01x09 - Stand Tall

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Julie and the Phantoms". Aired: September 10, 2020.*
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Julie is a teenage girl who finds her passion for music and life with the help of a high -concept band of teen boys (The Phantoms) who have been dead for 25 years.
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01x09 - Stand Tall

Post by bunniefuu »

[whimsical music plays]

[rock guitar riff plays]

[rock music plays]

[Alex] Look, don't worry, guys.
Willie said he'd get us on that marquee.

This is gonna work, right?

It has to.

-[jolt buzzes]
-[all groan]

Hey, are you guys OK?



Yeah, it's nothing we haven't felt before.

How'd it go?

Well, when that opening band wakes up,

they're gonna find their bus
200 miles outside of Vegas

-with no chance of getting back in time.

And that means there's probably a promoter
upstairs right about now freakin' out.

Nah. This is Hollywood, man.

I'm sure he's being very professional.

What do you mean the bus drove itself
into the middle of the desert?

Buses don't drive themselves!


I know...

how much you're risking.

Thank you, Willie.

I told you,

I'd do anything for you.

-[breathes heavily]
-[sentimental music plays]

[clears throat]

All right. You, uh...

You'd better get out of here
before Caleb catches you with us.


I'll see you around,

hot dog.


Alex, you all right, man?


Yeah, I'm OK.

Well, thanks to Willie,

Panic! At The Disco needs an opening band.

Then I guess someone up there
needs to know we're available.


-No... No, stop. Stop!
-[muttering over phone]

-[man] ...by itself.
-Stop! stop saying the bus drove itself.

-[thuds continue]
-[woman groans]


Yeah, Willie was right.
This guy's a total pro.


All right, boys. Let the magic happen.
Alex, no dancing.

[classical dance music plays]

[woman] What?

-[woman] Ugh!
-[Reggie mutters]

-OK. There we go.
-That's what I'm saying.

-[woman groans]
-She's coming.

♪ I believe that we're just one dream ♪

♪ Away from who we're meant to be ♪

♪ That we're standing on the edge... ♪

[man] Tasha! Get me CJ.

Tell him I need a band
to open in three hours.

-Sure, but you might wanna check this out.
-[Alex chuckles]

What? I'll call you back.

♪ ...on the edge of great... ♪

Somehow this video started playing
on my laptop.

It's got half a million hits
in just two days.

-♪ Great ♪
-♪ On the edge of great... ♪

-Who are they?
-They're a hologram band.

They call themselves
Julie and the Phantoms.

Tell your friends.

Where are they located?

Our very own City of Angels.

-Book 'em!

-Sure, I just don't know how to...
-[eerie music plays]

[man] OK, I got it.

Your handwriting is better than mine.

-[man] ...kind of hologram band.
-Definitely. Yeah.


Oh my gosh! What took you guys so long?
Did Willie do it?

Did you talk to them? Did they watch?
Did they like us? Are we playing?

Someone answer!
Why's no one talking?

Whoa! That's a lot of questions!

-Luke, you wanna take this one?
-Take a seat.

It's fine. Everything's fine.

Yeah. You should be getting a call
right... now!

OK. Right...


-[ringtone plays]
-[Julie screams]

Nailed it.

-Oh! Um... [clears throat]


Hi, this is Tasha
from the Orpheum in Hollywood.

-[rock music plays]
-Is this Julie of Julie and the Phantoms?

[groans, clears throat]

Yes, it is.

-[Tasha] Hi.
-[all grunt]

Are you available to open for us tonight?

[Julie] Yeah, totally.

-Thank you so much.

-See you then.
-[Julie] We're doing it!

[all giggle, cheer]

We're playing the Orpheum, baby! Yeah!

[Alex] Yeah!

I'm swimming.

I'm telling you, tía, it was a win-win.

The ghost is gone, and me and Dad
got a k*ller French dip sandwich.

But how do you know
the ghost is really gone?

I don't wanna get emotional,

but I felt something
when I took that last bite.

Like his tortured spirit was set free.

Sure it wasn't one
of your little tummy toots?

I don't tummy toot!

I'm a ghost hunter now.

I'm starting a channel,
"Carlos the Ghost Toaster."

I like it.

Mijo, the ghost.

Did you check the closet upstairs?

Hold on a second, tía.

[rock riff plays]

[Carlos] I knew it.


-Tía, I gotta go.
-[aunt] Carlos...

-[door closes]

[Julie, over speakers]
♪ ...tripping on the now ♪

-♪ What is lost can be found... ♪

-Hey, baby.

-[exhales sharply]
-♪ And like a rubber ball... ♪

What is that?

-♪ We come bouncing back... ♪
-Sounds good.

Please don't say that.

-♪ ...in front of us... ♪
-[Trevor chuckles]

Is that...

Is that Julie?

Yeah. She has a band with those guys.

