson Bible classes.


- They do like to argue.
- Mmm.

Mrs. Thornton says every argument
can be settled if people listen.

I think that's true.

Have you ever tried
listening to your brother?

I can't listen if he
won't speak to me, Coop.

I'll see you all later tonight.

- Bye.
- Bye, kids.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Oh, Michael, come on.

You're gonna wear a hole in the carpet.

Your sister cannot possibly be that bad.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

I have a feeling this
whole thing is going to be

a huge waste of our time...
to say hello to my sister, Lee.

Oh, Michael, how many
times have I told you

that blue simply washes you out.

Gee, Maisie, I don't know. 150 million?


Mayor Hickam, pleased
to finally meet you.

Leland Coulter.

Nice to meet you.

Afraid to take me on
by yourself, Michael?


On that note, why don't we
have a seat and uh, get started?

Let's do that.

The new access road
replacing the hiking trail

will come through on
the Benson Hills side

of the mountain, of course.

So you'll get all of the tourists.


Maisie, you can't just make
pronouncements like that.

This is supposed to be a negotiation.

We can build two roads,
one from each side.

Sorry, this one is non-negotiable.

Ok, um...

why don't we just table
that one for the time being

and uh, move along.

The name will be The
Benson Hills Resort.

That's ridiculous.

The resort site is on the Hope
Valley side of the property.


Oh, you can't expect me
to sit here and agree to

"Hope Valley Resort".

You know what?

I'm beginning to think I can't get
you to agree to anything at all.

And I think that this has been
a colossal waste of my time.

Michael, can you reason with her?

She's your sister. Do something.

Oh, believe me, she's going easy on you.


It is a colossal waste of my time

because it seems that
none of you have considered

the downside to this resort.


What exactly is the downside?

Who's to say that this has not
become a magnet for undesirables?


And criminals? And rum runners?

[SCOFFS] Rum-runners.

This resort is for families.

And that's what they
thought in Louis Creek

and look what happened there.

A decent person can't walk down
the street in safety anymore.


I wanna know what
guarantee you can offer

that the same won't happen here. Hmm?


So I suspected. None.

Why don't we take a
break for the evening?

- For the week?
- How about a year?

What's the point in writing
Uncle Jacob a letter?

He probably doesn't
even know who we are.

That's why I'm writing
it like it's from Dad.

Oh my gosh, my dad would be
so mad at me if I did that.

I'm sure ours will be, too.

What's the worst that could happen?

They're already not
talking to each other.

Uh, your dad could stop talking to you.

Or he can wind up thanking me.

Mama told us he lives in Aberdeen.

Are you sure you can find the address?

The telephone exchange
there should have it.

Ready to head home?

Coming Mama.

Hey, guess who checked
into the hotel today.

Do you remember the name Jeanette?

Jeanette? No, it doesn't ring a bell.

- Ok, how about Amos?
- Oh, Lee, it's too late for this.

You remember when Elizabeth
was held hostage in the saloon?

Yes! Lucas's Jeanette.

- Yes.
- Oh, Amos Dixon!

Oh my goodness, I must be
tired if I forgot about that.

Now, Jeanette called Lucas to warn him

about that awful fellow,

she's an old widow from
New Orleans that he knew?

He got her out of some jam, I think.

Believe you me, the widow Jeanette

is no helpless little old lady.

Oh, well, do tell.

She could be a screen siren.

Leland Coulter!

- What?
- I'm the screen siren in Hope Valley!

I think what I meant to say
was, um, she could be an actor.

Like a character actor, where you...


As you would be the leading lady.


Alright, well hmm. That
is interesting, though.


So Lucas was not being entirely truthful

about his damsel in distress.

I have to go talk to
Elizabeth about this right now.

Um, you do realize of
course that it is the middle

of the night and you're
wearing a night gown?

Yes, when has that ever stopped me?

That's a good point.

However, Elizabeth might be sleeping

and Jack most certainly
will be sleeping.


Good day.

Hello. May I help you?

I don't often indulge myself like this

but I wonder if I might have
a cup of vanilla ice cream.

One of my favorite breakfasts.


Are you in town for the Easter egg hunt?

No, no, I just happen
to be passing through.

You obviously can spot a stranger.

