Tyson (1995)

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Tyson (1995)

Post by bunniefuu »

"I was a child when I saw (Muhammad Ali)

for the first time."

"I saw the way people like

it with admiration."

"I saw their smiling faces."

And I said to myself: This is how I want to be.

"I want to be the world champion"

Wait, Mike.

Give me this


Don't freak

. It's Doug.

Damn man! why are you late

Here they are

Go there and do that

Do it, man

Get them, Mike.

It is time

Well, now you and I will play against each other

Clear the stadium, clear the stadium

Clear the field,

I'll put the ball in the basket

- Go,

go - come on, come on


- No, not here.

- Scroll

- Pass the ball

- I got it

- Well

- watch it

Watch out! Watch out!

- Hold it

- Run, run

Let's differentiate

Come on, man

- Come on

! - Damn!

Hold it

Hurry up, Tito, come on!

Let someone call the police

"All I need is this washing up."

"I know, my dear"

Rodney, is my mom at home?

- "Thinking about going in the afternoon"

- "My pants are gray."

- "You will go to the laundry center"

- "Yes"

"Why don't you let me take care of you (George)

like I did 20 years ago?"

- "Has all this time passed?"

- "You will be late, we have to hurry."

- "Okay, well, goodbye"

- "Goodbye dear"

- "Bye, mom"

- "Bye, sweetie"

"Come back early because

I'm preparing a surprise tonight."

- (Dennis) Is my mom at home?

- Does it seem to you?

"(Michael Gerald Tyson)

You are guilty of aggravated as*ault"

- "Drunk in a public place and hanging around"

- "Guilty of beating and as*ault"

Possessing a deadly w*apon and grand theft

- "burglary"

- "burglary under threat"

- Guilty of the charges against him

- Possession of Stolen Items

- You are ruled guilty

- Resisting arrest

- "On charges of armed robbery"

- (Michael Tyson)

- as*ault with a deadly w*apon

- You will be imprisoned

In the Trayon Correctional Service for boys

in Johnstown, north of New York.

(Catskill), (New York), 1979.

What is the boy's name


- I thought you spoke to (Bobby)

- All he said was that he had a boy

- We have to see it

- not (Bobby Stewart)

Yes, from Tyrone's correctional facility.

Wonderful! This is what is missing from

another misdemeanor event

Catskill Boxing Club

What did this boy do?

Rather, say what he did not do. He was arrested

about 40 times before the age of 12

40 times? Oh my God

Even (Al Capone)

has not been arrested 40 times

Sounds bad boy

. Sure

- Does he have a mother?

- Of course he has a mother

At some point even the mother gave up

(Bobby) I wouldn't expect to take this boy

to my house, right?

(Bobby) does not expect anything

all he said is to see him

- Are you okay, Cass?

- Yes, I'm fine

Go and I'll catch you

Come on, Kevin.

Is that it?

It is 180 centimeters long and weighs 82 kilograms

It is

He is strong

Yes, I was expecting a tiny little boy.

What do you feed these boys, Bobby?

As usual, breakfast cereals with chocolate and


He doesn't have a cool style,

but he's good at punching

Not only can he punch

this damned boy like Joe Frager.

It is very fast

On your messenger, son

What is your name, son?


(Mike) What?

Mike Tyson

Mike Tyson

Keep up with what you do

What do you think?

What do you think?

I think it fights bad intentions

this is my opinion

Be careful!

Here we go

This is our side of the road

Let's go back to what I was saying

Yes, do not worry about your fear of entering a fight.

You should worry if you are not afraid

Fear is a friend every athlete witty and sane

tempered speed

You see that house over there?

That new house, Mike.

Turn right, right

With caution

Here we are

Come in, behave as if you're at home


I want to introduce you to this woman

Come here, greet Mike.

(Mike) is a boxer

Mike, this is Camille Ewald.

Tell her you are glad to meet her

My pleasure to meet you, madam

It's okay

Don't be so angry, I know he's someone else to

support but ...

We can take advantage of the

additional $ 200 here

Come on, I'll show you your room

- Is (Camille) your wife?

- Not quite, this is her house

I don't think she'd be here


No, she's just a little shy

See this

If I catch a fool who does this, I

'll make him lose some of his teeth, believe me

I have 6 boxers staying here

It is important for everyone to

be in order. This will be your room

It is important that we bring you an alarm clock

Who ate my sundae?

Never arrest you while you eat sundae!

What is the difference between a hero and a coward?

There is no difference

They are very similar from the inside

Both fear death or harm

But what the hero does

is what makes him a hero

What the other man does not do

is what makes him a coward

Damn it!

"When two men enter the circuit,

only one deserves to win."

"When you enter the circuit you must know

that you deserve to win."

"You must know that fate owes you victory

because you train more than your opponent."

"I punched harder

and ran a longer distance."

- Because you woke up

- "More early"

I know you are not asleep

I know you hear me

Always keep your chin facing down towards your chest

I don't care if you are running

or walking around the school

Or watch TV

keep your chin down

Your eyes are facing up

One word (Rocky Marciano) describes


It weighs only 85 kg

But to this day he remains the

only heavyweight champion he has never been defeated

How? Because he did not imagine

that he could lose

The concept of defeat was not allowed to enter his mind

Do not look at the gloves, but on the chest

If you wait for the gloves to move, you will be eliminated

When the chest contracts, it rushes

(Joe Lewis) It seemed calm

But from the inside, he was filled with anger

He was a black man in the world of white men

and he hated it

Everywhere and throughout the day

Stay in constant motion,

not to let him see your head twice in the same place

Set a target for him here and

when he waves his hand, he will have lost it

When the counterattack

5 fingers move to the ribs

- Then 4-1 at the top, I see?

- Yes

Well, let's go

"If you don't get hit, you won't lose

it. Simple."

When you learn to keep your head low and

hidden behind your gloves.

And in a constant motion,

no one can hit you with any punch.

