Super Mario Brothers: Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach (1986)

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Super Mario Brothers: Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach (1986)

Post by bunniefuu »

Brought you some tea, Bro.


Tea, tea...

Good night, Mario.

Help me!

What the...?

Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, stop! Hey, stop!

Are these your friends?

No... doesn't seem like it.

Hey! Cut it out!

Cut it out already!



- Help me!
- Oh, I wasn't...

Oh, my apologies.

You really saved me there.

Thank you.

I am Princess Peach.

Princess Peach...

And you, Mario, are a very brave knight.

Eh? N-No way...

Is it all right if I hide
here for a while, Mario?

Sure, sure.

Peach, sweetie...

It's King Koopa!

The boss of those monsters just now.

He's a bad guy!

He's made a mess of our kingdom.

Make him go away!

Please, Mario?

Chase him away!


G-G-Get back! Get back!

Mario, get him!

Beat him up!

I know you can win!

Hey, you! Come at me!

He's scary!

Hang in there, Mario.

I'm sure you can defeat him.

Guess I got no choice...

- All right, come at me! Come on...
- Go! Go! Ma-ri-o!


You monster!

Save me!

- I've caught you, Peach, sweetie.
- Let me go!

Let me go! Ew!

Save me, Mario!

Wh-Where are you?

Mario! Mario!

Mario, save me!

Oh no, this is bad!


Save me!


Hey, you!

Get back out here! Hey!

Get back here!

- What's the matter?
- Come on!

Princess Peach has been kidnapped!

Princess Peach?

Who the heck is that?

She came here asking me to save her.

Save her?

Princess Peach asked you?

Go to sleep and you can
dream what happens next.

Seriously, though, just who was she?

She sure was cute.

Bishi-bishi-bashi Rock'n' Roll
Don't hold back and Rock'n' Roll

Tsukue wo tataite Rock'n' Roll
Bash your desk and Rock'n' Roll

Tesuto wa chochoi to yattsukero
Finish up that test with ease

Yeh Yeh Yeh Yeh

Doki-doki-doki Do it
Heart thumpin' thumpin', Do it

Saomatsu-sensei Rock'n' Roll
Mr. Saomatsu, Rock'n' Roll

Hachamecha no rokkunrooraa
I'm a crazy Rock'n' Roller

Bishi-bishi-bashi Rock'n Roll
Don't hold back and Rock'n Roll

Inemuri kozuite Rock'n Roll
While you're stuck dozin' off, Rock'n Roll

Souji wa yoroshiku esukeepu
I'll leave the cleanin' to you, I'm out of here

Yeh Yeh Yeh Yeh

Doki-doki-doki Do it
Heart thumpin' thumpin', Do it

Ore-tachi tsurunde Rock'n Roll
Let's hang out and Rock'n Roll

Chakichaki no rokkunrooraa
We'll be full-blooded Rock'n Rollers

Dakedo aitsura ga My Love
But, those guys are My Love,

Koitsura mo My Love
and these guys are also My Love

Mochiron ano ko mo bishibashi bacchishi
And, of course, that girl is freakin' bangin' too

Ah~ atarikishariki hazumi de hazunde
Ah~ It goes without sayin', let's spring into action

Tsuppari tongari rokkunrooraa
And be rugged, sharp Rock'n Rollers

Thank you.

Thanks for shopping!

Welcome, Miss Endless!

I was thinking I'll bake a cake today.

What a lovely idea!

A delicious cake calls
for the best ingredients!

We have everything you need in the back!

Thank you!

Good morning, Mario.

Um, wheat flour, butter, sugar,
eggs, milk, baking powder...

Oh my goodness! Are you expecting me to make a cake out of this?!

How dare he try to make a
fool out of me! Goodness.

Thanks for shopp...

What's wrong with you, Bro? You've been like this all morning!

Princess Peach...

Hey, Bro! Where'd you get this from?