Of course she needed a gimmick.
They're holograms.

And somehow, because the world hates me,

they're playing the Orpheum tonight.

-♪ ...crazy, our best is yet unknown ♪
-[eerie music plays]

♪ This moment is ours to own... ♪

How is that even possible?

I know, right?

♪ ...standing on the edge of great... ♪

-[man] Hello? What's up, dude?
-It's Trevor.

-Get me into the Orpheum tonight.
-You got it.

Plus one.

Why do you hate me too?

Only love, baby.

Only love.



Julie and I were thinking
we'd start with "Stand Tall."


-Sounds good.
-Sounds good?

Dude, wake up!
I wanna hear, "It sounds awesome."

I know this isn't
how we wanted things to turn out,

but we gotta be all in tonight.

This is our second chance
at playing the Orpheum!

I... I get it, I get it, but it's hard.

Do we even know what's on the other side
when we cross over?

Do we all still get to hang together?


You guys are the only family I have.

[sentimental music plays]

Yeah, I mean, I don't know
what's gonna happen either, but...

it's not like we have a choice.

-[Reggie] Hmm.
-[jolt buzzes]

[all groan]

[breathing heavily]

[sighs] I'm pretty sure we do.

And it rhymes
with the Hollywood Ghost Club.

Are you ready?

What's wrong?

Yeah. We just got rocked pretty hard
by one of those jolt things.

Pretty sure I ghost peed a little.

But we're fine.

[Julie] Actually, guys,
I'm a little nervous.

That's my sister having an actual
conversation with her ghost band.

Let's listen in.

Luke, uh, can I talk to you for a second?


[chuckles] What?


Can you do me a favor?

Anything, Julie. You know that.

[exhales slowly]

When you cross over,


if you happen to see my mom,

can you tell her I love her...


thank her for bringing you to me?

Yeah, I will.

[chuckles lightly]

Band circle?


Guys, band circle.

We don't know what brought us here, but...

what we do know is,

you're a star, Julie.


And just because
this is our last night together,

it doesn't mean we won't be watching you
from above... or...


Now let's go rock this show.

Let's give 'em a night they'll be
talking about 'til the sun comes up.

[all chuckle]

Legends on three.



[all] Legends.

-[horn honks]

That's my dad. He's driving me there,
so I'll see you guys soon.

[chuckles lightly]

-[exhales sharply]
-[mysterious music plays]

Have a good show, boy band.

[chuckles] Who you calling boy band?

[Ray] Carlos.

How did he find out about us?

I don't know, Reg.
Maybe it was the blinds.

Or you know what? The blanket.

It could've been any number of things
you did in that house.

-It doesn't matter, you guys.
-[car engine starts]

We're not coming back here anyways.

[ominous music plays]

And where is it
that you think you're going?

What are you doing here?

[gasps] Such hostility!

I'm just here to congratulate you
on your big night.

Not everyone gets to play the Orpheum.

No. OK, we know
that it's your stamp that's hurting us.


We already told you, we have a band.
We don't wanna join your little club.

Yeah. And you can't make us either.

[eerie music plays]

[clears throat] Sir.

[clicks tongue] Right.

You're crossing over tonight. So exciting!

Funny thing about the cross over,

no one really knows
what's waiting on the other side.

But I know what's happening on this side.

[wind howls]

[rock riff plays]

[laughs evilly]

[suspenseful music plays]

[bouncer] Ticket, please.

[bouncer] Ticket, please.

Hey, Julie, I've got your roadie.

Come in.

Holograms are good to go, boss.

Best roadie ever.

I'll be back in a few minutes
to walk you to the stage.

Thanks, Rob.

You see this backstage pass?

I had sushi with Brandon Urie!

Good for you. I threw up in the car
on the way over here.

And you still look amazing.


I made friends with the tech crew.
You're gonna love what we have planned.

The guys are here, right?

I haven't seen them.

Wait. You don't think they changed
their mind and took Caleb's offer, do you?

No. No, that's the last thing
that they wanted.


You're gonna k*ll it.

We should get some snacks.


[haunting music plays]

[ominous music plays]

[all groan]

[Alex] Uh...

Well, don't you look nice?

Sweet threads.

How... How'd you know our sizes?

That's your question?

[clicks tongue, sighs]

I know you boys aren't my biggest fans.

And an eternity at my club
might seem overwhelming.

But... I just put you in sweet threads,
so humor me this one last pitch.

Now, for starters,

isn't it nice
that you're all here together?

And believe me, everything you want,

including Willie, is here.

And on my stage,

you don't vanish when the music stops.

You soak in the applause
for as long as you want.

The connection that you will feel
with that audience

will be like no other.

-I promise.
-[distant cheering]

Oh! Shh. Do you hear that?
They're waiting for you.

-[all groan]

That one looked like it hurt.