Lying, deceit and intrigue

are what will k*ll you

Do not let anyone know your true intentions

"Hero Boxers are champions in lying.

They are the best in the world."

"Keep your camera moving because I'm fast."

Get away from him and keep pugging.

Who ate my sundae?

Who ate my sundae?

Who ate my sundae? Damn



- What's wrong?

- Mike's mother died.


- He has to take a bus to Brooklyn.

- Can you get him to the town?

- Sure

What will you do, Mike?

Are you coming back to live here at home?

No, I have a house, man

Hi mike

Hello, Jamie.

- What are you doing?

I build a bath

I heard about the death of your mother


We are glad your return home

- (Jaime)

- Okay, uncle (Teddy)

I have to go

Bath if

My father used to call her flying rats

How was the funeral?


Do you know who is the professional?

The person being paid to ...

It has nothing to do with money

A professional is someone who does his job

regardless of how he feels, understand?

7 No matter what


- What is this?

- It's for you

(Muhammad Ali) gave it to me and I will give it to you

Take it with you to the Junior Olympics

Junior Olympics 1982

(Colorado Springs), (Colorado)

"It's a heavyweight championship."

Relax, Mike, please

- I am very scared

- What scares you?

To disappoint Kass

- You will not be disappointed

You have come down men stronger than this

look at your opponent there

Look at it

Do you think he's not afraid?

Of course he's afraid

What did Cass say?

Remember what he said about your fear? What did he say

- He told me to take advantage of

him - How do you use it?

- To turn my fear into a fight

- that's right

So, what will you do when you enter the circuit?

I will start with some movements 7

- 7

- Well done, your chin down

With your eyes up, what will you do next?


- I'll punch 2

- What is the next punch?

5 7-2-5


I keep moving to the depth

What will you do when you get to the rear?

I will open up as a scoundrel

Well, let's go and win the match

To the ring

Go ahead

Go to the corner

4 5

6 7

8 9


You succeed, hero

Well, stay still, don't move

- Would he be okay?

- He would be okay

8? What do you mean by 8?

There are only 3 rounds in the Junior Olympics

No, 8 seconds.

8 seconds?

What did he do? Did he sh**t the man?

As if he did, they say is a

new Olympic record

Everyone is talking about

Where is he now?

Still in the ring,

they just announced the result

- "Anyone speak to him?"

- Of course, the ring is full of people

Teddy, I want you to take him back here immediately

- To get back here on the first plane

- but ...

Don't argue with me, Teddy

, just do it

Damn those predators!


Actually, to Mike,

it's ...

What to (Mike)?

After the death of his mother etc.

I thought that maybe ...

Are you adopting it?

I know this sounds crazy,

but what do you think?

Cass, here we come

. Cass!

Cass, you succeeded

just as you said

Yes, but you took 8 seconds,

why is it late?

I'm proud of you, Mike, so proud

Come on, Mike,

let's take these things inside

I was thinking while you were away

- Camille and I are actually

- about what?

What do you think if we became the guardian of you?

Do you want to adopt me?

Yes, something like that

Yes, definitely

This is good, son

Michael, congratulations

You have been successful!

Camille, was Cass really serious about ...

Cass is always serious

So, was he serious about ...

yours, too?

So ...

So can I call you mom?

I like it very much

What do you want from me?

- He needs boxing colleagues

- What about the other boxers?

I mean real boxing colleagues.

All my boxers have beaten up

It's a risk, Cass,

bringing another boxer today is expensive

For me, everything is a risk

We are talking about the next world

heavyweight boxing champion

- Are you serious?

- Remember my words

When the history of boxing is written, they will write down the name

(Mike Tyson) with names

With Dempsey, Marciano, and Joe Lewis.

Those are big names, Cass.

So, when are we going to meet this kid?

- What are you doing here, Michael?


Come here for a bit

See this guy?

This is the most honorable man I know in this corrupt field

(Jimmy Jacobs)

Mike Tyson, my son's been around for two weeks

Mike Tyson, Jimmy Jacobs

Hello, Mike

. Nice to meet you, Mr. Jacobs.

Please call me (Jimmy)

always just call me (Jimmy)

- This is my partner, Bill Keaton.

- (Mike)

I watched your match at the Junior Olympics,

you did a great job

Thank you, Mr. Keaton.

- Pardon, Mike.

Bill and Jimmy are boxing business directors

, Mike.

They wouldn't be here if I hadn't trusted them

Yes, this is the type of friend

that should be around you

It's the kind that keeps you out of trouble, believe me

If you want to be a hero,

you must show great discipline

The next great heavyweight champ

Who were you talking to, man?

Is that what the white man tells you?

You know he's lying to you, right?

You know that, right?

There must be 10,000 people like you

in the slums who have the same dream

Each one of them must be behind someone who is under the illusion of the

dreaded (Anglo Dandy)

- His name is (Angelo Dandy)

- (Angelo) or (Angelo), it does not matter

This saddens me

Let's go home

. This nonsense causes depression

- Stop the car.

- Why?

Hello, girls

Hey, stop the car,

they are interested

Where are you two girls?

How are you

- Wait, my dear

- Let's go, man

Can I accompany you, my dear?

Please man, how many times should you fail

before you stop trying?

Wait for it

They are running away

I like that on the right, man

- Damn it! We must have hidden them

- they are not afraid

What are you doing

Come on, man

They must have entered here

Not here, Mike. Let's go

- They are hiding here.

- What are you looking for?

- Come on, you went.

- What do you want?

- Oh, man!

- You can't go in there

- Two girls

- Get out!

- Leave

- Where are you?

- What are you doing here? Get out

- stay away from me

This is not permissible, man, let's go

- Get out

. - Get away from me

Call the police, call the police

- Get out of here.

- Come on, buddy

- Hello, I want to call the police

- All for a girl

- All of you, like each other

- I called the police

Damn you bitch!

