02x06 - Honor - The Honest Woodsman / Honest Abe

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Adventures from the Book of Virtues". Aired: September 2, 1996–September 6, 1999.*
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A buffalo uses stories to answer children's questions.
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02x06 - Honor - The Honest Woodsman / Honest Abe

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Tell me a story

♪ Read me a poem ♪

♪ Wrap it in melody ♪

♪ Sing me the song ♪

♪ Then let me hold it ♪

♪ Deep in my heart ♪

♪ Where it can speak to me ♪

♪ All the day long ♪

♪ The adventure of virtue ♪

♪ The adventure of truth ♪

♪ The thrill of knowing ♪

♪ That it's up to you ♪

♪ Building a new day shining in the sun ♪

♪ This is my story ♪

♪ The adventure has ♪

♪ Begun. ♪

A test score of to % is a "c"

To % is a "b"

And to % is an "a."


( Bell ringing )

( Class cheering )

Uh, mr. Mason?

An "a" on the test

Means I'll get an a-minus in history

On my report card, right?

It sure does.

And just make

The school honor roll?

That's right, zach.


Thank you.



Yes! Yes!

The honor roll!

All right!

When my mom and dad hear this, they won't believe it.

You'll bowl them over at plato's peak.

This is the day sock is going to try

To leap into history, remember?

I almost forgot.

Okay, I'll meet you up there

As soon as I break

The big news to my folks.

I'll see you later.

Mom, dad, I made the honor roll.

I'm going to get a certificate and everything!

Maybe they'll put it on the wall.

Mother: I'm in the kitchen, honey.

I can't hear you.

It would fit nicely here.

Beautiful points.

( Gulps )

Oh, no.

Minus two... Minus five... Minus three...

Minus three.

I missed points.

I only got an .

Mr. Mason must have added wrong.

I'll only get a "b" on the test and a "b-plus" in history.

I won't make

The honor roll after all...

Unless I don't tell him.


I couldn't quite hear what you said.

What was it you wanted to tell me?

Uh... Just that I'm going for a bike ride.

Annie: zach, look out!


Feet exactly from here to the finish line.

Sock: could I have some quiet here?

I'm visualizing.

He means he's practicing his leap in his head.

( Chuckles )

Wha...? Huh?

Guess he's got a rather active imagination.

( Groaning )

( Laughing )

I did it!

That makes times in a row.

If you'll excuse me

I need to rest my paws for my big jump.

Before this day is done, these golden paws...

Will hold the world record for the longest leap ever

By a bobcat or kitty.

Plato: and I hear

You've won some kind of honor, too.

Well, I sort of made the honor roll...

And I sort of didn't.

And if I tell mr. Mason...

The honor roll goes down the drain.

Maybe I should keep my mouth shut.

I worked really hard.

I didn't make the mistake.

Yeah. Seems a shame

To miss it by three measly points.

But what's really important

Is being a person of honor.

That means doing what's right--

Whatever the results.

Which isn't always easy

As a certain honest woodman found out.

His name was johann.

Although he was poor, he was happy

Because he liked his work

And he earned enough to feed his family

But sometimes he wished

He could give them just a few little extras.

On your feet, soldier!

We must conquer castle bread at all costs!

I think it's best you retreat, general dietrich

Or my soldiers will knock your army into the soup.

Now, heidi, mustn't spoil the broth.

Your father works too hard for it.

There. Good as new.

Will you wear that to town tomorrow?

Heidi: we're going to town?!

Can we go to mr. Schmidt's toy shop, please?!

We won't ask to buy anything.

We just want to look.

( Chuckling )

Of course.

I'll stay with the children.

Then you can have some time for yourself.

Hey, look at these!

I wonder what they're for.

Man: those are juggler's balls

And if you practice with them

Someday, you might be able to do this.

( Gasping )

( Laughing )

( Kids join in laughing )

Can I try, mr. Schmidt?

I want to try, too!

Try what?

Try to be a great juggler, like me.

( Laughing )


( Gasping )



Isn't she beautiful?!

She looks just like a princess!

She must be the best toy in the whole shop!

Dietrich: no!

These are!

( Gasping )

Real toy soldiers!

I wish we had just one like this!

Yeah, me, too.

But papa can't afford it.

Just one?

I wish I could, but I cannot.