Sorry, I didn't... I didn't mean...

No, think nothing of it.

It speaks highly of you
that you know your clientele

well enough to... spot a newcomer.

Well, getting to know people
is what I love about this job.

And have you been doing it long?

A couple of years. I came from Chicago.

I am the town pharmacist
and I also run the salon,

temporarily for a friend.

We do facials and mud masks...

Mud masks?

Yeah. My grandmother's recipe.


How simply divine. Mmm.

The generational sharing of wisdom.



Is everything ok?

What're you doing here?

Mike, this nice lady is a customer.

No, she is not.

I haven't properly introduced myself.

I'm Maisie Hickam.

- Oh, you're...
- Maisie, why are you here?

We don't meet again until next week.

Well, can't a girl enjoy a treat?

So you're not here by accident?


She told you about Mei, didn't she?

You told your mom about me?

Well... yeah. Is that ok?

Sure, of course! Yes!

Michael, you should really
bring Mei home to meet Mother.

I used to love hunting for Easter eggs.

Oh yeah? I bet you were good at it.

My basket usually had a few
more eggs than my sisters.

But I was always willing to share.

- Nathan.
- Yeah?

That is way too high.

Well, you can't make
it too easy for them.

You can't make it too hard, either.

How are the smaller children
supposed to reach that high?

I think if somebody
wants something bad enough

they'll figure it out.

What if there's a chance
they could get hurt?

Well, then I guess
they just have to decide

if it's worth it or not.

Well, a chocolate egg
definitely isn't worth it.

So, if you would excuse me...

Yeah, I...

- Elizabeth, I can do that.
- I got it.

Well, just be careful. I...



[ALLIE] Dad? Mrs. Thornton?

[NATHAN] Uh, back here!


Hi, Allie. Where's Jack?

In the café with Angela and Cooper.

He wants to know when the
Easter egg hunt's gonna start.

- Oh, that'll be...
- You tell him...



- I should...
- Yeah.

Yeah... ok.


Good morning, chéri.

Still here I see.

Just until I make my bid.

I wouldn't bother making
a bid if I were you.

Why not?

Because I know what kind of
people your investors are.

I told you my investors
are on the level.

I'm sorry, but this project
will be completely above board.

I've changed, Jeanette.

I'm not like you.

I've told you I've changed, too.


Jeanette Aucoin, I presume?

Rosemary Coulter of The Valley Voice.

A pleasure.

Rosemary, I apologize, we're just...

You've become quite a legend
around Hope Valley, you know.

Have I?

What on earth have you been
telling people about me?

Nothing, I assure you.

Rosemary, is there something
I can help you with?

You haven't seen Elizabeth... have you?

I have not.






She's the school teacher, isn't she?

Your erstwhile fiancée.

That's really none of your concern.

Submit your bid if you must.
Then you can be on your way.

Children, the Easter egg
hunt will be starting soon.

- Elizabeth!
- What?

There is someone who has come to town

that I think you might be
interested in knowing about.

Someone connected to... Lucas.



Sweetheart, you look so handsome.

We'll have to wait until later.

Ok, but we do need to talk
about Anettejay at the aloonsay.

- But Rosemary, I...

Mama, I tried to get the ears on
her but she wouldn't go for it.

[ROSEMARY] Oh, my goodness,
our little Easter bunny.

- There we go.
- You look so cute.

- Oh.
- Lily and I are ready.

Hey, very cute.

You do realize of course that the
Easter egg hunt is for the kids?

Of course.

Two baskets?

That just means you'll
have to fill both of them up

with all of the eggs.

Ok, Auntie Faith. Can
we still hunt together?

Of course.

The sooner we start hunting...

[ALL] The sooner we
get to the chocolate!



Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,

welcome to the first annual
Governor's Easter Egg Hunt.

May I present Governor Lucas Bouchard!


Thank you. Thank you,
everyone. Thank you.

This is a great turnout
on a beautiful day.

- Kids, are you ready?
- [ALL] Yes!

- Woohoo!
- Yeah!

Without further ado, I declare
the Easter egg hunt... open!




Lucas, is there something
I should know about?

No. No, I don't think so.

Hey, have fun, buddy.
Go find those eggs.