Call the damned police

- What's wrong with you?

- Let's go, Mike, let's go

- Get out of here

! - Damn you!

Someday I will own this damn shop.

What do you want to do?

- Police

- Come on, come on

Damn you dreaded!

What's wrong with you man?

Damn it!

Let's go

Is not present

If it had been the first time

, there wouldn't have been a problem

But it is becoming a pattern now

He commits a foul and disappears

How long has he been away this time?

3 or 4 days? Do we know where he is?

- Don't go overboard, Teddy! - Exaggerate


Last week he threatened a school teacher

Last month, a female classmate was lying in class

under the legal age

We have to get him out of school

- Are

you taking it out of school? - Clearly, it has a negative impact on him

(Cass), he's in tenth grade

needs school

What he needs is an environment that leads him

to become a boxing champion

What if he does not succeed in boxing?

What if he had to find a job one day?

Is this dialogue ended?

He needs discipline, Cass.

I think we should freeze his privileges

in the gym

You have trained two world champions.

Do you want to tell me what to do?

If he was any other boxer, I would have fired him long ago

I will not separate my best boxer, this is stupid

- Teddy, you have visitors.

- I'm busy

I will tell you what stupidity is stupid

letting that fool do what he likes

Because you are afraid to leave

if you do not allow him to do so

Don't tell me how to run a club

. Rather, our club. Remember, Cass?

He has been our club for six years

- (Teddy)

- What?

Your sister is here

- (Mike Tyson)

- Yes

Damn it! That bastard!

I will k*ll that filthy

rash enough, I'll get it done my way

Let's go, let's get out of here

If you allow your attention to be distracted, you will allow

yourself to fail

Go back to the training

You bastard! You have gone too far

Know what causes this.

Know what caused this

- What? Jamie?

- That's right, Jamie.

- I didn't do anything, man.

- Damn you! I know what you did exactly

- She sought me.

- She sought you?

She is a child

You bastard, if you reduce the respect of

one of my family again, I will k*ll you

Understand, I swear I will k*ll you

If you want to scare me,

I will do the best I can

Do you suspect me?

Say that

Do you suspect me?

He is outside

What was I supposed to do my

(Jimmy)? Was with him a p*stol

Yes, he fired a b*llet

No, he shouldn't

think he was just trying to scare him

This is a violent way to communicate perspective

He claims Mike tried to get into a relationship

with his younger wife's sister


Yes, I have to find a new coach

Go, 5-5-6

Hit it

No boxer enters the track without fear, but fear is a

friend and loyal to every wise and wise athlete

How you feel when you are piling

for a professional prize money

It feels great

"(Tyson) is the product of good work and

brilliant fists."

(Tyson) prepares to start a sweeping tour

Yes! Fabulous

Respect for Tyson is increasing.

(Tyson) and (Dmato), the successful duo

Then count him

Are you okay?

Are you sure?

Yes! Yeah! Well done

Beautiful, beautiful

6 7 8 9



Visit hours are over

You cannot log in, visiting hours are over

- I have to see it

- No, you can't see it

Leave him alone, let him relax

, the visit hours are over, come back tomorrow

It's okay

He was waiting for you

Cass, man

Please don't die, man.

Please don't die, Cass.

How can I die when you don't even let me sleep?

Please man, you have to recover

You have to recover, I will

fail without you man

I cannot continue while you are not there to

press me

You have to keep going, Mike.

If not, fail

I will return from death

And beat you

7-7-2, see how good he is still

Do you know that it weighed 79 kilograms?

His opponent was overweight by

a difference of 11 and a half kilograms

He always fights in depth

Like Fraser with Ali.

Yes, he will not continue to

lose his speed

Are you listening to me?

I miss him, Jimmy

I miss him a lot

Damn it!

I worry about the man

who cannot cry

I'm so weak,

I feel weak, Jimmy.

Weak? You are Iron Mike

You're the big Mike

I don't feel like it, not after Cass goes away.

I didn't know what he saw on me

He loved you

For your bravery ...

And your boldness

You have a fist like a bowling ball

- like a demolition

ball - a demolition ball

I'm with you, Mike.

I will not go anywhere

So, with heavyweight championship

at stake?

Early in

Mike Tyson's Career

"The torch that Kato Dumato sponsored,

has become a bright flame."

(Tyson) punches

his deadly punch with his left fist.

(Burbeek) falls to the ground.

(Burbeek) is having trouble getting up, and he

'll try.

And now he falls again.

"This may be the end of the

age of 20 ..."

Mike Tyson is about to become the

youngest heavyweight champion in history.

Sorry, that's enough, it's

all over

"It works."

A new era in boxing has begun

At the age of 20, Mike Tyson has accomplished

what he seeks.

Ladies and gentlemen, time.

"Two minutes and 35 seconds

after the start of the second round"

Referee (Mills Lane) suspended the tour.

"Knockout winner and

New World Champion in heavyweight boxing"

Iron Mike Tyson

"I would like to dedicate my victory to my wonderful guardian

(Cass D'Amato)"

"I know he is in heaven watching and

speaking to the big boxers."

"He says he's a girl who has succeeded."

"What was the most important lesson I learned

from (Cass Datato)?"

Cass was all about the


Mike, is that a good thing, man?

Mike, is that a good thing?

Who will be your next opponent, hero?

"I am the world champion. I will

fight anyone I want."

"Anyone in the world will

fight against everyone who challenges me."

"The amazing thing about accomplished boxers

is how fast their hands are."

Well, watch this, Tucker,

left fist on the ribs, right?

Watch this

Look at this nonsense

punched with the right hand on the head every time

What did you do, Mike?

Back to that station

Go back to that station

Do you see that? Every time he punches, he turns

his right hand back and leaves you ...

What is this (Mike)

Would you go back to that station?

Mike, you know you're going to drop this guy

Where is my dinner?