Don't touch it!

Snap out of it, Bro!

This is a mystical gem from Toad legend that's been passed down since long ago!


Of course, it is! Look!

Let's see... See? Look at this!

"This stone shall guide its master
to a Land of Treasure!

The fields bloom with glittering emeralds!

Golden mushrooms grow by the water!

The night is filled with diamond stars!"



Let's go there!


Where is it?

I don't know!


I'll ask directory assistance!

Good idea. Hmph.

Um, hello?

Ah, Mario, my boy, there you are.

I've been looking for ya'.

Well, whatever. I'll send a
messenger for ya', so come quick.


Did they have the answer?

Yeah, they said they're picking me up.

Pick you up? What a bad joke!

There's no dog food here.

Hey, what are you doing?!

Wait up!

Hey, wait up! Darn it!


All right!

Bishi-bishi-bashi Rock'n' Roll
Don't hold back and Rock'n' Roll

Tsukue wo tataite Rock'n' Roll
Bash your desk and Rock'n' Roll


Tesuto wa chochoi to yattsukero
Finish up that test with ease

Wait up!

Yeh Yeh Yeh Yeh

Doki-doki-doki Do it
Heart thumpin' thumpin', Do it

Saomatsu-sensei Rock'n' Roll
Mr. Saomatsu, Rock'n' Roll

Hachamecha no rokkunrooraa
I'm a crazy Rock'n' Roller

Dakedo aitsura ga My Love koitsura mo My Love
But, those guys are My Love, and these guys are also My Love

Mochiron ano ko mo bishibashi bacchishi
And, of course, that girl is freakin' bangin' too

Ah~ atarikishariki hazumi de hazunde
Ah~ It goes without sayin', let's spring into action

Tsuppari tongari rokkunrooraa
And be rugged, sharp Rock'n Rollers

Welcome, Mario Brothers.

Please pardon my rudeness.

You were summoned here
to the Mushroom Kingdom...

by none other than me!

Mushroom Kingdom?

Mushroom Kingdom...

Did you say "Mushroom Kingdom?!"

You mean the Mushroom Kingdom
also known as the Land of Treasure?!


We're gonna be... super rich!

Multimillionaires! Hey!

You see, the Koopa Clan in a neighboring
kingdom has this great evil king, Koopa...

Koopa! Koopa!

He's a big villain!

Koopa! Koopa! Oh, so cool!

He's still bitter because Princess
Peach turned down his marriage proposal,

and has taken it out on our kingdom by
trashing it and kidnapping Princess Peach!

Trashing, trashing! Trashing, trashing!

Princess Peach has been kidnapped!

Trashing, trashing! Trashing, trashing!

Princess Peach has been kidnapped!

- Trashing, trashing! Trashing, trashing!
- Princess Peach...

Princess Peach has been kidnapped!

To make matters worse,
King Koopa used his magic

to change the inhabitants of our
kingdom into bricks, horsetails, and more!

How horrible!

You two are the only ones who
can save our kingdom from this crisis.

Please rescue Princess Peach and restore
peace to this kingdom, however you can!

But why us?

Oh, there's a legend.

"Male twins shall journey from
the Kingdom of the East...

donning sailor caps and overalls.

Knobby noses, goggling eyes,
and cute little mustaches.

Kindhearted, but also money-seeking."

Princess Peach believes in this legend, and
that is why she sought the help of you boys.

At least that was her plan...

Mario! Please rescue me!


So then...

At this rate, the Princess will
be forced to marry King Koopa!


On the next Friday the Thirteenth.

Princess Peach... married?

I won't have it!

I don't care if he's a Koopa or a Bibimbap,
I'm not letting him get away with this! No!

Now, will you tell us where to go?

If you head directly east from this point, you
will most certainly reach King Koopa's palace.

However, you must first pass through dangerous
valleys and forests, steep mountains, and vast oceans!