Don't you need to help the
other kids like at school, Mom?

No, sweetheart. Right
now I am all yours.

Goldie. Goldie.

I have some eggs over here.
Come here, sweetie pie.

Come on. Take Daddy's hand.

There you go. Come on. Come on.

Rosemary, what was it you wanted
to talk with me about earlier?

- Hi, Jack!
- Lily!

Oh! I'm sorry!

Thank you!

[LEE] There you go.

[LAUGHS] Oh, honey. Oh, honey.

Good girl.

Mike, your sister's great.

You don't think it was a little
nosy of her to come all the way

from Benson Hills to spy on you?

Well, when you put it that
way, it's kind of flattering.

And I like her.

Well, I could tell she likes you, too.

But who wouldn't?

You make me feel like I
can do everything right.

She makes me feel like
I do everything wrong.

Down to the color of the shirt I wear.


You listen to me, Mike.

Your problem is that you don't
know how wonderful you are.

And capable. And brilliant.

And handsome.

And lovable.


I really wanna kiss you right now.

Would that be ok?

- [NATHAN] Over here?
- [LITTLE JACK] Maybe.

[LITTLE JACK] I think I see one.

Too big. What do you
think? Anything in it?

Yeah. Nothing.

- [LITTLE JACK] Nothing in there.
- [NATHAN] Nothing in there.

A receipt showing your
bid has been duly received.

When should we expect to hear?

Very soon, assuming your investors
can pass a background check.

Lucas, take this seriously.

Why are you really here?

Believe it or not...
I still care about you.

I'm no longer living that life.

I'm sorry.

Thank you for your bid, Ms. Aucoin.

going to go help Goldie.

- [ELIZABETH] Have fun.
- [ROSEMARY] Wait for me!

No, no.


Hello. Have we met?

No, but it's high time
we did. I'm Jeanette.



We have so much in common.

Well, at least one
thing, Lucas Bouchard.

You see, I was once engaged to him, too.


I suppose it's time I go.

Well, it was so nice
to have finally met you.

Safe travels.

So long then, chéri.


Poor widow Jeanette?


So this is why you've
been acting so strange?

Acting strange? No, I haven't...

You didn't want us to meet.

I think we got them all.

Can we get our chocolate bunnies now?

Of course.

I declare the hunt officially over.



Oh, I do hope that Lee is able to get

- Jack and Goldie down for a nap...
- Mm-hmm.

After all that excitement, aye.

Elizabeth, I must say you are
handling all of this very well.

I mean, just think.

Lucas was in love with that woman?


I suppose I always knew he had a past,

but finding out he wasn't
honest with me about Jeanette,

I just... I don't understand

why he felt like he couldn't
give me the whole truth.

I bet he was probably afraid
of what you would think of him.

He does put you on a pedestal.


Maybe that was part of our problem.

I don't want to be on a pedestal.

I prefer my feet on the
ground, thank you very much.

You know, I'm think I'm happy
to have met Jeanette today.

Now I don't have to feel...

Guilty for breaking his heart?

Rosemary, I think his heart is
a bit more resilient than that.

After all, I wasn't the first.

But you're certainly the best.

Thank you so much for offering
to cover for me, Allie.

I have a pot roast I am
very eager to get started.

No problem at all, Mrs. Yost.

Oh, if there's a problem, call Mr. Yost.

Will do.

- Bye!
- Bye-bye!

Ok, guys.


Hello, Aberdeen Exchange? Can
you help me find an address?

The name is Jacob Canfield.


Got it?

Got it. 25 Linden Street, Aberdeen.

Are you sure you guys aren't
going to get into trouble?

It's worth it if we do.

Cooper's right. It's too important.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Sorry to bother you so
late, it's just I uh...

You were right. It was way too high.

None of the kids could get it.


I thought it best to
go back to the person

who risked life and limb for it.


I guess sometimes a chocolate
egg is worth the risk.

So, uh, Jeanette.


Uh, not what I expected.

I have to admit I was a little shocked.

Mmm. Yeah, I bet.

And I-I have to admit
that I felt bad for Lucas,

being called out like
that in front of everybody.


I have to...

Yeah, no, I know.



[MUMBLING] What do we have here.

I firmly believe...

Jeannette and Associates...

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