- I just had lunch

- Never mind, I'm hungry

Give me that damn thing

"He is trying to stay out of the left hand"

Enough, Mike, give me this

Give me the dreaded controller

"It comes a little closer and then backs off."

"It is approaching the face area"


scoundrel! What happened to you recently?

Tony Tucker's Corner

What do you want Spaghetti? Steaks

I want corn groats

I want black peas to

make me a pig bowel platter from that bum

- What kind of food is this?

- "Thank you, Yvonne."

You know I don't know how to cook that

"Watch out, peasants. The

empress is not dressed."

- What a rascal!

- Is anyone at home?



- How are you, man?

- Okay

Fine, what's wrong with Kevin?

I'm trying to raise a rock on a mountain

that's sermon (Kevin)


- (Jimmy), I'm glad to see you, man

- How are you?

Fine, don't hurt me, man

Hurt you You were well


Do you know that - do you steer clear of trouble?

If you get gonorrhea

- not a big deal

Do you mean the disease or what I picked up with it?

Yes, right

I'm serious, Mike. There are so many things going

on right now that might k*ll you

And you risk too much

It was just a passing stage, Jimmy, and

I skipped it

Of course! Orgy is a trivial thing, right?

No man, I'm serious

I mean, I want to fall in love,

do you understand what I mean ?

I want a relationship like yours with Lauren

and some kids


- What do you mean?

- Yes, sure

Forget this!

Well, Jimmy,

I saw a pretty pretty girl today

She is smart and elegant

and I'm still thinking about her, she stopped my heart

I think her name is Robin.

- Is she from this region?

- No, I saw her on TV

The TV?

- Wow! Forget this

- please, man

Hey, is Robin Gevens out there?

Good evening. Can I talk to Robin?


Damn it!

Hi Robin, it's Mike

(Mike Tyson)

"Hello for the second time"

- What did you say?

- "Hello, I mean, who speaks?"

- Are you (Robin)?

- "This is my name, don't consume it."

"Who do I speak with?"

It's Mike Tyson.

(Mike Tyson) boxer?

"Yes, that's right."

This is a surprise

Please be pleasantly surprised

She is so happy now

And what is the reason for this call, Mr.

Mike Tyson?

Actually, I ...

Admired your business a long time ago and

think that maybe ...

We can meet one day

"I understand from this that you hope to meet?"

Yes, you know, it does not matter

"I was thinking about coming to the West and

visiting you."

"If you don't mind"

(Tyson) v. (Tucker)

(Las Vegas), (Nevada)

August 1, 1987

Benches beside the ring for Mike's

new mistress ?

(Mike) said this is a serious relationship

- Really?

- He's in love

! !

No, come on!

Well, come

He is not getting it done

Well, get away, stop this

Come on, Mike.

Perform the movement 4

- Come on.

- Come over here

Stop this, come on

You project your chin as if you were a penny

Do not use a single punch method.

Work on the body first, then the head

Do you know what will happen if you lose tonight


That sweetheart will come home with that boob

And you will do dirty things with him all night

Do you know why?

- Because she ...

- Damn you!

Because she came here for the hero

She didn't come for Mickey's Iron.

She's here for the hero

It does not matter what his name is

as long as people call him a hero


Well done! These are punches

Get it! Yeah

Well, leave it

Well, punch face 4

This is what we want! Yeah

Come on! Come on! Yes, get

it, Mike!

Okay, enough, Mike, leave it

Well, well, yes!

- Keep punching.

- Come on, Mike!

This is what I want to see

The time is up

Undisputed New World Champion in Heavyweight Boxing

Iron Mike Tyson

(Don King), tell us the importance of

(Mike Tyson) winning

"World Heavyweight Championship tonight"

- It looks beautiful on you

- "What we have seen this year ..."

I know where it will look beautiful


It's a mixture made by Mike Gerald Tyson

from Brooklyn, New York.

And he came out with a crown worthy of a king.

You are my property

A queen for a day?

- Forever.

- "That's how it felt."

"From the days of (Muhammad Ali)

and retaining this title"

"For 16 months"

"I can see that

because I'm the only American man."

"This is just as important as the

World Boxing Championship."

Which was created to unite

those with different experiences in the ring.

"Heavyweight class is better now

than it has been for a long time"

Oh that! I have to escape from these people,

see you inside

Mike, when is your next match?


- Yes, I'm excited

- Are you excited about it?

Very excited

Look, they got it,

she has to learn to pass by them quickly

Kidding? She loves this

I have to call Camille.

Come on, come on

- "Hello."

- Hello

(Michael) Where have you been?

What do you mean? You get married

Got married?


Yes, we had to keep it a secret

and do it quickly

(Robin) is pregnant, mom and

she says she's in the third month


Please, mom! You are supposed

to be happy for me

I'm happy, Michael. Really happy

- But ...

- "But what?"

- (Mike), (Bill) talks

- "Guess what you did, Bill?"

Yes, I heard. Congratulations,

this is great

"Listen, I have a bad news."

Jimmy is dead

. Leukemia finally got him.

I'm sorry, Mike.

What's the matter

Jimmy died


Listen, the funeral is in California, and we

're going to travel on Friday.

I suddenly got into my office and shouted,

"I'm Mike Tyson's wife."

"And I will manage my husband's affairs."

She didn't say: "(Bill), I regret that your friend and

partner 20 years ago passed away."

She walked in without permission

and screamed to see Mike's contract.

- Damn!

- On the day of Jimmy's death

Finally! Bill, you have arrived


Mike Tyson's limousine .

Sorry, group.

Are you with Mr. King?

Mr. King

, have predators hovering over from now?

Beautiful! Only in America

See the look on Keaton's face? If put

in a stylish frame I can put it in my house

Wow! Who invited him?

Mike, my condolences for the warm, Mike.

- (Bill)

- (Don)

(Lauren) Even though I and Jim were rivals

most of the time, I respected him

I have always cherished his friendship,

I will miss him a lot

Thank you, Don.