It'd sure be nice if we could take a
non-stop flight on a plane or something...

But, in order to defeat King
Koopa, especially his magic,

you must obtain the strength
of the three Power-Ups.

The three Power-Ups?

Yes, three items with unusual powers,

the Mushroom, the Flower, and the Star!

The Mushroom, the Flower, and the Star?

However, King Koopa's henchmen have separated
the Mushroom, the Flower, and the Star,

sealed their magical powers,
and hid them somewhere!

I see. So finding those three
Power-Ups is our top priority, then.

Fine! You can count on us!

Oh, so you'll go?

You really are as grand as the legend says, Mario. Thank you.

It'll be a piece of cake! Come on, Luigi.

We are gonna get paid lots for this, right?

If you'd accept gold coins, you'll
find some buried here and there.

Take as many of those as you wish.

All right, that's the stuff, old man!

Leave it to me! I'll dig up all the coins!


Now, you run along too, Kibidango.

Make sure they don't get lost.

I pray for your success!

Doki-doki-doki Do it meromero sa
Heart thumpin' thumpin', Do it, I'm crazy 'bout you

Kimi no namida de koi ni waapu
Your tears make me warp into love

Yes Yes Gonna Love You

Yes Yes Gonna Want You

Mou naku na yo Baby Oira ga tsuiteru ze
Don't cry anymore, Baby, I'm right here for you

Matte na yo Piichi-hime
Just sit tight, Princess Peach

Tasuke ni umi koe yama koe
To rescue you, we'll go past the seas, past the mountains,

Tani koe, oka koete
past the valleys, and past the hills

Boku-ra Super dakedo I don't know
We are Super, but I don't know

Boku-ra Super dakedo What to do with my Love
We are Super, but, What to do with my Love?

Ah, I sure am hungry.

I wanna eat some steak.

And some chicken and hamburgers.

Eels, tempura, and oyako-don.

Curry, pilaf, and spaghetti.

Pudding, crêpes, and chocolate parfaits!

Yakitori, edamame, and cold tofu...


Why, you!

How dare you steal
someone's dreams like that!


Now I'm even hungrier!

I'm gonna die.

You seem to be having
trouble with a lack of food.


Please, sir! If you've got something
to eat, please share it with me!

We do know where there's a
valley of delicious mushrooms.

I love mushrooms!

Then follow us.

Bro! I'm gonna go get some mushrooms!


Nom, nom, nom...

What's that?

Luigi? Huh?

Oh, that way!

That way!

Yo, Bro! What took ya' so long?

This place is the best!

Come on! Don't hold
back, Bro! You eat up too!

Th-These are laughing-shrooms!

- Hey, snap out of it, Luigi!
- What're you doing?

These are crying-shrooms, then!

Okay, if I feed him
another laughing-shroom,

they should cancel each other out
and he'll go back to normal!


Come on.

Why, you!

- Why, you! Why, you! Why, you! Why, you!
- Ow, ow, ow, ow!

What the heck, man?!

- Now you've really made me mad!
- Th-That was an anger-shroom!

What the heck, man? What the heck, man?


What the...? Wh-Wh-What
the...? What the...?

Ah! Take that! There!


Okay, here you go.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!

Wait, guys, this food looks kinda weird!

Let me test it for you!

Ow, ow, ow, ow! My tummy hurts!

That settles it. We
can't eat this rotten food.

Hey, Mom! Can't ya' get us something nicer?

Like Hamburg steaks or some croquettes?

What did you say?

- I want steak! I wanna eat steak!
- Hamburg steak! I wanna eat a Hamburg steak!

Okay, okay.

- Hamburg steak!
- Steak!

Are you okay, Luigi?

No thanks to you! Sorry I'm
so rotten! I'm out of here!

How do we get down from here, Bro?

If descent is impossible,
then that means...

Ascending is our only choice!


That's one of the three Power-Ups!

It's gotta be the Mushroom of Truth!