Now, let me remind you,

you don't know if playing the Orpheum
is your unfinished business.

Do you really have time
to make that mistake?

I suggest

you accept my offer,
because the clock is ticking.

[all groan]

-[groaning continues]

You know where to find me.

-[swing music plays]
-[audience cheers]

[Caleb] Ladies and gentlemen, I'm back!

Hello, hello, hello!

♪ You know you wanna take a chance ♪

♪ And be a little bit bad ♪

♪ Ain't nothing quite like
Living on the edge ♪

♪ So get ready to go ♪

♪ I'm chasing down a thrill ♪

♪ And looking fit to k*ll ♪

♪ So listen to the words a wise man said ♪

♪ He said, "Covington, I got an offer
That you can't refuse" Ha! ♪

♪ You got nothing to lose, boys ♪

♪ Lose ♪

♪ Lose ♪

♪ Lose ♪

♪ You got nothing to lose, boys ♪

♪ Lose ♪

♪ Lose ♪

♪ Lose ♪

♪ You got nothing to lose ♪

-♪ Alex! ♪
-[man] Yeah, Alex!

♪ Show me what you've got! ♪

-[Caleb scats]
-[man whoops]

♪ Dum, dum, dum ♪

♪ Reggie! ♪

♪ Swing it, baby ♪


♪ Now, Luke, yeah ♪


♪ You and me! ♪

♪ Da-da-da-da-da ♪

♪ Ba-ba-da-ba ♪

♪ How do you like my new band? ♪

♪ You got nothing to lose ♪

[Caleb scats]

[continues scatting]


♪ So, come over here, baby ♪

♪ I got what you need ♪

♪ Let yourself go crazy ♪

♪ All bets on me ♪

♪ It's electrifying ♪

♪ From your hat to your shoes ♪

♪ I feel it in the air ♪

♪ We got nothing to lose ♪

♪ La, la, la, la, la, la ♪


[raucous applause, cheering]

Hey, Julie, it's time.

Just a second.

Something's wrong.

The boys were getting those jolts
pretty bad as I was leaving.

And they wouldn't stand me up again.

They must have run out of time.

I'm so sorry, Jules.

They didn't cross over.

-They're gone.
-[mournful music plays]

And I didn't even get to say goodbye.

-[runner knocks] Hey, Julie, you're on.


[sniffles, sobs]

What are you doing, Jules?

Where is she going?

Where do any of us really go?

We've got a problem.

[sighs heavily]

[sobs gently]


I don't know
if you can hear me, Mom, but...


...I can't handle it.

Flynn says you're supposed to be
behind everything, but I don't know.

If I was supposed to help the guys,

I didn't.

They're gone.

[sobs] And I'm so sorry.

They were my friends.

My band.


My family.


Why can't you just come pick me up...

and... and hold me in your arms

and just tell me
that everything's gonna be OK

and that I'm gonna get through it?

And that... [breathes shakily]

That even though they're not here
with me, they're still up there with you.

I just wish you were here.



[sobs, sniffles]


[indistinct chattering]

[all giggle]

-[women giggle]

-[man] Trevor.
-[women gasp]


[exhales sharply]

[panicked breathing]
Let Panic know they are going on now.


-[exhales sharply]
-Wait. Where are you going?

She's going on stage.

Hold on.

Julie just walked onto the stage.

That's my girl!

Welcome to Live at the Orpheum.

Now give it up for Julie and the Phantoms.

[cheering, whistling]


[applause, cheering continue]

[audience whistles]

Hi. I'm Julie.


Tonight, I'd like to dedicate this song
to my mom,

who's been there with me
every time I've played.

And thank her for...

not giving up on me.

I'd also like to dedicate
tonight's performance to...

three special friends...

who have changed my life completely,

who have brought music back to me.

It was their dream to play here, and...

this is for them.

This song is for anyone
who's lost their way.

Step into your greatness.

Don't give up.

Stand tall.

Thank you.

[cheering, applause]

[exhales slowly]

-[microphone feedback]

Been here before.

["Stand Tall" plays]

♪ Don't blink
No, I don't want to miss it ♪

♪ One thing
And it's back to the beginning ♪

♪ 'Cause everything is rushing in fast ♪

♪ Keep going on, never look back ♪

♪ And it's one, two, three, four times ♪

-♪ That I'll try for one more night ♪
-[Carlos giggles]

♪ Light a fire in my eyes ♪

♪ I'm going out of my mind ♪

-♪ Whatever happens ♪

♪ Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even when everything's down ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I gotta keep on dreaming ♪

♪ 'Cause I gotta catch that feeling ♪

-♪ Whatever happens ♪
-[Ray chuckles]

♪ Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

[cheering, whistling]