Hello mister king

This is insulting. There should have been

limousines waiting for us

These people do not know how to deal

with a hero

When I was Alis business manager,

he was never waiting at the airport


Brother, we have a lot of room.

What do you think you can ride with us?

- Come on.

- Isn't this Mike Tyson?

Come on

Come on

Don't think Big Don arranged for our car to be late,


Predators are definitely hovering around

Do you know? I was very fortunate

that Jimmy was your business manager

It was the example of the father you need

at the beginning of your career

- Yes, he was a good man

- He was very good

- Your suit is beautiful, brother.

- Yes, very beautiful


Tell me something, Mike.

Do you trust the Devil?

- The Devil?

- (Keaton)

Did you say the devil?

I meant Keaton.

But the question remains

Do you trust him?

- Yes, I think so.

- How much?

Please allow me to ask

- 30%

- 13, that's fair

No, not 13 but 30

30 if

Caitlin is arranging a match for you

with Spinks, right?

What do you think, Mike, if you were offered 5 games

5 easy matches?

For $ 5 million per match,

if you become a manager

Instead of the devil

I mean Keaton.

I will think about it

Do it, Mike.

Take all the time you need

So what did King want?

What does he always want?

I was offered 5 games for 5 million

for the match if I didn't drop (Spinks).

- What did you say to him?

- I asked him

Why do I have 5 easy matches if I

can make the same amount in one easy match?

Did you shut him up?

Damn it! Don King?

Are you okay, Mike?

Do you know who is buried in that grave there?

Jimmy, Cass and mom

Everyone I trust underground now

The situation was different before the money entered the matter

Now I can't trust anyone

Don't you trust Bill?

I don't know, I heard some hearsay


I love (Robin) with all my heart

but ...

Love and trust are two different things

Do you understand what I mean?

"From the exciting world of comedy series

to an imaginary lifestyle, not in dreams"

(Robin Givens) Becomes New Queen of

Heavyweight Boxing Champion (Mike Tyson)

"Here we see the royal couple in their

new $ 4.6 million palace ."

What Mike bought here

in Bernardsville, New Jersey.

I was told (Bill Keaton) offered a friend

$ 50,000 to ruin our marriage.

People in the world of boxing are more impostors than

in the neighborhood they grew up in

(King) tells lies to (Robin) and

unfortunately she believes her

I support (Ruth Roper) when she says that her daughter

fears for her life

Because she asked the unforgivable question,

"Where's the money?"

If there were 50 million in Mikes account,

there would be 70 million

There is a problem

- as I support (Robin Gevens)

Which is the best thing that happened in

Mike Tyson's life .

Asterisk sample star!

Three years remained in Mike's contract, and if

King, Gevins and Roper tried to break it

So I turn to the Supreme Court

(Keaton) is a freak by himself who

thinks he controls the world

Nobody can control Tyson

because I'm the leader

Bill Keaton is my manager,

and Don King is my promotional agent

This is his job

"Tyson" bows down (Terrell Biggs) and

retains the heavyweight title

If I become more heroic than

I am, then I can simply end it all

All I have to do is defeat and

everything will end

Keaton held Tyson

a bondage bond

They enslave a black man now in 1988

as they did in 1849

I am not against white,

I am only black

King tries Tyson to his side

with the theory that blacks should be together

Black business manager, black coach and black

promotion agent, all black

I am the best boxer in the world that

no one can beat me

(Mike Tyson) is the knight of our dreams

Each strike is in the name

of those who suffer from racism

The crushed, the less fortunate, the

racially disadvantaged

People want to approach me to steal my money

Everyone is trying it

How can a woman attending

Sarah Lawrence University

And the Harvard Medical School

is said to be

Ultimately falling in love with a man

from a violent boxing school?

I would like to know that too.

There are many things in common between us

Traditions, family traditions

We love each other

Family traditions? Honesty and love?

What nonsense?

- Don seems to have doubts, Don

. I have very great doubts

I am sure she did not go to medical school,

neither at Harvard nor elsewhere

I am also sure that she was never one of the most important

Ford models, as she usually claims

So, I heard that she is

five and a half months pregnant

Pregnant month of the fifth and a half?

Rumors say she was pregnant in the

third month when (Ruth) got them married

Carl! This is a woman carrying thieves

in her heart

This is ridiculous

It is terrible, it is a blatant measure

of the remaining respect in our impure profession

What I hear here is

Michael Spinks' match against Mike Tyson.

Promotion expected to raise over

$ 70 million

And you offer me, I'm the promotion agent,

only 3 million?

No, sorry

This final, meager offer,

is also unacceptable and unethical

It's my final offer too, Don,

accept it or reject it

Bill, everyone in this room knows

it's usually a promotion agent

To get 30%

and what you offer are just over 3%

Who is the promotion agent?

Foreign broadcasting rights have been arranged

and the prize money negotiated

Place fees were paid, and the promotion agent

as we know it became an old idea

The truth is that we do not need you

The truth is that you are an intelligent businessman

And smart businessmen don't throw

3 million dollars without a good reason

Maybe I feel pity for you

You might be afraid that your hero will wake up and

come to work for me

3 million, take it or leave it


Michael, Michael, I'm on top


I am glad you arrived, Michael.

Be strong

(Tyson) v. (Spinks), the biggest prize money

in boxing history two weeks away.

A few days ago, I saw Don King

shaking hands with Donald Trump.

Can you imagine King and Trump making

a deal together?

We need 12 accountants to know

who will betray who

Yes, that's (Jackie Gale)

(Kevin) Isn't it strange that the hero did not attend

the training camp?

No, it is not strange

that it always happens

Well, someone has to tell Spinks,

he works hard

- Do you have a girl?

- Stranger Me

I know you have one, bastard

You will be punished for this

- Are you with you 2?

- Look here, Kevin.