It's okay, papa.

Come on.

Let's go find your mother.

Excuse me.

I'm the new owner, mrs. Deutsch.

Would you like to try on a dress?

Oh, no.

I-i was just looking.

I could never afford them.

Oh, then a hat, perhaps.

I can show you one that's not too expensive.

It would be too expensive for me.

Ah! I have just the thing!

This scarf is a bargain

And it dresses up any outfit.

No, i-it's lovely, but...

Oh, just look

How it sets off your eyes!

Oh. Yes, it does.

( Gasping )


Let me see how pretty you look.

Oh, this must be your husband.

See, he likes it, too.


Shall I wrap it up?

I'm afraid we haven't a penny to spare.

Oh, too bad.

It does so much for her.

I wish I were the kind of man

Who could give you things like that.

You're the best kind of man--

A man of honor.

Isn't he, children?

Oh, yes!

Yes, papa.

And I want to be just like you.

Me, too, papa.

( Snoring softly )

I'd like to do so much more for them.

Maybe I can...

If I work harder and longer.


I'll chop that one next.

It should be cooler

By the water.

( Grunts ): my a*!

( Grunts )

( Gasping )

It's gone!

I'll never find it.

How will I feed my family?

( Gasps )

Good man, what troubles you?

I've lost my a* in the river

And now my family will starve.

I am the fairy of the river. Perhaps I can find it.

Surely this is your a*.

Why, it's solid silver.

With this, I could buy all the food we'd ever need

And even surprise the children with a few toys.

They would have so much fun.

I can see them now.

The princess and her guards are ready for the show.

Your highness, may I present the amazing dietrich?

( Grunts )

Quick! Save the princess!

( Grunts )

( Laughing )

( Quietly ): maybe I should keep this for the children's sake.

I want to be just like you.

Me, too, papa.

I want my children honest.

I'm afraid this isn't mine.

Then this one must be.

( Quietly ): it's pure gold.

If I had this

We'd never have to worry again

And I could finally give my greta what she deserves.

The scarf.

Oh, johann, you shouldn't have.

It's wonderful.

Not as wonderful as you are.

With this a*, I'd be the kind of man

Who could make

Greta's dreams come true.

You're the best kind of man.

A man of honor.

This a* isn't mine, either.

That's the one.

That's my trusty old a*.

And because you are a man of honor

You shall have

These as well.

The woodman behaved with honor

And he sure got rewarded for it.

Maybe you will, too.

Fat chance.

The woodman was dealing with a fairy

But this is real life.

Mr. Mason can't just pull three points out of a river.

If I tell, I can kiss the honor roll good-bye.

I don't just want it for myself.

It'll make my parents so proud.

Aren't kids supposed

To honor their father and mother?

Yes, zach.

And one way to do that is to listen

To their advice.

So, what do you think they'd want you to do?

Tell mr. Mason, I guess.

Hey, guys.

Can you keep a secret?

I made this for sock to celebrate his record

And I have a speech.

I hereby crown you

"King of world record leaping bobcats."

What do you think?

Oh, looks great, ari.

Even on zach.

( Chuckles )


We hereby crown you "king of scholars."

And we got you a treat to celebrate...

Triple fudge.

But before you dig in

Let's find a special place

For your honor roll certificate.

How's that?


We're proud of you.

We're very proud of you.


Why so down in the mouth?

My teacher goofed on my test score

And I know I should tell him, but I can't.

Annie: if he does, he won't make the honor roll

And he really wants it.

There's nothing wrong with striving for honors

And working hard in school is important.

It turned a backwoods boy

Into one of our greatest presidents.

But what really set abraham lincoln apart

Was his character-- who he was on the inside.

He tried to behave with honor even in the smallest matters.

Like when he was

A young storekeeper.

And that's a half a pound of tea, mrs. Perkins.

Anything else?

No, thank you.

What do I owe?

Well, let's see.

With your other items, that comes to $..

Thanks, abe.

I'll see you next time I'm in town.

Evening, ma'am.


I hope I added that right.

Oh, no.

Her bill only comes to $..

I charged her too much.

Uh, mrs. Perkins.

Wait! Mrs. Perkins!

( Groans )

I've got to straighten this out right away.

Straighten out what, abe?

Mrs. Perkins' bill.

It's wrong.

I owe her six cents.