-[audience screams]
♪ Right now ♪

♪ I'm loving every minute ♪

♪ Hands down
Can't let myself forget it, no ♪

♪ 'Cause everything is rushing in fast ♪

♪ Keep holding on, never look back ♪

-♪ And it's one, two ♪

-[audience gasps]
-♪ Three, four times ♪

♪ That I'll try for one more night ♪

-♪ Light a fire in my eyes ♪

-♪ I'm going out of my mind ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even when everything's down ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I gotta keep on dreaming ♪

♪ 'Cause I gotta catch that feeling ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

-♪ I'mma stand tall ♪
-[Flynn chuckles]

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

-♪ Like I'm glowing in the dark ♪
-[audience screams]

♪ I keep on going
When it's all falling apart ♪

♪ Yeah, I know it with all my heart ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

♪ Never look back ♪

♪ Whatever happens ♪

-♪ Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ Stand tall ♪

♪ Stand tall ♪

♪ Whatever happens ♪

-♪ Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even when everything's down ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I gotta keep on dreaming ♪

♪ 'Cause I gotta catch that feeling ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

-♪ I'mma stand tall ♪


[audience shouts encouragement]

[cheering continues]

[audience gasps]

Still don't know
how she does those hologram things.

One big mystery to me.

[cheering continues]

[all] ♪ ...I'm the last standing
I'mma stand tall ♪

-[Julie giggles]
-♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last... ♪

♪ Tall! ♪

You and your Phantoms
were unbelievable tonight.

You know, I'd like to thank them
for bringing music back into your life.

I already did.

But I didn't thank you, Papi.

Hey, Julie,
uh, can I talk to you for a second?

Yeah. Yeah, um, just give me a minute.

OK, I'll wait up.

Don't ghost me.

[Ray chuckles]

[door opens]

Just a minute.


-Love you.
-Love you too.

[sentimental music plays]



I know I already said this but, uh...

thank you, guys.

-[Reggie] You're welcome.
-[Alex groans]

[Luke] Dude!

[Alex groans]

[coughing, groaning]

Why... Why are you here?
I... I thought...

-[jolt buzzes]
-[guys groan, cough]

No... no!

I thought you crossed over.
Why didn't you cross over?

I guess playing the Orpheum wasn't
our unfinished business.

Point Caleb.

We wanted you to think
that we crossed over, so we pretended to.

We just...

We had nowhere else to go. [sobs]

We thought you'd go straight to bed.

Yeah, well,

I knew she was gonna come out here,
but nobody ever listens to me.

-[jolt buzzes]

You have to save yourselves right now.

Go join Caleb's club. Please.

It's better than not existing at all.

Please just go. Go! Poof out!
Do something! Please. Do it for me.

-We're not going back there.

[breathing heavily]

No music is worth making, Julie,
if we're not making it with you.

No regrets. [breathes shakily]

[Julie sniffles]

[both sniffle, sob]

[sniffles] I love you guys.

[exhales slowly]

[mystical twinkling]

[uplifting music plays]

How can I feel you?

I... I... I don't know.




I feel stronger.

Alex, Reggie, come.

[mystical twinkling]

[all sniffle]



I... I... I don't feel as weak anymore.

-[Luke chuckles]
-Yeah, me neither.

Not that, you know, I was ever that weak.

[all chuckle]

-[mystical twinkling]
-[Julie] What...

What do you think that means?


I think the band's back.

[Reggie chuckles]

You guys think we could try that hug thing
one more time?

-[all chuckle]

[Alex] Hugs are good.

[all chuckle]

I like this. [chuckles]

[Julie] Me too.

-[Julie] Aww!
-[all chuckle]

[Julie] We played the Orpheum!

Whoo! [Julie chuckles]

[Alex] Yeah, we did!

-[doorbell rings]

[ominous music plays]

[Caleb] How sweet.

The broken-hearted teenager
fighting for his girl.

Do I know you?

You will.

[Nick gasps]

[wind howls]

[ominous music plays]

[bones crack]

[bones crack]

I have a fight too.

Hi, Nick!

[ominous music plays]



[Julie] ♪ Don't blink
No, I don't wanna miss it ♪

♪ One thing
And it's back to the beginning ♪

♪ 'Cause everything is rushing in fast ♪

♪ Keep going on, never look back ♪

♪ And it's one, two, three, four times ♪

♪ That I'll try for one more night ♪

♪ Light a fire in my eyes ♪

♪ I'm going out of my mind ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even when everything's down ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I gotta keep on dreaming ♪

♪ 'Cause I gotta catch that feeling ♪

[Julie and Luke] ♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

-[Alex] ♪ I'mma stand tall ♪
-[Julie] ♪ Stand tall ♪

[Reggie] ♪ Stand tall ♪

[all] ♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I gotta keep on dreaming ♪

♪ 'Cause I gotta catch that feeling ♪

♪ Whatever happens
Even if I'm the last standing ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪

♪ I'mma stand tall ♪
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