Here your friend has come

Mike, do you have something to say about

Spinneys' comment yesterday?

21 million, you won't allow Spinx to get

it, right, Mike?

Well, look who finally came

Please be here for work,

otherwise do not waste our time

Come on, man

Come on

Come on, Mike, punch some

Punch him until you drop him to the ground

That is enough

Back there, that's not enough

When I say that it is enough, it will be

back there, come on

Listen, we'll be back in training tomorrow

We will not, you will not get off the track

until you have your sagging ass

Let's go

Come on, Mike. What's wrong?

- (How)

I don't think this is a good time to

click on Mike like this

Why, lawyer?

Listen, it has nothing to do with you or me, okay?

- (Robin) Aborted her unborn baby

- Aborted

Yes, Mike knows more than

anyone else

He is a sensitive person and I think everyone should

tolerate him for some time

I see, thank you, Rory.

Well done

- yes

- Mike, come back to the ring.

- What's wrong with you, man?

- What do you think about leaving from here?

- Damn you!

(Mike) is in a difficult psychological position

that she must be taken into account

Tell me about observance, my friend

who is paid 250 thousand dollars a year?

You bastard! I earn my money well

I am his friend, and I feel sorry for him,

and you fool should feel this way too

Yes, I feel sorry, too

I regret that I am the only one who has the nerve

to tell him that (Robin) was not pregnant

- Damn you, man!

- Yes, damn me!

Damn me for telling him what everyone in the country knows

He is deceived by his wife

and dear mother

The towel

You wouldn't need that, man

I heard what you said, white

when White says, "Jump!"

Black asks: "To what height?"

When Al-Abyad says: "Assassin", Al-

Aswad asks: "How long?"

When Al-Abyad says: "To death, you black"

Al-Aswad says: "Yes, sir."

Come on, bastard, come on, do your job. Hit


I'm touched, come on, bastard!

You can't beat

- (Mike)

- You're a shit

Hit me as if you were daring

, come on

I almost toppled me

You have one last chance, you bastard,

one chance

Please, Mike, this is not true.

What happens, Ronnie?

Wow! For one of you to stop it

Do you hear me, man?

Are you okay?

You are

Come on, go up here, you bastard

Come down, bitch

You have 10 seconds to topple me, come on

1 2

3 4

5 6

7, come on, bastard


You better k*ll me, you bastard

Because I intend to k*ll you



Have you lost your mind?

What are you doing, man?


- Come here, coward

Thanks, I don't want that

Look at this, a coward gets

$ 1,500 a week

Yes, keep the rest, Mr. Tyson.

(Tyson) v. (Spinks)

(Atlantic City), (New Jersey)

June 27, 1988

You look great

Ladies, you are so charming

The papers are with Mr. Winston.


Mr. Winston, go ahead


This is for you


My services have been dispensed with

(Mike Tyson) challenges the only man to

have dominated the heavyweight title previously

(Michael Spinks)

What makes this amazing match is that

(Michael Spinks) is a winner.

"He always found a way to win."

"Boxing fans know this and respect it and

many of them ask"

"If he can defeat and defeat

a much stronger and much smaller hero"

"The important word here is frustration."

For every person who thinks Tyson

will outperform Spinx by force.

"There is a person who thinks Spinks

have more technology than Tyson."

Listen, Mike, I ...

"13 and a half million dollars guaranteed for (Spinks)"

- Faster

- "He has an Olympic Medal"

"He has never lost a professional

prize money game ."

(Tyson) will also win more money tonight

if he is not defeated as a professional wrestler.

Here it is

Ladies and gentlemen.

"This is the main game for tonight."

"Which includes 12 rounds of boxing for

the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship title"

We present to you in the blue corner

next to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

It weighs 96 kg

And with a professional record includes 31 wins

And without any defeat

and 21 fatalities

He holds an Olympic gold medal and

is considered by many boxing fans

And also Ring magazine.

Heavyweight world champion

ladies and gentlemen

I present to you (Michael Spinks)

And in the red corner, the late disciple

(Cass D'Amato)

Coming from Catskill, New York.

He weighs 99 kg

His professional record includes 34 wins

without defeats

And 30 fatalities


is the undisputed world heavyweight champion who has never been defeated

(Mike Tyson) Iron

Well, ladies, you

received instructions in the dressing room

Any questions? Touch your gloves

Good luck for both of you

This match is for Cass and Jimmy.

Do you hear me? Now win it

Well, win

Well, start the attack


Get away from each other

Okay, Mike, watch your elbow

Punch, punch


Well, get away from each other, come on

Yes, breathe, breathe

Okay, Mike,

go to your corner

4 5

6 7


Are you okay, Michael? let's go

- Yes!

- Go to your corner, Mike.

3 4 5 6 7

8 9

10, I lost

Yes my dear! Well done! Well done!

This is the right way to fight

- My services have been laid off.

- What?

Our services

(Don King) is now dismissed

Trust me, Michael has finally taken


And they still steal it

Do you realize that Mike is still paying

all Camille's bills?

Food, service and everything

Place a mat on the floor before you drag this

onto my carpet


- we are filming

I think she

liked me more than I initially liked it

- Really? Not true

- I think so, because ...

She said I did not like her because I am a boxer

but I think she liked me more

What did you want from (Robin)?

- At first ...

- Don't say that on TV

This is fair

How has your life been choppy since then?

It was t*rture, Barbara.

She was hell

"It was worse than anything I could imagine."

"Every day is like a fight or a fight."

- "With whom?"

- "Business managers and family members".

"I try to keep my dignity always,

which is something I never imagined I should bear."

Michael has manic depression.

"This is true."

"And living with him was worse than anything

I could imagine."

Do you gave that man

sedated? See him

I mean, I think I understand the oppressed women

for the first time.

Do you think they put Mike's drug

in his drink?

"Why do you love him?"

Because Michael has an aspect

that most people don't know.