All right!

Mario! That's dangerous!

Coins! Coins! Coins! Coins!

Coins! Coins!

These guys are hopeless...

My gold coins...

Found one!

The coins...!

Thank you for freeing us
from King Koopa's magic.

I am the mushroom retainer
Toad, Princess Peach's maid.

Princess Peach's?

Come, friends, let us thank them!

You're wonderful!


You're so cute!

Master Mario, please take
this Super Mushroom with you.

I-Is this the Power-Up?

And rescue Princess
Peach as soon as you can!

You're wonderful!

Master Mario!

You're so cute!

Darn it!


Doki-doki-doki Do it meromero sa
Heart thumpin' thumpin', Do it, I'm crazy 'bout you

Be careful out there!

Kimi no namida de koi ni waapu
Your tears make me warp into love

Yes Yes Gonna Love You

Yes Yes Gonna Want You

Mou naku na yo Baby Oira ga tsuiteru ze
Don't cry anymore, Baby, I'm right here for you

Matte na yo Piichi-hime
Just sit tight, Princess Peach

Tasuke ni umi koe yama koe
To rescue you, we'll go past the seas, past the mountains,

Tani koe, oka koete
past the valleys, and past the hills

Boku-ra Super dakedo What to do with my Love
We are Super, but, What to do with my Love?

Boku-ra Super
We are Super


Which way are you going?

We're trying to figure out
the best way to go east.

There are countless courses that lead east.

The wayside grass course, the catnap
course, the flower garden course...

You have many options such as those, sir.

Flower garden course, you say?


Surrounded by beautiful
flowers and their beautiful

aromas, it truly is a
luxurious course to take!

The flower garden course...

Makes you wish they had
a treasure-hunting course...

And maybe, the Flower Power-Up
might be in that garden!

Okay, it's decided then!

Matte na yo Piichi-hime
Just sit tight, Princess Peach

Tasuke ni umi koe yama koe
To rescue you, we'll go past the seas, past the mountains,

Tani koe, oka koete
past the valleys, and past the hills

Boku-ra Super dakedo I don't know
We are Super, but I don't know

What an indescribably beautiful smell.

Boku-ra Super
We are Super

Oh, why do I feel so refereshed?

This place feels so soothing!

Right, Bro?

You're right.

The color, the shine, the gracefulness...

This is the best!

I think I'll take a little nap...

Pepper! That's it!


Jugemu, Jugemu, Jugemu, Jugemu...

Jugemu, Jugemu, Jugemu Spinies!

How dare you! How dare you
bully my cute little flowers!

C-Cute little flowers?

You mean those man-eating ones?

That's right!

I intended to lure you boys here
and feed you to my cute little flowers!

What? But we're not plant food!

You can't just decide that on your own!

Can it! Food has no right to
speak with such rudeness.

Spine and spine and spine, spine, spine!

What the heck? Not a single one hit us!

This is where the fun begins!

Jugemu, Jugemu,
Jugemu, Jugemu, Jugemu...

Budding forth with thunder,
then with the summer

sun, they shall awaken
from a long hibernation!

Hey, all of you! Prick those
bad guys with all your might!

Run for it!

Ew, no! Get away!

Get them!

Stop! Stop! Stop!

This is what happens to those
who mess with my flower field!

Stay back! Stay back!
Don't come any closer!

Is this the end for us?

Huh? What the...? Huh?


Jugemu, Jugemu Spinies!

I did it!

I did it, I did it, I did it!

Did you do it?

Yes, I did it! I did it!
Victory is mine! Thank you!

I'm so pleased! Now I must feed
the prey to my cute little flowers!



Hey, you!

Who are you calling prey?!

Wh-Wh-What was that guy?

Bro! Do something about these guys!

Okay, wait right there! Gotta hurry!

Woah... Woah... Woah...

Okay... Oops, stop, stop, stop.

Now then... Is this how it works?

