02x43 - Five, Six, and Thistle Sticks

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Between the Lions". Aired: April 3, 2000 – November 22, 2010.*
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Follows a family of clumsy anthropomorphic lions operating and living in a large, busy library called "The Barnaby B. Busterfield III Memorial Public Library", starring alongside characters such as Click, an electronic, anthropomorphic computer mouse; the Information Hen, who answers library calls; and Heath, a dinosaur who serves as the library's thesaurus.
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02x43 - Five, Six, and Thistle Sticks

Post by bunniefuu »

hey yeah well here's a come and read

between the Lions


see 27 down a five-letter word for a

Spanish friend hmm

do we have a first letter oh yes thank

you click 28 down is male 35 across is

ticklish 36 down is skipped and 27

across is adding you have finished your

crossword puzzle that was a real barrel

of monkeys

oh that's just everything my best friend

Lenny and I will need to have the best

day ever

Hey look here's the official cliff

hanger fan club patch the official cliff

hanger fan club had the official cliff

hanger fan club Leona if you please


what is this son oh that's the official

clipping your fanclub branch you look

dead look he's even autographed can't

hold on much longer cliff they're all

the same in the beginning he's hanging

from the cliff in the middle he got soft

but Andy's hanging from the cliff again

he's silly I'll tell you what's special

about it

that is adventure number six the

cliffhanger book that made Lenny and me

best friends it was in this very room

one year ago hold on everyone

I believe were going into a fast man

oh yes I saw this book no way I saw it


well I want to look at this book well

well so do I well then I guess we'll

just have to look at it together okay


today is adventure number six

cliffhanger and Trixie the tricky pixie



excuse me excuse me we find cliffhanger

where we left him last hanging from a

cliff suddenly above him

cliff sees Trixie the tricky pixie

quickly cliff digs into his nifty

backpack and lifts out his trusty

survival manual using his expert

decoding skills cliff begins to read

Ricky the tick picker here it is Trixie

the tricky pixie when you see Trixie the

tricky pixie say the magic words and she

will give you a lift off the cliff the

magic words why it would be six thick

thistle sticks six six thistle things


six thick thistle sticks six hundred and

six minutes pass sorry your time is up

I have got to get to a picnic in Dixie

six thick thistle sticks six thick

thistle sticks six thick thistle sticks


and to this day Lenny has been my best


ah even though he's been away for a long

time come on it was very early in this


Livingston dangerously was still working

out the kinks




excuse me he's like my best friend hey

Lenny I bet I know what you wanna do


why let's go put on our official

cliffhanger fan club banana suits and

read adventure six right now if I'm not

clear and that's why he's called cliff

hey hey baby huh oh yeah

okay Lionel hmm nothing like a best

friend oh yeah then the Lenny say it's

not true can't be but it is no no

hey wait a minute little inning here

says he doesn't like cliffhanger anymore






tickle and now Walter Pidgeon tickles

clay pigeon coochie-coochie try blowing

in my ear that always tickles me I don't

know about her that's your d*ck degree


and now the word doctor with dr. Ruth

word hi Marie hello here's dr. Ruth I

would dr. who was more time and once to


isn't that right oh yes I've tried

everything not to be sick but what you

need is to open up and let a little L

inside a little L yes and let it in and

it will change you I promise

well hey I'm slick no longer sick oh no


hey Phil now on you can call me slick

thanks dr. Ruth

suave smarmy Marty that's a Swami I will

look into my crystal ball and read what

the future writes for you come in

monkeys future come in monkeys future

over visit your sister drop in for a

will visit your sister drop in for a

will doesn't make any sense I don't

write the future right just read it

wait what your future is rewriting your

sister will drop in for a visit


sometimes the future kind of sneaks up

on ya


like cliffhanger what happened I found a

new hero Lionel just in time just in

time for what

no Leona that's his name just in time

see Lionel you gotta check this out look

at this look at this

The Adventures of just in time by Lulu's

back in town oh Justin is so cool Lionel

he's way cooler than cliff hanger no way

way way today's adventure number 166

just in time and the 600-pound chicken



just in time

go away we find just in time where we

left him last resting safe and sound in

a hammock suddenly Justin sees a

600-pound skipping chicken quickly

Justin digs into his nifty survival kit

and lifts out his safety manual using

his expert decoding skills

Justin begins to read when a 600-pound

chicken skips toward you jump on a pogo


Oh No

is this it four just in time no just in

time more comfortable

just in time

there the end what do you think huh come

on wasn't that great

well actually no what no I mean this

he's in a hammock couldn't be more

comfortable yeah this you didn't like

that no no you know I thought

cliffhanger was boring thinking hmm

lynnie this is terrible I know I know I

don't like just in time and you don't

like cliffhanger oh man we don't like

the same things anymore you know what

this means we can't be best friends


and now it's time for Wayne here once

again at blending fields where two brave

knights and armor will charge together

at high speed I'll make a word competing

today we have Serbs




spin excellent that's Gawain's word for

today and this is great saying now we

are finished but we'll see you next time

Oh word word pin fin thing





sit it bit testing testing baby bit bit

bit bite bite bite bite and now a word

from famed Broadway actor director mr.

Walter Bobby it


and now

Albirex Rosa and Grandma this is

Albrecht hello al Brett hello and this

is grandma hello grandma hello folks

I am knitting as you may see and I

learned how to knit from this book you

can learn a lot from books yes even

niching knit knit knit knit I made a

mistake I dropped a stitch oh yes you

are right I can find it in the book


this way and now I have it again that's

all in the book see that's all in the


let it knit knit knit thank you grandma

Thank You al bright

okay be me the king of beasts it's over

now take 41 here's a little story

is enough

all but this mornin and I rush





letters that let you know that whatever


at the end of the word is the word is

telling you

so I guess it's time to take a bow yes I

finished my song so I get it

and finish button




edie means it's over head we're out of


okay that was great for me how was it

for you guys I see it's the old we don't

like the same things anymore so we can't

be best friends problem yeah yeah yep

that's a toughy we're familiar with that

one aren't we Cleo oh yes I will never

understand why you find the Three

Stooges so funny oh come on well she

gotta admit it's pretty funny when girly

goes hey guess you just don't appreciate

high art how can you still be friends I

think maybe this will help you

understand Lionel when I was five bye

Arthur Howard oh yeah I know this book

hey remember Lenny we used to love it

back when we were still friends oh yeah

you still like it hmm deal I don't know

let's find out when I was five

I wanted to be an astronaut

we're a cowboy


or vote


when I was five this was my favorite

kind of car this was my favorite kind of

dinosaur this was my favorite secret

hiding place and this was my best friend

mark mark had a dog named Peggy a

brother who used bad words and bunk beds

my favorite kind of bed when I was five


now I'm six and I want to be a major

league baseball player

or a deep-sea diver now though I'm six

this is my favorite kind of car this is

my favorite kind of dinosaur this is my

second best hiding place my favorite one

is secret and this is my best friend

mark some things have never changed well

you still like it yeah do you yeah and

I'll bet you probably both still have a

lot of things you both like you still

like meat sickles you bet friends even

if you don't like the world that would

be just in time



there are games and stories at the

between the Lions website abs kids org

or america online keyword PBS kids

hi mr. Roker she'll be my designated

reader today I'd be happy to thank you

you ready yeah all right

it was a dark and stormy night not fit

out for man nor beast



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