"A side that I didn't even know at first"

"Astonishingly fluffy side"

And also because (Michael) loves me

more than anything in the world.

"I feel like he needs me, and

maybe that's something I need."

"Do you want him to continue boxing?"

I want to live with Mike Tyson for the

rest of my life.

And having young children

"This is what I want."

"But it can't happen

if Michael doesn't get help."

"And what if he doesn't?

Will you stay with him?"


- Here you have it!

- Damn! The man was caught

Brothers, the paths of the Lord are not recognized by man and

show us miracles

Did you see the episode of (20/20) about them

last night?

- You missed me

- Suffice it to say this call

This call did not surprise me

Did you hear that, mom?

I f*ck (Donald Trump)

I didn't have sex with Donald Trump.

- Damn you!

- We got in touch, madam

Finally you arrived! Where were you? We

could have been k*lled

"Something I forgot to steal, fallen."

My lord

"A prost*tute seeking money."

What do you want

We received a connection about a family dispute

There is no dispute,

everyone knows they fell

- Damn you!

- It seems you have gone too far

This is my home and I can do whatever I want in it

What to do What does it do?

- Get out of here.

- Sir, you can't thr*aten your wife

I didn't do anything, I didn't touch it

- Damn false

- Sir

- Get out of here

- call yourselves cops!

No one has broken the law here,

taking out my property

Mr. Tyson, we can't leave ...

Damn you all

You will not get anything from that man who

arrested him and took him to prison only

- Calm down

- well, well

- Calm down

- (Mike)! step away

- (Mike)

- Get out of here

- Mike, stand up. - Get

away from me, Michael.

- Get out of my way

- crazy!

Damn you bastards, you all make

me sick

- Would you let him go?

- Especially you, dirty


"You must have called her dirty."

Because the word "dirty" is the only thing

that irritates a woman like this

As a result, Robin is asking for a divorce.

You know she filed for a divorce

in California, right?

"When you are with him you live in constant fear."

"It is a time b*mb."

"We are in front of a man who threatened to k*ll his wife,

not an ordinary man."

"A person who is undisputedly considered the

fiercest man on earth"

Yes, man that the

Japanese will love (Mike Tyson)


February, what do you think of February, Mike?

Yes, February is good

Who? What is the difference in who is that?

Tell them he'll fight Hook Hogan.

Those Japanese buy tickets

for anything

"Once (Michael) hit me on the head

with a closed fist"

"He knows where to hit and how to hit"

"Without causing real harm."

Webster Douglas? Know what you said about him

But I don't think people will pay much

to see Mike slaughtering Buster Douglas.

What does Webster do these days


Mike, (Webster) works to get the carpets up

Kevin Rooney?

Man, Kevin Rooney is gone

Why? Because he earns two million dollars

per game

At the height of his manic condition,

Mike went down to the bar.

"And he started drinking vodka glass after cup,

as if it were water."

- "Then he returned to our room."

- "I'll call you later."

He took a bunch of lithium

and locked himself in the bathroom.

"He said he would k*ll himself"

(Mike), advice for the future, don't under any circumstances call

a black woman dirty

That (Mike Tyson)

- Wow!

It's Mike Tyson.

Hi Mike, what are you doing here in Harlem?

I came here to see how blacks live.

Understand what I mean?

I'm black and many people don't know that

Dear Mike, can I have

your signature?

Yes, my dear

- Dark and beautiful

0 Hello (Mike)

See yourself!

Let your man out?

- What can I say?

- Damn! Are you going to accompany me tonight?

Here is that bastard bastard

- Who are these?

- Amateur fighters

What is this Fallen (green)

Look at this rascal

Don't you get tired of being under the control of women,

you bastard?

Your old wife and your old wife's mother

- Two women control him

- you pathetic villain

- Want me to hit you again?

- Crap! You didn't hit me, you bastard!

Anyone watching TV knows that

They say I hit you until your brain ran

out of your head

I'm going to admit it to you, you bastard.

Tell me where Robin is.

I will tell you where she is, she is in my house

counting the groats and she is naked

What do you think about that?

They do the impossible for me

- Come on.

- Don't be quiet about this, Mike.

- What are you going to do, Michael?

- Do something to him

So, who's more cowardly, Mike,

or Robin?

What's the matter, bastard?

- You're just a bastard, you bastard!

- (Mike), (Mike)!


(Tokyo) (Japan)

I want to date Mike Tyson.

"42 versus 1, is there anything you

know that the possibilities do not know?"

Actually, they cannot measure desire.

"(Mike) An excellent boxer,

please stand up to him."

(Tyson) v. (Douglas)

(Tokyo), (Japan), February 10, 1990

"Even now, the

seemingly unbeatable heavyweight champion "

Look at this, one-punch style

won't work, Mike.

Come on, get on with it, Mike.

Get away from each other

, push yourself back

Push yourself back


"He was punched more in this match alone

than I saw in all his previous matches."

(Douglas) is the dominant until this moment

and who would have imagined it?

Hey boxers, get away from each other

Get away from each other

Yes! Yeah


6 7 8


No, this match is over. It is over.

What do you call this?

That's the longest count I've ever had

The match is over.

That man has been on the ground for more than 15 seconds

Where brought them this

judgment? Will cause the defeat of boxers

- Stay on the ground for more than 10 seconds

- more than 20 seconds

- Give me the swelling

relief - are there other things in there?

I do not know

- Where is the swelling relief?

- We do not have swelling relief

Just give me an ice pack.

- Hat an ice bag, Jason.


Well done!

Come on! Come on

Well done! Punches on the body,

hit him, man

- Stay apart

- keep fighting

Hit him, Mike.

Hit it

Come on, get rid of him, Mike.

Keep your eyes open

"After he was ousted,

Tyson was no longer able to ..."

Punch and move, Mike!

Keep moving, Mike! Damn!

To return each to its corner

Sit on the chair, Mike.

- Where's the damn chair?