Um, oh, here we go...

So the rainy season monsoon first?

Then the summer sun, right?

Then next is... uh, an autumn typhoon.


Um... after that... some snow, right?

So I do this... And then
he said something like...

Jugemu Spinies, right?

Jugemu, Jugemu...

Uh, Jugemu, Jugemu Spinies, Spinies...

Okay! Okay!

Go. Go.

No, wait. Hey!

Good. Go! More. More.

That's it. That's it.

Good, good, good.

What? Oh, my!

Thank you for breaking King Koopa's
magic spell on me, Master Mario.

Here you go.

The Flower of Love.

The Flower Power-Up?

Go, hurry and take that to King Koopa.

I pray for your success.

Oh, my!

D-Darn it...

Doki-doki-doki Do it meromero sa
Heart thumpin' thumpin', Do it, I'm crazy 'bout you

Kimi no namida de koi ni waapu
Your tears make me warp into love

Yes Yes Gonna Love You

Yes Yes Gonna Want You

Mou naku na yo Baby Oira ga tsuiteru ze
Don't cry anymore, Baby, I'm right here for you

Kura-kura-kura Do it tomaranai
Dizzy, dizzy, dizzy, Do it, it doesn't stop

Kimi no egao wa magunichuudo
The magnitude of your smile

Yes Yes Gonna Love You

Yes Yes Gonna Want You

Inochigake sa Baby hi no naka mizu no naka
I'll risk my life for you, Baby, through the fire, and through the water

All right! Here goes!

Matte na yo Piichi-hime
Just sit tight, Princess Peach

Oh, it's Mario Ramen!

Tasuke ni umi koe yama koe
To rescue you, we'll go past the seas, past the mountains,

This is very yummy, folks!

Tani koe, oka koete
past the valleys, and past the hills

Boku-ra Super
We are Super

Here they come! Don't
mess up again this time!

They're here!


What's wrong?

It's a coin.



Hey, Mario! There are tons over here!

Woah, look at that!

Gold coins going all the way inside!

Let's go! Coins! Coins!

This is awesome!

These are...

I-I-It's a real gold nugget!

We've discovered a gold mine!

Oh no! We can't get out!

What should we do?

Hey, guys, do me a favor!
Get us out of here, okay?

Oh, but we cannot do that.

Entering someone's gold mine
without permission is a serious crime!

Sorry about that. It's our fault.

But please, let us go!
We need to rescue Princess Peach!

That reminds me, the
wedding between Princess

Peach and the great
King Koopa is tonight!

It is sure to be a magnificent ceremony!

And with this, we should
be highly rewarded too.


Why, you little scoundrels!

This Hammer Brother is a master
at throwing his hammer.

So there better not be any funny business.

Just spend the rest of your life
watching the ocean from there.

P-Please wait!

["Ono" = axe/hatchet/hammer]

Oh no, hammer...

It's our fault for being
distracted by the gold...

Oh, Princess Peach, I was so foolish!

Please forgive me!

Amazing! Amazing!
There's more gold here than

we could dig up in our
lifetimes. Right, Bro?

That dummy...

Ah, Princess Peach...

Oh... Please come rescue me soon, Mario.


Peach, sweetie.


Say, Peach, sweetie...

So about tonight's wedding, what
kind of wedding dress do you want?

A pink one? A white one? Or maybe a...

Cut it out!

Who said I'd marry you?!

I'll never go through with it!

B-But, I am the one who... Um...

L-Loves you more than
anyone else, Peach, sweetie.

If you really loved me, you wouldn't put
me through this endless suffering!

Hey, Peach, sweetie, please.

Don't make that face. Cheer up, okay?

Then... Let's play dress-up.

Hey, turn into something amusing for me.

O-Oh, please!

I'm busy enough with the
preparations for our wedding!

No! Peach must play
dress-up or she'll be upset!



Okay, if it's for you, Peach, sweetie...