I'll have to walk out and pay her back.


That's over two miles.

It's not worth it.

Why don't you just forget it?

Anyone else would.

I can't.

I made a mistake and I've got to correct it.

Aurora: this wasn't the first time

Lincoln went the extra mile to do the right thing.

Behaving with honor was a habit he formed early in life.

Like the time when abe was a young boy

And a schoolroom dare left him

With a rather pointed problem.

Abe, let's see how tall you are.

Bet you can't touch that buck's horns.

I dare you.

Bet I can.

No way. Prove it, lincoln.

Yeah. Show us.

( Grunting )

( Laughing )

See? What did I tell you?

( Grunting )

Ha! Did I make my point?

You did it!

( Antler cracking ) uh-oh.

What? Oh!

You really did it!

You're going to catch it!

No, he's not.

'Cause we're not going to tell.

( Whistling )

In your seats... Quick!

( Whistling )

( Whistling )

Morning, class.


I'll begin by...


Today, I'll begin by asking who is responsible for this.

I am, sir.

He told on himself?

I'd never have hung from those horns

If I thought this would happen.

I was showing how tall I was.

Hmm. Well, since you've also shown

How honest you are

I won't punish you... This time.

Behavior like this

Earned lincoln the nickname "honest abe."

An incident from his later teens

Proved he deserved it.

Abe loved to read

And borrowed every book he could.

He copied parts he liked onto boards

If there wasn't any paper.

( Yawning )

He always tried to be careful

With the borrowed books

But one night...

Ah! Old mr. Crawford's book-- it's ruined.

The rain seeped through the wall.

I'm sorry, mr. Crawford.

The book is damaged

So you should cover the cost.

I have no cash, but I could pay the debt

By working for you.

Hmm. Very well.

So abe put in three days' labor

Pulling dry corn husks to be used for livestock feed.

He paid mr. Crawford back

As he later would mrs. Perkins.

Abe! What are you doing here?

I made a mistake

On your bill.

I owe you six cents.

I can't believe you walked all this way

For such a small matter.

Mrs. Perkins, it was the right thing to do.

Lincoln's honor continued to guide his behavior

Throughout his life

As a lawyer

A politician

And the president who helped abolish sl*very.

Although he won many honors

He always cared most about who he was inside.

And today, the man who walked miles

To give back pennies has his face on one.

It's kind of appropriate, huh?


Socrates: time to watch me make history.

This'll be great!

Come on, sock!

Come on! You can do it!

You can do it, sock!

( Groaning )

Um... Sorry, sock.

( Panting )

What do you mean, "sorry"?

Most of me went the distance.

So, my back paws lagged a little behind.

What's a paw or two?

I got the record, right?

Oh... Shucks.

I know how you feel, pal

'Cause I'll miss the honor roll by three points

But I want to be a person of honor, like lincoln.

Well, if nobody won an honor

I guess no one gets to wear this.

True, but there's something more important than crowns.

As it says in henry wotton's poem

"The character of a happy life..."

"How happy is he born and taught

"That serveth not another's will

"Whose armor is his honest thought

"And simple truth his utmost skill

"This man is freed from servile bands

"Of hope to rise or fear to fall...

"Lord of himself, though not of lands;

And having nothing, yet hath all."

I didn't make the honor roll.

Yes, but you've still done extremely well.

( Knocking at door )

Oh, mr. Mason.

How are you?

Won't you come in?

Mr. Mason, we weren't expecting to see you.

I hope nothing's wrong.

Oh, no. I just wanted to tell you

How impressed I am with zach.

I made a mistake on his test.

He could have said nothing and made the honor roll

But he chose to behave with honor

Rather than winning one.

We're proud of you, zach.

Very proud.

♪ You can't hang it on a wall ♪

♪ Honor ♪

♪ You can't wear it on your sleeve ♪

♪ Though it may cost you the prize ♪

♪ Honor ♪

♪ You still win when you won't compromise ♪

♪ We're talkin' 'bout honor ♪

♪ The truth that comes from the heart ♪

♪ It's doin' what's right ♪

♪ Doin' it right from the start ♪

♪ Talkin' 'bout honesty ♪

♪ A gift we all can afford ♪

♪ And honor is its greatest reward ♪

♪ We're talkin' 'bout honor. ♪
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