- Hat the chair, man

Come on, give me the damn chair


. Bring some snow

- We no longer have it

- find some of it, his eyes close

(Rory), put some petroleum jelly on his eye


- What about apulin?

- I'm allergic to petroleum jelly

- damn it!

Do we have any here?

Damn it! Damn

Damn it!

James, listen to me.

"He exhausted his strength and

continued to fight harder, okay?"

- "Let's start fighting, come on!"

- ready


- Keep fighting, Mike!

- Hit and move, dear, yes!

"Tyson's eye is now completely closed

and he can't see Douglas coming."

And ((Webster) strikes a lot of those punches

in a row.

It was said that the only man who could defeat

(Mike Tyson) was (Mike Tyson) himself

"But he receives a lot of help from his challenge."

- Keep moving, dear.

- You have to keep moving

- Come on!

- Come on, hero!

- 3

- "If Mike Tyson does not get up"

"This will be the biggest unexpected win

in the history of the Heavyweight Championship."

Mike, you have to get up.

- 6

- Come on, Mike!

Come on, don't give up!


Get up, Mike.



Time is up, you have lost

"Live a quick life and die young."

Will Mike Tyson recover

from this loss?

"Buster Douglas" fell to the ground for

16 seconds.

"He lost"

No, you hear me, the tape is with me and I

'll take it to the boxing organization

The World Boxing Council and the World Boxing

Federation, all of them

They will see that one of the boxers was ousted

in the eighth round

No, no, Mike Tyson will not lose his nickname

because a referee has forgotten how to count

Not true, you know that

Don't you know how to cut a ribbon?

Take that off

I'll get this done, Mike, and you

know I do what I always say

- I know, man.

- You're going to get the title back

- Either they nullify their decision or ...

- I didn't win it tonight

Damn it! I won the match, Mike.

- And I'm on the ground?

- The match was over

- I lost

- miserable to you, Mike!

I do not want to hear this defeatist talk

You did not lose

I will prove it

And you will not spoil my life

Do you understand?

Well, Don,

I understand your point of view

I didn't lose

Don, what's your comment?

I will go to satisfy their curiosity

- That boy has beaten up

- Guys

All you will know tonight is the truth

that the man lost in the eighth round

Do you want anything else?

I want to go home

Catskill Boxing Club

What are you laughing at?

Who ate my sundae?

Do you eat sundae!

(Indianapolis), Indiana

Mike, what do you think about replay?

I'd like to focus on the 37 hours

I spent here in (Indianapolis)

Starting from your arrival on the 17th of July

"To participate in the Miss

Black contest in (America)"

"How did you feel when you were not the hero?"

Tell me you both know

What about the rumors of meetings between

you and Robin?

- Damn you!

- Rumor

Mr. Tyson, what did you do when you got

to the Omni Hotel?

Hello man, nice to see you

. (Charlie Neal)

Mike, these are Charlie Neal and Johnny Gale.

Hello man, I like your music

- Nice to meet you

- So, when will we see beautiful?

After you filmed that publicity for me, Mike.

No man, I think things will happen

in the opposite order

Miss Black Beauty in America (

1991 )

3 4 5 6

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

and then you stop there, okay? Come on

Come on girls,

we don't have much time

- (Darnell), remember where you are

- I'm in trouble now, man

Miss Washington, describe the reaction of the

participants when Mike enters the room.

"We were all very pleased."

Do I understand from that that at some point

Mr. Tyson was asked to participate?

"In training?"

- Yes

- Do I get it?

"Is that at some point in

your bosom training and asked you to go out with him that night?"

- "Yes"

- "And you never met him before?"


"We were getting ready to sleep when the phone rang."


- "Is (Desiree) there?"

- Yes, who is speaking?

- "Tell her that I am (Mike)."

Wait a second,

he's a guy called Mike.

- Hello

- "Hello, this is I (Mike)"

- (Mike Tyson)

- Yes.

Mike Tyson?

It's Mike Tyson on the line

Hi there

- Well

- "What do you think you can download?"

Wait a little

- "Is there a problem?"

- No, I'm fine

"What's the matter?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to

go down and go with me to a party."

"Tonight? Isn't it too late for a party?"

There are many celebrities there.

"I don't know. What about tomorrow?

Can we go out tomorrow?"

I wish I could,

but I have to leave tomorrow.

"Why don't you come? It will be fun."

Good evening

- A beautiful dress

- Thanks

Mr. Tyson, what did you do

after Miss Washington got in the car?

- "Kissed her"

- "How did she react?"

- "Kiss me"

- "To the hotel"

"Is the party over there?"

"No, I have to go get my bodyguard

over there."

"(Mike Tyson) needs a bodyguard?"


- Where are you from?

- From Rhode Island.

"I thought we would go up to his room to bring in his bodyguard

before going to the city."

"To attend late parties

with other celebrities"

"When I got off the elevator,

where did you and Mike go?"

"We walked across the corridor to his room."

Do you have pets?

- I have a bathroom

- Really?

How many one do you have?

I don't know, about 200



That's cool, I have a puppy

We will not be late here, come in

"What is the difference between a hero and a coward?"

"There is no difference,

they both feel the same thing inside."

"They both fear death and harm."

"What the hero does is what makes him a hero."

"And what the other does not do

is what makes him a coward."

"Mike Tyson" was found guilty of r*pe

and deviant criminal behavior.

"He was sentenced to 6 years

in prison at a youth center in Indiana."

(Robin Givins) got divorced from Tyson

in 1989.

The terms of their settlement have been reserved.

(Kevin Ronny) filed a civil suit against Tyson

in 1989 for the damages he suffered

The case has not yet been decided.

Tyson was released on March 25, 1995.

"He immediately announced that he would continue his sporting career

in boxing."

Don King remains Mie

Tyson's promotional agent .

(King) will be tried for

insurance fraud in May 1995

Amman, Jordan.
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