Then, change into a Pokero.


How's this?

My! How lovely!

Then, next try a Buchimonta!


Uh, let's see...


- How lovely!
- I guess this is about right.

Say, this time around I'd like you to
turn into something small and cute!

Something small and cute?

Let's see...

How about a little teddy bear?

I love those!

Gotcha, gotcha.

A teddy bear.

Aw! How cute!

Now I've got you!

What in the...?!

Sorry about this. But
this was my only choice.

That sort of trickery won't work
on me, Peach, sweetie.

Unhand me!

- Now...
- Stop!

I hope you won't think of any more
silly things like trying to escape from me.

Hmph! Just you wait!

Mario will come rescue me any minute now!

He'll knock you out for good!

Mario? He's not coming.

Yes, he is!

I know he will!

Earlier, I received a message
from one of my minions.

He said they've captured this Mario guy.

Sorry about the disappointment.

Eh? Y-You're lying!

It can't be!

You're just saying that so I'll give up!

Your lies won't work on me!

Well, whether you believe
me or not is your choice.

Either way, you will marry me soon.

Bye, for now.

It... It can't be!

I won't believe it!



Hito o aishitara shiawase ni nareru kitto itsuka
The day I fall in love and find happiness will surely come...

Kokoro no kyanbasu anata no sugata utsushidasu
Your figure is reflected in the canvas of my heart

Sono kami mo hohoemi mo
As are your hair and your smile

I Love You... Mukashi no Adamu to Ibu ga
I Love You... These are the words that Adam and Eve used

Oh? Bro, what're you doing?

Shut up, I'm busy right now.

Shoo, shoo! Shoo, shoo!

I Love You... Omoi o tsutaeta kotoba
I Love You... to convey their feelings so long ago


Woof! Mario! Woof! Woof! Woof!

You guys feel free to do whatever you want.

I am perfectly content where I am.

Ima dake wa...
Just for now...

Right, Princess?

Smooch, smooch, smooch...


What the...?!

Oh, my. Oh, my. Oh, my...

Oops. Sorry about that...

Hurry! Hurry!


He's coming! He's coming!


Hurry! Hurry!

Luigi, what's wrong?

All the gold nuggets turned into rocks!

Darn it!

Darn, this sucks!

- It's the Star!
- The Star?

Wait up!

Wait up! Wait up! Woah, woah, woah...

Hey, wait for me!

Help me! I can't swim!

There's the Star!

There it is!

All right...


Why, you!

Won't budge. How are we
gonna get this thing to open?

That's it!

I'm such a pretty
ballerina, Mr. Clam. Lalala...


All right, you jerk! Son of a...!
Gimme back the Star! Come on! Gimme!


Ah, I got it!

It's the Glittering Star of Invincibility!

Yeah, we've gathered all three!

It's a Cheep Cheep! Swim for it!

Let's hide over there!

Oh! It's moving.

Huh? What is it?

Bro! Help me up!

Grab on!


Jitto mitsumete
Stare closely

Mahou no booru
into the magic ball

Anata to ikiru mirai ga ima
A future in which I live alongside you

Utsuru hazu yo
should now show itself

Tatoe fukou ga
I don't mind it if misfortune

Mattete mo ii
is awaiting us

Ai ga sasurau unmei dake
Because the only fate I want

Shiritai kara
is one where our love wanders

Shiroi kiri ga harete yuku wa
The white fog lifts away

Soshite kataku dakishimeau
And then we embrace tightly

Just the two of us

Bro, it's a castle!

And the moon!

That's weird. I thought the wedding was
supposed to be on the night of a full moon.

So it's finally time.

Princess Peach, we shall now
be on our way to rescue you!

Turning portside!

Bro, that was too far!

Uh, hard starboard!

Huh? I can't stop the wheel!

Oh, Your Highness, it's so nice
to see you in such high spirits.

Oh, it's you two.

We've made sure that Mario guy
won't be able to do a thing.

Well done. You shall be well rewarded.

By the way, is my sweetie Peach ready yet?

- Paint, paint, pat, pat.
- Hurry it up!

Paint, paint, pat, pat.

- Paint, paint, pat, pat.
- Thicker!

Okay, paint, pat.

I guess this'll do.

- And now the veil, and... tah-dah!
- Okay, and now for some powder.

- Okay, pat, pat, pat.
- Very pretty. Very pretty.

What do you think?

Oh, give me a break!

I can't take much more
of this embarrassment!

Peach, sweetie! I've been waiting for you!

There. The bridal throne!

Father, begin the ceremony at once!

All right...

Ah, Mario, they must have
captured you after all.

What should I do now?

Hang in there!

Great King Koopa, takest thou Princess
Peach as thy lawfully wedded wife?

Wilt thou vow to love her and to dedicate
thyself to the Koopa Clan's prosperity

as long as thou art alive?

Of course!

Princess Peach, takest thou the Great
King Koopa as thy lawfully wedded husband?

Wilt thou vow to devote thy love to
the prosperity of the Koopa Clan

as long as thou art alive?

Y-You will, right, Peach, sweetie?

Peach, sweetie?

Peach, sweetie!

Come on, Peach, sweetie!

Don't just sit there,
say something! Please!


Is that all? Can't you say
anything more? With a smile too?

Ah! I'm so happy!

Ah! You're happy!

How long have I, Peach,
been waiting for this moment.

O-Of course! Of course you have!

And now you've finally
come to rescue me, Mario!

Yes, yes! He finally came to rescue...

Huh? Mario?

Oh, Your Highness!

A strange looking airship is approaching!

Mario! Over here! Over here!

Impudent pigs! sh**t them down!

Mario! Over here!

How dare they interrupt
my precious wedding...

What is the meaning of this?!

Th-Th-This wasn't supposed to happen...

Go get them at once!

Y-Yes, sire!

We will continue the ceremony
in the sealed room! Come, Father!


Princess Peach!

Save me, Mario!

Princess Peach!

A secret path!

Wait up! Oh...

Now's my chance!



One of those entrances must
lead to King Koopa's room.

But how do we...

And the moth flies into the flame!
This is an infernal area of fear!

If you want to pass,
you'd better use these lifts.


Oh, let's heat things
up even more with this!

Have some nice fireballs!


What's that?

Hot! Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!

Coins, coins, coins, coins!

Coins, coins, coins!

Coins, coins!

Coins, coins, coins, co...

Huh...? What's this?

Wh-Wh-What the...?!


My, oh my. What a nice, hot bath!

And now, please exchange
the engagement rings.

Peach, sweetie, please accept my ring!

With your cute little hand!

What in the world?

I-I guess it was too big.

Although, I guess if
it's more like a bracelet,

that just means my
love is even bigger!

I hate it!

I'm sorry, don't be mad!
I'll have it remade for you at once!


Princess Peach!


Princess Peach!


How dare you ruin my precious wedding!

Do you have any idea what happens to
those who oppose me?! Let me show you!

Hot, hot, hot!


Wh-What are you...?

Get off!

Mario! Mario, run away!

Don't worry about me!

P-Princess Peach!

What? The three Power-Ups, you say?

Oh, th-that's right! These!

I need to swallow them?


Wh-Wh-What? Get off, get off, get off!

Here goes!



Oh, Mario Rice
Seasoning! I love this stuff!

All right!

- Yum, yum, yum!
- Watch out, Mario!

Take this!

The Star! The Star...!

Well then, shall I deliver the final blow?

Please! Don't hurt Mario anymore!

I'll do anything you ask
of me. Just spare Mario!

What did you say?

I'll become your bride.

So please... Please...

You say you'll become my bride?

Don't do it, Princess Peach!
You can't do that...

So please... I'm begging you!

I can't do that.

He already ate the Mushroom
and Flower Power-Ups.

If I let him live, things might get
a lot more inconvenient for me.


Huh? Bro, so this is where you've been?

Look! You dropped the Star!

The Star! Throw it into my mouth!

The Star?

That son of a...

Hurry up!

I'll do it, but it doesn't look that tasty.

- The Star!
- Huh?!

Have you learned your lesson, Mario?

How does it feel to be flattened
like a pancake? Well? Well? Well?

How does it feel?
How does it feel? How does it feel?

- Woah, woah! Um...
- Take this!



Princess Peach, thank goodness you're safe!

Curse you, Mario!

Bring it, King Koopa!

One, two! One, two! Uppercut!

Hooray! Hooray! Go for it!

Leggo! Leggo! Leggo!

- Leggo! Leggo of me! Leggo of me!
- Heave-ho!

Ah, you win this time...


You did it, Bro!

Mario, you really are a wonderful hero!

Huh? What's that?

That's our castle.

Now that the spell is broken,
everything has returned to normal.

It sure is beautiful!

And it's all thanks to you, Mario.

That's right! I almost forgot...

Here you go.

Oh, my! Well then, where did you find this?

When you came to my house,
Princess, you dropped it.

I see. Thank you.

I've been wearing this
ever since I was born.

It's very precious to me.

Legend has it that someday, a wonderful
prince who has the same necklace will appear.

The same necklace?


Um... Hey, didn't we have a
necklace just like this back at the shop?


Princess Peach, fear not!

I, Mario, promise to find that
matching necklace for you!


Are you...?

I am the prince of the
neighboring Flower Kingdom.

My name is Haru.

So you're Prince Haru.

On my way to visit the
Princess, I was unwittingly

turned into a dog by
King Koopa's magic.

Wh-Which means the
Princess' real fiancé is...

Mario, Luigi, thank you.

You men are my saviors.
You are true heroes!


Mario! Hang in there, Mario! Mario!

Your happiness is my happiness, Princess.

Mario, thank you.

Don't mention it.

Mario, Luigi, I wish
you could stay with us.

Well, we have our shop to look after.

Without you two, it will be very
lonely here in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Aw, cut it out. If some bad guys come
back, we'll come rescue you again!

Right, Luigi?

Now then, let's go, Luigi.


Mario! Luigi! Take care, you two!

True courage is born from true love.

That is the true Power-Up,
the symbol of a hero, Mario.

Hito o aishitara shiawase ni nareru kitto itsuka
The day I fall in love and find happiness will surely come...

Kokoro no kyanbasu anata no sugata utsushidasu
Your figure is reflected in the canvas of my heart

Sono kami mo hohoemi mo
As are your hair and your smile

Tokai no janguru kanashimi o daite
I lie in this metropolitan jungle, embracing my sadness

Yoru no shijima
in the silence of the night

Nemurenai hi ni wa
On the days I cannot sleep

Tooku shiosai kaze ni nori
the roar of the ocean rides the wind

Mimimoto ni hibiku
and echoes in my ears from far away

I Love You... Mukashi no Adamu to Ibu ga
I Love You... These are the words that Adam and Eve used

I Love You... Omoi o tsutaeta kotoba
I Love You... to convey their feelings so long ago

Ima dake wa me o tojite kono mune ni sotto...
Just for now, close your eyes and lay on my chest, softly...

Ryoute ippai no shiawase o tsunde
Let's gather happiness, enough to fill our hands

Ano madobe ni
upon that windowsill

Kokoro o kesaete
If our hearts were erased,

Futatabi meguri aetara wakaru darou
and we met once again, we'd still recognize each other

I thought I'd bake a
delicious apple pie today.

Oh, what a great idea, Miss!

We've got all the perfect
ingredients for you!

Okay, okay.

I need flour, apples, butter, milk...

Here you go, Ma'am.
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